Open a dance school Marketing and promotion policy


Dancing is not just a fashion trend, but also a good way to maintain excellent physical shape, make new friends and just get positive emotions.

In order for the start of this noble cause to reach the desired level of income, a well-written business plan will be required.

Market and competitor analysis

At the beginning of the preparation of the document, you need to determine the level of wealth of prospective customers. After all, it is possible to create conditions both for a wide range of people of various age categories and income levels, and only for those who are part of the urban elite.

The first ones are unlikely to make any demands, for them the most important thing is that the price is affordable. Dancing for them is entertainment, for them it is not the result that is important, but the process itself. Therefore, drawing up a clear training course is a waste of time. But the presence of a VIP client implies the presence of more expensive equipment and qualified employees. This category will most likely require you to specify a specific time after which a particular dance will be learned.

Consumers of such services are people:

  • Aspiring to control their own body, to develop plasticity and comprehend the language of dance.
  • Those who want to learn modern and beautiful movements.
  • Preferring to stand out among their peers.

Currently, people of absolutely all age groups are interested in dancing: children develop plasticity and motor memory, adults replace sports in this way, and the elderly just want to be in good shape.

For information on how to organize such an activity, see the following video:

Production plan

To teach dance skills, you need to find a room that will meet the following fairly strict requirements:

  • square at least 80 sq. m.;
  • the presence of men's and women's locker rooms of approximately 15 square meters. m each;
  • rest room equipped with upholstered furniture;
  • a high-quality ventilation system must be present in the dance class;
  • in the hall there are several large mirrors and ballet machines.

Many of these rooms can be found in the fitness center or the house of culture.

A more complex and costly task is the equipment of the hall. Considerable expenses await the entrepreneur who owns or rents a room in which dance classes have never been held. In this case, you need to be prepared to replace the flooring and equip the hall with mirrors, machines and a good ventilation system.

The most suitable materials for the floor are parquet, board and laminate.

The most impressive expenses will require a high-quality ventilation system, therefore, when choosing a room, preference should be given to where it already exists.

There are no special requirements for lighting, so a pleasant atmosphere and dim light are just what you need.

You will need the following equipment:

  • large mirrors;
  • furniture for locker rooms and rest rooms;
  • reception desk.

The level of technical equipment of the school should stimulate the growth of the number of clients, provide the necessary security, maintain the reputation and implement the long-term investment strategy provided by the marketing policy.

Financial plan

Be sure to allocate space for information about the main expenses:

  • Rent, the size of which ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. depending on the population of the city and the location of the school itself. It makes no sense to rent a more expensive room, because then the entrepreneur will not earn anything.
  • Payment of salaries to staff- about 120 thousand rubles. monthly. A fixed salary can be set for the administrator and cleaning lady, while the teacher's salary usually depends on the number of subscriptions sold.
  • Purchase of equipment(mirrors, machines, flooring) - about 100 thousand rubles. If the entrepreneur manages to rent a room in which dance classes were previously held, then these costs can be avoided.
  • Advertising campaign- 30-50 thousand rubles.

organizational plan

When selecting personnel, the owner must start from the main and only criterion - professionalism. After all, the positive impression of clients and their desire to attend this particular school depends on the experience and professional qualities of the teacher.

The minimum staff must include:

  • administrator– 2 employees working in shifts. The monthly salary is 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • teachers- 6 people with hourly pay, the amount of which ranges from 300-400 rubles.
  • cleaner- 1 employee with a salary of 7-10 thousand rubles.

The success of the school largely depends on a carefully designed schedule of the educational process. Practice shows that the highest profitability is observed among evening groups consisting of 10-15 people.

Morning and afternoon classes are well-suited for individual lessons, which typically yield between 5% and 20% of total profits.

You can count on receiving a stable income only if you organize daily classes in at least 3-4 groups.

You should not limit yourself to one direction of dancing, as each visitor comes with his own preferences. So, one wants to learn how to move beautifully in the rhythm of classical dances: waltz, square dance, mazurka, Charleston, cha-cha-cha, etc. Others like the temperament of Latin American dances: Argentine tango, rumba, bolero, salsa, samba. The third are attracted by the femininity of the East - belly dance, and the fourth give modern rhythms: break, hip-hop, etc.

Launch Schedule

The grand opening is usually preceded by the implementation of the following steps:

No. p / pStage nameImplementation period
1 Business plan developmentFebruary 2016
2 Passage of state registrationMarch 2016
3 Selection of suitable areasMarch 2016
4 Purchase of equipmentApril 2016
5 Carrying out a marketing campaignMarch-April 2016
6 Start of activityApril 2016

Marketing plan and advertising

An analysis of the market situation makes it possible to understand that the number of potential consumers does not have time to increase at the same rate as the number of dance schools is growing. Therefore, it is impossible to do without an effective advertising campaign, because only in this way will the potential client become aware that these services can be found at your place.

  • on the territory of schools, kindergartens, universities or any other educational institutions;
  • in the printed edition;
  • in a specialized magazine or on the website - this method allows you to reach the audience of interested customers as much as possible;
  • on your website and social media.

The main method of promoting services is hiring a highly qualified specialist, after classes with which any client is satisfied and brings a few more of his friends or acquaintances with him. Another way to demonstrate to students that they need to continue learning at school is to hold a demonstration dance evening.

In general, a dance school is a highly profitable and promising business, and even a tougher market situation will not become an obstacle if the organization is entrusted to professionals.

Risk Analysis

This type of business activity depends on:

  • on the level of professionalism of the teaching staff;
  • from the convenient and advantageous location of the school itself;
  • on the level of capitalization of the initial investment;
  • from objective financial and economic events.

A novice businessman must understand that the implementation of this project will require willpower, great dedication, a high level of knowledge and careful organization.

Dancing is not only an opportunity to keep yourself in good physical shape, but also the choice of several directions at once for starting your own business. As for any other business, a business plan for a dance school is necessary, as detailed calculations, scheduling, market and risk analysis are made here.

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Business Description

The dance school refers to a business that is organized in the field of additional leisure and education. Provides its students with the opportunity to learn different types of dance under the guidance of experienced professionals. Classes are held in a specially prepared and equipped room.

School students can be people of various age groups and social status. Depending on the direction of the school and its specialization, the level of preparation and age of students may or may not be taken into account. Groups are usually formed according to the degree of skill of students and age. The number of groups for each of the directions of the school is dictated by the demand for specific types of dances and the level of training of students.

Most often, three groups are created for each of the selected areas:

  • beginner;
  • continuing;
  • older.

In addition to group lessons, individual lessons can be organized. They will be noticeably more expensive (about three times). The client can pay for each lesson separately or buy a subscription.

The dance teaching process is as follows:

  1. Introducing students to the dance they will be learning. The teacher tells about the history of its creation, focuses on the features of choreography and musical design.
  2. Acquaintance of students with music, determining its tempo, character and size.
  3. Demonstration by the teacher of postures, movements, transitions and drawings.
  4. Repetition by students of movements for the teacher. The teacher draws attention to the mistakes made in the process of performing the dance.
  5. Combining learned movements into dance compositions.
  6. The combination of compositions into dance figures, from which the whole dance is formed.
  7. Dance repetition.

Relevance and demand

In recent years, there has been a trend towards a healthy lifestyle in a large number of people. In this regard, there is an increased demand for the dance art form.

The business of organizing a dance school has a seasonal demand. Its peak is observed from September to December, and then from February to May. In the warm season, consumer activity falls, as people tend to relax more in nature or go to resorts. The winter decline in demand is due to the long New Year holidays, as well as school holidays and student sessions.

Types of dance schools

The created dance school at first can function as a highly specialized one, for example, focused exclusively on ballroom dancing for children. In the future, it will have the opportunity to gradually expand the profile of its activities and offer new areas that depend on the demand and qualifications of the teaching staff.

Sports dance club

This is a professional institution that requires serious financial investments from its students. His clients are those people who plan to build a dance career, prepare for contests and competitions. Such institutions most often practice teaching professional ballroom dancing, they produce qualified athletes in the dance field.

The teaching staff of the club is represented by well-known teachers and choreographers who are stars in the dance sport. His clients are professional athletes who need to polish their skills, as well as teenagers / children who have decided to connect their lives with dancing.

Dance club

As a rule, in such institutions the range of types of dances offered for training is quite wide, from classical to modern.

Here you can open various fitness classes:

  • capoeira;
  • Pilates;
  • stretching, etc.

The club is focused on working with non-professionals (without age restrictions), various events and parties are periodically held for its members. Pupils are prepared to participate in tournaments among amateur dancers. The teachers are qualified dancers and choreographers.

Dance studio

This is an institution of a chamber scale, it assumes the presence of several well-known teachers who may be its owners. Both amateurs and professionals are trained here.

Teachers apply their own approaches to the preparation of dancers. Therefore, clients come here purposefully to study with a specific teacher according to his author's methodology. This institution attracts those who do not want to hustle in dance classes, want to learn from a certain teacher and appreciate a cozy atmosphere.

Dance school

As a rule, he focuses on teaching one direction (for example, Argentine tango, salsa, oriental dances, etc.). For their students, the organizers hold themed dance parties. Teachers are dancers who are experts in several areas of dance. The school's clients want to learn a particular type of dance and are not ready to spend time studying other areas. Among the students of the school, competitions are often held and parties are organized.

Dance lessons based on fitness clubs

Here, dancing is a non-core activity, it is an additional service for club visitors. Dance classes in such establishments are aimed at those who visit fitness clubs to keep fit. For such people, dancing, like aerobics, is gymnastics for the body and nothing more.

Types of dances

At the initial stage of designing a school, it is important to choose the dance styles that will be taught. Here it is recommended to pay attention to both modern and social dances, as well as street dances.

Modern dances include:

  • strip dance;
  • Go go;
  • tectonist;
  • pole-dance;
  • jazz-funk, etc.
  • brakedance;
  • house;
  • hip-hop;
  • street-dance, etc.

The group of social dances includes:

  • salsa;
  • rumba;
  • latina;
  • club latina;
  • solo latina;
  • bachata;
  • reggaeton;
  • rueda;
  • brazilian zouk;
  • merengue etc.

For children, mothers choose the following areas of dance:

  • folk dances;
  • ballroom dancing (from four to five years old);
  • Latin American dances (Cha-cha-cha, jive, rumba, samba);
  • ballet or body ballet (for kids from four years old);
  • belly dance (from three to five years old);
  • variety choreography;
  • Indian dances;
  • step;
  • hip-hop;
  • brakedance;
  • tectonist;
  • krump;
  • house;
  • modern;
  • popping;
  • Eastern dance.

Description and analysis of the sales market

Before proceeding with the implementation of the dance school business plan, it is necessary to analyze the intended functioning market and evaluate direct competitors.

The Russian market of dance services has been actively developing over the past years, while there is a tendency to borrow various Western styles and trends. In the competition between schools, different areas of dance appear on the market, which allows them to attract new customers.

Over the past ten years, trends such as:

  • hip-hop;
  • locking;
  • breaking;
  • c-walk;
  • electro dance;
  • tectonist;
  • techno;
  • dubstep;
  • booty dance.

The market is constantly in motion, instead of dances that were fashionable yesterday, new ones come. This stimulates the emergence of new schools, which entails the expansion of the market for dance services.

The largest number of dance schools is concentrated in the central district of Russia. It is the schools of the central region that set the general line for the development of this line of business in other regions.

An analysis of the list of services provided by schools showed that the following areas are most popular today:

  • house;
  • hip-hop;
  • Jazz funk.

A ready-made example of how to quickly recruit students to a dance school is presented in the video. Filmed by DragonsDanceStudio.

The target audience

The variety of directions in which the dance school can be developed makes the target audience very diverse. For example, girls from 18 to 30 years old are mainly engaged in oriental dances, and boys from 14 to 25 years old do break dancing.

The main target audience of dance schools:

  • "teenagers" - from 11 to 16 years;
  • "youth" - from 17 to 22 years;
  • "adult youth" - from 23 to 35 years.

The income of the consumer should be at the average level. The main clients are teenagers and young people, at this age they show maximum interest in self-development and self-realization. The adult group is less active, but the demand is at a fairly high level. This category of consumers wants to spend their leisure time interestingly, as well as look beautiful and smart. An entrepreneur can provide for the creation of a class for the elderly and children from three years of age.

School clients adhere to an active lifestyle, there may be:

  1. Beginners usually want to get acquainted with modern dance styles and choose the most suitable course for themselves.
  2. Lovers strive to form a beautiful body, take a break from the daily routine and get positive impressions and emotions.
  3. Professionals want to improve their skills and achieve success in dance competitions, as well as build their careers.

Competition and competitive advantages

According to a statistical study conducted in April 2015, on average, there are one hundred dance organizations per one hundred thousand inhabitants of a large city.

The leaders are such cities as Novosibirsk, Samara and Yekaterinburg. At the same time, not all institutions working in the field of "Dance Teaching" are competitors for each other. As a rule, competing schools are focused on the same consumer group, located in the same area, or teaching similar dance styles.

Competitive advantages of the dance school:

  • convenient location for customers;
  • regular use of effective advertising channels;
  • convenient time for classes;
  • organization of additional events such as competitions, reporting concerts and parties;
  • qualified teachers and choreographers who use an individual learning style and are able to interest clients;
  • a well-thought-out subscription system that allows you to pay for a different number of lessons;
  • loyalty program providing discounts and bonuses for regular customers;
  • taking part in field events, competitions, etc.;
  • organization of master classes from leading dancers in key areas of the school;
  • warm and trusting atmosphere between teachers and students of the school.

Step-by-step instructions for opening

To start a business in this area of ​​activity, an entrepreneur will need:

  1. To study aspects and features of the functioning market.
  2. Determine the purpose of the opening (making a profit or, for example, communicating with people, helping them).
  3. Determine the dance directions in which clients will be trained.
  4. Make a business plan for the dance school with detailed calculations.
  5. Register a company and obtain the necessary permits.
  6. Choose a suitable room for the school and conclude a lease agreement.
  7. Carry out repairs to the premises.
  8. Purchase equipment.
  9. Find professional teachers.
  10. Conduct promotional activities.
  11. Open a school.


To open a business, you will need to collect a package of documents for registering a company as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, in the form of an LLC. When registering a school, you should indicate the work code - 92.34.2, "Activity of dance floors, discos, dance schools."

Next, you will need to register with the Pension Fund, the Social and Medical Insurance Fund, as well as statistical authorities. The company can pay taxes under the special UTII regime, it does not imply the payment of a tax on profit and property, as well as VAT. A simplified taxation system, according to the 6% scheme, is also suitable. There is no need to install a cash register.

It should be noted that this area of ​​business activity does not require special permits. But, since the functioning of the school is carried out indoors, it will be necessary to obtain permits from the district administration, Rospotrebnadzor, the Sanitary and Epidemiological and Fire Services.

Room and location

Requirements for the school premises:

  • location in the city center or in a place of mass residence of a potential target audience (for example, in a residential area);
  • convenient access roads;
  • availability of public transport stops, metro, parking;
  • acceptable price;
  • high ceilings;
  • ventilation and air conditioning system, as well as water supply, electricity and heating;
  • the possibility of arranging shower cabins;
  • area of ​​the premises is about 100 square meters.

Suitable premises can be rented in fitness clubs and business centers.

The school premises are divided into the following zones:

  • study hall (at least 50 square meters) or several halls (for parallel lessons);
  • foyer;
  • women's and men's locker rooms;
  • two bathrooms and two toilets;
  • rest room;
  • staff room.

Equipment and inventory

Dance school equipment (approximate prices).

Reception desk - 20,000 rubles Floor covering (laminate or parquet) - 50,000 rubles Ballet machines - 20,000 rubles Large mirrors - 30,000 rubles Closets in the locker room - 30,000 rubles Benches - 5,000 rubles

The total amount is 375 thousand rubles.

The technical equipment of the school affects the growth in the number of students, as it provides the necessary security and creates comfortable conditions for conducting classes. The provision of an educational institution with equipment and inventory should have a positive effect on its image and reputation.


If the entrepreneur's budget allows you to hire famous and titled dancers, choreographers and athletes, then this is not worth saving. It is important that on-staff teachers are able to explain and teach others. Talented teachers will be able to interest both beginners and professionals; a variety of clients will be attracted to such a school. In this area of ​​entrepreneurial activity, the prestige of a school depends heavily on the reputation of its teachers.

It may take six months to select the optimal team of teachers.

You can search for teachers:

  • online, for example, by visiting the websites of famous dance schools, on dance forums;
  • visiting festivals and master classes in areas of interest;
  • attending dance competitions;
  • visiting educational institutions that train choreographers and dancers.

Since experienced teachers are most likely already working somewhere, the entrepreneur needs to interest them and offer more favorable terms of cooperation.

The dance school must have the following staff:

  • director;
  • teachers in different areas (three people);
  • administrator;
  • cleaning woman.

Administrator Responsibilities:

  • opening and closing of the hall for classes;
  • checking the condition of the premises and the working condition of the equipment;
  • work with the client base;
  • pre-registration of students for dance lessons;
  • sale of subscriptions;
  • acceptance of payment for one-time lessons;
  • familiarization of clients with the rules of the school;
  • determining the rating of teachers;
  • scheduling classes;
  • consultation of potential and real clients by phone and in person.

Responsibilities of a dance teacher:

  • the beginning of classes in accordance with the schedule, without delay;
  • Familiarization of clients with safety measures;
  • ensuring order in the hall during the lesson;
  • a special approach to a particular student;
  • periodic professional development.

The director is the central link in the organizational structure of the school, he coordinates the entire work of the school. Most often, at the initial stage of the functioning of a business, its owner acts as the head of an educational institution. This will allow him to understand the peculiarities of doing business, and then powers can be delegated to a hired manager.

Director's responsibilities:

  • monitoring the performance of their duties by employees;
  • formation of a business development strategy;
  • determination of basic and additional directions of development;
  • implementation of activities aimed at promoting the school;
  • recruitment;
  • monitoring compliance with school rules and job descriptions;
  • management of the school budget and other financial matters.

Promotion and advertising

  1. Think over the corporate identity of the educational institution and develop a logo.
  2. Order a bright sign at the entrance to the building.
  3. Develop a website.
  4. Create groups on popular social networks. Here you should regularly post photos from classes, internal parties, as well as post a schedule of future events.
  5. Open your YouTube channel. Here you can publish educational videos and commercials for your target audience.
  6. On a weekend or City Day, hold a charity dance master class, for example, in a park or on a central square. To do this, you will need to obtain permission from the city authorities.
  7. Distribution of flyers giving the right to free attendance of one lesson.

At the stage of opening and the first months of the functioning of the school, an extensive advertising campaign should be launched:

  • reporting in the local newspaper;
  • distribution of booklets to mailboxes of houses located near the school building;
  • put up notices in public schools, attend parent-teacher conferences, and make announcements in classrooms.

Financial plan: initial and regular investments

The initial investment in the business will be about 700 thousand rubles, including (estimated costs).

Regular investments in the business will amount to about 230 thousand rubles per month, including (estimated costs).

Opening dates

It will take about six months from the stage of developing a business idea to its implementation.

Most of the time will be spent on:

  • development of a business plan - about three weeks;
  • state registration of the company and execution of permits - about a month;
  • selection of premises and purchase of equipment - approximately one to two months;
  • repair in the premises - approximately one month;
  • marketing activities - approximately two months;
  • recruitment - about three to six months.

Some operations can be carried out in parallel, such as renovation of the premises, selection of equipment, personnel and marketing activities.

Risks and payback

Key business risks:

  1. Enough groups and students will not be recruited.
  2. Teachers failed to interest clients and motivate them to continue their education.
  3. Decrease in demand can be caused by incorrect advertising or ill-conceived marketing policy.
  4. The growth of competition.
  5. Bad location for a school.
  6. Landlords may refuse to renew the lease, it is better to foresee this immediately and conclude a long-term agreement. But first you should make sure that the choice of premises is correct.

This area of ​​business activity is not associated with strong external threats from the state or other market participants. Such a business does not require serious capital investments and has a high profitability, and it will take at least eight months to pay off.

A dance school will help you spend time with health benefits and pleasure. How many people after studying, work would gladly spend their free time on such a pleasant activity. Parents are happy to take their children to dance clubs, because moving to music not only has a positive effect on physical fitness, but also on the formation of personal qualities.

It takes a little effort to open such an institution, but a love of dancing is required. An excellent option would be the presence of pedagogical experience behind him in this area. A previously completed dance school or at least a short experience as an instructor will greatly facilitate the choice of the future direction of your studio.

Initial Costs

  • Renting premises from 70,000 rubles;
  • employees from 140,000 rubles;
  • equipment and repairs from 60,000 rubles;
  • advertising and website creation about 50,000 rubles.

To open your own dance school, you will need a total of spend about 320,000 rubles.

One lesson depending on where the school is located on average it costs 300-500 rubles.

Estimated monthly income in the region of 350,000 rubles.

Net profit will be about 150,000 rubles.

Dance school profitability

The profitability of a dance school directly depends on the number of clients. The number of groups required to obtain a stable profit should be three or four daily. The optimal number of students in each group is 15-20 people. You can also organize individual lessons that can bring up to 20% of the total profit.

Possible Problems of the Dance Business

Of course, a pleasant environment, convenient access to the school, high-quality equipment, and the original name attract customers. But teachers are the determining factor. However, all good masters have already opened their schools and have been working for themselves for a long time. It is quite difficult to find a professional in their field, the main problem of the dance business is this.

To recruit capable instructors to your school, you will have to work hard - go around many such institutions, trying to lure the best, ring up ads or find out from the dancers about their favorites.

The next problem may be the recruitment of customers, especially if there are already similar establishments in the area. To interest future dancers is possible only by deed.

You can develop own training program the main thing is that after a few sessions a person feels and sees a positive result, development. This will be a great advertisement, customers will naturally recommend your school to their friends.

Opening of a dance school business is profitable and incredibly exciting. This is an opportunity to show yourself, teach people to dance, hear music and move correctly.

Now dancing is gaining more and more popularity, and with the relatively low cost of one lesson, there are enough people who want to try it. Pleasant communication with like-minded people, the fight against complexes, keeping the body in shape, control - these are all dances.

To carefully study the market, identify the most popular dance styles in your area, find and convince professionals to work for you, and then you will be provided with stable income.

How to open a dance school? Watch the following video for tips:

In this material:

The frantic rhythms of megacities make people look for some kind of outlet, a hobby that could bring relaxation and a sense of satisfaction. For some, these are yoga classes, some prefer to plunge into a cool pool after a hard worker, there are lovers of needlework or painting.

More and more adults and children are becoming regular visitors to dance halls, where you can combine physical activity with creativity and emancipation. Against this background, the number of directions from classical dance to folk or modern is also growing.

At first glance, opening a dance school may seem like a fairly simple matter. But first, you should decide on the direction of activity, the format of the startup and the advertising campaign. A properly drawn up dance studio business plan will help to cope with this task.

Description of the dance school

The relevance of the business idea

Today, not only professional artists, but any adults and children who wish can afford to learn how to dance, as well as try their hand at the stage, demonstrating their skills and abilities to the audience.

Visitors to dance schools set different goals for themselves. Some consider dance activities as a kind of fitness and thus keep themselves in good physical shape. Others want to feel confident at discos and festive events. Still others want to master one of the dance styles in order to master it perfectly.

In any case, the benefits of dancing can not be overestimated. After all, thanks to regular exercises, the work of internal organs and posture improves, immunity increases. Therefore, the dance studio is a good alternative to fitness clubs and gyms, the need for which is only growing.

Types of dance schools

Fascinating rhythmic and plastic movements to music came from ancient times and in our time have been divided into a large number of dance styles. Classical and historical programs include

  1. Classical ballet.
  2. Historical dances (polonaise, minuet, mazurka).
  3. Ballroom European dances (waltz, tango, foxtrot).
  4. Ballroom Latin American dances (samba, lambada, Argentine tango).
  5. Rock'n'roll.
  6. Boogie Woogie.

The older generation is attracted by the ethnic program, which includes:

  1. Dances of the peoples of Russia (lezginka, round dance, Russian folk dance, hapak).
  2. Flamenco.
  3. Irish dances.
  4. Latin American dances.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the directions of oriental dances that are experiencing a real boom among Europeans today.

  1. Egyptian oriental dance. This dance movement is subdivided into saidi, felakhi, nubia, haggala, ghazi, eskanderani, shaabi.
  2. Lebanese direction.
  3. Turkish direction.
  4. Moroccan dance school (appeared by mixing Egyptian and Lebanese directions).
  5. Persian dance.
  6. Khaliji, also refers to the Persian direction.
  7. Baladi. This direction came from Egypt.
  8. Tribal. A very interesting dance direction of Western origin, including elements of dances from the inhabitants of the Near and Middle East, India, Africa, and Spain.

Youth directions of modern dances include such styles as:

  1. Hip-hop (streetdance, ragga, locking, popping, breakdance).
  2. Jazz Modern.
  3. Club direction, including hous, trans (trans), dnB step, tectonics.

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for erotic dance training services, which include:

  • lap dance;
  • half-dance;
  • pop strip (based on R'n'B school);
  • strip of plastic.

A huge number of dance schools allows you to organize a variety of leisure activities for every taste. According to the trends and preferences of the population, it is recommended to focus on the following areas:

  • Latin American dances (mix), including elements of different schools (for children and adults).
  • Oriental dances of the Egyptian or Turkish school (for adults, three levels of training).
  • Irish dances (for children and adults).
  • Classical ballet (for children and adults).
  • Street dance classes (for adults and teenagers).
  • Strip plastic (for adults).

REFERENCE: Salsa became the most popular dance direction in 2017.

Preparatory stage before the opening of the dance studio

What is the target audience for the school?

The core of the target audience are young women from 22 to 38 years old, office workers or representatives of small businesses with higher education. But each type of dance class is able to attract representatives of different age categories. Therefore, the task of the startup organizers is to offer visitors dance directions for every taste, thereby expanding the target audience.

Evaluation of competitors

Direct competitors are all dance schools for any age group operating in the city. Indirect competitors include fitness clubs, yoga studios, swimming pools and gyms, which also offer the population active leisure activities.

All major fitness centers offer group dance classes, but to get there, visitors will have to purchase an annual membership, and not everyone can afford it.

Competitive advantages of the studio

The competitive advantages of the new dance studio can be:

  • affordable pricing policy;
  • variety of dance directions;
  • high professionalism of the staff;
  • convenient working hours that would suit both housewives and working visitors.

Possible risks

This type of activity has a minimum number of external threats identified as a result of market shocks or legislative changes.

Risk factors include:

  • rent increase;
  • damage to property (fire, flood, theft, robbery);
  • staffing problems, such as weak teaching staff;
  • negative reputation;
  • decrease in demand;
  • toughening of the competitive environment.

organizational plan

Registration: taxation and documents

Before registering a business, it is necessary to determine the legal form of the enterprise. A sole proprietorship, like an LLC, has its pros and cons.

The best option for registering this business is to open an individual entrepreneur, for which a package of documents is submitted to the local tax office:

  • a receipt for payment of the state duty (it will cost 800 rubles);
  • copy of the passport;
  • copy of TIN;
  • application for state registration in the form P21001.

In the case of registering a business for an individual entrepreneur, in case of failure, it is enough to simply liquidate the enterprise, but the individual entrepreneur is liable for obligations with his property even after closing.

If the business is organized by several owners, the option of opening a limited liability company is suitable. To register an LLC with the tax office, the following documents are included:

  • charter in two copies;
  • application for registration in the form P11001;
  • minutes of the meeting of founders;
  • letter of guarantee from the landlord;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee in the amount of 4000 rubles;
  • decision to establish a limited liability company.

For this service sector, a simplified taxation system is better suited, therefore, immediately after receiving registration documents for an individual entrepreneur, it is worth filling out an application for a simplified tax system of 6% (from income).

As the main activity code for a dance school, the following is suitable:

  • OKVED code 92.34.2 - activities of dance floors, discos, dance schools.

You can also assign the following additional codes:

  • OKVED code 93.29 - other entertainment and entertainment activities;
  • OKVED code 92.34.3 - other entertainment and entertainment activities not included in other groups;
  • OKVED code 92.62 - other activities in the field of sports.

Room search

Location is essential to business success. If a startup is located near a similar dance studio or fitness center, it will be difficult to attract visitors, since the entire target audience is probably already visiting competitors.

It is advisable to stay away from similar sports centers, preferably in residential areas or in business centers with high traffic. People prefer to visit places for physical activity, located near where they live or work.

Also, when choosing an office, you will have to take care of the following additional amenities for clients:

  • availability of all communications (heating, water supply, good lighting and heating);
  • convenient access, both by own car and by public transport;
  • availability of parking spaces.

The room will need to be quite spacious, since in addition to the dance hall, it will have to have a locker room, a shower room, a waiting room or a room for paying for services.

Equipment and repair

For comfortable classes at the dance school, it is necessary to provide a ventilation system, as well as put an air conditioner in the hall, otherwise in the summer in hot weather there will be a significant decrease in those who want to do active physical exercises.

The list of costs for the purchase of equipment will look like this:

  • audio equipment - 25,000 rubles;
  • air conditioning - 30,000 rubles;
  • hanger at the entrance - 12,000 rubles;
  • lockers for changing clothes (20 pieces) - 24,000 rubles;
  • benches for the locker room (5 pieces) - 6000 rubles;
  • sofa for visitors - 12,000 rubles.

When developing a project, in addition to the classroom, you need to equip a shower room, a toilet, a place for waiting for visitors, a locker room.

Repair of the premises, taking into account finishing materials and work, will cost 350,000 rubles.


The key employees of the dance studio are instructors, to whom visitors go. The occupancy of the hall directly depends on the charm and level of professionalism of the teacher. You will also need a room cleaner, administrator, accountant and marketer. For bookkeeping and advertising activities, you can contact special organizations and conclude cooperation agreements.

When the organization works seven days a week with a ten-hour working day, the staffing table will look like this:

  1. Administrators (2 people) - 40,000 rubles.
  2. Dance teachers (4 people) - 72,000 rubles.
  3. Room cleaner - 12,000 rubles.

Total payroll will be 124,000 rubles per month.

Promotion and advertising

To promote this business, you need to create a website and register it in electronic catalogs. You can also promote your services in the following ways:

  • contextual advertising;
  • communication on thematic and city forums;
  • promotion in social networks;
  • distribution of leaflets.

Financial plan

Investments in business

To start the dance school, the following investments will be required:

  1. Registration of activities - 800 rubles.
  2. Repair of the premises, including interior design, repair work, installation of a ventilation system - 350,000 rubles.
  3. A sign at the entrance - 20,000 rubles.

In total, 479,800 rubles of investment will be needed to start the dance studio.

Monthly expenses

The amount of planned costs per month will be:

  • rent of premises - 50,000 rubles;
  • utilities - 3000 rubles;
  • salary - 124,000 rubles;
  • contributions to funds - 38440 rubles;
  • tax (6% of income) - 75221 rubles;
  • accounting services - 5000 rubles;
  • marketing services - 3000 rubles;
  • promotional activities - 17,000 rubles.

Total planned monthly expenses in the amount of 315,661 rubles.

School income

With the work of the school without days off and holidays, as well as the schedule of classes, which includes both morning and evening lessons, the occupancy of the dance hall is expected to be good. It is better to set the pricing policy as follows - the cost of one single lesson is 500 rubles, the cost of a subscription for 8 classes is 3950 rubles and the cost of a subscription for 12 classes is 5900 rubles. This will allow you to receive income up to 1,200,000 rubles every month.

Profit calculation

This dance school business plan shows that, based on the above averaged calculations, the organization's monthly profit will be 884,339 rubles, with a profitability of 74%.

Project payback

If you want to open a dance school, you need to count on a startup payback within 3-6 months, subject to the active involvement of visitors.

Parents are interested in the early development of children. Training centers and dance studios cater to the needs of young moms and dads. Children with whom they began to engage in movement earlier are ahead of their peers, have good coordination, speech and thinking. This is the largest student population.

Young people come to the studio to dance consciously. For them, modern types are becoming more relevant - strip dance, hip-hop, pylon, twerk, oriental dances. Very often, girls who have finished playing sports, in particular gymnastics, want to continue developing in this direction. The most suitable would be acrobatics on the pylon.

Classes in ballroom or sports dancing are conducive to communication. Young guys and boys are interested in meeting girls, so for them the dance studio is one of the ways to start communication.

The goal of the studio is to give an opportunity to all age categories to express themselves in dancing.

Toddlers, schoolchildren, adults - everyone has the opportunity to engage. According to statistics, the most interested in visiting educational and developmental institutions are schoolchildren. More time is allocated for this category in the studio's working hours.

Toddlers do not make decisions on their own - they are led by their parents or grandmothers. Since there are fewer conscientious concerned parents and sometimes they are busy or working, it is better to choose the morning time for young children.

If there is advertising that this studio works with adults in modern directions, you can attract a fairly large group of people who want to dance, and at the same time have fun, because choreography is not only learning, but also the ability to move freely to the music.

Preliminary assessment of the work of the studio

Estimated work of the studio - from 10.00 to 22.00. Total - 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. In order to ensure the full and uniform loading of the hall, it was decided to distribute children's and adult groups for morning, afternoon and evening.

Preschool children will attend the dance hall from 10.00 am to 13.00. Further time for schoolchildren: from 13.00 to 19.00. Evening time is for adult visitors: from 19.00 to 22.00.

Students need to be challenged to achieve results. The level of ambition has been formed, efforts are required on the part of children and teachers. Therefore, 2 hours of work in the hall can benefit both children and the organizers of the dance studio.

Adults are the most active audience. 1.5 hours is enough for practice. No longer recommended as many plan to visit the studio after work. Heavy workloads can affect health.

Financial investment in a dance studio project

To, minimal investment is required at the initial stage. In the case of a dance studio, this is the preparation of the premises, the repair and purchase of equipment. The second stage will be registration of activity in the tax service. The start of work is accompanied by new expenses - payment for utilities, wages to employees. For the speedy promotion of the dance studio, advertising is needed.

Premises for rent

If you plan to open a hall in, you should find at least 100 sq. m area. The ideal option is 150 sq. m. The specificity of ballroom, classical choreography and contempo implies the presence of free space for jumping, acrobatics and pair work. Hip-hop, break and oriental dances need less space.

The room should have a dressing room, shower, toilet and room for staff. That's another 100 meters.

For correct operation and comfort of visitors, 250 sq. m of total area.

With an average cost per square meter of 30 rubles per month, the rent will cost 7,500 rubles per month.

Repair and installation of equipment

The most costly process. It requires responsibility and high-quality implementation, as it is planned to carry out long-term work with a large number of visitors.

Repair. Painting walls, ceilings, laying parquet boards, preparing showers, toilets and staff rooms.

The specifics of the dance studio implies the presence of parquet. It is smooth, non-slippery and durable. The purchase of a parquet board for the hall will cost approximately 345,000 rubles (working area multiplied by the price per square meter of parquet board). Glue for styling - wholesale 200,000 rubles. Lacquer coating 100 l - 300,000 rubles. Remuneration of workers - 137,000 rubles. Total - parquet will cost an average of 982,000 rubles.

Shower area 6 sq. m and a height of 3 meters will require the installation of ceramic tiles on the walls and floor, the purchase of sanitary equipment - a pallet, a shower faucet, clothes hangers. Toilets - tiles, toilets, faucets. All together - 800,000 rubles.

Wall paint, primer, tools - 300,000 rubles.

Staff room: whitewashing and furniture - 400,000 rubles.

- a wooden ballet machine, mirrors, a pylon, wooden benches for relaxing during breaks, a music center for modern dances, a piano for scoring classical dance. Table and chair for the head. In the locker rooms there are individual wardrobes for visitors, benches, chairs for expecting parents.

The machine and benches can be ordered in the carpentry workshop. It will be cheaper than buying in a specialized store. With materials and work - 400,000 rubles.

Purchase and installation of mirrors with minimal costs - 90,000 rubles.

It is better to buy a pylon with a podium, it does not require additional fasteners. At average prices - 60,000 rubles.

Music center - 75,000 rubles. It is better to buy a quality item right away than to repair it often.

piano. It is more convenient for the teacher to work with children to the accompaniment. If you count on ballet specialization, then an inexpensive instrument will cost about 20,000 rubles.

Individual wardrobes for children. Based on one group, a maximum of 30 pieces is 80,000 rubles.

Furniture - chairs, a table, a closet in the staff room, as well as chandeliers, sockets, mirrors, an average of 400,000.

Total for the price: 3,907,000 rubles.

Repairs can be done gradually. With minimal cost to purchase equipment, it can be outdated or used. You can also buy musical equipment in a thrift store. The main thing is that it works. To quickly open a business from scratch, it is necessary to attract investors, but in this case, most of the time will go to those who paid for the repairs and purchase of equipment.

Staff and pay

At the beginning of the activity, the staff will have to pay salaries out of their own pocket. It is worth considering how profitable. It might be better to negotiate an hourly rate.

It is advisable to choose school teachers with universal directions who can work with any contingent. This is a kind of insurance for starting activities, while there are few visitors and advertising is working. One or two teachers in the studio can easily cope with the loads. Hiring a staff of 8 people at once is unprofitable and dangerous for personal finances. Hopes for a quick promotion may not be justified, workers will not wait for money and scatter. At this time, advertising will bear fruit, and people will begin to come, but there are no teachers in the direction they are interested in.

There are two options: either several people work and receive hourly pay, or two teachers are constantly in the studio.

In the first case, teachers will have to allocate about 100,000 rubles a month, taking 400 rubles per hour of work. Good dance teachers do not work cheaper. In the second - to determine the rate of 40,000 for two. At the same time, save 20,000 rubles.

We need someone to clean the premises. Although, at first, with their own financial investments, they usually save on this. Subsequently, when the workload of the studio becomes greater, it makes sense to negotiate with neighboring offices to jointly hire a cleaning lady. To begin with, this expense item will be 10,000 rubles per month.

To keep records, to advise on should be your own person - an accountant. He is also the chief accountant. It is undesirable to hire a beginner, as there are nuances in which novice specialists do not understand and will not be able to help. We need a knowledgeable person with experience in promoting a business from scratch. The salary of such a specialist will cost, by average standards, 60,000 rubles.

Total salary: 110,000 rubles per month.

State registration

Activities fall under 85 - the provision of educational services, or rather 85.41.2 - activities in the field of culture and art. Registration and registration of activities will take time and 5,000 rubles to pay the state duty.

Tax and current utility payments

The unified taxation scheme requires the payment of 6% of the amount. As long as there is no profit, it is most profitable to submit zero reporting.

Utility bills: these expenses begin immediately, as soon as the renovation of the premises has begun. In the summer, the amounts will be small, since electricity will only need to be used in the evening. Usually, a room for a dance studio is chosen with large windows, so it is advantageous to start repairs in the spring: while construction work is underway, the day increases and becomes lighter. When you need to launch visitors, and it’s better to do it in the summer, you can save a lot on. As the promotion increases, profits become greater. And by autumn, you can already afford to turn on the light for a long time.

The use of water will also be consumable. Given the number of children, large sums should be expected.

Space heating in autumn, winter and spring. What kind of heating to install is up to the entrepreneur.

The approximate amount for water, electricity and heating is 100,000 rubles.

Attention! Prices for electricity and water for business facilities are higher than for the population. Therefore, the recommendation to start repairs in the spring will come in handy.


  • radio
  • TV
  • newspapers and other printed publications
  • Internet
  • among acquaintances
  • advertising in transport, on stands

The most effective means of transmitting information are advertising in transport, this type is carried out by individual companies. You can order an A4 layout and place it on buses passing through the area of ​​​​the proposed dance studio.

In the newspaper. A close-up ad will grab the attention of potential customers.

Almost all drivers of taxis, minibuses, housewives listen to the radio. It makes sense to order the text for 30 seconds. It will be enough to get started.

For successful promotion of the service, it is beneficial to have your own website on the Internet. Create, fill and administer which will be a hired programmer. His salary can be estimated at 30,000 rubles.

City-wide billboard advertising is expensive, but it works effectively. You can afford to advertise at the city level if you have a good reputation and a project payback.
If the area is small and all residents know each other, then it will be easier to save on advertising. It is enough to start a rumor about a new center for children and adults.

Total investment: 4,006,000 rubles.

Calculation of payment for studio visitors

It is advisable to offer a visit by subscription. Hourly classes can be made more expensive by incentivizing customers to buy wholesale studio products.

With a full planned work schedule, the number of children in groups is 30 people. Adults - 15 people. This is the ideal option.

For children in the morning, the price of a subscription is cheaper, for schoolchildren - more expensive, for adults - extremely high.

Focusing on the average cost of lessons, a subscription for kids for 12 lessons will cost 6,000 rubles. There are 30 people in the group. One group brings 180,000 per month. One group goes 3 times a week. If you organize 2 groups of 30 people, then this is already 360,000 rubles. These are just preschoolers. The same amount is planned to be received from work with schoolchildren.

Adults can work in groups or individually. Individual lessons are paid at a higher rate. will be approximately 960,000 rubles. Given the gradual recruitment of visitors, the income in the first month covers rent, advertising, taxes and staff salaries. With an increasing flow of clients, you can increase the staff of teachers, while expanding advertising.

Reducing the cost of a subscription at first will attract customers. If there are similar establishments nearby, such a marketing ploy will direct those who wish to the studio where the price is cheaper.

Business Profitability

When starting a business from scratch, it is necessary to carefully calculate the prices for real estate rental, repairs, equipment and staff salaries.

Above are the average prices for an ordinary dance studio. Elite establishments will require a budget increase of at least three times. The cost of services will increase. Not all parents will be able to pay for classes, so the contingent of visitors will be limited.

For a quick start of the institution, a full load of the premises and working hours is required.
allows you to reach income as early as the fifth month of work, subject to the presence of children in all groups of 30 people.

If expectations are not met and there are 50% fewer children in groups, it is possible to recoup the investment after 10 months of work. When the price of a subscription is halved - after 2 years. In practice, it often happens when the initial interest of consumers of services decreases and a period of stagnation sets in. To prevent such a process, it is necessary to competently organize the work of staff, especially teachers. Using the methods of attracting and retaining customers (competitions, competitions, demonstrations, filming with the subsequent involvement of the press and television), it is possible to create a good reputation for a dance studio.

The level of dance teaching depends on the qualifications of the teachers. Highly qualified specialists working with children raise personal self-esteem, thereby supporting the desire to come to classes and pay money for it.

Personal communication with the parents of children creates an atmosphere of trust and desire to study in this place.

Performances and TV shows also play a role in the desire to dance in this particular studio.

The following factors influence the successful development of a dance studio as a business:

  • object location
  • literate
  • form of organization of classes
  • advertising level
  • teacher qualifications

Profitability may decrease depending on external circumstances, such as exchange rates, prices for building materials, real estate, changes in legislation, personal circumstances. Income from the dance studio after the return of the funds spent will be approximately 350,000 rubles.

Thus, a dance studio is considered to be sufficient, subject to a competent approach to organization and the correct selection of highly qualified personnel.

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

    I agree that in our time a lot of children attend various dance studios and therefore this business will definitely be profitable. It is really important to plan everything correctly and organize it so that visiting the studio is pleasant and enjoyable.


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