Monument to Jeanne Friske at the cemetery. Shepelev donated flowers from his son to Friske's grave


Women shouted to Shepelev "Dima, Dima!" and clapped their hands

Singer, TV presenter, film actress Zhanna Friske was buried at the Eastern Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. The funeral service took place in the Yelokhovsky Cathedral. More than a thousand people came to say goodbye to their beloved artist. But they were able to approach the grave of the singer and lay flowers on it only at the end of the burial ceremony. During the prayer, only relatives, colleagues and friends were next to Zhanna.

Plot 118 "C", where the grave of Zhanna Friske was located, was cordoned off by the police a few hours before the funeral. The entire surrounding area was examined by cynologists with dogs.

The singer's fans began to gather in the alley that runs along the road. Almost everyone had bouquets of flowers in their hands. Every five to seven meters in the crowd stood a man in civilian clothes with a walkie-talkie in his hands. Cemetery workers involved in its improvement noticed that such security measures had not been taken for a long time.

Law enforcement officers, in turn, noted that the funeral of one of the brightest Russian pop stars attracted numerous beggars from all over Moscow to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

The grave of Zhanna Friske is located 20 - 30 meters from the entrance. There is a forest adjacent to it. There are still few burials in this relatively new area. But the whole area is already marked into squares, each of which is framed by black marble. Near the grave of the singer, so far all the squares are empty. As Zhanna's father, Vladimir Borisovich, admitted, they plan to arrange a family burial here.

The master of sports in judo Myalek Khairullovich Mukhametshin, who died in 2012 at the age of 59, is buried nearby.

There will be someone to protect Zhannochka, - says the worker of the cemetery, Vasily, pointing to the bronze figure of a judoka in full growth. - For some, he is a three-time world champion, a talented coach and referee, but for those who come to visit his grave, he is just Misha and Mikhalych. Apparently, he was a good person and mentor. Not everyone, after all, the students will fold and put up such a monument.

A little further away, on the other hand, is the grave of a fighter pilot, the most productive ace of the war in Korea, Yevgeny Pepelyaev. He lived a long life and died at the age of 94.

Russian hero of a secret war. In the skies over Korea, he personally shot down 19 US Air Force aircraft. He fought as a “Chinese volunteer,” explains Vasily. - Many of his comrades remained lying in the cemetery in Port Arthur, and Evgeny Georgievich was lucky to return to his homeland, rest in his native land ...

Black vans arrived first, from which wreaths and flowers were unloaded. A third of the prepared stands for wreaths remained empty, although there were several dozen beautifully decorated wreaths. Flowers were unloaded from the cars in whole armfuls. There were so many of them that they soon filled all the prepared tables covered with purple tablecloths.

Zhanna Friske's father was the first to arrive at the cemetery after the funeral service at the Elokhov Cathedral. He was wearing a dark crimson shirt. And with him - daughter Natasha.

Next, friends and colleagues of the singer began to drive up in minibuses and their cars. Philip Kirkorov was allowed to drive his Porsche Cayenne almost to the very grave. Those present noted the number with three "7". Philip appeared in a cafe-au-lait suit, with his hair carefully styled. And he immediately rushed to express his condolences to Jeanne's father.

When girls in black short mini-dresses and sandals studded with rhinestones began to get out of the minibuses, an indignant murmur went through the ranks of the audience: “We arrived, as if on a beach!”

Soon, Zhanna Friske's civil husband, Dmitry Shepelev, appeared at the entrance to the cemetery. The day before, he flew to Moscow on a night flight from Bulgaria, where he took his son Plato to rest.

Dmitry was all in black, in a strict suit. At the sight of him, many of the assembled ladies for some reason began to shout from the crowd: “Dima! Dima!" and clap your hands. In the silence of the cemetery, it looked out of place. The women explained this by saying that they wanted to support their idol, against whom a lot of reproaches had been made over the past few days.

It's hell when you see a loved one leaving and nothing can help him, - says one of the singer's fans.

Soon the coffin with the body of the singer was delivered. It was carried by tall cemetery stewards dressed in black trousers and white shirts.

When relatives, friends and colleagues stood in a circle around the coffin, one of the elderly women became ill, she collapsed on the asphalt. Doctors immediately appeared with an "ambulance" orange suitcase. The woman was given an injection and seated in the shade.

The priest with the servant helping him began a prayer service. They were joined by a woman in monastic clothes.

The police were vigilant so that none of the singer's fans made their way through the cordon. One of the men tried to do this, showing the ID of an assistant deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party, but he was immediately turned around.

But one of the poor old women, who told everyone that she came from Samarkand, did not receive a pension and was constantly hungry, managed to go right to the coffin. Soon the guards took her out.

The prayer service continued, and Lera Kudryavtseva, Sergey Zverev and parodist Alexander Peskov came to say goodbye to Zhanna Friske. Sergey Lazarev arrived next with a huge bouquet of irises, Jeanne's favorite flowers.

The priest in prayers commemorated the deceased as Anna, since the name Zhanna is absent in the calendar.

When everyone began to be baptized, Philip Kirkorov burst into tears.

At the end of the prayer, relatives, friends and colleagues began to approach the coffin and say goodbye to Jeanne. Someone whispered secret words, bending low over the coffin, and someone just kissed the deceased.

When the lid of the coffin was closed and carried to the grave, those present began to applaud. The applause did not stop for a long time. Dmitry Shepelev was the first to walk behind the coffin. He was the first to throw a handful when the coffin was lowered into the grave.

When the cemetery workers took up the shovels, Zhanna Friske's father, Vladimir Borisovich, became ill. He began to sag, they picked him up, and immediately brought a chair from under the shed. During the funeral procession, Philip Kirkorov was always near him.

Dmitry Shepelev constantly stepped aside. Either he stood alone on the path, then he talked for a long time with the clergyman. When a cross was erected on the grave, he came up and straightened the wreaths.

Meanwhile, glasses and bottles of red and white wine were placed under a canopy. Close and dear singers came up in twos, threes, drank a few sips, commemorated Zhanna Friske and departed.

Gathered fans of the singer were allowed to approach her grave. And soon all approaches to it were in flowers.

The monument on the grave of Zhanna Friske (1974–2015) was erected at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Moscow. Photo of the grave. Obituary for pop star, actress and singer. .

Zhanna Friske is a brilliant pop star, actress and singer.

Zhanna Friske (1974–2015)- Russian pop star, actress And singer. Real name - Zhanna Vladimirovna Kopylova, in childhood she was engaged in dancing, gymnastics, amateur art. She got into show business in 1996, since the formation of the group "Brilliant". She moved from staging choreography to vocals, and together with the group she recorded four discs. Since 2003, she switched to a solo career, having managed to record a single album "Jeanne". She regularly participated in rating television projects, appeared in gossip columns, starred in advertising campaigns, which attracted the attention of the general public. Film roles in successful blockbusters based on books also contributed to the popularity. S. Lukyanenko.

Monument to Zhanna Friske at the cemetery - photo of the grave

The monument to Jeanne Friske is a composition of light and black granite with a bronze statue as a central element.

In December 2016, they opened on her grave, created by sculptors Levon Manukyan And Ivan Volkov. made in full growth and represents the singer in an evening dress, flowing with soft folds to the ground. The statue is set on a light gray granite foundation. Nearby rises a vertical stele with a rounded top made of black polished granite. On it, commemorative information about the deceased is carved and covered with gold leaf, as well as

The famous singer and actress Zhanna Friske was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in the Moscow region. In the same place, six months later, a monument was erected to her. The funeral was attended by relatives, close friends and Dmitry Shepelev - Jeanne's husband.

The news that the funeral of the famous singer Zhanna Friske was scheduled shocked the whole country. Smiling, beautiful and cheerful, she was the favorite of many. This is probably why most of us hoped that the information about her serious illness was just a publicity stunt or another fraudulent operation. Unfortunately, despite the fact that many Russians responded to the call to help her, Zhanna died.

Farewell to the singer

The official part of the funeral of Zhanna Friske began on the afternoon of July 17, 2015. To be more precise, at 14:00 in the Crocus City Hall ”- the singer’s favorite hall, in which she preferred to perform.

Farewell to the artist, lying in a coffin of a light beige tone (favorite color during her lifetime), began with a video showing the best shots from her life. All relatives, mother, father and sister are next to the coffin, at the head.

Where they buried and how to find the grave

The place where the grave of Zhanna Friske is located differs from others in that it is always strewn with white roses and irises. The artist loved these flowers the most.

Her grave is located at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery of the Moscow region, not far from the urban district of Balashikha. It can be reached by various means of transport:

  • from the metro station "Shchelkovskaya" by bus number 760 get to the stop indicating the cemetery of the same name;
  • from the Vykhino metro station along the route No. 582K, 100K to an identical stop. You need to get to the 18th stop;
  • from the Novogireevo metro station by bus or minibus No. 111K, 487K, 387K, get off at the 13th stop.

The route from Moscow must cross the Moscow Ring Road, passing along the Nosovikhinskoye highway with the intersection of the following streets of the city of Reutov:

  • Red Star;
  • Silver;
  • Central.

The stop at which you should get off is the Nikolo-Arkhagelskoe cemetery.

If you plan to travel by your own car, you should go to the address: the city of Reutov, the intersection of Nosovikhinsky Highway with Spokoynaya Street, or turn a little earlier, onto Nikolo-Arkhangelsky Proyezd. In this case, you can get to the central gate of the cemetery and go to section No. 78.

Who attended the funeral

The main point that would have interested the deceased was the presence of her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev at parting with her. According to information received from reliable sources, shortly before the death of his wife, he left for Burgas. After returning home, directly to the funeral of a loved one, he commented on his act by saying that all this was done for Plato, their common son.

In addition to him, many Russian pop stars came to say goodbye to Zhanna Friske. Remarkably, the farewell ceremony was securely closed from the penetration of the paparazzi, so it is quite difficult to find appropriate photos on the Internet.

However, despite numerous prohibitions, eyewitnesses who took part in the funeral of the star comment on what is happening as follows:

  • A few hours before the ceremony, the perimeter was cordoned off by employees of the internal organs.
  • Almost every second of the mourners had a special walkie-talkie in his pocket.
  • The arrival of girls "in short dresses" was clearly not organized by Jeanne's parents.
  • At the time of the appearance of Dmitry Shepelev, numerous "Dima, Dima ..." resounded from behind the fence. It clearly didn't feel like a farewell ceremony.

Of the guests who came to say goodbye to the star due to the fact that something really connected them during Jeanne's life, the following can be noted:

  • Olga Orlova - present near the body of Jeanne almost from the moment of death;
  • Sergey Lazarev;
  • Mitya Fomin;
  • Lera Kudryavtseva;
  • Natasha Koroleva;
  • Anna Semenovich.

As a result, most of the stars of the Russian show business came to say goodbye to Zhanna and see her off on her last journey.

Installation of the monument

About a year and a half after Zhanna Friske was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, a monument was erected near her grave, personifying her beauty and life position.

By agreement with the relatives, the bronze sculpture was placed on the grave at the end of December 2016. It was created by L. Manukyan and I. Volkov. The monument represents the singer in full growth, in an evening dress that flows to the ground, falling in soft folds. The figure is set on a solid beige granite base.

Next to it is a vertical black granite stele, on which commemorative information about the star, an epitaph and a Christian cross are carved. The composition is completed by a through arch made of light-colored granite, corresponding to the color of the base.

The last autograph of the singer - the idol of youth - is engraved on her grave monument. It forever perpetuates the memory of her and her songwriting.

Who is buried nearby

The deceased Zhanna Friske will not be left alone in her burial. At the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery near her are the graves of men who, according to the cemetery worker, are able to protect her. Among them are the following people:

  • Fighter pilot Yevgeny Pepelyaev, who fought in Korea and died at the age of 94.
  • Judoka, master of sports Oleg Mukhametshin, who died in 2012 at the age of 59.

The people presented earlier were already at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. In addition to them, another star of Russian show business has recently joined Jeanne: Timofey Shevchenko (Tima Brik) - the producer of Dana Borisova, Prokhor Chaliapin, Nastya Stotskaya and Masha Malinovskaya. Died at the age of 29.

Jeanne was still young, full of energy and plans, but, unfortunately, brain cancer is invincible. If she had held on, she would have received a huge amount of congratulations and fresh flowers, which she loved so much during her lifetime. Unfortunately, the great singer left her fans at the age of 40.

Zhanna Friske is one of the brightest stars of modern show business. The incredibly beautiful and talented singer, TV presenter and actress died on June 15, 2015. This death shocked not only family and friends, but also all fans of the star. Where was Zhanna Friske buried and how to find her grave?

Death you don't want to believe

Zhanna Friske died at the age of 40. The last few years of her life, the singer struggled with cancer. The Friske family did not hide this fact from the public.

Almost immediately after the accurate diagnosis was made, a fundraising for treatment was opened. In a matter of days, several tens of millions of rubles were collected. This is a direct proof of the people's love and respect. The last years of her life, the singer was treated by the best specialists around the world. Unfortunately, in this case, medicine was helpless. June 15 Jeanne died. According to relatives, she fell into a coma several times in recent days. But at the same time, doctors did not give any predictions until the last moments. Where was Zhanna Friske buried and how was the funeral of the star?

Civil memorial service

Jeanne was surrounded by the attention and love of fans until the last days. It was out of the question to hold the funeral behind closed doors. Together with the Friske family, the whole country experienced the death of Jeanne. The day before the appointed date of the funeral, a civil memorial service was held. For parting with the singer, the exhibition complex "Crocus City Hall" was chosen.

Everyone was allowed to say goodbye to the singer. Public safety was provided by law enforcement officers and security. Filming was prohibited in the hall, but this rule was not fully observed. A beige coffin, a huge portrait and a sea of ​​flowers. This is how the country said goodbye to Jeanne.

How and where was Zhanna Friske buried?

The funeral of the singer was scheduled for the morning of June 18. Relatives wanted to hold all the necessary ceremonies in the most family atmosphere. Journalists and fans were not allowed close to the mournful procession until Friske's coffin fell into the ground. Relatives and closest friends came to say goodbye to Jeanne. After the funeral service was held in the Yelokhov Cathedral, the funeral procession went to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

The site where Zhanna Friske was buried is family, but the singer was the first to find her last refuge here. The funeral was attended by many no less famous friends of the star: Philip Kirkorov, Dmitry Malikov, Sergey Zverev. The funeral was held at the highest level. The cemetery where Zhanna Friske was buried was checked by cynologists with dogs from early morning and cordoned off. Even though outsiders were only allowed to watch the procession from afar, many worshipers came to the cemetery. Jeanne was seen off with loud applause. On the day of the funeral, an ordinary wooden cross was placed on the grave.

How to find today?

The cemetery where Zhanna Friske is buried is located in the Moscow suburbs. Legally, this place is not chosen by chance. Not far away is the house where the singer spent a lot of time in the last years of her life. It is not difficult to get to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery from Moscow. There are buses and fixed-route taxis from Novokosino, Vykhino and Shchelkovskaya metro stations. Any cemetery employee will tell you where Zhanna Friske was buried. Plot 118 became a real local landmark after the funeral of the star. At the entrance to the cemetery there is a diagram, according to which it is also easy to navigate. A year has passed since Friske's death, but even today fresh flowers always lie on her grave. Every day, the singer is visited by fans, many of whom come from other cities of Russia.

In memory of Zhanna Friske

On the anniversary of the death of the star, her relatives gave brief interviews. Zhanna's father said that very soon a new and beautiful monument would appear on the grave. The sculpture will be portrait, it is planned to perform it in full size. The family enjoys public attention and participation. The fact that her fans regularly come to the cemetery where Zhanna Friske is buried is a clear indicator of people's love. But at the same time, close stars are a little tired of constant interference in their personal lives. Jeanne's fans should remember that their favorite was not only a public person. In ordinary life, the singer was primarily a daughter, sister, mother and beloved woman. For those close to Jeanne, her death is a great grief. It is difficult to find a brighter and more talented person in modern show business than Friske. Such people should not be forgotten. Today, the issue of installing a monument to Jeanne is being actively discussed. Close singers dream of decorating the facade of the house in which the singer lived in the near future with a memorial plaque. Perhaps a memorial sculpture will be installed a little later.

October 6, 2016

“How much happiness you gave, love gave to relatives and friends. We remember you and love you very much, and nothing can change that.” It is with these words that Anna Semenovich addresses one of the most beautiful and cheerful singers of the national stage, Zhanna Friske, who left us more than a year ago.

Another year of horror in the Friske family

On the anniversary of death, a lot of people gathered at the cemetery - relatives, friends, colleagues, fans, everyone came to honor the memory of the singer, actress, just a good person and a beautiful woman.

Dmitry Shepelev with Plato, the son of Friske, whose appearance everyone was waiting for, did not appear at the cemetery. However, a three-year-old boy gave a flower for his mother in a bag to his grandparents.

The past year for the Friske family was not easy, however, they have been living in a nightmare since 2013, when they were diagnosed. The civil husband of the star and her parents cannot find a common language in any way on the issue of custody of Plato. In addition, Rusfond announced the loss of several million rubles from Jeanne's accounts.

Where is the grave of Jeanne Friske?

Even after making such a terrible diagnosis - brain cancer, no one wanted to put up with the disease. The whole world collected money to help Jeanne, there were so many compassionate, generous and sympathetic people that there was enough money to help children suffering from oncology. Zhanna was treated in the best clinics in the world, but fate persistently and quickly decided everything differently.

The artist died on June 15, 2015, she did not live less than a month before her 41st birthday. It was mourning for the whole country. Zhanna Friske died in the arms of her best friend, a former member of the Brilliant group Olga Orlova, in her parents' house near Moscow. Three days later, on June 18, 2015, they said goodbye to Zhanna at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, which is located next to the house of the singer's parents.

Friske's grave is located near the place where Myalek Khairullovich Mukhametshin, a master of sports in judo, who died in 2012, is buried. A little further, in the other direction, is the grave of Evgeny Pepelyaev, a fighter pilot who passed away at the age of 94. According to flower sellers, the shop located nearby has never been so crowded before as after the artist's funeral.

Friske's grave itself is located not far, 30 meters from the entrance, in the eastern part of the cemetery. Plot number - 118 C, 15th row, 7th grave. So far, there are few burials. As the father of the deceased star, Vladimir Borisovich, admits, they have plans to arrange a family burial at this place.

How to get to the cemetery?

Friske's grave is always strewn with white irises and roses - Jeanne's favorite flowers. The Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery is located in the urban district of Balashikha in the Moscow region on the Nosovikhinsky highway. Getting here is not difficult, you can do it using public transport or by your own car. By metro you need to get to the station "Novokosino", from there by bus number 760 k, 760, 706. Everyone can come, see what the grave of Zhanna Friske looks like, honor the memory of the artist and lay flowers.

Cemetery address: Moscow region, Balashikha district, Nosovikhinskoe highway. It can be reached by metro and bus. Route No. 760 departs from the Schelkovskoye station, bus 706 departs from Vykhino. By car, subject to average traffic congestion, it will take 20 minutes to get to the place from the center of Moscow. You need to drive along the Nosovikhinsky highway and cross the streets:

  • Krasnozvezdnaya;
  • Silver;
  • Central.

Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery is one of the largest in the capital. Heroes of Russia and sailors from the Kursk submarine, famous artists and artistic figures are buried here. Friske's grave after the funeral was sprinkled with sand, ennobled and lined with granite stone around the perimeter. The funeral service was held in the Elokhov Cathedral.

Hopeless fight

Recall that the ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant" Zhanna Friske for a year and a half courageously tried to defeat a terrible disease, brain cancer, and died on June 15, 2015, a few weeks before her birthday (July 8). The initially doomed struggle with the disease became so long thanks to millions of fans who could not remain indifferent and helped the star's family pay for expensive treatment. There was enough money in full, a total of 70 million rubles was collected, but this did not help.

Monument on the grave of Friska

Jeanne's parents have been looking for suitable sculptors for a long time who will make a monument in honor of their daughter. The sketches of the sculpture have already been evaluated by my mother and sister, by the way, they did not like everything. Enough remarks have been made: a very tight dress, bulging eyes, rough hands, sharp knees. Ivan Volkov and Levon Manukyan presented the preliminary results of the work.

Work on the monument has been going on for a month, according to the sculptors, the most difficult thing is to depict a face from the photos provided by the singer's sister Natalya. The sculpture is made of clay in Zhanna Friske's full height, 165 cm, and 5 are reserved for the height of the heels. Close stars want to erect a monument without unnecessary pathos in a narrow circle of family and friends. The order was handed over to the sculptors in the spring, but all the proposed sketches did not suit the singer's relatives.

Within six months from the date of the death of the artist, the relatives were not up to the monument, they shared the inheritance, so the grave of Zhanna Friske was ennobled only with a modest wooden cross, flowers and toys. Initially, the father, Vladimir Borisovich, wanted to erect a monument in the form of an angel with wings, which Zurab Tsereteli was supposed to do.

Fan Suggestions

There were many offers, the artist's relatives turned to fans for help. One of the most successful options was a project from St. Petersburg. Jeanne in full growth in a white dress and, as always, with a beaming smile. Sister Natalya herself offered several ideas, fans were bombarded with many different proposals. Someone suggested depicting Jeanne with wings, sitting on a staircase, "going" to heaven.

There were some weird ideas like this one. Her beloved dog with irises in its teeth runs towards the singer. The animal died after the death of the mistress, falling under the wheels of a car.

One fan suggested a creepy version, which was immediately smashed to smithereens by fans and relatives. She advised to create a sculpture of Jeanne with her son in her arms. “What does Friske’s grave look like with a monument, where does she keep her son, who is alive? There is no place for the living in the cemetery, ”the fans expressed their indignation. Zhanna loved life and accepted all trials with dignity, including the last one.

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