The transfer is actually a staging. What is true and what is a lie in the show "Battle of Psychics"


For the past two months, Dmitry Shepelev has been hosting the show "Actually". As conceived by the project, the stars and other participants are checked on a lie detector. The program has high ratings, but guests complain that there are a lot of lies in the First Channel show.

So, the singer Aziza participated in one of the episodes of the program. The issue was dedicated to the tragic death of Igor Talkov. At the very end, the experts of the show asked Aziza what she was silent about, to which the artist replied that she was honest. However, according to the polygraph, it turned out that she did not finish speaking.

Aziza has information that she hides, but which was not asked, ”-

experts said.

Aziza tried to justify herself, but in the end Shepelev still concluded that the case of Igor Talkov remained unsolved.

I don't care about the polygraph. Moreover, all this is profanity and a show. Both the presenter and the experts play their roles in a well-directed production. I was asked to come there by Igor Talkov, Jr., we are friends, and I came. But for some reason he was never called to the studio. This disrespect is not even to Igor, but to the memory of his father, ”

Aziza shared her impressions. Her words lead"TV program".

Was dissatisfied with the organization of the show and Nikita Dzhigurda, who recorded all his conversations with the editors of the television project. In particular, they called the artist and said: “They want to call you to the detector, prescribe everything ....”, but Dzhigurda refused.

"I don't want to be a whipping boy..."

he said.

It is known that the showman communicates with those stars who participated in the "Actually" program.

A script is written in advance, under which the answers are adjusted, which the editors need for ratings and earning dough ... They spit on the truth and the truth! “People hawala” means (from their point of view) everything is cool! And they don’t give a shit about crippled fates!” —

Dzhigurda said.

Singer Danko also spoke about the intricacies of building the program. According to him, he had to play a role. According to the singer, his common-law wife was paid 150 thousand rubles for participating in the project, and Danko himself in the studio spoke strictly according to the text compiled by the editors. In that program, we recall, it was about the betrayals of his wife.

I was given the role of a bastard, I played. I spoke clearly according to the text, in my head this could not be born. Invented foreigners who even technically cannot exist - in Natasha's passport there are no exits and entrances, except for hospitals. And what questions did they push?! And at first they agreed on some, and at the last moment slipped others, ”-

the singer said.

As a result, according to Danko, the editors did not fulfill their obligations, although they promised a lot.

They promised to give the card number on the air, to announce the collection of money - I don’t know by what methods. But the emphasis was on it. I had to agree to their "jaundice" to help the child: we need a lot of things ... ", -

Danko's youngest daughter was born with developmental disabilities, so money for her treatment is constantly needed.

The notorious Diana Shurygina also passed a polygraph test. For participation in television projects, they pay 200 thousand rubles each. Diana Shurygina's opponent in the release of the "Actually" program was the sister of Sergei Semenov, convicted of rape, Ekaterina.

Semenova believes that what Diana said was a lie, but was presented as the truth, despite the polygraph.

Before entering the studio, we were tested on the detector. When Diana passed, we sat in the next room and heard her answers, what was true, what was a lie. Throughout the program, she constantly evaded the answer. Then she started a game: “I remember, I don’t remember.” When it's convenient - I remember, when it's not - I don't know, I don't remember. She could walk, she was unconscious. When the experts got tired of her leading them by the nose, they asked for precise answers. To which she, in her usual genre, began to throw a tantrum, tear off the wires from the detector and leave, "-

told the sister of the convicted rape.

It is noted that the organizers of the shooting were afraid that the program could not be broadcast because of this, and asked the experts to be loyal to Diana.

After that, answers in the form: “I don’t remember, I don’t know, maybe” began to be accepted, and in the end it turned out that everything she said was true. Diana's happiness knew no bounds, she tried to show that she was crying, she actually covered her face and laughed that she could deceive. Later, the organizers said we need a “swing” - Seryozha is right, Diana is right in order to maintain the interest of the audience and raise the rating of the program ... For you to understand, the script was written long before we passed the polygraph, ”-

According to experts, the lie detector can not always give reliable results. It is a device with the help of which psychophysiological studies are carried out, in which the parameters of respiration and cardiovascular activity are synchronously recorded.

On many projects, I studied the results of polygraph studies and I can say with confidence that the polygraph gives flaws. Honesty to the heroes of the program "Actually" adds responsibility to the audience of the federal channel, and the graphics on the screen are more likely to whip up intrigue, "-

said star psychologist Yevgeny Voltov.

He noted that this is a show, not a documentary.

And then, imagine a situation in which the detector was wrong. The person would ask to double-check it! This is a natural reaction to the accusation of lying!”

Voltov said.

Alexandra Rachel is perhaps the most famous television expert. She began her talk show procession in the Big Wash program. Since then, 17 years have passed - the program has already changed its name, and the presenter has gone to another channel. But Alexandra is still willingly invited to comment on this or that situation, history, problem. Unlike most of the guests in the studio, Rachel never took money for her comments. And even after leaving to live in Israel, she flew to Moscow to shoot. But the next invitation ended in a grandiose scandal.


“The program “Actually” with Dmitry Shepelev was preparing an issue called “Ours in London,” Alexandra told the site. “The main character was supposed to be Marinika Smirnova, for whom I have dirty compromising evidence. With him I was supposed to appear in studios at Shepelev.

“Editor Shamil took out my soul with calls, begged me to be on the record, persuaded me strongly and for a long time,” Sasha noted. “Like, come, we will pay for everything. snowdrifts. But I went, which in the end I regretted very much later. For 80 thousand I bought a ticket for a business class flight from Tel Aviv to Moscow. And no one met me at the airport. "

“I’m coming to the shooting,” Rachel continued. “They put me in a small dressing room, where they kept me for four hours without water and food. All this time, as I later found out, the editors were busying Marinika. And she, due to the transfer, flew from England to Russia ", settling in a luxury hotel, but realizing that they want to make her a laughing stock all over the country, she refused to shoot. For the first time in the history of the program, the heroine did not go on the air. The scandal was wild! She just threw everyone! And she returned home because her editors they simply intimidated them - they worked very unprofessionally. Although Marinika was supposed to receive about 400 thousand rubles. And since the main character did not come to the studio, the shooting was canceled. "

"But the most interesting thing began later," said Rachel. and I’m thinking how to get out of it,” he wrote to me. Six days have passed. And this despite the fact that the program pays all participants who are much less famous than me. situation is just a punch in the gut!"

“Shepelev at the end of the program says:“ Enough lies for today! ”And the creators of the program themselves showed themselves to be lying through and through!” Alexandra was indignant. only viewers, but also, as I have already said, guests and participants. I did not expect that the management of the program would behave so meanly, especially since I did all the work for the editors of the program myself. I called London at my own expense, even with a deputy, who filed a lawsuit against Marinika, personally communicated.

Recall that the premiere of the program "Actually" took place in July 2017. The studio confronts people who were once close, but a lie broke off their relationship. The heroes of the program were Diana Shurygina, Anna Kalashnikova, Elina Mazur and many other public figures.

The name of Sabina Pantus became known when the program "Actually" was released, where she is present as an expert. Pantus is a professional in her field, so it is not difficult for her to evaluate program participants and state some facts from their lives.

It is not surprising that viewers are interested in the biography and personal life of the show's expert.

Biographical information

Sabina does not indicate her nationality, but notes that her homeland is Baku, where she was born and spent several childhood years. Who her parents are and what they do, the polygraph examiner is silent. For some time the family lived in Novosibirsk, and then moved to Moscow. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university, and then received several more diplomas, having studied at the International Academy for the Study of Lies, as well as at the ANO FPE Center for Applied Psychophysiology. During her work, Pantus was also engaged in improving her skills, thanks to which she received certificates from institutions such as the Moscow NLP Center and the American International Polygraph Institute.

By specialty, Sabina is a certified polygraph profiler, that is, she is a highly qualified specialist who can easily draw up a psychological portrait of a person based on non-verbal signs: gestures, facial expressions, postures and conversation. Currently, she works in the field of lie detection, and also teaches students of the International Center for Lie Detection and Profiling, as well as the Korovin Lie Detection School. Pantus' activities are not limited to this: as a psychologist, she arranges various trainings and webinars, helping those who wish to increase their self-esteem and establish harmonious relationships in the family. Having become a media person, she is often invited to various programs and projects taking place on different TV channels.

Participation in the show "Actually"

In 2017, the polygraph examiner took part in the show project “Actually” on Channel One, where Dmitry Shepelev became its host. Sabina acted as a permanent expert in it. Many famous people managed to visit the participants of this project: the star of the show “Let them talk” - Diana Shurygina, Prokhor Chaliapin, Danko, Alexei Panin, Pierre Narcisse and many others. During the program, viewers learned many family secrets of the participants.

Pictured is Sabina Pantus.

So, the lie detector confirmed that Panin walks in front of his daughter without clothes, and also took drugs. But Danko, who doubted the fidelity of his common-law wife, made sure that she did not cheat on him, and his daughter was born from him. But the participants are not always satisfied with the actions of Pantus and Shepelev: many of them have already complained that some questions are not correct and provocative.

Personal life

Sabina carefully hides her personal life, however, viewers want to know about the mysterious blonde, whether she has a husband and children. According to some information on the network, she is raising two sons - Nikita and Daniel, who are 12 and 7 years old. According to the expert of the show “Let them talk”, her abilities do not always have a good effect on relations with children, since she immediately sees whether they are telling the truth or lying.

In the photo Sabina Pantus with her son

Pantus does not talk about her romantic relationship, so whether she has a lover is anyone's guess. The psychologist admits that her unusual profession is also inconvenient on a personal level, since “seeing a person through and through” sometimes brings unpleasant surprises. She has a page on Instagram, where 13.4 thousand subscribers are already signed. Sabina publishes her positive pictures there, in addition, she has her own channel where you can watch interesting videos.

In the 10 years that the “Battle of Psychics” has been released, 17 seasons have already been filmed. Each of them had their own stars. Having become famous, the former participants in the battle earn a lot of money. One hour of their work costs an average of 15-40 thousand rubles.

The flow of magicians and witches does not dry out from season to season. Whatever the participant, then the second Vanga and Nostradamus. And the audience is still gnawed by the question: “The Battle of Psychics” - is it true or a lie?

The former host of the show, Mikhail Porechenkov, added fuel to the fire.

“I worked with them for a long time. Kaldy-bastards, as they said in childhood. All lies! - Mikhail arranged the exposure of the "Battle of Psychics" on the air of "Our Radio".

Of course, I want to believe in a miracle, but how not to accept the words of the person who hosted the show from the 1st to the 7th season as the truth. Porechenkov told what the “Battle of psychics” really is.

“In the beginning it was very interesting to work. We really believed, - Mikhail confessed to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - And then we understood the technology of work. There are people who suggest, who conclude agreements with them in advance. And when I realized that it brings money to someone, I left there. There were moments when the participants understood something. Although none of the psychics passed the test with which I came to them.

How magicians work outside of the show

The fact that psychics pay for tips, people talked on the forums back in 2009:

“One of the participants in one of the battles is the sister of my friend. Everything is true, not a performance, not a show. But there are those who pay, and they are pulled, they give the right answers to the questions posed.”

“I know a psychic from the very first battle. The tasks are real, but the winners are really drawn and paid for.”

Someone tested the strength of the former participants in the battle on themselves.

“I went to an appointment with Zuliya Radjabov (the winner of the 2nd season. - Approx. ed.), Alina writes. - I almost burst into tears from annoyance, because everything is past! About me and about my family. I gave 95 thousand.

However, not everyone criticizes psychics.

“I was with Natalia Vorotnikova (the winner of the 1st season. - Approx. ed.), – writes a user under the nickname Wang. He doesn't talk about the past, mostly about the future. At first I thought it was nonsense, but four years later, almost everything came true. And she herself spoke, did not ask anything.

Needless to say, the participants of the show disliked Porechenkov for exposing the “Battle of Psychics”. But there were also those who supported the leader.

“I partially agree with Mikhail,” the finalist of the 6th season, Ziradin Rzayev, admitted to KP. “I saw the members talking to the phantom, showing karate moves… These people are just playing – it’s a 99.9% show.”

Singer Danko: “All shows are editing”

“Battle of Psychics” - true or false? Singer Danko has an unequivocal opinion on this matter. He once had an affair with Julia Wang, the winner of the 15th season, and even participated in the program himself.

Wang did not show her psychic abilities in any way. An ordinary glamorous party girl, of which there are thousands, - the singer told the Express newspaper. - I participated in the filming of the "Battle of Psychics" and saw with my own eyes how it is done. Clairvoyants are given a task. Each one is filmed within an hour. And during this hour he pronounces all possible answers. From the footage, the editors choose the appropriate responses and tailor the entire story to them. Editors know in advance who will win.

Ekaterina Gordon: “Two or three talents for the whole project”

The exposure of the "Battle of psychics" was also arranged by TV presenter Katya Gordon.

“Some of the new wizards produced by the show as clairvoyant geniuses I know personally,” she wrote in her . - Julia Wang was engaged in erotic exorcism in nightclubs and the exorcism of demons with perhydrol (she personally dyed my hair) ... My colleagues working on the project do not even hide in a private conversation that miracles do not happen there, this is a production and a show. Of course, during the era of the creation of the project there were talented and sensitive people, but there were two or three of them. The rest is pictures and artists of burnt theaters.

Alena Vodonaeva: “Psychics have powerful energy”

But Alena Vodonaeva, who happened to be “Mr. X” at the battle, has a completely different opinion about the show. The TV presenter assures: nothing is rigged, everything is real.

“When I returned from the filming of the program, I started bleeding on the same day ... I think that those thirteen people who took part in the test then affected me with their energy,” Vodonaeva admitted to StarHit.

The abilities of psychics were also shocked by another guest of the program - actress Nastasya Samburskaya. Some participants told such details of her life that the girl carefully concealed: about her brother, about a difficult childhood and a difficult relationship with her mother.

Marat Basharov: "Draw your own conclusions"

The mastery of psychics is also defended by the host of the show, Marat Basharov.

“If you think that those tears of people who are in the frame, tears of joy or grief, are all staged, everything is played, then very good actors are participating in the program. In fact, at the age of 42, I learned to distinguish between sincere joy, regret or grief of people from a fake one. If someone thinks that this is not true, let them think, ”Basharov replied to Porechenkov’s accusations in an interview with NSN.

Marat admitted: he was already tired of answering questions: “The battle of psychics - is it true or a lie?” The host urges not to listen to anyone and draw conclusions for yourself.

Familiar with the backstage life of the show and actress Vera Sotnikova.

“Miracles sometimes happen on our program, after which I can’t recover for a long time,” Vera told the host of the Perfect Repair program. - When a psychic designates a situation and tells some truth that no one has ever known, it's impossible not to believe it, because you can't play it that way. I will say this: to each will be given according to his faith.

Sergey Safronov: “I felt like they were climbing into my head”

The illusionist, over the years of participating in the show, is still skeptical of psychics. Safronov is sure that most magicians are just good psychologists.

“But, I confess, in 2010 I felt like they were getting into my head,” Safronov told StarHit. - It was Lilia Khegay on a test with hockey player Alexander Kharlamov. Psychics had to find the place of his father's death and tell who he was. Lily kept talking about some kind of stick, I asked her to draw. I passed out for a few seconds, and on the paper she drew the letter "G". There is a monument at the site of the accident - just a stick and a puck.

In general, Safronov admits, the audience does not care whether the truth is shown or not.

“People watch a mystical detective story based on real events,” says the eternal skeptic, but immediately assures that all the stories of the program, all its heroes are real people.

"There is no script!" the illusionist says.


Yesterday I watched a new show of the First Channel "In fact" and now I know for sure: it was the first and last time.

show "Actually"


I don't like Dmitry as a host. There is no spark or zest in it. He leads the show very insipidly, while he does not direct the show or the characters. His emotions are unnatural.

The essence of the show.

Two sides of the conflict are invited to the confrontation. The purpose of the transfer is the opportunity to hear each other and reconcile. At the same time, the participants in the conflict ask each other questions, and their answers are checked on a polygraph.

There are two polygraph examiners and a profiler at the expert table, which determines truth and lies by facial expressions and gestures.

Edition Heroes:

Alexey Panin and his ex-wife Yulia Yudintseva share their daughter.

Until that moment, I had never seen Julia. But in the studio, she gave the impression of not quite an adequate person. My thoughts were confirmed by the information that she was in a psychiatric hospital. Although Alex did not seem completely adequate to me. In my opinion, this is the case when two boots are a pair. Throughout the program, the characters poured dirt on each other. At the same time, it seemed to me that the program participants, including Dmitry Shepelev, were more lenient towards Alexei than towards Yulia. Moreover, Shepelev, in my opinion, was clearly on the side of Panin. In such programs, the presenter must be impartial and without a dark past, and it would be better to be a polygraph examiner and a psychologist.

My impressions:

The transfer left a very unpleasant aftertaste. At heart it was disgusting and vile. Not only is Shepelev unpleasant to me (not only as a leader, but also as a participant in a well-known conflict), but the heroes were picked up unpleasant. Together it was an explosive mixture.

Thank you for your attention!

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