Monument to Stalin: photo and description. A new monument to Stalin Is there a monument to Stalin


And today will be a completely different topic. As you know, Stalin was the only leader of the USSR to whom monuments were erected during his lifetime. And literally in every city. Somewhere they were rather modest typical sculptures, and somewhere they were truly monumental works that for a long time became part of the image of the city. Thousands of tons of granite, the work of an army of builders and the best sculptors. Almost all of this was swept away overnight immediately after the XXII Congress of the CPSU, held in October 1961.
Now only local historians can remember where the formidable figure of the leader once stood in their city.
Let's remember too. Add information and photos about your city.

In the center stood a rather modest sculpture opposite the entrance to the Tretyakov Gallery (photo by Lawrence Monthey, 1959):

The monument, erected in 1939, after being dismantled, was moved to the courtyard of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

There was another monument in the capital.

Moscow Stalin Monument on Mechanization Square (1939):



Balashov. Monument to Stalin in Kuibyshev park

Vilnius. Monument to Stalin at the station square

Vladimir. Cathedral Square

Burn. In Stalin's small homeland, a monument to him lasted until June 25, 2010:

Grozny. Monument to Stalin, corner of Ordzhonikidze Ave. and st. Cr. front-line soldiers. Demolished in 1957



Kaliningrad. View of the street Zhitomirskaya and the square, equipped between it and the street. Theater after the transfer to this place from the Victory Square of the monument to I.V. Stalin of the work of E. V. Vuchetich:

Now Mother Russia stands there:

Kyiv. Monument to Stalin on the square. Stalin (European) in the late 1930s:

Kislovodsk, 1954

Leningrad, Baltic Station

Makhachkala. Square them. Stalin (now Lenin). 1940s

Minsk, Central Square 1960

Minsk, Central Square 1961

Novorossiysk. Monument to I.V. Stalin near the cinema "Moscow"

Omsk, 1959


Rostov-on-Don 1955

Sevastopol, railway railway station

Simferopol. Station Square, 1960-61

Smolensk, 1963

Sochi. Monument to Stalin near the Sochi circus on Kurortny Prospekt

Stavropol, 1955

Stalingrad, at the entrance to the Volga-Don Canal, 1958:

Stalingrad, city center:

Tallinn, 1955

Totma. The monument stood in the Freedom Fighters Park on the site of the current Victory Monument

Chernihiv, Red Square, 1954

MOSCOW, September 21 - RIA Novosti, Victoria Salnikova. Recently, busts of Stalin appeared in several Russian cities at once. RIA Novosti found out who puts them and why.

Victims of repression

Social activists in Surgut arbitrarily installed a bust of StalinThey declared that they were ready for trial if the monument was found to have been installed illegally. The bust was installed on the Ob embankment, about 50 people took part in the installation, including veterans.

Surgut. Embankment of the Ob River. Last week, activists erected a bust of Joseph Stalin here. A gold plaque affixed to the monument reads in italics: "After death, a lot of rubbish will be placed on my grave, but the wind of history will dispel it." The monument stands only a few days, but it has already split the city of 350,000 into two camps. Some demand that it be demolished immediately, while others are ready to defend "Stalin's" right to life in court. True, the latter will have to try: the activists were in such a hurry to install the bust that they did not wait for the permission of the city administration.

Despite the illegal status of the monument, carnations are brought to it. They are the same color as the paint with which the ill-wishers are smearing the bust for the second time - red. Symbolism, which is difficult to ignore. If you stand with your back to the Ob River and look a little higher, you can see the place where another monument should appear - to the victims of political repression. This is indicated by a discreet sign. The place was not chosen by chance: here was the village of Black Cape, which was founded by peasants exiled to the Far North.

Denis Khanzhin, the initiator of the installation of the bust of Stalin, the leader of the Russian Spirit public organization, is sure that they have chosen the right place for it. From here, during the Great Patriotic War, residents of Surgut went to the front. To my question about the monument to the victims of political repression, he replies that he did not know about the plans.

“It is located more than a hundred meters away. This sign has been standing for many years, we didn’t even notice it. They still can’t collect six million. Although in 2012 they were allocated a budget million. We generally doubt that this monument will ever appears," he said.

The monument to the victims of repression was not erected for a banal reason - there is no money. Pavel Akimov, a descendant of the repressed peasants, said that they really received a grant, but this amount is not enough. “We believed that the city administration should erect a monument, but they pleaded a lack of funds. We have to do it on our own, and we are all pensioners. anniversary of terror," he said.

Denis believes that the problem around the monument to the repressed is "inflated" by the liberal-minded public. According to him, there are "many of them" in Surgut. "The repressed were convicted under articles. Naturally, there were innocent victims. We sympathize with these people. There should be a monument, but don't inflate it! 40 million ( According to the human rights organization Memorial, from 11 to 39 million people became victims of repression during the Soviet period, - ed.)! Who would work in the country if 40 million were imprisoned or shot!” he said.

The bust of Stalin erected in Surgut was doused with paint for the second timeDenis Khanzhin, a member of the initiative group for the installation of the monument, announced the publication of a petition to recognize the bust of Joseph Stalin as an object of Russia's cultural heritage.

Denis added that Joseph Stalin himself became a victim of political repression - in the Khrushchev era. But Pyotr Akimov is unlikely to agree with him, just like the descendants of the repressed who still live in Surgut - this is about a thousand people. The local university also spoke out against the installation of a bust of Stalin, so the controversy is ongoing at all levels. To my remark that the monument to the General Secretary electrified the atmosphere in the city, Denis replied that the people had long been divided "into the descendants of the winners and losers of the Great Patriotic War." “The losers are people who believe that we lived under the occupation of the Soviet Union, that the enemy government seized the Russian Empire, these are the same Vlasov and Bandera people who, when the Nazis came, immediately took their side. They were very many sent to Siberia. Work for the good of the Motherland," he added.

Now Denis and other activists are seeking legal status for the bust of Stalin. They created a petition on a popular Internet site: they want to recognize it as a cultural heritage. Pyotr Akimov is no less categorical: there should not be a bust in Surgut.

"When I found out about the installation, I immediately called the administration, they told me that it was illegal. There should have been a decision of the public council under the head of the city, the meeting will take place on September 30. There was a commission on toponymy, but it did not determine the place. Installation on municipal land rejected. And then they installed in front of our monument on municipal land without any agreement with the city administration. Eventually it will be demolished," Akimov said.

From Novosibirsk to Kazan

Surgut is not the only city where a monument to Stalin appeared. The bust of the "leader of the peoples" was recently erected by residents of the Sochi village of Plastunka with their own money. Two more can be installed in Kazan and Novosibirsk in the near future. Activists have already submitted projects. As in the case of Surgut, public opinion was divided.

Kazan activists plan to erect a monument in Victory Park on the Walk of Fame. Ravil Garifullin, a member of the initiative group, told RIA Novosti that now they are "overcoming the bureaucratic mechanism." Fundraising has not yet been announced, they want to start with the necessary documents.

"In our opinion, the contribution of Generalissimo Joseph Stalin to the victory over Nazi Germany is undeservedly underestimated. There were almost no citizens who clearly expressed their indignation against the installation of the monument. A couple of people said that they were repressed. But those repressed by law receive a 50 percent discount for everything - both for education and medicine. Do not forget, in that era, citizens were convicted by the court, it was not the lynching of one Stalin. We are talking in fact - the war was won, the merits are forgotten. For information, Stalin is still a Hero of the Soviet Union," he said.

In Novosibirsk, a bust of Stalin can be placed in the square of the Heroes of the Revolution, it is located in the city center. This is a memorial monument, on the territory of which there are mass graves of victims of the Civil War. The initiators are people from the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. According to activist Alexei Denisyuk, the fundraiser is open, in the near future they will order a bust from a sculptor in North Ossetia.

“We have been taking this initiative for a long time, since about 2006. Stalin was twice in Novosibirsk. At one time there were many monuments to him in our city. Although it is believed that Alexander III was the founder of Novosibirsk, he became the largest industrial, cultural and political center during the period of Stalin's leadership of the country. For us, Stalin is the great leader of the Soviet state, who in the shortest possible time was able to create an industry, prepare the country for defense and defeat Nazi Germany, "he said.

The decision to place the bust will be made on September 22 during a meeting of the city's artistic council.

Dmitry Kholyavchenko, a member of the administration of the Novosibirsk Open University, opposes the erection of a bust of Stalin. He created a petition on the Internet site, which has been signed by 760 people out of a thousand required.

“We are counting on the sound position of the artistic council. They should take into account the wishes of not only a small group of the population that wants to dump associations with some, in our opinion, unpleasant events in Russian history into the public space,” he said.

If a positive decision is made, Dmitry promises to initiate rallies and pickets. In his opinion, in Novosibirsk, where the descendants of the repressed live, there should not be a monument to Stalin.

“For many in Novosibirsk, repression is not an abstract problem, but the history of their family. We believe that Novosibirsk has already discredited itself as a city that has a pleasant cultural and ideological environment, if we recall the pressure, for example, on Monstration. This reduces its investment attractiveness We also believe that now is not the time to create unnecessary points of tension within society," Dmitry said.

Soft restalinization

Throughout history, the attitude towards Stalin in Russia has changed many times. During the reign of Nikita Khrushchev, active de-Stalinization was carried out, but under Leonid Brezhnev the leader was rehabilitated. Modern Russia, having gone through the stage of denial of the Soviet past in the 1990s, has now entered the phase of re-Stalinization.

"The Russian government, in terms of positioning and consolidating the population, repeats the political techniques of the Brezhnev period. Under him, the Soviet government built the consolidation of the population around the pivot of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The first Victory Parade took place in 1945, after this event it was not for 20 years - until 1965 year, the first year of Brezhnev's rule. The Russian authorities are copying these practices, and this requires Stalin's personality cult, but, of course, not on the scale it was under Stalin himself," said Pavel Salin, director of the Center for Political Studies at the Financial University.

Salin noted that mass mythology also influences the perception of the figure of Stalin. People quickly forget the bad, remember only the good - this is a feature of the psyche. “The majority of the population did not live in that era and they make an impression of it from the works that form mass mythology - books, films, etc. now it influences with a plus sign. We see that the figure of Stalin in the works of mass culture is covered either neutrally or moderately positively," he added.

On February 22, 2016, on the territory of the branch of the Military Historical Museum-Reserve of the Stalin Line Memorial Complex, on the initiative and financial support of the Russian Military Historical Society, a bust was erected to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the USSR Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

"Stalin Line", was in the 20th century one of the most powerful systems of military and technical fortifications, which are on a par with the French Maginot Line, the German Siegfried Line, the Finnish Mannerheim Line.

Complex "Ostrovsky fortified area" is a fragment of the "Stalin Line" - a system of nodal defensive structures on the "old" (that is, until 1940) border of the USSR, which consisted of fortified areas (UR) from the Karelian Isthmus to the shores of the Black Sea. The complex is a fortification structure of the late 30s in the form of bunkers with field fortifications - trenches, dugouts, various anti-personnel and anti-tank obstacles and barriers, a collection of rare equipment, a memorial military burial, ”the museum website reports.

Today, they are quite careful about the installation of monuments to Stalin, for example, we have Victory Park in Saratov - an open-air museum where they do not dare to erect a monument to him, among our great commanders: Alexander Nevsky, Mikhail Kutuzov, Fyodor Ushakov, Pyotr Nakhimov, Alexander Suvorov, Peter the Great, Dmitry Donskoy, Georgy Zhukov, Konstantin Rokossovsky.

Victory Park in the Great Patriotic War, without the author of the Victory ... At least strange, because. and Zhukov, and even more so Rokossovsky, did not represent Victory without Stalin.
In my opinion, there should be one more bust in this row, both from the point of view of historical truth and from the point of view of the re-Sovietization that is taking place in our country. Supported bust The Russian Military Historical Society is a clear evidence of this. Perhaps this event was given a hidden go-ahead, to repay at its true worth. "For the Motherland, for Stalin" again is not ashamed to pronounce?

Other "voices" sound, Ramzan Kadyrov declared :
« kadyrov_95 Seventy-two years ago, Joseph Stalin deported the Chechen and Ingush peoples. The operation was led by Lavrenty Beria. And may they both be damned forever and ever! Millions of soldiers and officers died on the fronts of the Second World War, and Stalin sent 120 thousand people to reprisal the Chechen people. During the operation, about 800 residents of Chechnya were shot. The loss of the people exceeded 54% of its population. Stalin and Beria also dealt with a dozen other peoples».

I would remind Ramzan that there really is a tragedy of the Chechen and other peoples, as well as the Victory over the absolute shaitans, which was given to the Soviet people with huge bloodshed. If we then lost the Caucasus (historians say that the threat was quite real), it is not known what the outcome of the war would have been. And did the war in the Caucasus end after the Second World War. I urge you to consider not your individual grief, which is, but also the general grief of the entire Soviet Union. Ramzan himself knows that victory and tragedy go hand in hand in war. Defending your Fatherland, what can be sacrificed and where is the measure when everything is at stake? Everything for the front, everything for the Victory!

The figure of Stalin cannot be separated from the Victory, which we honor with the whole country, just as it is impossible to separate it from repressions. But in the end we must agree with our entire multinational country, to be honest, that Stalin is the most complex historical figure, where milestones of history, victorious and tragic, are intertwined. They must be comprehended on the facts and give them an unambiguous assessment. And do away with curses and insane praise.

Russia - 93
Ukraine - 10
Georgia - 35
South Ossetia - 3
Lithuania - 3
Estonia - 2
Azerbaijan - 2
Belarus - 5
Kazakhstan - 3
Tajikistan - 2
Uzbekistan - 2
Czech Republic - 5
China - 3
Netherlands - 3
USA - 2

Monuments to Stalin are also installed in Belgium, Hungary, India, Albania, Mongolia, Germany, Slovakia....

In the post-Soviet period, old and new monuments to Stalin were restored, first of all, in many cities and towns of Georgia (Kutaisi, Zestaponi, Zemo-Alvani, Sighnaghi, Dusheti, Khashuri, Tkibuli and other places), Dagestan (Chokh), North and South Ossetian (Vladikavkaz, Mozdok, Beslan, Chikola, Ardon, Mizur, Digora, Alagir, Zmeyskaya, Nogir, Kadgaron).

In addition to North Ossetia, monuments to Stalin in Russia were erected in public places in Moscow, Vladimir, Sochi, Novocherkassk, Nizhny Novgorod, Atkarsk, Mirny, Chelyabinsk (school-gymnasium No. 2), in the village of Taiginka (Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region), now a monument from Taiginka moved to the city of Satka, Orenburg, Tambov, Chita, Penza, on October Square in the city of Ishim, in Vyritsa (Leningrad region), in the Tyumen region, in the museum of the Skuratovo railway station in the Tula region and other places.

Most of the modern monuments to Stalin in North Ossetia, as well as newly discovered monuments in Orenburg, Penza, p. Sadovoye and Tambov are typical busts cast from concrete according to the model of the Ossetian sculptor M.N. Dzboev.

In the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, there is a bust of Stalin as one of the commanders of the Red Army. The issue of erecting a monument to Stalin on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow was discussed. In 2009, according to the chief architect of Moscow, Alexander Kuzmin, it was planned to return the Stalin monument to the lobby of the Moscow metro station "Kurskaya", but the former mayor of Moscow, Yu. M. Luzhkov, denied this assertion.

In Kaliningrad in 2005, on the stele of the memorial to 1200 guardsmen of the 11th Guards Army who died during the assault on Koenigsberg, the Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" was engraved. with a profile of Stalin.

In the village of Starye Burasy, Saratov Region, two full-length monuments to Lenin and Stalin stand side by side. It is not known whether these are new monuments or preserved from Soviet times.

In the village of Konevo, Arkhangelsk region, near the local substation, a full-length monument to Stalin has been preserved. Most likely, this is not a new monument, but an old one, preserved since the 1950s.

In the early 2000s (in 2001 and 2003) there were several attempts to install a bust of Stalin on the central square of Makhachkala, for which permission was obtained from the city administration, but subsequently it was withdrawn. In 2005, a memorial plaque with a bas-relief of Stalin was installed on one of the buildings located on the Railway Station Square in Makhachkala, in memory of the stay of I.V. Stalin at the Port-Petrovsky railway station in 1920.

In the village of Lashmanka, Cheremshansky district of Tatarstan, there is a full-length monument to Stalin (model of the 1930s).

In the village of Dolina, Ussuriysky District, Primorsky Territory, busts of Lenin and Stalin were erected in a private courtyard called the “Alley of Communism”.

On May 9, 2012, a bust of I.V. Stalin was installed in the center of the village of Novokayakent, Kayakent region of Dagestan.

Outside of Georgia, Russia, South Ossetia, monuments to Stalin have been erected or restored in some places in Belarus (in the cities of Slutsk, Svisloch), Lithuania (in the city of Druskininkai), Azerbaijan (in the villages of Alibeyli, Gakh district and Astrokhanovka, Oguz district), Ukraine, and Albania , the Netherlands (in the cities of Amsterdam, The Hague) and in many cities and towns in China (in the cities of Harbin, Shenyang, Changchun, etc.).

On May 5, 2010, in the Ukrainian Zaporozhye, the communists erected a bust of Stalin on the territory of the headquarters of the regional party committee. This caused a mixed reaction both among the citizens of Zaporozhye and in Ukraine as a whole. The bust was blown up by unknown persons on December 31, 2010. The Communists restored the Stalin monument to the next anniversary of the October Revolution. On November 7, 2011, the monument to Stalin was opened in its original place. Together with him, a monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was erected.

In June 2012, a monument to Stalin was erected in Bratislava (Slovakia) on Sztura Square

Near Odessa, an open-air museum of monuments of the USSR was opened, in which monuments to Lenin and Stalin are located. On the eve of Victory Day over Germany, on May 8, 2013, a monument was opened - a bust of Stalin in Yakutsk, on the territory of one of the diamond mining enterprises of the republic. He is the third in a row in Yakutia. The first was opened in 2005 in the city of Mirny, and the second in 2009 in the village of Amga, Amginsky district of Yakutia. The opening of the monument provoked protests from human rights activists and the local Yakut and Lena diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

On September 1, 2013, in a solemn atmosphere, at the initiative of the public organization "Stalineli", a monument to Stalin was opened in Telavi (Georgia). However, on September 7, the city authorities demanded that the monument be dismantled within five days. The monument was dismantled on December 31, 2014.

In Volgograd, a new monument was erected on the territory of the Prichal Recreation Center.

February 4, 2015 in the Crimea, in Yalta, on the territory of the Livadia sanatorium, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Yalta Conference, a monument to the "Great Three" to Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt was erected.

For this post. Under the cut are photos of the monuments to our leader and teacher that exist to this day. But, as the author writes, this is not all. I would be grateful to friends and foes for making additions to this list. I remind you that it will be soon. I plan to be there in person.

Monument to Stalin in Moscow in the park "MUSEION" near the Central House of Artists

In the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, there is a bust of Stalin as one of the commanders of the Red Army.

Monument to Stalin in the courtyard of the Tretyakov Gallery

At present, monuments to Stalin have been erected in public places on the territory of Russia in Chelyabinsk (gymnasium school No. railway station Skuratovo in the Tula region.

Vyritsa village, Leningrad region (to my shame, having a dacha nearby, I have never met this monument - shame on me)

The bas-relief of Stalin on the Commune Street in St. Petersburg. Until recently, it was closed with a special bar, but after restoration, it again pleases us with the profile of the Leader.

On the stele of the Memorial in honor of 1200 guardsmen of the 11th Guards Army in Kaliningrad

Monument in Gruto Park (Lithuania)

Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, Mikhailovsky district, village Plodorodnoe
An excerpt from a newspaper article on the subject:
In the Mikhailovsky district there is the only monument to Stalin in Ukraine
And no one encroaches on the figure of the Soviet leader. The initiator of the installation of the monument on the main street of the village of Plodorodnoe is a private entrepreneur Leonid Vereshchaga,.
In order to assemble the monument, three years ago I had to look for the missing details of the figure, even in a landfill. The figure of Stalin is just one of the original "exhibits" of the alley of history, there are also monuments to Lenin, Zhdanov, Sverdlov, as well as a wartime lorry and a MiG aircraft. By the way, this unique "museum" began with him, which this year celebrates its fifth anniversary. According to L. Vereshchaga, "monuments have no artistic value, but they are symbols of their era. And in order to understand the future, one must not forget about the past."

Outside of Russia, there are monuments in The Hague (Netherlands), Georgia (Kutaisi, Gori, Zestaponi, Sighnaghi, Dusheti, Khashuri and other places.), Belarus, Ukraine, Albania

Monument to the Leader on the "Stalin Line" in Belarus.

City of Gori, Georgia

Restored monument in Kutaisi, Georgia

Village "Old Ikan" in Kazakhstan.
How the monument has survived to this day: “When the statue was ordered to be demolished after the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the villagers opposed it. The protest of the villagers ended with the monument remaining standing in the courtyard of the village council. a house was built, and a monument was left in the yard."

North Ossetia.Tseyskoe gorge.Portrait on a stone.

Kurtatinsky gorge, North Ossetia, Alania, pos. Upper Fiagdon.

Monument to Stalin in Beslan.

This bust stands in the city of Zelenokumsk (Stavropol Territory), it was found in a pond, it was cleaned and installed on the outskirts of the city next to one of the illegal city dumps, after which the dump began to rapidly decrease in size.

Monument in the Park-Museum of the city of Atkarsk.

Monument in the village of Taiginka, Chelyabinsk region


The monument was erected on the outskirts of The Hague in the early 90s, where the red-light district soon grew. In connection with repeated cases of vandalism at the end of 2002, the monument was moved to the area of ​​the museum complex in the city center.

City of Shkoder, Albania.

Water tower in the city of Novgorod-Seversky, Chernihiv region, Ukraine

Gurjaani. Bust of Stalin with a girl.



Monument to Stalin, Roosevelt and Chechel in Sochi.

Bust of Stalin in Vladimir.

Mirny, Yakutia.
Monument to Generalissimo Stalin from WWII veterans and grateful descendants. Opened May 9, 2005

Ishim, Tyumen region.


Albania, Tirana

And these are far from all the monuments to Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, standing all over the world in memory of this Great man ...

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