Recreation as a savage - recommendations for beginners. How to organize a savage vacation for the first time


Having decided to go to the Black Sea as a savage, the first thing you need to know is which places are best suited to pitch a tent and stay overnight or even for a week. Camping areas are best suited for this format of recreation - these are specially equipped sites in the safest and most picturesque places on the coast.

Pine Grove

Unlike the so-called car camping, which is a protected parking area with all amenities and access to the sea, classic camping areas leave tourists to themselves. And most importantly - they are absolutely free, except for isolated cases.

Consider the most popular camping sites for savage recreation on the Black Sea.

Pine Grove

camping area Pine Grove located on the way from Gelendzhik to Dzhankhot, away from the village of Divnomorskoye. In recent years, signs have appeared here, so finding the way will not be difficult at all. This is a picturesque place in the middle of a coniferous forest, located on a hill from the pebbly coast of the Black Sea.

Caring tourists pulled the ropes between the trees so that no one fell off the rocks, and the approach to the beach is a metal staircase. Camping is popular among families with children and lovers of "promoted" recreational areas. Almost the entire season here is quite crowded.

Camping on the Black Sea

Basic rules of conduct in the camping area

The unspoken, and quite obvious, law of rest by a savage - clean up all the rubbish. Unfortunately, this rule is violated by our compatriots so often that camping cleaning services simply do not have time to cope.

The second advice, which, according to experienced tourists, should be observed by a novice savage is have a large supply of fresh water. Do not believe the maps about the presence of streams or rivers - the stream may dry up by the summer, and the river will be so clogged with human waste that it will be life-threatening to drink water.

The last important point - choose places to stay carefully. The Black Sea coast is known for its unpleasant inhabitants - for example, vipers. Snakes are very fond of hiding under stones, and on sunny days they crawl out to open areas near the beach without fear. If you are traveling with children, this should be taken seriously.

Camping Pine Paradise

pine paradise

Camping Pine Paradise is the same car camping that provides a number of benefits that you have to pay for. In 2015, the rest here cost 200 rubles per person per day, which is a trifle in comparison with the private sector in the region. There is a recreation area a few kilometers from Arkhipo-Osipovka, signs are not everywhere, but you can ask any local resident and they will tell you the way.

Of the pleasant amenities of the camping - the presence of summer showers, separate toilet areas. Parking areas are at a sufficient distance from each other so that no one interferes with anyone. The campsite itself is under the constant supervision of the owners, so all problems are solved in a matter of minutes.

Camping at the Kiselyov Rock

Kiseleva rock

If you've watched the movie The Diamond Arm, you'll probably remember the fishing scene on the rocky beach. This beach is next to Rock Kiseleva- a favorite place of the Black Sea savages. You can even get to the rock from Tuapse on foot, but many prefer to come here by car.

Before setting up a tent right on the shore, you need to know that it can be very windy here at night, and often tourists' tents are blown right into the sea. It is best to stay a little further from the beach, closer to the trees.

Important: Kiselev Rock is known not only for its roles in films, but also for the local fauna. At night, raccoons constantly walk here, begging tourists for food, and sometimes stealing it quite shamelessly.


Village Ashe, located 52 km southeast of Tuapse, is known for its camping areas, there are several of them, some are paid, some are not, but experienced tourists insist that all novice savages spend the night at least once in a free zone in order to experience a unique the atmosphere of this place.

Formally, the village zone is included in Greater Sochi, but it takes even longer to get here from the tourist capital of Russia than from Tuapse. You can choose a remote stretch of the beach as a resting place for a savage, or go even further and pitch a tent in the area of ​​​​the Ashe River, which gave the settlement its name.

Camping in the village of Ashe

Savage holidays on the Black Sea are always cheaper

In the last couple of years, the demand for savage holidays among Russian tourists has increased, and it's not just the crisis and more expensive hotels. The very format of such a holiday allows you to feel unity with nature, and in modern realities - to stay close to civilization.

According to the latest data from travel agencies, at the beginning of 2016, the average price for accommodation in organized camping areas near the Black Sea will be 300 rubles per day per person. For this money, the tourist gets a place in a guarded parking lot, a stable W-Fi signal, access to showers, and most importantly, a section of the seashore within a 2-3 minute walk.

For comparison, the minimum cost of renting a room in the private sector of the Black Sea region will be 600 rubles per day. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the chosen house will have the Internet and other amenities, not to mention the fact that such houses are located at a distance from the beaches. The private sector near the coast is traditionally much more expensive.

For an additional fee, camping areas will offer to rent a tent, beach chairs, and organize animation programs for children and adults. Some campsites even have integrated nutrition programs.

As you know, a savage vacation or an independent vacation implies the absence of vouchers, tours and other attributes of a civilized vacation.

It became especially popular in Soviet times, when not everyone could get an official ticket to a sanatorium, most of all they had a rest in the Crimea, Abkhazia and the Krasnodar Territory. Now such a holiday abroad is becoming more and more popular and there are many different reasons for this. This type of holiday has both pros and cons.

The clear benefit would be cost savings. In this case, the person pays nothing to the travel agency and other intermediaries. Can refuse a variety of unnecessary services included in the usual tour package.

If you don’t like some place, then such a tourist can always move and see the whole country, and not just traditional sights, often seen more than once, you can even go to a neighboring state.

The person decides for himself, this is certainly an advantage. It will be easier for such tourists to rent accommodation, since its choice on the spot is usually much wider than the offer of a travel agency, the price can also be much cheaper. With a visual choice of housing, you can find a much better option.

What should be considered when relaxing as a savage?

However, such a holiday has various disadvantages. You may have problems with the documents, you will have to draw them up only on your own. For some countries, their list is so impressive that it may seem unbearable, and often it is.

If you want to relax on your own, it is better to travel to those countries with which your state has an agreement on a visa-free regime.

  • Many refuse this type of holiday, because they feel the language barrier, indeed, if you do not speak English at least at an elementary level, then it is better not to travel on your own to those countries where it is the main one.

However, there are many countries where knowing only a few words of English is enough, and in Turkey, Croatia, Egypt, Montenegro and several other countries, you can find many people who are fluent in Russian.

  • If you are vacationing on a tour and you have some problems, you can always contact the tour operator and count on his help. If you are relaxing on your own, you will not have such patronage, all problems will need to be solved on your own, which is not always easy, so if you have to visit countries where there are security problems and high crime, then it is better to go there on a tour, and if you opportunities to avoid such trips altogether.

There are many other ways to relax, for example, everyone knows that this is also very interesting.

As for tickets, they can be ordered on the website of any tour operator, now there are many sites that offer convenient search criteria for various offers and airlines. Various companies often hold various promotions, so you can get a ticket at a very low price, the main thing is to know about these events and get into them.

  • If you buy a 2-way ticket, its price can be even cheaper. You can also reduce the price if you choose a flight with transfers, for young tourists this should not be a big problem.
  • If a country requires a visa, then you need to find out about it separately, here the choice is up to a specific tourist, but it is better not to travel to countries with a visa regime on your own.
  • If you decide to relax on your own, you still need to take out medical insurance, since the prices for medical care abroad can be such that a simple tourist simply cannot afford them, you always need to specify the amount of insurance, the higher it is, the better.

Where to go for a savage vacation

If we talk about where to relax as a savage, then there are many directions. Recently, an independent holiday in Thailand has become more and more popular, there are many resorts and various entertainments for every taste.

For several decades, Europeans have been happy to relax as savages in Croatia and Montenegro. These countries can boast of the magnificent Adriatic coast, which will not leave anyone indifferent. Most Russian tourists have a rest here on their own, which drastically reduces their costs.

Here you can find just a huge amount of private housing for self-renting. It is varied here at a variety of prices, including the most affordable. Europeans also often spend holidays in Bulgaria as savages, holidays here are inexpensive, and housing issues can be resolved very quickly and profitably.

Egypt is also quite a popular destination for Russians on their own, but now there are serious problems with this country due to the cessation of regular flights, moreover, Egypt is not such a safe place as it was several years ago.

Of course, all issues need to be resolved on their own, but even when the problems with air traffic are resolved, it will still be better to come to Egypt on a package tour, which will dramatically improve the safety of such a trip.

In general, independent rest is quite possible, but you need to be very careful about this topic. If you know, then it can be a good alternative to a wild vacation abroad.

Now many vacationers choose to rest as a savage, preferring to organize all the little things on their own. This concept has been entrenched in our vocabulary since Soviet times, when “savages” were called people who did not want to relax in sanatoriums and take ready-made vouchers, but organized their vacation themselves, and much cheaper - for example, living in private houses with local grandmothers or in general sleeping outdoors in a tent. If you are used to vacation packages, but want to know how to relax like a savage, take note of a few tips on how to build such a vacation in the right way.

Resting like a savage without the help of a travel agency

As we have already decided, the organization of everything is the most responsible, but also quite interesting part, which involves the rest of the savage. Therefore, once you have finally decided on your destination, start collecting the necessary information about your trip well in advance.

Plan your itinerary and calculate your budget

Use a good travel guide and online resources, such as travel forums, where you can ask other travelers about their experiences. There you will find out which accommodation in the city is the cheapest, what transport is more convenient to move around the city, where it is better to go to eat and what places are worth seeing. Decide right away how long you are going to rest, especially if you want to visit several cities or countries at the same time.

And now, based on the length of your route, the duration of the trip and the number of overnight stays, you should calculate your budget. Again, you can find out about local prices on the Internet.

Take care of transport

Plan your next itinerary and think about what transport will get you to your destination faster and cheaper: somewhere it’s easier to get by train, somewhere you need a bus, and if you can only get to your destination by air, look for options with low-cost airlines. Book your tickets in advance so as not to be left with a nose at the very last moment.

Do not forget that at the best price tickets can be purchased during sales and seasonal promotions, and flights with transfers will come out cheaper than direct ones.

Find accommodation

Independent rest obliges you to find a place to yourself in advance, not hoping for luck. It doesn't matter if you are going to go wild in Europe or go to the nearest water resort without leaving the country - you will need a roof over your head in any case. If you want to go savage to the sea, then an inexpensive house in the private sector within walking distance from the beach can really become your option - the main thing is to find it in advance, especially if you plan to travel during the peak season.

Look for hotel rooms in advance too. If you are relaxing in the city, then you can stay in hostels there - not very comfortable, but fun and budget friendly.

Rest savage in the wild

If you are going to relax in nature as a savage, avoiding not only the help of a travel agency, but also hotels, hostels, buses and big cities, then your choice is a wild vacation in the forest, on a lake or by the sea! Just like our parents liked to relax - with backpacks on their shoulders, tents, bonfires and guitars. In this case, the costs will come out even less, and there will be a lot of impressions. The only thing is that for safety reasons it is recommended not to go on such a trip alone.

If you travel by car, you will be able to afford to carry more cargo, but walking will limit the amount of things that you can comfortably move around with. There remains a specific question: what to take with you on vacation, except for a tent and sleeping bags? A recommended list of things might be as follows:

  • supply of drinking water;
  • food stocks;
  • change of underwear, shoes and clothes;
  • first aid kit;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • bedding;
  • a bundle of firewood;
  • matches;
  • dry fuel;
  • axe;
  • crockery and cutlery;
  • flashlight with batteries.

Do not take food with you that can quickly deteriorate, take better canned food, vegetables, spices and oil. And products such as sugar, coffee, cereals need to be packed in airtight tins so that they do not deteriorate from rain and are not affected by insects and rodents.

If you are going on a savage vacation, opt for light cotton clothes, and even in the midst of a hot summer, take some warm clothes with you. Comfortable shoes you should have at least two pairs - your running and removable. Do not forget about a hat and a raincoat, whether it is a vacation in the forest or at sea.

What else to take with you on vacation is first aid equipment. Responsibly approach the collection of the first-aid kit: it should contain painkillers, antihistamines and antiseptics, burn remedies, cotton wool, bandage, peroxide, plaster, iodine, as well as protection against mosquitoes and other insects. Finally, don't forget about personal medicines for chronic diseases and allergies.

And about how to relax as a savage abroad cheaply, but with high quality, you can learn from this video:

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The main advantage of a savage holiday is a small budget, complete freedom of action in choosing a route and an excursion program, as well as the opportunity to visit the most remote corners where there are practically no other tourists. Among our compatriots, wild holidays on the Black Sea coast are very popular.

How to get to the Black Sea from Moscow or the region

So, if you decide to go to the Black Sea to relax as a savage, the first thing you need to decide is how you will get there: by train, plane or private car. Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages, so let's look at them in more detail.

The fastest way to get to the Black Sea resorts is by plane. In addition, plane tickets are not much more expensive than train compartment tickets. But if you go to the sea for the purpose of camping, then you will probably have a lot of heavy things with you. This means that the weight of your baggage may not fit into the free baggage allowance. Therefore, check the baggage rules with your chosen airline in advance. Keep in mind that airlines that sell cheap tickets often limit luggage to 10 kilos! Therefore, you will have to pay extra for exceeding the weight limit.

Traveling by train practically does not limit you in the amount of luggage, so you can take a heavy backpack, tent and other travel equipment with you. However, train tickets in the summer season must be booked in advance. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy tickets for good places one or two weeks before the trip.

Difficulties of autotravel

Getting by car, you are unlikely to have time to get to the nearest Black Sea coast in one day, most likely, the road will take at least 25-35 hours. Therefore, on the way you will have to stop for the night. You can spend the night in roadside motels, but this may not fit into the budget of your trip. The second option is to spend the night in a tent, but then you will have to look for a campsite or a place where you can put up a tent and spend the night in it.

If you plan to put up a tent outside the campsites, then it is better to choose places to spend the night in advance. Study carefully the map of the area on the way of your route, find

Vacation without a ticket, or, as it is called, a savage, is a great opportunity to organize the vacation of your dreams yourself, while saving on the services of a tour operator, travel agency and other expenses. What are the best countries to visit as a savage?

This type of recreation gained great popularity about 20 years ago, when not everyone could get or buy tickets to the south and, as a result, went to the sea with tents or rented housing from private traders. Today's rest as a savage does not mean spending the night in tents, self-cooking food and other "charms" of travel of the Soviet period. No, of course, for those who wish, all these opportunities still remain, but recently the "savages" prefer to relax in a more civilized way, the path of many lies abroad. In order to organize a vacation in another country yourself, you need to make a visa yourself (if the country requires it), buy plane tickets, book a hotel (or choose a hotel on the spot) and think over your transfer.

The benefits of being a savage

The main advantage of resting as a savage is saving money, which is sometimes quite significant. Judge for yourself: in many countries where you can go on your own, there are a huge number of cheap hotels, the cost of living in which will be several times cheaper than in those offered by travel agencies, and the quality with the right choice will be no worse. The fact is that it is unprofitable for tour operators to sell cheap hotels to tourists: they receive little profit from them, and as much work as with more expensive hotels.

There is another important plus in the rest of the savages - this is freedom of movement. You are not tied to a hotel, a city, or even a country, and you can change the hotel and holiday area at any time without losing your money (unless, of course, you have paid everything in advance and you have no way to get your money back).

Cons of a savage holiday

Of the minuses of independent travel is that you will have to fill out all the documents yourself and no one is responsible for your vacation, except for yourself. However, if you are going to a civilized country, there should not be any special problems.

What countries are good to travel as a savage?


A huge number of tourists vacation in Croatia as savages - it is not difficult to organize a vacation, living in this country is not expensive, and there are no special problems with food either.

The country is known for its natural beauty and wonderful climate, which is suitable for almost everyone. In Croatia, there is no sweltering heat, and comfort is also achieved due to fresh and light air and pleasant sea temperature. Beautiful nature, lots of greenery, excellent prices for hotel accommodation and food - this is what distinguishes Croatia from other European countries.

In order to visit Croatia, you will need a visa, it is issued at the consular section of the Croatian Embassy in Moscow. You need to take care of this in advance. Note! If you have a valid Schengen visa, you can visit both Croatia and other countries. But if you have a national Schengen visa issued to visit Croatia, then it will not give you the right to travel to other EU countries.


This is another great country for independent rest. You also need a visa, which is issued at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria. You can also get there by train, but the journey is quite long - the journey from Moscow will take more than 2 days, so it is better to choose a plane. Bulgaria has a huge number of private hotels and a lot of offers for renting apartments. There will be no problems with food - there it is the same as with us.


If you want exotic, Asian nature, gentle ocean, unusual food and cheap but high-quality massage, go to Thailand! You do not need to apply for a visa in advance, it is given at the entrance to the country. But for cheap air tickets you will have to hunt! As for hotels, there are a huge number of cheap options in Thailand, and you can decide which one you want to stay in immediately upon arrival. Despite the fact that Thailand is a poor Asian country, if you follow the rules of hygiene, you are unlikely to bring something from your vacation that you don’t want to bring at all.


In Goa, you can enjoy not only the sea and the sun, but also rejuvenate and improve your body. Spa treatments here are based on the principles of Ayurveda. If you want a more party life, head upstate. In its southern part, life is more measured, and in the center it is all mixed. An Indian visa is required to visit Goa. Experienced travelers are advised not to get attached to one place and see the whole state. Depending on this, decide how you will book a hotel or hotels along your route.


If you want not a beach, but a more educational holiday and you have a Schengen visa (or you are going to apply for it), then visiting European countries will not be difficult. If you want to plunge into the beauty and touch the history, go to Italy. All you need for this is a valid visa, plane tickets and a booked hotel.

If you want to save even more on accommodation, you can stay abroad in campsites. There are many campsites in Europe, it will not be difficult to find them. Choosing this vacation option, you will have to take care of your accommodation on your own, that is, take with you all the necessary things from home for a comfortable stay there. Take care of the tent first. If you go on vacation with children, there is a reason to take a two-room tent with you. Take also sleeping bags, best of all, those that turn into a blanket - in warm or hot weather, you can unzip them and sleep like under a regular home blanket. You will also need mats (it is better to take self-inflating ones) or foams. And to understand what else you might have forgotten, go to the website of the online store, where there is everything for tourism - taking a virtual walk through the boutique, you will find what you need.

As they say, rest is good, and good rest is even better. Take care of your vacation in advance, think over everything to the smallest detail and enjoy a wonderful trip!

Medical travel insurance. Specify the country and dates of the trip, then select the appropriate option and issue a policy.

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