Revelations of Verka Serduchka: Andrei Danilko first opened up and spoke about his personal life. Biography of Andrei Danilko: Serduchka's secret personal life


Today, probably, there is not a single person who did not laugh at the songs and dances of the popular Verka Serduchka. She is loved by people of all countries, she is a bright, groovy, cheerful woman. Today we will tell you all the details of the life of a star. And also you will be the first to know what happened to Andrey Danilko.

Childhood years of the star

Danilko Andrey Mikhailovich was born in the city of Poltava in Ukraine on 02.10.1973 in the family of a driver . Mother worked as a house painter . When the boy was 7 years old, his father fell ill with lung cancer and died. The poor mother started working three shifts to feed her children. There were two children in the family . The family lived constantly in poverty, they had to live in one room in a barrack, where there were no living conditions. When Andrei was 17 years old, they lived so poorly that he had nothing to buy. Already from the age of ten, the boy played in the local theater, he had a love for the stage from an early age.

School life

Andrey studied average. At school he was a shy boy, sometimes he even hid behind the backs of his classmates so that they would not notice him. He participated in the school KVN team, and was chosen as the captain. His team won first place in all competitions. He was a favorite in the class, all the teachers loved him very much, and his classmates respected him. At the same time, much to the surprise of those around him, he was a quiet and modest boy. The teachers constantly asked Andrey to draw all sorts of posters for the holidays, and he did it pretty well. But what happened to Andrei Danilko now, that he has changed so dramatically, no one can say.

First steps in art

Immediately after Andrei Mikhailovich Danilko graduated from school, he takes exams for admission to a music school. In the end, he does not enter: the examiners decided that he did not look good on stage, and simply flunked him. Andrew is very upset. Having fallen into despair, the guy goes to study as a cashier-seller. After graduating from vocational school, the guy again goes to the music school to hand over the documents, but they already knew him there and refused. During this time he worked in a kiosk.

On April 1, 1993, the image of Verka Serduchka was first presented at Humorin in his hometown. Andrei receives a prize for the best acting work and becomes a contender for a prize at a competition in Kyiv.

April 1, 1995 Andrey's miniature is shown at the "Day of Laughter" in the capital of Ukraine. And already in the summer he was invited by Privatbank to appear in its advertisement.

Toward the end of 1996, Andrei met a music producer and began to actively cooperate with the Mamamusic company.

Closer to 1997, Danilko entered the circus school, but studied there for only a year and a half. In the end, Andrei failed to get a higher education. He releases his first song called "Just Faith". As Andrei Danilko himself said, his biography and personal life turned out to be quite fun.

The spring of 1997 brought Andrey good luck at the beginning of his career. Verka Serduchka was invited to act as a host on the 1 + 1 channel in a show called Sv-Show. Andrei played the conductor, to whom various celebrities came to the show.

Personal life of a star

Andrei is already 40 years old, but he is still not married, and he does not have a life partner. After breaking off relations with his school girlfriend Anya Serdyuk, he did not start a relationship with anyone for quite a long time. At the beginning of his career, he began an affair with Inna Belokon, who was a dancer in his ballet. They stayed together for more than thirteen years.

After that, on his way, he meets a certain Inna Yaremenko, who helped him come up with his stage image and played the role of his caring mother. Due to the fact that they were constantly nearby, they began an affair. But in the end, the relationship ended in nothing. The girl married another guy, but, nevertheless, they communicate, Danilko in theirs. But they secretly continued to meet, even though Inna is married and has a son. Andrei was very secretive about this relationship. But it was not a secret for long, at the concert of the famous star Lyubasha, Andrei drank well and began openly, in front of everyone, kissing Inna. Danilko thought that Inna wanted to break up with her husband, but it turned out to be the opposite, she just wanted to end the affair. Mom for Andrei is the most important and only woman who always supports and loves him.

Why such a pseudonym - Verka Serduchka?

According to Andrei, he thought for a long time what pseudonym to take, and finally decided to become Serduchka. This is due to the fact that in his school years he was very fond of the girl Anya, whose last name was Serdyuk, they sat at the same desk with her, they were always together. In the class, the girl was called Serduchka. And so a new Andrey Danilko appeared - Serdyuchka. And, as it turned out, the choice of stage name was a happy one. Yes, it’s not for nothing that Andrei Danilko admits: his biography, his personal life are full of events.

The beginning of a flurry of activity

In 1999, after a fun and successful role in the show, Danilko was offered to go on tour in Russia and Europe. And already in 2000, Verka Serduchka was awarded the "Cup of Humor". And from that time on, stormy tours began throughout Europe. In the summer of 2003, a concert tour called "I was born for love" begins, which brings the star immense popularity. Soon, Andrey Danilko's performances conquered millions of hearts of fans, and already at the end of 2003 he was awarded the "Diamond Disc".

Already on January 1, 2004, Danilko plays the role of Sofya Prokopyevna in a musical called "For Two Hares", which he rehearsed for 20 years in a row since his school years. After playing the role in this musical, the star goes on tour to America.

2007 brought Andrei great success. He represents Ukraine at Eurovision. He did not take first place, but, nevertheless, he managed to get the audience award.

In 2008, the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko issued an order to Verka Serdyuchka as a national star of Ukraine. After this time, there is a lull in the artist's career. Many of his fans ask each other what happened to Andrei Danilko, why there are no more of his performances.

The biggest star scandals

The very first scandalous incident was Danilko's performance at Eurovision. The scandal arose due to the fact that in his song there was a chorus with the words "Russia, goodbye!" The Russians were very offended by the star and began to actively condemn him. The media began to write a lot of all sorts of awkward information about him. Since that time, his journey and tours to Russia have ceased forever. Nobody knows where Andrey Danilko is now.

The second scandal was the purchase of a very expensive car lead singer of the group "Queen" Freddie Mercury. The amount was initially a secret, it was not disclosed, but it soon became known that the car cost him more than three million rubles. This fact of the purchase caused a lot of discontent among the fans, who felt that the star was just showing off his big income.

The next nonsense was the attribution to Andrei that he turned to services due to the fact that he does not have a wife, and he is not going to start a family. A certain woman bore him two sons, they even came up with a name - Vanya and Misha.

After discussing the personal life of the star, gossip began about his health. They began to believe that Danilko is an alcoholic who cannot live without alcohol for a day. There were even such versions that he was treated in many clinics. Newspapers and magazines began to write many articles about this.

The final scandal that angered the star was that many began to consider him a homosexual. All the fans were at a loss, because no one could believe that this was all Andrei Danilko, whose songs were sung by both young and old, because it was he who gathered millions of people at his concerts.

Departure of a star from Ukraine

Already at the beginning of 2014, the next scandals, failures in life led to the fact that Andrei Danilko left for Germany. As Andrei himself said, Kyiv became a prison for him. As it turned out later, the star went abroad for an indefinite period. It is only known that Andrei really likes it there, and he feels good there. In addition, he will restore his strength and improve his health. Lately, he's had frequent fainting spells. During a performance at Mitya Fomin's birthday party, he nearly passed out on stage. The director of the star gave an interview in which he said that Andrei needed a rest, and they had to cancel all the concerts. Why is everything so Andrey Danilko - no one knows.

More recently, it became known that fans of the show star will be able to watch the American film "Spy Comedy" in 2015, in which Danilko will star along with famous actors. In the film, Andrei will dance the dance that he danced at Eurovision.

Danilko's return to the stage

In Kyiv, where Andrey Danilko is now, everything began to improve. The fans are very happy that he was able to gain strength and return to show business again. He is happy and will continue to delight people with his creativity. The artist says that he loves his fans very much and is grateful to them for always supporting him. Everyone is looking forward to the premiere of the movie starring the beloved star, which will premiere in May 2015. As always, Danilko will be irresistible.

September 10, 2015 No comments

Many fans of the artist are interested in where Verka Serdyuchka (Andrey Danilko) is now and what he is doing. Not watching the already familiar performances, a lot of questions arose. Clarity was made by journalists who reported that the Ukrainian star had left Kyiv. Now the artist is in Germany. The period of residence has been determined, but Andrei has not yet officially announced his emigration. The generally accepted version of moving is health care. According to the artist, serious problems have recently appeared.

In Berlin, Danilko feels quite comfortable: he is not recognized on the streets, so you can relax. Events in the homeland caused a serious depression, which turned out to be protracted. As a result, it became known not only where Verka Serduchka (Andrey Danilko) is now, but also information appeared about the state of the famous actor.

Andrei believes that now is not the time for fun in the Motherland, so a time-out has been taken. The break is used to rest and improve health. The artist also wants to overcome moral fatigue. Therefore, New Year's corporate parties, most likely, will be held without Verka Serduchka. Television channels on which the artist is not going to appear are also refused, regardless of whether invitations are received from Russia or Ukraine.

However, the star is not going to completely say goodbye to creativity. Tours are planned in Germany, where many Russian-speaking citizens live. For example, a Ukrainian star is warmly welcomed not only in Berlin, but also in Hamburg. Looking after the repertoire taking into account local conditions, Serdyuchka's songs are undergoing changes, that's what Verka Serdyuchka (Andrey Danilko) is doing now.

German-language inserts are professionally added, so the audience better understands the star from Ukraine.

In the zero years, the conductor Verka Serduchka found a stunning success.

But the artist Andrei Danilko is much less lucky - he never managed to start his own family.

Today, 43-year-old Andrei Danilko does not advertise his personal life, trying to keep his tongue shut. However, recently the famous artist nevertheless gave an interview to the Vesti newspaper, in which he explains the absence of a family by the fact that he likes to be alone.

According to Danilko, this is the only way he can take a break from constant communication with people.

Andrei also explained why he has not yet married: “Now I have such an age when I don’t want a family at all. I really wanted a family when I was 22 years old. And then over the years I wanted to get married less and less. Now I don't want to at all. I periodically need to be alone in my closed territory. I think it has to do with an overabundance of communication.”

Andrei calls his fatigue from the close attention of society a disease: “I have a real social phobia, which arises from extreme fatigue. Once I was at sea for a whole week - I rested, calmed down, stopped drinking coffee and even began to sleep better. There I was surprised at myself - I started talking in stores and even making someone laugh.

One of the biggest fears of an artist is that he might be recognized in a crowd. And not by chance! Once Danilko had to hide from obsessive fans in the first-aid post, from where he was secretly escorted to the car.

At various times (including now), Andrei was credited with an affair with Inna Belokon. But the artist claims that they have exceptionally friendly relations. Danilko admitted that he and his colleague could easily kiss just like that or stay together in the room until the morning. Inna Belokon said that she had known Andrei for 22 years and really appreciated her strong friendship with him.

Recall that on stage Inna plays the role of Verka Serduchka's mother. Here is one of the photos taken at the beginning of their joint career.

However, in an interview, Andrei admitted that he did not think about his wife and children at all. Now the artist tries to spend time alone with himself.

At the same time, the actor does not deny that he is somewhat detached from real life. For example, he does not know how to pay for an apartment, how much the gasoline that his driver buys costs. Danilko hates everyday life and does not want to get into it. He has a housewife who cleans and does laundry. But Andrey prefers to cook on his own. According to the celebrity, he is never bored with himself and there is always something to do - watch some programs or listen to audio books.

Andrei Danilko, popularly known as the conductor Verka Serduchka, has rarely appeared in public lately. In this regard, a large number of rumors, gossip and speculation flooded social networks. Among them, there were reports that a beloved artist had been killed. Let's try to objectively figure out what really happened to Andrei.

For more than fifteen years, the artist has been performing on the stage in a humorous female image, known not only in Ukraine, in Andrey's homeland, but in Russia, Europe and even overseas. A talented young man almost on his own, without producers and agents created his stage role and organized his own performances.

The future star was born in Poltava 42 years ago. The standard Soviet family of a boy (parents-workers and two children) was in financial need, so parents had to work hard, and there was no time to deal not only with the development of the potential abilities of children, but simply with their upbringing.

Without parental control, Andrey did not try at all in his studies, but excelled in amateur art schools. He was the captain of the KVN school team, participated in competitions with pleasure, attended school theater classes.

Due to the lack of proper training, the young man could not enter either the pedagogical institute or the music school after graduation. There was only one road left - to the vocational school. Therefore, his first specialty is a cashier-seller.

But Andrey's creative nature could not be limited to the framework of exact objects. He independently invented characters, created miniatures and went on tour with them. After a while to him the idea comes to create your own theater. At this time, real fame comes to him.

Danilko feels a lack of education, so in 1995 he entered the circus variety school. However, after studying for a year and a half, he was expelled due to lack of prospects. In fact, his views on creativity diverged from the vision of teachers. And yet he received an education, but already at the Institute of Culture.

A new stage in his work was performance of pop music in the image of Verka Serduchki, release of several albums, video clips. The kitsch style of the songs created by Danilko brought him wide popularity and commercial success. The awarding of prestigious music awards is a confirmation of his recognition as a true professional. The participation of the star in musicals added to his popularity and love of the audience. A second place in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 brought Andrey European recognition.

The showman does not like to talk about his personal life, so the information that leaks to the press, as a rule, appears late or does not always correspond to reality.

In the last two years Andrey Danilko disappeared from the screens televisions and does not give concerts either in Ukraine or in Russia. Fans became worried, not only assumptions appeared in the media, but also facts that took place several years ago.

One of these is a message about the murder of a showman. Recall the old story that happened to the artist.

After the rumor appeared that Andrey Danilko was killed in a Kiev cafe, the artist's fans and journalists decided to get to the bottom of the truth. It turned out that the rumor was well founded. To the delight of the fans, Andrei is alive and unharmed, but the murder was actually planned. This was later told by Igor Klinkov, the producer of the showman.

The murder was planned to be committed after Verka Serduchka's performance at the Tavria Games in 2008. Somehow (it remained a secret) the producer became aware of the plans of the criminal, and he decided to strengthen the security of the singer. Before the performance, Danilko himself was not told about the impending danger, so as not to unbalance the artist. However, Andrei felt that something was happening. He was nervous about a dozen armed guards assigned to him by the producer. Because of this, there was even a dispute between Andrei and Igor, although later the artist was grateful to his colleague.

The story with the star once again proves that, as a rule, the closest people betray. The killer turned out to be a good friend Andrey, who has a fatal passion to play in the casino. He played to the point that he even lost his apartment, but he still owed the casino. Realizing that the amount 125 thousand dollars unbearable for him, the player did not think of anything better than to hide. However, he was found and threatened with reprisals if he did not return the debt. Trying to get out of an unpleasant situation, a traitor friend spoke about friendly relations with Danilko. To him offered to kill Verka Serduchka in exchange for forgiveness of the debt. Andrei's friend was not tormented by remorse for a long time and agreed.

But, apparently, someone from the criminal company is a fan of the artist, and found a way to warn the producer about the impending assassination attempt. Unfortunately, the question of whether who interfered with the artist. After all, it is clear that the murder was not prepared for fun. The killer was not apprehended.

When, after the performance, Danilko found out that he was one step away from death, he could not recover for a long time. But this not the only attempt on the star. The showman admitted that in 2010, when he tried to try his hand at politics, during the election campaign in the Rada, Andrei was forced to withdraw his candidacy, feeling a clear threat to his life.

Now Andrey Danilko continues to do what he loves. He really does not perform on the Ukrainian stage, explaining that the cheerful image of Verka Serduchka is now irrelevant in the country. In Russia, the singer sometimes participates in concerts at private corporate parties, weddings, family holidays. Engaged in the creation of new songs. Desire to avoid political interpretation of his songs, the star tours abroad, often performs in the USA, as a judge he took part in the selection of singers for Eurovision 2016.

In addition, the artist forced to pay more attention to their health. A tough work schedule, flights, change of time zones led to insomnia, hypertension.

Andrey Danilko has everything - popularity, success, money, favorite work. However, the artist failed to create a strong family. Now Andrei, whom everyone knows as Verka Serduchka, is 43 years old and in a new interview he frankly stated that he no longer dreams of a wife and children, and he is comfortable alone.

“The age has come when you don’t want a family at all. I wanted a family when I was 22 years old. And then over the years, less and less, and now I don’t want to at all. I need to be alone and have my own closed territory. I think this is due to the glut of communication with people, "

Danilko says.

Alone, Andrei does not get bored. In his free time, the artist listens to audio books, watches programs and does what he loves - cooking his favorite dishes.

The desire to retire and remain alone Danilko explains excessive communication with people at work. Now even a small company makes him uncomfortable.

“This is already a disease. They may not recognize me, but as soon as I see people, it turns on in my head that now they can recognize me. But I earned this in those years when there were a lot of performances. For example, there was a case in Lviv when the whole circus ran at me and I ran up some stairs. I was then closed in the first-aid post, and I sat in horror. Then they took me out through the back door, put me in a car, and I lay down on the floor so that they wouldn’t see me, ”

The artist admitted in an interview with Vesti.

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