From what disease did Lyudmila Ryumina die? Terrible details of Lyudmila Ryumina's illness


Russian singer Lyudmila Ryumina has died at the age of 68. The cause of death was cancer.

In Moscow, at the age of 69, the famous Soviet and Russian singer, People's Artist of the RSFSR, founder and head of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rusy" Lyudmila Georgievna Ryumina died.

Lyudmila Ryumina passed away in the Botkin hospital in Moscow. In recent years, she struggled with a serious illness - the artist had oncology, which led to her death.

Since 1999, she has headed the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center.

Farewell to the singer will take place on September 4 at the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center. The singer will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Her childhood and youth were spent in the village of Vyazovoe, Dolgorukovsky District, Lipetsk Region, which she considered her homeland. The family lived modestly, in a small house, in which there was not enough space for a separate bed, so the newborn Lyudmila slept in a trough on the stove.

But the poor childhood did not spoil, but only tempered the character of the girl: she grew up brisk, always achieved what she wanted.

After graduating from art school, Lyudmila Georgievna worked at the plant as a graphic designer. Mastering this specialty later came in handy for the singer to create concert costumes.

At the age of 18, Lyudmila received an invitation to work in the Voronezh Girls ensemble. With this group, Ryumina began to develop as a singer, performer of folk songs.

Later, Lyudmila enters the music school. Ippolitova-Ivanov for the course of the Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize Valentina Efimovna Klodnina. After 3 years (instead of 4 prescribed) he graduated from college as an external student. Having received a referral to the Fryazino music school, for the next 2 years the singer works as the head of the children's folk choir.

Further, Lyudmila Ryumina becomes a soloist of the Mosconcert. In parallel, she decides to continue her musical education and in 1978 enters the Institute. Gnesins at the Department of Folk Singing to Professor, People's Artist of the Soviet Union, laureate of the State Prize Nina Konstantinovna Meshko. Graduated from the institute Lyudmila Ryumina in 1983.

Being already a well-deserved artist, Lyudmila Ryumina comes to the conclusion that the performance of a folk song also implies action, competent directorial and acting presentation of the material. And he enters GITIS at the department of "variety direction" to the teacher, People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Shalevich.

Lyudmila Ryumina owned not only the folk, but also the academic voice. This gave her the opportunity to make vocalizations in high tessitura when performing songs. Owning a classical school of singing, Lyudmila Ryumina also performed romances, chamber and classical works, opera arias.

Many songs and compositions were born in the collaboration of Lyudmila Ryumina with famous poets and composers, such as: A. Pakhmutova, N. Dobronravov, V. Titov, S. Bersenev, V. Vovchenko, G. Georgiev, E. Ptichkin, V. Butenko, A. Babadzhanyan, R. Rozhdestvensky, M. Slutsky, V. Migulya, A. Kovalevsky, Yu. Garin, M. Nozhkin, A. Sevashova, A. Dementiev, E. Martynov, V. Belyaev, M. Fradkin.

Lyudmila Ryumina - Ah, Samara, the town

In 1982 and 1986, she reached the final of the Song of the Year festival with the songs Flowers of Russia (music by Evgeny Ptichkin - art. Veniamin Butenko) and Your Beauty (the authors are the same), and in 1987 - You are still silent "(music by Evgeny Ptichkin - art. Mikhail Plyatskovsky).

The singer attached great importance to the promotion of folklore art, education and training of talented youth working in the genre of folk songs.

A large number of theatrical performances were held in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior from the cycle "Russia is Destined to Revive". Within the framework of this program, concerts were held: “Angels flew over Russia”, “Moscow-Phoenix-bird”, “In Holy Rus'”, “Oh, Maslenitsa!”, “Bright holiday”, “Swan”, “Seagull”, “Vera , Hope, Love”, “Katyusha”. Lyudmila Ryumina worked on children's theatrical programs. She was the organizer of New Year's performances in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (2001-2002) and (2002-2003).

In June 1999, the Moscow Government approved the project of Lyudmila Ryumina on the opening of the State Cultural Institution of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center under the leadership of Lyudmila Ryumina, the artistic director of whom the singer has been for more than 10 years.

Lyudmila Ryumina - Golden-domed Moscow

On June 4, 1999, with the support of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and Vice Mayor Valery Shantsev, Lyudmila Ryumina created the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center, which is located in the former Ukraina cinema. The center plans to hold multinational festivals, concerts of professional creative folk groups.

On December 22, 2007, the Folklore Center was opened under the leadership of Lyudmila Ryumina. During the reconstruction of the building, a team led by Lyudmila Ryumina did a lot of creative work, which was expressed in solo programs, recording 16 albums of Lyudmila Ryumina, participation in many government and other important events.

Already in the new building, a large number of solo programs took place: “Rusachka”, “Moscow Troechka”, “Spark”, “Slavic Soul”, “Bright Holiday”, “Apple Trees in Bloom”, “In Defense of Childhood and Kindness”, “Beloved Russia ”, “Moscow Beauty”, “Faith, Hope, Love”, “School Years”, “Palekh Patterns” from December 28, 2007 to January 7, 2008, children's New Year's performances “That's how Emelya!” were held.

She died on August 31, 2017 at the 69th year of her life in the Botkin hospital in Moscow from an oncological disease.

Personal life of Lyudmila Ryumina:

She was never officially married and had no children.

As she said, her personal life is creativity. She never connected her life with any of the men - the profession forced her to devote all her time to tours, preparing for concerts and rehearsals.

An accident that occurred at the beginning of the singer's career took away her ability to have children. Crossing the road of a familiar street for several days, Lyudmila fell under the wheels of a car, which literally dragged her along the asphalt for several meters. The traumatologist then said that the woman was born in a shirt, since she remained alive, but numerous internal injuries forever deprived her of the opportunity to become a mother.

But in return for this, fate gave Lyudmila Georgievna hundreds of young talented artists, who every year join the ranks of her students. It was they, her pupils, striving to be like Ryumina, who made her go forward and gave her the strength to create something new and good every day.

After the death of the singer, the niece and goddaughter of the artist Larisa in the program "You won't believe it!" told that Ryumina had a husband who would get her apartments and jewelry. “She has a husband, but no children. But it's better not to talk about it. This is personal, if no one knew about it, then it was necessary, ”said Larisa.

Discography of Lyudmila Ryumina:

2003 - "Oh, Maslenitsa"
2003 - "Mom, mommy, mommy"
2003 - "Village Tango"
2003 - "Red Sundress"
2003 - Nightingale stray
2004 - "Lubo!"
2004 - "Live, Russia"
2004 - “You are my dear”
2005 - "Moscow - Beauty"
2005 - "Where does the Motherland begin"
2005 - "We need one Victory!"
2005 - "Flowers of Russia"
2005 - "My fire"
2005 - "Evening bells"
2006 - "Slavic Soul"
2007 - "White Lilac"

Lyudmila Ryumina, the creator of the Rusy musical ensemble, died on the territory of the Botkin hospital at the age of 68 after a long illness. The death of the Russian performer was confirmed by representatives of the Mosconcert.

According to Elena Orlova, an employee of the capital's cultural folklore center, Lyudmila Ryumina died at the age of 69 due to cancer. Farewell to the Russian artist and creator of the musical ensemble "Rusy" is planned to be held on September 4. It is reported that the performer gained fame thanks to the performance of folk compositions.

Folk singer Nadezhda Babkina spoke with grief about the death of her colleague. “Lyudmila Georgievna devoted her whole life to serving traditional culture, its preservation, study and popularization. She brought up more than one generation of talented youth working in the folk genre, ”Babkina wrote on her Facebook page, expressing condolences to Ryumina’s family and friends, as well as from the entire staff of the Moscow State Musical Theater of Folklore “Russian Song”.

Lyudmila Ryumina was remembered by many Soviet and Russian listeners for her performance of Russian folk songs. In addition, the woman was the founder and leader of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rus". People's Artist of the RSFSR collaborated with such poets and composers as Alexandra Pakhmutova, Nikolai Dobronravov and Robert Rozhdestvensky.

The singer has repeatedly mentioned in an interview that she devoted her whole life to creativity. She did not have time for romance with the stronger sex, as she constantly toured and gave concerts with the ensemble. Due to an accident that happened to her at a young age, the star could not have children.

The queen of Russian folk songs, the founder of the folklore center that bears her name, fought an unequal battle with oncology. Less than a month after the singer's death, the media began to wonder who would get the artist's impressive legacy: two apartments in Moscow worth 110 million rubles and expensive jewelry. After all, she had no children, and little is known about the man with whom she signed before her death ...

The news that Lyudmila Ryumina, it turns out, has a husband, was a real surprise for the whole country. After all, the artist was devoted to her work to the last and her personal life was unimportant for her. What can we say, she simply had no time to build personal happiness.

In 2017 they signed and got married to Andrey. He was its director, before that they lived in a civil marriage for 20 years, - assures the singer's friend, composer Igor Nadzhiev. - And during this time he became a dear person for her, who literally devoted his life to her. He was very kind to her and her mother.

But it seems that no one knew about this man, except for Nadzhiyev, for everyone the news of his existence came as a shock. Ryumina's colleagues are afraid that the star has fallen under the influence of a swindler. The singer's friend, writer Lena Lenina, claims that if the artist had a husband, she would not keep it a secret.

Lyudmila wore the most expensive pearls. She had a lot of precious jewelry and unique items. I hope that they will not disappear under the guise, - Lenin's secular lioness hints meaningfully.

We tried to track down this mysterious man. First, we turned to the Lyudmila Ryumina Moscow Cultural Folklore Center, where we were told that her husband's name was Andrey Gennadyevich Zalessky.

He was not the director of Lyudmila Georgievna, - the assistant to the people's artist Mikhail is outraged. - I don’t know how to contact him, I heard that he left Moscow, where I can’t say either.

Employees of the Ryumina Center, at our request, got through to Andrey Zalessky. He said that he would not communicate with anyone and for any reason.

We began to look for information on the Internet about Zalessky's personality. The only thing that was found out was that in 2014 and 2015, on behalf of the Ryumina Center, he entered into financial contracts in the category “Services provided by other representatives of creative professions acting on an individual basis.” Our journalists called Ryumina's friends, but neither Bari Alibasov nor Alexander Peskov know anything about him. In addition to her husband Zalessky, the artist also has a niece, Larisa, who, of course, cannot now claim the inheritance, since Andrei, according to the documents, is the heir to the first stage.

She has a husband, but no children, - the girl said in a television interview. But it's better not to talk about it. This is personal, if no one knew about it, then it was necessary.

Lyudmila Ryumina not only hid her husband, but until the last she was silent that she had cancer. She looked great, always smiling and working on new projects. She didn't look like a sick person at all.

No one could even think about it, - Nadzhiev admits. - I returned from the tour, went on the Internet and saw the news about parting with Lyudmila. My heart almost stopped. She had cancer, she told very few people about it. When she was told that she had cancer, she did not give up and decided to fight to the end: she was treated in the hospital, underwent chemotherapy courses. According to the doctors, she even had improvements. Luda had a fighting spirit, because ahead is her creative anniversary and a round date since the founding of the folklore center. But now she will celebrate these anniversaries with God.

Now many are interested in what will happen to the folklore center of the artist.

Luda was an open person, looked at life with humor, was always in a good mood. Thanks to her powerful energy, she created her own center. After all, it costs a lot of work to assemble a team, organize work and pass all bureaucratic tests, - continues Nadzhiev. - At the commemoration, I said that the most important thing is that her offspring should also remain under her name. As far as I know, the center has many plans before the New Year.

Many media outlets write that there were few of her stage colleagues at parting with the actress.

There were Iosif Kobzon, Nadezhda Babkina, the soloists of the Doctor Watson group, Alexander Peskov, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Vladimir Devyatov, - Igor continues. - There were also a lot of wreaths. When they say that no one came to say goodbye - this is not true. It's just that someone was on tour, and many were not in Moscow.

Igor Nadzhiev is surprised at how strong Lyudmila Ryumina was.

She knew how to take a hit. And she always said: “If it’s difficult or difficult, take the blow of fate and emerge victorious. Even bad things are given to us for a brighter future, in order to prepare us for it and enlighten us.” Luda once got into a car accident, where her internal organs were badly damaged. And after that, the doctors said that she would not be able to have children. She knew perfectly well that if she met her beloved, then sooner or later he would want children ... And she did not want to spoil anyone's life. She gave unspent maternal love to her center and tried to have as many children as possible learn from her.

Luda loved her audience very much, so she was not afraid of anything. For example, when she was in Afghanistan, she almost blew herself up while moving in an armored personnel carrier from one military unit to another. You know, despite the fact that Luda had a hard life, she found the strength to give people joy and did it to the last. At parting with her, I said: “There are people whom I call “non-holy saints”. These are the ones who live for the people. They don't need to be canonized. Their mission is to inspire."

Folk artist Russia was the founder and leader of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rusy". The singer collaborated with many famous composers and poets, including Robert Rozhdestvensky, Mark Fradkin and Nikolai Dobronravov.

Ryumina collaborated with Alexandra Pakhmutova, Nikolai Dobronravov, Robert Rozhdestvensky and other famous poets and composers.

The press service of the Moscow Department of Culture said that the department would assist in organizing the farewell ceremony and funeral of the performer.

Lyudmila Ryumina was sick. Detailed data as of 01/06/2018

Cause performer's death Lyudmila Ryumina became an oncological disease. This was announced to TASS on Thursday, August 31, by the representative of the state theater "Moscow Cultural Folklore Center under the direction of Lyudmila Ryumina" Elena Orlova.

Ryumina became famous for performing Russian folk songs, was the founder and leader of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rus". Since 1999 - artistic director of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center. The artist collaborated with Alexandra Pakhmutova, Nikolai Dobronravov, Robert Rozhdestvensky and other famous poets and composers.

Lyudmila Ryumina performed Russian folk songs, she was also the head of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rusy" founded by her.

Singer, People's Artist of Russia, performer of folk songs Lyudmila Ryumina died at the age of 68. She died in the Botkin hospital after a severe long illness. She will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery on September 4th.

The performer of Russian folk songs Lyudmila Ryumina was the founder and leader of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rusy". Since 1999, she has been the artistic director of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center.

On Thursday, August 31, it became known that the People's Artist of the USSR died at the Botkin hospital in Moscow at the age of 68.

Lyudmila Ryumina what happened. Detailed data.

"Very hard. This is the soul of the theatre. He was her brainchild, she built the theater with her own hands, her enthusiast. She was cheerful, her care and love was enough for everyone. She helped everyone as much as she could, ”Orlova emphasized.

New, shocking details about the personal life singer Lyudmila Ryumina, who died of cancer. It turns out that the woman was married, but none of her entourage knew this.

Recall that on August 31, People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina died at the Botkin Hospital in Moscow at the age of 68, having managed to celebrate her birthday with her loved ones. With a serious illness that eventually affected the entire body, Lyudmila Ryumina struggled for a long time. It is known that the singer had cancer.

"MK" became aware that Ryumina learned about the terrible diagnosis in the summer of 2016. The artist was regularly observed at the Blokhin Cancer Center and, according to her relatives, did not drink or smoke. In November 2016, Lyudmila Georgievna underwent treatment, and in December she underwent surgery, after which she returned to the big stage again, where she managed to hold several concerts. But soon the cancer hit the lungs. On August 6, Lyudmila Georgievna's condition deteriorated sharply and she needed urgent hospitalization. “It was a total defeat of the body,” the relatives say. The woman was transferred to intensive care, where she celebrated her birthday (August 28). All this difficult time next to Lyudmila Georgievna were people dear to her who supported her and tried in every possible way to brighten up the days spent in the fight against the disease. Literally until the last, on August 30 until 22.00 Ryumina was in the company of close people.

It is known that Ryumina died in the Botkin hospital. Colleagues of the artist also stressed that the farewell ceremony is planned to be held at the Folklore Center on September 4. Ryumin will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery, but where exactly has not yet been decided. The Moscow Department of Culture will assist in organizing the farewell ceremony and funeral of the People's Artist, the department's press service reported, TASS reports.

Lyudmila Ryumina was married to a driver. Didn't have children. The reason for childlessness was the consequences of a traffic accident in which the singer got into her youth. On this occasion, Ryumina said that her personal life is "this is creativity."

The cause of death of People's Artist of the RSFSR Lyudmila Ryumina was an oncological disease. This was reported by TASS with reference to the representative of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center Ryumina Elena Orlova.

Lyudmila Ryumina funeral. Main news.

People's Artist of Russia, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Iosif Kobzon said he was discouraged by the news of the death of Lyudmila Ryumina. “I knew that she was not healthy, we were treated in the same center on Kashirka,” Kobzon said.

An employee of the institution noted that farewell to the singer is scheduled for September 4. The funeral ceremony will take place at the folklore center, where Ryumina worked as artistic director. The artist will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

The People's Artist of Russia, Vladimir Devyatov, in an interview with a Moscow publication, reproaches himself for callousness and inattention towards Lyudmila Ryumina - they often intersected by occupation, but he also did not know anything about the causes of illness and death of a colleague of the singer. Under him, Ryumina looked cheerful, energetic - a real Russian lady, capable of entering a burning hut and stopping a galloping horse.

“Lyudmila Ryumina suddenly died of cancer,” Orlova told Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda.

The artist paid special attention to the upbringing of the younger generation - according to her, she felt like a mother of many children - all the worries for the preparation of children's folk art groups organized at the center fell on her shoulders. And the children reciprocated her, unaware of the causes of the illness and death of their beloved mentor - with them, the singer Lyudmila Ryumina was invariably friendly and cheerful.

Recall that Ryumina died on Thursday, August 31 at the age of 69. Farewell to the singer will take place on September 4.

Ryumina performed Russian folk songs. She also worked as the head of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rusy" founded by her.

The idea of ​​creating the Moscow Folklore Center belongs to her - in a huge metropolis, the capital of the Motherland, there are a lot of national cultural centers that are supported by both the diaspora and the governments of other countries. Paradoxically, there is no center for the development of Russian folk art, not in any big city in Russia. On such a patriotic wave, the singer managed to interest the powers that be - and the mayor of the capital gave the building of the former cinema "Ukraine" at the disposal of the assertive woman.

Lyudmila Ryumina Wikipedia. Fresh material as of 01/06/2018

Last night, People's Artist of the RSFSR, founder and permanent leader of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rusy", performer of Russian folk songs Lyudmila Ryumina passed away. The last months of the life of the outstanding singer "MK" were told by those who were with her and shared all the suffering of a woman with cancer.

The singer also remembered joint trips with Lyudmila Georgievna. “We have repeatedly toured with her both in Latin America and Africa, and here we have repeatedly performed with her,” said Kobzon.

She spent her childhood and youth in the village of Vyazovoe, Dolgorukovsky District, Lipetsk Region, which she considered her homeland. After graduating from art school, she worked at the plant as a graphic designer. Mastering this specialty later came in handy for the singer to create concert costumes. At the age of 18, she received an invitation to work in the Voronezh Girls ensemble. From this group began her formation as a singer, performer of folk songs. Later she entered the Ippolitov-Ivanov Musical College for the course of the Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize Valentina Efimovna Klodnina. After 3 years (instead of 4 required) she graduated from college as an external student. Having received a referral to the Fryazino music school, for the next 2 years the singer worked as the head of the children's folk choir, then she became a soloist of the Mosconcert. In parallel, she decided to continue her musical education and in 1978 she entered the Gnessin Institute at the Department of Folk Singing to the professor, People's Artist of the Soviet Union, State Prize laureate Nina Konstantinovna Meshko, she graduated from this institute in 1983. Being already a well-deserved artist, she came to the conclusion that the performance of a folk song also implies action, competent directorial and acting presentation of the material, and soon after that she entered GITIS at the department of "variety direction" to the teacher, People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Shalevich. She owned not only a folk, but also an academic voice. This gave her the opportunity to make vocalizations in high tessitura when performing songs. Owning a classical school of singing, she also performed romances, chamber and classical works, opera arias. Many songs and compositions were born in her collaboration with famous poets and composers, such as: Alexandra Pakhmutova, Nikolai Dobronravov, V. Titov, S. Bersenev, V. Vovchenko, G. Georgiev, Evgeny Ptichkin, V. Butenko, Arno Babadzhanyan, Robert Rozhdestvensky, M. Slutsky, Vladimir Migulya, A. Kovalevsky, Yu. Garin, Mikhail Nozhkin, A. Sevashova, Andrey Dementiev, Evgeny Martynov, V. Belyaev, Mark Fradkin and many, many others. In 1982 and 1986, she reached the final of the Song of the Year festival with the songs Flowers of Russia (music by Evgeny Ptichkin - art. Veniamin Butenko) and Your Beauty (the authors are the same), and in 1987 - You are still silent "(music by Evgeny Ptichkin - art. Mikhail Plyatskovsky).

Companions of Lyudmila Ryumina, who did not know anything about the cause of her illness and death, remember the artist as a person who was unusually strong and demanding of herself and others. The talented woman faced cruel trials - both a hungry, cold post-war childhood, and a cruel car accident that deprived the singer of the joy of motherhood.

Surrounded by the singer, they reported that death was the result of a severe long-term illness. The Moscow Cultural Folklore Center explained that she had an oncological disease.

“She grew up before my eyes. We traveled a lot with her. I invited her to my group in Latin America, Africa, Afghanistan. She has always been attractive, responsive, hardworking,” said the artist.

Lyudmila Ryumina biography. Exclusive.

The ceremony will begin at 13:00 at the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center. People's Artist of the RSFSR died on August 31 at the age of 69. She will be buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery.

In turn, the press service of the Moscow Department of Culture promised to assist in organizing the farewell ceremony and funeral of the People's Artist of Russia.

Lyudmila Ryumina filmography. Fresh information.

People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina was treated for cancer for a long time, but she could not overcome the disease. Elena Orlova, a representative of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center, reported this to the REN TV website.

The reason for the death of the Russian singer Lyudmila Ryumina was an oncological disease with which she fought in the last years of her life. said the representative of the state theater "Moscow Cultural Folklore Center under the direction of Lyudmila Ryumina" Elena Orlova.

The representative of the theater also shared her memories of the artist: Ryumina, according to Orlova, was a kind and caring person.

People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Georgievna Ryumina died at the Botkin Hospital in Moscow at the age of 68.

At the same time, Larisa did not disclose the name of her famous aunt's husband, considering that Ryumina, apparently, had reasons to hide him. Friends and colleagues of the artist are worried that a gullible woman could fall under the influence of an unclean man. However, Ryumina's niece believes that the singer simply did not want to share her daytime happiness with others.

People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon spoke about the death of Ryumina. According to him, she was one of the last domestic performers who care for the purity of the Russian song. “We are running out of a list of Russian singers, there are practically no more of them. Ryumina fought for the purity of the Russian song, she always went out in Russian outfits. She grew before my eyes. I am sincerely sorry, ”said the master of the Russian stage.

According to him, the death of Ryumina is "a sad sign both for those who knew her and for Russia as a whole." “It is a pity that she did not have time to bring up a replacement. Now we need to shout: “guard!”, on the programs “Voice” and others to educate singers for Russia, ”concluded Kobzon.

The editors of MK express their sincere condolences to the families and friends of the untimely deceased Lyudmila Ryumina.

Lyudmila Ryumina personal life family. All that is known now.

She taught her pupils that any, even the most voiceless performer, can become a popular singer for one day, since modern technologies make it possible to turn even a goose hiss into a sonorous voice. "Populists", as she called herself and her colleagues, are required to be professionals and give everything 200% in order to stay on the crest of popularity and captivate people who came to a concert or show program.

According to the artist, the death of Ryumina made a huge gap in the creative potential of the country - she was so strong in her desire to give folk songs eternal life and universal love. A lot of things rested on her, the strong character of the artist allowed her to go on tour, despite her devastating illness, and to deal with the affairs of the center.

"Lyudmila Georgievna will be buried on Monday at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow, near her mother's grave. The farewell will be held at the Moscow Cultural Center under the leadership of Lyudmila Ryumina," the center said, RIA Novosti reports.

According to Ryumina's colleagues and friends, she always joked that she was "married to work," the Commander became aware. And indeed, close people in her environment, until recently, were sure that the woman was lonely.

Lyudmila Ryumina photo. Breaking news today 01/06/2018

A famous Russian folk singer died at the age of 68. The cause of death of Lyudmila Ryumina was announced by her concert director on the official website of the singer on August 31, 2017. According to her, oncology did not give the famous woman the slightest chance. There are no details about Lyudmila Ryumina's illness in open sources of information - apparently, the permanent leader of the Rosy ensemble did not want to disclose the intimate details of treatment and diagnosis.

People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina died in Moscow at the age of 68. The cause of death is cancer.

Singer Lyudmila Ryumina died in the Botkin hospital from cancer.

Farewell to the singer will take place on September 4 at the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center, the funeral will take place at the Vostryakovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Singer Lyudmila Ryumina became famous for her performance of Russian folk songs, was the founder and leader of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rus".

Since 1999 - artistic director of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center.

She spent her childhood and youth in the village of Vyazovoe, Dolgorukovsky District, Lipetsk Region, which she considered her homeland.

After graduating from art school, Lyudmila Georgievna worked at the plant as a graphic designer.

At the age of 18, Lyudmila received an invitation to work in the Voronezh Girls ensemble. With this group, Ryumina began to develop as a singer, performer of folk songs.

Later, Lyudmila enters the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College for the course of the Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize Valentina Efimovna Klodnina. After 3 years (instead of 4 prescribed) he graduated from college as an external student.

Having received a referral to the Fryazino music school, for the next 2 years the singer works as the head of the children's folk choir.

Then Lyudmila Ryumina becomes a soloist of the Mosconcert. In parallel, she decides to continue her musical education and in 1978 enters the Gnessin Institute at the Department of Folk Singing to professor, People's Artist of the Soviet Union, State Prize laureate Nina Konstantinovna Meshko.

Graduated from the institute Lyudmila Ryumina in 1983. Being already a well-deserved artist, Lyudmila Ryumina comes to the conclusion that the performance of a folk song also implies action, competent directorial and acting presentation of the material. And he enters GITIS at the department of "variety direction" to the teacher, People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Shalevich.

According to the official version, she was never married and had no children. The personal life of the artist, by her own admission, this is creativity.

She never connected her life with any of the men: the profession forced her to devote all her time to tours, preparing for concerts and rehearsals.

The other day, the singer's niece said that Ryumina had a legal husband. Why she hid it remains a mystery.

An accident that occurred at the beginning of the singer's career took away her ability to have children. Crossing the road of a street familiar for several days, Lyudmila fell under the wheels of a car, which literally dragged her along the asphalt for several meters.

The traumatologist then said that the woman was born in a shirt, since she remained alive, but numerous internal injuries forever deprived her of the opportunity to become a mother.

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