Dyatlov Pass: what really happened? Has the secret of the Dyatlov Pass been revealed? A military doctor told his version of the death of the Dyatlov group.



"Death came from paralysis of the respiratory center"

A military medic told his version of the death of the Dyatlov group

A picture taken by the Dyatlov group on their last trip

The story of the mysterious death on the night of February 1-2, 1959 in the north of the Sverdlovsk region of a group of nine tourists led by a fifth-year student of UPI (joined UrFU) Igor Dyatlov is one of those in which no one will ever be able to put an end to it . There are a million versions: an avalanche, a bigfoot, a rocket explosion, a sabotage group, runaway prisoners, Mansi, dissatisfied with the invasion of sacred places for them. Recently, the site's correspondent met a former military medic, 66-year-old Vladimir Senchenko. Now he lives in Kamensk-Uralsky, but he comes from the north of the region, he served in missile units for many years ..

- What do you know about this whole story with the death of tourists?

- Let's start with the map .. A military paramedic, he served in the missile forces and I know about this case. Tired of listening: either the aliens flew in, or the bear came out and kicked everyone.

- In fact, there are more versions, and for the most part they are not so fantastic.

- In those years, military tests were carried out in the Ivdel region, missiles were tested. All the locals were well aware of this. They were often called fire snakes. I myself, when I was still living in Maslovo, saw 5-6 launches every winter. In the summer, by the way, they were not. Only held in winter. They went from the Serov region to the north, approximately along the Serov-Ivdel railway. Once, by the way, I saw that two rockets were flying at the same time. What does it say? The fact that these were not tests of only ballistic missiles. According to the instructions, they cannot test two ballistic missiles at the same time. Yes, everything was classified, but even the last losers in our country knew that weapons, including atomic weapons, were being tested in the north. We were strongly advised not to walk in the rain, not to walk in the snow. And why? Because the fallout was radioactive.

- You want to say that the entire north of the Sverdlovsk region is infected?

- It's less now. Listen further. When I graduated from medical school, I was sent to Vizhay for distribution. But I did not get to Vizhay, I worked in the village of Pervoi Severny. I was settled there with geophysicists, at least that's how they were introduced to me at first. Allegedly, they make up some kind of cards and all that stuff. On weekdays, these people disappeared in the taiga, and on weekends they rested in the village. One fine day, it was Monday and I had a day off, one of them, the youngest, stayed at the base. He must have been 25 years old. He offered me a drink, I didn't refuse, sat down. I asked him why he didn't go with everyone. And then he started talking. I won’t go, he says, no more, how do you live here, they say? He says you can't live here, there's radiation all around. It turned out that they are not geophysicists. They walk through the taiga and collect all sorts of junk left over from the launches. I say I want to live. The next day, he planned to go to their office, get paid and leave the village. Only when the next day I came home after work, I could not get into the apartment. Turns out it was a shot. He locked himself in a room and shot himself. This is instead of going home. Two uncles came and took away the body. me for interrogation. I pretended to be, as we then said, "rags."

- How is this connected with the Dyatlov Pass?

“The problem is that people have absolutely no idea what an explosion is. It is believed that these are, relatively speaking, fragments, a bunch of holes and all that. Specifically, what is a blast wave, hydrodynamic shock, absolutely no one knows. Even I, who worked as a doctor for seven years and served in missile units from the Caucasus to the Urals, until some point studied it only as an elective. I want to say that the four wounded from the Dyatlov group (Rustem Slobodin, Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexei Zolotarev, Nikolai Thibault-Brignolle - site) are not a bear or aliens at all, this is a shock wave.

- In fact, this is one of the most popular versions, why are you so sure of this?

- All these combinations of injuries suggest such an idea: broken ribs, head injuries. This is what happens in a blast. He fell, say, on a backpack, on a stone or on another person during the explosion - he broke his ribs, injured his head. True, if you paint these injuries separately, and this is exactly what was done in the conclusion of the pathologist, then nothing is clear. It is not ruled out that the pathologist could have known about everything, but he was simply forbidden to write as he was. (The forensic examination of all the dead was carried out by the forensic expert of the regional bureau of forensic medical examination Boris Vozrozhdenny. At the same time, the forensic expert of the city of Severouralsk Ivan Laptev also participated in the study of the first four bodies on March 4, 1959, and an expert took part in the study of the last four bodies on May 9, 1959 -criminalist Henrietta Churkina - site).

- Do you want to say that near Mount Holatchakhl, on the slope of which on February 1, 1959 the group of Igor Dyatlov got up for the night, there was a rocket explosion?

- Let me remind you that the launches were carried out mainly in the evening. At least, it was at this time of day that they were most often observed in those years by local residents, including myself. At this time, the Dyatlov group was just getting up for the night. The second important point: all missiles during testing are equipped with a self-explosion system. The most secret part at that time was rocket fuel, for better ignition, an oxidizing agent based on nitric acid was added to it. Therefore, the electronics blew up the fuel tank. The rockets then went at a low altitude, and the Dyatlov group stood on the mountain. There is every reason to believe that we are dealing with a self-explosion of a rocket that occurred close to them.

- The minus of the rocket version is that the Ministry of Defense assures that there were no launches that day.

- We read carefully what they wrote: there were no training launches of ballistic missiles. Question: were any others produced? Nobody asked this question. We could talk about tactical missiles with a range of 300-400 km.

- In favor of the rocket version speaks a strange reddish-orange skin tone, which was seen on the bodies of dead tourists. Allegedly, these are traces of the impact of rocket fuel.

- When the tank with this fuel was opened, smoke or orange-colored vapor instantly appeared from there. Vapors bubbled up like a fountain, from orange to brown depending on the lighting. They are quite heavy. On the one hand, they are slowly deposited, on the other hand, they are slowly blown away by the wind. In general, it turned out that the group, after the explosion of the rocket, fell under a cloud of vapors of this fuel.

- Where did the rocket itself or its fragments go in this case?

- It is a mistake to believe that a rocket falls apart during self-explosion. The rocket body itself went a little further. According to the instructions, at the first opportunity, but no later than three days later, helicopter pilots took him away. They usually follow. Large parts were collected at the earliest opportunity, and small ones were collected before the 70s.

Could they see the tent and the bodies on the slope?

— We could see the tent. But these comrades have strict orders to follow their own course and not interfere in anything else. Especially by that time everyone was already dead. A cloud of vapors went down from the place of detonation, and there is no need to explain what acid vapors are.

- Stop, just right.

- To imagine what it is, you can pour nitric acid in the room. There is a strong irritant effect on the respiratory tract, effects on the eyes. A strong cough, runny nose, tears begin. I believe they were in the tent by the time the cloud reached them. I had to run. By this time, they began to choke, hence the cuts on the tent. Where to run? Just down, away from the cloud. In addition, try to drag a wounded person uphill in winter, and they had a ratio of four wounded to five survivors.

- I believe that they went down to the river (a tributary of the Lozva - site). We found this niche near the river: a cliff, there they simply hid from the wind.

In the case of the death of the Dyatlov group - new evidence

Relax a little, look around. It's cold, not enough clothes. We must return. But there is a strong irritation in the eyes, they do not really see. Plus cough, runny nose. Here you need to understand one more thing, the susceptibility of each person is different. For example, I tolerate acid more easily than alkali. Then they decide to leave part of the group by the river, the rest climbed a little higher up the slope to the edge of the forest, where they break branches and burn a fire ..

Why didn't anyone come back? There was not much to go to the tent.

“The oxidizing agent I told you about does not cause burns as such. It is quickly absorbed into the body and causes poisoning, accompanied by a red-orange color of the skin. Within half an hour, a person dies from paralysis of the respiratory center. That's why they didn't reach the tent either.

“When the bodies were found, they lay one behind the other on the slope. Closest to the tent was Zinaida Kolmogorova. Why?

- There may be several versions. They received the same poisoning, but everyone's tolerance is different. The resistance of the woman's body, as a rule, is higher, so she climbed the farthest.

- The rocket version, however, does not explain why some of the dead had no eyes, and Dubinina had no tongue and part of her lower lip.

- Everyone paid attention to this and went in cycles in it. In fact, the bodies were not immediately covered with snow. Eyes, lips, tongue - all these are the softest tissues, birds could really peck them out or gnaw them out by mice. There is an explanation why, for example, there was no tongue - they were suffocating, and this girl simply died on inspiration. The mouth remained open, and the animals could well take advantage of this.

- Fine. Do you have an understanding of which missile test could lead to the death of the Dyatlov group?

- The launch of the S-75 complex flies one to one like those fiery snakes that we saw in my native village. This is a rocket, by the way, which on May 1, 1960, Powers was shot down in the sky over Sverdlovsk (pilot of the American U-2 spy plane - website). It is not ruled out that in 1959 it was tested. Around the same years, by the way, the S-125 complexes were tested. I think this question could be addressed to the Ministry of Defense.

Fifty years have passed since the death of the Dyatlov expedition. This is a tragedy, the causes of which still make many people think. A documentary film was made about this mysterious case, sorcerers and magicians from the “Battle of Psychics” program tried to unravel it, but an exact explanation of what happened has not yet been given.

In the last days of January 1959, ten young people as part of the so-called Dyatlov expedition (a student from UPI) went on a hike in the mountains. They had to overcome more than three hundred and fifty kilometers on skis. The goal was to conquer Mount Otyrten with a height of 1182 meters. It was assumed that on the fourteenth of February the group would return to the village of Vizhay, from where they would send a telegram to their relatives.

However, none of them returned. Time passed, but the guys did not send any news to the household. Search work has begun.

And only on the twenty-sixth of February, rescuers on the slope of Mount Holatchakhl discovered an empty cut tent, from which traces of bare feet led down towards the forest.

One and a half kilometers from the camp, the bodies of five frozen members of the Dyatlov expedition were found, and the rest of the corpses were found only in early May under the snow that began to melt.

Almost all tourists were undressed and half-dressed. Some had fatal injuries: pierced heads and broken ribs, some died from the cold. And one of the girls from the Dyatlov expedition - Lyuda Dubinina - did not have a tongue and eyes.

No one could explain either the reasons for such injuries, or the most important thing: why the tourists ran half-naked out of the tent into the cold and found their death there?

Neither in the tent itself, nor nearby, the investigators who arrived at the scene, could not find anything that could shed any light on the tragedy that had happened. There were no signs of a struggle or bloodstains anywhere. All valuables and money were in the tent. There was also a half-eaten dinner for the guys. The big secret of the Dyatlov expedition is a tent ripped open from the inside. It turned out that during dinner, something so terrible suddenly happened inside that forced the guys to cut the tent and run out.

The campaign, as it is written in the diaries of the guys, began cheerfully and easily. They laughed a lot, sang songs, despite the remarks of the police: they had paper, which turned out to be stronger than armor. It was written in it that this campaign was timed to coincide with the opening of the 21st Congress of the CPSU.

The young people from the Dyatlov expedition were desperate and experienced athletes who repeatedly climbed mountains that were even more difficult to conquer. And they were supposed to be driven out of the tent by a really terrible and incomprehensible force, before which they experienced such horror that they did not even have time to get dressed.

For the Soviet media, the death of the Dyatlov expedition was a taboo topic, but the information passed from mouth to mouth, acquiring the most incredible and terrible assumptions. Some believed that the guys witnessed the testing of secret weapons, and the military was to blame for their death. Some said that they were killed by special forces or fugitive convicts. Still others were sure that the matter was in the poachers from the regional party committee and in simple hunters. There were also those who suspected American spies and UFOs constantly appearing over the Urals.

Nevertheless, half a century has passed, but this mystery has not yet been revealed.

The Dyatlov Pass Incident

The terrible mystery of the death of the Dyatlov group

The tragic story of a tourist group of students from the Ural Polytechnic Institute in February 1959 in the Northern Urals, called the Dyatlov group, is one of the most mysterious tragedies in history. The case was partially declassified only in 1989. According to the researchers, some of the materials from the case have been seized and are still classified. Due to the huge number of strange and inexplicable circumstances back in 1959, investigators were unable to solve this mystery. Until now, for many years, volunteer volunteers have been trying to investigate and somehow explain the incredibly strange and terrible history of the group. However, there is still no completely harmonious version that would explain all the mysteries of this case.

(18+ Attention! This article is intended for people over 18 years old. If you are under 18, leave the page immediately!)

1. Dyatlov group.

On January 23, 1959, a group of 9 skiers from the tourist club went on a ski trip in the north of the Sverdlovsk region.

The group was headed by an experienced tourist Igor Dyatlov.

The task of the hike is to pass through the forests and mountains of the Northern Urals on a ski hike of the 3rd (highest) category of difficulty.

On February 1, 1959, the group stopped for the night on the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl (translated from Mansi - Mountain of the Dead), not far from the nameless pass (later called the Dyatlov Pass).

Nothing foreshadowed trouble.

These photographs of the group were later found in the cameras of the participants in the campaign and developed by the investigation.

The group sets up a tent on the mountainside, the time is about 17:00.

These are the most recent photographs that have been found.

On February 12, the group was supposed to reach the end point of the route - the village of Vizhay, send a telegram to the institute's sports club, and return to Sverdlovsk on February 15. But neither on the appointed days, nor later, the group did not appear at the end point of the route. It was decided to start searching.

2. Start of search and rescue operations.

Search and rescue operations began on February 22, a detachment was sent along the route. Around for hundreds of kilometers there is not a single settlement, completely deserted places.

On February 26, a tent covered with snow was found on the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl. The wall of the tent facing down the slope was cut.

The tent was later dug up and examined. The entrance to the tent was opened, but the slope of the tent, facing the slope, was torn in several places. A fur coat stuck out in one of the holes.

Moreover, as the examination showed, the tent was cut from the inside. Here is the cut diagram

At the entrance inside the tent lay a stove, buckets, a little further cameras. In the far corner of the tent - a bag with maps and documents, Dyatlov's camera, Kolmogorova's diary, a bank of money. To the right of the entrance lay the products. To the right, next to the entrance, lay two pairs of boots. The remaining six pairs of shoes lay against the wall opposite. Backpacks are spread out at the bottom, they are wearing padded jackets and blankets. Part of the blankets are not spread out, warm clothes are on top of the blankets. An ice ax was found near the entrance, and a flashlight was thrown on the slope of the tent. The tent was completely empty, there were no people in it.

Traces around the tent indicated that the entire Dyatlov group suddenly left the tent for some unknown reason, and presumably not through the exit, but through the cuts. Moreover, people ran out of the tent in 30-degree frost even without shoes and partially dressed. The group ran about 20 meters away from the entrance to the tent. Then the Dyatlovites in a tight group, almost a line, in socks through the snow and frost went down the slope. The tracks indicate that they walked side by side without losing sight of each other. Moreover, they did not run away, namely, with the usual step, they retreated down the slope.

These protruding hills of snow are their traces, as it happens when a strong snowstorm passes over the area.

After about 500 meters down the slope, the tracks were lost under a layer of snow.

The next day, February 27, one and a half kilometers from the tent and 280 m down the slope, near the cedar, the bodies of Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivonischenko were found. At the same time, it was recorded: Doroshenko had a burnt foot and hair on his right temple, Krivonischenko had a burn on his left leg and a burn on his left foot. Near the corpses, a fire was found, which had sunk into the snow.

Rescuers were struck by the fact that both bodies were stripped down to their underwear. Doroshenko was lying on his stomach. Beneath him is a broken branch of a tree, on which, apparently, he fell. Krivonischenko was lying on his back. All sorts of small things were scattered around the bodies. There were numerous injuries on the hands (bruises and abrasions), the internal organs were full of blood, Krivonischenko was missing the tip of his nose.

On the cedar itself, at a height of up to 5 meters, branches were broken off (some of them lay around the bodies). Moreover, branches up to 5 cm thick, at a height, were first filed with a knife, and then broken off with force, as if hanging on them with their whole body. There were traces of blood on the bark.

Nearby, cuts with a knife with broken young firs and cuts on birch trees were found. Cut tops of firs and a knife were not found. At the same time, there were no assumptions that they were used for a firebox. Firstly, they do not burn well, and secondly, there was a relatively large amount of dry material around.

Almost simultaneously with them, 300 meters from the cedar up the slope in the direction of the tent, the body of Igor Dyatlov was found.

He was slightly covered with snow, reclining on his back, with his head towards the tent, his arm around the trunk of a birch. Dyatlov was wearing ski trousers, underpants, a sweater, a cowboy shirt, and a fur sleeveless jacket. On the right leg - a woolen sock, on the left - a cotton sock. The clock on my hand showed 5 hours and 31 minutes. There was an icy growth on his face, which meant that before he died, he breathed into the snow.

Numerous abrasions, scratches, deposits were revealed on the body; a superficial wound from the second to the fifth fingers was recorded on the palm of the left hand; internal organs are filled with blood.

Approximately 330 meters from Dyatlov, up the slope under a layer of dense snow 10 cm, the body of Zina Kolmogorova was found.

She was warmly dressed, but without shoes. His face showed signs of nosebleeds. There are numerous abrasions on the hands and palms; a wound with a scalped skin flap on the right hand; encircling the right side, passing to the back of the skin; swelling of the meninges.

A few days later, on March 5, 180 meters from the place where Dyatlov's body was found and 150 meters from the location of Kolmogorova's body, the body of Rustem Slobodin was found under a layer of snow of 15-20 cm. He was also quite warmly dressed, while on his right leg he had a felt boot worn over 4 pairs of socks (the second felt boot was found in the tent). On the left hand of Slobodin, a watch was found that showed 8 hours 45 minutes. There was an ice build-up on his face and there were signs of nosebleeds.

A characteristic feature of the last three found tourists was skin color: according to the recollections of rescuers - orange-red, in the documents of the forensic medical examination - reddish-crimson.

4. New terrible finds.

The search for the remaining tourists took place in several stages from February to May. And only after the snow began to melt, objects began to be found that indicated the rescuers in the right direction to search. The exposed branches and scraps of clothes led to the hollow of the stream about 70 m from the cedar, which was heavily covered with snow.

The excavation made it possible to find at a depth of more than 2.5 m a flooring of 14 trunks of small firs and one birch up to 2 m long. On the flooring lay a spruce branch and several items of clothing. According to the position of these objects on the flooring, four spots were exposed, made as "seats" for four people.

The bodies were found under a four-meter layer of snow, in the bed of a stream that had already begun to melt, below and slightly away from the flooring. First they found Lyudmila Dubinina - she froze, kneeling, facing the slope at the waterfall of the stream.

The other three were found a little lower. Kolevatov and Zolotarev lay in an embrace "chest to back" at the edge of the stream, apparently warming each other to the end. Thibaut-Brignolles was the lowest, in the water of the stream.

Krivonischenko and Doroshenko's clothes - trousers, sweaters - were found on the corpses, as well as a few meters from them. All clothes had traces of even cuts, as they had already been removed from the corpses of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko. The dead Thibault-Brignolles and Zolotarev were found well-dressed, Dubinina was worse dressed - her faux fur jacket and cap ended up on Zolotarev, Dubinina's unboiled leg was wrapped in Krivonischenko's woolen trousers. Krivonischenko's knife was found near the corpses, with which young firs were cut near the fires. Two watches were found on Thibault-Brignolle's hand - one showed 8 hours 14 minutes, the second - 8 hours 39 minutes.

At the same time, all the bodies had terrible injuries received in their lifetime. Dubinina and Zolotarev had fractures of 12 ribs, Dubinina - both on the right and on the left side, Zolotarev - only on the right.

Later, the examination determined that such injuries can only be received from a strong blow, like hitting a car moving at high speed or falling from a great height. It is impossible to inflict such injuries with a stone in a person’s hand.

In addition, Dubinina and Zolotarev do not have eyeballs - they are squeezed out or removed. And Dubinina's tongue and part of her upper lip were torn out. Thibaut-Brignolles has a depressed fracture of the temporal bone.

Very strange, but during the examination it was found that the clothes (sweater, trousers) contain applied radioactive substances with beta radiation.

5. Inexplicable.

Here is a schematic picture of all the discovered bodies. Most of the group's bodies were found in the head-to-tent position, and all were located in a straight line from the cut side of the tent, for over 1.5 kilometers. Kolmogorova, Slobodin and Dyatlov did not die while leaving the tent, but on the contrary, on the way back to the tent.

The whole picture of the tragedy points to numerous mysteries and oddities in the behavior of the Dyatlovites, most of which are practically inexplicable.
- Why didn't they run away from the tent, but retreated in a line, with the usual step?
“Why did they need to kindle a fire near a tall cedar in a windswept area?”
– Why did they break the branches of the cedar at a height of up to 5 meters, when there were many small trees around for a fire?
“How could they have sustained such terrible injuries on level ground?”
– Why didn’t those who reached the stream and built sun loungers there survive, because even in the cold it was possible to hold out until the morning?
- And finally, the most important thing - what made the group leave the tent at the same time and in such a hurry with practically no clothes, no shoes and no equipment?

There are still a lot of questions, but no answers.

6. Mount Holatchakhl - the mountain of the dead.

Initially, the local population of the northern Urals, the Mansi, was suspected of the murder. Mansi Anyamov, Sanbindalov, Kurikov and their relatives fell under suspicion. But none of them took the blame.
They were more afraid of themselves. Mansi said that they saw strange "fireballs" over the place of death of tourists. They not only described this phenomenon, but also drew it. In the future, the drawings from the case disappeared or are still classified. "Fireballs" during the search period were observed by the rescuers themselves, as well as other residents of the Northern Urals. As a result, the suspicion with Mansi was removed.

On the film of the dead tourists, the very last frame was discovered, which is still controversial. Some argue that this shot was taken when the film was removed from the camera. Others claim that this shot was taken by someone from the Dyatlov group from the tent when the danger began to approach.

The Mansi legends say that during the time of the global flood on Mount Kholat-Syakhyl, 9 hunters disappeared earlier - they “died of hunger”, “boiled in boiling water”, “disappeared in a terrible radiance”. Hence the name of this mountain - Kholatchakhl, in translation - the Mountain of the Dead. The mountain is not a sacred place for the Mansi, rather the opposite - they always bypassed this peak.

Be that as it may, but the mystery of the death of the Dyatlov group has not been solved so far.

7. Versions.

There are 9 main versions of the death of the Dyatlov group:
- avalanche
- the destruction of the group by the military or special services
- impact of sound
- attack by escaped prisoners
- death at the hands of the Mansi
- a quarrel between tourists
- a version about the impact of some test weapon
– version of “controlled delivery”
- paranormal versions

I will not describe them in detail, all these versions can be easily found on the Internet. I can only say that none of these versions still can not fully explain all the circumstances of the death of the Dyatlov group.

8. Memory of the dead.

After the tragedy, the pass was named the Dyatlov Pass. A memorial was erected there in memory of the dead tourists.

Igor Dyatlov, Zina Kolmogorova, Semyon Zolotarev.

In preparing the article, materials were used from several sources, forums and investigative reports:
– http://pereval1959.forum24.ru
– http://aenforum.org/index.php?showtopic=1338&st=0
– http://www.murders.ru/Dyatloff_group_1.html
– http://perdyat.livejournal.com/4768.html
– http://pereval1959.forum24.ru/?1-9-0-00000028-000-0-0-1283515314 (case)
- wikipedia stuff

Materials dedicated to the death of the Dyatlov tourist group on the night of February 2, 1959 in the Northern Urals are collected in our magazine by tag.

Publications on the death of the Dyatlov tourist group:
- a detailed overview publication on the death of the Dyatlov group.
- 30 chapters of the most interesting investigation into the mystery of the death of the Dyatlov group: the version of the "controlled delivery".
- The Sobesednik publication, together with colleagues from Komsomolskaya Pravda and Channel One, took part in an expedition to the Northern Urals.
- Why is it easier to believe in the incredible, what kind of secret document the participants in the conflict are waiting for from Bastrykin and when they come face to face - in the material "URA.Ru".
- a version of the death of students on the night of February 2, 1959 from a rocket test, from an explosion in the air, which caused the movement of crust and snow on Mount Holatchakhl.
- feature film directed by Renny Harlin "The Mystery of the Dyatlov Pass" ( The Dyatlov Pass Incident), released in 2013, shows a group of American students trying to solve the mystery of the death of the Dyatlov tourist group in Russia in the Northern Urals in 1959.
- fragments of the rocket fell near the group, and in order to avoid the discovery of any evidence proving the involvement of the government and the military in this case, the Dyatlovites were maimed and killed.
- a film that considers and argues the version of the involvement of the government and the military in the death of the Dyatlov tourist group.

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On the night of February 1-2, 1959, on the slope of the North Ural mountain Kholatchakhl, not far from the pass, which now bears the name of Igor Dyatlov, a tourist group of nine people who were on a ski trip died under mysterious circumstances.

The group consisted of skiers from the tourist club of the Ural Polytechnic Institute (Sverdlovsk): five students, three UPI graduate engineers and an instructor from the Kourovskaya camp site. The leader of the group was a student of the 5th year of the UPI tourist Igor Dyatlov.

Initially, the group consisted of ten people:

1. Igor Alekseevich Dyatlov (born January 13, 1936), 5th year student of the Faculty of Radio Engineering;
2. Zinaida Alekseevna Kolmogorova (born January 12, 1937), 5th year student of the Faculty of Radio Engineering;
3. Rustem Vladimirovich Slobodin (born January 11, 1936), graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics (1958), engineer of plant No. 817 in Chelyabinsk-40;
4. Yuri Nikolaevich Doroshenko (born January 29, 1938), 4th year student of the Faculty of Radio Engineering;
5. Georgy (Yuri) Alekseevich Krivonischenko (born February 7, 1935), graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (1957), engineer of plant No. 817 in Chelyabinsk-40;
6. Nikolai Vladimirovich Thibaut-Brignolles (born June 5, 1935), graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (1958), engineer;
7. Lyudmila Alexandrovna Dubinina (born May 12, 1938), 4th year student of the Faculty of Civil Engineering;
8. Semyon (Alexander) Alekseevich Zolotarev (born February 2, 1921), instructor of the Kourovskaya camp site, graduate of the Institute of Physical Culture of the Byelorussian SSR (1950);
9. Alexander Sergeevich Kolevatov (born November 16, 1934), 4th year student of the Faculty of Physics and Technology;
10. Yuri Efimovich Yudin (born July 19, 1937), 4th year student of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics. Yudin dropped out of the group when he entered the active part of the route (the part that was overcome exclusively on his own), thanks to which he was the only one from the whole group to survive.

For 16 days, the participants of the trip had to ski at least 350 km in the north of the Sverdlovsk region and climb the Otorten and Oiko-Chakur mountains in the North Urals. The hike belonged to the 3rd (highest) category of difficulty (according to the classification of sports hikes in force at that time, adopted in 1949).

On January 23, the group left by train from Sverdlovsk to Serov, where they arrived on the morning of January 24. On the same day in the evening, the group left by train for Ivdel and arrived in the city around midnight (on the night of January 24-25). On the morning of January 25, the Dyatlovites went by bus to Vizhay, where they spent the night in a hotel.

On the morning of January 26, the group drove off in an open truck to the logging camp. There, on January 27, they put their backpacks on the cart allocated by the head of the forest area, got on their skis and went to the abandoned village of the 2nd Northern mine, which was previously part of the IvdelLAG system. On that day, it turned out that Yuri Yudin, due to pain in his leg (sciatic nerve inflamed), could not continue the campaign. He went with a group to the 2nd Northern in order to collect stones for the institute.

On the morning of January 28, Yudin, after saying goodbye to the group and giving his comrades his part of the total cargo and personal warm clothes, returned back with a cart. From the diary of Zinaida Kolmogorova: “... Grandfather Slava is leaving today on his horse, and Yura Yudin is also leaving. Took a few samples. I saw this breed for the first time after drilling. There is a lot of chalcopyrite and pyrite here…” From Luda Dubinina's diary: “…Yurka Yudin is going back home today. It’s a pity, of course, to part with him, especially for Zina and me, but nothing can be done ... "

2 Active part of the trip

The first days of the hike along the active part of the route passed without any serious incidents. On January 28, tourists, having left the 2nd Northern, advanced on skis along the Lozva River and spent the night on its banks. From the diary of Zinaida Kolmogorova: “The first 30 minutes have passed. Of course, the backpack is nothing, heavy. But you can go. The first day is always hard...

From the general diary of the group Igor Dyatlov: “Today is our first night in a tent. The guys are fiddling with the stove, sewing a canopy out of a sheet. Having done something and not done something, we sit down to dinner. After dinner, we sit around the fire for a long time, singing soulful songs ... "

On January 29, a transition was made from the parking lot on the banks of the Lozva to the parking lot on its tributary Auspiya along the Mansi trail. From the group's shared diary: “The snow depth this year is much less than last year. Often you have to stop and scrape wet snow off your skis, because there are still such unfrozen places.

On January 30, the group continued to move along the Auspiya along the Mansi sledge and reindeer trail. It got colder: from -5°C to -17°C during the day and -26°C in the evening. From the general diary of the group: “The diary is written on the way, in the cold, on the go ... Today is the third cold night on the banks of the Auspiya. We start to get involved. The stove is a big deal."

On January 31, the Dyatlovites approached Mount Holatchakhl and tried to climb the slope, but because of the strong wind they were forced to return back to Auspiya and spend the night there. “Today is especially difficult to walk. The trail is not visible, we often stray from it or grope… Thus, we pass 1.5-2 km per hour… Gradually we separate from Auspiya, the ascent is continuous, but rather smooth. And now the spruces ran out, a rare birch forest went. We've reached the edge of the forest."

The last entry in the general diary, made on the evening of January 31, reads: “We are descending to the south - to the valley of Auspiya. This is apparently the snowiest place. The wind is small on snow 1.2−2 m thick. Tired, exhausted, they set about arranging a lodging for the night ... There was not enough firewood. Sickly raw spruce. The fire was built on logs, reluctance to dig a hole. We dine right in the tent. Warm. It is hard to imagine such comfort somewhere on the ridge, with a piercing howl of the wind, a hundred kilometers from settlements ... "

On February 1, the group, having equipped a storehouse in the Auspiya valley (a warehouse for some things and products that are unnecessary when climbing Otorten), at about three o'clock in the afternoon, left along yesterday's well-trodden route - through the pass to the valley of the Lozva River, to its fourth tributary. However, having taken 500-600 meters to the left, the tourists did not go to the river, but to the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl, whose name in translation from the Mansi language means “Mountain of the Dead”. In view of the imminent onset of darkness, the group decided to settle directly on the slope. The last photos of the guys clearing a place for a tent were also taken here.

3 Group demise

On February 12, the group was supposed to reach the end point of the route - the village of Vizhay, send a telegram to the institute's sports club, and return to Sverdlovsk on February 15. The first to express concern was Yuri Blinov, the head of the UPI tourist group, which drove up with the Dyatlov group from Sverdlovsk to the village of Vizhay and left from there to the west - to the Prayer Stone ridge and Mount Isherim. Also, Sasha Kolevatov's sister Rimma, Dubinina and Slobodin's parents began to worry about the fate of their relatives. The head of the UPI sports club, Lev Semyonovich Gordo, and the department of physical education of the UPI, A. M. Vishnevsky, were waiting for the group to return for another day or two, since earlier there had been delays on the route for various reasons. On February 16-17, they contacted Vizhay, trying to establish whether the group was returning from the campaign. The answer was no.

On February 19, the teacher of the military department of the UPI, Colonel Georgy Semyonovich Ortyukov, went to Ivdel to organize a search headquarters there. On February 24, during a survey of Mansi hunters, it turned out that there are “fresh” remains of the camp of some tourist group in the valley of the Auspiya River. In the upper reaches of the Auspiya, on its left bank, rescuers found a barely noticeable ski trail, heavily swept by snow, disappearing in places. On this trail, they conducted reconnaissance in several directions: down and up the Auspiya and towards the top of Kholatchakhl. Boris Slobtsov, Mikhail Sharavin and Ivan Pashin advanced towards the pass through which the path to Otorten lay. Soon they came to a tourist tent, which was located on the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl, about 300 meters from the top. The tent was empty and with a cut wall. The things and documents found in it testified that it was the tent of the Dyatlov tourist group.

From the protocol of the place of discovery of the parking lot of a group of tourists Igor Dyatlov on February 28, 1959 (Criminal case, vol. 1, l. 2): “The lodging place is located on the North-Eastern slope of height 1079 at the headwaters of the Auspiya River. The lodging place is located 300 m from the top of mountain 1079 under a mountain slope of 30°. The overnight place is a platform leveled from snow, at the bottom of which 8 pairs of skis are laid. The tent was stretched out on ski poles, fixed with ropes, 9 backpacks with various personal belongings of the group members were spread out at the bottom of the tent, quilted jackets, windbreakers were laid on top, 9 pairs of boots were found in the heads, men's trousers were also found, also three pairs of felt boots, warm fur jackets were also found, socks, a hat, ski caps, dishes, buckets, a stove, axes, a saw, blankets, products: crackers in two bags, condensed milk, sugar, concentrates, notebooks, a route plan and many other small things and documents, and a camera and accessories for camera."

On February 26, descending along the supposed traces of tourists leaving the tent, one and a half kilometers down from it, in the place where the forest had already begun, near a large cedar, the bodies of Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivonischenko were found. They lay at some distance from each other next to the remains of a small fire that had sunk into the snow. Both bodies were stripped down to their underwear. Doroshenko was lying on his stomach. Beneath him is a broken branch of a tree, on which, apparently, he fell. Krivonischenko was lying on his back. All sorts of small things were scattered around the bodies. At the same time, it was recorded: Doroshenko’s foot and hair on the right temple were burned, Krivonischenko had a burn of the left leg 31 × 10 cm and a burn of the left foot 10 × 4 cm. On the cedar itself, at a height of 4-5 meters, branches were broken off, part of them lay around the bodies.

The body of Igor Dyatlov was found 300 meters from the cedar up the slope in the direction of the tent. He was slightly covered with snow, reclining on his back, with his head towards the tent, his arm around the trunk of a birch. Dyatlov was wearing ski trousers, underpants, a sweater, a cowboy shirt, and a fur sleeveless jacket. On the right leg - a woolen sock, on the left - a cotton sock. There was an icy growth on his face, which meant that before he died, he breathed into the snow.

In the evening of the same day, about 330 meters from Dyatlov, up the slope, under a layer of dense snow of 10 cm, with the help of a search dog, the body of Zina Kolmogorova was discovered. She was warmly dressed, but without shoes. His face showed signs of nosebleeds.

On March 5, 180 meters from the place where Dyatlov's body was found and 150 meters from the location of Kolmogorova's body, the body of Rustem Slobodin was found with the help of iron probes under a layer of snow of 15–20 cm. He was also quite warmly dressed, while on his right leg he had a felt boot worn over 4 pairs of socks (the second felt boot was found in the tent). There was an ice build-up on his face and there were signs of nosebleeds.

The location of all three bodies found on the slope, their poses indicated that they died on the way back from the cedar to the tent.

The search for the remaining tourists took place in several stages from February to May. At the same time, rescuers first of all searched for people on the mountainside with the help of probes. Since the end of April, searchers have concentrated their efforts on exploring the ravine, located below the cedar, and where the thickness of the snow cover reached 3 meters.

In the first days of May, the snow began to melt intensively and made it possible to find objects that indicated the rescuers in the right direction to search. So, plucked coniferous branches and scraps of clothes were exposed, which clearly led into the hollow of the stream, which flowed about 70 m from the cedar and was heavily covered with snow. An excavation carried out in a hollow made it possible to find at a depth of more than 2.5 m a flooring of 14 trunks of small firs and one birch up to 2 m long. On the flooring lay a spruce branch and several items of clothing. According to the position of these objects on the flooring, four spots were exposed, made as "seats" for four people.

On May 4, 75 meters from the bonfire, where the first bodies were found, under a four-meter layer of snow, in the bed of a stream that had already begun to melt, below and slightly away from the flooring, with further clearing of the hollow, the remaining tourists were found. First, they found Lyudmila Dubinina - she froze, kneeling, facing the slope at the waterfall of the stream. The other three were found a little lower. Kolevatov and Zolotarev lay in an embrace "chest to back" at the edge of the stream, apparently warming each other to the end. Thibaut-Brignolles was the lowest, in the water of the stream.

Krivonischenko and Doroshenko's clothes were found on the corpses, as well as a few meters from them - trousers, sweaters. All clothes had traces of even cuts, as they had already been removed from the corpses of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko. The dead Thibault-Brignolles and Zolotarev were found well-dressed, Dubinina was worse dressed - her faux fur jacket and cap ended up on Zolotarev, Dubinina's unbowed leg was wrapped in Krivonischenko's woolen trousers. Krivonischenko's knife was found near the corpses, with which young firs were cut near the fires. Although the bodies showed signs of decomposition, no visible injuries were found upon examination at the place of death. Only Kolevatov had burn marks on his arms and sleeves. After that, the bodies were sent for forensic examination to Ivdel, and the search was curtailed.

The official version of the investigation read: “Given the absence of external bodily injuries and signs of a struggle on the corpses, the presence of all the values ​​​​of the group, and also taking into account the conclusion of the forensic medical examination on the causes of death of tourists, it should be considered that the cause of their death was an elemental force, to overcome which people were unable to."


In 1959, the Soviet expedition that founded the Mirny station sent a group of six explorers deep into Antarctica to reach the south magnetic pole. Only two explorers returned alive, both on the verge of insanity. What the polar explorers told was strictly classified, the circumstances of the case were not published anywhere. Only 40 years later, one of the participants in the expedition gave an interview in which he told what really happened. His story helped shed light on another mysterious case - the death of the Dyatlov group, which for many years excited the minds of scientists and ordinary people ...


A group of polar explorers, led by an experienced researcher Yuri Korshunov, was tasked with reaching the magnetic pole and making the necessary measurements of soil and air. In three weeks, the group managed to reach the goal and set up tents. Tired of the long journey, the polar explorers decided to go to bed. However, no one was able to sleep. Yuri Korshunov left the tent to get some air, and for the first time he encountered something that he could never forget. A strange object resembling a luminous sphere hovered a couple of hundred meters from the camp. Then Yuri called his colleagues, and everyone left their tents. At this time, the ball began to stretch, turning into a cylinder, and a grimace began to form on its top, similar to the mouth of an unknown creature.

The group's photographer, grabbing the camera, rushed forward towards the monstrous cylinder, despite the warning cries of his colleagues. He did not stop clicking the shutter, while the cylinder extended and touched his head. A moment later, the photographer fell dead in the snow. His body was burned. The members of the group grabbed their guns and began to shoot at the mysterious object, but the cylinder disappeared, before giving out a sheaf of sparks from the places where the gun bullets hit. The distraught polar explorers tried to establish contact with the station, but there was terrible interference on the air, in addition to everything, a snow storm arose, which dragged on for several days. Returning to base seemed unthinkable.

It wasn't until two days later, as the group was closing their tents to head back, that the sphere reappeared. The polar explorers were ready to shoot. And like the last time, stretching out, the sphere crawled over the heads of two members of the expedition, who immediately fell dead. Another polar explorer, who was standing nearby, was completely blind and, claiming to have seen the "mouth of the devil", died on the way back ... The chilling story was published in the early 2000s in the American National Geographic magazine from the words of Yuri Korshunov, who emigrated to USA.

Meanwhile, in the Northern Urals, a group of skiers from the tourist club of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, led by Igor Dyatlov, set off. The participants of the trip had to ski 350 kilometers in the north of the Sverdlovsk region and climb Mount Oiko-Chakur. On January 23, the group left by train from Sverdlovsk to Serov, where they arrived on January 24. On February 1, 1959, the guys stopped for the night on the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl (translated from Mansi - “mountain of the Dead”), not far from the nameless pass. On February 12, the group was to reach the end point of the route - the village of Vizhay, and on the 15th - to return to Sverdlovsk. However, the tourists did not return either that or the following days. Their search lasted 10 days, when an empty tent with a cut wall was finally found. Down the slope were found the bodies of all nine participants in the campaign. Some were burned, one girl had no eyeballs. Watches on the hands of tourists, frozen, showed different times. What is common between these incidents, which happened even in the same year, but still in different places?


Oddly enough, no one has ever tried to link these incidents together, despite the mass of common points. So, for example, as in the case of the polar explorers, the bodies of the tour group participants had similar injuries: the bodies of Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivonischenko were burned, despite the complete absence of traces of radiation or exposure to any combustion process - the level of radiation from clothes only slightly exceeded the natural background . The internal organs of the rest of the tourists were damaged, despite the complete absence of traces of external influence.

Further more. The clock on the hands of one of the participants in the campaign, Rustem Slobodin, showed 8:45. Two watches on the hands of Nicholas Thibault-Brignolle froze at 8:14 and 8:39. What caused the hands of a mechanical clock to stop? Possibly strong electromagnetic interference. It was impossible to contact the group precisely because of the strongest interference on the air that prevented the signal, as was the case with the polar explorers who were trying to establish contact with the Mirny village. Local residents of the Mansi claimed that on the fateful evening of February 1, before the death of the participants in the campaign, they saw strange luminous balls over the place where the tourists died. They not only described this phenomenon, but also drew it. However, these images have disappeared from the file. Glowing balls were observed by the rescuers themselves, as well as other residents of the Northern Urals, noting the strangeness in their chaotic movement.

The attention of the investigators who were looking into the causes of the death of the group was attracted by the 33rd frame of the film from Yuri Krivonischenko's camera, taken from the tent on that fateful night. It depicts luminous balls, which were rumored during the search period. It was never established with what tool, at a height of five meters, the branches of the fir trees growing near the tent were cut off. And the branches themselves were not found. The trunks and branches of some fir trees were burned, but no other traces of burning were found. Numerous injuries to internal organs, which caused the death of most tourists, were obtained as a result of external influence. The experts agreed that there was a high sound or electromagnetic effect, the nature of which they did not manage to find out.


For many years, both mysterious phenomena excited the minds of scientists and researchers of the paranormal. However, an explanation capable of shedding light on both cases was nevertheless received. American physicist Roy Christopher, who studied the circumstances of the death of polar explorers, put forward a hypothesis, which he later experimentally proved. According to his conclusions, the Earth's radiation belt is the abode of plasma clots, the natural shape of which is a sphere. Called by scientists "plasmoids", these structures live within the radiation belt, at an altitude of 500-700 kilometers. The sun is their source - with each flash it throws out masses of magnetic-plasma formations that reach our planet in a matter of seconds, affecting the well-being of people, the behavior of animals and the operation of devices. All formations have different structure and composition, which have not been studied so far. Some are invisible and ephemeral, however, approaching the surface of the Earth and falling into its magnetic field, they become dense and tangible.

Upon reaching the Earth, plasmoids usually get stuck in the ionosphere. However, sometimes they descend into the lower atmosphere along magnetic field lines, often in places called "pathogenic zones". This refers to areas where the magnetic field is unstable. Meeting with them promises death to a person. After all, becoming dense, plasmoids acquire the ability to influence the organisms of living beings at a distance. An example of such a detrimental effect can be numerous internal injuries to members of the Dyatlov tour group.

It should also be noted that at the end of the winter of 1959, astrophysicists recorded the strongest solar energy emissions and magnetic storms. Observers in various parts of the world saw flashes with the naked eye, which indicates a high power and intensity of emissions. Meanwhile, Mount Kholatchakhl and the area around it have a strong and unstable magnetic field, which is a kind of tunnel for space plasmoids. And most likely, like the polar explorers, the members of the Dyatlov tourist group fell victims of such a “reasonable anomaly”.


Today, astrophysicists recommend that people refrain from traveling during periods of high solar activity and avoid places with abnormal magnetic fields, arguing that any adventure - whether it's hiking in the forest or climbing mountains - can end in death.

In order not to perish on the next trip, scientists recommend making sure that the route is safe - there are many sites on the Internet containing information about places on the planet with an unstable magnetic field and predicting the activity of a celestial body. After all, it, unfortunately, carries not only creative, but also destructive energy.


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