The main professional educational program with state accreditation. What is the state accreditation of the university


On June 16, 2016, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 334n dated June 2, 2016, in accordance with which the procedure for accreditation of specialists will be organized and carried out.

This order explains in detail who will be accredited, what documents are required for admission to accreditation, how the accreditation commission will be formed, how a specialist will be evaluated and what to do if the latter could not pass accreditation. The medical portal "Sibmed" tried to understand in detail all the issues.

Who needs to be accredited

Gradually, certification will be replaced by the accreditation procedure, which will also be held every 5 years and the transition to which will be carried out in stages. As a result, a specialist, upon graduation from a higher medical educational institution, residency, at the end of the validity of the certificate, will be required to undergo an accreditation procedure.

The first to be included in this process Graduates universities. Those of them who did not go to residency or did not pass the entrance examinations for continuing education can start working in primary care as a district therapist. But for this they must pass the primary accreditation of a specialist.

For residency graduates a more complex exam is provided - primary specialized accreditation, which they must pass in order to obtain admission to the implementation of specialized medical activities and the opportunity to be called a narrow specialist.

At the end of the validity period of the specialist’s certificate, periodic accreditation once every 5 years must pass and all other doctors conducting practical activities in public or private medical institutions. Those who have been educated abroad will not be able to avoid the professional exam. Regardless of whether they have a valid document for the right to practice, they are required to be accredited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Who accredits?

One of the most exciting questions is who will carry out the accreditation. Unlike certification, this will do specially formed accreditation commission, consisting of representatives of various "sectors" of the health system. In particular, it will include representatives of professional non-profit organizations, executive authorities in the field of health protection and (or) medical organizations and other organizations engaged in medical and (or) pharmaceutical activities, and (or) trade unions of medical workers or their associations ( associations); educational and (or) scientific organization implementing medical and (or) pharmaceutical education programs.

As for professional non-profit organizations, only those communities that unite at least 25% of doctors from their total number in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation can enter the commission. In general, only the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation will form the composition of the commission, annually approving the personal composition anew. However, the formation of a professional jury will be carried out according to the specialties for which accreditation is carried out.

Naturally, the appointment to the commission cannot be accidental. Mandatory conditions for all members of the accreditation commission are the absence of a conflict of interest or other personal interest during the accreditation of a specialist, as well as the presence of higher or secondary vocational education in a specialty corresponding to the specialty for which the accreditation commission is formed, and at least 5 years of work experience in the relevant specialty .

Where is accreditation carried out

Accreditation of specialists will be carried out on the basis of a subordinate educational and (or) scientific organization. To do this, the ministry will create a Methodological Center for Accreditation of Specialists. However, specialists can be examined only in the premises of educational and (or) scientific organizations, the technical equipment of which allows this.

During the accreditation, video and audio will be recorded in the room. Also, accredited persons are prohibited from carrying and using means of communication.

Where the accreditation of specialists in Novosibirsk will be carried out, there is no data yet. But, according to our assumption, it will be the Novosibirsk State Medical University. The base of the Novosibirsk university is almost the only one that allows you to test your practical skills and solve simulation problems.

Documents for accreditation

So, in order to get into the accreditation procedure, you must first declare your intentions to the accreditation commission. To do this, a graduate, a specialist personally submits documents to obtain admission to accreditation.

Primary accreditation of graduates requires the submission of the following documents:

1) an application for admission to accreditation of a specialist,

2) a copy of an identity document,

3) a copy of documents on higher education and qualifications (with attachments) or on secondary vocational education (with attachments) or an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission;

4) a copy of the compulsory pension insurance certificate (if available).

Primary specialized or periodic accreditation requires the submission of a slightly different package of documents:

1) applications for admission to accreditation of a specialist,

2) copies of an identity document,

3) a report (portfolio) for the last 5 years on the professional activities of the person being accredited, including information on individual professional achievements, information on the development of advanced training programs that ensure continuous improvement of professional skills and expansion of qualifications (for periodic accreditation),

4) copies of a specialist certificate (if any) or certificate of accreditation of a specialist (if any),

5) copies of documents on higher education and qualifications (with attachments) or on secondary vocational education (with attachments) or an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission,

6) copies of the work book (if any),

7) copies of the compulsory pension insurance certificate (if any).

Within 10 calendar days from the date of submission and registration of documents, the accreditation commission holds a meeting and decides on the admission of a specialist to the accreditation of a specialist and on the timing of the accreditation of a specialist.

Accreditation procedure

In general, specialist accreditation is a special form of examination, consisting of several successive stages. Each stage is an independent exam, without passing which you cannot pass the next test. That is, the delivery of the first stage gives admission to the delivery of the second. Accordingly, not passing the first stage does not allow the examinee to pass to the next stage.

Primary and primary specialized accreditation include the following stages:

- testing;

- assessment of practical skills (skills) in simulated conditions;

- solving situational problems.

Periodic accreditation includes such stages as:

- portfolio evaluation;

- testing.

Each stage is evaluated by the accreditation commission in the format "passed" / "not passed". The stage of testing, assessment of practical skills is considered passed if at least 70% of the answers, practical actions are correct. The stage of solving situational problems is considered passed if 10 or more questions out of 15 possible are answered correctly.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 334n dated 06/02/2016 does not give a clear formulation and technology for evaluating a specialist's portfolio and does not explain why the assessment of practical skills and the solution of situational problems are not included in periodic accreditation. But the document allows us to judge that the portfolio assessment should provide an opportunity to assess the practical skills and experience of the accredited. In addition, here the accreditation commission assesses the level of qualification of a specialist, and his compliance with the requirements for the implementation of professional activities in the specialty, which means that the portfolio of a specialist must correspond to the declared and actual level of qualification.

If accreditation fails

In general, three attempts are given to pass each stage of accreditation. If all of them were unsuccessful, the specialist is recognized as not having passed accreditation. The absence of a specialist in the accreditation procedure automatically recognizes him as having failed the exam. The accredited person can try his hand again after 11 months, starting all over again. But even the stages passed at the previous accreditation will not be counted to him.

However, if the specialist has not passed the accreditation, then he can file a complaint against the relevant decision of the accreditation commission with the appeal commission within 2 working days from the moment the results of the accreditation stage are posted. The complaint is considered 5 days. With a positive decision of the Appeal Commission, the accredited person can return to the accreditation procedure and start from the stage that he did not pass or did not appear at.

Stages of passing accreditation

The question of the timing of accreditation is still open. It directly started in 2016, however, the introduction of accreditation as a technology for obtaining admission will be carried out in several stages. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2016 No. 127n determined the following terms and stages of accreditation of specialists:

Among the tools with which it is possible to perform certain actions, or to check the compliance of an object with certain standards, a license or accreditation is often called.

What is a license

License means the right to engage in any activity. It is confirmed by a document, which is also called a license. It is possible to engage in such a business only with a license issued by the competent state authority. The state usually legislates a list of such activities. The law also defines its fundamental provisions and authorizes certain state bodies to issue licenses valid indefinitely according to their competence. Procedures related to applications to such bodies and the issuance of licenses are established by government documents.

Licenses are also referred to as permits issued by government agencies for:

  • Catch of fish.
  • Construction.
  • Sale of tobacco products.
  • Vehicle management.
  • Hunting for wild birds and animals.
  • Work in a specific radio frequency range.
  • Production of weapons, etc.

There are certain features in licensing of higher education institutions. This is a complex procedure that determines how the educational process in them meets the government-approved regulation on licensing activities in the field of education. Local authorities and the authorized state body ensure compliance with licensing procedures. They relate to the verification of material, technical, social and personnel security, the organization of studies. If positive results are obtained, an appropriate document is issued giving the right to conduct educational activities.

Widespread licensing in the field patent and copyright. It is carried out on the basis of license agreements. In the first case, the patent holder or the licensor, by such an agreement, provides another person (the licensee) with permission to use the state-protected patent object belonging to him. The licensee for this undertakes to pay the amount stipulated by such an agreement for the use of a patent. According to the exclusive license, the right to use is also transferred within the limits agreed by the contract. However, the licensor retains all rights to the patent, including the right to enter into other similar agreements.

In the field of copyright, its owner gives the licensee copy right. distribution of the circulation of the work, its processing, transmission through communication channels, etc., which can be carried out within the limits and in the ways provided for by the license agreement. Certain features have license agreements in the field of software. Works created lawfully according to the contract are called licensed, and those with violation of the exclusive rights of the author are called counterfeit.

The state establishes criminal liability for conducting licensed activities without a license, if at the same time it, legal entities and citizens suffered significant damage or received large-scale income.

Why do you need accreditation

Accreditation means confirmation by authorized state bodies compliance with the standards of a particular object of accreditation. Typically, such a mechanism is used to assess the level of professional services by various organizations. Most often, accreditation of services is carried out in the field of:

  • Higher education.
  • Carrying out tests of goods, devices, etc. in laboratories.
  • Clinical diagnostics.
  • Calibration of various devices and instruments.
  • Certification of goods and services.

Usually this work is carried out by special government agencies that carry out their work in accordance with the rules approved by the government.

When accrediting educational organizations, their status is assigned or confirmed. Their type is fixed (secondary, higher, professional, etc.) and the type of its functioning (institute, academy, university, etc.). The accreditation procedure primarily provides for an assessment of the level of educational programs being implemented. In its course, it is determined how much the training of specialists meets state standards in this area. If the result is positive, a corresponding certificate is issued. This document on state accreditation with its appendix gives the university the right to provide benefits provided by law and issue graduates with a diploma established by the state.

In addition to state accreditation, there is practice of accreditation by public organizations, trade unions. Such events raise the rating of the university. In the United States and Canada, the state does not accredit services in the field of medicine and education. These functions are assumed by authoritative non-state associations of various levels.

Laboratory services are usually accredited to meet international standards. In this case, the procedure involves:

  • The intention of the laboratory to be accredited.
  • Lack of any connection with the accreditation body.
  • Periodic verification of the accreditation body for competence.
  • Public availability of the rules by which accreditation is carried out.

The obtained accreditation certificate means that the laboratory complies with international standards. Accreditation can be carried out by a special state body or authorized non-governmental organizations.

There are special procedures for mass media accreditation by state bodies, public organizations, professional associations, etc. They require the submission of documents confirming the competence of specific media outlets and their employees. Such accreditation can be permanent or for a fixed period and is confirmed by an accreditation card.

What is the difference

Fundamentally, a license differs from accreditation in that the first gives permission to carry out specific types of activities regulated by the state. The rights to use the object of patenting or copyright can also be transferred by right holders - individuals.

Accreditation means a special procedure for confirming the level of professional qualifications of organizations providing certain services. Such services may not be on the list of licensed ones.

The concept of "accreditation" has Latin roots. Literally translated, it means "trust". In today's world, this term is regarded as established standards, recognition of a special status (powers). Let us further consider how the accreditation of educational institutions is carried out, what it is and what laws regulate it.

Normative base

At the end of 2010, Federal Law No. 293 made a number of changes to some legislative acts. This need arose in connection with the improvement of supervisory and control functions. The changes are aimed at optimizing the provision of services in the field of education. As a result, a special procedure has been introduced for the respective institutions. From that moment, accreditation and certification of educational institutions and scientific organizations began.


According to the adopted legislative norms, accreditation and certification of educational institutions is carried out regardless of their types and types. However, there is an exception to this rule. The provisions of the law do not apply to preschool educational institutions and institutions for additional education of children. All other organizations that provide training programs for the Federal State Educational Standards, federal requirements and the provisions of the law are required to undergo a compliance procedure.

Important point

There is a presence in some institutions that implements the program. The question arises: are they subject to the requirement to undergo a mandatory conformity assessment procedure? In this case, state accreditation of an educational institution is carried out without including these programs in the check. To implement them, however, you need to have permission. It is a license, which, in fact, allows the institution to carry out activities in accordance with the programs of preschool education. In addition, the new rules stipulate the situation with organizations providing additional services in this area. In particular, we are talking about the palaces of youth / children's creativity, children's art school, youth sports school, etc. Accreditation of educational institutions of this type is not carried out.


In accordance with Federal Law No. 293, a state duty was introduced for the accreditation of an educational institution. It replaces payment for procedures, including those under contracts with specialized organizations for the provision of information and methodological services. The amount of payment is established by Art. 333.33 NK. Thus, formally, in legal terms, state accreditation of an educational institution has become free, as it refers to services provided at the expense of budgetary funds.

Payment amount

The legislation establishes the following amounts:

  • For higher professional institutions - 130 thousand rubles. Additionally, it will be necessary to pay 70 thousand for each extended group of directions in the organization itself and its branches, included in the certificate of accreditation of the educational institution.
  • Institutions implementing additional professional programs - 120 thousand rubles.
  • Institutions of secondary education - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Institutions of primary vocational training - 40 thousand rubles.

Accreditation of other types - 10 thousand rubles. When changing the status and re-registration of the Holy Island, it is necessary to pay from 3 to 70 thousand rubles. In the case of accreditation of educational programs, extended groups of referrals by specialties, amounts from 7 to 70 thousand rubles are set for the replacement of a certificate. In other cases, including for the issuance of a temporary certificate, you need to pay 2 thousand rubles. It should be said that the replacement of payment with a fixed budget payment does not mean that the institution is deprived of the right to independently conclude contracts with organizations that prepare for the accreditation of an educational institution.

New rules

Considering the requirements for accreditation of an educational institution, special attention should be paid to educational programs. First of all, this applies to primary, secondary and higher professional institutions. For such institutions, a certificate is issued not for individual programs, but for expanded, enlarged categories of directions, which are determined by the accreditation body. This allows you to change or supplement specific projects without submitting them to the authorized structure. That is, adjustments are made on the basis of a license.


According to Art. 33.2 of the Law "On Education", the right to state accreditation of the program belongs to educational institutions in which there are students or graduates from it in the current year. As before, the possibility of a phased (in accordance with the steps) procedure is provided. That is, educational institutions are accredited in relation to certain programs of primary, basic and secondary general (full) education.

Self-examination procedure

Accreditation of educational institutions includes self-assessment by institutions of their activities. Previously, the self-examination procedure was provided mainly for universities. The rules by which self-assessment is carried out are formulated and approved by the executive federal body, whose powers include the development of state policy and legal regulation of the education sector.


Licensing and accreditation of educational institutions involves the implementation of certain procedures that confirm the conformity of the quality and content of the programs learned by students and graduates according to the Federal State Educational Standard. In addition, an examination of the performance indicators of the educational institution is carried out. They are necessary when defining the kind and type.

Performance indicators

Their list is introduced at the federal level. indicators by which the type and type of educational institution is determined should be established by the accreditation body. For example, with regard to schools, such a structure is a regional department, ministry or other management institution. Of course, they should be involved in education. The established list of indicators must be agreed with the Ministry of Education and Science. The procedure for determining their criteria is approved by the Government.

Documents for accreditation of an educational institution

According to the regulation, the procedure involves several stages. First of all, the head of the educational institution performs an analysis of its activities. Based on the results, a self-examination report is compiled. After that, an application and documents for accreditation of an educational institution under the relevant programs are sent to the department (subdivision) of the authorized body:

  • charter;
  • plans for all approved programs submitted for accreditation;
  • the main professional program of postgraduate education (if it is present in the educational institution);
  • regulations on the branch of the institution (if there is such a unit).

2. Report on the results of the self-assessment.

Licensing and accreditation of educational institutions involves the issuance of relevant papers. When sending programs for compliance testing, the educational institution also provides copies of the permit and certificate. An inventory of sent papers is also an integral document. Copies of the charter, regulations on the branch, permission and sv-va should be certified by a notary. Copies of other papers are certified in the OS. In addition, a receipt confirming the payment of the fee must be attached.

Shipping method

The above documents can be sent on paper. In this case, it is allowed to present them in person or by mail (by registered mail). Documents can also be submitted electronically. In this case, you should use a single service portal. If papers are sent in this way, they must be certified by an electronic signature.


Accreditation of educational institutions is carried out upon the relevant request. The application must indicate:

  1. Full name, legal form and location of the institution in accordance with the charter.
  2. Name and location of branches (if necessary).
  3. Registration state number of the record on the formation of the legal entity and information of the document, which confirms the fact that information about the created organization has been entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  4. TIN and data on registration with the tax service.
  5. Details of the existing certificate of accreditation.
  6. State status (type and type) of OS.
  7. List of programs declared for accreditation.


Within 7 days, the accreditation body sends the educational institution or hands over to its representative a notification that the documents have been accepted for consideration. If the papers are not provided in full or some of them are filled out incorrectly, the authorized body sends a notice with the appropriate list. 2 months are given to correct errors and provide missing copies of the OU.

Public accreditation of educational institutions

This procedure is also provided for at the legislative level. The right to hold it was granted back in 1992. Currently, experts note the expansion of the subject of regulatory regulation in the field of public accreditation. The legislation not only fixes the right itself, but also explains in detail the concept of the procedure, establishes the obligations of organizations authorized to carry it out. The key task of such structures is to ensure the availability and openness of information.


Public accreditation of educational institutions is carried out at the initiative of the institutions themselves. The legislation focuses on the voluntariness of the procedure. This means that at the regulatory level it is prohibited to force an educational institution to obtain such accreditation by state bodies, local structures and legal entities authorized to carry it out. The law also does not establish the need for coordination with the founder of the implementation of this procedure.

Authorized entities

The right to perform public accreditation is recognized for different organizations. So, according to the legislation, it can be carried out by both domestic and international and foreign entities. At the same time, only public organizations are indicated in the norms as authorized persons. However, this limitation is not consistent with the definition of the procedure itself in the law. It should be noted here that the Federal Law "On Education" approves only the basics of public accreditation. In more detail, all relations that arise in this area are regulated by acts adopted directly by the authorized structures themselves.

Order of conduct

The procedure is implemented in the form of the following activities:

  1. Peer review in the institution.
  2. Discussion of the obtained results.
  3. Making a decision on passing or extending or refusing public accreditation of educational institutions.
  4. Inclusion of the institution in the relevant register (passed the procedure).
  5. Providing the institution with a certificate of the established form.
  6. Written notification of the executive federal body for supervision and control of the results of the procedure.

Criteria and indicators

They are established directly by the organization that performs the accreditation. When assessing the quality of the organization and provision of the educational process, the following is assessed:

  • Compliance of plans with ongoing programs.
  • Availability of regulatory support.
  • Compliance with the organizational system of the educational institution.
  • The quality of the educational process.
  • Compliance of work programs with the content of training plans.
  • The level of provision with methodological materials.
  • The opinions of employees, graduates, students, employers about the quality of the learning process, and so on.


According to this criterion, the correspondence of the professional level of the teaching staff to the taught disciplines is checked. The share of full-time specialists, including those with a degree, employed in the learning process is also established. An important criterion is the correspondence of the number of teachers to the number of disciplines taught in the educational institution.


According to this criterion, the accreditation organization establishes the correspondence of the number of premises for conducting the established types of classes to the number of students. It is also important to check the technical equipment and the general condition of the classrooms. The educational institution must have sufficient infrastructure to ensure the implementation of educational programs.

1. State accreditation of educational activities is carried out for basic educational programs implemented in accordance with federal state educational standards, with the exception of educational programs for preschool education, as well as for basic educational programs implemented in accordance with educational standards.

2. The purpose of state accreditation of educational activities is to confirm compliance with federal state educational standards of educational activities in basic educational programs and training of students in educational organizations, organizations providing training, as well as individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of individual entrepreneurs directly engaged in educational activities.

3. State accreditation of educational activities is carried out by an accreditation body - a federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of education, or an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising the powers transferred by the Russian Federation in the field of education, in accordance with the powers established by this Federal law, according to the statements of organizations engaged in educational activities.

4. State accreditation of the educational activities of educational organizations whose founders are religious organizations is carried out on the proposals of the relevant religious organizations (if such religious organizations are part of the structure of centralized religious organizations, on the proposals of the relevant centralized religious organizations). During the state accreditation of the educational activities of theological educational organizations, information is provided on the qualifications of pedagogical workers with theological degrees and theological titles.

5. The executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising the powers transferred by the Russian Federation in the field of education, during the state accreditation of the educational activities of an organization engaged in educational activities and having branches located in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizes the state accreditation of educational activities carried out in such branches, in cooperation with the relevant executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. When carrying out state accreditation of educational activities for educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, the accreditation body makes a decision on state accreditation or on refusal of state accreditation of educational activities on the specified educational programs in relation to each level of general education to which the declared for state accreditation of basic general education programs.

7. When carrying out state accreditation of educational activities for basic professional educational programs, the accreditation body makes a decision on state accreditation or on refusal of state accreditation of educational activities for these educational programs in relation to each level of vocational education for each enlarged group of professions, specialties and areas of training, to which include the main professional educational programs declared for state accreditation. The main professional educational programs that are implemented in an organization engaged in educational activities and belong to the enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training that have state accreditation are educational programs that have state accreditation.

8. When carrying out state accreditation of educational activities for basic professional educational programs, organizations engaged in educational activities declare for state accreditation all the main professional educational programs that they implement and belong to the corresponding enlarged group of professions, specialties and areas of training.

9. The accreditation body makes a separate decision on state accreditation of educational programs declared for state accreditation and implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities, including in each of its branches.

10. The application for state accreditation and the documents attached to it are submitted to the accreditation body directly or sent by registered mail with a return receipt. An organization carrying out educational activities has the right to send an application for state accreditation and the documents attached to it to the accreditation body in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature. The forms of the said application and the documents attached to it, as well as the requirements for their completion and execution, are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

11. State accreditation of educational activities is carried out based on the results of an accreditation examination, which is based on the principles of objectivity of its conduct and the responsibility of experts for the quality of its conduct.

12. The subject of the accreditation examination is to determine the compliance of the content and quality of training of students in an organization carrying out educational activities, according to the educational programs declared for state accreditation, to federal state educational standards (hereinafter referred to as the accreditation examination). When conducting an accreditation examination of educational activities in educational programs that ensure the implementation of educational standards, accreditation examination in terms of the content of training students is not carried out.

13. Experts who have the necessary qualifications in the field of basic educational programs declared for state accreditation and (or) expert organizations that meet the established requirements participate in the accreditation examination. Experts and expert organizations cannot be in civil law relations (experts are also in labor relations) with an organization carrying out educational activities when conducting an accreditation examination in relation to the educational activities of such an organization.

14. The accreditation body accredits experts and expert organizations and maintains a register of experts and expert organizations on electronic media. The specified register is placed by the accreditation body on its official website on the Internet.

15. Qualification requirements for experts, requirements for expert organizations, the procedure for attracting, selecting experts and expert organizations for conducting an accreditation examination, the procedure for their accreditation (including the procedure for maintaining a register of experts and expert organizations) are established by the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

16. Payment for the services of experts and expert organizations and reimbursement of expenses incurred by them in connection with the accreditation examination are made in the manner and in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

17. Information about the accreditation examination, including the conclusion drawn up on the basis of the results of the accreditation examination, is posted by the accreditation body on its official website on the Internet.

18. The adoption by the accreditation body of a decision on state accreditation of the educational activities of an organization engaged in educational activities is carried out within a period not exceeding one hundred and five days from the date of receipt of the application for state accreditation and the documents attached to this application, subject to the compliance of these applications and documents with the requirements, established by the provision referred to in paragraph 29 of this article.

19. When making a decision on state accreditation of educational activities, the accreditation body issues a certificate of state accreditation, the validity of which is:

1) six years for an organization carrying out educational activities in basic professional educational programs;

2) twelve years for an organization carrying out educational activities in basic general education programs.

20. The forms of the certificate of state accreditation and its annexes, as well as the technical requirements for these documents, are established by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

21. Upon termination of the license to carry out educational activities, the state accreditation is terminated from the date of the decision to terminate the license.

(see text in previous edition)

22. An organization that carries out educational activities and has arisen as a result of reorganization in the form of separation or separation is issued a temporary certificate of state accreditation for educational programs, the implementation of which was carried out by the reorganized organization and which had state accreditation. The period of validity of a temporary certificate of state accreditation is one year. An organization carrying out educational activities and reorganized in the form of joining it with another organization carrying out educational activities, a certificate of state accreditation for educational programs, the implementation of which was carried out by reorganized organizations and which had state accreditation, is reissued for the period until the expiration of the certificate of state accreditation of the reorganized organizations carrying out educational activities. An organization carrying out educational activities that arose as a result of reorganization in the form of a merger, a certificate of state accreditation for educational programs, the implementation of which was carried out by reorganized organizations and which had state accreditation, is reissued for the period until the expiration of the certificate of state accreditation of the reorganized organization carrying out educational activities , which expires earlier.

(see text in previous edition)

23. The accreditation body refuses state accreditation of educational activities for educational programs declared for state accreditation, related to the relevant levels of education or to enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training, if one of the following reasons exists:

1) identification of false information in the documents submitted by the organization carrying out educational activities;

2) the presence of a negative conclusion drawn up on the basis of the results of an accreditation examination.

24. The accreditation body deprives an organization engaged in educational activities of the state accreditation of educational activities for educational programs related to the relevant levels of education or to enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training, if one of the following grounds exists:

(see text in previous edition)

(see text in previous edition)

2) repeated violation during the period of validity of state accreditation by an organization carrying out educational activities of the legislation in the field of education, which entailed the unlawful issuance of documents on education and (or) qualifications of the established form;

3) expiration of the period of suspension of the state accreditation (in the absence of grounds for the renewal of the state accreditation).

25. An organization carrying out educational activities is deprived of state accreditation of educational activities for educational programs declared for state accreditation, belonging to an enlarged group of professions, specialties and areas of training, if there is a reason for depriving state accreditation for one or more basic professional educational programs implemented by it.

26. An organization carrying out educational activities has the right to apply for state accreditation not earlier than one year after the refusal of state accreditation or deprivation of its state accreditation.

In 2017, Rosobrnadzor withdrew accreditation and licenses from dozens of universities across the country. In recent months, hundreds of students of MITRO, the First Moscow Institute of Law, the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law and other universities have been left out of higher education, and many of them before defending their diplomas. Students are worried about the future of their education, and for good reason. A university without accreditation does not have the right to issue state diplomas, because the presence of accreditation just means that the quality of education meets federal standards. Other privileges are also being lost: students are no longer guaranteed a deferment from the army, the institution cannot use tax benefits or maternity capital when paying for tuition.

In case of loss of accreditation, the university must inform students about this within five working days, as well as place an announcement on the Internet. However, as a rule, the management withholds information to the last, and for many students the news comes as a surprise.

The lack of accreditation does not deprive the university of the opportunity to train students. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", a university will close only if it loses its license. A university deprived of accreditation can issue its own diploma - a non-state sample, but such a "crust" has no value.

“Nobody needs this document in modern conditions. Both in professional organizations and firms, and in the civil service, a non-state diploma is not quoted. With him, among other things, you can’t enter a magistracy or get a second higher education, ”explains Grigory Shabanov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of RosNOU.

How to transfer to another university

If a student does not want to remain a dropout, the only way out is to complete his studies elsewhere. The procedure for transferring from a university deprived of accreditation is regulated by the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation". It spelled out a special procedure that guarantees the observance of the rights of students. By law, the university is obliged to ensure the transfer of students to other universities while maintaining the conditions of study. The student has the right to count on the same specialty, form and cost of education, course.

According to Alexander Amelin, General Director of the legal bureau "Amelin and Kopystyrinsky", the term of the transfer does not depend on the time of the academic year.

“A student must write an application for a transfer addressed to the leadership of his university. For minors, such a statement is written by one of the parents or legal representative. Within 5 days, the university is obliged to provide a list of educational institutions that are ready to accept students,” says the lawyer.

He adds that at the same time the specialty can be changed. Then in the application you need to write about the desire to transfer to another educational program.

If the student does not agree with the transfer, he can get a certificate and independently transfer to other universities. However, according to Grigory Shabanov, in this case, no serious university will accept him. Therefore, the student should try to choose the best option from those organizations that the rector's office offers him to choose from. As soon as the student has chosen a new university, it is worth contacting this organization and clarifying whether it really carries out the transfer, and also reiterate the conditions that will be saved.

State certification in another university

Sometimes universities deprived of accreditation do not inform students about this and graduate as if nothing had happened. In this case, in order to receive a state diploma, students have the right to pass the state final certification as an external student at an accredited university.

“The Russian new university provides an opportunity for students of other universities to take the GIA, but only if they studied in the areas of training that we have. Otherwise, it would be necessary to separately develop a huge package of methodological and regulatory documents for each profile. In addition, not all universities conscientiously comply with the legislation in the field of education, and we cannot take their students either, ”says the Vice-Rector of RosNOU.

According to Shabanov, the duration of the procedure depends on how prepared the student is. All disciplines studied after the university was deprived of accreditation are subject to recertification. This also applies to practice, so the university must find time to conduct consultations, recertify a person, set a defense time, provide time to prepare for the exam, and at the same time comply with all the deadlines set by the Ministry of Education. Typically, this takes three to six months. The student receives a diploma from the university in which he passed the state final certification.

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