Pavel Altov family. Semyon Altov: "My wife is a very beautiful woman

Born on January 17, 1945 in Sverdlovsk, six months later the family returned from evacuation to Leningrad. Father - Teodor Semenovich, taught electrical engineering at the Shipbuilding Institute. Mother - Lyubov Naumovna, architect.
As a child, he became interested in chemistry, in his youth he was engaged in boxing.
He graduated from the Chemical College, and then the Leningrad Technological Institute named after the Lensoviet. He received a diploma as a paint and varnish chemist and worked for three years in his specialty. He managed to work as the head of the creative department of the Actor's House, a night watchman and a bouncer in a restaurant.
He began to write at the age of 26, the first publication took place in the "Literary Gazette" in the "Club of 12 Chairs" section. Two years later he became an artist of Lenconcert.
His works were performed by Gennady Khazanov, Efim Shifrin, Klara Novikova and other famous pop artists. The author of the last performance of Arkady Raikin "Peace to your house."
Often he performs his own works. It differs from other comedians in a very specific performing style: an impenetrable facial expression, a deliberate lack of emotions, a monotonous drawling voice - all this is always a success with the audience and is even an object of imitation and parody by other artists.
As a screenwriter, he took part in the creation of the NTV comedy series "Nedotepy", participated in the creation of several films and film-plays ("Peace to your house", "BDT thirty years later").

Semyon Teodorovich Altov was born on January 17, 1945 in Leningrad. Graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute named after the Lensoviet.

Semyon Altov gained fame thanks to the works performed by almost all comedians of the national stage, including Gennady Khazanov, Klara Novikova, Efim Shifrin. Writer Semyon Altov was the author of Arkady Raikin's last performance "Peace to your house", staged at the Moscow theater "Satyricon". PeruSemyon Altov owns several books ("Chance", "Dog's Joys", "Get Height", "224 Selected Pages"), he also took part in the creation of the comedy series "Klugs". Performances are held with great success, in which the writer-humorist performs his own works. At the same time, he still manages to produce a printed humorous magazine. In 1994, Semyon Altov became a laureate of the international festival of satire and humor "Golden Ostap", having received a gilded statuette after Sergei Dovlatov and Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

Why are they suffering? What do they need? And they all need one thing: a family, a nest, a strong shoulder nearby. So let's drink to their bright dream! For you, Vasya!

Altov Semyon Teodorovich

Semyon Altov began to write at the age of 26 (and the humorist admits that he is truly professional, he can only write and perform from the stage). He got on stage because of financial interest. But he quickly realized that his genuinely deep voice, combined with the themes of the stories, created the necessary comic effect. Someone compared his manner of speaking with reading a crime chronicle. Women sometimes say that the voice of Semyon Altov is erotic. The writer jokes about this: “If, over the years, the dilution of the brain occurs, and I can no longer write, then, thanks to this voice, I will go to the “phone sex” service.

Semyon Teodorovich Altov - photo

Semyon Teodorovich Altov - quotes

Why are they suffering? What do they need? And they all need one thing: a family, a nest, a strong shoulder nearby. So let's drink to their bright dream! For you, Vasya!

And who else will listen to us, why we didn’t become who we could, but became who we became, and who is to blame - they listen to all this nightly garbage, washing our shirts with one hand, chopping potatoes with the second, raising our mediocre children with the third.

Boxing gloves, police batons and much more in the Finishing Materials store.

Born on January 17, 1945 in Sverdlovsk, six months later the family returned from evacuation to Leningrad. Father - Teodor Semenovich, taught electrical engineering at the Shipbuilding Institute. Mother - Lyubov Naumovna, architect.
As a child, he became interested in chemistry, in his youth he was engaged in boxing.
He graduated from the Chemical College, and then the Leningrad Technological Institute named after the Lensoviet. He received a diploma as a paint and varnish chemist and worked for three years in his specialty. He managed to work as the head of the creative department of the Actor's House, a night watchman and a bouncer in a restaurant.
He began to write at the age of 26, the first publication took place in the "Literary Gazette" in the "Club of 12 Chairs" section. Two years later he became an artist of Lenconcert.
His works were performed by Gennady Khazanov, Efim Shifrin, Klara Novikova and other famous pop artists. The author of the last performance of Arkady Raikin "Peace to your house."
Often he performs his own works. It differs from other comedians in a very specific performing style: an impenetrable facial expression, a deliberate lack of emotions, a monotonous drawling voice - all this is always a success with the audience and is even an object of imitation and parody by other artists.
As a screenwriter, he took part in the creation of the NTV comedy series "Nedotepy", participated in the creation of several films and film-plays ("Peace to your house", "BDT thirty years later").
He published several collections of short stories: "Chance", "Dog's joys", "How do we ruin America" ​​and others.
Member of the St. Petersburg branch of the Union of Concert Workers of the Russian Federation.
He participated in the TV programs “The Room of Laughter”, “Crooked Mirror”, “Without Intermission”, “Izmailovsky Park”, “Gentleman Show”, “Jurmala”, “Evening Quarter” and others.


▪ Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2003)


▪ Prize of the international festival of satire and humor "Golden Ostap" (1994)


Wife - Larisa Vasilievna, majoring in choir conductor
Son - Pavel, father's producer (director of the TV series "Non-tappers" on NTV)
Daughter-in-law - Anna
Granddaughters - Ekaterina and Barbara
Grandson - Vasily

Semyon Teodorovich Altshuller was born on January 17, 1945 in the city of Sverdlovsk, where his parents were evacuated during the Great Patriotic War. After the cessation of hostilities, the family returned to Leningrad. The boy's father taught at the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, and his mother was an architect by profession.

Eight-year-old Semyon was presented with a set of "Young Chemist" as a gift for his birthday. In the future, this gift had a significant impact on the choice of his future field of activity.

Semyon Altov, after graduating first from a chemical technical school, and then from an institute with a degree in paint and varnish chemist, worked at the State Research Institute MINDIP and at the plant. Shaumyan.

Only at the age of 25-26 did he begin to try himself as a writer of satirical and humorous works. Although before that, according to Altov, he composed poetry. The writer began to publish in the genre of "phrases" in 1971. It was first published by the editors of the Literary Gazette in the section "Club of 12 chairs", where the heading "Phrases" was located. Then, for the aphorisms composed by him, the first fee of 38 rubles was received.

A few years later, Altov began working in a concert organization in Leningrad, which allowed him to "climb onto the stage, where he sticks out" to this day.

His manner of performing monologues is quite specific and recognizable. When Semyon Altov reads from a sheet, his voice sounds monotonous and a little nasal. Due to the peculiar sound, the satirist quite often becomes the object of parodies. For viewers, this style is reminiscent of reading a crime chronicle. At the same time, the author himself says with humor: “... my voice calms men, and excites women. It’s good that it’s not the other way around…”

In the eighties, Semyon Altov and a number of other authors and performers created the variety and humorous program "SHOW-01". The participants of the program gave concerts throughout the USSR and for many who performed in original genres, this became a kind of starting point for their popularity. There were practical jokes, attracting the audience to participate, specific subtext on the topic of Soviet power. In addition, Semyon Altov became the author of the television series "Nuts", which appeared in 1997 on the NTV channel. The project was a set of short funny stories. Directing was entrusted to his son - Pavel. 24 episodes were released. The program has always been in the TOP-10 of the rating in terms of popularity.

To date, four books have been published from Smen Altov's pen: "Chance", "Dog's Joys", "Climb Height", "224 Selected Pages". He is the author of many monologues, which are performed with pleasure by popular pop artists. He writes scripts for television and variety comedy programs, performances and films. For the premiere of the last performance of Arkady Raikin, which took place in 1978 at the Moscow Variety Theater, Semyon Altov also wrote. The artist not only performs on the stage, but also as a screenwriter, actor and invited guest takes an active part in the filming of various television programs, shows and films.

In 1997, the satirist starred in the comedy Don't Play the Fool as one of the members of the expedition. He took part in the popular television programs "Crooked Mirror", "Gentleman Show", "Laughing Room" and others. In 1994 he received the title of laureate of the International Festival "Golden Ostap", where he was awarded a golden statuette. In 2005 he became an Honored Art Worker of Russia. In addition, a satirist writer, honorary professor of St. Petersburg State Technical University, an honorary chemist.

Semyon Altov was born in Sverdlovsk. It was to this city in the Urals that his parents were evacuated during the Great Patriotic War. There is also Semyon, whose real name is Altshuler and spent the first six months of his life, until the end of the war.

After the end of the war, the parents, Lyubov Naumovna and Teodor Semenovich, returned to Leningrad with little Semyon. In post-war Leningrad, the father of the future satirical writer read a course in electrical engineering at the shipbuilding institute, and his mother worked in the field of architecture.


On the day of his eighth birthday, Semyon received a Young Chemist set as a gift. According to the satirist, this gift turned out to be "fatal" and largely influenced the choice of profession.

Semyon Altov graduated from the Chemical College, in 1968 - from the Leningrad Technological Institute. Leningrad City Council, specializing in paint and varnish chemist. After graduating from the institute, Semyon Teodorovich worked in his specialty at the State Institute of Mineral Pigments and at the plant named after. Shaumyan.

Writing activity of Semyon Altov

The author began to make his attempts at writing at a fairly mature age - 25-26 years old. Although in several interviews Semyon Teodorovich mentions that before starting to write satirical and humorous works, he composed poetry.

Altov began to appear in print in 1971, in the small genre - "phrases". The first publication took place in the Literary Gazette, in the section "Club of 12 chairs", in which there was a heading "Phrases". For writing aphorisms, the satirist received his first fee - "38 rubles 00 kopecks."

Now Semyon Altov is the author of 4 books: "Chance", "Dog's Joy", "Climb Height", "224 Selected Pages". Peruvian satirist owns many monologues that were performed and are performed on the stage by such famous artists as: Efim Shifrin, Klara Novikova, Gennady Khazanov and others.


In addition, Altov became a screenwriter for many television and variety comedy programs, performances, and films. In 1987, on the stage of the Moscow Variety Theater, on Bersenevskaya Embankment, the premiere of the last stage work of Arkady Raikin took place - the play “Peace to your home”, the author of the interludes in which was Semyon Altov.


Two years after the first publication, in 1973, Altov received a position at the Lenconcert. In the words of Semyon Teodorovich himself, “I climbed onto the stage, where I stick around” until now.

A distinctive performing style of Semyon Altov on the stage is the monotonous reading of monologues from a sheet in a low, slightly nasal and nasal voice. This characteristic has become so recognizable that Altov more than once became the hero of parodies. The author himself speaks about this manner of his, of course, with humor: “My voice calms men, and excites women. It's good that it's not the other way around." Viewers, on the other hand, claim that this style reminds them of how crime chronicles are read.


In the eighties, Semyon Altov became one of the creators, authors and performers of the variety comedy program "SHOW-01", which actively gave concerts throughout the Soviet Union and became a starting point of popularity for many artists of the original genre. The co-authors and performers in SHOW-01, together with Semyon Altov, were such famous people as Viktor Billevich, Yan Arlazorov, Valery Nikolenko, Mikhail Gorodinsky, Vyacheslav Polunin, Leonid Yakubovich, the theater "Litsedei". The program included a huge number of pranks, attracting viewers to participate in the performance, many allusions and subtexts to the Soviet government, whose blunders, boldly enough, were paid attention to by satirists in their show.

Semyon Altov - Bribe


Semyon Altov initiated the creation and became the author of the humorous television series "Klugs", which was released on the NTV channel in 1997. Interestingly, the humorist's son, Pavel Semenovich, also worked on the creation of the series as a director. "Klutzes" are small comedies of situations performed in the theatrical manner of the game, with almost no words. In total, 24 episodes of the series were released.

Semyon Altov's personal life

Altov, jokingly, referring to a bad memory, reports that he met his wife Larisa Vasilievna three times. After the third acquaintance, they decided to get married and have been married for more than three decades. There is a son Pavel, director, businessman and producer of his father. Semyon Altov already has three grandchildren: Katya, Varya and Vasya. Semyon Altov's career in film and television

Altov has repeatedly taken part in the filming of television shows, shows and films as a screenwriter, artist and invited guest.

In 1984, Semyon Altov wrote the dialogues for a musical film based on Jacques Offenbach's buff opera Pericola.

In 1997, he starred in the comedy Don't Play the Fool (directed by Valery Chikov). Altov played the role of a member of the expedition. In addition, the artist participated in such TV shows as: “Crooked Mirror”, “Gentleman Show”, “Evening Quarter”, “Laughing Room”, “Jurmala”, and many others.

Awards, titles Semyon Altov

At the international festival of humor and satire "Golden Ostap" in 1994, Semyon Altov became a laureate. He was awarded the gilded statuette of the festival after Sergei Dovlatov and Mikhail Zhvanetsky. In 2005, the writer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In addition, Altov is an honorary professor at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, an honorary chemist.

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