Open lesson on vocals theme "rhythm". Outline of a vocal lesson Summary of a singing lesson in kindergarten



Grigorieva Oksana Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education, head of the vocal studio "Maximum" of the Children's Creativity Center, Atkarsk, Saratov Region. Open lesson of the vocal circle 1-3 years of study, topic: "Rhythm"

Lesson topic: "Rhythm"

Purpose of the lesson: creation of a joyful, friendly atmosphere of the lesson, which contributes to a successful acquaintance with the elements of musical notation: scale, rhythm.

Lesson objectives:

    develop creative abilities by involving children in the emotional performance of singing, songs, playing musical instruments;

    in the process of vocal and choral work to develop singing skills;

    to form a steady interest in musical culture;

    cultivate patriotism, good relations to each other and to others.

Preliminary work.

    Learning tongue twisters, breathing exercises, diction, sound formation.

    Individual work with children on learning songs, tunes.

    Listening to music r.n.p. "Kamarinskaya".

Motivation: the teacher asks the students to return the notes.

Hall decoration: on the wall is an image of a treble clef and a staff with notes; "Musical caterpillar".

Equipment: handouts, audio recordings, tape recorder, sheet music, percussion instruments (spoons, drum).

Hearing: song "Do, re, mi" group"Domisolka" op. V. Klyuchnikova,

music O. Yudakhina., "A song about a song", "Russia", r.n.p. "Kamarinskaya".

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Building in front of the hall.

Music entrance: The song "Do, re, mi" sounds.

Musical greeting : "Domisolka" op. in Klyuchnikov,

music O. Yudakhina.

    Introductory speech of the teacher.

I am very glad to meet you again.

The world of music is mysterious and amazing. Only those who can hear and listen, see the unusual in ordinary things, who love to dream and fantasize, who strive for knowledge and are hardworking, can understand this realm of sounds. It is customary to speak in this world in a special language - musical, which you guys have to master.

What does a composer need to know in order to record music or a performer in order to perform it?(Notes, musical notation). Today at the lesson with the help of music we will try to create a joyful, friendly atmosphere and get acquainted with the elements of musical notation.

We are going to the country of Music, where friends are already waiting for us - Funny notes. And the notes are written on the rulers.

Five lines of musical line

We called it "stave".

And on it all the notes are dots

Settled in place.

Guys, look at the musical staff. Only this morning there were notes, but suddenly disappeared. We must definitely return them. Well then, let's go.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

Guys, how can you travel?

One note wants to return to its house. Before

We will sing with you too.

Repeat the rules of singing (ask the kids)

If you want to sit and sing

Don't sit like a bear

Straighten your back quickly

Keep your feet on the floor


    1. "From the clatter of hooves" - work on diction and dynamics:

    Clear diction;


    Work on dynamics;

      "Do, re, mi, fa, sol" lyrics. Z. Petrova, music. A. Ostrovsky

    Work on breathing;

    Building a triad

    Singing on the hand

Well done, you did a good job with this task and returnednote re.

What is your mood? Does music have a mood? Let's wish everyone: Good mood! And we will try to accurately convey the mood of this song"A song about a song" . What is it?

Performance of the song"A song about a song" (1,2,3 years of study children)

The note is attached to the stave. Mi

Our journey continues. And now - a new task.

    Learning new material. Rhythm

1) I will clap several times, and you will repeat what I show. Prepare your palms. Just listen carefully first. And you need to clap at my command and not loudly.

Examples of rhythmic dictations

1. "Kalinka",

2. "There was a birch in the field

3. "Little Christmas tree"

writing a rhythmic pattern on the blackboard

Did you notice that in every phrase that you repeated after me, clapping your hands, there were short and long sounds? The alternation of long and short sounds in music is called?rhythm. Remember this new word. Repeat it.

The rhythm of a particular melody - this is a rhythmic pattern, i.e. rhythm element. What durations does a rhythmic pattern consist of?( quarters, eighths, sixteenths)


The rhythmic pattern consists of short and long durations.

Rhythmic sounds are related to each other, they can be smooth, smooth, and can sound abrupt.Example: the heart beats rhythmically, the clock ticks, the seasons change.(example children)

We are comingto the conclusion that order is created? (Smooth steps. Clear pattern. Uniform alternation of blows.)

2) The task becomes more difficult.

Clap the rhythm: long sounds are hits on the knees, and short sounds are in the hands.

Any rhythm in music can be written with special notation. Today we will try to use the signs and perform the rhythm.

3) Quest "Musical Caterpillar"

The board shows a caterpillar with large and small circles. Children clap rhythm.

4) Exercise "Chorus of hours"

The nature of the music changes depending on the rhythm. I suggest this exercise "Chorus of hours"

You need to depict the simultaneous movement of large and small clocks in a rhythmic two-voice speech. Group 1 says “bom-bom” in a low voice, and group 2 says “tiki-tiki” in a high voice

The note is attached to the stave. F

No musical instruments emphasize the rhythm of a piece like percussion instruments. What percussion instruments do you know?

4) Playing music on musical instruments.

R.n.p. "Kamarinskaya"

What character?(cheerful, cheerful, mischievous)

What can be said about the melody(Melody changes, repeats several times)

What instruments did you hear?

In Russian village dances there is not only a competition between dancers, but also a competition between instruments. The piece you are listening to is called"Kamarinskaya".

What used to play Russian dances?

Here we will play music. tools. First, let's learn the rhythmic pattern.

performed by the teacher and students on percussion instruments "Kamarinskaya".

Wonderfully performed work.

The note is attached to the stave. Salt

And now it's time for us to walk through the fairy forest.


"Let's clap, let's drown"

How wonderfully you moved

Movement is health!

The note is attached to the stave.La

What a wonderful journey we have made with you through the musical kingdom-state. But the best country for any person is the one where he was born and raised, his homeland. What is the name of the country where we live?

Performance of the song "Russia"

What is the mood of this song? What feelings does the author convey here?

The note is attached to the stave.Xi

Guys, look at the musical staff.

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si

These notes all in a row form a scale.

That's all the notes returned home. Again we will sing and dance, play musical instruments.

  1. Outcome. Our journey has come to an end.

What elements of musical notation have we met? (rhythm, duration, scale).

Rhythm- the alternation of long and short sounds in music.

Duration - the duration of the blow from blow to blow.

Scale - this is a specific order of musical sounds that are used in music. Music staff with notes.

What interesting things did you find out? What do you remember most vividly? (Learned what rhythm is, played percussion instruments, sang as soloists, etc.).

VIII . Reflection.

Teacher: I would like to know how you yourself evaluate your work. Whoever thinks he did a good job, let him sing -"A", and who thinks that everything is still not working out- "ABOUT".

Children appreciate their work.

You can't part with music.

We've been in love with her since birth.

And we won't tell her goodbye

Simply: Goodbye! They leave the classroom to the music.

Hello guys and dear guests!

Throughout the school year, we learn a lot of interesting and varied songs, each of which has its own history and meaning. Guys, please tell me, without which we will not be able to convey the meaning and content of the work to the viewer? (Children answer) Right! No clearly articulated lyrics.

Today we will hold an open lesson, the topic of which is "Articulation and the vocal word." Singing is the only type of musical performing art where musical performance is organically combined with the need for an expressive presentation of a speech text.

But before we start articulation and vocal work, we will do the breathing exercises necessary for a real singer.

You guys are probably all very fond of balloons. Imagine that you and I swallowed a balloon, now when we take a breath, our balloon inflates right in our stomach. Then we exhale and our balloon is blown away! Well done, and now we will inflate and deflate the balloon 5 more times.

Okay, now let's play a game called "Snake" with you. Let's face each other, and now imagine that our right hand is a snake. We take air into the stomach, raise our hand and fold the brush in the form of a snake's face, and with the sound "Sss" the snake crawled. Okay, now let's imagine that our snakes want to scare each other. We draw air into the stomach again, make the sound “Sss”, and at the moment when the breath ends, we will make a sharp active exhalation with the same sound, while our snake will accordingly make a throw. Now let's play this game again. Goodies!

Now we turn to articulation gymnastics. Guys, we all stand up to the mirror and we will now go to the zoo. First we will visit the aquarium. The first one we saw with you is an igloo fish, a thin, thin fish. Let's pull in our cheeks to be like her. And behind the fish-needle, a fish-ball swims, swollen cheeks like this fish, well done! And a seahorse is swimming behind her, look how strongly his lips are stretched forward, let's also stretch our lips! And finally, we will look at the ball fish with you, and puff up our cheeks just as much! We leave the aquarium, go further, and a horse is running towards us, let's make the sound of clattering hooves, first quickly, and then the horse saw us and slowed down a little (we make the sound of clattering hooves slower). The horse ran away, and we go further and see a giraffe. The giraffe has not only a long neck, but also a long tongue. And now we will make our tongue long like that of a giraffe, stretch our tongue to our nose, do not help ourselves with our hands! Okay, now we pull it to the chin. Great! We go further and see a hippopotamus with you, and he has a big mouth! Come on, they opened their mouths like hippos, wide, wide. And let's stay like that for a while. Well done, we had a tour of the zoo, now let's go play ball.

Now we will remember the tongue twisters that we learned in previous lessons, the first “Rode the Greek”, loudly, slowly, pronounce each word.

(Children tell a tongue twister)

Greek rode across the river,

Sees the Greek in the river cancer

Put the hand of the Greek into the river

Cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap.

And in the same way, we clearly actively pronounce with you the second “Cuckoo Cuckoo”

"Cuckoo cuckoo

I bought a hood

Like in a hood

He's funny"

(We take a small tennis ball) And now, as promised, we will play ball! Please break up into pairs and stand opposite each other (children are divided into pairs). Now each of you will pronounce one line from the tongue twister and on the last word, on the stressed syllable, throw the ball to your partner. The left side says the first line, the right side says the second, and so on until the end of each tongue twister. (Children do the task). Well done boys!

Plan - lesson summary

Lesson topic: Articulation as the most important condition for working on a vocal work

The purpose of the lesson: Improving diction and sound quality by working on the activity of the articulatory apparatus.

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational

To ensure the formation of students' knowledge about the features of the work of the articulatory apparatus;

Summarize and systematize previously acquired knowledge on the topic"Articulation".

2. Educational- create conditions for the development of the student

Dictionary skills at varied tempos;

Activity of the articulatory apparatus with various nuances;

Emotionally - figurative sphere of psychological processes (imagination, thinking, memory) during singing exercises and in the process of working on vocal works;

Ability to use lower costal diaphragmatic breathing.

3. Educational- create conditions for:

Nurturing a conscious approach to learning;

Increasing the level of self-esteem, the desire for self-improvement and creative self-realization;

Stimulating the creative search of students in creating the interpretation of works.

Lesson type: combined.

Working methods:

PO source of knowledge:

Visual - visual - illustrative, slide show, display, TCO;

Verbal - comments, explanations (explanations of practical action) , conversation ;

Practical - exercises, practical tasks;

by the nature of cognitive activity: explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partially exploratory, elements of the research method.

Methods of vocal pedagogy: concentric, phonetic, vocal exercises, methods of display and imitation, mental singing, comparative analysis.


personality-oriented, developmental learning, interdisciplinary communications; elements of problem-based learning, simulation-game modeling of professional activities, information, art technology; performing technologies: the formation of singing culture, the formation of associative-figurative thinking.

Interdisciplinary connections: solfeggio, music theory, analysis of musical works, accompaniment, literature, methods of musical education, practice, informatics.

Equipment: piano, laptop, presentation on the topic of the lesson, mirror.

Musical literature used:

1. F. Abt. Singing school. - M., 1985.

2. Reader of vocal and pedagogical repertoire: for mezzo-soprano. School of Music I-II courses. / Comp. P. Pontryagin. - M.: Music, 1970.

3. D. Kabalevsky. Romance Benvolio from the music for the play "Romeo and Juliet"./ Sheet music from the site -

4. Teach Children to Sing: Songs and Exercises for Children's Voice Development (3-5 years old). Music guide. leaders of children garden. / Comp. T. Orlova, S. Bekina. – M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

During the classes.

I. Announcement of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.

II. Knowledge update. Formation and consolidation of vocal skills.

1. Elements of the respiratorygymnastics A.N. Strelnikova (Appendix No. 1).

2. chanting. The first vocal skill is “singing attitude” (student’s detailed answer).

The use of exercises: intonation-phonopedic, contributing to the development of the power of sound, expanding the range, setting the basic vocal skills (the author of the phonopedic method of developing the vocal apparatus V.V. Emelyanov);

exercises for the formation and consolidation of various vocal skills, including tongue twisters that activate the vocal apparatus and improve diction.

The method of "emotional training" for the development of imaginative thinking of the student, using the tongue twister "Kind beavers go to forests" with different emotional overtones: sadness, joy, anger, admiration, etc.

Bring students togradual understanding of their vocal actions and their independent use. They must find their own internal attitudes to perform a particular task, using visual, vibrational, tactile self-control.

3. Work on the performance of vocalization ( F.Abt. Vocalise No. 10).

The task of the work is to achieve a good cantilena (working on the smoothness of voice leading, calm taking of the “correct” breath), evenness and softness of sound throughout the entire range, free articulation, and competent phrasing.

In the process of work, students recall the theoretical foundations of vocals (from the section "Structure of the vocal apparatus" - "Articulatory apparatus" slides No. 12 - 15). In a conversation with a teacher, the vocal skills "diction", "articulation" are analyzed.

Using figurative thinking, the imagination of students, it is necessary to create a situation that will lead the student to a bright expressive performance, competent construction of the dramaturgy of the work and at the same time will work to correct his vocal and technical shortcomings. As a result of the perception and analysis of music and text, it is necessary to give students the opportunity to feel the artistic image, to experience it. Search situations and leading questions will help the singer find the appropriate methods of vocal performance, take the initiative in their search, which develops thinking, independence and creativity of the student singing.

III. Summing up, conclusions. Reflection (Discussion of what worked and what didn’t, what were the mistakes, how they can be corrected).

IY. Homework.On the Internet, find recordings of performances by the best vocalists songs.

Application No. 1.

Elements of breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova

The proposed methodology was developed by vocalist Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

The exercises of this therapeutic breathing exercises not only restore breathing and voice, but in general have an extremely beneficial effect on the body as a whole:

Restore disturbed nasal breathing,

Improve the drainage function of the bronchi,

Positively affect metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply, including lung tissue,

Increase the overall resistance of the body, its tone,

Improve the neuro-psychic state of the body.

Exercises are performed a number of times, a multiple of 8, best of all, “Strelnikov’s hundred” - 96 times, but since this gymnastics is one of the types of work in the lesson, the number of movements is regulated by the time allotted for this type of activity. We do 32 movements of the breathing exercises from the “Voice Setting” section, preparing the vocal apparatus for further work. These are the exercises:

Exercise " Embrace your shoulders(Inhale on chest compression).

Starting position: stand up straight. The arms are bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level with the hands facing each other. At the moment of a short noisy breath through the nose, we throw our hands towards each other, as if hugging ourselves by the shoulders. It is important that the arms move parallel to each other, and not crosswise. Hands should move in parallel, their position cannot be changed during the entire exercise.

Exercise " Pump". Starting position: stand up straight, hands down.

Slightly lean down to the floor: the back is round (not straight), the head is lowered (looks down at the floor, do not pull or strain your neck, arms are lowered down). Take a short, noisy breath at the end point of the bow (“smell the floor”). Raise slightly, but do not straighten completely - at this point it is absolutely passively leaving through the nose or mouth.

Bend over again and at the same time take a short noisy breath. Then, while exhaling, straighten slightly, releasing the air through your mouth or nose. “Inflate the tire” easily and simply in the rhythm of a drill step.

Exercise " big pendulum” (“Pump” + “Hug your shoulders”). Starting position: stand up straight. Bend slightly to the floor (hands reach for the knees, but do not fall below them) - inhale. And immediately, without stopping, lean back slightly (having slightly bent at the waist), hugging yourself by the shoulders - also a breath. Exhalation passively leaves between breaths - movements. So: a bow to the floor, hands to the knees - a breath, then a slight deflection in the lower back - the oncoming movement of the hands with a slightly tilted head (also a breath).

Tick-tock, inhale from the floor - inhale from the ceiling. Strongly in the lower back do not bend and do not strain: everything is done easily and simply, without any extra effort.

Application number 2.

Articulation gymnastics VV Emelyanov.

Bite the tip of your tongue, repeat this operation 4-8 times until you feel that the work of the salivary glands has become more active.

- "Chop" the language, i.e. biting the tongue, gradually stick it out so that you begin to bite the middle of the tongue. Repeat 4-8 times.

Click your tongue to change the size and shape of your mouth. "Poke" the upper lip, lower lip, cheeks with the tongue. The exercise is called the "needle". Repeat several times.

Run your tongue between your gums and lips. The exercise is called a “brush”, as if we clean our teeth with our tongue.

We twist the lower lip, giving the face an offended expression, raise the upper lip, baring the upper teeth. We alternate these provisions: an offended face - a delighted face.

After that, put your fingers on the mandibular joints or maxillotemporal joints, massage also vigorously to feel the bones under your fingers, and then proceed to the “forward-down” jaw movement, i.e. Roundabout Circulation. First, to the horizontal plane - forward, then - vertical - down.

Finally, open your mouth at the same time in a forward-down circular motion of the jaw with the opening of the upper teeth, i.e. with an active upper lip, and with a protrusion of the lower lip so that 4 upper and 4 lower teeth are exposed. Repeat several times. The mouth must be fully open, i.e. the jaw is retracted “forward-down” to the maximum and at the same time the corners of the mouth, the so-called labial commissure, should be relaxed. The mouth should look like a rectangle placed on the shorter side. Rectangle, not oval or circle. We will conditionally call this articulatory position “Evil Cat” (“ZK”).


    Shchetinin. M.N. Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova./ M.N. Shchetinin. - 3rd ed. - M., 2008:

regional state budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

"Kamchatka Palace of Children's Creativity"

Outline of an open lesson

vocal ensemble "Elegy"

Subject: Introduction to the program.

(for children 6-7 years old)

Compiled by: teacher of additional education Kabirova Irina Rafaelievna



Subject: Introduction to the program. "Colored Voices"

Target: get to know children, arouse children's interest in classes in a vocal ensemble.Tasks: Educational:

    to give the first communication skills in a new team; create an atmosphere of festive mood from the first acquaintance with the vocal ensemble; Cultivate a sense of love for beauty.


    give initial ideas about the structure of the lesson; introduce children to the concepts: instrumental and vocal voice, soloist, ensemble. To give initial Nevcheskie skills.


    develop attention, memory, imagination; to develop creative independence in children; develop a sense of rhythm and musical ear.

Equipment, manuals and materials. Educational and practical equipment:

    piano; "Exhibition" of musical instruments (violin, flute, guitar); music Center; educational board; elements of costumes (cockerel, cat, hedgehog caps); visual aid "Music staff"; visual aids "Soloist", "Duet", "Vocal Ensemble"; balloons according to the number of children; block flutes according to the number of children; bells according to the number of children.
Music material:
    chanting songs: "Hedgehog", "Cockerel", "Kitty"; phonogram of the song "Balloons" (words and music by I. Kabirova); J.S. Bach "Joke"; D. Scarlatti - Sonata "G Major"; N. Paganini "Caprice".

Cabinet decoration. Musical instruments are exhibited on the podium: violin, guitar, flute.

A detailed plan is a summary of the lesson.

Lesson progress:

Outline plan.

    Organizing time.

The teacher invites the children to the class. Children sit on chairs.

Teacher: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you all in the vocal class!

    Goal setting.

My name is Irina Rafaelievna. I teach children to sing. Look at these photos. These children have already learned to sing, perform on stage in concert costumes and sing into real microphones. Do you want to learn how to sing?

    Introductory part. Conversation.

How many of you know the name of the person who sings? That's right, a singer. The voice of a person who sings is called a vocal or vocal voice. Hear how my voice sounds. I will sing you a song about a musical bell. And you will help me by playing the bells.

The teacher distributes bells to the children.

The teacher sings the song "Bell". Children ring bells.

The children answer.

The teacher attaches a balloon-note of the corresponding color to the visual aid "Music staff".

Teacher: This balloon represents my vocal voice. Let's put my voice in a music house.

Teacher: in front of you exhibition of musical instruments. What tools are you familiar with?

Children's answers.

Guess the musical riddle.

How clear is the overflow of sounds,

They have joy and smiles.

Sounds like a dreamy tune

Sings so softly...Children: Violin.

A fragment sounds - N. Paganini "Caprice".

Tell me, in what color would the Fairy of Colors decorate the voice of the violin?

The children answer.

The teacher attaches a balloon note of the corresponding color to the visual aid.

Teacher: This balloon represents the instrumental voice of the violin. Solve another riddle.

I'll tell you, my friend, In ancient times -

A gentle breeze blew into the reed pipe.

The man suddenly heard a melodious gentle sound.

And at that moment a musical instrument was born.Children: Flute.

Now listen and say what color the voice of the flute is.

A fragment sounds - I. Bach "Joke".

The teacher attaches the corresponding note balloon to the stave.

Teacher: Who knows what this instrument is called?

Children: guitar.

Teacher: Let's listen to the voice of the guitar.

A fragment sounds - D. Scarlatti "Sonata in G Major".

Children name the color of the balloon. The teacher attaches a balloon note of the corresponding color to the visual aid.

Now let's hear how your voices sound.

Children sing their name. Children attach balloons - a note of the corresponding color to the musical staff.

Teacher: Look, the voices of musical instruments and our vocal voices lined up in a multi-colored musical row.


Instrument sound -instrumental,

Let's repeat these words together.

    Main part.

teacher : In order to learn to sing, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. To do this, we will do breathing exercises at each lesson.

Breathing exercises.

The teacher asks the children to stand up.

Balloon exercise.

Take a slow deep breath through the nose, hands through the sides up ("inflate the balloon"). We hold our breath, and then “blow off the balloon” - exhaling the air, we say: “Ha ha ha”. We lower our hands down with stops. (Perform 2-3 times).

Exercise "Cat".

Let's hiss like an angry cat. Inhale through the nose, exhale to the sound "sh". The hands are clenched into a fist. On exhalation, we pronounce the sound "Sh" and sharply unclench our fingers ("Cat's claws").

Flute Exercise.

Imagine that you are musicians, playing the flute. Inhale the air and, as you exhale, blow into the musical instrument (teacher demonstration).

According to the gestures of the teacher, the children perform the exercise.

Teacher: In order for our voice to develop, it is necessary to do a warm-up for the voice.

Now we will play. Let's imagine that some of you have turned into funny little animals and birds. The teacher invites the child. ……. will be a hedgehog. (put on a hedgehog hat).

I will sing a hedgehog song, and you try to repeat after me.

The teacher sings: Little hedgehog, no head, no legs.

The child repeats.

Teacher: …. sang one song.

The little artist took the stage.

If he sings alone, then he -soloist. (The teacher shows the visual aid "Soloist").

The teacher invites the child. ……. will be a cockerel (put on a cockerel hat).

Teacher: I will sing a cockerel song, and you try to repeat after me.

The teacher sings: Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb"

The child repeats.

Teacher: ….. sang a song alone. Our real artist……. soloist.

If a hedgehog and a cockerel sing together, you get a duet.

Sing together: We sing in a duet,

We have a lot of fun.

Teacher: Listen to the cat's song. “Meow, meow, meow, la-la-la-la-la. The child repeats.

Teacher: A real artist is ... .. a soloist.

teacher : If you sing all together, the three of you will succeedvocal ensemble. Such an ensemble is called a trio. (The teacher shows the visual aid "Trio").

Sing along:

« Our trio ensemble - we sing beautifully.”

And now I will ask all the children to sing together in a vocal ensemble.

Children sing: "We are in our ensemble

Let's sing songs together"

teacher : What a wonderful vocal ensemble we have!

In our first lesson, we will start learning a song about balloons. Listen to the chorus of the song.

The teacher sings:

Let's say the words of the chorus.

Teacher: And now we will perform the whole song with piano accompaniment. I will sing the verses of the song, and you will sing the choruses.


    Balloons will fly into the sky


"The ball is blue, the ball is yellow, the ball is blue,

Sing a multi-colored ball with us!


    Here came the little artist on the stage,

If he sings alone, then he is a soloist.


"The ball is blue, the ball is yellow, the ball is blue,

Sing a multi-colored ball with us!


    If we sing songs in an ensemble,

So we all live together, have fun.


"The ball is blue, the ball is yellow, the ball is blue,

Sing a multi-colored ball with us!

Say: "We are great", "Our voices sound beautiful."

Let's pretend we're on a real stage. We will listen to the real audience. Let's sing a song to very cheerful music.

Children sing a song to the soundtrack.

The teacher invites the children to sit in their seats.

    Summing up the lesson.

teacher : Did you like our song about balloons?

In the next lessons, we will continue to develop our multi-colored voices and learn the whole song. And when we learn it, we will perform on a real stage, in real concert costumes and sing into real microphones.

Tell the guys who remember. What is a person who sings alone called? (Soloist)

And if the singers sing together? (duet)

And if they sing together? (trio).

What if we all sing together? (vocal ensemble)

The pianist Elena Petrovna helped us at the lesson today.

For your efforts, I want to give balloons. You are great, and your voices sounded great in the vocal ensemble! Goodbye, see you next time.

Municipal educational budgetary institution

additional education for children

Center for additional education for children "Rainbow", Sochi

pop vocal

Topic: "Journey to the country" Melody ""

Dombrovskaya Yulia Yurievna

Danilenko Svetlana Vasilievna

Explanatory note

An amazing musical instrument is the human voice. Each of us is endowed with it. And how unique the voices of children sound, how they love to sing and perform both at home for their parents and at holidays. This gives them self-confidence, develops aesthetic and artistic taste.

Coming to the first vocal lesson, they still do not know what they have to do. And it is very important from the first lesson to reveal the beauty of music to the students, to show how necessary it is to master the means of vocal expressiveness, musical and rhythmic abilities, which helps children to freely and liberatedly stay on stage, that today it is impossible to imagine a pop song performer who does not have choreographic and acting skills, which allows you to more clearly and expressively convey to the audience the nature of the songs being performed, to acquire knowledge of musical literacy. And most importantly, to influence the emotional, and, consequently, the motivational aspects of the personality for vocal lessons.

Novelty and relevance of development.

The development of this lesson is due to the search for optimal forms of work with children in the system of additional education. The lesson takes place in the form of a game - travel, which contributes to the emotional communication of pupils, the development of their creative imagination. Each child finds an opportunity for creative self-expression of the individual through the performance of individual and group tasks. This lesson helps the teacher to get an initial idea of ​​the musical abilities of newly arrived pupils, how much they love music and want to learn how to sing beautifully and correctly, how much he is endowed with the ability and craving for creativity, the development of his vocal abilities.

Another distinctive feature of this development of the lesson is the coordinated activity of all areas of activity when studying in a vocal studio (vocal, musical and rhythmic movements, choreography, acting), aimed at achieving a common goal.

When compiling the methodological development, the following methods were used:

the method of "running" forward and "returning" to the material covered;

method of communication;

improvisation method;

dramatization method.

All methods are closely related. This helps the teacher to conduct such necessary live communication between the teacher and the children during the lesson, which makes it easy to move from one stage of the lesson to another, since it is emotional in nature and causes a feeling of joy in the children. This process of perception of information is the most effective.

The lesson is structured in such a way that the teacher can exercise control over the effectiveness of the implementation of the development of this lesson unnoticed by the pupils, since at the last station of the journey they themselves show in a playful way how the goals and objectives set by the teacher are realized.

The role and place of the lesson in the educational route of students, the practical purpose of the lesson.

Children, in this lesson, have the opportunity to get acquainted with all sections of the program, according to which they will be trained throughout the course in pop vocals.

Expected results.

Positive attitude of children to vocal lessons,

Practical significance The educational development of the lesson lies in the fact that it can be applied in circle work, in secondary schools, Palaces of children's creativity, houses of culture.


TARGET: creation of conditions for the inclusion of children in the system of continuous musical and aesthetic education through classes in a vocal studio.


    acquaintance of children in a playful way with the basic concepts of the song genre;

    development of initial skills of preparing the vocal apparatus for vocal performance;

    development of cognitive activity of children;

    promotion of aesthetic education of children;

    creating in children an atmosphere of joy of communication and success in the team.


Multimedia projector, screen, laptop (computer), musical equipment (deck for mini-discs), piano, coffee table, chairs for children, casket, musical staff, "magic" wand.

Children's age: 7 – 8 years

Lesson plan:



    Preparing for the "journey"

    Station "Notki"

    Station "Major and Minor"

    Station "Teatralnaya"

    Station "Grace"

    Station "Scene"

    Summing up the lesson. Identification of the mood of children.


Course progress.

Children's songs are played before the start of the lesson. The children read the booklet. The children take their places in the audience. (slide number 1)

1. Organizational moment. Greetings.

Teacher: Hello, friends! Do you want to visit the fabulous musical country? Where are the wonderful students and good teachers, where is learning not tedious, not difficult, but fun and wonderful? There is such a country in the world, it is called

"Melody"! (slide number 2)

2. Acquaintance

Teacher: Before embarking on our journey, let's get to know you. My name is Yulia Yurievna. And what is your name?

The children answer one by one.


This is where we met. Now let's greet each other.

Our greeting will be a little unusual, musical. Exactly

say hello in the beautiful country "Melody".

Musical greeting: "Good afternoon"

Teacher display.

Children, together with the teacher, sing a greeting.

Teacher: Well done guys, you did great.

Now we can start our journey. Let's take with us the most necessary things: a bright smile and a good mood. The main goal of our trip is to see how beautiful the musical country is, what heroes inhabit it.

3. Preparing for the "journey"

Teacher: For a magical journey, you need magical helpers: a fairy screen, a magic key and an unusual train. We have a fabulous screen, we will create an extraordinary train ourselves. I will be a steam locomotive, and you will be trailers. Let's line up now and try to portray a real train.

The teacher takes a flag and a whistle. Children pretend to be a train.

Teacher: Here we are ready! And how do we get to the country "Melody"?

The teacher takes out a treble clef from the chest

Teacher: Do you know what it is?

Children's answers

Teacher: That's right, it's a treble clef. He will help us open the way to the beautiful country "Melody".

The teacher attaches the treble clef to the stave.

The door opens on the screen (slide number 3) and children see a map of the country "Melody" (fairytale music plays) (slide number 4)

Teacher: The road is open, the journey begins.

But what is a journey without a cheerful song? To make the road more fun, I will sing a song, and you try to remember the simple words of the song and sing along with me. Remember.


Choo-choo-choo, tu-tu-tu,

white lambs

Blows on the go


Well done, you are doing great! Now, with a cheerful song, they will definitely let us into the musical country! I will perform the verse, and with the chorus, our train will move. The chorus is the beginning of the movement. So, get ready! (slide number 4, 5)

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the audience. The music sounds, the teacher sings a song: (plus 1 verse and chorus of the song "Locomotive-bug")

The train stops. On the screen is a house with windows. (slide number 6)

4. Station "Notki"

Teacher: Our first stop. Look guys, what a wonderful

house. 7 very friendly residents of notes live in this house.

Do you know their names and who lives on what floor?

Children's answers (Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si).

Teacher: Right! On the first floor there is a note "TO".

The window of the house on the first floor opens, and the children see the note "DO"

Teacher: In the country "Melody", the note "DO" is a symbol of kindness and friendship. This note will help you find many friends. Guys, do you know songs about friendship?

Children name songs about friendship (“Friendship is strong”, “When my friends are with me”, etc.)

Teacher:"RE" lives on the second floor

The window of the house opens, and the children see the note "RE"

Teacher: This is the joy of creativity, work. Do you think that in order to sing beautifully and correctly, you need to work a lot REGULARLY?

Children's answers

Teacher: Yes, singing is a regular practice and a lot of work. Let's find out who lives with us on the 3rd floor - the note "MI", which means the World of Song.

The window of the house opens, and the children see the note "MI"

Songs are different: a folk song and a song created by composers and poets. And the note “MI” will be able to introduce us to these songs in the future.

Guess who lives on the next floor?

Children's answers

Teacher: Right! Note "FA".

The window of the house opens, and the children see the note "FA"

In my country, all big Dreamers and inventors.

The window of the house opens, and the children see the note "SOL"

Teacher: Here we are on the SALT floor. In our country, this means cooperation, consent, co-creation. These qualities are very important when the inhabitants of the country sing in chorus. But in our country people learn to sing one at a time. Such singing is called solo and such a performer is a soloist.

Teacher: Floor notes "LA". Earth... This note introduces its friends to what is happening on our earth. She talks about different events.

The window of the house opens, and the children see the note "SI".

Teacher: The last resident of the house is the note "SI". "SI" is power. The power of creativity, the power of fantasy, the power of friendship.

There are hooks between them.

Well, say them -

Children: Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si!

Teacher: And now vice versa -

Children: Si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, do.

Teacher: To befriend them

You have to study music.

You will open a beautiful world

If you master the notes.

You will enter the magical world -

You will sing along with them!

You will be friends with the notes -

You will live musically.

Live without music, my friend

No one on earth could.

So we met seven new friends. We will definitely meet with them, but for now we go on a trip in search of new friends.

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the audience. Music sounds, the teacher sings a song: "Insect steam locomotive." (plus chorus) (slide number 7)

The train stops. On the screen is a one-story cozy house. (slide number 8)

5. Station "Major and Minor"

Teacher: Our second stop. And we ended up with you two brothers, with whom, I hope, we will become friends. And their names are Major and Minor. And now I want to introduce you to one wonderful fairy tale. Lived - there were two brothers: Major and Minor. Major was senior and minor was junior. The elder brother always had fun:

I am a major scale: joyful, perky!

And the younger one was sad and sighed:

I have been sad for a long time because I am a minor.

Despite their different personalities, the brothers never quarreled and lived together. Once they went to the forest for mushrooms and berries and got lost ...

Oh, let's get lost, we'll fall into the pit, wailed the minor. We will never get out of this forest ...

Why are you crying, soothed his older brother. Do not grieve, but rather sing a song!

Performs the song: I am a minor scale, a long series of sad sounds, I sing a sad song and now I will roar...

The song turned out to be very sad. The whole forest was sad with him, the grass rustled sadly, the breeze subsided, even the birds fell silent. And the sun hid behind a cloud from the sad song of the minor.

No, brother, that's not right! - exclaimed the major. Let me sing!

And he sang his song in major: We all became unlikely together, a scale turned out. Not simple - major, joyful, perky.

The forest started up, the sun came out, the birds chirped merrily, singing along to their elder brother in major.

Come on, brother, more fun step! Look how bright the sun is shining, how the birds are chirping! Do you hear? Bubbling stream! Here's the direction we should go!

So with a cheerful song, the brothers got out of the forest!

Did you like the fairy tale?

So what are the names of the two brothers of music?

Answers of children (Major and minor).

Two people appear on the screen near the house. (slide number 9)

Teacher: And what do you think, what movements can be performed to the music of a major? And the minor?

(Major - active: claps, jumps, etc., minor - smooth.) We will now play a game. The music will play alternately. When you hear a major, you will need to clap your hands, as soon as the minor sounds, swing your arms from side to side above your head. Is the mission clear to everyone? Let's see which one of you is the most attentive!

The game is played, diverse music sounds.

Teacher: Well done, you all have learned to deal with the mood of music, which means you have made friends with Major and Minor. But our journey continues, and the extraordinary train sets off again.

Children with a teacher again form a train and with the song "set off on the road." The music sounds (plus track "Steam locomotive-bug" refrain).

Children sing along with the teacher. (slide number 10)

The train stops. On the screen is a house - a station. (slide number 11)

6. Station "Teatralnaya"

Teacher: We stopped at this station for a reason. Any person performing on stage, be it an actor, musician or singer, gives the audience not only their creativity, but also emotions. Do you know what emotions are?

Children's answers: joy, sadness, sadness, admiration, etc. How can we convey these emotions? Voice intonation and facial expressions

Teacher: Now I will read the text of a song already familiar to us, and you will listen carefully, and then answer, did I manage to convey the character and content of the text with the intonation of my voice and facial expressions?

The teacher reads the lines out of character, sad and drawn out.

Teacher: Fields and forests are floating outside the window,

We are going to where miracles await us,

And the sun is shining and the river is shining

And our train flies so fast.

No, I failed to convey the mood, because the text is from a cheerful, perky song. And Alexander wrote it, and one of our friends Major helped him. Let's read the lines together with you fun?

Children try to pronounce the lines cheerfully, provocatively, loudly. (slide number 12)

Teacher: Well done, you have done well with this task. It's time to move on...

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the audience. Music sounds. Children sing together with the teacher "Insect-locomotive" (plus chorus). The train stops. (slide number 13)

7. Station "Grace"

A dancing girl on the screen. (slide number 14)

Teacher: For us to sing merrily

We need to own the body.

Everyone dance to the song

Song with dance to conquer.

When a singer sings on stage, he must not only sing well, but must also be able to move beautifully. At the station "Grace" we will try to learn a few dance moves that you will definitely need for performances. And the little train from Romashkov will help us in this. Be attentive, listen to the music and repeat the movements of me and the magical assistants on the screen.

Fairy-tale characters show dance moves on the screen. Children try to remember and repeat the movements with the help of a teacher.

(slide number 15, 16, 17)

Teacher: Amazing! You are just real dancers. All your movements are amazing. They will definitely come in handy at the next station. And again on the road.

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the audience. Music sounds. Children sing along with the teacher (plus chorus). (slide number 18)

8. Station "Stage"

The scene is on the screen. (slide number 19)

Teacher: Well, guys, you and I arrived at one of the most important stations in the country "Melody" - the station "STAGE". Everyone who gets to this station becomes a real artist. And the Microphone becomes a true friend to them.

Look closely and say, "How many microphones are there in our auditorium?"

Children's answer (10).

Teacher: You are very attentive and correctly counted - there are exactly 10 of them. Look how they smile and are waiting for you to be in your hands, but ...

But in order for the microphone to really be an assistant to the performer, one must be able to use it. How do you think the microphone should be used?

Children's answer

Teacher: You have interesting guesses. And in many ways you are right. As with all friends, the microphone must be handled with care.

You don’t have to shout into the microphone, but you don’t just have to hum.

You need to sing into the microphone clearly, clearly and cleanly so that all the words are heard and there is no falseness.

Don't be afraid of the microphone. At first, your own voice will not sound like yours, as the microphone tends to distort sounds.

Do not hold the microphone by the head, otherwise the sound will be deaf.

But that is not all.

Hold the microphone in one hand. 4 fingers should be placed at the top all together, and the big one at the bottom. The microphone should not cover your face and be located at a distance of 5-10 centimeters. The sound should fall into the middle of the microphone.

So, I hope you are now armed with knowledge and ready to work with


Throughout the story, the teacher demonstrates the correct handling of the microphone.

Teacher: Now we will try to sing a song with microphones, remember how we learned to be actors at the Teatralnaya station and the movements that we learned when we were at the Grace station. If we are attentive, then we will get a real performance of small artists.

The teacher distributes microphones to all children. Music sounds. Children, together with the teacher, perform the song "Insect Engine", trying to combine emotions, movements, and the correct handling of the microphone in their speech.

(slide number 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25)

9. Summing up the lesson. Identification of the mood of children. (slide number 26)

Teacher: This is the end of our journey today. But in the country "Melody" there is still a lot, a lot of interesting things. Being engaged in vocal creativity, you will be able to learn more and more about this country. Did you enjoy our adventures?

Children's answers

Teacher: And you know that our new friends liked you so much that they gave you a gift.

The teacher takes out a music box. The box opens. Magical music sounds.

Teacher: This box contains multi-colored notes, with the help of which we will compose our real MELODY today. If you liked our trip, it was fun and interesting for you, take a note from the box and attach it to the stave, where the treble clef is located, which opened the door to the country "Melody" for us.

Children take notes and attach to the stave.

10. Farewell.


Look what a wonderful major melody we got.

Yes, from communication with music we have become a little more beautiful and kinder today. Bring these feelings into our world, and it will become a better place! You were wonderful fellow travelers, promise not to forget the road to the musical country "Melody". I am very glad that I met you today. Thank you very much. Until we meet again, friends!

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