The basic concepts of a feat, an act, a proverb about the homeland. "Life is full of feats of arms


In our country, heroism, courage and feat have always been sung by the people. And therefore, in folklore, many sayings and proverbs about heroism, courage, and glorious deeds have been preserved.

Remembering epic heroes

Answering the question, first of all, you need to pay attention to the proverbs about ancient Russian heroes. These are, of course, our favorite heroes. This is a little sad, but children today are very little familiar with epics, it often happens that they get acquainted with them only on the duty of studying the school curriculum. But many teachers highly recommended introducing children to epic heroes, because already at this stage the child should learn love for one's homeland.

Yes, and an excellent healthy aesthetic taste is formed against this background. As an example, here are the following proverbs:

The hero will die, his name will remain;
You recognize the hero on the battlefield;
The Russian land is glorious with heroes;
The generous one does not brag about a gift, the hero does not refuse what was said;
Who is brave and steadfast, he is worth ten.

And here are a few more sayings about everyone's favorite hero Ilya Muromets:
  • Russian neither with a sword, nor with a kalach does not joke;
  • Strong is the one who brings down, stronger is the one who rises;
  • If in Russian it is tailored, and one warrior in the field;
  • Where someone is born, there it will come in handy;
  • To be a warrior is to serve the people;
  • Houses and walls help;
  • Who dared, he is whole;
  • Cheek brings success.

About our present

There are a large number of sayings and proverbs about heroism and heroism, which are quite suitable for our time. Of course, here you can bring many examples of heroism during the Great Patriotic War.

But simply courageous deeds in any everyday situations are sung in such sayings as:

  • He wins who despises death;
  • The example of a hero calls for a feat;
  • Heroes forge victory;
  • Hit with a Russian fight, you will be a hero;
  • On the hero and glory runs;
  • It is better to die in the field than in fascist captivity;
  • There can be no two deaths, but one cannot be avoided;
  • Fight to the death - win immortality.

Proverbs and sayings about heroes. The call stage is a lead-in dialogue. Paralympics in Vancouver. Heroic deeds of Russian people at different times. G - citizen, pride. Brief annotation. Hero. Heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Military heroes of recent events. Valentina Fedorovna Chekmareva. Heroes of Peace. Understanding the concept. Competencies. Group work. Heroes of Russia. Required advance preparation.

"Women at War"- Participated in the battles near Smolensk, the Kolotsky Monastery, at Borodino defended the Semenov flushes, where she was shell-shocked in the leg, and left for treatment in Sarapul. Until the end of 1962 the film was watched by 42 million viewers "The Hussar Ballad" is the only film by E. Ryazanov, about which the Pravda newspaper gave a review. In 1789, his father resigned and received a job as mayor in the city of Sarapul, Vyatka province.

"Heroic History of Russia"- Day of military glory of Russia - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The history of our people is rich in heroic events. We bow before the courage of the heroes of the war of 1812. Eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There is no higher honor than wearing a Russian uniform. Banners of the enemy armies near the walls of the Kremlin. The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday that unites generations.

"Famous Russian generals"- Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev. Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov. Ivan Stepanovich Konev. Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze. Russian generals. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Petr Alexandrovich. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov. Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov. Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny. Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. Tukhachevsky Mikhail Nikolaevich. Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov. Gamarnik Yan Borisovich. Alexander Nevskiy. Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration. Peter I.

"Dates of the days of military glory of Russia"- Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops. May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Courage of Russian soldiers. Day of the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail. Days of military glory. Victory Day of Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky. Days of military glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov. Day of the Battle of Borodino.

"The names of the great commanders"- Bold decision. Separate Red Banner Far Eastern Army. Ivan Stepanovich. Zhukov died. Appeals for the appointment of the commander-in-chief of the Russian army. Zhukov and Alexander Vasilevsky became the authors of the battle plan for the Kursk Bulge. Vasilevsky participated in the preparation of the war. Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov. Army command. Complex bindings. Plan to fight Napoleon. Ivan Stepanovich Konev. Ivan Khristoforovich Bagramyan.

In the Homework section, to the question PROVERBS ABOUT EXPLOITS AND HEROISM, given by the author Elena Zaitseva, the best answer is to Bukhoma and the sea pokh # d :-)

Answer from *** Anna *** [guru] Contempt for death gives birth to heroes. Glory runs to the hero. The hero dies - his name remains. He wins who despises death. and not to be a winner. Whoever is brave and steadfast is worth ten. If you want to live, fight to the death. A hero in battle thinks not about death, but about victory. He didn’t meet himself stronger, he and the hero. Heroes don’t know fear. Glory to the hero, contempt for the coward. to live. The example of a hero calls for a feat. To fight to the death is to win immortality. Either I die a hero, or I return a hero. one cannot be avoided. In the underground, a mouse is a hero, but you give us something so that you don’t sweat even with a cat. A hero dies - he leaves a memory of himself. Whoever dies with glory does not fear bony death. dreams of victory, he does not think about death. A hero in battle thinks not about death, but about victory. The hero fell by death, but did not sell his homeland. The hero sang in battle, as in a song. contempt for a coward. For your native land, stand like a rock: a coward is a bullet, a hero is praise. A hero does not pursue glory. A hero is not a coward's comrade. .Heroes forge victory. It's better to be a dead hero; Great honor without heroism. Heroes forge victory. A hero in battle thinks not about death, but about victory. A hero does not pursue glory. A hero is known in the struggle, but a coward is at home. A hero is one who conquers death. , traitors - death.

The hero will never die - he lives forever among the people.

Answer from Peva[guru] Where the hero fell, the mound stood up. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. Glory to the hero, contempt for a coward. .For your native land, stand like a rock: a coward - a bullet, a hero - praise. Heroes do not know fear. Either I die a hero, or I return a hero.

The people call him a hero who beats the Nazis in mortal combat.

Proverbs and sayings about heroism and Motherland | children's house

  • About nature
  • About the time
  • About lies and truth
  • About meanness and decency
  • About ingenuity, intelligence and stupidity
  • About courage and cowardice
  • About heroism and Motherland
  • About generosity and stinginess
  • About skill and diligence
  • About business and idleness
  • About laziness and negligence
  • About study
  • About friendship
  • About speech
  • animal images
  • Without a root, grass does not grow.

    Hold the battle lines firmly.

    A great thing to start: a bold start is the same victory.

    The enemy is a striker, but our people are steadfast.

    Spare the enemy - destroy yourself.

    There is nothing like leather.

    Where there is no struggle, there is no victory.

    Where he was born - there he fit.

    If you fall as a hero, you will be lifted up; if you fall as a coward, you will be crushed.

    Do not spare your time or energy for your Motherland.

    For the native Fatherland, life is not a pity either.

    For their Fatherland, life is not a pity.

    They knew who they were beating, that's why they won.

    No matter how you open the door, it returns to its threshold.

    What Savva is, such is his glory.

    To whom the world is dear, he is dear to us.

    The girl is red with braids, and the soldier with orders.

    Whoever could, that one from his feet.

    Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully, fulfills that duty approximately.

    Either the chest is in crosses, or the head is in the bushes.

    They did not walk in bondage on their own land.

    What is the sword for, since there is nothing to cut.

    On a strange side, I am glad of my own little funnel.

    The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.

    Warmth emanates from the motherland.

    The first thing in life is to serve the Motherland.

    He who lifts the sword from the sword will perish.

    While the battle is ahead - the brave men are at least a dime a dozen.

    Because it is good to live, that the friendship of peoples is maintained.

    When the sun is warm, when the Motherland is good.

    Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

    The native side is a golden cradle.

    You can't replace your own mother.

    Own land and in a handful is sweet.

    Get your glory in battle.

    Fight bravely for your native cause.

    The old glory loves the new.

    What peace builds, war destroys.

    The other side is a dense forest.

    A step forward is a step towards victory.

  • About nature
  • About the time
  • About lies and truth
  • About meanness and decency
  • About ingenuity, intelligence and stupidity
  • About courage and cowardice
  • About heroism and Motherland
  • About generosity and stinginess
  • About skill and diligence
  • About business and idleness
  • About laziness and negligence
  • About study
  • About friendship
  • About home, family, holidays, guests, food
  • About speech
  • animal images
  • List of topics

    Proverbs about heroism

    Better to be a dead hero than a living coward.

    Who dreams of victory does not think of death.

    The one who does not flinch wins.

    Who is brave and steadfast, he is worth ten.

    To be afraid of death is not to be a winner.

    The hero who is a mountain for the Motherland.

    Heroes don't know fear.

    The hero will never die, he lives forever among the people.

    Not for life, but for death.

    Who is brave and stoak, he is worth ten.

    If you fall as a hero, you will be lifted up; as a coward, you will be crushed.

    He wins who despises death.

    The example of a hero calls for a feat.

    Heroes forge victory.

    Hit with a Russian fight, you will be a hero.

    On the hero and glory runs.

    The hero does not know many, but the whole country repeats his name. The hero will never die - he lives forever among the people. the Hero is like the sea: in bad weather it only becomes angrier, and the rob th is like a puddle: even a small wind will splash everything.

    A hero in battle does not think about death, but about victory.

    Glory to the Gers, contempt to the coward.

    Hero - a mountain for the Motherland.

    Don't be afraid of death, but conquer it.

    Contempt for death creates heroes.

    Better to die in the field than in fascist captivity.

    There can be no two deaths, but one cannot be avoided.

    Fight to the death - win immortality.

    Fight to the last drop of blood.

    And the hero and glory run. stupidity stupidity

    Whoever has not met himself stronger is a hero.

    Either I die a hero or I return a hero.

    Teroi forge victory.

    Only he beats who fights desperately and to death.

    Proverbs and sayings about heroes, sayings and proverbs about heroism.

    Spanish proverbs about love

    "Heroes of the Fatherland" - Proverbs and sayings about heroes. The call stage is a lead-in dialogue. Paralympics in Vancouver. Heroic deeds of Russian people at different times. G - citizen, pride. Brief annotation. Hero. Heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Military heroes of recent events. Valentina Fedorovna Chekmareva. Heroes of Peace. Understanding the concept. Competencies. Group work. Heroes of Russia. Required advance preparation.

    coffee proverb

    “Women at War” - Participated in the battles near Smolensk, the Kolotsky Monastery, at Borodino she defended the Semenov flushes, where she was shell-shocked in the leg, and left for Sarapul for treatment. Until the end of 1962 the film was watched by 42 million viewers "The Hussar Ballad" is the only film by E. Ryazanov, about which the Pravda newspaper gave a review. In 1789, his father resigned and received a job as mayor in the city of Sarapul, Vyatka province.

    Russian proverbs with conjunction but

    "The Heroic History of Russia" - Day of Military Glory of Russia - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The history of our people is rich in heroic events. We bow before the courage of the heroes of the war of 1812. Eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There is no higher honor than wearing a Russian uniform. Banners of the enemy armies near the walls of the Kremlin. The Great Patriotic War of 1941945. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday that unites generations.

    proverbs and sayings of the Russian language

    "Famous Russian commanders" - Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev. Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov. Ivan Stepanovich Konev. Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze. Russian generals. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Petr Alexandrovich. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov. Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov. Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny. Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. Tukhachevsky Mikhail Nikolaevich. Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov. Gamarnik Yan Borisovich. Alexander Nevskiy. Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration. Peter I.

    proverbs about mother-in-law and mother-in-law

    "Dates of the Days of Russia's Military Glory" - Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops. May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Courage of Russian soldiers. Day of the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail. Days of military glory. Victory Day of Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky. Days of military glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov. Day of the Battle of Borodino.

    Chinese proverbs with Russian jokes

    "The names of the great commanders" - A bold decision. Separate Red Banner Far Eastern Army. Ivan Stepanovich. Zhukov died. Appeals for the appointment of the commander-in-chief of the Russian army. Zhukov and Alexander Vasilevsky became the authors of the battle plan for the Kursk Bulge. Vasilevsky participated in the preparation of the war. Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov. Army command. Complex bindings. Plan to fight Napoleon. Ivan Stepanovich Konev. Ivan Khristoforovich Bagramyan.

    proverbs smile

    Lesson #4

    Subject : "Life is full of feats of arms"

    Software content. Heroic pages from the history of our country.

    The rise of patriotic feelings of Russians in the era of liberation wars. Examples of the heroism of soldiers. Participation of the church and clergy in the organization of the defense of the Fatherland.

    Basic methods and techniques.

    1. Search for an answer to the question "Is it true that in the struggle for the Motherland Dmitry Donskoy was strengthened by faith in God"? Additions and generalization of the teacher about the feat of the Russian army in the Battle of Kulikovo.

    2. Work with the heading "Picture Gallery": a description of the hero of the picture, a verbal portrait of Dmitry Donskoy.

    Icon "Sergius of Radonezh and Dmitry Donskoy" Sergei Simakov (XX century).

    Target: determine what are the main sources of spiritual and moral culture.

    Lesson type: gaining new knowledge

    Planned results:

    Subject Results:

    1) expanding knowledge about the heroic pages of Russian history;

    2) the ability to work with information presented by various means;

    3) expansion of the cultural experience of schoolchildren.

    Personal results:

    1) the ability to evaluate their actions;

    2) fostering a sense of tolerance towards people of other nations and faiths;

    3) the formation of aesthetic needs, values, feelings.

    Metasubject results:

    1) mastering the skills of semantic reading;

    2) mastery of logical methods of cognition;

    3) the ability to work in pairs and groups;

    4) the ability to solve creative tasks.

    Teaching technologies: technology of activity approach, technology of problem-dialogical learning, health-saving technology, project technology, technology of evaluation of educational achievements.

    Space organization: frontal, individual, group.

    Educational and methodological support and resources:

    textbook N.F. Vinogradova, V.I. Vlasenko, A.V. Polyakov "Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia" Grade 5;


    electronic supplement to the textbook "ODNKNR".

    Technological map of the lesson

    Motivates students to start the lesson

    I see everyone is ready for serious work. Take your jobs

    The teachers greet and sit down.

    2. Checking homework

    Arranging homework checks

    Messages about the heroes - defenders of the Fatherland

    3. Actualization of basic knowledge

    Encourages students to independently formulate the topic of the lesson and the purpose of the lesson.

    Interview with students.

    In the process of getting to know the history and culture of one's country, a person grows spiritually. Without knowledge about the life of ancestors, about their exploits in the name of the Fatherland, one cannot cultivate in oneself a feeling of love for the motherland and pride in one's compatriots.

    You already know that our homeland has been attacked by enemies in different historical periods. In these difficult times, all peoples united in the face of a common misfortune and stood up to defend their homeland. Russia gave birth to many heroes, the memory of which we keep for centuries. And in our time there are courageous people, real patriots who are ready to give their lives defending their land, their people.

    Write down the topic of the lesson

    "Life is full of feats of arms." What is the purpose of the lesson? Get to know the feats of arms.

    Compare and refine your wording.

    Slide #1

    4. Study of new material.

    1. Discuss together

    All children should know about this:

    Once upon a time in the world there lived a young man. He prayed to God

    He asked for help in teaching.

    Once the lad met the Elder,

    And he said: "You are bright in spirit.

    You will be able to study well And distinguish yourself before God.

    He became a hermit, a monk;

    In the forest, I fought with fear at night,

    Chasing away demons with prayer

    Filling nature with light.

    Over the years, he took root in the forest,

    I even made friends with a bear.

    He was pure in heart and prayed a lot.

    And this pleased God.

    When they learned about Sergius,

    People began to gravitate towards him.

    First the apprentice monks

    They flocked to him like birds.

    And so the work began to boil.

    Everyone tried so hard to do the job:

    To build the abode of God And set up life in God's way.

    Thus lived the ascetic of Orthodoxy,

    Showing your mercy

    The Blessed One appeared to him

    And promised that the Abode

    The Lord our Almighty will save.

    God's Word is open to people.

    The path of the earthly Saint is over,

    And Reverend in eternal life

    Pray for our Motherland.

    The body of the saint is imperishable - His holy cause lives.

    He showed us the way

    Which leads to God.

    Slide №2, 3,4,5

    Who are we talking about? (About Sergius of Radonezh)

    What do you know about him?

    Guys, today in the lesson we will talk about an amazing and great man who glorified our land, about the famous Russian saint - Sergius of Radonezh. Information about his life has come down to us thanks toEpiphanius the Wise , who in his work "The Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh" wrote the following words about him: "Like a bright light, he shone in the Russian country in the midst of darkness and gloom." Why do you think the author calls St. Sergius "the luminary of light"?


    One of the most revered saints in Rus' is Sergius of Radonezh, who became famous for his exclusively peaceful deeds. He came from an impoverished boyar family, who had possessions near Rostov from his parents Cyril and Maria. Before being tonsured a monk, the monk bore the name Bartholomew, in honor of one of the 12 apostles. The date of his birth is known - May 3, 1314.


    At the age of seven, Bartholomew, along with his brothers, was sent to study literacy, but unlike the brothers, he did not make any progress. One day in the field the boy saw an old man praying under a lonely oak. Bartholomew asked the elder to pray for him so that he could learn to read. The elder blessed the youth, and he pleased his parents by freely reading the psalter before dinner (a collection of church hymns, according to which they taught literacy in Ancient Rus').


    Around 1328, the boy's parents moved to the small town of Radonezh, not far from Moscow. The brothers of Bartholomew got married, and he, having buried his parents, decided to go to the monastery. By this time, the elder brother Stefan had become a widow, and together they settled in a dense forest twelve miles from Radonezh. However, it became difficult for Stefan to live in such a deserted place, and he moved to one of the Moscow monasteries. And Bartholomew took the veil as a monk under the nameSergius.

    The formation of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

    Gradually, other monks began to come to Sergius, who wanted to serve God with their labors. The saint gladly received them. So the Sergius Monastery was conceived - the current Trinity-Sergius Lavra (in Greek, laura - a large, large monastery). "By the example of his life, the height of his spirit, St. Sergius raised the fallen spirit of his native people, awakened in him confidence in himself, in his strength, breathed faith in the future." From his generation came the founders of 150 new monasteries. They lived in small huts-cells, carried water themselves, chopped wood, cultivated a garden and cooked food. Saint Sergius did most of the hard work, setting an example for the brethren.

    Children speak their mind

    Write down in a notebook

    Write down in a notebook

    Slide №7,8

    Slide number 9

    6. Physical Minute

    Organizes a physical meeting

    Children move to music

    Slide #5

    Continue learning new

    2. Using the text about Dmitry Donskoy, make up his verbal portrait

    The name "Kulikovo field" finally came into use as the place of the battle on September 8, 1380 only in the second half of the 15th century, and before that it also had the name "Mamai-meadow" or "Momai-meadow". The morning of September 8 was foggy. The Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich rode all the regiments, giving the last orders and addressing the warriors before the battle: “Fathers and my brothers, for the Lord's sake, fight and the saints for the sake of the churches and the Christian faith, for this death is not death for us now, but eternal life. Do not think about anything, brothers, we will not retreat, and then Christ the God and Savior of our souls will crown us with crowns of victory. Dmitry Ivanovich himself wanted to fight on the front line, leading the soldiers by personal example, and not stand behind the troops, as was customary: “... I want to be the first in both word and deed and in front of everyone lay down my head for my brethren and for all Christians. Let others, seeing this, be desperate in their impudence.” The Grand Duke received the last blessing from Sergius of Radonezh and the prosphora, which Dmitry Ivanovich shared with his comrades-in-arms. The battle began at about 11 o'clock in the morning with a duel between the heroes of Alexander Peresvet - a monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, before tonsure - a Bryansk (according to another version, Lyubech) boyar. His opponent was the Tatar hero Temir-Murza (Chelubey). When they fell, piercing each other at the same time with spears, thousands of troops converged. The Russian regiments withstood the first attacks. The Russian knights fought bravely, many thousands laid down their lives, but at the third hour of the day the superior forces of the enemy seemed to have already begun to overcome ours. Mikhail Brenok was killed, the prince's banner was cut. The Golden Horde cavalry began to go to the rear of the Moscow rati, which threatened to encircle and destroy the Russian regiments. Mamai was already rejoicing, seeing this from his hill, but prematurely. Then the Reserve Regiment under the command of the Lithuanian Prince Dmitry Olgerdovich entered the battle, and then the cavalry Ambush Regiment, hiding in the forest, under the command of Prince Vladimir Andreevich and the skilful voivode, boyar Dmitry Mikhailovich Bobrok-Volynsky, unexpectedly hit the Horde forces that had broken through in the back. The general offensive of the Russian rati began. Mamai's best cavalry was crushed, fled, trampling their own infantry. Encouraged, the Russians began to advance so quickly that Mamai barely had time to pack up the tent and carry off his feet. Mamaev's army was utterly defeated. The Russian cavalry, led by Vladimir Andreevich, nicknamed the Brave for military prowess, drove Mamai about 40 km to the Beautiful Sword River. A terrible picture of the battle appeared before him. It seemed that the whole earth, strewn with mountains of corpses, was saturated with blood and groaned. No one knew where the great Moscow prince was, whether he was alive. After a persistent search, two simple warriors found the wounded prince at the edge of the forest, carefully covered by someone cut birch. Fortunately, Dmitry Ivanovich's wounds were not life-threatening (later he received the nickname "Donskoy"). The victory on the Kulikovo field was "joy with tears in our eyes." Presumably, half of the Russian rati was killed. The losses of the Horde were even greater. In the next seven to eight days, mass graves were dug, and the dead were buried. Funeral prayers were served everywhere. There is a legend that the body of voivode Mikhail Brenk was buried on Ugresh, in the chapel at the site of the miraculous appearance of the icon of St. Nicholas to Prince Dmitry Ivanovich. Soon a stone church was erected here, which has not survived to this day. Yes, the first monument to the heroes of the Kulikovo battle was the church on the Kulikovo field, assembled shortly after the battle from the oaks of the Green oak forest, where the regiment of Prince Vladimir Andreevich was hidden in an ambush. in honor of the victory of Dmitry Donskoy over the Golden Horde (architect A.P. Bryullov, brother of the painter). In 1913–1918, a church was built on Kulikovo Field in the name of St. Sergei of Radonezh. Every year, the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates those who died on Dmitriev's Parental Saturday in the first days of November. In the army that won the victory on the Kulikovo field, there were not only ethnic Russians, but also Lithuanians who converted to Orthodoxy, as well as baptized people from the Horde who went to serve the Russian princes. However, in their minds, these people were precisely Russians. Victory in the Battle of Kulikovo is a triumph of Russian weapons and the Russian spirit. She opened the way not only to liberation from the Tatar-Mongol yoke, but also to the unification of Russian lands, to the creation of the Russian state and in the future - Russia

    Word portrait IN The Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich (1350-1389) entered Russian history as the winner of Mamai, the holy prince Dmitry Donskoy, a statesman who laid the foundation for a united and independent Russia. In the unification of Rus', Dmitry Donskoy relied on the Orthodox Church, the help of the spiritual leaders of the Russian land. Dmitry Ivanovich founded the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery. During the years of his reign, monasteries were opened in Moscow, Serpukhov, Kolomna and other places of the Moscow principality. Among the closest associates of Dmitry Ivanovich was the rector of the Trinity Monastery Sergius of Radonezh, who blessed the Russian army before the legendary battle on the Kulikovo field. In 1988, the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy was canonized by the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    For the inquisitive p.27-28 of the textbook "About Prince Kasim"

    Are the heroes of different nations similar?

    What qualities unite them?



    Work in pairs

    7. Reflection.

    Today I found out...

    I will tell my parents about …..

    I remembered…

    They take turns answering the questions.

    Slide number

    8. Homework

    Displays homework on a slide

    Write down your homework in your diary.

    Using reference literature and the Internet, prepare a presentation about Dimitry Donskoy or Sergius of Radonezh.

    Record homework in diaries.

    Slide number

    * Features of the organization of project activities:

    1) Unite in groups and choose a leader;

    2) Analyze the proposed topics and collectively select a topic for the project.

    3) Distribute responsibilities in the group: search for information; selection of illustrative material; development of the composition of the presentation; analysis and evaluation of the selected material; preparation of the text of the presentation; choice of speakers.

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