A frank and passionate Taurus woman. Taurus woman: who is she and what kind of man does she need


The Taurus girl is charming and gentle thanks to her patroness Venus. These ladies adore beautiful things, refined cuisines, expensive wines, we can say that they are ruinous for their fans, so a man who undertook to take care of a female calf will always be “in good shape”.

Taurus woman: character and features

The nature of such girls is not easy, but it is very comfortable and pleasant to spend time with them. These girls are the salt of the earth, they combine amazing qualities that many men are looking for all their lives. It is worth saying that they are very reserved ladies and rarely show their bad mood to others, but if they lose their temper, they are able to frighten even a strong man. The Taurus girl believes that her fate is in her own hands and it depends only on her whether she will be happy. It fits perfectly with the following signs:

  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn;
  • Fish;
  • Scorpion.

Characteristics of girls under the sign of taurus

The character of the Taurus woman is very persistent. She is a strong personality. People around appreciate this woman for her directness, reliability and a developed sense of responsibility. But these ladies do not tolerate when they do not agree with them and object, especially in front of third parties. With children, she is strict, but in moderation, she cannot stand disobedience, negligence, and sloppy appearance. Such things are very angry and infuriate Taurus women.

The zodiac sign gave this woman a sense of harmony. She is very talented and well versed in art. At her house you will never find artificial or dried flowers. Taurus knows how to please people, they are very hospitable.

These girls are very sensitive to smells, they are of great importance to her, so choose a good fragrance for yourself if you want to please such a lady. And if you want to please her, give the Taurus woman a good perfume, just find out in advance what kind of fragrance she likes.

They are always a reliable support for their husband, who will not complain about difficulties in vain, especially in moments of financial turmoil.

As you can see, the characterization of the sign is very attractive, the list of positive character traits of these women is quite long. But do not think that this angel will never show you claws. If the patience of the calf runs out, then it will be bad for everyone around and the offender in the first place! Therefore, take care of the peace of your Taurus girls from stress.

Relationship with Taurus

The Taurus woman does not idealize her chosen one and perfectly sees his shortcomings, as well as his strengths. She knows exactly what kind of partner she needs. However, he does not make special demands on the chosen one, except to remain faithful.

The Taurus girl longs to know life, respects experienced men who are ready to discover something new, unknown for her. These are earthly girls, even in their youth they do not dream of movie heroes, preferring someone more accessible to them. They do not believe in platonic love, they devote a lot of time to the aspect of sexual relationships. These are sensual ladies, and if a man cannot satisfy them, then they leave him for the sake of another - this characteristic should be reckoned with.

The Taurus woman is, of course, a strong personality, but she has the mind not to show this to a man. The integrity of her amazing nature can only be envied. In order to be out of competition, she does not need to rush forward or prove something to anyone. Her poise, self-confidence, calmness and attentiveness speak for themselves.

According to the horoscope, Taurus-woman belongs to that amazing type of women in whom self-confidence and the ability to show unbending firmness are combined with calm optimism, tenderness, caring and understanding.

The ability of the zodiac sign Taurus-woman to listen and understand people makes her a wonderful wife, mother and mistress. She knows how to refrain from reproaches, does not break down over trifles, is able to patiently teach the baby to use the potty, and will no less patiently listen to her husband talking about his problems at work. Her calm smile is the best cure for both depression and illness, and her ability to cheer up and give good advice at the right time sometimes borders on psychic abilities.

There are legends about the comfort that the Taurus woman creates in her home, and her ability to manage money can eventually give this comfort a touch of unobtrusive luxury.

Taurus Woman Stone

The stones of the Taurus woman of heavenly color - turquoise and sapphire - bring them happiness.

Taurus Women Stone - Turquoise

The stone of the Taurus woman is blue turquoise, which was once poetically called the “heavenly stone” (the Aztecs believed that these were the petrified tears of the sky goddess), in all eras it was considered a talisman, especially helping in matters of the heart. In ancient times, turquoise, like other blue gems, was dedicated in Egypt to Isis, and in Greece and Rome to Aphrodite and Venus. According to tradition, a ring with turquoise was exchanged on the day of betrothal, they were given as a sign of heartfelt attraction. They were a symbol of unchanging and true love. In the Middle Ages, healing properties were attributed to turquoise, and doctors advised wearing turquoise set in silver to those who were tormented by insomnia or nightmares.

Taurus Women Stone - Sapphire

The second stone of the Taurus woman - sapphire, one of the most beautiful gemstones, was, like turquoise, the talisman of lovers and newlyweds. Sapphires were once willingly worn not only because of their beauty, but also because they believed in their ability to bring happiness in love and protect from slander. They were also considered a "talisman of the wise", allegedly aroused in their owner a thirst for knowledge, strengthened memory, strengthened prudence and prudence. Doctors recommended that people suffering from heart disease, asthma and neuralgia wear a ring or bracelet with sapphires on their left hand.

Taurus woman - love horoscope

The Taurus woman is the salt of the earth, the embodiment of those qualities that a man is always looking for in a woman and rarely finds. She sometimes finds attacks of unbridled rage, but for this you need to try very, very hard. If you do not test her patience too much, she will remain even, calm and affectionate. Her natural honesty is not combined with the usual female tricks and tricks. The Taurus woman has more fortitude than the strongest man, but she has the mind not to show this "unfeminine" quality to her partner. According to the love horoscope, a Taurus woman is a true woman, so she is looking for a true man.

The men in her have always been attracted by the fact that she accepts people for who they are. She can communicate with equal success both with a scientist who unravels the secrets of the universe, and with an ordinary clerk. Her friends can be a variety of people, sometimes too original, but they are always real people, not walking mannequins. The Taurus woman is absolutely indifferent to enemies, she simply does not notice them, but for friends she is capable of sacrifices.

Taurus cannot be called super-intellectual. She is not one of those who read abstruse philosophical treatises and is interested in the theory of relativity. The presence of many diplomas and degrees leaves her completely indifferent. She thinks one is enough. It is much more important for her to have common sense and the ability to understand the deep essence of things. She herself is a purely rational and practical being, standing firmly on the ground. But for all her earthiness, she is undoubtedly artistic, with a finely developed sensitivity.

Artificial flowers in a vase - and not only because he considers it unaesthetic. Her flowers should be alive, with a delicate smell - whether they are luxurious garden or unpretentious field ones. Taurus loves good, expensive perfumes, and the range of aromas is very wide - from exotic to cold fresh. She loves the smell of freshly washed and sun-dried linen and freshly baked bread, morning newspapers and mowed grass, burning candles and autumn leaves.

Color also means a lot in the life of a Taurus. She is impressed by all shades of blue - from pale blue to indigo, as well as pink. She has a highly developed sense of color harmony.

If you're lucky, she'll invite you over for a homemade dinner. And here you will be completely smitten. Taurus women are usually excellent cooks, and, as you know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Taurus love music, painting and nature. They sometimes draw well.

Visit the amusement park, ride horses, go out of town. Everything that is somehow connected with nature attracts them with extraordinary force, because the element of their sign is the Earth. Taurus has increased tactile sensitivity. She may not like your sweater because it is scratchy. She can guess the color of an object by touch, with her eyes closed. Taurus herself prefers soft, fluffy or silky materials, although her clothing style is never frilly, but rather simple and strict. When you get to know her better, you will understand that this is an even, calm and slow type, with whom it is always cozy, like in a warm bath. The comparison is very apt, as she loves the bath. Her bathroom is something luxurious, in mirrors, filled with ottomans and jars of shampoos, lotions, colognes, creams and more. It seems that a little more, the door will open and a black slave with a fan will go.

Taurus does not belong to the category of sissies. She will not whine and complain if her husband has financial difficulties at work, but will calmly go to work until the situation stabilizes. Taurus are excellent workers, they are never lazy, however, they prefer to work slowly, with frequent breaks for rest (they need such rest to recuperate). Taurus women are proud of their husbands and often help them in their work. Being strong by nature, they despise weakness, especially in men.

Taurus women patiently endure pain and emotional stress.

Choosing Taurus as his wife, a man will make an excellent acquisition. She loves security and therefore properly manages money. Despite her love for good clothes, food and furnishings, she will not demand everything at once, but will patiently wait for the time to come. Taurus can sacrifice momentary interests in order to create lasting financial wealth. Being a good housewife, she will try to encourage her husband to invite the right, influential people to her house.

She belongs to the type of woman who will tirelessly nurse a sick child night after night; she will breathe hope into her husband who has lost faith when he comes home completely broken, with the feeling that the whole world has turned away from him. The Taurus wife is a real family god, able to create everything from a cherry pie to a cozy, well-groomed home and cure any illness: from a common cold to a mental injury. In short, she really is a "person".

Taurus woman - mother

Motherhood is very suitable for Taurus, it goes well with a calm, balanced character. She is happy to nurse babies and mess around with kids, but with older children she can be unnecessarily strict and demanding. Her inflexibility and stubbornness play a negative role in this case. Mother Taurus cannot stand disobedience and disobedience, it is difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that children, especially at a transitional age, have a strong spirit of contradiction. Such a misunderstanding sometimes greatly complicates her relationship with children.

The natural love of the Taurus woman for beauty, comfort and harmony makes her completely intolerant of disorder, which also cannot but affect relations with children who always scatter toys, books and things everywhere. Otherwise, Taurus is an almost ideal mother, especially for babies and adult children who have passed the time of transition. Responsive, kind, loving, strong and even, able to joke and encourage, caress and give self-confidence.

Taurus woman - how to win her Love and build a relationship

The Taurus woman in love is not very jealous. Unlike other women who may be furious that the husband admires the lovely figure of a young girl, Taurus will not blame her husband for this, but most likely will share his enthusiasm. But this applies only to innocent admiration. If you allow yourself a real betrayal, and she finds out about it, you will be unhappy. So try not to provoke her.

She will forgive a friend for any shortcomings and will never leave him in trouble. But in return he expects the same attitude towards himself. And if you do not justify her trust, she will be offended and withdraw into herself.

Remembering how sensitive she is to smells, use a good shaving cream and expensive cologne. Nothing will turn her away from a person like an unpleasant smell to her.

The Taurus woman loves delicious food, richly seasoned with spices. Try to invite her from time to time to a restaurant, but certainly with good food.

When caring for a Taurus, invite her to a concert or an exhibition. This will please her.

Do not forget that Taurus does not tolerate objections, especially in public. Well, don't do it! Know that she is quite slow, but this is her usual pace; do not push it, otherwise it will be worse for you.

And another little secret: when communicating with a Taurus woman, you should not show your friendliness too much, paint the dignity of your proposals. “Taurus” catch your intentions long before that, and decide everything even before you start and have time to fully explain something. Your clothes should always be neat, modest, clean when meeting with them. Always and constantly give them the opportunity to talk about anything they want. With all their intelligence and outlook, they still love flattery.

And if you win her love, her heart and hand, you will never regret it!

Usually women of this sign are calm and caring, they have a gentle character. Taurus is the personification of Mother Earth, the feelings of the Taurus woman, like the wealth of the earth, are hidden deep inside.

Their calmness should not be taken for granted. Like the bull that symbolizes this zodiac sign, she is slow-moving, but can flare up and turn into an angry bull when someone does not do what she wants.

Characteristics of a Taurus woman

By nature, Taurus women can be somewhat inert, as a rule, they are very cautious and do not seek change. When changes do occur in their lives, this can scare them, they will try to take everything that happens under their control. You should not expect initiative from her, a desire to start something new and original. However, it is indispensable when it comes to supporting something that already exists, started by others. If she is working on her own project, she should not be distracted and suggest her own ways of doing it. She will persevere, but in the end, she will lead the case to a successful conclusion. It is in her nature to do only what, in her opinion, has real value and practical use.

Love and family

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. Therefore, the Taurus woman is very romantic in relationships. She can be easy-going, but she is not in a hurry in matters of love, first she wants to make sure that she makes a wise choice. She wants to see that the potential partner has the qualities she is looking for. Taurus is a slow and steady zodiac sign. It can take a long time to win her love. However, after this has happened, all efforts will be rewarded with her loyalty and devotion. If she gave her heart to someone, it means forever, she will remain faithful to her husband even in the most difficult life circumstances. She will appreciate an independent man who is able to create a strong family and an abundant life. Life with a Taurus woman is good, there will always be some special fragrance in her.

She does not need to constantly hear words of love from her husband or loved one, she expects such signs of love as gifts, flowers and care. She loves flowers, especially if they are also in pots, so she can admire them for a long time. She leans towards everything natural, you need to take this into account when choosing gifts for her. She likes natural fabrics, fragrances, jewelry with natural stones, herbal teas, etc.


Money is a priority for many Taurus, because it gives them the opportunity to enjoy life. The life path of a Taurus woman is to acquire and accumulate, which includes material wealth. She loves to relax, but knows how to work hard to get a reward. She loves to enjoy material things, loves beautiful things that finances can provide.

She has an excellent quality - the ability to manage money wisely. From her point of view, money is not an end in itself, but is essential to ensure stability and security in life. For her, this is so important that even the thought that there may not be money becomes the cause of her fears. She tends to take a conservative approach. She will rather prefer to invest money for the long term than to participate in risky projects, even if the chances are quite high. Real estate and fine art are two investment areas that can attract a Taurus woman.

Taurus woman is generously gifted by nature. This is one of the most beautiful women among all the signs of the zodiac. She is distinguished by powerful sexual energy and the desire to be in the spotlight. Quite deservedly, she has always been the subject of dreams of the male representatives.

Main character traits

The Taurus woman, whose characteristic can be placed in the words "real woman", has a lively mind, is an attentive and pleasant companion. She is calm, restrained and conducts herself with great dignity, never allowing harsh or rude statements to anyone and never allowing this in relation to herself. This sign combines external beauty with iron will, strength and patience.

Thanks to great endurance, such a woman rarely loses her temper, but does not like it at all when she is objected to. Therefore, others should not abuse her patience. Any groundless criticism or claims can cause offense and lead to a violent reaction. And, if this happens again, the Taurus woman is able to turn into an unbearable and vindictive creature. With age, she becomes more domineering, heavy on the rise, pathologically loving luxury.

Appearance Features

The Taurus girl is always fresh, beautiful and graceful. She is distinguished by natural charm, smooth movements, calm soft voice and look. She has soft radiant skin and an elegant bust. Her company is able to evoke the most pleasant feelings and acts simply pacifying.

Thanks to her good taste, she skillfully chooses cosmetics and perfumes, dresses well. At the same time, she knows how to stay within the budget. Her weak point is jewelry and luxury items. Furs and diamonds simply hypnotize this zodiac sign in a female form.

Taurus ladies have magnificent forms and a thin waist, they are prone to fullness. Usually slender in their youth, having married, having found the second half and relaxing, they stop closely monitoring their weight and often gain weight, which does not spoil them at all.

Attitude to work

Despite the extreme femininity, he knows how to work well. Patience, self-control, willpower help women in this. Everything that they have to do, they do with pleasure, trying to get satisfaction from the end result.

Women who are accompanied by this zodiac sign want to be well-off financially, so they are sensitive to the choice of their main activity. But of all the activities that can bring a good income, they choose the one to which the soul really lies. After all, it is difficult for them to just sit out working hours without getting satisfaction from work.

The work of a psychologist, secretary, social worker, pharmacist is well suited for such women.. Less suitable is the profession of a salesman, but it can also bring pleasure, in case something related to the land is being sold.

Features of behavior in love

A Taurus woman in love is looking for a partner herself. Too annoying gentlemen will not wait for her favor. She doesn't need a teacher to master the art of flirting.

Non-verbal sexual signals she exudes spontaneously, she does it as naturally as breathing. The powerful attraction of her charm and sexuality causes the appearance of a whole stream of men who strive for closer communication with her. The well-developed intuition inherent in such ladies helps to immediately weed out unsuitable applicants and somehow streamline acquaintances.

A characteristic feature that this zodiac sign imposes on women is jealousy.

Tauruses are owners by nature and they are well aware of the feeling of jealousy. For some time she turns a blind eye to her suspicions, but when the cup overflows, the culprit has to be bitterly sorry, because she is terrible in anger.

This zodiac sign prefers wealthy partners who are just as generously gifted by nature. Beauty and impeccability are mandatory requirements for them, but a thick wallet is also highly desirable. Such ladies prefer exquisite signs of attention, and the best way to court them is the classic one - expensive gifts, restaurants, vacations in the best places, etc.

A man who could not interest her in bed cannot hope for a long-term relationship. The Taurus woman treats primitive sex with contempt. She herself is able to give partners the widest range of sexual pleasures.

The best zodiac sign for her is Virgo..

Behavior in the family

The Taurus girl will be a wonderful life partner. She will be able to respect her man and not claim leadership in the family. She sees her life purpose in being a good support for her strong half, an exemplary mother and mistress. The ability to run a house well is a hallmark that characterizes this zodiac sign. In their home there is always comfort and order, they are extremely hospitable, which, however, applies only to those guests who came by invitation.

Children are of particular importance in the life of a Taurus woman. She devotes most of her free time to them, all her love and care. Her children see their mother as reliable protection, realizing that she is always ready to help them. She maintains good and trusting relationships with both her daughters and sons all her life, remaining for them a model of love and fidelity.

By nature, alas, Taurus is prone to polygamy. She can easily have several lovers at once and, not wanting to lose any of them, endow everyone with her feelings. In this regard, the family life of representatives of this zodiac sign can be unstable. But a truly loving Taurus woman rarely cheats on her spouse.

To create a family, in addition to Virgo, Cancer and Capricorn are well suited to her.

Famous Taurus Women

Taurus - a girl - what is her characteristic? Her mistress is Venus, so she knows all the tricks of seduction without the help of textbooks. Crossing her legs innocently, she sends sexual signals to all the men in the room. If she really wants to interest a man, she simply turns her erotic antennas in his direction.

Taurus girl - her brief description

Unless the man is dead, he will react to her! Being sensual, she is incomparable in the art of attracting men, but, inviting many, she chooses only a few. It may seem too traditional for those who prefer a quick approach. She relies on her intuition regarding her potential lover. The soul has its reasons.

Taurus girl personality

Taurus girl knows what she wants, and in her stubbornness is able to seem unreasonable. (Her stubbornness may seem unfounded.) If she achieves something, she goes ahead, even if it means resorting to tears, threats, or breaking dishes. If you are involved with a Taurus girl, be prepared to either give in or quit the game.

If she is despised, she becomes a dangerous enemy. She will use any weapon available to her to get revenge. On the other hand, she is ready to give and take equally. She is very affectionate, but has innate common sense. She quickly discovers deception, but instinctively reciprocates the sincerity of a partner.

Taurus in relationships

She is practical, not prone to idealism. She won't sigh for a hero on the silver screen when a much more accessible person sits next to her. She doesn't believe in platonic love. For her, love exists only with physical attraction. The girl of the zodiac sign Taurus yearns to know life better, and the man who can teach her has the best chance of winning her heart.

However, the more she gets to know men, the more demands she makes when choosing a lover. She defines a set of requirements for herself and will not go far with a man who does not satisfy them. She is sensual, and if a partner cannot satisfy her, she will find another without remorse. She does not try to find reasonable explanations for her sexual needs.

It is enough for her that these needs exist. Taurus girl dresses with good taste, but without luxury. She knows how to keep shopping within her budget and get the most bang for her buck. She loves jewelry. The girl of the zodiac sign Taurus often wears rings, earrings, and especially loves necklaces. Her neck is very sensitive and, decorating it, she experiences special pleasure.

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