The main problems of the modern world. Global problems of mankind: an example, solutions


At the present stage of the development of civilization, as never before, questions arose, without the solution of which the further progressive movement of mankind along the path of economic progress is impossible. Despite the fact that it is only a part of universal human activity, from its development in the XXI century. the problems of security and peace, the natural environment and, as well as moral, religious and philosophical values ​​\u200b\u200bare more dependent.

The significance of global problems especially increased in the second half of the 20th century. It is they who significantly affect the structure of the national and. Historically, the world economy as a whole has developed by the beginning of the twentieth century. as a result of the involvement in world economic relations of most of the countries of the world. By this time it was finished territorial division of the world, the world economy has formed two poles. At one pole were industrialized countries, and on the other - their colonies - agricultural raw material appendages. The latter were drawn into long before the establishment of national markets there. The involvement of these countries in world economic relations actually took place not in connection with the needs of their own development, but was a product of the expansion of industrialized countries. The world economy formed in this way, even after the former colonies gained independence, for many years preserved the relationship between the center and the periphery. This is where the current global problems and contradictions originate.

As a rule, huge material and financial resources are required to solve global problems. The main criteria for classifying a particular problem as a global one is considered to be its scale and the need for joint efforts to eliminate it.

Global problems- discrepancies between the most significant planetary needs and the possibility of their satisfaction by the joint efforts of mankind in a certain period of time.

Examples of global problems of the world

Global problems of mankind - these are problems that affect the vital interests of the entire population of the planet and require the joint efforts of all states of the world to solve them.

In modern conditions, global problems include:

Other global problems are also emerging.

Classification of global problems

Exceptional difficulties and high costs for solving global problems require their reasonable classification.

According to their origin, nature and ways of solving global problems, according to the classification adopted by international organizations, they are divided into three groups. first group constitute problems determined by the main socio-economic and political tasks of mankind. These include the preservation of peace, the cessation of the arms race and disarmament, the non-militarization of outer space, the creation of favorable conditions for world social progress, and overcoming the developmental lag in countries with low per capita incomes.

Second group covers a complex of problems revealed in the triad "man - society - technology". These problems should take into account the effectiveness of the use of scientific and technical progress in the interests of harmonious social development and the elimination of the negative impact of technology on humans, population growth, the establishment of human rights in the state, its release from the excessively increased control of state institutions, especially over personal freedom as an essential component of human rights.

Third group represented by problems associated with socio-economic processes and the environment, i.e., the problems of relations along the line of society - nature. This includes solving the raw materials, energy and food problems, overcoming the environmental crisis, covering more and more new areas and capable of destroying human life.

The end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries. led to the development of a number of local, specific issues of development of countries and regions into the category of global ones. However, it should be recognized that internationalization played a decisive role in this process.

The number of global problems is growing, in some publications of recent years more than twenty problems of our time are named, but most authors identify four main global problems: environmental, peacekeeping and disarmament, demographic, fuel and raw materials.

The scale, place and role of individual global problems are changing. The environmental problem has now come to the fore, although until recently the struggle for the preservation of peace and disarmament had taken its place. Changes are also taking place within global problems: some of their components lose their former significance and new ones appear. Thus, in the problem of the struggle for peace and disarmament, the main emphasis began to be placed on the reduction of means of mass destruction, the non-proliferation of mass weapons, the development and implementation of measures for the conversion of military production; in the fuel and raw material problem, a real possibility of the exhaustibility of a number of non-renewable natural resources has appeared, and in the demographic problem, new tasks have arisen associated with a significant expansion of international migration of the population, labor resources, etc.

It's obvious that global problems are closely interconnected. For example, the severity of the food problem is exacerbated by the outpacing growth of population compared to the growth of agricultural production in many developing countries. To solve the food problem, it is necessary to use the resource potential of industrialized countries or international organizations that develop and implement special assistance programs. Consideration of the impact of global problems on the formation of the world economy requires their detailed analysis and assessment from the standpoint of both individual countries and the world community as a whole. Features of the world development of the second half
20th century consist in the fact that it has become a constant factor influencing all spheres of economic activity. Economic activity has spread to such territories and areas that were not previously accessible to man (the World Ocean, the polar zones, outer space, etc.).

The accelerated development of productive forces, the planned nature and global scale of technical progress, if not supported by a perfect management mechanism, can lead to irreversible negative consequences. In particular, the unevenness in economic development between countries will increase even more, the gap between the levels of material and spiritual culture of mankind will increase, there will be an imbalance in the biosphere, environmental degradation can lead to the impossibility of life on Earth.

This food crisis requires the development of a joint international strategy for the production, redistribution and consumption of food. Even with the current methods of tillage, according to the calculations of British experts, it is possible to provide food for more than 10 billion people. All this indicates an extremely unproductive use of cultivated land.

Solving the problem of developing countries requires overcoming their economic and scientific and technological backwardness, and this is associated with the evolution of the economic space, which will lead to radical socio-economic transformations, the elimination of backward forms of land use and the rise of agriculture based on the introduction of scientific methods of its management.

In this situation, Russia and the countries should pay attention first of all to preserving and increasing the potential of fertile agricultural lands, increasing the productivity of agricultural production, as well as systems for storing and distributing products.

The problem of military spending

After graduation Second World War gigantic efforts are being made by the world community to preserve peace and disarmament. However, humanity still spends huge amounts of money on weapons. Military spending hinders economic and technological development, increases and promotes inflation, distracts people and from solving pressing social problems, increases external debt, and has a negative impact on international relations and their stability.

The negative impact of military spending on the economic development of the country can be long-term. Excessive military spending of the past years is a heavy burden on countries with a low level of development of the economic space, which include many developing countries at the present stage of the world economy.

At the same time, zones of regional and local conflicts have arisen and are expanding, provoking external intervention, increasingly with the use of military force. Participants in such confrontations already possess or in the near future may become possessors of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. This forces many countries to maintain a high level of military spending in their budgets.

At the same time, the reduction of military potential, especially in the largest states, such as Russia, faces many complex issues, because the military-industrial complex represents thousands of enterprises and millions of people employed in them. In addition, the world arms trade is still one of the most profitable types of business, which annually brings our country an income of 3-4 billion dollars.

Under the conditions of economic instability, limitations and lack of the necessary funds, the reduction of the armed forces and disarmament in Russia gives rise to additional economic and social problems. Disarmament and reduction of military production in a number of cases does not lead to the release of funds, but requires significant material and financial resources.

Thus, ensuring security and maintaining peace on the planet is possible with close cooperation between countries, reasonable use of available resources aimed at eliminating the general military threat and nuclear war.

The development of the productive forces of the world economy requires not only a constant influx of material and fuel and energy resources, but also the use of significant monetary and financial resources.

The transformation of the world economy into a single market for goods, services, labor, capital and knowledge leads to a higher stage of internationalization (globalization). The single world market creates a volume of economic space and plays an extremely important role in servicing the restructuring of national economies. At the same time, it can contribute to the deepening of disproportions in the world economy.

Global goals of humanity

The priority global goals of humanity are as follows:

  • in the political sphere - reducing the likelihood and in the long term the complete elimination of military conflicts, preventing violence in international relations;
  • in the economic and environmental spheres - the development and implementation of resource- and energy-saving technologies, the transition to non-traditional energy sources, the development and widespread use of environmental technologies;
  • in the social sphere - raising the standard of living, global efforts to preserve people's health, the creation of a world food supply system;
  • in the cultural and spiritual sphere - the restructuring of the mass moral consciousness in accordance with today's realities.

Taking steps towards the realization of these goals constitutes a strategy for the survival of mankind.

Emerging Global Issues

As the world economy develops, new global problems arise and will continue to arise.

In modern conditions, a new, already formed global problem is space exploration. Man's spacewalk was an important impetus for the development of both fundamental science and applied research. Modern communication systems, forecasting of many natural disasters, remote exploration of minerals - this is only a small part of what has become a reality thanks to space flights. At the same time, the scale of financial expenditures necessary for the further exploration of outer space today already exceeds the capabilities of not only individual states, but also groups of countries. Exceptionally expensive components of research are the creation and launch of spacecraft, the maintenance of space stations. Thus, the cost of manufacturing and launching the Progress cargo spacecraft is $22 million, the Soyuz manned spacecraft is $26 million, the Proton spacecraft is $80 million, and the Shuttle space shuttle is $500 million. The annual operation of the International Space Station (ISS) costs about $6 billion.

Enormous capital investments are required for the implementation of projects related to the exploration and prospective development of other planets of the solar system. As a result, the interests of space exploration objectively imply broad interstate cooperation in this area, the development of large-scale international cooperation in the preparation and conduct of space research.

Emerging global problems currently include study of the structure of the Earth and control of weather and climate. Like space exploration, the solution of these two problems is possible only on the basis of broad international cooperation. Moreover, the management of weather and climate requires, among other things, the global harmonization of the behavioral norms of economic entities in order to minimize the harmful impact of economic activity on the environment everywhere.

Problems that do not concern any particular continent or state, but the entire planet, are called global. As civilization develops, it accumulates more and more of them. Today there are eight main problems. Consider the global problems of mankind and ways to solve them.

Ecological problem

Today it is considered the main one. For a long time, people used the resources given to them by nature irrationally, polluted the environment around them, poisoned the Earth with a variety of waste - from solid to radioactive. The result was not long in coming - according to most competent researchers, environmental problems in the next hundred years will lead to irreversible consequences for the planet, and therefore for humanity.

Already now there are countries where this issue has reached a very high level, giving rise to the concept of a crisis ecological region. But the threat looms over the whole world: the ozone layer that protects the planet from radiation is being destroyed, the earth's climate is changing - and man is unable to control these changes.

Even the most developed country cannot solve the problem alone, so the states unite to solve important environmental problems together. The main solution is considered to be the rational use of natural resources and the reorganization of everyday life and industrial production so that the ecosystem develops naturally.

Rice. 1. Threatening scale of the environmental problem.

demographic problem

In the 20th century, when the world's population passed the six billion mark, everyone heard about it. However, in the 21st century, the vector has shifted. In short, now the essence of the problem is this: there are fewer and fewer people. A competent family planning policy and improvement of the living conditions of each individual will help to solve this issue.

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food problem

This problem is closely related to demographic and consists in the fact that more than half of humanity is experiencing acute food shortages. To solve it, it is necessary to use the available resources more rationally for food production. Experts see two ways of development - intensive, when the biological productivity of existing fields and other lands increases, and extensive - when their number increases.

All global problems of mankind must be solved together, and this one is no exception. The issue of food arose due to the fact that most of the people live in areas unsuitable for this. Combining the efforts of scientists from different countries will significantly speed up the solution process.

Energy and raw materials problem

The uncontrolled use of raw materials has led to the depletion of mineral reserves that have accumulated for hundreds of millions of years. Very soon, fuel and other resources may disappear altogether, so scientific and technical progress is being introduced at all stages of production.

The issue of peace and disarmament

Some scientists believe that in the very near future it may happen that it will not be necessary to look for possible ways to solve the global problems of mankind: people produce such an amount of offensive weapons (including nuclear) that at some point they can destroy themselves. To prevent this from happening, world treaties on the reduction of armaments and the demilitarization of economies are being developed.

The problem of people's health

Humanity continues to suffer from deadly diseases. The advances of science are great, but untreatable diseases still exist. The only solution is to continue scientific research in search of drugs.

The problem of using the oceans

The depletion of land resources has led to an increase in interest in the World Ocean - all countries that have access to it use it not only as a biological resource. Both the mining and chemical sectors are actively developing. This gives rise to two problems at once: pollution and uneven development. But how are these issues resolved? At the moment, scientists from all over the world are engaged in them, who are developing the principles of rational oceanic nature management.

Rice. 2. Industrial station in the ocean.

The problem of space exploration

To master outer space, it is important to unite efforts on a global scale. Recent studies are the result of the consolidation of the work of many countries. This is the basis for solving the problem.

Scientists have already developed a mock-up of the first station for settlers on the moon, and Elon Musk says that the day is not far off when people will go to explore Mars.

Rice. 3. Model of the lunar base.

What have we learned?

Humanity has many global problems that can ultimately lead to its death. These problems can be solved only if efforts are consolidated, otherwise the efforts of one or several countries will be reduced to zero. Thus, civilizational development and the solution of problems of a universal scale are possible only if the survival of man as a species becomes higher than economic and state interests.

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The global problems of mankind affect our planet as a whole. Therefore, all peoples and states are engaged in their solution. This term appeared in the late 60s of the XX century. Currently, there is a special scientific branch that deals with the study and solution of global problems of mankind. It is called globalization.

Scientific specialists from various fields work in this area: biologists, soil scientists, chemists, physicists, geologists. And this is no coincidence, because the global problems of mankind are complex in nature and their appearance does not depend on any one factor. On the contrary, it is very important to take into account the economic, political and social changes taking place in the world. Life on the planet in the future depends on how correctly the modern global problems of mankind will be solved.

You need to know: some of them have existed for a long time, others, quite “young”, are connected with the fact that people began to negatively affect the world around them. Because of this, for example, the environmental problems of mankind have appeared. They can be called the main difficulties of modern society. Although the problem of environmental pollution itself appeared a long time ago. All varieties interact with each other. Often one problem leads to another.

Sometimes it happens that the global problems of mankind can be solved and completely get rid of them. First of all, this concerns epidemics that threatened the lives of people on the entire planet and led to their mass death, but then they were stopped, for example, with the help of the invented vaccine. At the same time, completely new problems are emerging that were previously unknown to society, or already existing ones are growing to a world level, for example, the depletion of the ozone layer. The cause of their occurrence is human activity. The problem of environmental pollution allows you to see this very clearly. But in other cases, too, there is a clear tendency for people to influence the misfortunes that befall them and threaten their existence. So, what are the problems of humanity that have planetary significance?

environmental disaster

It is caused by daily environmental pollution, depletion of terrestrial and water resources. All these factors together can accelerate the onset of an environmental catastrophe. Man considers himself the king of nature, but at the same time does not seek to preserve it in its original form. This is hindered by industrialization, which is proceeding at a rapid pace. By negatively influencing its habitat, mankind destroys it and does not think about it. No wonder pollution standards have been developed that are regularly exceeded. As a result, the environmental problems of mankind may become irreversible. To avoid this, we must pay attention to the preservation of flora and fauna, try to save the biosphere of our planet. And for this it is necessary to make production and other human activities more environmentally friendly so that the impact on the environment is less aggressive.

demographic problem

The world's population is growing at a rapid pace. And although the “population explosion” has already subsided, the problem still remains. The situation with food and natural resources is deteriorating. Their stocks are shrinking. At the same time, the negative impact on the environment is increasing, it is impossible to cope with unemployment and poverty. There are difficulties with education and health care. The solution of the global problems of humanity of this nature was undertaken by the UN. The organization created a special plan. One of his items is the family planning program.


After the creation of a nuclear bomb, the population tries to avoid the consequences of its use. For this, treaties between countries on non-aggression and disarmament are signed. Laws are being adopted to ban nuclear arsenals and stop the arms trade. The presidents of the leading states hope in this way to avoid the outbreak of the Third World War, as a result of which, as they suspect, all life on Earth can be destroyed.

Food problem

In some countries, the population is experiencing food shortages. The people of Africa and other third countries of the world are especially affected by hunger. To solve this problem, two options have been created. The first is aimed at ensuring that pastures, fields, fishing zones gradually increase their area. If you follow the second option, it is necessary not to increase the territory, but to increase the productivity of existing ones. For this, the latest biotechnologies, methods of land reclamation, and mechanization are being developed. High-yielding varieties of plants are being developed.


Despite the active development of medicine, the emergence of new vaccines and drugs, humanity continues to get sick. Moreover, many ailments threaten the lives of the population. Therefore, in our time, the development of methods of treatment is actively conducted. Substances of modern design are created in laboratories for effective immunization of the population. Unfortunately, the most dangerous diseases of the 21st century - oncology and AIDS - remain incurable.

The ocean problem

Recently, this resource is not only actively explored, but also used for the needs of mankind. As experience shows, it can provide food, natural resources, energy. The ocean is a trade route that helps restore communication between countries. At the same time, its reserves are used unevenly, military operations are conducted on its surface. In addition, it serves as a base for the disposal of waste, including radioactive waste. Mankind is obliged to protect the wealth of the World Ocean, avoid pollution, and rationally use its gifts.

Space exploration

This space belongs to all mankind, which means that all nations should use their scientific and technical potential to explore it. For the deep study of space, special programs are being created that use all modern achievements in this area.

People know that if these problems do not disappear, the planet may die. But why do many do not want to do anything, hoping that everything will disappear, “dissolve” by itself? Although, in truth, such inaction is better than the active destruction of nature, the pollution of forests, water bodies, the destruction of animals and plants, especially rare species.

It is impossible to understand the behavior of such people. It would not hurt them to think about what to live, if, of course, it is still possible, on a dying planet their children and grandchildren will have to. You should not count on the fact that someone will be able to rid the world of difficulties in a short time. The global problems of humanity can only be solved jointly if all of humanity makes an effort. The threat of destruction in the near future should not frighten. Best of all, if she can stimulate the potential inherent in each of us.

Do not think that it is difficult to cope with the world's problems alone. From this it seems that it is useless to act, thoughts appear about powerlessness in the face of difficulties. The point is to join forces and help the prosperity of at least your city. Solve the little problems of your habitat. And when every person on Earth begins to have such responsibility to himself and his country, large-scale, global problems will also be solved.

The emergence of global problems and the growing danger of their consequences makes people turn to science for help in studying the prerequisites and ways to solve them. Global problems are studied by a whole complex of natural and social sciences: biology, geology, genetics, political science, ethnography, sociology and others. At the same time, each of the specific sciences solves one or another particular problem. However, global problems represent the most complex and interconnected system. They affect every person, the system of society and nature, and therefore require philosophical reflection.

Philosophical understanding involves a holistic study of the processes and phenomena associated with global problems, from the point of view of the existence of a planetary civilization, the world-historical process of internationalization of human interests. The totality of the main issues related to the solution of global problems constitutes the area of ​​philosophy of global problems.

Philosophy considers the situation that led to the emergence and aggravation of global problems, studies their social danger and social conditioning. The philosophical approach is the philosophical, cultural, ethical and methodological basis for their solution by other sciences and practice.

The issue of substantiating global problems has not only a theoretical, but also a practical aspect. This is due to the life of society. The choice of ways and means of solving them, the future of mankind, largely depends on which specific problems should be recognized as global.

In modern socio-philosophical science, there are three main approaches to understanding the global problem.

1. Supporters of one approach believe that all natural-science, scientific-technical and actually social problems that exist in society once become global. The only question is whether they have already or have not yet acquired a worldwide, international character. In this approach, the concept of "global problem" is synonymous with a general social problem.

2. Followers of a different approach limit the number of global problems to the most dangerous and requiring immediate solutions: the problem of preventing war and strengthening peace, acute environmental problems, the population of the planet, the problem of man, and some others.

3. The third approach is to develop a methodology and techniques to determine what a global problem is, what is its content, signs, how it manifests itself in a particular life of people: in the forms of contradictions, disproportions, functional disorders. Proponents of this approach tend to more accurately, based on the practice of the functioning of society, to determine the causes of global problems, their essential features and content, to classify. This approach, to a certain extent, can be considered a combination of the first two approaches.

The main features of global problems:

1. Global problems are of a universal nature. This means that they affect the vital interests and future of all mankind, each individual.

2. Global problems are worldwide. They manifest themselves in the main regions of the world. The entire planet or its main part became the area of ​​their action.

3. For their solution, global problems require the combined efforts of all mankind.

4. Global problems pose a direct threat to planetary civilization and need urgent solutions. Unresolved global problems may lead in the near future to serious, possibly irreparable, consequences for all of humanity and its environment.

5. Global problems are more inert, have less mobility of manifestation compared to local problems.

6. Global problems are in a complex relationship and interdependence among themselves. The solution of any of them involves taking into account the influence of other problems.

Global problems are seen as a natural but negative result of human development. The reasons for their occurrence and aggravation are rooted in the history of the formation of modern civilization, which gave rise to an extensive crisis of an industrial society, a technocratically oriented culture.

Global problems are of a dual nature: on the one hand - natural, and on the other - social. Such an understanding of global problems allows us to trace in their genesis two interconnected lines.

1. They are an undesirable result of the relationship between man (society) and nature, they arise in the system "society - nature". Global problems are generated by the increased scale and depth of the technical impact of society on nature and the huge scope of human economic activity. The interaction of society with nature has now become comparable to geological and other natural planetary processes. Stormy, ever-increasing and poorly planned, transformative human activity leads to environmental degradation.

2. Global problems are the result of the unsuccessful social development of modern civilization. Errors in relations between people also give rise to global problems and constitute the trend of the historical process. In modern society, the crisis is aggravated, which is the result of the activity of man himself, and therefore has an "anthropogenic", social character. This crisis has embraced the entire range of people's interactions with each other, and has affected almost the entire world community.

The history of human civilization shows that each new stage in the development of the economy and social relations meant a new stage in the aggravation of contradictions between nature and society, as well as in society itself. Global problems, being the result of the previous development of society and its relationship with nature, are an indicator of the imperfection of people's lives as civilized communities.

The uneven development of local civilizations also had negative consequences. Many developed states and societies more actively and on a large scale solved their tasks, sometimes at the expense of other peoples, of predatory nature management. It should be added to this that many developed countries have not solved, but exacerbated many of their internal social problems, "raising" them to the level of global ones: drug addiction, corruption, bureaucracy, degradation of morality, illiteracy, violation of the gene pool, drunkenness, disease, etc. wars as global catastrophes were started and waged by the developed states.

From what has been said, it follows that the global problems of our time are the negative results of the development of, first of all, industrial states with fairly perfect power structures and the spirituality of society.

Global problems are grouped according to the most characteristic features. The classification of global problems allows us to establish their objective "hierarchy", that is, the degree of relevance and their subordination. The correct definition of priorities is of great theoretical and practical importance, which makes it possible to determine the sequence of their theoretical analysis, the methodology for practical solution.

There are various approaches to the classification of global problems. Among them, the most recognized is the approach in which the degree of severity of the problem and the necessary sequence of their solution are taken as the basis for classification.

In accordance with this approach, global problems are divided into three large groups:

1. Intersocial problems . They arise between different states, their unions, regions of the planet. The most significant problems of this group include two: the elimination of war from the life of society and the provision of a just peace; establishment of a new international economic order.

2. Ecological problems , arising from the interaction of society and nature: preservation of the purity of the environment; providing world civilization with energy, fuel, fresh water, raw materials; exploration of the World Ocean, outer space, etc.

3. Anthroposocial Global Issues arising between society and the individual. This is a demographic problem, issues of health care, education, spiritual culture of a person and society, etc.

The main directions and ways of solving modern global problems are recognized:

Humanization of the world community;

Formation of a non-aggressive personality of the XXI century;

Rational limitation of scientific and technological progress;

Increasing the reliability of scientific forecasts for the development of planetary society;

Elimination of wars from the life of society;

Creation of effective international bodies for the joint solution of global problems, etc.

Let's consider some of them:

A) the problem of preventing a new world war. With the emergence and accumulation of nuclear missile weapons, other means of mass destruction, a huge number of conventional weapons, the problem of preventing a world war has become the most acute and urgent, because it is associated with a possible planetary catastrophe.

What causes exacerbation of the noted problem?

1. The process of scientific and technological development in military affairs that is not controlled by civil society. It made it possible to create and put into service various types of weapons of mass destruction, new types of traditional high-precision weapons, and types of non-lethal weapons. Modern weapons have endowed man with the ability to destroy all life on Earth.

2. Qualitative improvement of the means of destruction. Each new combat missile "qualitatively" differently than before, strikes people and objects, and has an ever more detrimental effect on nature.

3. The unprecedented rapidity of the emergence of new types of conventional weapons. They are often as powerful as weapons of mass destruction if they are used in large enough quantities.

4. The accumulated nuclear weapons, the sophisticated technology of control over them and their use, have led to the likelihood of their unauthorized use.

5. There is a "spread" of weapons of mass destruction across countries and continents, despite existing agreements and non-proliferation pacts. There is a growing danger of its use by uncontrolled adventurist and terrorist forces, as well as by individual states pursuing a policy of social revenge.

6. The threshold between nuclear war and conventional war is gradually being smoothed out.

An assessment of the consequences of the global use of nuclear weapons is reflected, for example, in the concept of "nuclear winter".

Today, the arms race has acquired a hidden character. It is practically not discussed in the media, which is even more dangerous. The arms race has shifted to less developed countries, requiring them to increase military spending and increasing their dependence on highly developed countries.

Can nuclear war be prevented? Many people answer this question in the affirmative. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to establish a new world order, which would be based on the following initial principles:

Recognition of the priority of universal human values, understanding of human life and the world as the highest values ​​of humanity;

Refusal of war in resolving controversial issues, tireless search for peaceful ways to resolve social conflicts and problems;

Recognition of the right of all peoples to freely and independently choose their own path of development;

Understanding the modern world as a holistic and multipolar, as an interconnected community of people, a natural and necessary way of existence of earthly civilization.

b) the problem of the rational use of natural resources and the preservation of the purity of the environment. Providing mankind with energy and raw materials is connected with nature management. The problem is to use natural resources economically, systematically and fairly for all peoples, to jointly renew those that can be reproduced (forests, soil fertility, etc.), and also to move to new resources in a timely manner, to discover them.

The problem of rational use of natural resources is closely related to problems of maintaining the purity of the air environment, the oceans, global climate change, the exploration of near and far space, providing the population with quality food, curbing the negative impact of these problems on the physical and social health of people.

Due to the depletion of traditional, non-renewable resources (oil, coal, gas, minerals, etc.), this problem is becoming increasingly important in human life and requires new solutions. The issues of exploration, development, transportation of energy and raw materials today have become a powerful factor in solving the most important political and economic problems, in the formation of a new economic order. The growing danger of an ecological catastrophe is the second, after the military threat, the problem facing humanity.

It is important to note that the actual environmental problems manifest themselves in the system biosphere - man. The main feature of changes in the interaction of nature and man was determined by V.I. Vernadsky. He concluded that at the present stage, "humanity, taken as a whole, is becoming a powerful geological force."

The current ecological situation is characterized by extreme tension: as a result of excessive overloads on natural systems, multiple exceedance of the maximum permissible standards of environmental pollution (water, air, soil, etc.), the balance in natural processes is disturbed. At the same time, the negative anthropogenic impact on nature often reaches the limit beyond which the degradation of the natural environment becomes irreversible.

The main directions of solving environmental problems.

1. Pollution control.

2. Creation of non-waste (clean) technologies.

3. Rational use of energy, land and water resources.

4. Saving used and search for other resources.

5. Improvement of the legislative base in the field of ecology.

Throughout their existence, people face problems of a global scale. The growth of scientific and technological progress has influenced the fact that there are more negative processes affecting the planet as a whole. Modern philosophy requires their in-depth understanding in order to predict the consequences of such influence. The global problems of our time and ways to solve them are of concern to all countries on earth. Therefore, not so long ago, a new concept appeared - globalistics, which is based on a scientific and philosophical strategy for eliminating unpleasant phenomena on an international scale.

Many specialists work in the field of global studies, and this is no coincidence. The reasons that do not allow humanity to develop harmoniously and move forward are complex in nature, and do not depend on one factor. That is why it is necessary to analyze the slightest changes in the political, social, economic state of states and peoples. The life of all mankind depends on whether the world community can decide in time.

How problems are classified

The problems of humanity, which are of a global nature, affect the lives of all people and lead to serious social and economic losses. When they escalate, they can threaten the existence of the world's population. To solve them, the governments of all countries must unite and act together.

There is a scientific and philosophical classification of problems, formed on the basis of a long study. It consists of three large groups.

  • The first includes problems that affect the political and economic interests of different countries. They can be conditionally divided into the confrontation of the "East with the West", into backward and developed countries, into the prevention of terrorism and war. It also includes the preservation of peace and the establishment of a fair economic order on the planet.
  • In the second group there are problems arising from the interaction of mankind with nature. This is a lack of raw materials, fuel and energy, a problem of preserving the World Ocean, flora and fauna of the earth.
  • The third group includes problems that may be associated with a person and society. The main ones are overpopulation of the earth, education and health care.

Globalistics carefully examines the problems of modernity, based on philosophy and scientific and technical base. Philosophy explains that their occurrence is not an accident, but a pattern associated with progress in society and affecting the development of mankind.

  • do everything to save the world;
  • reduce rapid population growth;
  • reduce the use of natural resources;
  • stop and reduce the pollution of the planet;
  • reduce the social gap between people;
  • eradicate poverty and hunger everywhere.

Scientific and philosophical theory requires not only stating problems, but also giving a clear answer on how to solve them.

Causes and solutions

Understanding global problems is very important for humanity. This is the first step towards eliminating them.

The main condition for the preservation of life is peace on earth, therefore it is necessary to eliminate the threat of a third world war. The scientific and technological revolution gave people thermonuclear weapons, the use of which is capable of destroying entire cities and countries. Ways to solve this problem can be as follows:

  • stop the arms race, a complete ban on the creation and use of weapons of mass destruction;
  • strict control over chemical and nuclear warheads;
  • cutting spending on the army and a ban on the arms trade.

To solve global environmental problems, humanity needs to try hard. A threat hung over the people. This is due to the expected warming that is caused by emissions. If it happens, it will be catastrophic for the earth. The planet's geosystem will begin to change. As a result of the melting of glaciers, the level of the World Ocean will rise, thousands of kilometers of the coastal zone will be flooded. The planet will be subjected to a flurry of hurricanes, earthquakes and other extreme events. This will lead to death and destruction.

The high concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere leads to another global problem - the violation of the ozone layer and the appearance of ozone holes. They are the cause and detrimental effect on all living things. The concept "is not perfectly studied, but scientists have certain information.

  • These problems can be solved by reducing environmental pollution.
  • It is necessary to reduce industrial emissions into the atmosphere, using the novelties of scientific and technological progress, and make every effort to save forests.

The demographic problem has long been relevant for mankind. Today, in most developing countries, there is an explosion in the birth rate, and the population is growing rapidly. In developed countries, on the contrary, this indicator is falling and the nation is aging. Social philosophy suggests looking for a solution in a competent demographic policy, which should be pursued by the governments of all countries.

The fuel and raw material problem threatens the world community with a lack of various resources necessary to ensure the life of people in the modern world. Already, many countries are suffering from insufficient fuel and energy.

  • To eliminate this disaster, it is necessary to economically distribute natural resources.
  • Use non-traditional types of energy sources, for example, wind, solar power plants.
  • Develop nuclear energy and competently use the power of the oceans.

Food shortages have a profound effect on many countries. According to official figures, about 1.2 million people are undernourished in the modern world. There are two ways to solve this global problem of mankind.

  • The essence of the first method is that it is necessary to increase the area for pastures and crops in order to produce more food for consumption.
  • The second method recommends not to increase the territory, but to modernize the existing ones. Productivity can be improved by using scientific and technological innovations. For example, biotechnologies, with the help of which frost-resistant and high-yielding plant varieties are created.

The global problem of underdevelopment of underdeveloped countries is carefully studied by social philosophy. Many experts believe that the reason for the slow development of states is the rapid population growth against the backdrop of the lack of a developed economy. This leads to total poverty of people. To support these states, the world community must provide financial assistance, build hospitals, schools, various industrial enterprises and promote the development of the economy of backward peoples.

Problems of the World Ocean and human health

Recently, the threat to the oceans has been acutely felt. Environmental pollution and the irrational use of its resources have led to the fact that it is on the verge of death. Today, the goal of mankind is to preserve the ecosystem, because without it the planet cannot survive. This requires a certain strategy:

  • prohibit the disposal of nuclear and other dangerous substances;
  • to improve the structure of the world economy by creating separate places for oil production and fishing;
  • protect recreational resources from destruction;
  • improve industrial complexes located on the ocean.

The health of the inhabitants of the earth is an important global problem of our time. Scientific and technological progress stimulates the emergence of new drugs for serious diseases. Invented the latest equipment for diagnosis and treatment. But despite this, epidemics often occur that claim thousands of lives, so scientists continue to actively develop advanced methods of struggle.

However, medicine is not a panacea. By and large, the health of each individual person is in his own hands. First and foremost, it's about lifestyle. After all, the causes of terrible diseases, as a rule, are:

  • poor nutrition and overeating,
  • immobility,
  • smoking,
  • alcoholism,
  • stress,
  • bad ecology.

Without waiting for the solution of global world problems, everyone can take care of their own health and the well-being of their loved ones - and the population of the Earth will become much healthier and happier. Why not a huge success?

The action plan is simple and clear, and the main thing here is to move from theory to practice. Reconsider your diet in favor of natural products, fresh vegetables and fruits; if you smoke - as soon as possible, do the same with addiction to alcohol; if your life is full of stresses - identify their sources and deal with negative factors, eliminating them if possible. Be sure to move more. As for ecology, it also matters on the most local scale - your apartment, workplace. Try to create a healthy atmosphere around you and seriously consider moving to another area if your air is bad. Remember: what we breathe every day (including tobacco smoke) and what we eat every day has a key impact on our health.

Each problem has its own specifics and methods of elimination, but they all affect the common interests of mankind. Therefore, to resolve them, the efforts of all people will be required. Modern philosophy warns that any problems can become global, and our task is to notice and prevent their development in a timely manner.

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