Fundamentals of the doctrine of geographical location. What does geographic location mean?


5.1. Definition of rp

Geographic location is one of the few deeply developed categories of economic and social geography of its own. Baransky pointed out that

"geographical location is of the greatest methodological significance. The place occupied by any area, be it a country, district, city, etc., in the system of geographical division of labor is largely determined by geographical location" [Baransky, 1980, p. 157].

In the context of globalization, the theory of geographical location acquires the status of an interdisciplinary theory due to the fact that it allows you to see the world in all its diversity, determined by many regional, country and local features.

The socio-economic space is heterogeneous. Objects spatially do not match the conditions necessary for their existence in the system. Properties of socio-economic space that reflect spatial discrepancy between the studied object and the necessary conditions for its existence(functioning and development) can be defined as the geographical location of the object.

"Attitude" - the basis of geographical location

other economic value. Later we turn to the refinement of the concept of EGP.

The main idea of ​​geographical location as a concept lies in the disclosure territorial relations:

    IN physical-geographical position is the relationship: 1) in the geographic coordinate grid, i.e. in geodesic space, which uses the concepts of orthodromy - the shortest distance on the geoid between two points, and loxodromy - the shortest path crossing the meridians at a constant angle; 2) in real physical and geographical space with its natural zones, regions, orography, distribution of land and sea, etc.

    IN economic and geographical position is the relationship to economically significant objects.

    IN socio-geographical position - to socially significant objects.

    IN political and geographical position - to political givens (within countries it is determined, for example, by the territorial section of the alignment of political forces, and on the world stage - by the centers of action of international political forces). In methodological terms, this means fixing and predicting the action of "force fields" of a different nature: military, international political, world economic (geo-economic), environmental and cultural.

    IN ecological-geographical position - to ecologically significant objects, in particular, to countries and regions that determine the ecological situation, or to countries and regions, the ecological state of which can be influenced by a given country.

Thus, N. N. Klyuev identified five groups of features that reflect the ecologically important properties of space for assessing the ecological and geographical position of the country: 1) ecological (meaning the natural role of this territory in the functioning of the Earth) functions of the country, region in the global geosystem ( in the biosphere): 2) sustainability of the natural environment of the country, region, its vulnerability to anthropogenic impacts; 3) spatial distribution in the country, region of the recipients of the impact - the population, material and cultural values, valuable natural landscapes; 4) sources of environmental hazard external to the given country, region; 5) natural and anthropogenic "channels" and "barriers" for the spread of environmental hazards [Klyuev, 1996].

To clarify the concept of GP, it is necessary to emphasize the essential distinction between geographic location and location. To characterize the first is to answer the question: in relation to what! The location of the object has a different meaning, which is to answer the questions: Where And what it is a part of! Thus, location reveals localization or ownership, while position reflects the relationships in the system.

The characteristic of the location means, first of all, the answer to the question where the object is located. Ratzel defined geographical location as his belonging. This is actually a definition not of a geographical location, but of a location. Belonging does not characterize the geographical location of the object, since it does not reveal its external relations. The distinction between these concepts is important from a methodological point of view.

So, When studying GP, it is necessary to determine exactly which objects are outside and which are inside. The amount of extraneous data depends both on objective conditions, for example, mosaicity, diversity of the environment, and on the degree of fragmentation of the study of GP.

In other words, geographic location is characterized by the relationship of an object with its external environment.

An object can have a variety of relationships with elements of the external environment. It can be both highly significant and non-essential relationships. The task of the researcher is to introduce a criterion of significance and highlight the significant ones. In real (i.e., already implemented relations) - this will be repeatedly (cyclically, periodically) repeating relations. Thus, when studying the GP, the main attention is drawn to the system of essential and recurring relations, based on a deep knowledge of the object whose GP is being studied. GP is a multicomponent concept, and the way to study it, therefore, lies primarily through the analysis of its components. Before dismemberment and deep analysis, it is illegal to use such concepts as "convenient", "advantageous" position.

    When studying GP, one has to start from the results of the influence of GP on the development of a given object, i.e. from the analysis of connections, although the GP is by no means the connections themselves, but their prerequisite.

    Another difficulty stems from the fact that the links (economic and non-economic) of an object are affected by more than one GP. Eliminating the influence of other factors and isolating the influence of HP on the object is one of the methodological problems that are difficult to solve.

    When analyzing relationships, the problem is that the researcher "weighs" real and potential relationships. Real relations are revealed empirically. Among the potential ones, those that can be realized (really possible connections) are distinguished. But the researcher must go further and establish theoretically possible connections. Thus, when analyzing GPs, relations cannot be understood only as actual economic and other ties. A complete and comprehensive study of GP means taking into account real, potential and theoretically possible connections.

At the same time, the approaches also depend on the problem statement, i.e. on what specific issues are being addressed. In solving practical problems, it is hardly expedient to digress excessively from specific geographical, economic, political and social conditions.

Geographical position

Geographical position

the position of a geographic object on the surface of the Earth within a given coordinate system and in relation to any outside data that has a direct or indirect effect on this object. In a specific study of geographical taxa, micro-, meso- and macro-geographic positions are distinguished. The first describes the geographical location of an object in a small area, where local interactions with the components of the geographic environment are significant, and is used in the study of small taxa, for example. cities. The second (on a larger scale) is used when studying a large region and country, the third - on the scale of parts of the world and the Earth as a whole (for example, Russia's macro position relative to the countries of Western Europe and East Asia). Socio-economic geography studies the geographical location for different levels of the spatial hierarchy and its change over time, which is directly related to different stages of socio-economic development, technological progress in means of communication and a change in priorities in world trade. Therefore, special attention has always been paid to the transport and geographical position, which was especially reflected in the emergence and growth of capital cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. No less important was and remains the geographical position in political geography, where it influenced the formation of potential and real theaters of military operations in all historical eras.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .

See what "geographical position" is in other dictionaries:

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    geographical position- Characteristics of the location of an object on the earth's surface relative to other geographical objects and countries of the world ... Geography Dictionary

    The position of any point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to other territories or objects; relative to the Earth's surface, the geographical position is determined using coordinates. Distinguish geographic location by ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The position of any point or area of ​​the earth's surface in relation to territories or objects located outside this point or area. G. p. in mathematical geography refers to the latitude and longitude of given points or areas, in ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Position to. l. point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to other territories. or objects; relative to the earth's surface, the geographic distance is determined by means of coordinates. Distinguish G. of the item in relation to natural objects and to ekon. geographic… … Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    - (EGP) is the ratio of the object of the city, region, country to the objects lying outside it, having one or another economic value, it does not matter whether these objects are of a natural order or created in the process of history (according to N.N. Baransky). In other words, ... ... Wikipedia

    The position of a region or country relative to other objects of economic importance to it. E. g. p. category is historical, may change in connection with the construction of the railway. or power plants, the beginning of the development of a useful deposit ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    The position of a deposit, enterprise, city, district, country or other economic and geographical object in relation to other economic and geographical objects of economic importance to it. EGP assessment of an object depends on its position... Financial vocabulary


  • German. Germany. Geographic location, population, politics. Tutorial. Level B 2, Yakovleva T.A.
  • Geographic location and territorial structures. In memory of I. M. Maergoiz,. The collection is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Soviet economic geographer Isaac Moiseevich Maergoiz. The collection received its name - GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION AND TERRITORIAL STRUCTURES - from two ...

Geographical position

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Geographic division of labor
  • Geographical Society of the USSR

See what "Geographical position" is in other dictionaries:

    GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    geographical position- Characteristics of the location of an object on the earth's surface relative to other geographical objects and countries of the world ... Geography Dictionary

    geographical position- the position of any point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to other territories or objects; relative to the Earth's surface, the geographical position is determined using coordinates. Distinguish geographic location by ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    geographical position- the position of a geographical object on the surface of the Earth within a given coordinate system and in relation to any data located outside of it that have a direct or indirect effect on this object. With a specific study ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    Geographical position- the position of any point or area of ​​the earth's surface in relation to territories or objects located outside this point or area. G. p. in mathematical geography refers to the latitude and longitude of given points or areas, in ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION- position to. l. point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to other territories. or objects; relative to the earth's surface, the geographic distance is determined by means of coordinates. Distinguish G. of the item in relation to natural objects and to ekon. geographic… … Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    Geographical position of Russia- ... Wikipedia

    - (EGP) is the ratio of the object of the city, region, country to the objects lying outside it, having one or another economic value, it does not matter whether these objects are of a natural order or created in the process of history (according to N.N. Baransky). In other words, ... ... Wikipedia

    ECONOMIC AND GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION- the position of a region or country relative to other objects of economic importance to it. E. g. p. category is historical, may change in connection with the construction of the railway. or power plants, the beginning of the development of a useful deposit ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    Economic and geographical position- the position of a deposit, enterprise, city, district, country or other economic and geographical object in relation to other economic and geographical objects of economic importance to it. EGP assessment of an object depends on its position... Financial vocabulary


  • German. Germany. Geographic location, population, politics. Tutorial. Level B 2 , Yakovleva T.A.
  • Geographic location and territorial structures. In memory of I. M. Maergoiz,. The collection is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Soviet economic geographer Isaac Moiseevich Maergoiz. The collection received its name - GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION AND TERRITORIAL STRUCTURES - from two ...


Geographic location (GP) is characterized by the relationship of an object with its external environment. It may change over time. The assessment of geographic location is considered by scientists as an assessment of the most important factor in the development of the economy of the region, and sometimes it is also considered as an independent resource. K.P. Kosmachev considered it possible to consider GP as one of the types of resources and even spoke about the reserves of GP resources: “Their reserves, other things being equal, are inversely proportional to the economic remoteness of the developed territory in relation to the developed one and are directly proportional to the size of the economic potential of the latter.”

The geographical position of the territory is revealed through territorial relations according to a number of provisions. Consider the main types of geographical location according to N.S. Mironenko.

Ø Geodetic position this is the location of the object in the geographic coordinate grid, i.e. in geodesic space.

Extreme northern point of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug lies in the Berezovsky district, on the Narodoitinsky ridge and has the coordinates 65 0 43 "N and 62 0 E.

Westernmost point lies in the Berezovsky district on the Mon-Khamvo ridge and has the coordinates 63 0 01 "N and 59 0 48" E.

Extreme eastern point lies in the Nizhnevartovsk region on the watershed surface of the Vakh, Tankses and Sym rivers, and has the coordinates 61 0 28 "N and 85 0 58" E.

Extreme southern point lies in the Kondinsky district on the interfluve of the Kuma (right tributary of the Konda) and Noska (left tributary of the Irtysh) rivers and has the coordinates 58 0 35 "N and 66 0 21" E.

The area of ​​KhMAO-Yugra is 534,800 km2. The total length of the outer borders of the district is about 4733 km. From north to south, the district stretches for 900 km, from west to east - for 1400 km. From the extreme northern point of the district to the Arctic Circle - 98 km, and from the extreme southern point of the district to the southern borders of Russia - 428 km.

Ø H physical-geographical space the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug lies within three subzones (northern, middle and southern) of the taiga and the mountainous regions of the Urals (the southeastern part of the Subpolar and the northeastern part of the Northern Urals).

The territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug occupies parts of large tectonic structures - the Ural folded region and the West Siberian Plate, which explains the richness, diversity and specificity of its mineral resource potential.

The Okrug is located in the center of Asia's largest West Siberian Plain (the geographical center of the West Siberian Plain is located in the south of the Nizhnevartovsk region at the headwaters of the Kulegan River and has coordinates 60 0 N and 76 0 E) and the eastern macroslopes of the Subpolar and Northern Ural.

The territory of Yugra is located in the depths of the largest continent and the largest state in terms of area, on the banks of the mighty rivers - the Ob and the Irtysh. In the north of Yugra, the border runs along the watershed surfaces of the Verkhnetazovsky Upland, the Siberian Ridges and the Poluy Uplands, crossing the North Sosvinskaya Upland, in the northwest the border runs along the watersheds of the Subpolar and Northern Urals. In the southwest, in the center and in the south, the district almost completely includes the territory of the Kondinsky and Surgut lowlands. In the southeast, the district borders on the Ketsko-Tymskaya Plain.

The district lies in the temperate climate zone, in the area of ​​continental climate with moderately warm summers and moderately severe snowy winters. Climate features, to a large extent, determine the way of life that has developed among the local population.

Ø Political and geographical position district clearly shows the vertical of power created in our country. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, together with the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, is part of the Tyumen Region with its center in the city of Tyumen. The Tyumen region, in turn, is part of the Ural Federal District with its center in the city of Yekaterinburg. The Ural Federal District together with six districts form the territory of the Russian Federation.

Administratively, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is subdivided into 9 districts. Of these, the largest in terms of territory - Nizhnevartovsky district - covers an area of ​​​​117.31 thousand km 2, and the smallest - Oktyabrsky - 24.49 thousand km 2.

Ø E geographic location illustrates the position in relation to ecologically significant objects, in particular, to regions that determine the ecological situation, or regions whose ecological state can be influenced by the study area.

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra plays a significant role not only in the Russian, but also in the world ecological balance due to its vast territory and huge natural resource potential. The territory of Yugra lies within a huge poorly transformed zone of taiga forests, which are of great planetary importance as a source of oxygen.

Cross-border transfer of air masses brings pollutants to the territory of the Okrug. Basically, this is the influence of the metallurgical, chemical, wood-chemical centers of the Urals. Allocate on the territory of the district and traces of radioactive contamination, formed by the influence of three centers: the Novaya Zemlya test site, Tomsk and East Ural radioactive traces. There is a transboundary transfer of technogenic radionuclides along the Ob-Irtysh river system.

The quality of waters in the Ob-Irtysh basin is greatly affected by the transboundary transfer of pollutants from the territory of neighboring regions and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The total area of ​​specially protected natural territories of federal, district and local significance (PAs) in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra is 4030786 a, which corresponds to approximately 7.5% of the entire territory of the district.

On the territory of the region there are two state nature reserves (Yugansky and Malaya Sosva) with a total area of ​​874.2 thousand hectares, three federal nature reserves (Elizarovsky, Vaspuholsky and Verkhne-Kondinsky) with a total area of ​​411.4 thousand wetlands of international importance (Upper Dvuobye, Lower Dvuobye) with an area of ​​670 thousand hectares.

Ø Economic and geographical position shows the relation to economically significant objects.

In the north, Yugra borders on the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (about 1716 km long), in the northwest, the border with a total length of about 590 km passes with the Komi Republic, in the southwest - with the Sverdlovsk Region (about 597 km), in the south - with Tyumen region (about 749 km), in the southeast with the Tomsk region (about 824 km) and in the east with the Krasnoyarsk Territory (about 257 km).

Let us consider in more detail the subspecies of the economic and geographical position:

1. Industrial-geographical.

A. Position regarding energy sources (fuel-geographical, energy-geographical).

In the era of global energy shortage, the situation regarding the main sources of energy is decisive in the development of the economy of the region. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug lies on the territory of the largest oil and gas province in Russia, and the most important lines of oil and gas pipelines to the west and east of the country pass through its territory. The volume of oil extracted from the bowels of Yugra is about 57% of all oil produced in the Russian Federation, and 4.3% is accounted for by the produced gas. On the territory of the north of Western Siberia, several hundred oil and gas fields with reserves of about 50 trillion cubic meters are currently explored. m 3 of gas, 20 billion tons of gas condensate.

A more complex situation with regard to coal basins. Coal is still the main type of fuel in a number of localities in the district. Coal from the Kuzbass basin comes during the navigation period along the Ob and Tom for the needs of energy and the population. It is promising to use brown coal from the deposits of the Polar and Subpolar Urals for the development of energy, especially considering the development program for this region. In addition, the region has huge local resources of peat, which can be a source of energy for remote, poorly connected communities.

Some of the most powerful state district power plants in the country (Surgutskaya 1 and 2, Nizhnevartovskaya) are located in the district, which operate on associated gas, the largest power lines pass through. The use of associated gas to generate electricity is the main direction in the development of the district's energy sector. Excess fuel resources, energy shortage in the western regions of the district, lead to the planning of the construction of new state district power plants through the use of brown coal (the region of the Subpolar Urals). Electricity production in the district in 2005 amounted to 66.1 billion kW/h. Another important source of energy is fuel oil.

In general, the region is energy surplus. However, there are also changes in the energy-geographical position of the district. Compared to the previous period, it has deteriorated significantly. The costs, especially capital, for the extraction and transportation of fuel are increasing. Its extraction is increasingly moving to remote from places of consumption and underdeveloped areas; deposits of natural resources with deteriorating mining and geological conditions are involved in exploitation. The cost of producing 1 ton of oil is constantly increasing. The growth rate of energy consumption exceeds the growth rate of electricity generation, which can lead to its shortage.

B. Position regarding the sources of the main types of bulky raw materials and materials (for example: metal-geographic, forest-geographic).

The metal-geographic position of the district is inter-district and neighboring. To the south-west of the district is the largest metallurgical base of the country - Ural, to the south-east - Kuznetsk. Communication with the first is carried out by rail. Communication with the Kuznetsk base is possible both by rail and by water, but it is less profitable.

In this situation, shifts towards improvement are possible if the idea of ​​building the North Siberian Railway is implemented, which will connect Eastern Siberia with the north of the Ural region, through the territory of the district.

Even more promising is the position of the district in relation to the deposits of the Polar and Subpolar Urals. Within the Ural part of the district, manifestations of copper, lead, zinc, bauxites, manganese, uranium, platinum, titanium, zirconium, iron and chromium ores, brown and black coals, asbestos, phosphorites, bentonite clays, numerous deposits of rock crystal have been identified. The predicted resources of gold in ore formations are estimated at 144 tons, and placer gold - at 73.6 tons. The resources of the iron ore Turupya cluster are estimated at 3.1 billion tons. The Bolshaya Turupya complex rare earth deposit contains tantalum and niobium. The reserves of zeolites with unique filtration and sorption properties amount to about 64.4 thousand tons.

The forest-geographic position of the district is favorable. The Okrug is forest-surplus (forest coverage varies from region to region from 20% in the Surgut woodland to 90% in the Sosva river basin). The total timber reserves in the district are about 4 billion m 3 . The predominant species are conifers, with a small proportion of softwoods. According to 2005 data, only 8% of the allowable cut is being cut down in the Okrug. The main problem in the forest-geographical position is the insufficient number of logging roads.

The long-term orientation of the industry towards the export of raw materials from the district did not contribute to increasing the capacity for deep processing of wood, which led to the curbing of the development of the timber industry complex. The most promising direction for the development of the timber industry complex in the district is the creation of a timber chemical industry.

B. The situation regarding the clusters of the manufacturing industry.

Autonomous Okrug imports are high-tech equipment for fuel and energy companies, ferrous metal products, telecommunications and computer equipment, cars, etc. Regarding the large centers of the manufacturing industry, the geographical position of the district is peripheral. Large centers supplying products for the operation of the oil and gas complex are located in the south of the Tyumen region (Tyumen, Tobolsk), in the Ural, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Volga economic regions.

2. Agrarian and geographical position.

A. Position regarding food bases (food-geographical). The unfavorable natural and climatic conditions of the district impede the development of such a branch of the agro-industrial complex as agriculture. Complicated (peripheral) is the food-geographical position of the district. Its agro-industrial sector is not sufficiently developed. The main suppliers of products are located in the south of the West Siberian and Ural economic regions.

B. The situation regarding the bases of agricultural raw materials can be considered remote and unprofitable. The main bases of agricultural raw materials are located to the south and south-west of the territory of the district.

3. Transport and geographical position.

A. Position relative to sea routes (seaside).

The territory of the district has no access to the sea, which makes it impossible to establish direct relations with foreign partners. The exit through the western and eastern ports of Russia is also difficult, given their remoteness and heavy workload. The prospects and scale of development of the old ports of Russia are limited. In addition, Ugra has no direct railway connection with either Murmansk or Arkhangelsk.

The proximity of KhMAO to the seas of the Arctic Ocean and the northern direction of the flow of the main navigable rivers can turn from a negative development factor into a positive one. The total length of navigable waterways located in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is more than 5.6 thousand km, of which 3600 km are lateral and small rivers. The annual volume of traffic is 330-360 thousand passengers. Ports of Western Siberia can become the gates for KhMAO to enter the world market (with the exception of the countries of the Pacific Ocean basin). The Ob will connect the deep regions of the Okrug (the ports of Nefteyugansky, Nizhnevartovsky, Serginsky and Surgutsky) with Salekhard. Taking into account the possibility of organizing river-sea transportation, one can expect that the Ob will become the main transport artery for direct access to the world market of bulk cargoes of the entire district. The presence of vessels of reinforced ice type, as well as the experience of organizing navigation in the western sector of the Northern Sea Route, gives reason to assume that the geographical position of the district is changing for the better.

Particularly promising will be the use of the Northern Sea Route for trade operations in connection with the ongoing warming in the Arctic and the melting of ice.

Satellite observations from the European Space Agency indicate that the rapid melting of ice in the Arctic Ocean opens up a short sea route between Europe and Asia that was previously always unsuitable for navigation.

The European Space Agency also reported that although the area covered by ice in the Arctic Ocean has been shrinking by about 100,000 square kilometers per year over the past decade, last year this reduction covered just 1 million square kilometers. Thus, using the Northern Sea Route, the district can gain access to the markets of Europe, Asia and North America.

B. Main position.

Railway transport is the main means of implementing both regional and interregional relations of Ugra. The total operational length of the highway is 1106 km. Passenger turnover of the railway in 2005 amounted to 2300 million passenger km, passengers were transported - 4.8 million people. Freight sent 9.4 million tons. The railway in the western part of the district serves the timber industry, in the northeast - the oil and gas industry.

Now several railway lines pass through the territory of the district: the main - Tobolsk - Surgut - Noyabrsk (with a separate branch to Nizhnevartovsk), Serov - Sovetsky - Priobye (with a separate branch to Agirish), Tavda - Mezhdurechensky. The main disadvantages of these lines are the lack of communication between themselves in the district, poor technical equipment, and low throughput. To create the conditions necessary for solving the tasks they face, it is mandatory to reconstruct the railway at the Demyanka-Surgut-Nizhnevartovsk section (creation of two tracks) and complete the construction of the North Siberian Railway (Sevsib) at the Nizhnevartovsk-Kolpashevo-Tomsk section. The final version of the Sevsib will run along the line Perm - Ivdel - Yugorsk - Khanty-Mansiysk - Surgut - Nizhnevartovsk - Bely Yar - Lesosibirsk - Ust-Ilimsk - ports of the Pacific Ocean. A special task is to provide rail links with the area of ​​promising mining development in the region of the Polar and Subpolar Urals. First of all, it is necessary to build the transport corridor Ivdel - Agirish - Labytnangi along the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains. The new transport corridor planned for construction, consisting of a railway, a highway, power lines, should connect the industrial Urals along the shortest path with the timber industry zone of the north of the Sverdlovsk region and KhMAO-Yugra, with the brown coal deposits of the Subpolar and Polar Urals, the ore deposits of the Urals and the oil and gas production zone - the Yamal Peninsula.

Drilling rigs, pipes, mining and transport equipment, metal structures, etc. will be delivered along the new transport corridor.

In addition, the direction is promising as a link in the backbone railway network connecting the industrial regions of the Urals and Western Siberia with the Northern Sea Route. This expands the opportunity for maneuvering material resources, increases the economic and defense security of the Russian Federation.

The future role of the district is also great in the implementation of transit meridional links along transport corridors: a) Vorkuta - Labytnangi - Berezovo (or Kozhim - Saranaul) - Priobye - Yugorsk - Yekaterinburg and further to the countries of Transcaucasia and the Middle East; b) Surgut - Nizhnevartovsk - Bely Yar - Tomsk - Novosibirsk and further to Central Asia.

The Autonomous Okrug is an important link between the subjects of the European part of Russia and the Urals and the subjects of the Russian Federation located in Siberia and the Far East. The length of motor roads is more than 18 thousand km, of which more than 11 thousand km are paved.

Yugra has the largest network of oil pipelines in the country. The total length of main oil pipelines on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug is 6283 km, gas pipelines - 19500 km. Most of the main oil pipelines originate on the territory of the district. The major directions of oil pipelines are: Shaim - Tyumen, Ust-Balyk - Omsk, Ust-Balyk - Kurgan - Ufa - Almetyevsk, Nizhnevartovsk - Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Nizhnevartovsk - Kurgan - Kuibyshev with connection to the supply of oil for export through the Druzhba pipeline.

Most of the main gas pipelines passing through the territory of the district are transit ones, going from the gas fields of the YMAO to the western regions of Russia and abroad (Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod; Urengoy - Chelyabinsk, etc.).

The first gas pipeline in the district - Igrim - Serov - Nizhny Tagil. The gas pipeline Nizhnevartovsk - Parabel - Kuzbass was built to transfer associated gas.

The construction of the Murmansk pipeline system along the route Western Siberia - Usa - Murmansk is planned. The implementation of the project will increase oil exports by a third.

B. Position relative to transport nodes (nodal).

The main transportation of goods in the district falls on water and rail transport, a third of cargo transportation is carried out by road and 2% - by air. There are not enough large transport hubs in the district. Surgut is the largest transportation hub in the district. The cities of Yugorsk and Nizhnevartovsk can become promising transport hubs. Under the conditions of the implementation of the project for the construction of the Northern Siberian Railway, these cities can be outports (western and eastern, respectively), where goods will be stored and processed.

Another perspective is related to the operation of a transcontinental air bridge from North America, across the North Pole to Central Asia, the Middle East and South Asia. Given that the cities of Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk and Kogalym have airports with international status, it can be assumed that large transport hubs will be formed here.

As of 2006, there are 11 airports operating in the region. Aviation is of great socio-economic importance. Thanks to air transport, it is possible to transport passengers and goods between settlements that do not have year-round road connections.

To communicate with other territories, it becomes necessary to use transport hubs (Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Omsk, Novosibirsk and even Moscow) of other regions.

4. Marketing and geographical position.

The main export products of the region are oil, products of its processing, fuel, timber, wood products, etc. For the district, the relationship with the largest markets is of particular importance. It is predicted that the main place as a market on the map of the XXI century. occupy the Asia-Pacific region, which is home to more than three of the five billion inhabitants of the Earth. This region already accounts for about 60% of world industrial production, more than 1/3 of world trade (together with the US East Coast). Japan became the second industrial power after the United States, surpassing the United States in terms of gross national product per capita. China has become one of the largest powers in the world in terms of GDP. The new industrial countries - the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, the territories of Taiwan and Hong Kong - started rapidly in the field of advanced technology. New industrial countries of the second generation are involved in the process of rapid development, including Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand.

Demand for oil is formed mainly in three large regional markets. About 30% of the world's oil production is consumed in North America, almost 27% in the Asia-Pacific region, and more than 22% in Europe.

Russia's gradual reorientation to Asian markets is also evidenced by the fact that the oil pipeline from Eastern Siberia will go to the Pacific coast. The gas pipeline from the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug is sent through the territory of Altai to China, which, as the world's largest producer of goods, is also becoming the largest consumer of raw materials. That is why the relative proximity to this region speaks of the neighboring geographical position of KhMAO in the sales markets. Although, given the rapid development of Eastern Siberia, it should be noted that this region over time should strongly press Western Siberia on the Asian market.

5. Areal geographic location.

The territory of KhMAO is characterized by a geometric central position. The territory of Ugra is located in the center of the West Siberian Plain. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra is at the same time the central region of the Ural Federal District- the center of the district is located in the Beloyarsky district at the source of the river. Un-Voshegan and has the coordinates 62 0 30 "N and 69 0 35" E, as well as the center of the West Siberian economic region(coordinates 60 0 40 "N and 76 0 46" E on the left bank of the Ob River near the city of Nizhnevartovsk). The territory of Yugra is also close to the geometric center of the Tyumen region. The center of the Tyumen region is located at the northern borders of the KhMAO, in the basin of the river. A lion. Hittite and has coordinates 64 0 16 "N and 72 0 21" E.

The centrality of geographical location is an important factor in social life, which affects the efficiency of management functions, the geographical vectors of territory development, the location of head enterprises and institutions, etc. The central position of the region affects the socio-economic development of the district and the way of life of its population.

This is especially noticeable in the geographical location of the capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - the city of Khanty-Mansiysk. He has a pronounced natural geographic central position . In addition to the fact that the city lies near the geometric center of the district, it is also the point of intersection of natural communications: the latitudinal and meridional sections of the river. The Ob's connect with the meridionally elongated bed of the Irtysh. The determination of the geometric center can be carried out using different methods. If the center is determined using the Svyatlovsky method, then the center of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is the point with coordinates 62 0 09′ N.L. and 72 0 53′ E This method is not convenient, since it can show the center point even outside the figure under study. If you use the centrographic method, then the coordinates of the center are 61 0 56 "46" N.L. and 70 0 37" 30" E.D.

Geographical center of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug located in the Surgut region, on the left bank of the river. Lyamin, in the swamp interfluve of the river. Yumayakh and its left tributary. At 4.5 km to the west-north-west of the center there is a winter hut on the river. Lyamin. The distance in a straight line from the center of KhMAO to the city of Khanty-Mansiysk is 129 km, to the city of Surgut - 168 km and to the city of Nefteyugansk - 144 km.

The central economic and geographical position in the area of ​​the district reflects the center of gravity of the economy. It is known that the socio-economic space is heterogeneous, and the productive forces are distributed unevenly across the territory. Therefore, the geometric center of the region most often does not coincide with its economic and geographical center, which reflects the distribution of "economic masses" throughout the region (Table 1). To determine the center of gravity of the economy, the employment indicator (the average number of employees in organizations, without small businesses) of the urban population is used.

Table 1. "Weighted" coordinates of the cities of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Administrative divisions Employment, in 2005 in thousand people (Mi) Latitude (Xi) Longitude (Yi) M i X i M i Y i
Beloyarsky 9,35 63 0 40"N 66 0 41 "E.D. 592,79 620,93
Uray 20,07 60 0 06"N 64 0 46"E.D. 1205,4 1293,71
Nefteyugansk 34,59 61 0 06"N 72 0 38"E.D. 2112,06 2503,62
Pyt-Yakh 13,17 60 0 45"N 72 0 49 "E.D. 796,12 954,69
Nizhnevartovsk 91,18 61 0 03"N 76 0 17"E.D. 5564,71 6945,18
Langepas 18,55 61 0 15"N 75 0 07 "E.D. 1134,33 1392,54
Megion 30,64 61 0 01 "N.S. 76 0 15"E.D. 1869,95 2333,23
Pokachi 8,43 61 0 42"N 75 0 21 "E.D. 517,77 634,02
Rainbow 17,75 62 0 06"N 77 0 24"E.D. 1101,56 1371,01
Nyagan 19,88 62 0 08"N 65 0 25"E.D. 1234,15 1297,17
Soviet 11,5 61 0 21"N 63 0 35"E.D. 703,91 728,52
Yugorsk 13,77 61 0 18"N 63 0 18"E.D. 842,44 869,98
Surgut 109,61 61 0 15"N 73 0 28"E.D. 6702,65 8032,22
Lyantor 16,5 61 0 36"N 72 0 07 "E.D. 1012,44 1189,15
Kogalym 47,38 62 0 15"N 74 0 28"E.D. 2944,66 3519,38
Khanty-Mansiysk 31,14 61 0 00 "N.S. 69 0 02 "E.D. 1899,54 2149,28

The coordinates of the center of gravity of the KhMAO economy were calculated using the formulas:

Х 0 = --------∑М i Х i ; Y 0 = -------∑M i Y i

Thus, the economic and geographical center of gravity of Yugra lies 30 km northwest of the city of Surgut and has the coordinates: 61 0 26 "N and 73 0 01" E.

In connection with the trend towards consolidation of the administrative units of the Russian Federation, the question arises of the merger of the south of the Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and YaNAO. The question naturally arises, which city could most economically perform the functions of the capital? One of the indicators influencing the optimal decision to allocate a promising capital is the indicator of the center of gravity of the economy (Table 2).

Table 2. "Weighted" coordinates of the cities of the Tyumen region

Administrative divisions Number, in 2001 in thousand people (Mi) Latitude (Xi) Longitude (Yi) M i X i M i Y i
Tobolsk 114,6 58 0 13"N 68 0 15"E.D. 6661,69 7809,99
Tyumen 552,4 57 0 09"N 65 0 29"E.D. 31536,51 36066,19
Yalutorovsk 56 0 40"N 66 0 17"E.D. 2143,2 2514,46
Zavodoukovsk 25,5 56 0 32"N 66 0 32"E.D. 1436,16 1691,16
Ishim 59,6 56 0 08"N 69 0 28"E.D. 3342,36 4129,08
Khanty-Mansiysk 41,3 61 0 00 "N.S. 69 0 02 "E.D. 2519,3 2850,52
Surgut 292,3 61 0 15"N 75 0 07 "E.D. 17874,14 21942,96
Nizhnevartovsk 238,8 61 0 03"N 76 0 17"E.D. 14573,96 18189,39
Nefteyugansk 101,7 61 0 06"N 72 0 38"E.D. 6209,8 7361,04
Nyagan 68,6 62 0 08"N 65 0 25"E.D. 4258,68 4476,15
Kogalym 57,1 62 0 15"N 74 0 28"E.D. 3548,76 4241,38
Megion 50,8 61 0 01 "N.S. 76 0 15"E.D. 3099,3 3868,42
Rainbow 46,9 62 0 06"N 77 0 24"E.D. 2910,61 3622,55
Langepas 43,8 61 0 15"N 73 0 28"E.D. 2678,37 3209,66
Pyt-Yakh 60 0 45"N 72 0 49 "E.D. 2599,35 3117,07
Uray 42,7 60 0 06"N 64 0 46"E.D. 2564,56 2752,44
Lyantor 36,4 61 0 36"N 72 0 07 "E.D. 2233,5 2623,34
Yugorsk 31,5 61 0 18"N 63 0 18"E.D. 1927,17 1990,17
Soviet 28,8 61 0 21"N 63 0 35"E.D. 1762,84 1824,48
Beloyarsky 18,8 63 0 40"N 66 0 41 "E.D. 1191,92 1248,5
Pokachi 15,2 61 0 42"N 75 0 21 "E.D. 933,58 1143,19
Salekhard 34,5 66 0 32"N 66 0 36"E.D. 2288,04 2289,42
Noyabrsk 108,4 63 0 06"N 75 0 18"E.D. 6835,7 8149,51
New Urengoy 101,6 66 0 07"N 76 0 33"E.D. 6712,71 7755,12
Nadym 45,3 65 0 35"N 72 0 30"E.D. 2960,35 3275,19
Muravlenko 36,5 63 0 44"N 74 0 46 "E.D. 2315,56 2717,79
Labytnangi 32,6 66 0 39"N 66 0 23"E.D. 2164,31 2159,09
Gubkinsky 20,1 64 0 24"N 76 0 20"E.D. 1291,22 1531,62

The calculated economic and geographical center of gravity of the Tyumen region lies 132 km southeast of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk and 90 km southwest of the city of Nefteyugansk and has the coordinates: 60 0 41 "N and 71 0 12 "E.D. .

Comparative county sizes. In terms of area, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra occupies the 10th place in the Russian Federation, and surpasses in size the regions of the European part of Russia and the states of Europe, with the exception of Ukraine and France.

The reduction of geographic dimensions to purely "areal" characteristics is outdated and does not meet the needs of time and development.

The geographical size and area of ​​the territory, in the broad sense of both terms, are far from identical, but are interconnected. The size and its area are important signs of the type of region.

To measure and compare the size of Yugra with other regions of Russia was used average size index (SIR), which was calculated as the arithmetic mean of the shares of regions in the country by area, population and GRP (gross regional product).

S + N + GRP (in %)

SIR \u003d ________________________________,

where S is the percentage of the area of ​​the region to the area of ​​the country, N is the percentage of the population of the region to the population of the country.

The contrasts of the regions of Russia in the size of the territory, population density and the size of the GRP affected their rating according to the SIR (Table 3).

The most significant region in terms of size, expressed by the SIR indicator, was the Moscow region with the city of Moscow (12.33), with its insignificant area and a significant share in the economy and population. The second, third and fourth place is occupied by the Siberian regions: Krasnoyarsk Territory (9.28), Yakutia (6.67) and KhMAO (3.38). The leadership of the first two is explained by their gigantic areas. The high result of Ugra is high GRP and a large territory. Fifth place is occupied by the second metropolitan region - Leningrad (3.28).

In the Urals, the Sverdlovsk region leads (2.27). The places of outsiders were occupied by the republics and autonomous entities belonging to the southern regions of Russia.

Table 3. Comparative indicators of the sizes of Russian regions

Region The share of the area of ​​the region in the area of ​​the country Share of the population of the region in the total population of the country The share of GRP of the region, from the national Average size index
KhMAO 3,06 0,99 6,1 3,38
Neighbors of the 1st order
Krasnoyarsk 23,25 2,08 2,5 9,28
YaNAO 4,39 0,35 2,9 2,55
Sverdlovsk 1,14 3,09 2,6 2,27
Komi 2,44 0,70 1,1 1,41
Tomsk 1,86 0,72 0,8 1,13
Tyumenskaya (excluding Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) 0,95 0,91 1,1 0,98
Neighbors in the Ural Federal District
Chelyabinsk 0,51 2,48 1,9 1,63
Kurgan 0,41 0,70 0,3 0,47
Neighbors in the West Siberian economic region
Novosibirsk 1,04 1,86 1,4 1,43
Kemerovo 0,56 2,00 1,5 1,35
Omsk 0,82 1,43 1,0 1,08
Altai region 0,54 1,79 0,8 1,04
Altai 0,99 0,06 0,1 0,38
Other major regions of the country
Moscow 0,28 11,72 12,33
Yakutia 18,17 0,65 1,2 6,67
Leningradskaya 0,50 4,34 3,28
Irkutsk 4,63 1.87 1,6 2,7

It is interesting to compare the sizes of this or that region at the international level with the sizes of other countries. Comparison of the sizes of countries and regions is carried out and general geographic size index (OGIR) calculated according to three parameters: the size of the territory, population and economy.

The Moscow region in terms of total size (with this method of its assessment) turned out to be close to such a country as Vietnam; Yakutia - between Sweden and Iraq; Leningrad region with St. Petersburg - in the same weight category with Paraguay and Switzerland; Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug and Krasnoyarsk Territory - at the level of Belarus and Tunisia, etc. YNAO - at the level of territorially small Israel (Fig. 1). At the same time, 25 small regions of Russia turned out to be smaller than the miniature and young country - Macedonia.

Rice. 1. Sizes of countries by geographic size index

The geographical position can be considered as the main resource of the region, which has a great influence on the formation of the economy, both in time and in space. An assessment of the geographical location is important for the correct determination of both the possible potential and the increasingly complex conditions for the formation of the region's economy.


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2. Mironenko N.S. Regional studies. Theory and Methods: Textbook for High Schools. - M: Aspect press, 2001. - 268 p.

3. Atlas of KhMAO-Yugra. Volume II. Nature. Ecology. Khanty-Mansiysk - Moscow, 2004. - 152 p.

4. Review "On the state of the environment of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in 2005". Khanty-Mansiysk: NPC Monitoring OJSC, 2006. - 147 p.

5. Ryansky F.N., Seredovskikh B.A. Introduction to the historical geography of the Middle Ob and its Ural-Siberian environs. - Nizhnevartovsk: Nizhnevart Publishing House. humanit. University, 2007. - 405 p.

6. Eremina E. There are ships somewhere // Expert. Ural. - No. 31 (294). August 27-September 2, 2007 - P.20-22.



9. The concept of integrated industrial development based on the advanced development of transport and energy infrastructure. Subpolar Ural Yugra. Section "Subsoil use" (basic provisions). Second edition. Khanty-Mansiysk, 2006. - 40 p.

10. Physical geography and ecology of the region (Edited by V.I. Bulatov, B.P. Tkachev) // Khanty-Mansiysk, 2006. - 196 p.

11. Geographical atlas of Russia. Moscow, 1998. - 164 p.

12.B.C. Tikunov, A.I. Treyvish Experience in assessing the geographical size of countries and their regions // Vestn. Moscow university – Series 5. Geogr. 2006. - No. 1. - P.40-49.

Geographical position of Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world by area. Its area is 17.075 million sq. km. It is completely located in the Northern Hemisphere, in the northern part of the Eurasian continent, located in two parts of the world at once. It occupies the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.

The extreme northern and eastern points of the Eurasian continent are at the same time the extreme points of Russia.

From the north, the country is washed by the Arctic Ocean, from the east - by the Pacific. In the west and southwest there is access to the seas of the Atlantic Ocean.

The border between Europe and Asia within Russia is drawn along the Urals and along the Kuma-Manych depression. About 1/5 of the country's area belongs to Europe (about 22%). Tuva is the center of Asia. The 180th meridian passes through Wrangel Island and Chukotka, therefore, the eastern outskirts of Russia lies in the Western Hemisphere.

In terms of territory, Russia is comparable to entire continents. The area of ​​Russia is larger than the area of ​​Australia and Antarctica and is only slightly inferior to South America. Russia is 1.6-1.8 times larger than the largest states in the world - Canada, the USA and China, and 29 times larger than the largest state in Europe - Ukraine.

Due to its vast territory, Russia has a wide variety of natural conditions and resources, but at the same time, it experiences difficulties with the transport accessibility of certain parts of the country.

Extreme points of Russia

extreme northern the point of the country (island) - Cape Fligely, is located on Rudolf Island (in the Franz Josef Land archipelago) in the Arctic Ocean. The extreme northern point (mainland) is Cape Chelyuskin.

extreme southern point - Mount Bazarduzu, in Dagestan on the border with Azerbaijan.

extreme western point - a spit in the Gulf of Gdansk, in the Kaliningrad region, on the Curonian Spit in the Baltic Sea.

extreme eastern point (island) - about. Ratmanov in the Bering Strait. The extreme eastern point (mainland) is Cape Dezhnev.

Distance between north and south points - over 4 thousand km. Between western and eastern about 10 thousand km.

Economic and geographical position of Russia

Economic and geographical position (EGP) - the position of the country in relation to objects located outside its borders, but affecting its economy. Such objects are:
1) the main centers of the world economy (USA, Western Europe, Japan);
2) neighboring countries (neighborhood with a developed country with which there are good neighborly mutually beneficial relations is always favorable);
3) transport routes connecting the country with other countries and regions of the world.

Thus, the proximity to the west with European countries, the CIS countries, with which ties are still important for Russia, the presence of seaports, land transport routes, and pipelines in the western part of the country are favorable features of the EGP of Russia. In the east, the neighborhood with Japan and other countries of the Asia-Pacific Region (APR) is also favorable for the economy of the country, especially its eastern regions.

Located in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia, the territory of Russia is a natural bridge between the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and Western Europe. Cargo transportation between these two centers of the world economy through the territory of Russia can be carried out much faster and at lower cost than the traditional sea route around the entire continent. The implementation of such transportation would contribute to the inflow of additional funds into the country and the creation of new jobs. But the insufficient development of transport, especially in the eastern part of the country, prevents the use of this advantageous feature of the EGP.

Russia is a country with a huge territory, so the EGP of its different regions varies greatly.

A country's GWP can change rapidly. So, after the collapse of the USSR, the economic and geographical position of Russia worsened. Many ports were lost - outlets to the World Ocean in the West. The Baltic states and Ukraine have "fenced off" Russia from the states of Europe and take a significant part of the profits for the transportation of Russian goods through their territory. The accession to NATO of the countries of Eastern Europe - the former allies of the USSR - complicated the military-strategic position of the country.

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