The main directions of PR-activity in tourism. Selection of major tourist destinations for sale


Every traveler at least once in his life was looking for a topic: the best tourist destinations, in order to decide where to go on vacation. Experienced travelers do not particularly need such ratings, they already have a fairly rich travel experience and they will determine the best destinations for themselves. But for those who are just starting this path, it is worth familiarizing yourself with such things. The best travel destinations in the world - what are they?

Tourist destinations

Rating - The best tourist destinations are not so easy to compile, because you need to take into account many factors at the same time. It is especially difficult to make such a list for all countries at the same time, because tourists from different countries prefer different destinations. But wherever you are, in which country you live, you can determine this list for yourself, according to your own chosen criteria. Our portal has compiled its rating based on data from the Lonely Planet publishing house, which is more focused on budget tourists. The main criteria of our rating are the budget of the rest, the accessibility of the country and, of course, the availability of free or budget attractions. So!

Top Travel Destinations

This country can rightfully take pride of place in the ranking. It has everything for an excellent and budget holiday - cheap hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops and transport. Bulgaria perfectly combines a beach holiday, a rich excursion program, and in the winter season - a ski holiday. The favorable location of its territory allows most tourists to get to it without problems. Today, many liked Bulgaria for its beauty and unusualness.

Another country on this list, tourists love it for its high service at low prices, safety and, of course, history. Both beach lovers and those who come to see the sights will have a great time here. And perhaps tourists from Russia have not yet chosen this country, but for other travelers it is one of the best.

Today this country is not behind a cloudy dream. The crisis and mass strikes have crippled the Greek economy, and for quite reasonable money you will get a first-class vacation, good mood and a lot of impressions. Today, the Greek Islands are not so arrogantly greeted by tourists from any country in the world, and in response, they again fell in love with resting on its territory.

No, no, someone will say that this country was included in the rating by mistake - after all, vacationing here is quite expensive. And I dare not object! Indeed, vacationing in Italy is very expensive if you visit sky-high Venice and the Amalfi Coast. But going to Puglia, Basilicata or Calabria, you will get a lot of pleasure, while spending much less money.

As always, Sweden collects all ratings and tourism is no exception. A lot of natural attractions, cultural cities, add to this a fairly democratic pricing policy - here you have a country that is popular with tourists all year round.

Despite the fact that this country is located on the “end of the world”, it is very popular with tourists from all over the world. Where you will be fed cheaply and tasty? - in New Zealand. For several years now, this country has been confidently held in many tourist ratings as the best and most affordable tourist destination.

Fabulous islands, like heaven on Earth, for many a pipe dream - many will say all this about the Seychelles. Relax! Now these islands are available not only to wealthy tourists. Thanks to the development of economy class hotels and the appearance of inexpensive tickets on the aviation market, this fairy tale can become a reality. It remains only to choose which of the 115 islands you would like to visit.

This exotic country could not go unnoticed. Today, tourists are attracted to China not only by its rich historical heritage, but also by all the highest, fastest and trendiest, moreover, this country can confidently boast of possible options for a budget holiday. After all, it is not for nothing that more and more often China gets into the tourist ratings.

It is impossible to ignore the Caribbean Islands, which are considered the best resort area in the Western Hemisphere. And despite the fact that here, as a rule, there are no low-budget resorts, Cuba is an exception. Once you get to Liberty Island, you'll get everything you could want from Caribbean culture and history.

This country was in the ranking of the best tourist destinations in the world, even without access to the sea. But this shortcoming is not a hindrance for her. If you are a fan of various spa resorts, then Macedonia is the right choice. There is just a huge selection of balneological and mountain resorts that travelers love so much.

Travel agency: where to start, how to succeed Mokhov Georgy Avtondilovich

Selection of major tourist destinations for sale

What does your company do? If you answer: “Tourism”, customers are unlikely to remember this or, at best, start asking questions to find out what exactly your travel agency does. But if you answered: “We select medical tours in Russia for adults and children according to a unique methodology,” there would be no extra questions. Informative and understandable.

The same is the case with the promotion of the travel company as a whole. The more specific the offer, the faster customers respond. Advertising "We do EVERYTHING!" as effective as "We do nothing" ads.

There is another approach: the more destinations to offer customers, the more tourists can be attracted. But for some reason, more and more statistics and surveys show that consumers prefer those companies that specialize in a particular direction, and travel agencies that can tell you in detail about the chosen vacation spot. If you are a diversified company, you will have to promote each direction separately! It is possible to combine related areas - for example, children's tours to the Crimea and excursions for children along the Golden Ring. But if you sell expensive extreme hunting tours to Kenya and economical family trips to Lapland for the New Year, it would be pointless to promote these destinations at the same time, waste money on advertising.

Which way to go? Here are some examples of how the first tourist destinations for work are determined in practice.

1. Your project already implies certain tourist destinations based on the name of the company (TA "Africa Safari").

2. You hire managers with experience in certain destinations and put them as the main ones.

3. You have personally visited some countries, have an idea about them and will be able to successfully sell tours.

4. With a strong-willed decision, choose countries that are interesting, in your opinion, and carefully prepare for the sale of tours.

5. Nothing comes to your mind, you don't know which countries to sell tours to. Pay attention to the seasons and seasons, they determine the sales of certain destinations and the preferences of your first customers.

6. In addition to focusing on countries, you can choose types of tourism, such as beach holidays, medical tours, children's holidays, active tourism, eco-tourism, etc.

7. Study the demand and fashion trends in tourism through open sources (see Appendix 6).

Why do you need to define sales directions? Imagine you have been to Turkey several times, now you are planning to go to the resort with a large company and ask the travel agency manager a question: “Which hotel would you advise us?”, And in response - an indistinct repetition of the text from the tour operator’s catalog, no useful tips, no information - where to go to the hottest discos. And all because the manager himself has never been to Turkey, or at least at a seminar on Turkey, and is not even theoretically prepared for sales. But why do tourists come to this office and ask about Turkey? Because in the advertising of the agency on a colorful banner they promised tours to Turkey to the best resorts in proven hotels. It is not the fate of this manager to send the company on a trip, unless it comes to Greece, which he knows like the back of his hand. You will lose a client, and the money for Turkey's advertising will be wasted.

Understandably, not every manager has been to Australia or the US. But there is a way out of such situations: if a client comes with a difficult request, you will need to keep him by all means, ask leading questions, find out as much as possible what he expects from the trip, what level of accommodation, budget, etc. study the offers of tour operators and provide the tourist with several tour options. Such clients are always welcome, but they are random. We are talking now about those who should come according to advertising or recommendations, i.e. ACCORDING TO THE PLAN

If the company is a travel agent, then its managers can sell a tour to anywhere in the world and meet any budget set by the tourist. But believe me, advertising a travel agency “without a profile” is the most costly and expensive way to promote a travel company on the market. In addition, the time spent by the manager in researching a new destination and making requests to tour operators costs your money and makes it impossible to process other bookings.

With the development of Internet technologies, the situation is gradually changing, because online you can quickly see the prices for tours, flight options, descriptions of resorts and other necessary information for tourists. We hope that these technologies will be used by your managers, who will eventually become professionals and will be able to sell tours to any country, regardless of whether they were on a promotional tour, at a seminar with a tour operator or not.

To select the activities of a travel agency, you can use the types of tourism and / or the popularity of tourist destinations, taking into account the season (Table 4).

Types of tourism:

SPA tourism.

Bus tours.

Active tourism.

Business tourism.

Domestic tourism (Russia).

Inbound tourism.

Outbound (international) tourism.

Gastronomic tourism.

Ski tourism.


Children's and youth tourism.

Individual rest.

Therapeutic rest.

Sea and river cruises.

Study abroad.

Hunting and fishing.


Table 4

An example of the popularity of some tourist destinations depending on the season

Beach tourism.

Event tourism.

Fitness (sport) - tourism.

Shop tourism.

Ecological (green) tourism.

Excursion tourism.

Extreme tourism.

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The most popular beach holiday destinations on the "Subtleties of Tourism"

Beach holidays are the most "relaxed" of all ways to spend your vacation! After a busy year of work, one wants nothing more than to lie exhausted and dreamy on a deck chair, exposing the body, exhausted in labor and worries, to the life-giving sun and invigorating breeze. Just two weeks of the right pastime in the peaceful surroundings of nature, combined with sea bathing and sunbathing, is guaranteed to bring even the most tortured middle manager back to life. Fortunately, there are plenty of seas on the planet, and the countries located on their blessed shores prudently equipped them with everything necessary to invite tourists - from all-inclusive hotels to umbrellas with a straw crown, the mere sight of blades of grass waving in the wind plunges you into deep zen . So, what are the most popular beach holiday destinations?

    Sun + sea + beach = Greece. Add to that luxury and Costa Navarino and get a real dream vacation. Wide beach, kite surfing, kayaking, diving, SUP, yachting… The number of activities is limited only by your imagination. with Beleon Group, we have the best prices!

Mediterranean is our everything

If for our mothers and grandmothers the word "sea" was associated primarily with the Crimea or Abkhazia, then for us foreign shores come to the fore. The Mediterranean Sea is without exaggeration the most popular beach region on the planet: it is located between Europe, Africa and Asia, and as many as 22 states share its beautiful beaches! A significant contribution to the popularity of the Mediterranean among vacationers was made by two "monsters" of beach tourism - Turkey and Egypt, which only a lazy or staunch nihilist has not visited.

The season in the Mediterranean lasts in general from May to October with a peak of warm water in July-August and a velvet season in September.

Mediterranean beaches - for every taste: sandy (not only with yellow or light sand, but also with black and even red!), sand and pebble, pebble and artificial platforms, arranged where the coastline is rocky and this makes it difficult to descend into the water.

The most popular beach holiday destinations in the Mediterranean - in addition to the mentioned Turkey and Egypt - Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy, France. A nice feature of the Mediterranean holidays is the ability to choose a country of interest: for example, in France you can soar in the charm of the Cote d'Azur, in Spain - combine beaches with tango, jamon, shopping and magnificent museums, in Tunisia - feel the breath of the Sahara and the aroma of the East.

Calming Adriatic

Formally, the Adriatic Sea is a part of the Mediterranean, closed between the Apennine Peninsula and the Balkans. But from the point of view of a tourist, this is a special region, with unique nature, a measured nature of recreation and a special charming atmosphere of “modest” Europe. The main beach region here is the Balkans, which we have loved since Soviet times, and there the championship belongs to Croatia, which has received almost 1800 km of magnificent beaches from nature and history, many of which are regularly awarded the Blue Flag. However, Italy also “grabbed off” its piece of the Adriatic - it owns the entire western coast, no more, no less than 1000 km.

The season on the Adriatic Sea is almost identical to the Mediterranean: you can get naked on the beach starting from May, swim - from June, most pleasantly - in July and August. In September, it is good to go here for those who do not like the heat, and the beach season ends in October.

In addition to Italy and Croatia - the main tourism in the Adriatic - you should pay attention to the resorts of Montenegro, Albania and Slovenia. They are less crowded with tourists and here you can merge with nature. A pleasant moment: despite the fact that all the Adriatic states belong to Europe, a visa is not required to visit Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania in the summer.

native seas

Despite the seeming abundance of seas on all sides of our vast, not everyone is suitable for a beach holiday. Most of them belong to the Arctic Ocean basin, which, without the need for further explanation, reflects the climatic conditions in the region. However, the seas from the eastern borders of the motherland, for nothing that belong to the Pacific Ocean - alas, they cannot boast of the landscapes of Poly-, Mela- or Micronesia: in the Far East of Russia, beach tourism is developed, to put it mildly, not much.

Therefore, our domestic everything is the Black Sea, the beaches of which regularly accept fans of budget holidays who want to combine relaxation with treatment, as well as children, for whom there are a lot of summer camps.

The Baltic Sea is noticeably inferior to the Black Sea in popularity among beachgoers - they come here for another. Breathe in the smell of pine forests mixed with the sea breeze, wander along sandbars, collect drops of amber on deserted beaches and enjoy pleasant solitude and comfortable air temperature even in the height of summer.

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exotic seas

Sometimes you want not only a lazy pastime on a sun lounger, but also vivid impressions - for this you should go to Southeast Asia or to exotic islands. Thailand firmly holds the championship in marine exoticism, where, despite the long flight and not the lowest prices, Russian tourists regularly travel. Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and a whole scattering of islands will allow you to choose the right atmosphere for you - complete immersion in debauchery and vice, virgin nature and peace or stunning ancient sights at your side.

The Maldives and Seychelles are ahead of the rest in terms of a very high-quality beach holiday in the entourage of paradise.

The Maldives and Seychelles are ahead of the rest in terms of a very high-quality beach holiday in the entourage of paradise. Despite the high cost of recreation, these destinations are well "knurled" among Russian tourists. Among the advantages are comfortable conditions for recreation throughout the year with air temperatures in the range of +26 ... + 30 ° C and only slightly lower ocean warming. Of the minuses - the lack of a "tourist" ... however, having soaked up in the atmosphere of Eden, tourists do not even think about excursions.

The sea is not only beaches

Finally, let's not forget that a seaside vacation is not only lying on the beach, but also treatment, diving, surfing and other water activities. In the first case, our people prefer Israel - thanks to the unique Dead Sea, in the second - Egypt from the side of the Red Sea, the countries of Southeast Asia and, of course, Australia with its Mecca of divers - the Great Barrier Reef. For surfing they go to Portugal, Morocco, Brazil, Mexico, the same Australia and other warm countries that go to the ocean.

The best places for a beach holiday

All articles about beach holidays on the "Subtleties"

  • Balkans: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Croatia
  • Exotic: India (Goa), Cambodia, China (Hong Kong), Maldives
  • Russia Moscow

Russia has a huge potential, both for the development of domestic tourism and for the reception of foreign travelers. It has everything you need - a huge territory, a rich historical and cultural heritage, and in some regions - untouched, wild nature.

The territory of Russia extends from west to east for 10 thousand km and almost 3 thousand km from the northern arctic latitudes to the southern subtropical ones. The diversity of landscapes allows the development of many types of tourism.

1.2.1. Ecological tourism

One of the most promising types of tourism in the world is ecotourism. Russia is no exception. The number of his fans is growing everywhere every year. This type of tourism returns strength and energy to people tired of cities while communicating with nature and observing it. In addition, it encourages environmental conservation, making this type of tourism beneficial for local residents.

The UNESCO World Heritage List includes five Russian natural sites: the virgin forests of Komi, Lake Baikal, the volcanoes of Kamchatka, the golden Altai Mountains, and the Western Caucasus. In these regions, it is ecotourism that can help nature conservation, employment growth and socio-economic development. In addition, there are enough other places in Russia that are attractive for ecotourism. Taking into account the popularity and prospects of ecotourism all over the world, we will pay the closest attention to it.

Great opportunities are opening up for ecotourism in the north-west of Russia - in Karelia, the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions. Karelia is often called the "lungs of Europe". More than half of its territory is occupied by forests, about a quarter - by lakes and rivers.

In Central Russia, there are also many attractive places for ecotourists. This, for example, is the Central Forest State Biosphere Reserve, located in the west of the Tver region - near the Valdai Upland. It is unique with spruce forests, which have no equal in Europe - they are already 500 years old. They have preserved many corners of wild nature inhabited by typical inhabitants of Russian forests: brown bear, wolf, elk, mountain hare, river beaver, pine marten. In these places you can take unique photographs of wild animals.

The Kaliningrad region is the westernmost part of Russia. There is a wonderful place here - a national park on the Curonian Spit. This is a narrow strip of land separating the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. Its sand dunes sometimes reach a height of 60 meters. About 150 species of birds pass over the spit. Lovers of rural tourism are waiting for numerous rural estates, where only organic products and enough rural entertainment are served on the table.

The south of Russia has long been loved by Russian ecotourists. About 20 species of rare and endangered plants are protected in the Astrakhan State Biosphere Reserve, including wild irises and tulips, the walnut lotus, and 23 species of birds out of 270 common in this area. Here you can observe several types of fur-bearing animals - a fox, a raccoon dog, an ermine, a muskrat, an American mink, a steppe polecat, etc. Hunting for three types of ungulates - a wild boar, a red deer, a saiga, as well as some species of waterfowl is allowed on a fixed date.

The natural wealth of the North Caucasus is also unique, which is the highest mountain range in Russia with five peaks above 5 thousand meters above sea level. The most famous are Elbrus and Kazbek. There are four nature reserves and two national parks.

In the southern and central parts of Siberia, Mountain Altai, Mountain Shoria and Kuznetsk Alatau have become places of pilgrimage for ecotourists. Mountains, rocks, coniferous forests, glades covered with a bright carpet of wild flowers, semi-desert steppes, sleeping lakes and stormy mountain rivers amaze with their pristine nature. All kinds of active tourism are possible here. In the south of Siberia - in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk Region, in Khakassia and Tuva and the western part of Buryatia, the Western and Eastern Sayans rise. Their attractions are the "Sayan Corridor" on the Yenisei River, waterfalls on Dotota and Khamsara, extinct volcanoes in the east of Tuva and many lakes of the Todzha basin.

Baikal, the main center of tourism in Siberia, is famous for its fabulous landscapes, amazing even for ecotourists. Taiga and semi-desert, tundra and stone steppe coexist here. More than half of the 2.5 thousand local species of animals and plants are endemic, that is, they do not grow anywhere else in the world. There are 3 reserves and 2 national parks on Baikal, where the brown bear, wolverine, Siberian roe deer, ermine, sable, bighorn sheep live. Lake Baikal is 25 million years old. This is the deepest lake on the planet, the reservoir of a fifth of the world's fresh water reserves. Many rivers fill Baikal for millions of years, and only the Angara flows out of it. Cruises on the lake on a boat or yacht, visiting caves, hiking, fishing, kayaking or rafting - Baikal has a lot to offer ecotourists.

The Far East - Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories - forests untouched by civilization, picturesque rivers and mountain spurs, wild animals and rare plants. Only here relic yew and Amur velvet, golden ginseng root and priceless aralia grow, coniferous trees of the north and lianas of the south are found in one place, and Siberian taimen salmon reigns in the depths of taiga rivers. The world-famous Siberian tiger lives here - in the Sikhote-Alin Natural Biosphere Reserve. Many wonderful places and amazing encounters with nature await tourists on Sakhalin Island. The Kuril Islands are home to the world's most beautiful Tyatya volcano, the beautiful Boiling and Cold lakes, the active Mendeleev volcano and hot springs, the temperature of which reaches 90 degrees. Kamchatka attracts tourists from all over the world. There are 28 active volcanoes, hot and cold mineral springs here. The Valley of Geysers, one of the few in the world, is always visited in this region.

The 2013 summer holiday season is in full swing. Someone has already managed to go abroad and get their portion of tanning and new experiences, while other lucky ones have a vacation ahead of them. Therefore, now is the time to talk about this year's tourist destinations.

Main tourist destinations 2013

The undisputed leader of tourist activity this year remains. The sea, the sun, a wide choice of hotels, reasonable prices and "all inclusive" are the main attributes that attract lovers of a carefree holiday.

A huge number of people travel to Istanbul to look at the palaces of the sultans, ancient temples and fortresses. Thanks to the magnificent Turkish bazaars and active nightlife, the flow of tourists to Turkey does not decrease year after year.

Do not write off and Egypt. Despite the unstable political situation in the country, the resort areas remain a calm place for a great holiday. Egypt is always attractive prices, unique opportunities for diving and jeep racing in the desert.

According to the statistics of travel companies, the same popularity is also enjoyed by Spain, Italy, Bulgaria.

Popular tourist destinations 2013

Traditional tourist destinations are gradually being replaced by other more exotic resorts. This is due to the increase in the level of tourist services in different countries, as well as the fact that travelers seek to expand the geography of their trips.

This season's tempting offer is a trip to Greece. The Greek islands offer luxurious beaches, amazingly beautiful sea and delicious food. Lovers of history and culture will be able to plunge headlong into the era of antiquity by visiting Athens and other cities. Holidays in Greece are inexpensive.

Tunisia is also growing in tourism. Tourists are attracted by the mild climate, beautiful scenery, rich history and affordable prices.

India offers a variety of types of recreation, so it occupies a worthy place among popular tourist destinations. Untouched nature, rich history, ski resorts, pilgrimage - a wide choice for travelers. Here is the famous state goa with snow-white beaches and exotic fruits, where you can be alone with yourself.

Compare plane tickets to exotic countries (they are now in fashion!) from hundreds of carriers on and choose the most profitable options.

Most Popular Travel Destinations 2013

According to experts, the capital of Thailand will become the most visited city in the world in 2013 Bangkok. It is expected that it will take about 16 million people. Bangkok is one of the fastest growing cities in the world and yet retains historical monuments, ancient temples and monasteries.

IN Thailand tourism is at a very high level, and you can relax here all year round.

New travel destinations 2013

Travel companies are constantly looking for new destinations and exciting routes to interest sophisticated travelers. Here are the new trends for the 2013 season.

It is of increased interest due to the upcoming 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games. Its famous Copacabana beach and colorful carnival are known all over the world, and nature and sights are simply beyond description.

Vacation on the island Sri Lanka suitable for those who have already visited many countries of the world and are looking for peace and solitude. Here you can enjoy fragrant Ceylon tea on the shores of the Indian Ocean, study unprecedented plants or go diving. However, this pleasure is not cheap.

Another emerging tourism destination is Georgia. Tours to this country can be made all year round. In winter, mountain skiing is offered, in summer - beach holidays, and regardless of the season - incendiary dances, excellent wine and Georgian cuisine.

Decide on the choice of destination for the perfect vacation in 2013,

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