Review of the story by V. Dragunsky “The secret becomes clear. Outline of a literary reading lesson on the topic “In


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Presentation work on literature on the topic: "Dragunsky V.Yu. "The secret becomes clear", addressed to primary school students. Thanks to this work, the children will get acquainted with the life and work of this wonderful writer.

  • Let's repeat
  • Dragunsky Viktor Yuzefovich
  • Biography
  • Activities of Viktor Yuzefovich
  • Deniskin's stories
  • Make up a proverb
  • vocabulary work
  • Work with text
  • Selective reading


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    Bolvina I.V.






    • For the teacher to teach

slide 1

Bolvina Irina Vladimirovna Primary school teacher Borovskaya secondary school No. 1 of the Tyumen district, Tyumen region

Subject: V.Yu. Dragoon. "The secret becomes clear."

slide 2

This morning I woke up very early, and this old alarm clock woke me up. You know, he's been around for years, but he's never let me down. The clock is accurate and correct. They are made up of details.

And what happens if you remove even one detail?

slide 3

"Truth always rises above lies like oil above water." Miguel Cervantes

  • Read with your eyes;
  • Read slowly aloud;
  • Read expressively;
  • How do you understand the meaning of this statement?
  • slide 4

    Let's repeat

  • slide 5

    • E. Uspensky
    • E. Uspensky
    • B. Zakhoder
    • G. Oster
    • B. Zakhoder
    • I. Tokmakova
  • slide 6

    Find non-repeating letters and add up the writer's last name

  • Slide 7

    Dragunsky Viktor Yuzefovich

    Slide 8

    Viktor Dragunsky was born in New York to a family of emigrants from Russia.

    Soon the parents returned to their homeland and settled in Gomel.

    During the war, Victor's father died of typhus.

    In 1925 the family moved to Moscow.

    At the age of 16, he worked as a turner, then as a saddler, was a boatman, rode people on a boat along the Moscow River near the Neskuchny Garden.

    V. Dragunsky with his son

    Slide 9

    But more than anything in the world, Victor lured the theater, the circus, the stage, the opportunity to amuse, delight people.

    He organized small theater groups.

    The artists in them sang, danced, played skits.

    Slide 10

    Viktor Dragunsky admitted that, watching the audience, especially children, enjoy clowns, he most of all wanted to be a clown.

    Slide 11

    • The most important thing is to come up with fun and smart text for clowns.
    • This is what Viktor Dragunsky was doing.
    • He wrote reprises (text for clowns), pop scenes, songs.
  • slide 12

    Deniskin's stories

    • The main character of all stories is a boy named Deniska.
    • By the way, the son of Dragunsky is also called Deniska.
  • slide 13

    Viktor Dragunsky was nearly fifty when his books for children began to appear.

    Slide 14

    All stories are different.

    • over some laugh to tears
    • we think about others, we are sad
  • slide 15

    Make up a proverb

    • not a bag you hide in an awl
    • Murder will out.
    • It is impossible to hide what reveals itself, betrays itself.
    • You can't hide the truth.
    • Be sure that what you are trying to hide will become apparent.
  • slide 16

    We want to know

    • What can be said in the work, judging by the title?
    • What does it mean that the secret becomes clear?
    • How will the story end?
  • Slide 17

    vocabulary work

    • Something hidden from others, not known to everyone;
    • Something unsolved, not yet known;
    • The hidden reason for something.
    • Name a synonym for the word mystery.
    • Secret
    • Secret, hidden, concealed, secret.
    • Open, frank.
  • Slide 18

    The Faceted Chamber is an architectural monument in the Moscow Kremlin, one of the oldest civil buildings in Moscow.

    Over the centuries, many major events in the life of the Russian state were celebrated in the Faceted Chamber, it was the main throne room.

    Foreign ambassadors were received there, heirs to the Russian throne were solemnly announced, Zemsky Sobors met.

    Slide 19

    • intelligent

    A person with a great internal culture.

    • Slander

    Discrediting information or dissemination of deliberately false information that discredits the honor and dignity of another person or undermines his reputation.

    • Synonyms:

    Lies, lies, fiction, slander.

    • Biting?

    Seeking to annoy, maliciously mocking.

    Slide 20

    Work with text

    • What did Denis once hear from his mother, and how did his mother explain her words? ("The secret becomes clear")
    • How did mom persuade Deniska to eat porridge? What did she offer him? (Go to the Kremlin)
    • What did Deniska experience when he experimented with porridge? (feelings of resentment, annoyance)
    • Is it true that Deniska “lost consciousness” and therefore threw out the porridge on the street? Why does the author use this expression?
  • slide 21

    Reading - intelligence

    What did Deniska do to make porridge tastier?

    • spat with a spoon;
    • salted;
    • sprinkled with sugar;
    • poured boiling water;
    • poured the whole jar of horseradish into the porridge.
  • slide 22

    Selective reading

    • What did the uncle look like?
    • By what sign did Denis understand that his mother was very angry?
    • Find passages that these little men could read?
  • slide 23

    Which part was illustrated by the artist?

    “And then I remembered that we have horseradish. With horseradish, it seems that almost everything can be eaten! I took the whole jar and poured it into the porridge, and when I tried it a little, my eyes immediately popped into my forehead and my breathing stopped ”...

    slide 24

    “I took a plate, quickly ran to the window and threw the porridge out into the street.”

    Slide 25

    “Excuse me, please,” she said quietly, “let me clean you up, come here!”

    slide 26

    “And some uncle came to us. As I looked at him, I immediately realized that I would not go to the Kremlin.”

    Slide 27

    “Well, still… I don’t know anything more beautiful than the Kremlin. I was there in the Palace of Facets and in the Armory, I stood near the Tsar Cannon and I know where Ivan the Terrible was sitting.

    Slide 28

    Practical work

    Determine the sequence of actions taking place in the text, placing them in order.

    • “I can’t see semolina porridge!”

    check yourself

    Slide 29

    Consolidation of the studied material

    The problem of the relationship between children and parents, the upbringing of children.

    slide 30

    Where in the story would you place each proverb?

    • The game does not lead to good.
    • A meek word of anger conquers.
    • First think, then do.
  • Slide 31


    • It was interesting…
    • I understand that…
    • I was surprised...
    • I concluded that...
    • I wanted…
  • slide 32


    • Retelling the story according to the plan.
    • Optional:
  • Slide 33

    “A young person needs all vitamins, including all moral vitamins. Vitamins of kindness, nobility, honesty, decency, courage. All these vitamins were given generously and talentedly to our children by Victor Dragunsky.

    Read Dragunsky's stories and get moral vitamins!

    poet Yakov Akim, close friend of Dragunsky

    slide 34

    Slide 35

    Used Books

    Abramov N. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. 7th ed., stereotype. - Moscow: Russian dictionaries, 1999.

    slide 36

    Internet sources:

    Slide 37

    Slide 38

    View all slides


    Bolvina Irina Vladimirovna

    Reconstruction of the sequence of events in the story.

    Lesson objectives:

    I. Educational:

    II. Developing:

    III. Educators:

    During the classes

    Organizing time

    Students: They will stop walking.

    • Read with your eyes;
    • Read slowly aloud;
    • Read with an affirmative intonation;
    • Read expressively;

    "Let's repeat" (4 slide)

    1. Teacher's story (slide 7)

    Victor started working early to provide for his livelihood.

    But after all, the audience laughs not only at the funny appearance of the clowns, but also at what they do in the arena, and above all at what they say.

    2. Teacher: (15 slide)

    You can't hide the truth.

    "We want to know" (16 slide)

    How will the story end?

    What does "secret" mean?

    Slander - what does it mean?

    I. Primary reading of the story.

    Did you like the story?

    Physical education minute

    (children's statements)

    “I can’t see semolina porridge!”

    “You are pouring various muck out the window!”

    "Do you remember this for the rest of your life?"

    "You have to eat everything to the bottom!"

    "And I was left alone with the porridge."

    Cook porridge, and even put it in your mouth.

    A meek word of anger conquers.

    First think, then do.

    You can't hold back the wind, you can't hide the truth.

    After rain, the sun burns, after lies, shame.

    VIII. Summary of the lesson.

    Reflection. (31 slides)

    It was interesting…

    I understand that…

    I was surprised...

    I concluded that...

    I wanted…

    Retelling the story according to the plan.


    Draw an illustration for any passage you like.

    Thank you for the lesson. (34 slide)

    1. Kutyavina S.V., Gostimskaya E.S., Baikova M.I. Lesson developments in literary reading: Grade 2. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: VAKO, 2007. - 288s.
    2. Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.
    3. Yatsenko I.F. Lesson developments in extracurricular reading: Grade 2. - M.: VAKO, 2007

    Literary reading lesson, Grade 2, "School of Russia"

    Subject: V.Yu. Dragoon. "The secret becomes clear." Reconstruction of the sequence of events in the story.

    Bolvina Irina Vladimirovna

    Primary school teacher MAOU Borovskaya secondary school No. 1 of the Tyumen district, Tyumen region

    Methodological development of a literary reading lesson

    Lesson topic: V.Yu. Dragoon. "The secret becomes clear."

    Reconstruction of the sequence of events in the story.

    The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with the ideological meaning of V. Dragunsky's story "The Secret Becomes Clear"; to analyze this work; restore the sequence of events in the story.

    Lesson objectives:

    I. Educational:

    1. To acquaint children with the story of V. Dragunsky “The Secret Becomes Clear”, its ideological, semantic and artistic content;
    2. Continue work on improving reading skills: correctness, fluency, consciousness, expressiveness;
    3. To form reading skills in children when working with text;
    4. To form the ability to logically and reasonably express their thoughts during oral speech.

    II. Developing:

    1. Develop the ability to analyze the actions of heroes, predict the text;
    2. Develop memory, figurative and logical thinking, speech, creativity;
    3. Develop the vocabulary of students, expand the horizons of children.

    III. Educators:

    1. Education of norms of morality and morality through the adoption of the ideological load of a work of art;
    2. Raising interest in the world of children's fiction and the life of talented people;
    3. Education of perseverance, mutual respect, mutual assistance;
    4. The development of the ability to work together, in concert with classmates.

    Equipment: computer; presentation; portrait of the writer; illustrations for works; books by V. Dragunsky; Dictionary; emoticons; textbook literary reading grade 2, L.F. Klimanov; quote cards.

    Type of lesson: learning new material.

    During the classes

    Organizing time

    Teacher: Dear children, greetings! Let's start the lesson of literary reading. And so that the lesson goes to everyone for the future - actively get involved in the work, my friend!

    "Five Minute" - reading the home library.

    Teacher: This morning I woke up very early, and this old alarm clock woke me up. You know, he's been around for years, but he's never let me down. The clock is accurate and correct. They are made up of details.

    And what happens if you remove even one detail? (2 slide)

    Students: They will stop walking.

    Teacher: Absolutely right. So your knowledge is made up of small details. With each new lesson you learn more and more, and the learning process will not stop as long as you have the desire to learn. I see a lot of smiles and I am sure that we will succeed.

    • The epigraph of our lesson will be the words of the Spanish writer Cervantes "Truth always rises over lies, like oil over water." (3 slide)
    • Read with your eyes;
    • Read slowly aloud;
    • Read with an affirmative intonation;
    • Read expressively;
    • How do you understand the meaning of this statement? (discussion of the statement)

    II. Updating of basic knowledge

    "Let's repeat" (4 slide)

    Teacher: Do you remember the name of the section we are studying? (The title “Joking and Seriously” appears on the slide).

    Teacher: Guys, why couldn’t you name what work this illustration is from? (children express opinions)

    Teacher: Would you like to get acquainted with the new work and its author?

    III. Preparation for learning new material (slide 6)

    Teacher: Find non-repeating letters and add the writer's last name from them.

    Teacher: What is your last name? (Dragoon)

    Teacher: Who heard the name of this writer and read his works?

    What Dragunsky writes: poems, fairy tales, fables, stories.

    What stories have you already read? (children call)

    IV. Learning new material.

    1. Teacher's story (slide 7)

    Victor Dragunsky was born in New York, in a family of emigrants from Russia. Soon the parents returned to their homeland and settled in Gomel. During the war, Victor's father died of typhus. In 1925 the family moved to Moscow.

    Victor started working early to provide for his livelihood.

    At the age of 16, he already worked as a turner, then as a saddler, he was even a boatman, he rode people on a boat along the Moscow River near the Neskuchny Garden. (8 slide)

    But more than anything else, Victor was attracted by the theater, the circus, the stage, the opportunity to amuse, delight people.

    He organized small theater groups. The artists in them sang, danced, played skits.

    Viktor Dragunsky admitted that, watching the audience, especially children, enjoy clowns, he most of all wanted to be a clown. (10 slide)

    But after all, the audience laughs not only at the funny appearance of the clowns, but also at what they do in the arena, and above all at what they say.

    The most important thing is to come up with fun and smart text for clowns. This is what Viktor Dragunsky was doing. He wrote reprises (the so-called text for clowns), pop scenes, songs. (11 slide)

    In children's literature, Dragunsky is known as the author of a series of wonderful works under the general title "Deniska's Stories".

    The main character of all stories is a boy named Deniska. By the way, the son of Dragunsky is also called Deniska. (12 slide)

    Viktor Dragunsky was nearly fifty when his books for children began to appear. (13 slide)

    All the stories are different: we laugh at some to tears, we think about others, we are sad ... (“The girl on the ball”, “He is alive and glowing”, “Childhood friend”, “What I love”, “Enchanted letter”). (14 slide)

    Teacher: What kind of person was V. Dragunsky? (children express opinions) (cheerful, kind, loved children, understood their problems).

    2. Teacher: (15 slide)

    Guys, find the key to the puzzle, and you will find out the name of the story that we will meet today.

    Make a proverb from the words: you can’t hide it in a bag in an awl. (Murder will out).

    Teacher: Right. And who can explain the meaning of this proverb.

    (children express their opinions)

    It is impossible to hide what reveals itself, betrays itself.

    You can't hide the truth.

    Be sure that what you are trying to hide will become apparent.

    Teacher: The story with which we will get acquainted is called "The Secret Becomes Clear."

    I think that you have a desire to read this work.

    Teacher: What would you like to know?

    "We want to know" (16 slide)

    What can be discussed in this work, judging by the title?

    What does it mean that the secret becomes clear?

    How will the story end?

    Teacher: But first, let's look at some of the words that will occur in this story.

    (first, the children express their opinions, then we turn to the dictionary)

    What dictionary do you need to open to find out the meaning of words? (Dictionary)

    How to use it? (Find the meaning of a word by the first letter. The words in the dictionary are in alphabetical order.)

    3. Vocabulary work. (17 slide)

    What is a secret? (children express opinions)

    1. Something hidden from others, not known to everyone;

    2. something unsolved, not yet known;

    3. hidden reason for something;

    Name a synonym for the word secret (secret).

    What does "secret" mean?

    Secret - secret, secret, hidden, hidden.

    Explicit? - Open, frank.

    Read the expression "The Faceted Chamber." (18 slide).

    Teacher: Who knows what it is?

    (An architectural monument in the Moscow Kremlin, one of the oldest civil buildings in Moscow. Over the centuries, many major events in the life of the Russian state were celebrated in the Palace of the Facets, it was the main throne room. Foreign ambassadors were received in it, the heirs of the Russian throne were solemnly announced, Zemsky Sobors met ).

    Teacher: How do you think up what kind of person is called intelligent? Pupils: express their opinion.

    Teacher: Let's read the meaning of this expression, as it is given in the explanatory dictionary.

    (This is a person with a great internal culture).

    Slander - what does it mean?

    (Defamatory information or dissemination of deliberately false information that discredits the honor and dignity of another person or undermines his reputation).

    Teacher: Find synonyms for this word.

    (Lies, lies, fiction, slander).

    What does the word caustic mean?

    (Aspiring to annoy, maliciously mocking).

    V. Initial acquaintance with the text.

    I. Primary reading of the story.

    1. Reading to the words: “What does it mean, mom:“ The secret becomes clear ”?

    Teacher: How would you answer this question?

    2. Secondary stop after the words: “And mom went to the kitchen. And I was left alone with the porridge.

    Teacher: What do you think might happen next?

    3. The third stop after the words: "At the same moment the door opened and a policeman entered the room."

    Teacher: Guess what might happen next?

    4. Reading the story to the end.

    II. Checking the initial perception.

    Did you like the story?

    Did your opinions match before and after reading the story?

    What words express the main idea of ​​the story?

    Which part of the story did you find the most fun? unexpected?

    Do you sympathize with any of the characters in the story? Why?

    Physical education minute

    VI. Analysis of a literary work.

    1. Working with text. Re-reading the story aloud in parts, a conversation after reading each part. (20 slide)

    Teacher: What did Denis once hear from his mother, and how did his mother explain her words? ("The secret becomes clear")

    Teacher: How did mom persuade Deniska to eat porridge? What did she offer him? (Mom suggested Deniska go to the Kremlin).

    Teacher: What did Deniska experience when he experimented with porridge? (feelings of resentment, annoyance)

    Teacher: Is it true that Deniska “lost consciousness” and therefore threw out the porridge on the street? Why does the author use this expression?

    (children's statements)

    2. Reading - intelligence (21 slides)

    Guys, you will be "scouts". Scouts work in complete silence and always get some valuable information. After returning from reconnaissance, you will have to say what Deniska did to make the porridge tastier? (slapped with a spoon; salted; sprinkled with sugar; added boiling water; poured the whole jar of horseradish into the porridge).

    3. Selective reading. (22 slide)

    Teacher: Read what did the uncle look like?

    (This uncle had a hat on his head. And on the hat is our porridge. It lay almost in the middle of the hat, in the dimple, and a little along the edges, where the ribbon is, and a little behind the collar, and on the shoulders, and on the left leg).

    By what sign did Denis understand that his mother was very angry?

    (Mom looked at me, and her eyes turned green, like gooseberries, and this is a sure sign that mom was terribly angry).

    (Most importantly, I'm going to take pictures ... And suddenly such a story ... Porridge ... mm ... semolina ...)

    (Here my mother looked at me, and her eyes turned green, like gooseberries, and this is a sure sign that mother was terribly angry).

    4. What fragment did the artist illustrate? (23 slide)

    - (And then I remembered that we have horseradish. It seems that almost everything can be eaten with horseradish! I took the whole jar and poured it into the porridge, and when I tried it a little, my eyes immediately popped into my forehead and my breathing stopped ...).

    - (I took a plate, quickly ran to the window and threw the porridge out into the street) (24 slide)

    - (“Excuse me, please,” she said quietly, “let me clean you up, come here!”) (25 slide)

    - (And some uncle came in. As I looked at him, I immediately realized that I would not go to the Kremlin). (26 slide)

    - (Well, still ... I don’t know anything more beautiful than the Kremlin. I was there in the Faceted Chamber and in the Armory, I stood near the Tsar Cannon and I know where Ivan the Terrible was sitting). (27 slide)

    5. Practical work (28 slide)

    Teacher: Let's make a quotation plan for this story. You have sheets of paper with quotations from the text on your tables.

    Determine the sequence of actions taking place in the text, placing them in order.

    3 2 5 4 1Write the appropriate numbers in the circles.

    “I can’t see semolina porridge!”

    “You are pouring various muck out the window!”

    "Do you remember this for the rest of your life?"

    "You have to eat everything to the bottom!"

    "And I was left alone with the porridge."

    Teacher: Check the correctness of the assignment on the slide.

    VII. Consolidation of the studied material.

    Teacher: Guys, what kind of person do you think will grow out of Deniska? What is Denis?

    (Cheerful, mischievous, inventor, attentive to the words of his mother, honest, knows how to admit his guilt).

    Teacher: What made the hero of the story remember the words in the title of the story for the rest of his life?

    (the problem of the relationship between children and parents, the upbringing of children).

    Teacher: Did you have a similar situation when "the secret becomes clear"?

    Teacher: Where in the story would you place each proverb?

    The game does not lead to good. (30 slide)

    Cook porridge, and even put it in your mouth.

    A meek word of anger conquers.

    First think, then do.

    You can't hold back the wind, you can't hide the truth.

    After rain, the sun burns, after lies, shame.

    VIII. Summary of the lesson.

    Teacher: What genre does the work belong to? (humorous story)

    What human qualities makes you think about the story of V. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"?

    What do you think his stories teach? (Kindness, courtesy, friendship).

    What lesson have you learned for yourself?

    What did you like the most?

    Reflection. (31 slides)

    Teacher: Complete one of the sentences:

    It was interesting…

    I understand that…

    I was surprised...

    I concluded that...

    I wanted…

    X. Homework: (Slide 32)

    Retelling the story according to the plan.


    Draw an illustration for any passage you like.

    Teacher: The poet Yakov Akim, a close friend of Dragunsky, once said: “A young person needs all vitamins, including all moral vitamins. Vitamins of kindness, nobility, honesty, decency, courage. All these vitamins were generously and talentedly presented to our children by V. Dragunsky.” Read Dragunsky's stories and get moral vitamins. (33 slide)

    Thank you for the lesson. (34 slide)

    Used literature (35 slide)

    1. Abramov N. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. 7th ed., stereotype. - Moscow: Russian dictionaries, 1999.
    2. Kutyavina S.V., Gostimskaya E.S., Baikova M.I. Lesson developments in literary reading: Grade 2. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: VAKO, 2007. - 288s.
    3. Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.
    4. Yatsenko I.F. Lesson developments in extracurricular reading: Grade 2. - M.: VAKO, 2007
    Download abstract

    Synopsis of an open lesson on literary reading in grade 2

    EMC "School of Russia"

    Topic: “Initial acquaintance with the work of V.Yu. Dragunsky

    "The secret becomes clear"

    Lesson Objectives:

    Introduce children to the work of V.Yu. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"

    Improve expressive reading skills, text comprehension techniques, enrich active vocabulary

    Develop fluent reading skills

    Formation of moral qualities of students on the example of a work of art by V. Dragunsky.

    Equipment: presentation for a lesson, an exhibition of books, a computer, a projector, a screen, a test on sheets.

    I.Org. Moment(slide)

    Here comes the bell

    Let's start our lesson

    Desk is not a bed

    And you can't lie on it

    You sit at your desk harmoniously

    And behave with dignity.

    II. Warm up.

    We start the reading lesson with a warm-up.

    Look at the screen: in front of you is a quatrain (slide)

    Vanya decided to eat a plum,

    And what he did - withheld.

    The father found out about it.

    Vanya's act became clear.

    Read the quatrain in a buzzing way

    read the quatrain interrogatively

    Read the quatrain compassionately

    Read it quickly

    III. Outcome.

    - Guys, think about why we read the same quatrain in different ways and intonations?

    Such exercises develop reading speed, reading should be expressive, and sometimes you need to read pitifully, other times irritably or inquiringly. It all depends on how you feel about it, how you perceive it.

    Did you recognize the hero?

    How do you understand the words "became clear"? (everyone knew)

    Read the statement written on the board. :

    The secret becomes clear (slide)

    How do you understand the meaning of these words?

    IV. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Look very carefully at the board and try to find non-repeating letters. (slide), name these letters (slide)

    What is your last name?

    (Dragoon) appears (slide) with his photo and biography.

    Quite right, today we will talk about the writer Viktor Dragunsky.

    The teacher reads the biography (slide)

    Victor Dragunsky was born on November 17, 1913 in America, where his parents were educated. After the birth of their son, they returned to Russia. Having lost his father early, from the age of 16 he began an independent life: he worked as an actor in cinema and theater, was a circus clown. He wrote several stories, many humorous stories, but his main book is Deniska's Stories. These are cheerful and cheerful stories about city boys: Denis and his friends. An example of the protagonist of these stories was the son of Dragunsky - Denis, and in the image of the pope it is easy to recognize the writer himself .

    - look look at the exhibition of his books. This is only a small part of his works.

    Who do you think Viktor Dragunsky wrote about and for?

    (about children and for children)

    Who is interested in his genre, then welcome to the school library to Olga Gennadievna.

    V. Outcome.

    - So what kind of person was Viktor Dragunsky?

    (he was a cheerful person and loved children very much)

    What is the name of his main book? (Slide)

    (Deniskin stories)

    Quite right, so he devoted many of his works to children.

    And today in the lesson we will get acquainted with one of his works.

    Vl. Read the title of the work (slide)

    (1 student reads)

    V. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"

    Before you start reading the work, let's analyze the words that you will meet.

    VIll. Vocabulary: (look at the screen)

    First word - " Faceted Chamber" - This (slide)

    An architectural monument in the Moscow Kremlin, one of the oldest civil buildings in Moscow. Over the centuries, many major events in the life of the Russian state were celebrated in the Faceted Chamber, it was the main throne room. It received foreign ambassadors, solemnly announced the heirs of the Russian throne.

    What do you think the person is called intelligent? Listen to the meaning of this expression, as it is given in the explanatory dictionary . (Slide)

    This is a person with a great internal culture, that is, a person with education and special knowledge in various fields of science, technology and culture.

    next word slander– what does it mean? ( Slide)

    Discrediting information or dissemination of deliberately false information that discredits the honor and dignity of another person or undermines his reputation.

    Choose synonyms for this word.

    What words do we call synonyms?

    Lies, lies, fiction, slander.

    And the last word caustic y - what does that mean? (Slide)

    Viciously mocking, seeking to annoy

    Let's choose synonyms:

    angry, offensive, sharp, poisonous, caustic.

    VIl. Fizminutka (slide)

    Are you tired?

    Well, then everyone stood up together.

    (Repeat after me)

    And now everyone sat down together.

    We close our eyes tightly

    We count up to 5 together.

    We open, we blink

    And we continue to work.

    XLX. Introduction to the text.

    Opened textbooks on page 161

    We took pointers and follow my reading.

    Reading the story aloud by the teacher, all the children follow, to the words: “And I was left alone with porridge”

    Reading to the words: "At that time, mom came in."

    Do you think mom guessed that Deniska poured out the porridge?

    Did you like the work?

    What did you like?

    What is the genre of this work? (genre - humorous story) slide

    XX. Test. (slide) A now let's check if you listened carefully to the story. Work in pairs. Alyosha with Petya. Yura with Sasha. Read and choose the correct answer, then check.

    1. What is the name of the main character?


    2. Where did mom want to take Deniska?

    To the Mausoleum

    To the Chamber of Facets

    3. What kind of porridge was offered for breakfast?



    4. What did Deniska do with the porridge?

    Threw it out the window

    Gave it to the dog.

    5. Where did the citizen go when the porridge fell on his hat?

    To the store for shopping

    To the theater for a performance

    Be photographed.

    6. How did mom react to Deniska's act?


    started crying

    Terribly angry.

    7. What conclusion did Deniska draw from this case?

    I will still go to the Kremlin!

    The secret always becomes clear.

    I'll spend the whole evening in the corner.

    Well done! Remember the content of the text well.

    XXI. Pair work.

    On page 167, find question #3 and discuss it with your desk mate. I give you 1 minute.

    Which couple is ready?

    Well done! Completed the task.

    XXII. Outcome.

    What book did we read in class?

    What lesson did you learn from this work?

    XXlll. House. exercise.

    XXIV. Reflection.

    Continue the phrases: (Slide)

    - In this lesson, I would commend myself for ...

    - It was difficult for me ...

    - After the lesson, I wanted to ...

    Now evaluate your work in class today. If you think that you did a great job, take a green emoticon. If you think that you did a good job, take a yellow smiley, and if you think that you could have done better, but didn’t succeed today, take a red smiley (slide)

    - Thank you for today's lesson. Estimates.

    Marina Menshchikova
    Synopsis of the GCD in the group preparatory to school "Introduction to the story of V. Dragunsky" The secret becomes clear "

    Synopsis of directly educational activities in the group preparatory to school “Acquaintance with the story of V. Dragunsky “The Secret Becomes Clear”.

    Subject:“Acquaintance with the story of V. Dragunsky “The Secret Becomes Clear”.

    Target: to acquaint children with the ideological meaning of V. Dragunsky's story "The Secret Becomes Clear."


    Formation of the ability to listen carefully to the story, determine its genre and parts.

    Improving the ability to understand the morality and idea of ​​the work, to see the connection between the title of the text and its content.

    Development of the ability to analyze the actions of heroes, expand the vocabulary of children.

    Exercise in the ability to compose short stories and fairy tales according to proverbs, comprehend the figurative content and generalized meaning of proverbs and sayings.

    Education of positive character traits: morality and honesty.

    Set to work.

    - Good morning, guys. Turn to each other, look into each other's eyes, smile at each other, wish a good working mood. Now look at me. I also wish you to work together, learn something new, interesting.

    Reading and analysis of the poem.

    - Listen to a short poem.

    Petya broke the vase

    And what he did - withheld.

    Papa knew it all

    Petya's act became clear.

    - What did Petya do?

    Why did Petya want to hide this from his parents?

    Did the boy do the right thing?

    Who knew about the boy's act?

    - Guys, probably, with each of you sometime, there was such a case when you wanted to hide something from your parents, but then they found out about it anyway. Recall and tell about such a case.

    - A similar story happened to the hero of the work of Viktor Dragunsky.

    Acquaintance with the biography of V. Yu. Dragunsky.

    Victor Dragunsky was born on November 17, 1913 in America, where his parents were educated. After the birth of their son, they returned to Russia. Having lost his father early, he began an independent life at the age of 16: he worked as an actor in cinema and theater, was a circus clown. Wrote several stories, many humorous stories. When Viktor Dragunsky had a son, Denis, all sorts of funny stories began to happen to him. Dragunsky began to write down these stories, and the result was "Deniska's stories."

    These are cheerful and cheerful stories about city boys: Denis and his friends. An example of the protagonist of these stories was the son of Dragunsky - Denis, and in the image of the pope it is easy to recognize the writer himself. Viktor Dragunsky especially loved to perform in front of children. For him there was no greater pleasure than to follow the little spectators.

    (Showing a portrait of the writer).

    Reading the story by the educator, work on the language and content of the work.

    - Listen to the work of V. Dragunsky and get ready to answer my questions after reading.

    - Did you like this piece?

    - What did you like?

    What is a story, a fairy tale or a poem?

    Why do you think this is a story?

    - Guys, what is the secret?

    (This is something that is hidden from others, something unsolved, obscure, a hidden reason or deed).

    What does the word explicit mean?

    - How do you understand the expression "the secret becomes clear"?

    – How did Denis become convinced of the truth of this proverb?

    - What can be said about Deniskin's act?

    - Accidental deception or intentional, it still becomes known.

    - Why do you think mom didn't punish Deniska?

    How can I say briefly what this story is about?

    - What would you call it?

    The writer Viktor Dragunsky called this story "The Secret Becomes Clear."

    Did you notice that the story says the same thing as the title itself?

    What does the expression "The secret becomes clear" mean? Under what circumstances can this be said?

    Dynamic pause.

    Children perform dance exercises to the song of M. Tanich, V. Shainsky "In secret around the world."

    Making a story plan.

    How many parts does each story have?

    - What are these parts?

    Every story has three parts - a beginning, a middle and an end.

    - Remember how the story “The Secret Becomes Revealed” begins, select the desired picture. (Three illustrations are offered for the story). What is the name of this part?

    What is the second part about? What is the name of this part? Which illustration matches it?

    How did the story about the boy and his secret end? What is the title of the third part of the story?

    How do you think the story could have ended if the boy's secret had not been revealed?

    - What similar story by Nikolai Nosov did we read? (Lollipop)

    – There is a similar proverb “You can’t hide an awl in a bag”

    How do you understand this proverb?

    Repeat both proverbs that we met today. With these proverbs, come up with your own story or fairy tale, your own little story.

    The teacher listens to the children's stories.

    The game "Piece".

    “Today I have prepared a surprise for you, a little secret. To find out what is in this bundle, you must open it.

    The teacher takes out a bundle made of several layers of paper. Inside this bundle is a surprise - small pictures. To the music, the children pass the bundle to each other in a circle. When the music is turned off, the bundle stops. The player who has it in his hands unfolds it. As soon as the music starts, the child passes the bundle with a surprise further around the circle.

    – This small gift to you for your diligence, initiative, activity.


    – What did we do today?

    - What was your mood like?

    - Why?

    – What did you like more?

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    Lesson Objectives:

    1. To acquaint with the work of V. Dragunsky
    2. Learn to identify a topic
    3. Teach expressive reading by roles
    4. Develop thinking, memory, the ability to convey the content of the work
    5. Cultivate kindness, the ability to empathize
    6. Develop imagination through the ability to justify your point of view

    Equipment: a portrait of V. Dragunsky, a dictionary of synonyms, a speech about the collection "Deniska's stories", an exhibition of books by V. Dragunsky, a book to read "In one happy childhood" (R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva)

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    II. Goal setting.

    "The secret becomes clear"

    Read the title of the lesson

    When do they say that to children? (When a small child did something bad and did not tell adults about it)

    Who wrote the story with that title? (V. Dragunsky)

    About whom and for whom did V. Dragunsky write these stories? (books from the exhibition are considered)

    The story about the collection "Deniska's stories" (a trained student says)

    Since 1959, Dragunsky has been writing funny stories about Denis Korablev under the general title "Deniska's Stories", based on which the films "The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablev" (1979) are released. "and" Spyglass "(1973). Most of all, the children's "Deniska's stories" are known to the Soviet reader and are popular. In the 1960s, books from the Deniska Stories series were published in large numbers. In them, he portrayed his son, showing him as naive, simple-hearted, romantic, at the same time he respects his son, admires his kind, generous soul, selfless deeds.

    III. Work with the story of V. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"

    1. Before reading.

    What is your favorite work of V. Dragunsky

    Tell me who is the main character?

    What genre does this piece belong to?

    Read the title of the piece. What synonym can replace the word explicit?

    Working with illustration

    How do you see the hero in the illustration, what happened?

    2. Reading a story about yourself.

    Do you recognize yourself and your friends in Denisk?

    What is the humor of the situation?

    How did Deniska "improve" the taste of porridge? What made you laugh?

    3. Drawing up a citation plan.

    "I can't see semolina"

    "You have to eat everything to the end!"

    “And I was left alone with porridge”

    “You are pouring various muck out the window!”

    "Do you remember this for the rest of your life?"

    4. Reading the story aloud in parts of the quotation plan.

    What do we learn about Denis?

    What trick did he come up with to eat the egg?

    Why did mom make her son eat porridge?

    What did Deniska experience when he "improved" the taste of porridge?

    What did Deniska experience when he threw out the porridge on the street? What expression is the author using?

    What did mom feel when she saw the empty plate?

    How did Denis feel when he saw the policeman and the victim?

    Why do you find it funny when you read the victim's story?

    Did Deniska know his mother well?

    Why was Deniska afraid to look into his mother's eyes?

    Do you condemn Deniska?

    questions for the entire story.

    What can you say about Denis from the story?

    What is the relationship between Deniska and her mother?

    What is interesting about the story of V. Dragunsky? (the work contains humor)

    IV. Consolidation of what has been learned. Working with a dictionary of synonyms.

    There was an expression in the text, “shredded the egg”, how do you understand this expression? Find synonyms for words

    Shredded (egg), thumped, got along, burst (circle), barked (dog), splash.

    Why do kids say that? (small children do not know how to express their thoughts)

    V. Summary of the lesson.

    For what purpose did V. Dragunsky write this work?

    VI. Homework.

    Expressive reading.

    Divide the text into parts, title them.

    Pick up the proverbs corresponding to the parts.


    1. Abramov N. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. 8 edition. - M.2007
    2. Buneeva E.V. Reading lessons on the book "In one happy childhood", methodological recommendations. – M.: 2000.
    3. Yatsenko I.F. Lesson developments in extracurricular reading. - M.: VAKO, 2006.

    In the story "The Secret Becomes Clear" from the collection of V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories", the main character, the boy Denis, was actually convinced of the effectiveness of one common statement. Deniska did not like semolina from early childhood. But this morning, my mother cooked exactly this dish for breakfast.

    When Denis tried to refuse, my mother got angry and demanded that the porridge be eaten. When Deniska told his mother that he was choking on semolina, his mother changed tactics. She asked her son if he wanted to go to the Kremlin today? Denis loved to visit the Kremlin, and he gladly agreed to his mother's proposal.

    But the cunning mother said that they would go to the Kremlin only after Denis had eaten all the semolina. There was nothing to do and the boy had to take up the spoon. To make the porridge tastier, he first tried salting it. It did not help. Then Denis added sugar to the porridge, which did not make the porridge tastier. Then he decided that if the porridge is diluted with water, it will become liquid and you can just drink it in one gulp. But the porridge, diluted with boiling water, did not want to be swallowed. Out of desperation, Denis threw a whole jar of horseradish into the porridge and tried what happened. And then his eyes even popped into his forehead, so porridge became spicy.

    Without hesitation, Deniska grabbed a plate, ran to the window and sent the contents of the plate to the street. As soon as he sat down at the table, his mother returned to the kitchen and began to praise him for the porridge he had eaten.

    And at that moment a policeman entered the room and began to scold my mother. At first, my mother did not understand what the policeman was dissatisfied with, but a man in a hat entered the room and the reason for the policeman's discontent became clear - all the hat and part of the man's clothes were in porridge. Mom suggested that the man clean his clothes and hat, and all the adults left the room. When my mother returned, Denis understood from her look that they would not go to the Kremlin today. Then he remembered how his mother yesterday said a phrase incomprehensible to him: "The secret always becomes clear." At that moment, Deniska understood the meaning of this phrase. He guiltily told his mother that yesterday she was right in saying such words, and then confirmed to his mother that he remembered this truth forever.

    This is the summary of the story.

    The main idea of ​​the story "The Secret Becomes Clear" is that you should not do things for which you can later be ashamed. It will not work to keep unseemly actions secret - sooner or later the truth will come out. The story teaches to obey parents and be honest in all matters.

    In the story, I liked the main character, Deniska. He honestly tried to eat porridge that was unpleasant for him, using all the means at hand for this, but it turned out that it got even worse. When an outsider was injured as a result of his actions, Denis immediately realized that he had done wrong, and his mother was convinced that her son would never do this again.

    What proverbs fit the story of V. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"?

    Think first, then do.
    You can't hide an awl in a bag.
    Lies won't get you far.
    If you want to be good later, do the right thing now.

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