Lisa's attitude towards love. The theme of love in the works of N


Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" is one of the first sentimental works in Russian literature. In the story, the main role is occupied by the feelings and experiences of the characters. The plot is based on the love story of a poor peasant woman Liza and a rich aristocrat Erast.

The theme of love in Karamzin's sentimental work is the main one, although others are revealed in the course of the plot, albeit more briefly. For example, the topic of social inequality is also raised, we see that the traditions and conventions of society do not allow loving young people from different classes to start a family. In addition, we observe the disclosure in the story of the theme of inner purity and dignity of the individual, manifested in her actions and attitude towards others: meanness (Lisa's deceit) and Erast's selfish acts (marriage of convenience) are opposed to Lisa's loyalty and sincerity. However, the theme of love as a range of feelings interests the author the most, allowing him to fully create a work of the sentimental genre.

The love of Lisa and Erast flares up at the first meeting. Erast sees Lisa selling flowers and falls in love with a beautiful girl almost at first sight. Lisa cannot forget the mysterious stranger either. Later, Erast finds Lisa's house, where she lives with her mother. He asks her mother for permission to continue to buy all the flowers collected by the girl, and “she will have no need to go to the city often, and you will not be forced to part with her. I can visit you from time to time."

Erast is fond of a pure, trusting and innocent girl. He calls her "shepherdess" and "daughter of nature." For the sake of love for her, he is ready to leave secular life. Lisa also fell in love with Erast. Young people take an oath of allegiance to each other. Lisa is ready for him to hide their relationship from her beloved mother. They enjoy secret meetings and cannot live a day without each other. However, the son of a wealthy peasant soon approached Lisa. Erast opposes their wedding and promises Liza, despite the difference between them, never to part. The platonic love between them ended and "gave way to such feelings that he could not be proud of, and which were no longer new to him." Erast is gradually losing his former interest in Liza. Soon he informs her that he is going on a military campaign. Lisa yearns for her Erast. And then one day she accidentally meets him in the city. The girl is happy to meet them, but Erast says that, despite his love, he is forced to marry another.

Lisa could not survive this shock. She rushes into the pond, near which they often walked with Erast. So tragically ends the life of Lisa and the story of her love.

Karamzin was one of the first in Russian literature who was able to describe the feelings and experiences of the characters so vividly. The story "Poor Lisa" is filled with subtle psychologism, it shows the inner world of a person, his experiences and desires.

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Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" is one of the first sentimental works in Russian literature. In the story, the main role is occupied by the feelings and experiences of the characters. The plot is based on the love story of a poor peasant woman Liza and a rich aristocrat Erast.

The theme of love in Karamzin's sentimental work is the main one, although others are revealed in the course of the plot, albeit more briefly. For example, the topic of social inequality is also raised, we see that the traditions and conventions of society do not allow loving young people from different classes to start a family. In addition, we observe the disclosure in the story of the theme of inner purity and dignity of the individual, manifested in her actions and attitude towards others: meanness (Lisa's deceit) and Erast's selfish acts (marriage of convenience) are opposed to Lisa's loyalty and sincerity. However, the theme of love as a range of feelings interests the author the most, allowing him to fully create a work of the sentimental genre.

The love of Lisa and Erast flares up at the first meeting. Erast sees Lisa selling flowers and falls in love with a beautiful girl almost at first sight. Lisa cannot forget the mysterious stranger either. Later, Erast finds Lisa's house, where she lives with her mother. He asks her mother for permission to continue to buy all the flowers collected by the girl, and “she will have no need to go to the city often, and you will not be forced to part with her. I can visit you from time to time."

Erast is fond of a pure, trusting and innocent girl. He calls her "shepherdess" and "daughter of nature." For the sake of love for her, he is ready to leave secular life. Lisa also fell in love with Erast. Young people take an oath of allegiance to each other. Lisa is ready for him to hide their relationship from her beloved mother. They enjoy secret meetings and cannot live a day without each other. However, the son of a wealthy peasant soon approached Lisa. Erast opposes their wedding and promises Liza, despite the difference between them, never to part. The platonic love between them ended and "gave way to such feelings that he could not be proud of, and which were no longer new to him." Erast is gradually losing his former interest in Liza. Soon he informs her that he is going on a military campaign. Lisa yearns for her Erast. And then one day she accidentally meets him in the city. The girl is happy to meet them, but Erast says that, despite his love, he is forced to marry another.

Lisa could not survive this shock. She rushes into the pond, near which they often walked with Erast. So tragically ends the life of Lisa and the story of her love.

Karamzin was one of the first in Russian literature who was able to describe the feelings and experiences of the characters so vividly. The story "Poor Lisa" is filled with subtle psychologism, it shows the inner world of a person, his experiences and desires.

On the topic: Love in the works of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" and I: W. Goethe "The Suffering of Young Werther"

The works "Poor Lisa" (1792) and "The Sufferings of Young Werther" (1774) belong to the direction of literature, which has been defined as sentimentalism. This trend arose in European literature of the 18th-19th centuries as a protest against the dryness and grandiloquence of pseudoclassicism. It was distinguished by the appearance of psychological analysis, good relations with the small and the weak.

In essence, sentimentalism begins with I.-V. Goethe, who went through a long school of "pietistic recognition of one's own soul." His Werther is a freedom-loving dreamer, brought up on the ideas of J: J. Rousseau, an enemy of the burghers and noble arrogance, despotism and tyranny. In this work, the whole whirlwind of events twists in a love triangle - Werther, Lotta, Albert.

Werther loves Charlotte, but it seems to me that if there were no obstacles in love (Alberta), then their relationship would not have led to anything, it would have become too ordinary. Lotta also behaves at least strangely: she does not refuse Werther, although she is engaged to Albert. And Albert makes no effort to take matters into his own hands. Perhaps, if Werther had not been a romantic, he would have either achieved marriage with Charlotte, or stepped aside, that is, he would have respected the relationships of other people. However, driven to despair by contradictions in himself, loneliness in a hostile society and the desire for love, but not in this world, Werther commits suicide.

It is very difficult to compare, look for unity and differences in rhythm, features of the literary language and composition of two works, although they certainly exist (one of the works was written in German). Nevertheless, it can be noted, even taking into account the translation, the softness of the language, the ability to touch the spiritual strings in a person, sensitivity.

The tragic discord with reality, apparently due to the relevance of this topic, made Werther a popular hero of world literature of sentimentalism and romanticism. Goethe's novel caused many imitations in different countries, it was translated into dramas and poems. It has become fashionable among young people to dress like Werther; there were cases when young men committed suicide, leaving letters to their beloved. One of the later interpretations of Goethe's novel, the opera Werther by the French composer J. Massenet, still does not descend from the theater stages of the world.

In the story "Poor Lisa" he shows that "peasant women know how to love", teaches to appreciate not the estate of a person, but his spiritual world, expands the possibilities of art in depicting a person. Lisa is a simple girl, and the young man she likes is a gentleman who, in her opinion, reciprocates her feelings, but in fact this is not so. She does not understand the motives that guide Erast and takes what seems to her for reality. She is capable of much for him and deep in her heart assumes that he will answer her in the same way. A vivid example of this is the scene at the very beginning of the story, when Lisa picked the best flowers, but did not sell them to anyone, but threw them into the Moscow River. Why sell love to another if it is intended for someone alone? Only evening walks speak of Erast's attention to Liza. But everything becomes clear after the scene of the fall. This is followed by the departure of Erast for military service, where his essence is revealed to us. And only the case when Lisa saw Erast's wife helped her open her eyes to the true state of things. The fact that she went so far in her delusion determined her actions ... She did not even think about the people whose lives depended on her life, nothing stopped her.

I would also like to clarify that if Lisa had not ended her life so tragically, then this would already have been a work not at all from the era of sentimentalism. If we can compare the content of these two works as characteristic of German and Russian sentimentalism, then German sentimentalism (“The Sufferings of Young Werther”) carries a passionate exaltation of feelings, rebellious protest and rebellion of the individual. In Russian sentimentalism (“Poor Liza”), the very idea of ​​feeling is rationalistic, that is, reason, common sense often remain the dominant categories. But what is common to all the works of the era of sentimentalism is that literature aroused interest in the life of the heart, in a person whose moral dignity does not depend on wealth and class. Analysis of the works of the era of sentimentalism is very important, since in the character of any modern person there are elements of each era, including the era of sentimentalism.

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N.M. Karamzin in the story “Poor Liza” tells a story, the plot of which at all times has given food for the fantasies of writers - the love story of an ingenuous girl from the common people and a young rake-nobleman who subsequently abandons his beloved. Karamzin's story is written in the spirit of a literary movement called sentimentalism. This artistic direction is characterized by an increased interest in the feelings of a person, in his ability to deeply experience events and his own actions. The landscape in the works of the sentimentalist writer serves to enhance the emotional effect. In the story "Poor Lisa" a similar example is the scene of Lisa's seduction, when suddenly thunder rumbled.

Characteristic of sentimentalism is the way Karamzin describes the life of ordinary peasants. He diligently avoids realistic pictures of hard work, does not describe in detail the life of ordinary people. His pen generates idyllic pictures, which, of course, do not reflect the true life of the peasants. However, the author did not set the task of realistically depicting the daily work of the villagers. He is primarily interested in how human feelings develop. It is interesting that references to the mutual love of the parents of the main character are woven into the story. The author, as if involuntarily, contrasts the happy love of the heroine's mother for her father, Lisa's love for the nobleman, which led the girl to death. Lisa's parents belonged to the same class, there were no barriers between them, erected by custom, prejudice, education and profit; they lived together in harmony for many years. Of course, even among the peasants, a happy marriage was by no means an obligatory rule of life. However, love and friendship among equal people still have a much better chance of a long-term continuation.
What is she, the heroine of Karamzin's story? Lisa loves her mother very much, often remembers her dead father. She tries her best to support her mother, consoles her, works diligently to earn at least some money. Lisa is not used to hiding anything from her mother - and only at the insistence of Erast does she hide her love.
Liza, fearing nothing, not suspecting anything wrong, meets a young man who assures her of the most sincere feelings. And the girl believes him. But it was this trust that ruined her. The feelings of her lover suddenly faded away, he was forced to go to war. After a touching parting scene, Lisa yearns and worries about the life of her lover.
And then Liza accidentally meets Erast in Moscow, where she came for shopping. She finds out that he is getting married. Boundless despair robs the girl of all her strength, and she forgets about everything in the world, even about what her elderly mother would be like without her. To die, to get rid of these sufferings - this thought alone owns Lisa's mind, clouded by grief. And Liza rushes into the pond, near which she met her unfaithful lover.

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