Relationship between Valery and Konstantin Meladze. Meladze brothers - Konstantin and Valery


Valery Meladze is one of the brightest and most romantic men on the Soviet stage. His captivating gaze and incredible charisma lit sparks in the eyes of numerous fans of his work.

The owner of a rare voice, with a wide range and timbre, performed his songs especially passionately, investing all his emotion and experience. The biography, family and personal life of Valery Meladze were the main topic for discussion. Questions that interested his fans:

  • How old is Valery Meladze?
  • Where is he from?
  • Is he married?


Not everyone knows that Valery Meladze’s real name is Valerian Shotaevich Meladze. Born in Batumi on June 23, 1965, in a family of engineers. His love for music allowed him to graduate from music school, where he attended piano class. In addition to music, the singer was interested in football, swimming, and attended an aviation club. As a teenager, he became the champion of Batumi in Georgian wrestling.

Valery Meladze and his brother in childhood

Childhood and youth

Valery Meladze's school years were extremely difficult. He left his interest in knowledge in the background. Excursions with friends to construction sites, swamps and basements seemed much more interesting to him than school. The future star also managed to visit the police station for petty hooliganism.

It is worth noting that Valery’s childhood was very eventful. His “exploits” often made parents’ heads feel pain and worry about their son.

Valery Meladze in his youth

After graduating from school, a failed attempt to enter college in his homeland gave him the opportunity to move to Ukraine following his brother, Konstantin Meladze. In 1989, Valery graduated from the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute named after S. O. Makarov. So he received the specialty “mechanical engineer for ship power plants.”

Carier start

When Valery Meladze realized that the profession of an engineer was not his calling, he began to break into the ranks of show business. Together with his brother, Valery began to build his musical career at the institute. The ensemble "April" became for him the beginning of his work. In the group, he was a backing vocalist and sound engineer, and his brother, Konstantin, took the place of keyboard player.

Valery Meladze sings on stage

The all-Russian TV show "Morning Star" made Valery Meladze truly famous. His first hits were the following songs:

  • “Don’t disturb my soul, violin”
  • "Limbo"

1995 was the date of birth of the first album - "Sir", which "blew up" a large audience. In the late 90s, Valery Meladze became one of the most popular singers in the Soviet Union. Already in the early 2000s, the singer decides to create a project called "Via Gra", which won the hearts of viewers, and especially males.

Valery Meladze, Vera Brezhneva, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedokova

On TV screens and in articles in fashion magazines, the biography, personal life, family and photos of Valery Meladze are increasingly being discussed. He is gaining popularity not only as a singer, but also as a producer and TV presenter. Since 2005, he has become a member of the jury of the New Wave music competition.

Please note that it was the Meladze brothers, in 2008, who became the producers of the youth project - "Star Factory".

Valery Meladze on “New Wave”

Meladze brothers

Despite their different characters, the brothers walked through life hand in hand. The first discovery for them was their joint participation in the April ensemble. The self-made album of the ensemble fell into the hands of the head of the popular Dialog group. After that, he invited the brothers to take part in the recording of their record in Germany. Between 1991 and 1993 they released 2 albums:

  • "In the Middle of the World"
  • "Autumn Hawk Cry."

Meladze brothers

After the release of the second album, Valery Meladze decided to leave the Dialog group and began to perform solo songs that his brother wrote for him. In 2015, the anniversary evening of Konstantin and Valery Meladze, “Polsta,” took place.

The idea of ​​the concert is to show the brothers’ boundless talent and convey it to the audience. Their compositions have always aroused particular interest among the weaker sex and aroused special feelings of romance. Many famous artists came to congratulate them and sing on the same stage.

At the anniversary evening of Konstantin and Valery Meladze - “Polsta”

Personal life. Divorce

Nikolaev is a city of brides. It was he who played a big role in the biography, personal life and family of Valery Meladze. Here he met a woman, Irina, who won his heart and later became his wife. Their marriage lasted more than 20 years, in which they had three wonderful children - girls.

However, not many people know that his heir could have been in the life of the famous singer. The boy, shortly after birth, died in intensive care due to high fever.

Valery with his wife Irina and daughters

Valery Meladze at this difficult moment was not next to his wife. The pain of such a tragedy still lives in the heart of his wife. At the beginning of 2000, the marriage of the Meladze family cracked. And already in 2009, Irina and Valery filed for divorce. The reason for their separation was her husband’s infidelity with the ex-soloist of the popular group “Via Gra”, which was produced by Valery Meladze, Albina Dzhanabaeva.

Divorce of Valery and Irina

Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva

While looking for an artist for his group “Via Gra”, Valery Meladze successfully comes across Albina Dzhanabaeva’s phone number. The girl agreed to Meladze's proposals. But the producer warned about the prohibitions on office romances, since they have a male team and otherwise difficulties may arise.

Valery Meladze with Albina Dzhanabaeva

However, fate decided to dispose differently. The family with Irina Meladze and three daughters could not keep their famous father and husband. Their secret relationship lasted two years. Already in 2004, it became known about the affair between Valery Meladze and Albina, and they had a son, Konstantin.

After such news, the couple received tons of criticism from the media and fans. Many condemned Valery for cruelly deceiving his wife Irina and children.

Valery with his son Konstantin

10 years later, after the birth of their joint son, Konstantin, Albina gave the musician another son, Luka. Meladze boasts about his boys in an interview, pointing out their strong and strong-willed character. The artist admitted that he will make every effort so that children from different marriages can communicate.

Valery Meladze today

In February 2017, Valery Meladze became a mentor in the Voice. Children". The singer helps highlight the best and select the most worthy participants. According to the latest news, dramatic changes have occurred in the biography, personal life and family of Valery Meladze.

Valery Meladze on the project “Voice. Children"

Meladze's 25-year-old daughter and her fiancé Nori Verghese decided to get married in England. Valery Meladze, due to his busy tour schedule, was unable to come to the painting ceremony. But at the formal part of this event, which took place in Georgia and in the groom’s homeland - Morocco, the whole family was present.

Valery, daughter Inga Meladze and her fiance Nori Vergiz

Only the current lover, Albina Dzhanabaeva, was not invited. The other day, my daughter intrigued me with her statement on social networks about the long-awaited addition to the family.

Many decided that the daughter of the famous singer was pregnant, but it turned out that we were talking about introducing Valery Meladze to the social world. Now fans can follow the biography and personal life of Valery Meladze and his wife on Instagramma pages.

Valery and Albina

The singer actively posts joint photos and videos with his daughters and wife, and fills out his profile. So far, Valery does not have many subscribers. But they all hope for a happy continuation and expansion of Valery Meladze’s large family. Undoubtedly, an endless supply of energy and talent will allow viewers to enjoy the work of Valery Meladze for a long time.

Konstantin Meladze is a famous composer who has earned the reputation of one of the brightest and most talented producers of our time. His hits are played on many radio stations in the CIS countries, and therefore today probably everyone knows his name. But what else do we know about this multifaceted and special composer?

What lines of fate led him to the world of Ukrainian and Russian musical art? Today we will try to collect detailed information about the life of the famous Georgian.

The early years, childhood and family of Konstantin Meladze

Konstantin Meladze was born on May 11, 1963 in the Georgian resort city of Batumi. As noted in most Internet sources, in childhood our today's hero was a very calm and even quiet guy. That is why he and his younger brother Valery Meladze were often pitted against each other. Valera was a bully, and Kostya constantly admonished him. Something similar happens from time to time today.

In addition to his younger brother, the now famous composer also has a sister, Liana, who is currently also working fruitfully in the world of Ukrainian show business. However, today we will leave this question out of the question.

As for the love of music, it appeared in the life of a young guy quite unexpectedly. After watching the film “Oginsky’s Polonaise,” Kostya firmly decided that he wanted to connect his life with music. At first he tried to learn to play the violin, but some time later, after his mother sent him to music school, he decided to try out the piano.

However, at first nothing worked with either one or the other instrument. Moreover, the music school teachers unanimously said that the guy had no hearing or sense of rhythm. That is why at some point the classes had to be abandoned.

The young guy decided to turn to music again after a guitar appeared in his house. Konstantin nevertheless mastered this instrument, and therefore very soon began to often play for friends and acquaintances. His musical skills were once noted by one of his friends. So, our today’s hero ended up in the student group “April”, which became for him the first step to the world of musical art.

Subsequently, Konstantin said that it was this period in his life that allowed him to understand what he wanted in life. Trying to develop in his chosen profession, Konstantin Meladze worked on himself for a long time, learning the basics of musical literacy and mastering new instruments.

In 1989, Konstantin and his brother Valery began performing together. As part of the joint project, they managed to make several semi-professional recordings of their songs, which soon fell into the hands of the famous composer Kim Breitburg. He became interested in their work and soon invited the guys to his group “Dialogue”. Subsequently, Konstantin and Valery took part in the recording of one of the albums of this musical group. The record became quite popular, however, despite this, in 1993 the Meladze brothers left the Dialogue group.

Konstantin Meladze Another snowstorm

From that moment on, Konstantin and Valery began working on their own project again. Our today's hero wrote the music and lyrics, and his younger brother performed it all from the stage.

Star Trek by Konstantin Meladze

While writing songs for his younger brother, Konstantin Meladze took part in the recording of several of his solo records. The project turned out to be very successful, and therefore very soon both brothers became quite famous in the world of Ukrainian and Russian show business.

However, real success came to Konstantin Meladze a little later - in 2000. During this period, our today's hero began to work fruitfully on creating songs for the Ukrainian group "Via Gra", of which he was the creator. Together with this group, the composer created a huge number of wonderful hits. Over time, the composition of the group and its status on the post-Soviet scene changed, but only one thing remained unchanged - the corporate style of Via Gra, which the group owed specifically to Konstantin Meladze.

Subsequently, our today's hero also showed himself excellently in some other industries. In 2001, Konstantin Meladze acted as the author of songs presented in the musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. This project of the Ukrainian channel “Inter” became very popular in Ukraine, and then was also shown in Russia and other CIS countries. After this, our today's hero began to often work as a songwriter for television musicals.

Secular cuisine: Konstantin Meladze is getting divorced

Over the years, our today's hero wrote many songs for the musicals “Cinderella”, “Sorochinskaya Fair”, as well as some others. In addition, Konstantin Meladze also worked fruitfully as a songwriter for cinematic films. His track record includes music for the films “Hipsters,” “The Irony of Fate-2,” “Cinderella” and the television series “The Thaw.”

Konstantin Meladze today

In addition to everything else, the famous Ukrainian-Georgian composer also worked as a producer on such projects of Ukrainian TV channels as “Star Factory-3”, “Voice of the Country”, “Ukraine Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, “Voice. Children”, as well as over the Russian “Star Factory-7”.

Over the years, such Ukrainian and Russian groups and solo performers as Vera Brezhneva, Yin-Yang, BiS, Sofia Rotaru, Anastasia Prikhodko, Verka Syurdyuchka and some others turned to his services.

In 2013, the “I want to go to Via-Gru” project was launched in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, within the framework of which a new line-up of a popular girl group was formed. The producer of the show was again Meladze. The show was a success, and a year later Konstantin launched its “boy” analogue “I Want to Meladze”. As a result of the musical reality, the group MBAND was created, thanks to Meladze’s skillful production, which became the most popular boy band in the post-Soviet space.

Personal life of Konstantin Meladze and other facts

In 1994, Konstantin Meladze married a woman named Yana Summ. As part of this union, three children were born - daughters Alice and Leah, as well as son Valery. Despite the fact that they have three children together and nineteen years of experience living together, in 2013, Konstantin and Yana decided to separate. The composer left for Moscow, his ex-wife remained with the children in Kyiv.

One of the possible reasons for the breakup is an incident that occurred in December 2012. As a result of an accident on the Kyiv-Obukhov highway, a famous composer hit a thirty-year-old woman who died right on the spot. It was subsequently determined that the victim was crossing the road from behind a minibus, and the producer did not have enough time to brake.

As a result, the case was closed due to lack of evidence of a crime. However, the producer undertook to support her minor children until they came of age.

Four years have passed since the divorce of Konstantin and Yana Meladze. In 2013, the news about the end of their relationship came as a surprise to everyone. Almost 20 years of marriage, three minor children, a reputation as an exemplary family. And the reason for everything, as it turned out later, was VIA Gra.
After the divorce, Konstantin and Vera Brezhneva began living together, and in 2015 they secretly got married in Italy, without inviting either the press or friends to the wedding. Even now, the couple talks little about their family life, although they do not deny it.

But few people know that the ex-wife of the famous producer was able to find new happiness even before he did. After the divorce, she met another man who fell in love with her and proposed marriage. He is engaged in business, not creativity, and therefore is little known to the public.

A good gift from fate. Moreover, taking into account the fact that 10 years of her life, as she believed, were taken away from her. They embarked on fruitless and useless proceedings.

In an interview, she talked about this: “I guessed, but didn’t know for sure. In 2005, while pregnant with my youngest son, I attributed the crisis in our relationship to betrayal, instinct, and temporary weakness. I was able to forgive the betrayal. And I received confirmation that I serve as a picture behind which my husband lives another life. I can openly say: I am one of those women who, suspecting deception, can look at her husband’s phone number. And then I couldn’t stand it and dialed her number.”

“She said: “I have no reproaches or complaints. For me, calling you is humiliation. But I do this for one reason: I need to understand what is happening in my family.” The answer was insincere: “We have a working and friendly relationship, like a father and daughter... He is my mentor. There’s nothing…” Five years later, at the beginning of 2013, Konstantin had a very difficult period. I even asked to postpone the divorce procedure for a while. Kostya withdrew into himself and did not answer calls. And then this woman came to my house.”

"For what? She said she wanted to help. But I think she came to come out of hiding. I had one question: “Why were so many broken destinies necessary? I called you. Count how many years of my life you took from me. Almost 10 years!” In response - eyes wide open: “It’s just that then I thought that it would be better this way...”.”

Now Yana is happy with her new husband, behind whom, as they say, is like a stone wall. And Konstantin - with his muse Brezhneva. She is not tormented and does not cry: “My father taught me as a child: love can only be happy. If it makes you unhappy, then it’s no longer love.” But Vera’s attitude towards communication with her children is not entirely positive!

“There are two options. Or this woman will be his punishment, his retribution. Or he will find his happiness. Then I won't be an obstacle. I wish everyone happiness,” Yana concluded.

Konstantin Meladze is a composer and producer who has had a significant influence on the development and formation of modern pop music. We will tell you how the development of Konstantin Meladze’s creative potential was influenced by his biography, family and personal life.

Konstantin Meladze was born on May 11, 1963 in the sunny city of Batumi (Georgia). He grew up with his brother, for whom he served as an example of patience and calmness. Often in childhood, the guys were compared, calling Valera a bully, and Kostya the one who pacifies his ardor. The brothers joke that it’s the same in adult life. In addition to Valery, Konstantin has a sister, Liana, who is also involved in music. (Today Liana Meladze is the producer of Velvet Music.)

The love for music was the result of the influence of the Polonaise in A minor “Farewell to the Motherland” by the Polish composer Mikhail Oginsky. The classic work awakened in the boy the desire to devote his life to creation. Konstantin tried to play the violin and piano, but the teachers decided that he would not succeed due to his lack of ear for music.

For a long time, offended by what was said, Konstantin did not return to musical instruments. But one day a guitar appeared in the house. New strength awoke in him, and he managed to master the game. Very soon he began playing at meetings with friends and at all school events. One acquaintance noticed his gift and offered him participation in the April group.

By the way, my work in the April group happened just during my student years. And they were held by Konstantin and Valery at the shipbuilding institute. After completing their studies, the brothers decided to study music together, and even released several recordings of their songs. By chance, the recordings ended up in the hands of Kim Breitburg. He became interested in the guys and invited them to his group “Dialogue”. Of course, they did not miss this opportunity. A few years later they released their first popular joint album. After a while, the brothers left the team for a new project, in which Valery solo performed works written by Konstantin.


In addition to working with his brother, Konstantin released several solo records. It was his solo performances that brought his older brother out of the shadows and made his image recognizable and beloved.

The group “VIA Gra” brought popularity to Konstantin. He not only created a group, came up with a corporate style, but also wrote songs for girls. Many participants have changed in this project, but they still delight the audience. And everyone knows the songs “Attempt No. 5” and “There is No More Attraction”. The union of blonde Vera Brezhneva, brunette Nadezhda Granovskaya and red-haired Anna Sedokova is considered the best composition of the group of all time.

The New Year's musical "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", which was loved by the audience, was released with the direct participation of Konstantin Meladze. He acted as the main producer. Subsequently, he also contributed to the musical “Cinderella”, “Sorochinskaya Fair” and “Hipsters”.

In one of his interviews, Konstantin stated without undue modesty that he took part in almost all shows and programs in the CIS. Of course, we willingly believe him!

In 2007, Meladze produced the 7th season of the then very popular Star Factory. By the end of the same year, the composer created his new project - the production center "Constant Records".

He became a producer of the Ukrainian Star Factory in 2009. Afterwards he worked in the shows “Ukraine Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, “Voice of the Country”, “Voice. Children". He was a member of the jury of the national selection for Eurovision. Jamala’s performance with the song “1944” touched the audience so much that Konstantin predicted victory for her.

During his career as a producer and composer, many influential performers turned to Konstantin, such as Sofia Rotaru, Polina Gagarina, Taisiya Povaliy, Vera Brezhneva, Alla Pugacheva and many others. His works “Don’t disturb my soul, violin”, “Sir”, “Salute, Vera” brought the author prestigious awards.

In 2012, a Creative Evening took place in Jurmala, at which Ukrainian and Russian pop singers performed Meladze’s works. By the way, in 2017 such an evening was repeated as part of the “Christmas at Rosa Khutor 2017” event.

Seeing how popular “VIA Gra” brought in its time, in mid-2012, Konstantin opens his next project - “I want to go to VIA Gra”. Many girls from the CIS countries fought for the opportunity to work with the famous composer.

In 2014, the producer announced a new project, “I want to go to Meladze,” the goal of which was to create a boy band. Interestingly, it was this project that caused the most problems. Former participant Vladislav Ramm, whom Meladze fired for incompetence, did not leave this in silence. The singer initially claimed that he left the group on his own to realize his talent on his own, and then said that he was faced with the hypocrisy of those whom he previously considered close friends. There was talk about lawsuits regarding illegal dismissal, and about the signed contract until 2021, and much more. It is obvious that they decided to hush up the scandal over time.

In 2015, Valery and Konstantin Meladze released a video for the new composition “My Brother”, which became the first duet of brothers in many years of working together.

Personal life

Konstantin’s personal life is connected with two women. Konstantin met his first wife, lawyer Yana Summ, in 1994. Konstantin speaks warmly about his first wife, because she gave him three beautiful children - daughters Alice and youngest daughter Leah, and son Valery. They were talked about as a happy and prosperous family, only in 2013 the couple unexpectedly decided to separate. A possible reason for this is considered to be an accident in 2012, when Konstantin hit a woman with his car, who, unfortunately, died. Konstantin did not hide this story and was very worried. The case was closed, but Konstantin promised to transfer financial assistance every month to the children of the deceased until they come of age.

Also, many believed that the reason for the divorce was Vera Brezhneva, with whom the composer had been having an affair for many years. Afterwards, Yana herself confirmed the fact that her husband’s affair with Vera Brezhneva had been going on since 2005. However, neither the composer himself nor Vera said anything about this. In 2009, Vera got married and had a second daughter. After the divorce, Yana Summ remained to live in Kyiv. The ex-wife of Konstantin Meladze, her photos with children regularly appear on the Internet.

Surrounded by rumors about the romance of Vera and Konstantin, the press and other media were all waiting for news about their marriage, believing that this would be the main wedding of 2015. However, it took place in a narrow family circle in Italy. In order not to frighten off their happiness while on vacation, they decided to sign at the city hall next to their hotel.

Konstantin says that the children of Vera and him are friends now, although it was not easy to improve relations.

It’s too early to talk about the children’s careers. It is known that his daughter Leah is engaged in vocals and choreography, but her father is not going to push her to the stage and help her. At least until she herself decides that this is her destiny.

Konstantin Meladze compares favorably with his fellow producers in that he writes songs for his wards himself and not just songs, but real hits. His brother Valery and the Viagra group, thanks to the compositions written by Konstantin Meladze, have such a stunning success in the expanses of the former Soviet Union.

  • Real name: Konstantin Shotaevich Meladze
  • Date of birth: 05/11/1963
  • Zodiac sign: Taurus
  • Height: 190 centimeters
  • Weight: 88 kilograms
  • Shoe size: 45 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Brown, brunette.

Looking at the biography of Konstantin Shotaevich Meladze, you begin to understand the meaning of the word "cosmopolitan". Having Georgian roots, he lived most of his life in Ukraine, but he mainly conducts his professional activities in Moscow. The future producer and composer was born in one of the working areas of the Georgian resort town of Batumi in a family of engineers. Parents had nothing to do with music, however, as it was fashionable at that time, children were enrolled in a local music school. In addition to little Kostya, we are talking about sister Liana and his younger brother Valery Meladze.

Young Konstantin Meladze did not demonstrate any special musical talents and zeal, and only much later, already in the Ukrainian Nikolaev, studying at the shipbuilding institute with his brother Valera, becoming a member of the student vocal and instrumental ensemble, Konstantin, one might say, took his first steps in music . And it was with his brother Meladze that he began his creative career.


Kostya and Valera seemed to complement each other from childhood. Calm and reasonable Konstantin often had to talk some sense into his hooligan younger brother. Perhaps this dissimilarity in temperament is what allows them to be inseparable for so many years. And the birth of the creative tandem of brothers can be considered 1989, when Konstantin Meladze and his brother began performing together. The songs written by Konstantin end up with Kim Breitburg, a famous composer, and this becomes a fateful event for the brothers.

They were invited to the “Dialogue” group, in which Konstantin Meladze and his brother toured throughout Russia, and it was then that they acquired the necessary experience and confidence in their own abilities. The group, which included Konstantin Meladze, broke up a year later, but the brothers continued to record music and offer it to various radio stations, having difficulty making ends meet. The hard work has finally paid off.

In 1993, the Russian pop diva, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, heard the song “Limbo” written by Konstantin and invited Meladze’s brother to perform it at her “Christmas meetings.” The author of the song, standing backstage, saw how the stars present began to dance during the performance and felt that, as he himself put it in one of his interviews, the Reichstag had been taken.

Domestic stars are beginning to line up in order to get the coveted signature hit from Konstantin Meladze. Together with his brother, they record several very successful albums, but even greater success awaits Konstantin.


This girl group, created by Konstantin Meladze, is called by many the most successful musical project in the CIS, and it is difficult to disagree with this. Immediately after the appearance of this group in 2000, founded by Konstantin Meladze together with businessman Dmitry Kostyuk, VIA Gra topped various charts, and songs performed by the group are heard throughout the former Soviet Union, not on paid airwaves, as is often the case in modern Russian show business, but from the lips of ordinary people, which spoke of people's love. Konstantin Meladze becomes one of the most popular composers, receiving prestigious awards for his creations and sincere gratitude from the group's many fans.

It would seem that one can rest on his laurels, but the entire biography of Konstantin Meladze proves that this quiet and calm person has incredible energy that requires implementation in new projects. And Konstantin Meladze, continuing to write his musical hits and music for films, takes on the production of “Star Factory”. In addition, he becomes a producer of a number of musical television projects on Ukrainian television.

In general, one can only envy Konstantin Meladze’s efficiency and hard work; we remembered only part of his professional achievements. What's going on in Konstantin's personal life?

Family of Konstantin Meladze

For most of his life, Konstantin Meladze was surrounded by beautiful and spectacular women and it was very difficult not to succumb to the temptation to have an office romance in such an environment, but until recently, it seemed that he succeeded. The personal life of Konstantin Meladze rarely became a topic for gossip and rumors, unlike many of his colleagues. As the composer himself said in a recent interview, his profession left its mark on relationships with women, writing music required confinement within oneself, and Konstantin Meladze successfully dealt with this. “I spent most of my life alone,” he said.

The first wife, with whom they officially married in 1994, is named Yana. The couple met in Nikolaev and it was love at first sight. Gradually, replenishment occurred in the Meladze family. First, one after another, two girls were born and the last was a son, who was named Valera, apparently in honor of his younger brother Konstantin. The Meladze family has a history of 19 long years, and the decision to leave his wife and children made by Konstantin Meladze in 2013 seems even more unexpected.

Relations with Vera Brezhneva

After breaking up with his now former family, singer Konstantin said that a new chapter was beginning in his life and he was ready for a new relationship. The homewrecker was the former lead singer of the group VIA Gra and repeatedly called the most beautiful woman in Russia, Vera Brezhneva, who was not stopped by the presence of minor children with Konstantin. It should be noted that she also has two children from a previous relationship. At the same time, Meladze helps children from a previous marriage.

In the fall of 2015, Konstantin Meladze officially legalized his marriage with his new chosen one, who is 19 years younger than him. The wedding ceremony took place in the Italian city of Forte dei Marmi, and only relatives and close friends were among the guests.

Such an unexpected turn in the fate of the famous composer and producer surprised many of his fans. We can only hope that Konstantin Meladze will delight us with new hits more than once, and his newly-made wife will serve as the composer’s muse.

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