Does Saadi belong to the era of modern times. “The land in which Saadi Shirazi is buried exudes the smell of love


Abu Muhammad Muslih ad-Din ibn Abd Allah Saadi Shirazi is a Persian and Tajik moralist poet, a representative of practical, worldly Sufism.

The biography of Saadi is traditionally divided into three periods: from 1219 to 1226 - this is the so-called. school period, from 1226 to 1256 - the time of wanderings, from 1256 to 1293 - the so-called. sheikh period.

The nickname "Saadi" comes from the name of the atabek Fars Saad ibn Zangi (1195-1226), who was served by the poet's father, who died early, and who took part in the upbringing of Muslim ad-Din. Under the care of Saad ibn Zangi, Muslih ad-Din entered the Nizamiyya Madrasah in Baghdad. He studied with Sufi sheikhs and tried to imbue their ascetic ideals. However, the poems written by Saadi at that time breathe a youthful love for life and its joys; and he himself, in his old age, confessed that all the convictions of Sheikh Abul-Faraj Juzia could not heal him from his love of music.

The invasion of the Mongols and the overthrow of Saad ibn Zangi in 1226 forced Saadi to flee, and for 30 years, fate, full of all sorts of vicissitudes, continuously threw him to one end of the Muslim world, then to the other. In India, in Sumenat, in order to save his life, Saadi pretended to accept the faith of fire worshipers (Zoroastrianism) and then fled, killing the guard priest with a stone. In Mecca, mostly on foot, Saadi visited 14 times. Thanks to his brilliant knowledge of the classical Arabic language, he became a preacher in Damascus and Baalbek, but began to languish in the world and retired to the desert near Jerusalem. Here he was captured by the crusaders, who transported him to the Syrian coast, to Tripoli, and forced him to dig trenches for the fortress there. A wealthy friend from Aleppo bought him for 10 coins, brought him to him and married him to his ugly and grumpy daughter. Fleeing from an unbearable family life, Saadi fled to North Africa.

Having traveled through all of Asia Minor, Saadi found himself in his native Shiraz (1256) and, under the patronage of Abu Bekr, the son of the late Saad, lived in a suburban monastery until the end of his life. “Princes, nobles and the best townspeople,” in the words of Devlet Shah, “came to visit the sheikh.”

Saadi wrote many poetic and prose works, and as instructive examples he very often used personal memories from his wandering life. Having experienced all the frailty of the world, Saadi theoretically fully agrees with such Sufi predecessors or contemporaries as the poets Faridaddin Attar and Jalaladdin Rumi, Sheikh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani and others. But, knowing people well, Saadi understands that he is far from all are capable of withdrawing from the world, mortifying the flesh, and exclusively indulging in mystical contemplation. Therefore, Saadi recommends worldly asceticism to the laity: to live in the world, but not to become addicted to it, to be aware of its vicissitudes and to be hourly ready for the loss of earthly blessings.

In 1257, he wrote a poetic treatise "Bostân" ("Orchard of Fruits"), where Sufi philosophy and ethics are presented in ten chapters in verse, supported by entertaining parables and stories. In terms of the depth of poetic feeling and the height of moral ideas, Bostân is one of the greatest works of all Sufi literature. However, not "Bostân", but "Gyulyustân" (= "Flower Garden" - written in prose interspersed with poetry, in 1258). “Gulyustân” has a peculiar charm of nationality, because it is interspersed with many proverbs and sayings. An analogy with "Gulustan" is still rather dry "Book of Councils" (Pend-name), the same name with the same book by Attar; but its affiliation with Saadi is not fully proven.

Saadi's other works, which account for up to two-thirds of his divan, are predominantly lyrical. The main merit of Saadi seems to be that in his ghazal he managed to combine the didactics of the Sufi ghazal with the beauty and imagery of the love ghazal. Each bayt in it can be read both in a loving and in a philosophical and didactic way. The successor of this tradition is another famous Persian poet Hafiz Shirazi. Saadi's grave is in his mausoleum in Shiraz

  • A crater on Mercury is named after Saadi.
  • An avenue in Dushanbe is named after Saadi.

Translations into Russian

  • Truth. Sayings of the Persian and Tajik peoples, their poets and sages. Translated by Naum Grebnev, Nauka, Moscow 1968; SPb.: Azbuka-klassika, 2005. - 256 p. ISBN 5-352-01412-6
  • Gulistan // Philological Notes. - Voronezh, 1862.

Today I give praise to two intoxicated eyes:

As soon as they wake up, the spirits will be confused in paradise.
How can we, people, tell me not to look for your caress,
If the beast also responds with caress to your caress?
Who looks at the beauties - honor violated the law.
The one who looks at you - pays honor to being!
All, from head to toe, I am a slave of your beauty:
I fall into the dust before her, I give my life to her.
Do you know your worth? No? So ask me
I shed countless tears before your beauty.
Where is my patience? Where is my measured mind?
There are no such incomparable eyes in any region.

Throw advice, friends! Strict life and love
In a long-standing feud with each other. I'm exhausted in battle!

You can’t argue with the will of a direct deity, Saadi, -
Here, before the strongest enemy, I, bowed down, stand.

Some merchant said well
When he was captured by robbers;

"A crowd of old women is like the Shah's army,
When robbers know no fear!

The trouble is in the country where robbery rules,
There will be no such profit for the country.

And who will go to the land forgotten by God,
Where does the law sleep, where are they robbed along the roads?

To win good fame
The shah must protect foreigners.

Respect the aliens that they ask for shelter,
They're spreading good renown.

And if there is no hospitality in the country -
There will be damage to the kingdom and to the treasury.

You are according to customs, according to good faith

Don't lock the door in front of strangers.

Honor guests, merchants, poor dervishes,
Clear the way from robbers.

But let hearing and sight be on guard,
So that an enemy scout does not enter your house.

Saadi is an Iranian-Persian poet, moral philosopher, representative of the practical direction of Sufism. His full name is Abu Muhammad Muslih ad-Din ibn Abd Allah Saadi Shirazi. He was a native of the city of Shiraz, where around 1205 he was born into the family of a mullah. The biography of Saadi is traditionally divided into three periods: from 1205 to 1226 - this is the so-called. school period, from 1226 to 1256 - the time of wanderings, from 1256 to 1291 - the so-called. sheikh period. Saadi was a member of the Naqshbandiyya Sufi order, he maintained a close relationship with Sheikh Shahbuddin Suhrawardi, the founder of the Suhrawardiyya school, with the "Pillar of the Age" and one of the greatest Sufis of all time, Najmuddin Kubra.

The poet took the pseudonym Saadi in honor of Fars Saad ibn Zangi, an atabek who took part in his upbringing (Saadi's father served him). Thanks to his patronage, Muslih became a student of the madrasah in Baghdad. His mentors were Sufi sheikhs, from whom the future philosopher tried to adopt the ideals of asceticism. However, the poetry of that time is permeated with love for the most diverse aspects of life.

In 1226, Saad ibn Zanga was deposed from the throne after the Mongols invaded Iran, and for 30 years the poet happened to be in various countries and regions. This period of his life was full of all sorts of vicissitudes of fate. For example, it is known that he had to convert to Zoroastrianism in India in order to save his life. Saadi visited Mecca 14 times. Knowing perfectly the classical Arabic language, he preached in Baalbek and Damascus, but the desire for solitude made him settle near Jerusalem in the desert. There, Saadi was captured by the crusaders, after which he was ransomed by a wealthy man who forcibly married the philosopher to an ugly daughter.

He came to Shiraz only in 1256, where he spent the rest of his life under the auspices of the son of the deceased Saad. Rich life experience formed the basis of numerous prose and poetic works. In 1257 the ruler of Shiraz received from him as a gift the poem "Bustan" (Fruit Garden) - a poetic exposition of the postulates of Sufi ethics and philosophy. In Sufi literature, this work has become one of the greatest. The poem "Gulistan" (Rose Garden), which appeared in 1258, was also dedicated to the patron.

Idries Shah writes about SAADI:
“The instructive tales, verses and analogies cited by Saadi are ambiguous. Of course, their superficial meaning contributes, first of all, to the establishment of certain ethical standards, but their true value is much deeper. The allegories of "Gulistan" are characteristic of the Sufis. They cannot reveal their secrets to those who are not ready for their correct perception or interpretation, so they have developed a special technology to transmit their secrets to initiates. If it is impossible to convey these ideas in words, special phrases or allegories are used.
His teaching on self-study has more to do with the ordinary need to practice what is preached. The Sufi path requires a special kind of self-study. This comes before one begins to understand the instructions of the teacher. Saadi says:
"If you do not reproach yourself, you will not be able to accept reproach from others."

Such is the power of the mechanical reverence for the solitary life that the Sufi candidate must first of all indicate what forms this seclusion should take. "Tied feet in the presence of friends is better than life in the garden with strangers," says Saadi. Withdrawal from the world is required only under special circumstances. The hermits, who are nothing more than professional nuisances, have given everyone the idea that mystics should spend their entire lives in the mountains or deserts. They mistook one single thread for a whole carpet.

The importance of the time and place of Sufi exercises is another point highlighted by Saadi. Ordinary intellectuals will hardly be able to believe that the quality and effectiveness of thinking can change depending on the circumstances. They can make an appointment at a certain time and place, they can start a learned conversation and continue it under any circumstances, regardless of the Sufi point of view that the human mind can only "on occasion" be freed from that mechanicalness, under the influence of which he acts.
This principle, which found its typical expression in "Gulistan", in ordinary life is formulated as follows: "Everything has its time and place."

In the stories and verses of Gulistan, Saadi often censures those who are in a hurry to start studying as soon as possible, not realizing that at the moment their rough condition will not allow them to study Sufism. "How can a sleeper wake a sleeper?" asks Saadi a famous Sufi question. If it is true that a man's words should correspond to his deeds, then it is all the more true that the observer should be able to evaluate these deeds. Most people don't know how to do this. "The meeting of the sages is like a bazaar of clothing merchants. Without paying money, you cannot take anything from this bazaar.

Thanks to its authority, "Gulistan" created not only a set of moral principles that any literate young person should have become familiar with, but also the initial Sufi potential in the minds of its readers. Saadi read and enjoy his thoughts, poems and the entertainment side of his works. Later, when the seeker is trained in a Sufi school, he can be helped to understand the inner meaning of Saadi's stories, and he will have a certain basis for the further path. In other cultures, such preparatory material is practically absent.

Secrets revealed prematurely - and there are some secrets in Sufism that can be learned apart from the whole teaching - can do more harm than good.
There is a close relationship between the concepts of perseverance and courage, on the one hand, and generosity, on the other. Saadi focuses on this problem in one of his small aphorisms: a man came to a sage and asked him what is better: valor or generosity. The wise man said, "Generous need not be valiant." This is one of the most important aspects of Sufi training. It should also be noted that the form in which learning takes place gives Saadi an excellent opportunity, through the mouth of a sage, to point out that questions posed by "either-or" do not have to be answered using the same principle.

A real Sufi has certain inner qualities, the value of which cannot be diminished by contact with inferior people. Saadi emphasizes this point in one of his polished moralizing tales, showing where true virtue lies:
“The king with several courtiers was hunting in the desert when it suddenly got colder. He announced that they would spend the night in the peasant’s shack. The courtiers began to argue that the dignity of the monarch would suffer if he spent the night in such a place. The peasant replied to this:
"The dignity of his majesty will not suffer from this, and my dignity will greatly increase if I will be awarded such an honor."
For this, the peasant was awarded honorary clothes

Saadi died in 1292.

Aphorisms and quotes by Saadi

Silently sitting in a corner, biting his tongue, Better than those who are not used to keeping their mouths shut.
People are born only with pure nature, and only then do their fathers make them Jews, Christians or fire worshipers.
Courage is not in the strength of the hand and not in the art of wielding a sword, courage is in mastering oneself and being just.
Musk is that which has a fragrance, not that which the Muscovite says is musk.
Don't call an unfaithful friend. Is the mutable worthy of love?
With an ignoramus about the sciences to argue - What is wheat cereal to throw into the salt marsh.
Do not bother your interlocutors, shut up before they scream “finish!”.
It is better not to argue with those who have raised their delusions to rightness, it is not easy to heal blindness. The heart of such a person is like a crooked mirror: It will distort everything and turn beauty into nothing.
Secrets and friends can not be trusted, For friends also have friends. Diligently guard your secrets, If you blather, your enemies will overcome you.
Where harshness is needed, softness is inappropriate... Softness does not make the enemy a friend, but only increases his claims.
Your true friend, who will point out all obstacles in the way and help you pass. Flatterers beware of being friends. That true friend is yours who is honest and direct.
Do not have mercy on a weak enemy, for if he becomes powerful, he will not have mercy on you.
You are different from the beasts of words for nothing - But the beast is better if you talk for nothing.
A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings.
He cannot find peace in the parking lot, who left his comrades on a difficult journey.
Do not ask friends about your shortcomings - friends will keep silent about them. Better find out what your enemies say about you.
No one is eternal in the world, everything will go away, But a good name lives forever.
Having thought properly, state the thought, And do not erect walls without a foundation.
Weak hands will not hold a heavy sword, Do not expect righteous deeds from the weak-hearted.
With gentle words and kindness, you can lead an elephant by a thread.
He who spins slander does not know that slander will kill him later.
If there are no teeth, you will always chew bread, If there is no bread, this is a bitter misfortune!
Whoever loves to kindle human enmity forever, In the end, the fire will destroy him.
Who quickly raises his hand with a sword, Gnaws the one, repentant, hands later.
He who sows good - his good fruit, Whoever sows evil - evil will reap.
Whoever helps the evil one, believe me, He prepares many losses for people.
Who, having rejected experience, manages deeds - In the future, he will see a lot of insults.
Who with a stupid, vicious wife got in touch, He was not combined with a woman - with trouble.
Only he in council is the sun, in battles the lion, Who knows how to subdue anger with his mind.
A lie is like a heavy blow: if the wound heals, the scar will remain.

If it were not for the power of the stomach, not a single bird would have fallen into the hunter's snares, and the hunter himself would not have set snares.
If a wise man among ill-mannered people fails to say a word, do not be surprised: the sound of the lute is not heard during the roar of the drum, and the smell of ambergris disappears from the stink of garlic.
If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the title of man.
Know the measure should be in everything, everywhere. It is necessary to know the measure in friendship and enmity.
Of all the gifts of the world, only a good name remains, and unfortunate is he who does not leave even that.
If suddenly the ants attack together, They will overpower the lion, no matter how fierce he is.
Anger beyond measure causes fear, and immoderate affection reduces respect for you in people's eyes. Don't be so hard that everyone gets bored, and so meek that you get sassed.
Talk to people according to their mind.
It is said that among animals the lion is the highest and the donkey the lowest; but an ass that carries a load is truly better than a lion that tears people apart.
Let him not see the deeds of the outcome of evil, Who never does evil. The villain is surrounded by evil everywhere, Like a scorpion stinging himself.
Two people worked fruitlessly and tried in vain: the one who accumulated wealth and did not use it, and the one who studied the sciences, but did not apply them.
For an ignoramus there is nothing better than silence, but if he knew what was best for him, he would not be ignorant.
To think that a powerless enemy cannot harm is to think that a spark cannot produce a fire.
He who gives advice to the stubborn needs advice himself.
He who does not want to lift the fallen, let him be afraid of falling himself, for when he falls, no one will stretch out his hand to him.
He who sows evil reaps repentance. He who remains silent in noisy disputes is wiser than talkers, on the word of the fast.
Man is superior to the animal in the faculty of speech, but he is inferior to him if he makes improper use of it.
What is done hastily does not last long.

Mausoleum of Saadi in Shiraz

Abu Muhammad Saadi Shirazi- was born in 1213 in the city Shiraz. P Persian poet, representative of practical, worldly Sufism, one of the largest authors of classical Persian literature.

With gentle words and kindness, you can lead an elephant by a thread...

Courage is not in the strength of the hand and not in the art of wielding a sword, courage is in mastering oneself and being just.

Do not reproach others, only loving yourself. Do not imagine that you are everything and that everything is for you.

Ten people can eat from one plate...
Two dogs - never.

With those who turned their delusions into righteousness,
Better not argue, it's not easy to heal blindness.
The heart of such a person is like a crooked mirror:
It will distort everything and turn beauty into nothing.

What is done hastily does not last long.

No one is eternal in the world, everything will go away ... But the GOOD NAME LIVES forever ...

From whom did you learn good manners?" “The ill-mannered,” he replied. - I avoided doing what they do.

Anger beyond measure causes fear, and immoderate affection reduces respect for you in people's eyes. Don't be so hard that everyone gets bored, and so meek that you get sassed.

The one who spins slander does not know that slander will destroy him!

Only he in council is the sun, in battles the lion, who knows how to subdue anger with his mind.

Do not ask your friends about your shortcomings - friends will keep silent about them. Better think about what your enemies say about you.

Now people have a new form of poverty: some do not have a penny for their souls, while others do not have a soul at all ...

Let the one who is squeamish about lifting the fallen one shudder at the thought that someday he too will fall, and no one will stretch out his hand to help him up.

If someone else's grief does not make you suffer,
Is it possible to call you a human then?

The greatest misfortune is to need the help of people worthy of our contempt.

If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the title of man.

As long as a person is silent
You don't know what he's hiding.
Don't say that the forest is empty -
Perhaps the tiger is sleeping in the thicket.

Do not succumb to the deception of the enemy and do not buy glorious words from a flatterer; one spread the nets of cunning, and the other opened the throat of greed.

Silently sitting in the corner, biting his tongue,
Better than those who are not used to keeping their mouths shut.

A native of the city of Shiraz, lyricist and sage Saadi (1210-1292). His books "Bustan" (Garden of Fruits) and "Gulistan" (Garden of Roses) contain the result of a long and difficult life, a set of high humanistic wisdom. The poet, without turning away from the tragic and bloody truth of his age, saw the meaning of human life in active love, in the constant striving of every mortal for kindness and truthfulness, for a living moral ideal. The image of the beloved, who embodied this ideal and reflected in the "mirror of the heart", is captured in Saadi's ghazals and quatrains. The poet is not only faithful to his feeling, he deeply comprehends its complexity and subtlety.
But he is also recklessly and freethinkingly brave, asserting his love:

* * * Your beautiful image is reflected in the mirror of the heart, The mirror is clean, the marvelous face captivates with beauty. Like precious wine in transparent crystal, Your sparkling eyes sparkle with a living spirit. The imagination of people is amazed by you, And my talkative tongue goes numb before you. The steppe doe frees the head from the noose, But I will forever overwhelm your curls with a noose. So the poor pigeon, if he is accustomed to one fear, Although death threatens, nests do not build under the roof of another. But I can't complain to people about you, After all, the crying and crying of the persecuted by fate is useless. With your soul, let me become and blaze for a moment, To compare with Suraya in the dark and deaf sky. Be impregnable, always be like a fortress on high, So that the stray parrot does not dare to chat with you. Be impregnable, be always harsh, beauty! In order to be captivated, the windbag did not dare your praise. Let only Saadi enter your fragrant garden! And let the wasp swarm find the entrance of the guests closed. * * * If you calmly look at the suffering of the sufferer - I can not defend my peace and peace of mind. You see your proud beauty in the mirror of the world - But understand: what lovers have to endure! Oh come! Spring has come. We will ride with you Let us leave the garden and let others spend the night in the desert. Why don't you rustle over the stream with thick cypress? Cypress befits you to overshadow the whole world. You shine with such beauty, such perfection, That even an eloquent kalam cannot describe them. Who said that I should not look at your wonderful face? It's a shame to live for years and not see your face. I love you so much that any cup from your hands I will accept, even if I am destined to accept the poison in that drink. I burn in silence from grief. You don't know about it! You do not see: a tear in my eyes shines again! You knew, Saadi, that your heart would be robbed... How to resist the raid of robbery that threatens to resist? But hope dawns on me now that healing will come. The night is leaving, the dead winter is moving back. * * * On the night of parting from my beloved veil, brocade is not needed - In a dark bedchamber the lonely night is so long. Wise people know how the possessed loses his mind. For madmen in love, there is only one hopelessness ahead. Let not the fruit of the orange - the madman will cut his hand. Zuleikha is innocent, she is not worthy of reproaches. So that the stern old man does not lose his peace of mind, Hide your face with muslin, for you are so tender, so young. You are like a bud of a white rose, and with tenderness you become - Cypress: you are so wonderfully flexible, and thin, and slender. No, I will not contradict any of your speeches. Without you there is no life for me, without you my joy is poor. I sat up all night until dawn, not closing my eyes, To Suraya directing the brilliance of twin eyes from the window. Night and a torch lit - together they joyfully until dawn Admire you, revel, not knowing sleep. To whom shall I vent my complaints? After all, according to the law Sharia of lovers is on you for killing wine. You stole the heart of promises with an insidious game ... You will say: the enemy's treasury has been plundered by the tribe of Sa'da. Not just me - Saadi - you can destroy Many faithful... But have pity! You are full of marvelous grace. * * * We live in disbelief, violating the oath, you know. Omnipotent! Do not betray this word to oblivion! He breaks the oath of the faithful and does not know the price of love Low in spirit, who among the faithful turned out to be by chance. If on the day of judgment they give me a choice, they say, what do you want? I'll say: give me a friend! I will give you heavenly paradise. Let me part with my head, but I will remain true to love, Even at the hour when the angel karnay will burst over the world. I was dying, but I became healthy as soon as a friend came. Doctor! Like me - sick - you do not give balm! I'm sick. But you came and were surprised by the disease. Heal me, don't ask me idle questions! The breeze that blows in the forest will forget the flowering meadow, If your braid touches fragrant, like May. And with the teeth of amazement, the mind bites its finger, If you throw away the muslin flying edge from your face. It is a joy for me to burn before you, to burn like a candle. Do not extinguish me before the deadline, burn me from head to toe! Beauty is not for the eyes of the short-sighted, but you, O wise one, The brushes of Allah himself reveal a secret trace in it. The eyes of all strive for you, but love and revelation Not for low egotists, not for impudent black flocks. You have Saadi, O faithful, learn a living feeling, Plant a poor mandrake on your grave. Dark souls are inaccessible to all the delights of intoxication, Go away, sober adviser, do not reproach us for drunkenness. * * * Patience and lust are overflowing. You are full of contempt for passion, but, alas, I am not like that. Sympathy with a full look at least once look at me, So that I would not be a miserable beggar in the hall of royal feasts. The lord of the hard-hearted slaves of the unfortunate executes, But there is a limit to patience in the souls of his slaves. I can't imagine my life, my love, without you, How to live alone, without a friend, among the base and enemies? When I die, it will be too late to cry, cry out over me. Do not revive the sprouts killed by the cold with tears. Words cannot describe my sorrows and sufferings, You will understand when you return, you will see for yourself - without words. The dervish owns the riches of the spirit, not the treasury. Come back! Take my soul, I'm ready to serve you! O heaven, prolong the radiance of her life to her friend, So that we never parted in the dark distance of centuries. In the eyes of Beauty, the wealth and brilliance of the lords are contemptible. And valor, and the feat of the faithful, no matter how severe the feat. But if the veil fell from Layla's face, Majnun's enemies would be killed by the radiance of her pupils. Hear, Saadi, the kalamu of your happy fate And whatever you give, do not bend under the burden of her gifts! * * * I'm unbearably thirsty, kravchiy! Hurry, fill the cup for us And treat me first, then give it to your friends. Embraced by sweet dreams, I walked for a long time between you. But parting with friends: "Farewell," he said to his former dreams. She passed in front of the mosque, and her heart forgot Sacred mihrab vaults like her eyebrows. I'm not a steppe onager, I'm not wounded, I'm not lassoed by anyone's noose, But I won’t leave the steppes from her winged arrow through the free. I once drank bliss with that which is called Perfection... So the fish on the sand, in torment, yearns for the waves of the sea. The stream did not reach my waist, and I neglected it; Now he suddenly became like the seas, stormy and bottomless. And I'm drowning ... When will I be thrown ashore by fate, - I will tell you about the terrible ocean tornado in tears. And I will not become treacherous, and I will not complain to the hakan, That I am slain by her eyes, like enemy swords. I'm bleeding from the heart, I'm exhausted from jealousy, So the poor guardian of the palace weeps, listening to the singers at night. O Saadi, flee the unfaithful! Alas... You're on the hook like a fish, - She pulls you ashore; to her - by will - you yourself do not go. * * * If you throw back the veil of the volatile from your face, my moon, Your beauty will put the glory of the sun to shame. These fiery eyes can lead the ascetic astray, And the joy of sleep has long since been driven away from my eyes. And long ago my hand dropped the reins of reason. I'm insane I can't see the sanctuary of the old truth. But Majnun will not get rid of the torment of meeting with Layla, To the one exhausted with dropsy, the full cup is not full. That not sincere lover who does not drink from sweet hands A cup of fiery poison instead of sparkling wine. How pitiful is the fate of those deprived of humanity and love! After all, love and humanity are inextricably one. Bring the fire soon and illumine the assembly! And the treasury will not demand tax from empty ruins. People drink the wine of hope, but they have no hope. I do not drink, my soul is forever intoxicated with love for her. Saadi is not free in himself, he will be overwhelmed by the noose of love, Shot down by an arrow, with whose sting the fury of Afrosyab is crushed. * * * In the days of feasts, that beauty attracted my heart, Kravchiy, give us wine so that she can start a song. On the night of the feast of the wise, you illuminated us with beauty. Quiet! So that the revelers do not know who you left for! You were drinking yesterday. Everyone sees - your eyes are languid. I hide from everyone that you drank wine with me. You are beautiful in face, your voice enchants my heart, It's good that fate gave you a magical voice. The look of the Turkish woman is an arrow, her dark eyebrows are arched by a bow. My God! But where did she get that bow and arrow from? I am a captive eagle, I am sitting in this iron cage. Open the cell door. And I will open my wings! Saadi! He was agile in flight, but caught in the net; Who but you could catch him like an eagle? * * * I am in love with these sounds, this moan that hurts my heart. I am careless, and my day passes vaguely, like a dream. Nights ... Sleepless nights in anticipation of my bright-eyed, But the light dims before her, with which the whole world is illuminated. If again I happen to see her tender face - I will call myself happy until the end of time. I am not a husband if I hide my chest from the stones of censure. The husband is protected from a spear with his solid soul, like a shield. Without experiencing misfortune, you will not achieve the cherished happiness. Who waited for Nouruz, he endured the cold of winter. Although the reapers were wise, they did not know Layla's secrets, Only Majnun knew who the whole crop of their bedrooms was. A host of lovers who play with faith and the riches of the world, He does not reap the harvest, but is endowed with countless good things. You catch another with a lasso! We are faithful servants. After all, you do not need to hobble a horse that has long been tamed. Yesterday is gone, but tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. Saadi, only today you are free and strong! * * * Oh, if I could see you again at any cost, For all time until the Day of Judgment, I would be pleased with my fate! But the pack fell off my camel... The caravan left for the foggy distance. I am abandoned by a crowd of treacherous friends who were only busy with themselves. When a stranger gets into trouble, the people sympathize with him and the stranger. Friends offended a friend on the way, leaving him in a deaf desert. I hope that long days will pass, repentance will touch the souls of friends. I believe they will come, they will find a friend, exhausted by their need. After all, the will - O husband - is your will! If you want - fight, if you want - make peace. I crossed out my will long ago - I follow you along an unknown path. And who, in a foreign land, stuck a donkey in a quagmire and himself fell down exhausted, You tell him that in a sweet dream he will see his abandoned land. You are happiness, you are looking for joy for yourself. Look at the image of this beauty! And if you look - say goodbye with joy, forever forget your sleep and peace. A fire worshiper, and a Christian, and a Muslim - according to his faith, - Prayers are offered, but only we, O peri, are captivated by your beauty! I wanted to fall like dust at her feet. “Slow down! she said to me, I don’t want you to lie in the dust and suffer again from my guilt!” I saw a guria-maiden yesterday, who is in a gathering of noisy friends She said to her beloved, who drooped his head sadly: “Do you want to satisfy your desires? Don't try to meet me anymore! Or give up your will altogether, then you will enjoy love with me. If the heart keeps its sadness in secret, then, bleeding, it burns. Do not be afraid to stand before the eyes of enemies openly, with a wounded soul. Let the sea of ​​torment bubble up in you, but don't complain to anyone, friend, Until you meet your comforter here - on the earthly road. O slender, tall cypress, open your winged eyelids, So that the secrets of the cover over my sorrow I would remove before you with my hand! Friends say: “Saadi! Why did you indulge in love so recklessly? You have humiliated your pride and glory before this ignorant crowd. We are in poverty, we are in humiliation, friends, and pride, and we will affirm our glory! But each of us - according to his will - let him choose one way or another. * * * That at the wrong time a dull drum sounded at night? That, waking up before light, a thrush screamed on a tree? For a moment or a whole night I pressed my lips to my lips ... But the fire of this burning passion did not go out. I am both happy and sad. My face, I hear, is on fire. All the happiness that I took in the world does not fit in my heart. I bow my head to your feet, my idol. I would go to a foreign land with you and become a wanderer. Oh, when fate would reconcile with my happiness, The detractor would be numb and the low envier would be gone. An idol has appeared in the world. And your illustrious Saadi He changed his soul, - he began to worship the idol. * * * I'm sick of walking in this blue tunic! Hey, friend, we will ridicule the hypocrites with their holiness and knavery. We worshiped the idol, muttering prayers all day long. You bless us now - and we will break our idol. Among the young I want to sit and drink wine and sing songs, So that the kids run after the intoxicated eccentric. I am drawn to the expanse of deserts from this stuffy crampedness. Joyful news is carried to me with a dawn breeze. Understand when you are reasonable! Don't miss when you are wise! Perhaps only one such you are gifted with a happy day. Where the one-legged cypress rustles, swaying in the wind, Let the young cypress dance, shining with pure silver. You console my heart, you delight a sad look. But you separate me from peace of heart, from peaceful sleep! Patience, reason, faith, peace have now left me, But can a commoner cry out before a shah's tent? Let it rain from your eyes, and in lightning - a thunderstorm of sorrows - You remain silent before the ignorant, open up before the sage. Look: Saadi does not heed the reproaches of low and liars. Sufi, endure hardship! Give me, kravchiy, a phial of wine! * * * The weight of sadness torments my heart, The flame of separation in my heart boils. Roses and hyacinths I do not forget In memory, the pitch of your braids always shines. Poison became bitter to me without you sorbet, My spirit lives with the hope of meeting you. On the head of the tears I pour in the night, In the daytime, expectation burns in my heart. Let them intoxicate me with a hundred cups, Separation will turn them into bowls of poison. Devoted to sorrows, like executioners, Saadi! Do not betray me, or let me be killed! * * * Who is devoted to the lord - will he violate obedience? And will the ball in front of the chougan resist? From the bow of my eyebrows, my cypress shoots an arrow, But the faithful will not recoil from this arrow in confusion. Take my hand! I am helpless before you Wrap your arms around my neck, full of regret! Oh, if the secrets of the veil were opened for a moment - The beauty gardens would be seen by the whole world in admiration ... All mortals are smitten with your fiery gaze, And the general is no longer heard now condemnation. But the beauty that I see in your face Nobody sees. It contains hope and the light of revelation. I told the doctor about my trouble. The doctor replied: "To her lips with gentle lips cling to for a moment." I told him that I would probably die of grief, That medicine is not available to me and there is no healing. The wise do not strike the anvil with their fist, And I went crazy. You are sun. And I? I will be a shadow! But Saadi is firm, not afraid of human reproaches, - After all, a drop of rain is not afraid of sea waves, Whoever is devoted to the truth will lay down his head in battle! A wide field of battle lies before the faithful. * * * Hey wine-bearer! Give me a jug with the soul of a yahonta redder! What is a yacht? Give me the one whose look of wine is crimson intoxicated! The old teacher, our father, drank wine with a large bowl, To protect the disciples from the abuse of false teachers. Sorrows on the path of life cannot be endured without a bowl, It is more fun for a drunken camel to walk with a heavy burden. You comfort our hearts. Life would be meaningless Without the sun of your face, that the eternal sun is brighter. What can I say about your beauty, about your essence? The praise of the people praying to you is numb before you. Let a sensible old beekeeper keep the honey bees. But he who drinks from your mouth will gather honey for the whole universe. You took your heart like a horse and drove it into the distance of the steppe, But if my heart is taken away, then own my soul! Or with a poisoned arrow you hit me to death, Or do not spare the saving arrow to my soul. Please warn me before you shoot the arrow Before death, let me kiss the Turan bow of your eyebrows. What torments endured, look, Saadi is separated from you, So promise me a meeting, hope of joy blow! But even though the healing balm will heal the wound, maybe Scars from wounds will remain, apparently, until the end of days. * * * Who gave her a bow in her hands? She has a wrong judgment. Her legs will not save her onager from feathered arrows. Many unfortunate victims will fall when you open the quiver, Your face is blinding, and the arch of the eyebrows, like the black bow of Turan, is cool. You alone in the heat of war do not need a shield or shell, Other people's arrows will not pierce the chain mail of your curls. Seeing Turkic eyes and curls of Indian braids, All Hindustan and all Turan will come to worship, The magicians will leave their fire, they will forget their idols; O idol of the world, before you they will light incense burners. On the roof of the castle you can throw the braid of your lasso, If the towers of the castle do not fall under your angry ram. I was like on the Simurgh mountains. But you took me in full. So the claws of a falcon in the grass take a mountain turkey. I saw the mouth. And lal in my eyes became cheap. You said a word - pearl and emerald faded before him. Your eyes smash the bazaar of the eternal constellations and planets. Where does Musa, the wretched magician, work miracles - what does he have to do with it? Believe me, you can’t win a happy fate with the power of your hands! Digging up a treasure sealed with secrets is a waste of time. Oh Saadi! You know: the one who gives his heart to passion - And the temper of the chosen one will blow away, and the host of her whims. * * * The negligent does not need the ancient book of knowledge, The possessed cannot lead on the path of obedience. Let you water with fire - you will merge spells by force, Not love and patience, melancholy hampers my breathing. Observe with all your soul the idol's coming and going, Like the movement of the planets, like the young growth of the moon. She will not leave, if you drive her away, - having left, she will return. In this eternal incomprehensible circle is her dwelling place. You will not add a word in the book of my sorrow. There is only one essence in it: your beauty and my understanding. Saadi! Oh, how long the drum does not beat this night! Or is this night forever? Or is it a test of love? * * * No, truly royal glory from the age of damage did not know. When gratitude to dervishes and wanderers showed to the poor. I swear by my living soul! - the evil hater will also condemn The one whose gate for a friend in trouble was locked. No, the mercy of the kings of the world from former times to the present From the most miserable hut she always expelled poverty. And you oppress me all, you bitterly constrain my life, Well! I am grateful to you for the pain, for the stinging stings. People in the world care about health, about longevity. At the cost of health and life, my soul redeemed everything. Ignorant in love, who has never experienced the torment of love And whose head did not lie on the threshold of the beloved in the dust. The soul flew around the universe and rushed back, But, except for the threshold of her beloved, she did not find shelter. Oh, listen to the prayers of the unfortunate, abandoned by you in the world! Many of them followed you and kissed the dust of your feet. I have not seen a dress more beautiful for this poor body, And the earth did not give birth to a more beautiful body for a magnificent dress. If you don’t cover your dazzling face with a veil again, Say: piety has gone from Fars forever. Do not torment me with the pain of separation, because I cannot endure this torment - After all, the swallow has never lifted a millstone. It is unlikely that you will meet in the world such people - faithfully faithful to me. My soul, faithful to the oath, like a rock in a storm, withstood. Hear Saadi! He strives for you all his life, like a prayer. Hear! And hope and peace over him lower the veil! * * * I have never seen another face with such beauty and such bliss, A curl of amber braids has never excited my heart so much. Your camp shines with cast silver, and your heart, who knows what is in it? But Yabednik musk breathed into my face and told your secrets. O peri with a shining face, you are all the breath of early spring. You are musk and amber, and your lips are red, like yahont and bark. I am a wanderer in the world ... And do not blame me for following you! I would become obedient to the crooked chogan of your desires with a ball. Who has endured the joys of a noisy year and endured the grief of the year, He cheerfully listened to the noise of the drinking houses, and to the songs, and to the cries. All life at the price of love in the bazaar, we pay for a sweet reproach, A hermit would not have experienced such bliss in his cave. The flower garden is not looking for a loan of beauty, beauty lives in it. But it is necessary that a cypress, slender like you, stand above the sonorous stream. O my rose! May spring return to you at least a thousand times. You will say for yourself: not a single nightingale sang as sweetly as I did. If you don't happen to kiss your beloved, Saadi. Salvation lies in the fact that you would rather fall on your face to your cute feet. * * * Get up, let's go! If the burden has tired you - Our reliable strength will help you. We do not sit still without you, Our heart contains your will. You now enter into a duel with yourself! — Our army has long laid down its arms. After all, the judgment seat of the hitherto faithful to no one Intoxication did not impute sin and guilt. The idol of the world showed no devotion to me, - And repentance visited my soul. Saadi, reach the top of the cypress - You knew that the longest arm would not be enough! * * * I retired into the thicket of gardens, obsessed with the madness of love. Intoxicated with the breath of flowers, I forgot myself - dozed by drowsiness. But the rose under the nightingale's cry tore its robes, The peals of a sobbing song took away my peace without a trace. O you that dwell in the hearts! Oh, you melt like a cloud You appear and disappear behind an unsearchable mystery! Having brought my oath to you, I forgot all the previous oaths. The violation of vows and oaths - in your name - is not judged. O wanderer, in whose floors the thorns of lonely sorrow are stuck, When you see a blooming spring flower garden, go around it. O dervish knocked down by his grief, hopelessly in love, Do not trust either doctors or balm! Your illness is incurable! But if love is forbidden to us and the heart's aspiration is in vain, We will hide in the wild desert, winds and burning heat. All sharp-feathered arrows in your quiver, my idol They will pierce me ... I will multiply the victims of your hosts, tormented by a wound. Who will look at your face, at eyebrows like a black bow, Let him raise his wisdom and patience like an indestructible shield. “Why, Saadi, do you sing so much about love?” - I was told. Not me, but a stream of countless generations sings about the beloved! * * * If you took the muslin off your face on Shiraz Square, Then you would immediately introduce hundreds of true believers into sin. Then the thousands who dared to look at your beautiful image, They all have hearts, and mind, and you would have taken away. Before the army of your spells, I opened my heart, like the gates of a city, So that you do not betray my city with destruction and robbery. I'm in the rings of your shiny braids tangled with the feet of the heart, Why did you, shining with curls, burn me with a beam of your face? Bow down, listen briefly to the story of my sorrows, my suffering! After all, the rose, refreshed with dew, heeded the groaning of the thirsty. But the wind, having extinguished the lamp, flies carelessly into the distance. The sadness of the burnt-out lamp, the moon would hardly understand. Let me be given to reproach, but I bless you, Oh, if only the sugary speech would flow like a sweet stream. Mockery, evil bully, where is your laughter heard now? You are there - on the green shore. The abyss took me. I am a prisoner of the tribe of sorrows, but I do not deserve reproach. I was waiting for you to lend a hand to me, because you could help me. At the sight of the beauty of a friend, believe me, patience is impossible. But I endure, as a fish endures, that it is exhausted on the sand. Are you, Saadi, claiming abstinence again? But remember How the crowd drove such pretentious people in all ages! * * * Until dawn, sleep does not fall on my eyelids. Oh, understand, oh hear, you - whose eyes are lulled by time. You are with a drawn bow, you are unfaithful to your vows, Is this the oath of ascetics, whose word is law? Without you, the thorns of the desert sting my body, Although I lie on squirrel skins, I am dressed in silk. As the eyes of the faithful are turned to the mihrab, So my eyes are on you, I'm only in love with you. Of my own free will, I became a victim of passion. As an old man in this school of teenagers, I was full. Mortal poison, from the pink bowl of your palms, I am intoxicated like sweet gulab, like pure wine. I am crazy. Near the cell of beauties I circle all night. The doorkeeper with his sword and his pitiful spear is ridiculous to me. No, nothing and no one can kill Saadi, But the lofty spirit is crushed by separation from the beloved. * * * Do not run, do not neglect, moon-faced, me! He who killed without guilt has burdened his soul with guilt. You appeared to me yesterday in a dream, you loved me, This dream is dearer to me and higher than all earthly reality. My eyelids are in tears, and my soul is on fire, In clear waters - in a dream I am, and in the daytime - in fire trouble. Hearing a knock at my door, I think it's her. So the mirage of the dying beckons with deceitful water. Your target is good for an arrow - a dervish soul, His blood on your nails reddens with crimson henna. Your speech, like a river, takes hearts to infinity. Why are you pouring salt on my wounds with a careless hand? You are beautiful, and the luxury of clothes only spoils you. Kiseya on his face, like a cloud over a clear moon. Forget this tender hollow behind your ear, You cling to the field, saturate it with red dew. Yes, the Turkish woman is full of temptation with a candle in her hand, In sweet solitude with you, with a drunken head, You would have eclipsed the radiance and brilliance of the spring sun, If the sunny face was not hidden by thick muslin. Saadi, if you want, like Chang, to be in her arms, - Endure this pain in order to align your strings. * * * O morning wind, when you reach Shiraz, Give this scroll of sobbing lines to your friends. Whisper to them that I'm lonely, that I'm dying in exile, Like a fish thrown up by the surf on the sand. * * * If they take me to heaven after death without you, I will close my eyes so as not to see the bright paradise. After all, in heaven without you I will have to burn like in hell, No, Allah will not want to offend me so cruelly! * * * I asked: “What is my fault that you do not look at me? Where did your love and tenderness of the past years go? She told me: “Look in the mirror, you will see for yourself - you are gray and old. You are not wearing a wedding dress, but a mourning color is decent. * * * Beauty and in sackcloth wretched, And in poverty all will overshadow. And that one - ugly in brocade and gold - The dead should be washed. * * * Hey, talker and talker, how dare you sing about love? After all, you haven’t tied a dozen bayts in your life! See how lofty in thoughts is the lord of the word Saadi, - He sang love, only love - he did not praise earthly rulers. * * * I want to be alone with you until dawn. In obscurity and secret from enemies and from friends ... For sins let there be punishment! Why for love Around me, anger and persecution are getting stronger and stronger? ............................................................................
Copyright: love poems oriental lyrics

In memory of Sheikh Muslihiddin Saadi Shirazi's outstanding contribution to world culture and human civilization, April 21 was declared by UNESCO as the Day of Remembrance of the classic of Tajik-Persian poetry.

Today ORION news portal will remember the great poet and humanist.

All the tribe of Adam is one body,

Created from the dust alone.

If only one part of the body is wounded,

Then the whole body will fall into trembling.

You never cried over human grief,

So will people say that you are human?!

These lines, written eight centuries ago by one of the most famous poets in the world, the classic of Tajik-Persian literature, Saadi Shirazi, are widely known not only in Tajikistan, Iran and Afghanistan, but also abroad, as one of the main manifestos proclaiming and emphasizing the unity of everything humanity as the goal and basis.

And today, when the world is not completely calm, these timeless words take on a special meaning.

They say that these lines in Persian and other languages ​​can be seen right above the entrance to the UN building in New York. Whether this is so, we do not know. But what is known is that thirteen years ago the United Nations was presented with a carpet on which these poetic lines were embroidered with gold threads. This was reported by the media. It was said that this carpet, 5 by 5 meters in size and with a density of 200 knots per square centimeter, was created for ten years by a certain master Seyrafyan from Isfahan, so that these words of the poet would always, shining with gold, sound in this important place for the world and be a tireless reminder to its guests and diplomats about the unifying goal for which this world organization was created and called upon to exist.

According to former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, this magnificent carpet - a gift from Iran - now hanging on the wall of one of the most important halls, "is the largest in the UN, and this wise advice is as relevant today as it was at a time when over 800 years before the creation of the UN, his lines were presented by the sage Saadi as an instruction to the world.

Biography of the poet

Saadi's real name is Muslihiddin Abu Mohammed Abdallah ibn Mushrifaddin. Three equal periods of thirty years made up his life - school wandering, sheikh, and knowledge and wanderings helped to become a "husband of truth." The nickname "Saadi" came from the name of the Farsian prince Saad ibn - Zengi, at whose court the poet's father, who died early, served as a mullah. Atabek took part in the fate of the orphan. When he grew up, he sent him to Baghdad to study.

Saadi studied in Baghdad at the Nizamiye Madrasah. In addition, the young man studied a lot with Sufi sheikhs, imbued with their ascetic ideals, and became a member of the Sufi brotherhood. Throughout his life he remained faithful to his teachers and their ideas. Poems Saadi began to write early. In 1226, his mentor Saad ibn - Zengi was killed during the invasion of the Tatar - Mongols. Saadi fled in the clothes of a dervish and left his homeland for thirty years.

From 1226 to 1255 he traveled to Muslim countries - from India to Morocco.

His adventures began in India, where he was captured by fire worshipers. To survive, he accepted their faith. But as soon as an opportunity turned up, he fled, killing a guard with a stone.

In Damascus and Baalbek, he, as a connoisseur of the Arabic language, was offered to become a mullah - a preacher. But wanderlust forced him to leave. Secluded in the desert near Jerusalem, he was about to give himself up to a holy life, but was captured by the crusaders and sent to the Syrian coast, where in Tripoli he was forced to dig trenches for a fortress in shackles. There he was seen by a familiar moneylender from Aleppo and ransomed for 19 gold dinars.

Free Saadi was only on the way from the walls of the fortress to the usurer's house. As a “master”, he immediately married the poet to his ugly and quarrelsome daughter. From the "joys of family life" Saadi fled to North Africa, then left her and, having passed all of Asia Minor, again found himself in his native Shiraz in 1256. Here Saadi began to lead a solitary life, devoting himself to literary creativity. Within 2 years, he created the works “Bustan” and “Gulistan” that glorified him for centuries. He dedicated both of these poems to Abu Bakr.


"Bustan" (Orchard) is a poem of 9 chapters, each of which contains stories, parables and philosophical discussions illustrating the author's maxims about what an ideal ruler should be. Saadi calls on the rulers to be humane to their subjects and to ensure that the best qualities are shown by people from his environment - officials, servants and military leaders, otherwise his generosity and kindness will only bring harm.

These reflections are illustrated with examples in the form of stories and parables.


"Gulistan" (Rose Garden) consists of 8 chapters - aspects of worldly wisdom. These chapters are about the life of kings, about the morals of dervishes, about the advantages of contentment with little, about the advantages of silence, about love, about youth, about the influence of education, about the rules of communication. The chapters contain stories written in prose and saj (rhymed prose) and end with interpolations in verse. The stories and adventures are taken from Saadi's life, travels and observations. This fun and instructive book serves as both a school textbook and a book of entertaining reading, full of witty paradoxes, remarks and humor. Its task is to awaken in people the desire for wisdom and common sense as the basis of life in society.

The last years of the poet's life

Having experienced all the frailty of earthly existence, Saadi recommended to the laity to live in peace, realizing its vicissitudes, and hourly be ready for the loss of earthly blessings.

After the death of Abu - Bekr in 1260, six atabeks were replaced in the principality, and from 1284 Shiraz fell under the rule of the Ilkhans of Iran, and turmoil reigned again.

From 1284 to 1290 Saadi wrote a large number of lyric poems in Persian and Arabic. He also wrote treatises in prose ("Book of Instructions"), the authorship of which is questioned by some researchers.

Sheikh Saadi died in Shiraz on December 9, 1292. “Without gifts I go to you, Vladyka! Saadi said. “I am up to my neck in my sins, and I have no good deeds ... I am poor, but I melt hope and believe in your highest mercy” ...

On the gate leading to the garden where the poet's tomb is located, there is an inscription: "The land in which Saadi Shirazi is buried exudes the smell of love."


The glory of Saadi in Asian countries is immeasurable. He became the first Tajik-Persian poet, who was recognized in the West in the 17th century.

His own experience of wandering and thinking about things, gave the works of this Persian thinker that measure of enlightenment, which made them both wise, transparent and elegant in form.

The poems "Bulistan" and "Gulistan" were extremely popular in the East, being an example of what the aesthetics of the genre of wise reasoning as a special literary movement can be. This trend subsequently became very popular in Tajik, Persian, Turkic and Indian literature. Europeans got acquainted with the work of Saadi in the 17th century, Goethe admired his poetry. The humane nature of Saadi's work, the desire to know the "measure of things" and to instill common sense and compassion for others makes his works popular today.

Sayings and aphorisms of Saadi Shirazi

"People are born only with pure nature, and only then do their fathers make them Jews, Christians or fire worshipers."

Sitting silently in the corner, biting his tongue,

Better than those who are not used to keeping their mouths shut.”

“The sage is like a scammer's tray: he silently shows his perfections; but a fool is like a marching drum: he has a loud voice, but inside is empty and insignificant.

"Courage is not in the strength of the hand and not in the art of wielding a sword, courage is in mastering oneself and being fair."

"Musk is what has fragrance, not what the Muscovite says is musk."

“To talk about the sciences with an ignoramus -

That wheat cereal is thrown into the salt marsh.

"To those who have raised their errors to rightness,

Better not argue, it's not easy to heal blindness.

The heart of such a person is like a crooked mirror:

It will distort everything and turn beauty into nothing.

“We are afraid of the bite of that enemy that seems to be a friend among people.”

“Secrets and friends cannot be trusted,

Because friends have friends too.

Carefully guard your secrets

You blather and your enemies will overcome you.

“Where harshness is needed, softness is inappropriate ... Softness will not make the enemy a friend, but only increase his claims.”

"Do not have mercy on a weak enemy, for if he becomes powerful, he will not have mercy on you."

"A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings."

"A scholar without labor is a tree without fruit."

"No one is eternal in the world, everything will go away, But a good name lives forever."

“As long as a person does not speak, his gift is unknown, the vice is hidden.”

“It is a mistake to take the advice of enemies, but you need to listen to them in order to do the opposite. This is the true right course of action."

“Do not succumb to the deception of the enemy and do not buy praises from a flatterer; one spread the net of cunning, and the other opened the throat of greed.

“With gentle words and kindness, you can lead an elephant by a thread.”

“The one who spins slander does not know,

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