Pedagogical characteristics for the student ready pmk. Material on the topic: psychological and pedagogical characteristics for the PMPK


Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a preschool child sent to PMPK.

F. I. O. Born. G.

The child attends the senior speech therapy group MBDOU No. ....

Family composition: complete family, mother - full name, education - higher, m. work - ... ., position - ... .; eldest child - son: F.I.O., .... r., student of ... class of MBOU of secondary school No. ... of the city ....

The family is socially prosperous, the moral situation is satisfactory. The style of family education is democratic (it is built on a relationship of trust and consent, where the interests of the child are taken into account). For the successful development of the child, favorable conditions for games and activities have been created.

The boy experiences slight difficulties in speech development (pronunciation of some sounds - he pronounces all sounds correctly in isolation). The difficulties are temporary. The child has the following levels of development:

Artistic and aesthetic development (intermediate level)

formed: - skill and interest in listening to works of art (expressively reads poetry, participates in dramatizations); - visual skills, the ability to convey images of the surrounding reality in a drawing based on one's own observations; - insufficiently formed: skills in working with scissors; - does not always move rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music.

Physical development (high level) - corresponds to the age norm. Egor participates in games - competitions and games - relay races.

Cognitive - speech development (intermediate level)

The child has a sufficient supply of vocabulary images, uses synonyms and antonyms in speech, and knows the forms of inflection. The boy composes simple sentences well and distributes them in homogeneous terms. Speech rate: moderate, speech - intonation-expressive. The sounds are formed, but the pronunciation in the game and free speech activity has not yet been fixed. Egor is familiar with letters and has developed the skill of reading syllables with passed letters; is able to compare and classify objects according to different criteria; skills were formed about the time of year, the change of parts of the day, the order of the days of the week, etc.

Social - personal development (high level)

The preschooler has well-developed communication skills, emotional responsiveness, and imitation. He is well acquainted with the rules of conduct, forms of communication, responsive, able to sympathize and care for others. With pleasure, she performs labor assignments, knows how to bring things to the end, and has self-service skills.

The boy shows the following skills in productive activities: - knows how to sculpt in different ways (he knows how to sculpt animals, birds, various objects); - creates compositions in the application technique; - can draw with different materials according to the idea and from nature. It is not always possible to depict objects and phenomena in motion, symmetrical cutting.

Reaction to failures - adequate: shows efforts to overcome difficulties. In working with a child, educators, a speech therapist use an individual, differentiated approach, as well as work with parents to overcome speech difficulties in the development of the child.

Egor knows how to manage his behavior, willingly responds to demands and comments; can ask for help, navigates the environment. The nature of the activity is stable, works with interest.

The state of cognitive processes:

Perception is age appropriate. Visual and auditory perception is not disturbed; is oriented in the perception of spatial relations; a holistic image of the object is formed - cut pictures are collected independently; well oriented in time representations.

Memory prevails: visual, auditory, motor. Arbitrary and involuntary memorization is well developed.

Verbal-logical thinking is formed and corresponds to the age. Visually-effective thinking correlates with visually-figurative.

Cognitive imagination is formed, the child builds an image by supplementing actions with various details. Creative imagination is manifested in the plot - role-playing games. Attention is steady.

Speech development: vocabulary corresponds to the norm, the grammatical structure of speech is formed, coherent speech is logical and consistent, phonemic hearing, sound and syllabic analysis correspond to the norm; sound pronunciation is formed, but not fixed.

The boy is calm, balanced, non-conflict, active, independent, kind, affectionate, neat and thrifty; in an unfamiliar environment, shyness is manifested. Relationships with peers and adults are friendly, it enters into communication easily and quickly.

Learning, program material and the child's interest in obtaining knowledge at a high and medium level. Psychological and pedagogical indicators correspond to the age.

Manager ___

Caretaker ___

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Drawing up characteristics for pupils of the preschool educational institution.

Drawing up characteristics for pupils is an integral part of the work of a preschool teacher. The need for writing arises when a child is registered in a speech therapy group or speech center, at the request of specialists or doctors, and in other cases. This is an important and responsible business. After all, the characteristic should be exhaustive and objective. Its purpose is to reveal those features of the child that are not always manifested during examination by members of the PMPK or doctors. Examination of specialists is limited in time, an unusual environment can distort the actual knowledge and skills of the child. Specialists have developed approximate schemes of characteristics for a child. As a rule, it should reflect:

1. General information about the child.

2. Physical development.

3. Interaction with the team.

4. Learning activities.

5. Labor activity.

6. Characteristics of cognitive activity.

7. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere.

8. General and special abilities.

9. Temperament.

10. Character.

11. Psychological and pedagogical conclusions.

When writing a characterization of a preschooler, it is very important to rely on the educational program and draw conclusions according to the child's fulfillment of the goals and objectives of this program. And another very important addition. Behind all this, this particular child should be visible, you need to choose such words characterizing the personality so that, without knowing the last name, another teacher can say who she is about.

In accordance with my profession, in my practice, complex children were more common, the characteristics should have helped in deciding the future place of the upbringing and education of the child, while tracking the dynamics of development or clarifying the diagnosis. Knowing how many difficulties teachers experience in this work, I offer several examples of characteristics. I will be glad if they are useful to you.

Psychological and speech therapy characteristics for a pupil

A boy of proportional build, good looks. Eye contact is available, but already in the process of primary examination showed characterological traits. When presented with a pyramid, he scattered the rings, tore off the stick. Switching it to another activity caused aggression.

Yegor attended kindergarten from the age of 2. But I never got used to the kindergarten regime, the teachers of the group and the children. The child came to the group crying, after a while he was distracted. But the organization of his activities in accordance with regime moments caused violent aggression. The kid took toys from the children, lays down on them, and pushed away everyone who wanted to get closer. Actively resists - bites, screams, tries to hit in the face, even an adult, even a child. Favorite activity is running in circles with a car, or jumping from high objects.

So far, individual work with the baby is possible only with food stimulation (nuts). The duration of the classes is very unstable. It can be 30 minutes (computer, and sometimes a complete rejection of activities with tears and aggression. Lotto “Paired Pictures” lays out, finds a picture by word. The child’s knowledge of color and shape is at the level of comparison. The “hand in hand” method is possible coloring pictures, cutting out simple shapes.

Knowledge of the environment is limited. The child's mother was actively involved in the process of teaching her son, expanding vocabulary, knowledge about the environment, but the boy's working capacity is extremely low, has an unstable episodic character. Attention is distracted, concentration is low. The results so far have been modest.

The active vocabulary of the child consists of some onomatopoeia, vocalizations, which even the mother of the child cannot correlate with a certain subject.

As a rule, the boy, when trying to get adults to communicate, is silent, tightly clenching his teeth. Onomatopoeia appears at moments of emotional revival.

Self-service skills are not formed. The child does not try to dress himself, but at the first opportunity throws off his shoes and clothes.

Contact with the child is difficult.

Teacher's signature

Psychological and logopedic

Psychological and logopedic

Psychological and logopedic


Child from 1 pregnancy, first birth. The pregnancy proceeded with toxicosis, the threat of termination at 22 weeks. Mom had a herpes infection (inpatient treatment, pyelonephritis. Delivery on time, Apgar score 8/8 b. The severity of the condition in the maternity hospital is due to tonic convulsions for 3 days / w, prolonged apnea, hypotension, hyporeflexia. He was treated in the pathology department newborns within a month Early psychomotor development within the age Speech development (according to mother): cooing and babbling in accordance with age In the period from 9 months to 1 year 9 months there were convulsions three times after vaccinations The first words appeared to 1 year, then speech development was interrupted At the age of 3.5 years in the active dictionary 10 babbling words Short phrase from the age of 4 Initially consulted by a speech therapist at the age of 2

Ignat is a benevolent boy of pleasant appearance, often distrustful and timid in unfamiliar surroundings.

Does not come into contact with children and adults immediately. In relations with children, he is passive, always in secondary roles or in an observant position.

In the game, he acts more often by imitation.

Favorite entertainments are cartoons and computer games. The boy falls into extreme excitement; twitching of the facial muscles and blinking of the eyelids increases. Emotional arousal is removed only after a few hours.

Understanding speech in a child at the household level. Cannot always execute a two-step instruction. Repeated repetition with a demonstration of the action is necessary.

The active vocabulary has expanded somewhat due to the everyday subject and verb vocabulary. It became possible to use pronouns, conjunctions and sometimes simple prepositions. Ignat's independent statements contain simple uncommon sentences. At the same time, there are gross errors in the use of grammatical constructions, there is no agreement between adjectives and nouns, and there is a mixture of case forms. The passive vocabulary is limited, the subject and verbal vocabulary associated with the labor activities of adults, flora and fauna is not formed.

The boy learned the basic colors, tint at the level of comparison.

Gross violations of the syllabic structure and sound filling of words are observed. Ignat reveals the insufficiency of the phonetic side of speech (a large number of unformed sounds).

In individual lessons, the boy is not diligent enough, attention is unstable, distracted. There is a rapid loss of interest, accompanied by twitching of facial muscles.

In frontal classes, we are very dependent on the behavior of other children.

Since it basically acts by imitation.

Articulatory motor skills are underdeveloped. Has difficulty accepting and maintaining an articulatory posture, switching from one exercise to another; salinity is observed.

Speech is slurred, slurred, not always understandable to others.

Involuntary attention is formed, but the volume of visual and auditory attention is reduced.

The volume of voluntary attention is also significantly reduced, there is a violation of distribution and switchability. Stability is not sufficiently developed, rapid exhaustion is characteristic.

Differentiates right and left sides insufficiently.

All types of memory are greatly reduced. Small quatrains are difficult to remember. Visual-figurative thinking at the intermediate level. The boy does not show interest in laying out plot pictures, cubes on his own. Designs from matches according to the model with the help of a teacher. According to the model, with the help of a teacher, he lays out large puzzles of 6 parts.

In a word, he does not generalize, excludes, often finding it difficult to explain the choice.

Ignat mastered the quantitative score up to 10. He does not own the reverse. Does not perform counting operations.

Fine motor skills are not developed enough, the pencil is held uncertainly, the pressure is weak, and the task is performed inaccurately.

The characteristic is given for presentation at the place of requirement.

Teacher's signature

Psychological and logopedic

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a child of senior preschool age sent to PMPK.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a preschool child sent to PMPK.

F. I. O. Born. G.

The child attends the senior speech therapy group MBDOU No. ....

Family composition: complete family, mother - full name, education - higher, m. work - ... ., position - ... .; eldest child - son: F.I.O., .... r., student of ... class of MBOU of secondary school No. ... of the city ....

The family is socially prosperous, the moral situation is satisfactory. The style of family education is democratic (it is built on a relationship of trust and consent, where the interests of the child are taken into account). For the successful development of the child, favorable conditions for games and activities have been created.

The boy experiences slight difficulties in speech development (pronunciation of some sounds - he pronounces all sounds correctly in isolation). The difficulties are temporary. The child has the following levels of development:

Artistic and aesthetic development (intermediate level)

formed: - skill and interest in listening to works of art (expressively reads poetry, participates in dramatizations); - visual skills, the ability to convey images of the surrounding reality in a drawing based on one's own observations; - insufficiently formed: skills in working with scissors; - does not always move rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music.

Physical development (high level) - corresponds to the age norm. Egor participates in games - competitions and games - relay races.

Cognitive - speech development (intermediate level)

The child has a sufficient supply of vocabulary images, uses synonyms and antonyms in speech, and knows the forms of inflection. The boy composes simple sentences well and distributes them in homogeneous terms. Speech rate: moderate, speech - intonation-expressive. The sounds are formed, but the pronunciation in the game and free speech activity has not yet been fixed. Egor is familiar with letters and has developed the skill of reading syllables with passed letters; is able to compare and classify objects according to different criteria; skills were formed about the time of year, the change of parts of the day, the order of the days of the week, etc.

Social - personal development (high level)

The preschooler has well-developed communication skills, emotional responsiveness, and imitation. He is well acquainted with the rules of conduct, forms of communication, responsive, able to sympathize and care for others. With pleasure, she performs labor assignments, knows how to bring things to the end, and has self-service skills.

The boy shows the following skills in productive activities: - knows how to sculpt in different ways (he knows how to sculpt animals, birds, various objects); - creates compositions in the application technique; - can draw with different materials according to the idea and from nature. It is not always possible to depict objects and phenomena in motion, symmetrical cutting.

Reaction to failures - adequate: shows efforts to overcome difficulties. In working with a child, educators, a speech therapist use an individual, differentiated approach, as well as work with parents to overcome speech difficulties in the development of the child.

Egor knows how to manage his behavior, willingly responds to demands and comments; can ask for help, navigates the environment. The nature of the activity is stable, works with interest.

The state of cognitive processes:

Perception is age appropriate. Visual and auditory perception is not disturbed; is oriented in the perception of spatial relations; a holistic image of the object is formed - cut pictures are collected independently; well oriented in time representations.

Memory prevails: visual, auditory, motor. Arbitrary and involuntary memorization is well developed.

Verbal-logical thinking is formed and corresponds to the age. Visually-effective thinking correlates with visually-figurative.

Cognitive imagination is formed, the child builds an image by supplementing actions with various details. Creative imagination is manifested in the plot - role-playing games. Attention is steady.

Speech development: vocabulary corresponds to the norm, the grammatical structure of speech is formed, coherent speech is logical and consistent, phonemic hearing, sound and syllabic analysis correspond to the norm; sound pronunciation is formed, but not fixed.

The boy is calm, balanced, non-conflict, active, independent, kind, affectionate, neat and thrifty; in an unfamiliar environment, shyness is manifested. Relationships with peers and adults are friendly, it enters into communication easily and quickly.

Learning, program material and the child's interest in obtaining knowledge at a high and medium level. Psychological and pedagogical indicators correspond to the age.

Manager ___


Characteristics per student ? class

Full Name student

Institution name

Year of birth, residing at:

Before entering school, he attended a preschool. 09/01/2011 enrolled in the first class institution name at the age of 6 years 10 months and is studying under the program "?" . The basis for the medical and pedagogical commission: "The skills and abilities necessary for mastering the educational material of the general education program are not sufficiently formed."

The child's family consists of four people.

Mother - ?, father - ?, there is a younger sister. The family lives in their own house, social and living conditions and financial situation are satisfactory. The daily routine of the student is mostly observed. The student attends an extended day group. In the second half of the year, absenteeism for unexcused reasons became more frequent. Little time is devoted to the upbringing and development of the child in the family.

The appearance of the student is neat, well-groomed. He is uncommunicative with peers, prefers to be alone or with children who do not offend him. Little contact with adults. The general motivation is social, based on an understanding of the social need for learning, “external”, in relation to learning, - submission to the requirements of adults, educational and cognitive motivation is not developed enough. Moderately worries about his actions, behavior; does not react to critical remarks and does not show any outward alarms.

The fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed, the precise and subtle movements of the muscles of the hand and fingers are not yet perfect. Leading hand right. Motor skills associated with self-service are well developed.

The student does not have a complete amount of knowledge and ideas about the world around him. Learning activities at a low level. The student knows information about himself, understands family ties. The skills of spatial orientation are incompletely formed, poorly oriented in the basic concepts of time, it is difficult to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the phenomena of reality. Experiencing difficulties in mastering the program material, reveals insufficiently formed basic educational skills, low academic performance in Russian, mathematics, and reading.

The student is dominated by visual-figurative thinking, and verbal-logical thinking is not yet fully developed. The child experiences difficulties in differentiating between the common and the different, carrying out mental operations of comparison, generalization, and classification. When naming the fourth extra object, the student cannot correctly determine the sign of generalization (for example, “The extra horse in the picture, because the rest is all a locomotive, fighter, ship”), thinks for a long time. Danil has a slow perception and comprehension of new educational material, especially in the Russian language, reading, and mathematics. He needs constant organizing help from the teacher in the form of leading questions, tips, and reliance on visual material. Danil independently establishes cause-and-effect relationships in a series of plot paintings with a clear meaning of the plot, but does not cope with the definition of logical relationships when working with a series of paintings with a hidden meaning and an unfinished end of the action. The child does not understand the meaning of riddles. For example, “Winter and summer in one color. What is this?" - "Snow"; “A pear is hanging, you can’t eat it. What is this?" - "Pear, no chandelier."

Cognitive interests in the educational sphere are not fully formed. The boy does not take an active part in the lesson, as he is unsure of the correctness of his answers.

There is a low activity of attention, its volume is somewhat different from the age norm; increased fatigue affects the decrease in concentration at the end of the school day. The student has difficulty switching from written forms of work to oral assignments. There is a relatively small stability of attention. Involuntary attention prevails.

Reproduction of educational information (rules, texts, content of tasks) is often incomplete, inaccurate. Cannot apply the learned material in class on their own. The amount of operative and long-term memory does not fully meet the age norms. Involuntary memorization dominates.

The overall pace of activity is slow. The prevailing type of mood is calm, balanced. The ability to volitional effort is somewhat reduced, as it often does not bring the work begun to the end.

The level of speech development of the child does not correspond to the age norm. The student has a lag in the development of phonemic perception: the student finds it difficult to distinguish between oppositional phonemes, cannot analyze the sound, syllabic composition of the word, allowing a gap. Danil understands the meaning of individual words of everyday meaning, simple instructions consisting of one link, and complex speech instructions with the help, after repetition and clarification. The student answers the questions in monosyllables according to the text he has listened to or does not answer at all. The presence of a poor and poorly differentiated vocabulary, which is activated with difficulty, the use of many words in an approximate meaning (for example, a mug - “cup”) is noted. Danil knows such generalizing (categorical) concepts as "birds", "animals", "furniture", "vegetables", "fruits", "dishes", "flowers", and the sequence of the seasons, the order of the days of the week is called only with the help of . The passive vocabulary prevails over the active one. There are few adverbs, complex prepositions, definitions, additions in speech. The student makes simple non-common sentences with a given word or a picture, but finds it difficult to complicate the structure of the original sentence on questions, add a few words to an unfinished sentence. Experiencing difficulties in word formation and inflection, that is, in the formation of a diminutive form of a noun from a given word, rarely in the formation of a plural from nouns in the singular. Danil hardly names the studied letters of the alphabet. Reading is not of interest to the student, because the alphabet has not been fully studied. The teacher's help is not readily accepted.

During his studies in the first grade, Danil showed poor knowledge of basic academic subjects.

The student copies from the handwritten text, but cannot translate from printed to written. Does not perform independent work, refuses. The skill of self-control is poorly developed.

In mathematics lessons, he performs addition and subtraction of numbers with the help of counting sticks, fingers, ruler. Performs forward and backward counting within ten. In the classroom, inactive, indecisive.

Danil does not teach poems by heart.

The boy shows little interest in drawing lessons, technology, enjoys physical education lessons, but does not like the rhythm lesson.

Danil did not master the material in all subjects for the academic year in the main subjects.

Olkhovik Elena Vladimirovna

Last name First name

middle group

He has been visiting the garden since the age of three, quite often he suffers from colds, especially in the autumn-winter period. He eats poorly, falls asleep easily and calmly.

Cognitive activity in the classroom is long-term, attentive, hears questions, but does not always willingly answer them, sometimes gets tired in the classroom, prefers to remain silent if he is not sure of the correct answer.

Quickly and easily included in the educational process, the program learns satisfactorily. Memorizes short poems. Easily acquires the necessary amount of knowledge. Vocabulary is age appropriate. He learns the program with ease, but is not always diligent, does not bring the matter to the end. Easily navigates the ratio of objects in size, shape, color. Attention is not stable enough.

From the values ​​independently allocates "big - small", height, length. Does not find it difficult to classify objects, the selection of generalizing words. Knows such general concepts as “vegetables”, “fruits”, “clothes”, “dishes”, “furniture”, “pets”. Use to name the sequence of seasons. The development of fine motor skills corresponds to the age norm.

He is disciplined and reacts calmly to comments from adults. He has good self-service skills, but does not always willingly clean up toys after himself.

Communicative and friendly towards peers. Willingly joins the game, plays calmly without conflicts. Prefers a role-playing game, fantasizes with pleasure.

Contact with the teacher does not avoid, willingly communicates with him.

The family is complete, mother is balanced and proactive. She is always actively interested in working with the child, conscientiously fulfills the recommendations of teachers.

Teacher's signature

Manager's signature

Sample characteristics of a child at PMPK

A sample of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child at the PMPK

1.General awareness
The child hardly comes into contact, has an insufficient level of knowledge about himself, his family, the world around him. The scope is limited. The dictionary is poor, inaccurate.

2. Gross motor skills
There is imperfection of general motor skills, general lethargy, inaccuracy of movements, impaired coordination of movements, difficulty in maintaining balance if necessary, and difficulty in regulating the pace of movements.

3. Fine motor skills
The child's finger movements are not coordinated, the ability to make small, precise movements at the household level. There is a lack of formation of motor skills of graphic activity.

4. Features of perception
Primary colors, geometric shapes, does not know the value or confuses, does not correlate the word with the subject; has difficulty recognizing an object; difficulties in perceiving the plot image (the plot as a whole does not perceive, lists the depicted).

5. Features of attention
The child does not know how to concentrate on any business for a long time; incapable of distributing and switching attention from one type of activity to another. Shows a dispersion of attention to the secondary with the loss of the main, there are significant difficulties in concentrating, an insufficient level of arbitrariness of attention.

6. Memory features
Saving information is difficult; mechanical memory prevails. When playing material, he constantly forgets details, needs leading questions, introduces fictitious borrowings, repeats individual phrases, but cannot state the main meaning, makes numerous mistakes in the playback sequence, distorts the meaning; concentrates on secondary objects, does not capture the main idea of ​​the content.

7. Features of thinking
Does not establish causal relationships; when performing a task, it needs constant support on a model, the help of a teacher; the sequence of actions when performing a task does not install or installs with; inconsistent and illogical in his judgments.

8. Features of behavior
There are behavioral disorders, bad habits. Dominant hobbies and interests are poorly expressed. Relationships with peers and elders are friendly. Adequately relates to relatives, peers. Does not know how to obey the requirements of adults.

9. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere
The child is motorally disinhibited, the emotional reactions are inadequate, affective outbursts may appear, he shows a tendency to refuse reactions, anger.

10. Health
The performance is low. The child is tired, exhausted, absent-minded in class, restless. There are sharp fluctuations in performance throughout the lesson, day, week, academic year; pace of work slowed down.

11. Characteristics of oral speech
In speech, pronunciation defects, insufficient level of vocabulary. The sentences used by the child are uncommon, incomplete; builds statements with the help of a teacher.

12. Attitude towards learning activities
Learning motivation is not formed: during the lesson, the teacher does not respond to the words; does not understand that during the lesson you have to sit, listen and work; plays with educational supplies like a small child. Accepts guidance from an adult. Poor self-service and work skills.

In the classroom, the child constantly gnaws pencils, pens, tears notebooks, spoils property. In a group of peers, he is aggressive - lashes out, strangles, beats with his fists, throws things. Ilya does not control his behavior on walks, in the bedroom. The boy needs constant monitoring by teachers.

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