Pavel Dmitrichenko: “I organized the attack, but not to the extent that it happened. Pavel Dmitrichenko returns to the Bolshoi Theater Under what article was the ballet dancer Dmitrichenko imprisoned


Pavel Dmitrichenko was born into a family of dancers - his parents performed in the State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble; it was at the behest of his parents that Pavel took up dancing himself. Dmitrichenko himself did not feel much love for dancing as a child, but he really showed good abilities.

After graduating from the Moscow Academy of Choreography, Pavel joined the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. Initially, Dmitrichenko planned to stay at the Bolshoi - and in ballet in general - for two years at the most; over these two years, however, Pavel managed to achieve quite impressive results and decided to stay on stage.

The young Dmitrichenko was called an extremely talented and promising dancer; he regularly got leading roles in fairly large and prestigious performances. By 2011, Dmitrichenko became, in fact, the leading soloist of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater.

in the Bolshoi Dmitrichenko met the ballerina Anzhelina Vorontsova. There is no official confirmation of numerous rumors about an alleged romance between them, however, many acquaintances of the dancer tend to believe that these rumors still had some ground.

Vorontsova's career did not work out as well as that of Dmitrichenko; in 2009, the ballerina's mentor, Ekaterina Maksimova, died, after which Angelina went "under the wing" to Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Alas, this cooperation did not give much fruit; some tend to believe that Vorontsova could have achieved much more by speaking under the supervision of a female teacher. According to one version, it was the relatively low class that Angelina demonstrated in her last performances that caused her conflict with Sergei Filin; another version says that Filin disliked Vorontsova back in 2009, when she refused

to join his troupe. One way or another, Vorontsova's relationship with Filin did not work out somewhat.

Late in the evening on January 17, 2013, Sergei Filin was attacked - an unknown person splashed acid in his face. Popular rumor almost immediately made Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who often criticized the management of the theater and the former head of Vorontsova, the main suspect. Soon, however, the investigation established that on the evening of January 17, a certain Yuri Zarutsky called Pavel Dmitrichenko from Filin's house. Zarutsky had already been convicted several times and looked like a very suitable candidate for the execution of this kind of assassination attempt. Later, the investigation drew attention to another telephone interlocutor of Zarutsky - a certain Andrey Lipatov.

On the night of March 5-6, Zarutsky, Lipatov and Dmitrichenko were detained. All three confessed immediately; as it turned out, the first

actually carried out the attack, the second acted as his driver. Dmitrichenko admitted that he "ordered" Filin, although he made a reservation that the attack did not go as he had planned. The most likely motive is resentment for the unfairly oppressed Vorontsova - acquaintances described Dmitrichenko as an extremely impulsive, temperamental person and quite capable of something of that kind solely for the sake of revenge alone.

Lawyers argue that Pavel Dmitrichenko has certain chances to avoid imprisonment - with certain efforts, his lawyers can reduce the case to a less serious article; First of all, the fact that Filin received far from fatal injuries plays into their hands. Pavel's ballet career, however, is almost 100% over - and no innate abilities will be able to return Dmitrichenko to the stage.

From the dossier "MK": There is such a case: when, after the capture of the maniac Ionisyan (Mosgaz), a search was made in the apartment of Anna Akhmatova’s literary secretary Anatoly Naiman, and he himself was summoned to the police in connection with this case, on the grounds that he lived in Moscow without a residence permit, Anna Andreevna said: “You escaped mortal danger. When Khrushchev gives the order to detain the maniac within three days, anyone could turn out to be Ionisyan. For example, not him, but you. with the same probability. I could also get the winning role: an old, experienced gunner and a buyer of stolen goods. As you know, I also live without a residence permit. Are there not many of us on one staircase in the entrance? We recalled this story in connection with the disclosure of the case of the attack of the "acid maniac" on the artistic director of Bolshoi Sergei Filin. This case is also resonant, and “at the top”, apparently, they also showed close attention to it.

- What kind of meeting was it, how many people were present?

The whole troupe, two hundred people, if not more, was there. Come, representatives of the investigation. There were even artists from the opera, from the orchestra, ie. everything, although the meeting could be said to be spontaneous ... From the administration there was a troupe (Pronin), Novikov's press secretary, Filin's lawyer. The meeting left an unpleasant aftertaste. Everyone knew and loved this guy, and no one believes that he is capable of such a thing. Doubt all the facts they present. And of particular concern to the troupe is the fact that he was arrested with virtually no evidence of his guilt. Because the only evidence that appeared later was his personal confession, when he was interrogated at night, after 48 hours of detention, he was never fed, as far as we can judge from the information that comes to us. And what was there that forced him to confess - is unknown.

Why is it unknown? Surely he was interrogated in the presence of a lawyer? Dmitrichenko hired a lawyer at the very beginning, when he was not even a suspect yet. Immediately after the first interrogations.

Some rumors are circulating in the theater that he was without a lawyer for 6 hours. The lawyer was not allowed back when he left to buy something to eat. At that moment, he seemed to confess.

- Do the troupe fear that some measures of physical coercion were used against Dmitrichenko?

They are afraid. They talk about self-incrimination. Terrible details are transmitted from nowhere. But these are the rumors, the information that roams around the team and causes concern among the team, which is natural. It is strange that Pavel's lawyer did not show himself anywhere. He was not present at our meeting, although it was proposed to invite him or to make the same meeting with him. So far, none of this has happened. It is also worrying that Pasha was arrested very quickly, right before the holidays and weekends, which, as they say, excludes access to a lawyer these days.

- Can't you come on holidays?

I don’t know for sure, but I heard that on holidays and weekends there is no one to give an order to let him go. Maybe that's not the case. It turns out that during these long holidays he was taken to this terrible pre-trial detention center. This, of course, excites the troupe.

- There were people from Filin's side at the meeting. Did they perform?

There was an assistant lawyer and he turned the troupe against himself, because he spoke very impudently, accusing the troupe that we were not worried about Sergei Filin, but we were worried about Dmitrichenko. Although this is not true at all. There was a very strange and not very pleasant impression after his speech. After all, first of all, the conversation is about the most recent events, closer to us now. And this does not mean at all that we do not have sympathy for the position of Filin. He is a very good person, he did a lot for the artists. Many turned to him, and he always tried to help everyone. But the fate of Pasha is not indifferent to us. There is a desire to understand the whole situation. People simply do not believe that Pasha did this, and they do not have confidence in all the facts that we know. There is no trust in the sincere confessions of Paul, who takes the blame for ordering the crime upon himself. And that it is truly sincere. The evidence he gave was confusing and contradictory. The representative of the investigation, answering our questions at the meeting, when he was asked what evidence, apart from a frank confession, existed, said that this was the secret of the investigation. But the artists from the troupe, who specially came to the court to support Pavel, say that there is no evidence. That his arrest was extended only on the basis of a sincere confession. Although if he wanted to hide, he could do it during a recent tour in Italy, for example. Understand, we all know each other since childhood, in the theater we practically all live together, go on tour together and perceive each other as close people. And Pasha is a member of our big family. It is impossible to hide anything in the theater, and we simply do not believe in his involvement. We do not understand what he is being charged with. The maximum that I, for example, am ready to believe is that he wanted to somehow scare Owl, and the performer showed independence in choosing means. And then the question is why they didn’t extract confessions from this person, why he exceeded, obviously knowing that this is a more difficult article with serious consequences (under this article, only in another part, he was previously convicted).

Don't you think it's strange that a person commits a more serious crime? Could this be? Maybe there was a more specific indication of acid?

This is strange that this person has not yet refuted Dmitrichenko's testimony. Filin's lawyers tell us that this is a maneuver of Dmitrichenko's defense in order to mitigate his punishment. But the performer himself has not yet reacted to this.

- Was Pavel Dmitrichenko's wife Anzhelina Vorontsova present at the meeting?

She appears in the theater, rehearses, dances and goes to class. On the very first day when the arrest took place, she was in class. She did not go to court, although she took the floor at the meeting. She said that, apparently, it was no longer possible to stop a running car, but Pasha helped you all, he was a very responsive person to various problems (which is true), and that now he himself needs help. She asked me to write characteristics for Pavel.

And what about the scandalous story that happened at the meeting with Batyr Annadurdyev, who on the day of the assassination was traveling with Dmitrichenko to his dacha and did not know anything about the impending crime?

Ballet director Pronin said that Batyr Annadurdyev wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will, after a telephone conversation with the artistic director of the troupe, Filin. He said that this conversation was impartial, in a raised voice, they talked to him very, very harshly. And so Batyr, who is just a witness in this case, wrote a statement.

- What is he guilty of?

It is unknown, maybe Sergei suspects him of complicity or cover-up. It is not clear, for us it is a mystery. We don't know anything more about the conversation.

And what grounds does Filin have for suggesting that the artist write a letter of resignation if the investigation has not established anything about him?

I have no information that it was Sergei Yurievich's initiative. Maybe Batyr really wrote this statement of his own free will, having heard enough reproaches. We didn't see him in the theatre. In addition, all artists were advised not to comment on what was happening, not to communicate with the press, at least until the court decision.

- But this decision can be in a year.

Maybe in a year. Although now they say that the investigation is almost over, they want to present everyone for awards. Maybe we do not understand something due to legal illiteracy?

About the motives for the crime... Such strange information appeared that the customer allegedly did not like the distribution of positions at the Bolshoi Theater, and he himself expected to become artistic director? That Pavel Dmitrichenko really had such intentions?

This is absolute nonsense, completely out of the question. He is neither age nor status can apply for such a position. Maybe they suspect someone else as the customer?

- What else is being discussed in the troupe now?

Everyone reads the press and discusses Dmitrichenko's testimony. That he stated during the investigation that one of the motives was dissatisfaction with some corruption facts that he revealed.

They say that he accuses Filin of unfair distribution of grants, as well as receiving kickbacks for personal tours of artists. Are there any grounds for this?

I think that if he says so, then he has such reasons.

- Do the troupe have such information?

There is no such thing as “information” in the troupe, there are “rumors”. There were rumors like that before, long before the attack. And now Paul's speech at the trial is being vigorously discussed. He was at a meeting of the commission for the distribution of grants. This is a commission composed of teachers, artists, representatives of trade unions. I do not know in what capacity he was a member of this commission: as a representative of artists or from trade unions. He was expelled from there, sort of like on the initiative of the artistic director. So, he remained absolutely dissatisfied with the work of this commission, seeing some kind of speculation there. There, at the commission, he openly declared this (he is generally an open person), then wrote a memorandum to the directorate. And by this moment, I think, the most attention will now be riveted.

But, for example, at the Mariinsky Theatre, the trade union is trying to ensure that their distribution of grants is transparent, they refer to the positive experience of the Bolshoi Theatre. Not only Owl distributes them. A special commission works monthly in the theater. What grounds does Dmitrichenko have to accuse Filin?

Only Dmitrichenko knows about this, since he was a member of this commission. And I think that he will tell about it in court. Then we will see whether these grounds are weighty or not.

Angelina Vorontsova, whose name was associated two years ago with an attack on the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater Ballet Sergei Filin, got married. But not with the dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko, who is now serving a sentence. Angelina became the wife of another man.

Nobody has forgotten this terrible state of emergency in the world of art. Acid was thrown in the face of Sergei Filin, and one of the leading dancers of the Bolshoi, Pavel Dmitrichenko, was named the customer of this monstrous crime. According to the investigation, Angelina was his girlfriend, Filin did not let her grow, oppressed her in every possible way, so Dmitrichenko took revenge.

According to the teacher and the first partner of Vorontsova at the Bolshoi Theater Nikolai Tsiskaridze, "in what they said and wrote, there are three percent truth." Tsiskaridze said that at the time of the crime, Pavel and Angelina had almost parted.

A year ago, while in prison, Pavel got married, - said Nikolai Tsiskaridze. And most recently, on September 21, 2015, Angelina married Mikhail Tatarnikov, chief conductor and musical director of the Mikhailovsky Theater. There she is now on staff as a leading ballerina.

The ballerina was tried to be broken by behind-the-scenes intriguers, who are many in the ballet world. Who exactly, Tssikaridze did not name. But she, as we see, everything is going well - both in her career and in her personal life. Already at the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg, she danced 17 parts. But for Pavel Dmitrichenko, intriguers broke his career and life. Although there are big doubts about his guilt even after the trial.

According to Tsiskaridze, Dmitrichenko will not return to the profession. Unlike Vorontsova, his career is over. “It’s not even worth deceiving yourself. Pasha, I think no one understands this. Ballet is a daily workout. Even half a year or a year of break for ballet is too much. And there is too long a break,” said Nikolai Maksimovich.

Angelina Vorontsova was born in Voronezh on December 17, 1991. She studied at gymnasium No. 4 and was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, performed at all-Russian competitions. She started ballet at the age of 12. In 2003-2008 she studied at the Voronezh Choreographic School, where her teachers were famous ballerinas in the past, people's artists of the RSFSR: first Marina Leonkina, then Nabilya Valitova and Tatyana Frolova.

In 2008 she was admitted to the Moscow State Academy of Choreography in the class of teacher N. Arkhipova. In 2009 she graduated from the Academy and was invited to the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia. She rehearsed under the direction of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, he was also the first partner of Vorontsova in the performances of the Bolshoi Theater.

Since July 2013 she has been a ballerina of the Mikhailovsky Theatre. In the current repertoire of the ballerinas there are leading and solo parts in the ballets Giselle, or Wilis, Swan Lake, La Bayadère, Don Quixote, Halt of the Cavalry, Laurencia, Flames of Paris, Class Concert ”, “Vain Precaution”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Prelude”, “White Darkness”. She took part in tours of the Mikhailovsky Theater in the USA.

“The judge ruled on parole without notifying us of the meeting”

Recently, the court released the organizer of the attack on the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater Sergei Filin - in 2013, acid was thrown in his face. Former dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko was released on parole (parole) - thus he served half of the term (recall, at first the court appointed Dmitrichenko 6 years, then knocked off to 5, 5).

How Filin himself reacted to the decision of the servants of Themis, whether he forgave the enemy - the MK correspondents found out.

Filin himself recently flew to Germany - for another operation on his eyes. Most of all, the dancer is upset because of his health - after all, his vision has not been restored, despite several dozen operations. And the court decision, of course, did not bring joy. Moreover, it is seen as a violation of the rights to protection. Word to Filin's lawyer Tatyana Stukalova:

We are aware that on April 29, the court considered Dmitrichenko's application for parole. Then the papers were withdrawn, as they were filled with violations. Filin urged that this issue not be considered without his participation. However, later we learned that on May 18 the judge issued a decision on parole without notifying us of the meeting - so we could not attend. Now we are investigating why the summons did not come, although the resolution states that both parties have been notified. Here there is a violation of the rights to protect the victim. On Monday, we sent an appeal about our disagreement with parole. Dmitrichenko does not repent, he did not admit his guilt. For us, this is a matter of threat to Filin's life.

Dmitrichenko has so far avoided communicating with journalists. Although the ex-soloist left an enthusiastic message on his Facebook page: “Thanks to everyone who supported me! Your kind hearts have been a beacon of hope on a difficult journey. Truth won over lies. The undeniable truth: for whom the truth is the stronger. See you friends"

Note that in prison Dmitrichenko managed to get married. The chosen one was Yana Fadeeva, a stylist by profession.

Dmitrichenko once mentioned a possible continuation of his career as a dancer. Is it possible? We called his colleague, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Andrey Bolotin (he sympathized with Dmitrichenko during the process):

- Did you see Pavel after the release?

Not yet.

- Do you think he could return to his career? He's already 32...

On average, we have a career up to 38 years, it happens to someone even later. So nothing is impossible. I don't know if he kept himself in shape or not...

- Three years of sitting.

It all depends on the desire, and on the physical condition of Paul. If you want, you can enter the form.

Other experts, however, hinted that Pavel became somewhat stout in prison, did not exercise regularly, but all this is a deeply second question; and the first - that it is unlikely that at least someone will now take him to his troupe. After all, no one justified Dmitrichenko, did not whitewash. He was simply released on parole, which probably was not without some influence of an authoritative person. And therefore, for many, Pavel is still associated with the image of a criminal, which, however, will not prevent him from finding a job, if not as a dancer, but in any profession related to art, since getting a second education is not a problem.

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