Reflection in musical culture. The world of modern crime


To date, no one is surprised by phrases like: “gopniks”, “gopari”, “gopye”. The concepts of “gop-company”, “gopoten”, “gopster” are used less often. Different names hide the same semantics. This is a man certain social status with a certain appearance, behavioral and speech habits.

At the same time, for different citizens, the meaning of the word "gopnik" will vary somewhat depending on the experience of the respondent. In order not to get lost in misconceptions and to understand whether goparis really exist, I propose to consider this article.

When and why did gopnichestvo appear?

The exact date of the appearance of the gop group is not fixed. However, in 1980 the phenomenon occurred quite often. Companies were people with a lack of moral character, aggressively disposed towards society.

Tellingly, aggression was not shown towards all citizens, but only by the fact that the social status or traits were opposite to theirs.

Entrepreneurs, representatives of the so-called "white collars", a highly educated part of the population fell under this category. In other words, the gopnik's target audience is everyone who, in his opinion, has a higher status.

In 1990, the situation changed somewhat. The name "gopniks" was changed to "gopy". The concept characterized people with a sustainable life philosophy based on the inability to positively recommend themselves. The percentage of residents that fit this characteristic is 1/3 more than the previous one.

Today in Russia he is engaged in gopnichestvo about 25% of young people. By “gopnichestvo” is meant the absence of distant goals, the meaning of life and, as a result, finding oneself only in a circle of similar ones. In 85% of the cases, the gopnik does not see himself without people like him. Since his identity is poorly formed, it is reinforced externally.

Who becomes a gopnik?

In 1975-1980, most of the representatives of the subculture were persons of the criminal contingent, after all, by the time the convicts left the zone, they had formed a set of appropriate standards of behavior.

Even being in the atmosphere of city life, they continued to do everything they did during the period of imprisonment. To avoid re-punishment, the gopniks limited themselves petty robberies. Fearing that their transgressions would be reported, the goparis intimidated the inhabitants.

For this reason, in a relatively short period of time, citizens there was a fear before the image of the gopnik.

Nowadays, the main audience of gop companies is young people aged from 13 to 25 years old. The reason for the existence of these groups is negativism caused by excessive pressure on a person who is not yet sufficiently developed.

A classic example is when parents show excessive concern for the moral education of a teenager. If he cannot meet the required standards, he begins to reject them. Thus, a group of people appears that accepts a young man and is able to appreciate his personality.

In this case, the purpose of creating a criminal image is not to avoid punishment by intimidation, but the process itself, which involves feeling of power over someone. Here, it will be important for the gopnik to choose the right victim. It will rather be a person who has reached a position that the gopnik himself is imaginatively unable to achieve.

Often, gop youth are absorbed in their own way over time and really goes to jail, however, this only raises their status level.

Who define themselves as gopniks?

Given that the environment perceives the status of representatives of the subculture extremely negative, high authority is extremely important for them. They perceive themselves as cooler and emphasize this in all sorts of ways, from clothes to beatings.

Gopniks oppose themselves to the so-called "suckers". Interestingly, often the gopnik cannot give an exact definition of this concept. In fact, “suckers” are everyone who is not a gopnik.

A mirror situation with the everyday perception of gopniks by citizens, because in 1990-2000 everyone whose morals are somewhat different from common views were considered gopniks. There was no clear definition of the subculture, despite this to the gopy attributed to 38% of citizens.

What is valued?

Although it is believed that the morality of the gopniks poorly developed, they also have many behavioral criteria to determine status. Suppose it is important for a gopnik that the victim has a high position. It can be a high income, a prestigious position, respect in society - that is, all positions that can provoke a feeling of inferiority.

If a person with a low, in their opinion, position becomes a victim of the machinations of a gopnik, gopar descends to his level. Therefore, most representatives are afraid of any kind of contact with the holders of homosexual status.

  1. According to one, it comes from the slang term for a robber. Dahl's dictionary mentions the word "Gop" expressing a jump, jump or blow; | interjection. knock, slap. Tell gop how to jump! not before. Hop, jump, jump, jump; kick, jump or hit. -Xia, slap, fall. Gop or gopki! command. jump, jump. Since street robbers used to suddenly attack (“jump, jump”) on their victim, often hitting her in order to stun and make it impossible to escape / resist, their crime began to be called gop, gopstop or gop-skok in the criminal environment. , and themselves - gopniks or gopstopniks. It is not surprising that over time, representatives of the criminalized part of the Soviet, and then the post-Soviet youth, began to be called this way, for whom gop-stop, i.e. surprise attacks on bystanders for the purpose of robbery was a common practice.
  2. There is another version. Back in the 19th century, there were “Urban Prison Societies” (GOP) in Russia, i.e. care, care, in which there were shelters for the homeless, crippled, orphans, etc. Those who were kept in these shelters began to be called gopniks. The contingent of GOPs was inclined to commit crimes, incl. the words "gop" and "gopnik" quickly acquired a negative connotation. Gopas began to be called bunkhouses or being in a bunkhouse, and by gopniks they meant descended people from the social lower classes, prone to vagrancy and committing crimes. There were quite a few teenagers and young people among those held in GOPs. It is not surprising that the word gopnik gradually became associated with the criminal part of the youth.
  3. Version three. Linguists who study thieves' traditions are sure that a "gopnik" is a person who makes a "gop-stop". What it is? So on the "hair dryer" they call a lightning-fast street robbery, when the victim is "taken to fright." Hence the "thieves" idiom - "take on the gop-stop." Interestingly, back in the 19th century, "gop-stop" was called "gop with a closure." "Gop" - means a jump, an unexpected blow, and "smoke" comes from the verb "smiknut" ("sniff") - "to move quickly." In other words, the tactics of the "gopnik" consists of an unexpected raid on the victim and a quick departure.
  4. Another option is a downtrodden drunkard or bootlegger. However, there are facts that in some thieves' communities back in the 20-30s of the last century, not street robbers were called gopniks, but drunkards who had gone down. Proponents of this version argue that the word "gopnik" comes from the word "gop", which imitates a click on the neck. Every Russian knows this gesture - it means “put behind the collar”. Interestingly, this gesture was used by speculators in alcoholic beverages during the “dry law” that Nicholas II established in the Russian Empire in 1914. A number of linguists are sure that they were originally called “gopniks”, and then the word spread to their “clients”.

Where did you come from?

It is not too difficult to understand this - it is enough to remember that a significant percentage of the inhabitants of Russia have at least once visited places not so remote. Now think for yourself what a "wonderful" upbringing the children of these people receive. In combination with the atmosphere of the outskirts of cities, the soil is created for more and more new generations of hereditary riffraff and criminals. When the economy and the system of social values ​​began to rapidly collapse in the late 80s, this resulted in an increase in crime, including street crime. Until the mid-1990s, there was an intensive redistribution of property and power in the ex-USSR, including by means of organized crime groups, which carried their "culture" to the masses and trained personnel, many of whom managed to undergo internships in prisons and colonies. A significant part of these bandits, swindlers and their protégés subsequently became businessmen, civil servants, deputies, which led to high corruption in Russia and the criminalization of entrepreneurship. Having undergone socialization, received an administrative resource and wishing to preserve their “honestly acquired” and reduce the population of competitors, the former swindlers further contributed to the suppression of crime, especially petty and young crime, which led to its decline by the end of the 90s. Television, which shows the "Brigade" and other "Sonka-golden hands", also contributes a lot to the increase in gopota. In particular, in one of Pimanov's programs they showed how in the early 90s the film "The Godfather" was used to train personnel in the Agiev organized criminal group.

Characteristics of the subculture

Researcher of the "Gopnik" subculture - an employee of the Department of Sociology, Political Science and Management of the Kazan State Technical University. A. N. Tupoleva notes:“The St. Petersburg City Center for the Prevention of Neglect and Drug Addiction of Minors designates gopniks as “informal associations” and includes them in the “aggressors” section. Discussions on Internet forums speak about the level of development of these informal associations as follows: “... from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, gopniks are to this day the most common form of youth associations,” and all the sources used emphasize the pronounced criminal and group nature of this subculture: “Mostly these are fights, robberies, assaults who are aimed at getting money ..., alcohol and cigarettes "" Unlike most informal youth associations (for example, hippies, punks, role players), the gopniks did not assign any names to the rest of the population and did not distinguish themselves into a separate group relative to the entire population, from which it follows that they did not realize themselves as a subculture. Most youth subcultures are characterized by aversion to gopniks, reaching extreme antagonism.

stereotypical appearance

Thus, the following features are noted:

  • Sports suit, as the most common clothing in the summer, and includes pants and a jacket made of synthetic material. As noted, most often these are counterfeits of well-known brands (for example, Adidas or Puma) purchased on the local market. Less often - classic black trousers, often a little larger than necessary;
  • A short jacket in leather, imitation leather or fabric, or a vest in the same materials over a tracksuit. Often the collar is set "stand", also often tucked into pants;
  • Of the hats, preference is given to a “pill” cap (an “eight-blade” cap or a baseball cap). Such a feature is noted: indoors, the hat is not removed, but is worn on the top of the head so that it rests on the ears from behind and does not cover them.
  • A typical haircut is “bald” or very short, sometimes with bangs (“half box”). It is also characteristic to wear a "borset". Often, representatives of the subculture are associated with a bag of seeds, a rosary and a balisong knife.

Other distinguishing features

Many pieces of music are dedicated to gopniks. One of the first mentions of gopniks is recorded in the song of Leonid Utyosov - "Gop with a closure" from his repertoire of 1929-1933. The most widely known was the song "Gopnik" by Mike Naumenko and the group "Zoo" (1984). One of the verses of the song characterizes the behavior of the gopniks:

Who sips port wine in the heat, who does not warm beer in winter, Who spits like a camel, who laughs like a nightjar? Who shits in our front doors, who vomits in subway cars, Who is always ready to knock out our eyes and stick a pen in your side? These are gopniks! They interfere with our lives! »

Subsequently, several cover versions were recorded for the song "Zoo" by various performers: "DDT", "Last Tanks in Paris", "Different People", "Az", "FRONT" and others.

Among the songs of famous performers telling about gopniks:

  • "Children of Satan" by Bad Balance
  • "Go to the swing" of the group "Lumen"
  • "Street Fight" and "To the Last Drop of Blood" by the group "No Good"
  • “Dogs from the outskirts of the city” by the Chaif ​​group (the title of the song is often used as a common noun to refer to youth street crime)
  • "Gop-stop" group "Gas Attack Sector"
  • "Gopnik" of the group "Ben Gunn"
  • “Down with Gopot” by the group “Brigadny Contract” and a cover version of this song, recorded by the soloist of the group “Korol i Shut” Mikhail Gorshenev (album “I am an Alcoholic Anarchist”). On the other hand, in the genre of thieves' songs, gopniks and their activities are described with sympathy. Among these songs, one can single out “Gop-stop” (known by Alexander Rosenbaum) and “Gop with a closure” (known by Andrey Makarevich and Alexei Kozlov).

In the 2000s, artists appeared whose entire work is devoted to parodying typical devils and their hooligan behavior in the style of the so-called “boy rap”: the groups Gopota, Gopnik (Ukraine), Black GUN Dons, a.b.i.b.a.s, "Night Dogs", as well as performer Rapper Syava. David Brown dedicated the new Brazzaville album "Teenage Summer Days" to Russian gopniks.

Why do gopniks sit on their haunches?

The squatting pose, like many other attributes of the gop style, comes from prison customs and has been known since the days of pre-revolutionary Russia. When transferring prisoners, the escorts, in order to prevent undesirable actions on the part of the prisoners, traditionally commanded: “Hands up the hill! Everyone squat!” The intentions of the squatting person are easier to predict, while this posture gives the prisoners the opportunity to rest, since at the stage, in the short minutes of a smoke break, it is more convenient to squat than on frozen ground or in the mud.

In an overcrowded SIZO cell, it can also be difficult to find a seat, so the prisoner has no choice but to spend time squatting. Very soon, this position becomes so firmly a habit that it can be difficult to get rid of it even in freedom. Former inmates often recognize each other from afar precisely by the habit of squatting.

Gopnik(also - gopy, gopari, collectively - gopota, gopoten, also self-name - boys) - a slang word of the Russian language, a derogatory designation of representatives of the urban, close to the criminal world or with criminal behavioral traits, a layer of Russian youth, as well as youth of the countries of the former USSR ( since the end of the twentieth century), often poorly educated, coming from dysfunctional families

Origin and meanings of the word "gopnik"

The Russian writer A. A. Sidorov, writing under the pseudonym Fima Zhiganets, analyzing the origin of the word gopnik, refers to Vladimir Dahl, in whose dictionary the word gop "expresses a jump, jump or blow ..., gop, jump or hit." According to A. A. Sidorov, the word "gopnik" (or "gop-stopnik") refers to a street robber. The same follows from a brief dictionary of criminal jargon compiled by Yu. K. Alexandrov, where the word "gopnik" denotes a robber. According to the reference service of the Russian “Reference and Information Portal”, the word “gopnik” refers to the slang words of the Russian language and means “swindler, raider; pogromist, hooligan."

A. A. Sidorov notes that the word "gopnik" is also used to refer to "beggars, vagrants, homeless people." According to Sidorov, this meaning arose even before the revolution of 1917, when in Russia there were "orders of public charity" - provincial committees, which were in charge of caring for the "poor, crippled, sick, orphans, etc." special care homes at the expense of zemstvo funds. In this sense, the word "gopnik" comes from the word GOP, which stands for "City Charity Society" (from the word prisor - care, care). Due to the fact that the funds allocated to help the poor and the homeless were not enough, the inhabitants of the charity houses were engaged in vagrancy, begging, and petty theft. Therefore, the word "gopnik" soon began to be called "tramps, ragamuffins and beggars." This meaning was preserved after the October Revolution of 1917. According to the publication “The Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” (editor-in-chief S. A. Kuznetsov), a gopnik is “a person from the social lower classes; tramp". According to the explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language of the candidate of philological sciences T. F. Efremova, the word "gopnik" means "a downtrodden person, a tramp."

At the end of the 19th century, in the premises of the modern Oktyabrskaya Hotel, located on Ligovsky Prospekt, the State Charity Society was organized, where homeless children and adolescents were brought, engaged in petty robbery and hooliganism. After the October Revolution of 1917, the State Hostel of the Proletariat was organized in this building for the same purposes. The number of juvenile delinquents who hunted in this area has increased several times. Among the residents of the city, the word "gopniks" appeared, which was used to call the residents of the GOP from Ligovka. The expression “the number of gopniks is measured in leagues” appeared, and among the inhabitants of Petrograd, then Leningrad, it was customary to ask ill-mannered people: “Do you live in Ligovka?”

A. A. Sidorov notes that at the end of the 1920s, the “bastard brethren” used the word “gop” to call the rooming houses, and their inhabitants - “gopniks”, or “gopa”. Russian sociologists V. I. Dobrenkov and A. I. Kravchenko noted that the word “gopnik” is derived from the word gop, a slang word for beggars who have absorbed elements of criminal culture and which means “staying in a rooming house”.

Sidorov draws attention to the plot of the story by L. Panteleev and G. G. Belykh “Republic of ShKID”, in which the teacher, wanting to threaten the pupils, shouts at them: “You only bug me. I tell you ... Gopa Kanavskaya! Talking about the wanderings of one of the heroes of the story, the authors write: “Korolev spent the whole summer “gopnichat”, traveled on the railways with soldier trains heading to the front.”

Analyzing the origin of the word, Sidorov also draws attention to the common and associated with the word "gopnik" expression gop-company, which means "a cheerful gathering of people who are not too serious and reliable, on whom it is better not to rely on responsible business."

According to E. N. Kalugina (Stavropol State Agrarian University), the word "gopnik" can be called "a primitive, poorly educated young man." Sociologist Albina Garifzyanova understands gopniks as "uneducated people, culturally backward, absolutely intolerant."

Concepts close in meaning: hooligans, punks, street boys, yard gangs, lumpen.

The word "gopnik" has an English equivalent: "chav" (English - chav) is a widely used derogatory slang word for a young man of low social status who usually wears "branded" sportswear, which is also characteristic of gopniks.
Characteristics of representatives

As a stable expression, the word appeared in the late 1980s in relation to representatives of the youth, for whom the theft of property on the street was not so much a professional craft, but, as Saratov researcher Elena Bessonova notes, “part of the image of a criminalized community, a means of entertainment and a way to maintain authority ". According to the researcher, in the 1990s, “gopas” appeared, for whom everything characteristic of the life of their “ancestors”, to which the author refers to criminals, became “a kind of philosophy of life, worldview, a way to position oneself in society”. Bessonova notes that “for the modern gop, it is mainly more important to scare and humiliate a person, to test his power over him, and then to embezzle his money.” Proximity to the criminal world predetermined the use of thieves' jargon and profanity.

Socially, representatives of the subculture mainly come from the outskirts of industrial cities. Most gopniks came from poor, dysfunctional families.

The image and behavior of a typical gopnik is a parody of the representatives of the criminal world of the 1990s in Russia and other CIS countries. The black leather jacket and sports leotards were taken over by the teenagers straight from them. Gopniks were engaged in petty theft and extortion of money.

Representatives of the gopnik stratum are distinguished by pronounced aggression against members of society oriented towards Western values ​​(as a rule, against “informals” oriented towards Western culture), and they also disdain the so-called. loham - to everyone who does not comply with the "boys' concepts" - the unspoken rules of behavior that have developed in the criminal environment.

As Ramil Khanipov (Kazan State Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev) notes, “The St. Petersburg City Center for the Prevention of Neglect and Drug Addiction of Minors of St. Petersburg designates gopniks as “informal associations” and includes them in the “aggressive” section. Internet forum discussions speak about the level of development of these informal associations as follows: “... from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, gopniks are still the most common form of youth associations to this day,” and all the sources used emphasize the pronounced criminal and group nature of this subculture: “Mostly these are fights , robberies, raids that are aimed at extracting money ..., alcohol and cigarettes.

The head of the Moscow branch of the LDPR, O. Lavrov, stated that the gopniks make up a certain part of the electoral base of his party: We believe that the gopniks are the most powerful political force in Russia. People laugh at us, call us a party of outcasts: gopniks, thieves, vagrants and drunkards. But, you see, these are all people whose interests no one else represents. We set up our points at railway stations and at one time we had a million members. When we nominated Malyshkin as a presidential candidate in the 2004 elections, people were shocked. Well, yes, of course, he is not an intellectual, but the gopniks will vote for him.

Doctor of sociological sciences, director of the New Generation project of the Public Opinion Foundation, Larisa Pautova, in 2009 believed that “gopota” is at least 25 percent of today's youth. By this word, the sociologist means young people who do not aspire to anything, finding themselves in the mass of their own kind.

Unlike most informal youth associations (for example, hippies, punks, role players), the gopniks did not assign any names to the rest of the population and did not distinguish themselves as a separate group relative to the entire population, which means that they did not recognize themselves as a subculture.

Most youth subcultures are characterized by a hostile attitude towards gopniks, reaching extreme antagonism.

Researcher Elena Bessonova notes that at the beginning of Perestroika, gopniks were the only ones among the youth who were not fond of any music. Later, representatives of the subculture were prone to thieves' music, Russian chanson (Mikhail Krug, Butyrka group). Also, many prefer pop (pop music) and "boy" rap.

In the 1990s it seemed that “ gopniks" soon they will take over, if not the whole world, then at least one sixth of the land. "Gopniks" ruled the roost in all 11 time zones of Russia. Gopniks - or Russian men who adopted the style of gopniks - flooded into all areas of life, from "business", where they played the role of sixes, to politics, where they formed the core of resistance to Western influence …

Gopnik(gop. race. normal boy; goper, gopar, gop, gopota, punks, gopson; in post-revolutionary Petrograd - a resident of the City Hostel of the Proletariat (the current Oktyabrskaya Hotel, according to contemporaries, all walked in red socks and were identified by them, from there it went) is a lower multicellular animal, an infantry from the criminal world, but in fact it is a riffraff, a petty street criminal and a goon larva, an instance of one of the types of street animals (cats, dogs, gopniks, etc.), whose main hobby is push-ups from passers-by and mobile phones, well and of course fuck emo and others. In the west, gopniks call themselves hooligans.

The appearance of gopniks for our readers is not difficult: these are Russian guys like "don't put your finger in your mouth" with pimply skin and stupid faces, which reflect only one thought "Yes, I put it on you!"

“These guys are more comfortable squatting than standing. But, most importantly, these are the last males on planet Earth who manage to wear 1920s leather gangster caps with chic - everyone else in such caps looks like nothing more than fagots from drama school rehearsing some kind of musical," the newspaper writes.

Gopniks are cool because there is no place for self-irony in their world. They are very "authentic". Proof of this is their fantastically daring tastes: a mixture of bad taste, menace and inherent "third world" noisy chic.

Even the fact that gopniks like to play techno to the fullest, sing shitty songs under karaoke in cheap cafes with color music, or wear cheap pointed leather shoes to match their 1920s ragtime-style pill caps, cannot take away their status as the most dangerous scum in the world.

The history of the word, the culture of gopniks

About the word: there are few terms that one hundred percent correspond to the designated object. "Gop" sounds vicious, stupid and funny, but not so funny that you dare to laugh in the face of a gopnik. The word "gopnik" is based on the abbreviation: "State hostel of the proletariat." Add to "G.O.P." suffix "nick" - and the new biological species is ready.

There were gopniks after the revolution. The first gopniks came to Petrograd in the 1920s in search of work. By origin, they were peasants or completely landless erratic barren.

The species "ordinary gopnik" even had its own specific habitat - Ligovsky Prospekt, building 10. Actually, this is a hotel, now called "Oktyabrskaya", and the gopniks in their own way turned into a collectivist gangster club, the newspaper writes.

Since they were outsiders in their own villages, often children from single-parent families, and many already had minor crimes on their account, if not worse, the indigenous population of Petrograd, and then Leningrad, treated the gopniks with disgust.

They entered the legends as blatari and lucky, which even the Soviet system could not break. They had their own code of honor, they lived by their own rules, they had their own tattoos on their fingers, their own fashions. They represented something like a caste of "thieves in law" in the world of delinquent "hooligans".

Later, the meaning of the word changed, and the expression "gopnik" meant any dubious type with a shaved head, a thick leather jacket, stupid leather boots and a pillbox cap.

1990s - heyday of gopniks

In the 1990s, it seemed that the gopniks would soon take over, if not the whole world, then at least one sixth of the land. "Gopniks ruled the ball in all 11 time zones of Russia. "Gopniks - or Russian men who adopted the style of gopniks - flooded into all spheres of life, from "business", where they played the role of sixes, to politics, where, as deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party, they formed the nucleus of resistance to Western influence"

Some gopniks swapped leather jackets and sweatshirts for Hugo Boss brown blazers, but couldn't resist adding glittery mules to this splendor: gold chains around their arms and neck, heaped watches and more. Gopnik culture in the 90s was accompanied by techno music. However, the 1990s turned out to be not so much the rise of the Gopnik Nation as the Beginning of its End.

Have the gopniks survived to this day?

To explore the culture of modern gopniks, the newspaper correspondents went to Lyubertsy, a city that was known as the capital of gopniks in the 1990s. Criminality was as common there as tracksuits and seed husks.

What was the surprise of journalists when they could not find any gopniks there. Then the representatives of the newspaper decided to get out to one of the most sinister districts of Moscow, Brateevo, but they did not find the gopniks there either.

What happened to the gopniks? Most sources agree that two factors contributed to their extinction. First, in the 1980s and 1990s, hard drugs and guns suddenly became ubiquitous.

Their incorporation into a culture as fearless and primitive as gopnic meant that in one decade, almost half of the individuals went to the other world.

“The second reason has more to do with changes in habitat. The arrival of Western bourgeois values ​​and cultural preferences, and the beginning of a period of external stability, growth and sobriety under Putin, means that the gopnik’s 70-year reign as king of the world of rebels has suddenly come to an end: Russians of all social layers quickly hated the muzhlan aesthetic of the gopniks"

Nothing speaks so eloquently about the tragic disappearance of a gopnik from the face of the earth as the fact that Shnur from the Leningrad group, a big fan of gopnik culture, is going to open a "Gopnik Museum" in his native St. Petersburg

Shnur's group romanticizes the gopniks in front of a middle-class audience that finally appreciates them, albeit in a semi-ironic spirit that wouldn't be possible if the gopniks hadn't disappeared. Even the original cradle of gopniks - house 10 on Ligovsky Prospekt - today is nothing more than a three-star hotel.

Gopnik Anatomy

The pillbox cap is a key element of the gopnik outfit. Leather - for serious murders, stripes - for all sorts of trifles such as rape in the country.

Ears - usually stick out more than the average Homo sapiens, thanks to fights, as well as an indispensable haircut to zero.

Shish kebab - gopniks (like all Russians) believe that meat tastes best when it is fried on a stick over a fire.

Sweatpants still remain the most ergodynamic for squatting.

Shoes - gopniks prefer a) pointed leather boots or b) slippers, but as cultural assimilation sometimes wear sneakers.

Glass - Everyone knows that vodka tastes best when served warm in plastic cups. It is very important that several midges float on its surface.

Jacket - if he had a sticker on his bumper, it would say "Don't think, I have a leather jacket."

Forehead - convex frontal lobes are inherited from distant ancestors - people.

How not to become a victim of gopniks - instructions

“Somehow there was a case at 7 o’clock in the evening ... We took a bottle of tonic with a friend and stood civilly, drank near the store, then suddenly one of the locals came up, extending his hand to say hello (as usual).

The usual questions went there: who are they, where do you drink from, on what occasion do you drink, then eight more people of different age groups pulled themselves up, everyone began to ask questions, who is good for what, who is about money, who is about cell phones, who is about concepts (who in life) ..."

Almost everyone has experienced this at least once. They take a person in ticks and begin to breed - first for a conversation, then for a cigarette, then for a "call", and in the end - for money. For many, this causes fear and confusion. What to do in such situations? How to behave when meeting with "gopniks"?

Their weapon is our fear

Our fear comes from the fact that we do not know the rules by which “that” world operates. But we certainly respect them. Because these are the rules of the strong - concepts. We certainly accept them, but we do not know their principles and norms. This is where the dog is buried. We accept the rules of the game without knowing them.

Naturally, a more or less "bad" freak, even being a frail income, knowing a couple of "gadgets", will beat you in no time. Because you agreed to play by his rules. And a person who voluntarily agreed to play by the rules that he does not know is called a sucker.

Who are the gopniks

The word probably comes from the famous "gop-stop" - which in the hair dryer means robbery or robbery.
Gopniks are not exactly criminals. They follow a thin line - at first they “run into” the victim with a “bazaar”, they probe. Moreover, this is done without a direct threat of violence - from the outside it will seem that the gopnik is politeness itself, and you, on the contrary, are a nervous, unbalanced, or even completely aggressive type.

As a result of such a raid, the victim, as a rule, gives up his property himself - usually small money, mobile phones, watches.
Everything is often on the verge of a "joke", a conversation "according to concepts", so then during the disassembly you can always say - he gave it to me himself. Which is often confirmed by the victim herself.

If you are in a cop's office, then the opera begins to get nervous, or even go berserk, and, in the end, tries to get rid of you. There are no legal grounds. If the disassembly is among the lads, then you get the status of a sucker. And getting from a sucker is a sacred thing for a gopnik. He's a kid, you suck. Conceptually, he is right. The conversation is over.

What to answer questions like: "Hey, come here!"

This is a test for the Loch suit. The sucker will certainly look back and hasten to approach.

Let's say you screwed up, i.e. stopped and turned, in a word, expressed some interest. But they didn't fit.
- Hey, come here, I said!
“Come here yourself” answers are not good, unless you are a boxing champion.
They come to you. Scary.
“What, don’t you hear? (frostbitten, swollen...)
Do not pay attention, freeze, like, further:

We are not fools

Let's say your "conversation" did not start with a direct provocation like the one described above. In this case, usually the gopnik will extend his hand to you at a meeting - he greets you like a kid. This obliges you to be moderately polite, to answer the first questions. What he is seeking.

This is one of the main tricks of the gopnik - after such a gesture of "good will", he gets the right to "fairly" be indignant at the fact that you, for example, do not want to communicate with him. Plus, he immediately creates an alibi for himself - “I drove up to him like a kid, shook him with claws. Was it like that!?” - “Well, yes ...” - “And people saw it. And then he began to build show-offs for me ... ". Ten points in favor of the gopa.

We break off at the very beginning. It is very difficult to endure - a look and an outstretched hand to you. The patterns of politeness are etched deep into us. The hand stretches. We hold on. We look in the face. We smile.

Who are you?

The most common question asked of a sucker candidate. You do not need to answer anything, otherwise you will fall for the hook.
Important! If you are the wrong kid, that is, a sucker, then you will certainly shake the gopa’s hand without even knowing who is in front of you. In prison, they don’t shake hands, for example - and the rules of a prison for a gopnik are sacred.

Remember that in a conversation, questions will be asked in such a way that it is impossible to answer them. “Why are you walking here?”, “What are you smiling at?”

Your main task as a true sucker is NOT to stay within the framework of HIS rules, NOT to break off the gopnik with his own methods. Better try to appeal to universal morality and quote the Constitution, and then you are guaranteed to return home with a broken nose and cleaned pockets.

If this option does not suit you, and you want to know how to exit the game as a winner, then read on.

Hitting the bazaar

If they obviously didn’t come to beat you, then the second part follows - “running over by the bazaar”. In any case, if you are not yet lying on the pavement, and people are talking to you, then everything is in order.
- Who are you?
— And who are you? Where are you from?
- Let me see the phone (do you have money? On what occasion do we drink?)
- I do not know you.
Go (stand) further.
If that didn't work (most likely it didn't) and the questions continue, you need to go on the offensive:

The best defense is an attack

The universal answer - always works:
- For what purpose are you interested?

It is important to understand and remember the main thing - you need a reason to attack you. Aggression without a reason is chaos. A reason is expected of you. As long as you don't give it, you are safe.

In no case do not make the slightest concession - do not answer anything. NOT FOR A SINGLE, even a completely innocent, QUESTION.

As soon as you answer something, even the most neutral one, and want to interrupt the conversation afterwards, the aggressor has the “moral right” to accuse you of disrespecting yourself. After all, you “supported” the conversation, and then refuse to continue. Ugly.

Of course, you won't get a direct answer to your question. A lot of options for further development:
- And what, it's dirty to talk with the boys? (Are you being rude? You don't respect me? I didn't understand...)

Don't go to the market

You can't go off topic. In no case do not answer questions - "I respect you, but ...", "I'm not being rude, but ...". Your "but" will be immediately regarded as a weakness, so only suckers respond. Then the phrase “What are you making excuses for? Do you feel what?”

This is a 100% trick - it doesn't matter what you answer or just keep quiet, everything will be turned as an attempt to either justify or be rude.

- I'm not making excuses - look at yourself from the outside, you yourself understand that it just sounds stupid.
- Justify.
Why should I justify?
Because you're making excuses.
- I'm not making excuses!
“What are you doing now?”
“I... well... yes, you! I do not want to talk to you.
"Oh, you're also a brute...

Breaking the situation

What, zapadlo to talk with normal boys? is a likely response to your counterattack. Remember - no "no", "not", and even more so "but".
- You didn't answer my question.
- And you on mine.
- Are you going to run into chaos?
Are you accusing me of something?
- Answer my question. Do I have the right to ask?

Pay attention - it is "to ask." "Ask" has a double meaning on the hair dryer - they ask someone for something that will immediately be regarded as a collision - "I have the right to ask." - "What? Ask me? For what? Justify." Everything, again, a dead end, you are in a bag.

- I'm interested in myself.
“I’m interested for myself” is a duty phrase-answer to the question “for what purpose are you interested?”. Everything is fine. As soon as you heard something like that, the enemy faltered - you forced the “right kid” to make excuses. Now the main thing is not to go too far.

- I do not know you.
In no case should you continue this phrase: “I’m not going to talk to you”, “why should I answer you”, “it’s none of your business”. Only stupidly neutral phrases. As long as you haven't given a formal casus belli, you're in a better position.

Hold positions

The cycle can be repeated in different variations. You just hold on to your position, the meaning of which is that whoever started the conversation must justify the reason.

In fact, there is ONE reason, and you must remember about it - to provoke you and get the moral right to attack, insult, humiliate, hit, rob. But, of course, the “right kid” will never voice it, because then he himself will recognize himself as a lawlessness.

And this is no longer according to the concepts - the right guys do not fix chaos. Those. you ask a question that he cannot answer, but, by his own rules, he must. In chess, this is called a "fork" - with one piece we attack two. The only choice left to the opponent is which piece to lose.

We don't bend

In no case do not fulfill small requests - by any concept, you can demand to state the reason at the beginning or qualify it as a direct collision. What do you have to say directly.

- Give me a glass.
We are silent, we smile. Waiting for accusations...

- You're in the bastard, or what?
and go on the counterattack.
- Do you want to hit me?
- I'm asking you like a normal kid.
You earned a point, it justifies. And he calls you a “normal kid” in front of everyone. One more point.
— Ah. I'm sorry, i do not understand. On the.

A draw on a foreign field is a victory

If you don’t want to be defeated, then only one thing remains for the gopu:

1. either start beating you, which puts him into the category of offenders from the point of view of the law or into the category of lawless people from the point of view of concepts. He does not need this, because the gop just wants to rise at the expense of your humiliation.

2. either "admit" that the goal was different - to meet, chat, spend time together. That is, avoid defeat. Which is what was required. A draw on a foreign field suits us just fine.

"Fork" - he already chooses only between which option of defeat to accept. He's most likely not stupid.
— You don't know me? Well, let's get to know each other.
You can shake your paws.

Don't get carried away with winning

If you feel a fracture, then you may well give him the opportunity to rehabilitate himself in your eyes and in the eyes of the boys. This is what needs to be done - otherwise the feeling of defeat will most likely lead to a new wave of aggression, which the bazaar can no longer stop.

How to become a victim

The normal desire of every normal person is to avoid street collisions. Although, in some cases they are inevitable, most often people become victims of gopota because of ignorance of the elementary rules of "that" world.

So, what needs to be done so that you are inapplicably beaten: Well, or, at worst, simply bred for "grandmothers". We list the main mistakes:

make excuses.
Anwser the questions.
Break into "high" tones.
Don't ask for an answer to your question.
Mutter something inarticulate.
Exceed the allowable impact dose.
Fulfill requests: "let me smoke (call, look at the phone number)"

Test Passed

If you do not make mistakes, and your "opponent" does not fall off the battlefield, then you may well make new friends, and even the best Kents.

And if a turning point has already occurred, then maybe you should not give up on further developments - it is likely that you will be offered to drink beer together, have fun.

This is often the case - if the test for “boyishness” is passed, you become not only an equal, but also a respected equal. In crowds of gopniks, there are usually one or two "real" boys, the rest are sticky. The leader always knows this and, in general, he is not interested in them - these are his miserable copies.

Therefore, quite honestly and sincerely, they may want you as a friend. The choice is yours. If not, then no. They patted each other on the shoulder, and even embraced in a brotherly way. The market is over, consumption.

The last and most important rule

The last and most important rule is not to turn around. Either don't start at all, or once you start, don't give up.

Remember Russian fairy tales - do not turn around. Who turned around - lost.

Of course, this is just a canvas, your creativity will always be needed. Fear will make its own adjustments, but, nevertheless, it is possible to remember.

The gopnik subculture is notable for the fact that it appeared in the USSR, although, in fact, gopniks- this is a layer of working youth from low-income families, and similar layers can be found literally in any country in a given period. For example, British punks of the 1930s (not to be confused with the punk subculture of the 1960s-1970s), which you can read more about in the article dedicated to punks. However, domestic gopniks are a truly unique phenomenon.

There are several versions of the origin of the word "gopnik". According to the first of them, the term appeared at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries, and the situation was as follows: in St. Petersburg, the State Charity Society was set up, where homeless children engaged in theft and hooliganism were placed. Perhaps the word "gopnik" began to be used in relation to these very homeless children. Another option: in the building of this State Society, after the revolution of 1917, the Civil Hostel of the Proletariat was organized, which was used for the same purposes as the previous society. In both cases, the word "gopnik" came from the abbreviation of these institutions. Another version says that the word "gopnik" came from thieves' jargon. According to this version, thieves engaged in gop-stop were called gopniks (following the example of other criminal “specializations”: pickpocket - “plucker”, killer - “mokrushnik”, etc.). Some argue that "gopnik" comes from the abbreviation for "citizen of dangerous behavior." However, in all these cases, any asocial type with thieves' manners is called a gopnik. The gop subculture manifested itself especially sharply in the 1970s and 1980s. Gopnik declared themselves in numerous fights with the then Soviet informals - punks and metalworkers. Since then, the word "gopnik" has firmly entered our lexicon.

Among the musical preferences of the gopniks are thieves chanson, rap and low-grade pop. Gopniks cannot imagine their collective walks without listening to their favorite music. Soviet gopniks listened to music on battery-powered cassette recorders. Gopnik, who carried a “mafon” with him, was in special honor among the “Kents”. Nowadays, gopniks listen to music from mobile phones. The current gopniks are passionate fans of the work of groups such as Factor-2, Gaza Strip, Butyrka, Leningrad, Kasta, Malchishnik and performers Noggano, rapper Syava, etc.
Thus, there are all signs of a separate gopnik subculture - their ideological principles, musical tastes, their own style of dress, as well as an incomparable style of behavior. The low level of moral and aesthetic development, the low spiritual level of gopniks determines the appropriate behavior. Young people who want to live "according to the rules" put on a "clear" sports suit and go to drink beer with the "boys". And the saddest thing is that the number of such people is not decreasing at all.

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