A frank interview with Photius: life in social networks, dreams of Toyota and Eurovision. The winner of the show "Voice" father Fotiy: "Classmates mocked me - it amused them Fotiy mochalov in contact instagram


Hieromonk Photius is a monk, director of the monastery choir, winner of a television show and the only clergyman in Russia who gained popularity after participating in a musical television show. The monk is sensitive to the selection of material for performance. Fotiy's repertoire includes Russian romances beloved by listeners, classic pop hits of the last century, arias from popular operas, rock classics and recognized foreign hits.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Mochalov was born in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) on November 11, 1985 in a non-religious family. At school age, he attended a local music school, where he studied vocals and piano. In addition, the boy sang in the school choir, often soloed. Since childhood, Mochalov dreamed of becoming a composer and writing music and songs. In adolescence, when his voice began to break, Vitaly attended a church school, where he also sang in the choir.

On May 31, the monk spoke in Pskov. The musician performed old romances and pop hits. On June 7, 2017, the singer's solo concert took place in Moscow, at the Crocus City Hall. Fotiy's guests were his colleagues in the "Voice" - Renata Volkievich. Later, in an interview, the hieromonk mentioned that for the first time he spoke to such a large audience that it turned out to be exciting for him.

Today, Hieromonk Photius is the first clergyman who has become widely popular "in the world." Glory came to Hieromonk Photius after winning the famous project "Voice". To some extent, the clergyman became a pioneer, because the participation of the clergy in commercial musical projects seemed unthinkable for most listeners. Father Fotiy proved that love for God and devotion to music - quite compatible things. The monk's songs carry beauty, peace and special warmth, and he himself serves as a good example for the public.

Biography of Hieromonk Photius

Father's childhood

About the life of Hieromonk Photius in childhood, the following facts are truly known:

  • After finishing 9 years of schooling, Vitaly decided to continue his education at a music school.
  • Studying in Russia did not last long, only one year. After that, the parents of the young man decided to move. The choice fell on city ​​of Kaiserslautern in Germany. There Vitaly learned to play the organ.
  • During these years, the guy first began to earn money by participating in organ concerts, and also did not forget about church services.
  • In the city where Vitaly lived with his family there was an Orthodox church, which he often visited and sang on the kliros, sometimes doing the work of a sexton.
  • Fotiy never managed to get comfortable in a foreign country, he was always drawn to his homeland and in 2005, he returned to Russia.

Serving God, Monasticism

Some time after returning to his native place, the young man visited the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra as a pilgrim.

He was in the monastery for only two weeks, but he left a lot of impressions. Memories from childhood returned, questions arose about their true purpose. However, at that moment, Vitaly understood that life in the monastery was very difficult and he was not yet ready for this.

Nevertheless, this time was very fruitful, he again read the Gospel, studied the lives of the saints and saw the Orthodox Church in a new light.

Vitaly decided that he needed the advice of another person. Schema-Archimandrite Vlasy was known as a wise old man, many religious people went to him for help. Blasius advised him to become a monk. So, Vitaly became the clergyman Photius, an inhabitant St. Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery.

Parents, of course, experienced serious feelings when they learned about the decision of their son. Mother, blessed the choice of Vitaly, realizing that this is not a blind dream. Although it was very difficult for her. The father tried to convince the young man, but it was impossible and he had no choice but to just accept.

The choice of Vitaly was absolutely conscious, at the call of the heart. It's no secret that some go to a monastery to hide from problems, to compensate for their disorder. Few are able leave worldly prosperity, and devote himself to service from now on living in a small modest cell.

Vitaly has always been very capable in music and he was predicted a great future. Once in the monastery, he was ready for the fact that, if necessary, his dream might have to be abandoned.

How many trials he had to endure as a novice! But he steadfastly proved himself in hard work.

In the monastery, Vitaly made a lot of efforts to make his voice sound better. After some time, he began attending vocal classes with the honored teacher Viktor Tvardovsky. The hieromonk speaks of him with particular warmth. Then, due to lack of time, Fotiy studied singing on his own, using the same Tvardovsky's technique.

The teacher improved the vocal technique of Father Photius, his repertoire was significantly expanded and enriched. The voice became well-trained and trained, able to perform even complex opera parts.

With the consent of the archpriest, together with his brothers from the monastery, Father Fotiy participated in the events, singing songs in hospitals, nursing homes, and schools.

Apparently, the Lord considered the young man's talent necessary for people, and all creative activity came as a matter of course, without any special ideas.

Priest's hobby

Father - very multifaceted and versatile person. He not only acts as a choir director, but also does the layout of a children's magazine and helps the Sunday school theatre.

Surrounding people do not cease to be surprised how such a strong personality can be hidden behind external softness. Photius thinks a lot about others and does his best to help those who need support. It has a very goal-oriented personality and will definitely achieve what you want.


Project "Voice"

Hieromonk Photius on social networks

Participation in the "Voice" forced the musician to create accounts on social networks, for example: VK, instagram, twitter and also has a YouTube channel. The pages are constantly updated and contain up-to-date information. True, it is not known whether Hieromonk Photius personally does this. Music and creativity in contact can be published by his concert manager or fans of creativity.

In Periscope, the priest conducts broadcasts where he speaks on pressing topics, conducts video walks, talks about preparing the current dinner, or shows how he drives a car. Such activities benefit the youth of today. After all, young men and women associate the Church with something old-fashioned, and the life of a monk seems completely unhappy and boring. Thanks to the activity of the priest on the Internet, young people became interested in religious topics.

Previously, people who were not connected with the church were even confused with the name of the rank "hieromonk". Some young people even added the prefix neuromon, probably confusing it with a popular group.

The monk's subscribers note that Photius has a wonderful sense of humor and his videos are very pleasant to watch. They publish their discussions on forums, but the monk does not have a personal website.

Account: photymochalov

Occupation: priest, musician

Despite his dignity, Fotiy Mochalov leads Instagram regularly, posting photos of everything that delights him.

Photiy Mochalov's Instagram is characterized by restraint and simplicity, in which the soul of a clergyman is revealed.

He uploads his photos in everyday life, on trips and at performances. In all the photos, Fotiy looks very calm and serious, as befits a person with his family.


There are in his account and posters of his future performances, photos from concerts and rehearsals.

The clergyman also shares photos from meetings with famous people as part of participation in various TV shows, meetings with charitable foundations, etc.

But still, most of the account is occupied by photos of the nature of Russia and other countries that the priest managed to visit. Among them are often landscapes with churches and temples, fields and flowers.

Fotiy Mochalov, whose Instagram photo is very pacifying, does not always sign the photo, but sometimes uses emoticons.

Biography of Photius Mochalova

It is worth noting that Fotiy Mochalov whose biography has become very interesting in the light of recent events, grew up in a non-religious family. The desire to connect his life with religion came later.

Fotiy Mochalov was born in 1985 in Nizhny Novgorod. It should be noted that in the world his name sounds like Vitaly.

Since childhood, the boy dreamed of becoming a composer, was fond of music, played the piano. After school, Fotiy entered a music school.

  • 2001 - interrupted his studies at the school, as he moved with his parents to Germany, where he played the organ at services in cathedrals, gave concerts.
  • 2005 - returned to Russia, deciding to devote himself to the monastic life. He continued to develop his voice under the guidance of experienced mentors.
  • 2010 - took monastic vows.
  • 2013 - received the rank of hieromonk. Then he decided to take part in the show "Voice", but did not apply for a blessing to participate.
  • 2015 - applied again, after which the First Channel itself asked permission from the Metropolitan for Fr. Photius to participate in the competition. The priest won the competition and received numerous congratulations.
  • 2016 - it became known that the hierarchy did not allow Father Photius to continue his official concert activity.

The biography of Photius Mochalov is very unusual, since this person combined the strict life of a monk and a worldly performance at the competition. At first glance, this seems impossible and even strange, but Fotiy proved the opposite by winning the contest.

The secret is that Fotiy Mochalov, whose Periscope often hits the top, became a member of an absolutely mundane TV project - the musical show "Voice". And what's more, he won. This quite shocked the public.

In general, the hieromonk is a very talented person. He not only sings well and is the regent of the monastery choir, but also does layout work at the church publishing house, has proven himself in computer design, video editing, photography, and broadcasts on Periscope. He is fluent in foreign languages.

Father online: Fotij Mochalov

Periscope is an actively developing social network. And this modern priest simply could not get around it. After all, live video broadcasts are a great way to communicate with fans and parishioners. The fact that the page is really popular is confirmed not only by requests like “Hieromonk Photius in Periscope, watch all issues”, but also by the number of subscribers and hearts. The hieromonk already has about 8 thousand subscribers, which is more than many show business figures who do not shun the most ugly and immoral PR. Often getting into the top "Periscope", Fotiy Molchanov, however, is always modest and restrained on video. This behavior appeals to adequate viewers: all videos, including the last one, together have already scored almost 800 thousand hearts.

You can watch “Periscope” by Father Photius both from a smartphone and on a computer (read more detailed instructions on our website). Through the search in the application, you can find the channel by entering the nickname - photy. Direct link for PC owners: www-periscope-tv/photy (dots should be used instead of hyphens).

What is the hieromonk talking about?

The priest manifests himself in broadcasts as a versatile person. Still, he is an artist. That is why he talks about his future concerts, performances, shares his impressions of the past. For example, about how emotions remained with him after a performance in Perm. On his channel, you can watch online videos from the bed with chatter on various questions, and quite serious broadcasts with answers from Father Photius to questions from people interested in religion.

Periscope pages of popular people almost always contain interesting content. They allow you to look at the life of stars from the other side. You can read about many of these accounts on the pro-periscope-ru website.

Hieromonk Photius, who became famous all over the country after winning first place in the television project "Voice", spoke about life after the show. The clergyman, on whom the burden of glory fell, complained that now the fans pester him even in the monastery. According to Photius, strangers come to him who are eager to meet.


"I know that most people have nothing serious for me. Pilgrims have arrived, they want to give me some song. Or beggars ... And at first, such people never openly say on the phone:" Give me money. all their pretexts, tone... I immediately understand when things are dirty. I tell them "Wait till evening service". And then I just leave," the Interlocutor quotes the hieromonk.

The winner of the "Voice" project emphasizes that among the fans there are such persistent fans who are trying to reach him through his mother. They learn Photius's taste preferences, and then I feed him with cheese or mushrooms..

“If people get here, they certainly want to see me. Some even contact through Germany - through mom who lives there. First they ask her what to bring to Father Photius. She tells them what I like - cheese there or porcini mushrooms, "the winner of the" Voice "shared.

Photius also told how his life changed after the unexpected fame. "I've only been a priest for two and a half years. I don't have constant contact with the parishioners yet. I'm rarely appointed to confess. Besides, I'm still quite young and inexperienced. Therefore, I either sing or serve. But not every day. I don't have enough strength. In connection with the new, as you say, "star" status, I feel some oppression. And so here in the monastery there is no freedom, and everyone wants you, they invite you somewhere ... For an interview, for shooting, for a concert, "the clergyman explained.

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