Postcard for the day of the museum employee. Congratulations on Museum Day


Beautiful and official congratulations on the day of museums to employees, colleagues in prose on the holiday, original wishes to the director, a text from the administration, from employees, gratitude in your own words.

Congratulations on the day of museums to employees in prose

Dear museum workers! We congratulate you on the day of museums and wish you successful work in the cultural field of our society. A museum worker is the title of a bearer of spirituality who tries to maintain the national culture as much as possible and instill it in future generations.

Thank you for your invaluable work in the field of cultural enlightenment and a huge amount of educational work. On this important day, we wish you great personal happiness and success in future endeavors!

Dear workers! On the international day of museums, please accept our congratulations on the universal professional holiday. The museum is a valuable repository of historical monuments, as well as a place of spiritual treasure, the custodians of which are you, dear colleagues.

We wish you boundless joy, inspiration in the professional field. After all, thanks to your painstaking work, we have the opportunity to constantly learn the boundless power of the country's culture. Happy holiday!

Wishes in your own words text to colleagues on the holiday

Dear Colleagues! On the eve of the International Museum Day, which is significant for our profession, we would like to congratulate you and wish you peace of mind and joyful days. The work you have done over the years is proof of sincere love and respect for your work.

The museum is a separate world filled with the mystery of history, and you know how to share these secrets with culture lovers. We wish that the new day brings a smile and makes you happier.

Dear colleagues! Museum worker is a profession that requires attention and responsibility. Every day, employees take care of exhibits that are important for the people and present them to the younger and mature generation. You, dear colleagues, are doing a tremendous educational and educational work.

On a professional holiday, I would like to wish unlimited happiness in every home. Let the new day be filled with exceptionally positive impressions and vivid memories. Happy Museum Day!

Congratulations on the day of museums to the director, leader in prose

Dear (name, patronymic)! From the team we give you congratulations on the upcoming holiday - Museum Day! It is known that the successful functioning of not only museums, but also other institutions depends on a tactful leader, as well as a properly structured form of work. Our workers highly value cultural, kind understanding.

You are responsible for preserving spiritual values ​​and making the working environment better every day. We wish daily warmth from loved ones, spiritual harmony, joyful life events, as well as the inexhaustibility of positive energy that you pass on to your employees!

Every year, museum workers celebrate their professional holiday on May 18. This date is an excellent occasion to make a trip to the museum of interest and congratulate its employees on their professional day. Also, all specialists in the field of history, archeology and just lovers of going to museums are involved in this holiday. People who keep great historical relics are worthy of respect and their own holiday. This holiday has been celebrated since 1977. An interesting fact is that at the next meeting of the International Council of Museums, it was Russia that initiated its establishment. Museums play a significant role in cultural and educational work, as well as in the preservation of cultural heritage. Date, we celebrate the international day of museums - May 18.

Without the past, the future cannot be created,
Every citizen should know this
We are always attracted by history,
We come to museums as in the past centuries.
Congratulations to all museum workers today,
We wish you happiness, joy, kindness,
May luck open doors for you
Let it be lucky in everything, always.

You diligently guard the heritage of our ancestors,
You know the history of the country very well,
Each exhibit of the past is a particle,
A yellowed page of bygone days.
Congratulations to museum workers on holidays,
We wish you a long and happy life
Let life give you bright moments
Let the mood always be excellent.

History, with your help, comes alive every day,
A hundred times to tell one thing, and you are also not too lazy,
Visitors always listen to you attentively,
We receive information about the past in full.
Congratulations to the museum workers on the holiday,
We sincerely wish you a long and happy life,
All the best to you, joy, happiness and kindness,
Let life flow like a full river.

To things that hold history in themselves,
You are responsible, attentive,
About each exhibit, about its fate,
Talk clearly, great.
Museum workers, congratulations,
Let your work inspire you
Let the past stay where it was yesterday
And you about tomorrow, always think with optimism.

You are wise keepers of antiquity,
We want to know a lot about the past,
History always comes alive with your help,
Museum workers - honor and praise to you.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
We wish you all the best in life
May you be pleasantly surprised every day
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

You protect the exhibits from destruction and time,
You are the keepers of past days of history,
Frozen moments always come alive
We learn from you everything that has been kept for centuries.
We wish happiness to all museum workers,
Let failures and bad weather pass you by,
May your every day turn into a holiday,
Let a bird of happiness fly into your house.

Thanks to you, it's easy to touch history,
You, like a guide, lead us through the ages,
Every day guests come to the halls,
After all, the past always worries everyone.
We are glad to congratulate you on the day of museum workers,
Let work be a joy for you
May you always be lucky in everything,
May the family weather always be warm.

In the museum you are servants and gods:
In laboratories, archives are very strict,
And in the halls with the public are friendly, smart,
Revealing the secrets of antiquity to us.
Years fly, century after century passes,
Everything created in the world by man
Keep, loving humanity, -
Much is alive, thanks to you.
Guardians of ancient times
Connoisseurs of museum silence
We want to congratulate you on the Day of Museums:
The museum, no doubt, everyone needs.

Your profession cannot be compared with another,
The museum employee is a different flavor.
For hours I listen to you with an open heart,
To remember more to become an erudite.
You are inextricably linked with work,
You can't let people get bored.
I wish you happiness, health, love,
So that all wishes can come true.

Thank you for keeping the memory
About what happened in the old days
And that they are always ready to answer
For the stupidest questions.
Who did not serve in the museum, he does not know
What painstaking work
It costs you every day when you come there,
Take time for disheveled braids -
And restore their brilliance and beauty,
And listen to the voices of things and letters,
And to see in the halls ... no, not emptiness,
And eternity, its light and wisdom of thoughts.

How many museums are there in the world? Don't bypass everyone! Moreover, some people want to return again and again ... On Museum Day, I sincerely congratulate you and wish you to always smile, work on preserving history with inspiration and just live happily!

There are so many interesting things to find here.
Here the past is intertwined with reality,
Here you can understand a lot, learn, learn,
Behind every thing, a secret is kept.
It's so cozy, harmonious, good,
Here is the world of History, and a storehouse of facts,
It would be very difficult to live without museums,
With them, everything becomes accessible and understandable.
And on this day, I wish not to lose interest,
Erudite, smart people are now in vogue,
I congratulate you on International Museum Day,
We will see you at the new exhibition soon!

Solemn and quiet
Here the past lives
There's no need for hype here.
Here it's the other way around.
In deep silence
Layers of centuries lie.
And maybe inadvertently
We will turn our gaze
For the memory that you keep
For us, you are so many years old.
Take it today
Our bow. Many years.
museum staff,
We congratulate you
After all, memory is an epic,
Epic and story.

Keeper of the people's memory
and a storehouse of wisdom, hurry
congratulate you nationwide
Happy Museum Day from the bottom of our hearts!
Communication with you is the source
A visit to the museum is a living spring,
May you, museum workers,
As a memory - you, God himself keeps!

It's so easy to touch the history... Just come to the museum! They are different, for every taste, but each one is unique and requires special attention, as if it were a living creature that keeps fragments of history for human generations ... Happy Museum Day! Let all the collections be like new, let the frozen history come to life with your help every day!

I'll tell you, in the museum
I'm always glad to be!
I open my mouth and stare
for each exhibit.
Here the spirit is elusive -
Breath of old
Stories of the innocent
We stand opposite.
And people are in awe
Admire stand
To the beauty of the museum
Collections of marvelous series.
We wish you soon
Found a philanthropist
In the development of the museum
May he make a generous contribution!
We wish you prosperity
All the best from year to year,
To become for us in museums
Always free admission!

Always the people of the relics shore,
Treasures from the eyes of strangers
In churches, cathedrals and monasteries,
And he knew about them only in words.
But Peter the Great strictly ordered
So that the Russian people see the treasures,
And a museum was opened in St. Petersburg
In front of all ordinary people.
That century has been replaced by more than one century,
But everything that was created by man,
Now stored in museums throughout the country
Connoisseurs of antiquity.
They are focused and strict
In laboratories, archives, like gods,
And the audience is friendly, smart,
Revealing the secrets of antiquity to us.
We wish them happy Museum Day
We respect their work and skill.
Keepers of relics, antiquities,
We need your experience and knowledge!

Picasso, Dali, Rembrandt,
Everything that they did
What transformed talent
You revealed to us.
All that the people are famous for
All his legacy
Carry its fruit
Through the millennia.
Thank you for keeping
All the gifts of history
What discovered versatility
This territory.

Many would like to get a time machine, but since science does not spoil us ... Let's go to the museum! Moreover, today is Museum Day, so please accept our congratulations! Let every room be full of history and amazing stories!

These strange, gloomy buildings,
They are simply called museums.
The whole history of the universe

Museums - prosperity!
Let the congregations multiply.
Keep, learn
Enlighten us sinners.
Everything is in the museums of the world:
Products from Tyre,
Sculpture, furniture, stamps,
Bowels and seas gifts,
Masterpieces and freaks
history of peoples,
Pictures and coins,
Armor and clarinets...
Don't comprehend everything at once
The poor mind boggles
But we will come to museums,
Let's take a look at this.

Keep a great atmosphere
For connoisseurs of the finest gifts,
Open the Veil to the Pioneer
Into the world of the great art of the masters.
About outlandish, strange objects
You tell me in full detail.
Thanks forever for this
The whole vast country will announce to you.

Dear friends, today we want to congratulate those people who, through their work, keep many things, objects, fraught with the history of bygone years, alive. Museum workers, today is your holiday, and this is a wonderful occasion to spend time with friends and receive many congratulations.

On this wonderful day in May
I'm flying to Paris... dreaming.
And I wander around the Louvre with inspiration,
Enjoying the renaissance.
Rembrandt's portraits come to life.
And Gioconda will reveal secrets.
Michelangelo "Slave" will not cover
The perfect male body...
In general, what should I do there in Paris.
I see this in Russia!
Not about the body now, about museums:
Hermitage and Moscow galleries...
On this wonderful day in May
Congratulations to those
Who cares for the cause,
Preserves masterpieces in museums!

These strange, gloomy buildings,
They are simply called museums.
The whole history of the universe
Artifacts - all collected here.
You can also meet Pithecanthropus here,
You can look a mammoth in the eye.
And a path leads to the foot of the volcano,
And I would like to shoot from a cannon.
This is a holiday of historical times,
This is a celebration of past eras.
Let the question be only rhetorical -
Could he be something bad?

In the museum you are servants and gods:
In laboratories, archives are very strict,
And in the halls with the public are friendly, smart,
Revealing the secrets of antiquity to us.
Years fly, century after century passes,
Everything created in the world by man
Keep, loving humanity, -
Much is alive, thanks to you.
Guardians of ancient times
Connoisseurs of museum silence
We want to congratulate you on the Day of Museums:
The museum, no doubt, everyone needs.

The work of a museum worker is not so simple, it requires responsibility and care. The love of museum workers for the past, everything ancient and mysterious is boundless. You, like parents, protect your offspring and protect them from destruction by time. May your profession give you pleasure and many kind and grateful visitors.

Everything is great at work.
You are blooming. It is clear.
After all, they gathered near you
The whole history of ecstasy.
Everything is here, and everyone is respected.
And you care about it.
Well, I decided to congratulate you,
Congratulations are in store for you.
For your eyes to shine
For love to be beautiful
So that the prince rushes in an instant,
And told you about love!

I will tell you, I am always glad to visit the museum!
Opening my mouth, I stare at each exhibit.
Here the spirit is elusive - the breath of antiquity,
Innocent stories are standing in front of us.
And people stand in admiration
On the beauty of the museum - collections of marvelous row.
We wish that a philanthropist is soon found,
So that he makes a generous contribution to the development of the museum!
We wish you prosperity, all the best from year to year,
So that the entrance to museums is always free for us!

Who knows better than you and more than you,
Who can command people's attention like that,
To bring history to life for us
And draw inspiration from it every day.
I want to wish you on the day of museums
Good luck, happiness, joy, love,
So that all ideas can be realized,
And they saved their approach to work.

May 18 is the world day of museum workers and all those who work in such institutions celebrate their professional holiday. This significant date applies not only to museum employees, but also to those who regularly visit various exhibitions and exhibits with pleasure.

It is interesting that this date was not always celebrated, but only for several decades. At the annual meeting of the Council of Museums, it was decided to introduce this holiday into the world calendar. Thus, this wonderful date appeared - the day of the museum worker, at present it is celebrated in more than 150 countries of the world.

Museums are an integral part of the culture of every city in our country and the world, they are able to educate society and enrich it with the necessary knowledge about history. Museum exhibits are very diverse and have their own theme, so every year the museum worker's holiday is held under a certain slogan and style.

One of the last days was devoted to the theme of the theft of museum valuables, as well as the role of museums in the education and enlightenment of society. "Museums and Tourism" - under this slogan the celebration of the day of the museum worker in 2009 was held. "Museums in the name of social guarantee" - such a topic was discussed and analyzed on May 18, 2010. "Museums and memory" - this theme was dedicated to the celebration in 2011.

The anniversary date of the Museum Worker's Day fell on May 18, 2012, on this day the main theme was “Museums in a Changing World. New challenges and inspiration. In 2013, the holiday was celebrated under the slogan "Museums and social changes", in 2014 the theme of the collections available in museums around the world became relevant, and in 2015 museums and the development of society. The Day of the Museum Worker is celebrated on a large scale and preparations are made for it thoroughly. Various lectures, stories, new exhibits and exhibitions, in addition to this, the doors to all museums of this day are open to everyone and absolutely free of charge.

Every year, the holiday called "Night of Museums" is gaining more and more popularity and is in demand. In the cities where this event is held, special buses are allocated, and a specific route for visiting exhibitions and museums is drawn up. The main goal of such an action is to enrich the population with knowledge about existing museums and famous exhibits. It is held on the night from Saturday to Sunday, closer to the Day of the Museum Worker, the number of people wishing to visit such objects is constantly increasing, which has a positive effect on the culture of cities.

Postcards with International Museum Day

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