Perspective planning for reading fiction in the first junior group. Summary of an open integrated lesson on familiarization with fiction in the first junior group Summary of a lesson in a 1 ml group reading


Reading fiction is aimed at achieving the goal of forming interest and the need for reading (perception) of books through the solution of the following tasks:

- the formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas;

- the development of literary speech;

- familiarization with verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.

Fiction, being a kind of art, performs the aesthetic and ethical functions of educating preschool children, which, of course, contributes to the integration of this area with the "Artistic and aesthetic development" direction. However, the peculiarities of the perception of a literary text by preschool children are such that with the help of a book, a child, first of all, discovers the world in all its interconnections and interdependencies, begins to understand life and people more and better, experiencing and living through what he read. The main mission of the region is to educate a reader in a child, who “begins” in preschool childhood. The process of communication with a book is decisive in the intellectual and personal (including ideological) development of a person, in his ability to self-realization, in the preservation and transfer of experience accumulated by mankind.

Reading is a conditional concept in relation to preschool children. A preschool reader is dependent on an adult in choosing books for reading, the frequency and duration of the reading process, methods, forms and degree of expressiveness. Therefore, the important points in the activities of an adult in the implementation of this area of ​​the Program are: 1) the formation of a circle of children's reading; 2) organization of the reading process.

When forming a circle of children's reading, teachers and parents must, first of all, be guided by the principle of the comprehensive development of the child (social and personal, cognitive and speech, artistic and aesthetic), since the selection of fiction in accordance with applied principles (by genres, periods, writers ) is focused more on the study of literature, or the literary education of children. Conditions for the effectiveness of the organization of the reading process: systematic (daily reading), expressiveness and organization of reading as a joint activity of an adult and children (and not within the framework of a regulated lesson). The criterion of effectiveness is the joy of children when they meet a book, “reading” it with direct interest and enthusiasm.
“Content of the educational area “Reading fiction”

aimed at achieving the goal of generating interest and need for reading

(perception) of books through the solution of the following tasks:

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value


Development of literary speech;

Introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic

perception and aesthetic taste.

^ Formation of interest and need for reading

the understanding that a lot of interesting things can be learned from books.

Encourage them to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the teacher,

to accustom to ask questions: “Who (what) is this?”, “What is he doing?”.

Continue to involve children in looking at pictures in books.

Read to children the works of art provided by the Program for the second

early age groups

Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, author's works.

Accompany reading with a display of toys, pictures, table theater characters and others

means of visualization, as well as to form the ability to listen to a work of art without

visual accompaniment.

Accompany the reading of small poetic works with game actions.

Give children the opportunity to finish words, phrases when reading by a teacher

familiar poems.

Help children older than 2 years 6 months to play a well-known fairy tale.

Material Description: I propose a summary of direct educational activities for children of the first junior group on the topic: reading A. Barto's poem "The Ball". The summary will be useful to educators of the 1st junior group. This is a summary of a lesson on the development of speech with elements of experimentation aimed at developing speech, enriching vocabulary on the topic "Water Sorceress".

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech for children in the 1st junior group. Reading A. Barto's poem "The Ball"

Target: help children remember A. Barto's poem.


Educational: learn to tell a poem with the help of a teacher.

Expand active vocabulary: light, heavy, wet, dry, floats, sinks.

Educational: develop memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills.

Educational: accuracy.

Integration of educational areas."Knowledge". "Communication". "Socialization". "Reading".

Equipment: doll, ball, bath with water, pebbles, twigs, towel.

Methodical methods: game situation, conversation-dialogue, outdoor game, experiment.


Game - greeting: "Hello friend". (Establishment of emotional contact.)

Come to me, friend.

Let's all gather in a circle.

We will all take hands.

And we smile at each other.

Hello Friend. Hello Friend.

Hello, our whole friendly circle!

Educator: “Do you hear someone crying? What's happened?

(Bring to a basin of water. A doll sits next to the basin. A ball floats in the basin.)

Our Tanya is crying loudly.

Dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry.

The ball will not sink in the river.

What is our Tanya doing? (crying loudly)

Why is she crying? (Dropped a ball into the river.)

Let's calm Tanya, say: “Hush, Tanechka, don't cry. The ball will not sink in the river.

(Invite the children to tell a poem about Tanya and the ball.)

See if the ball floats or does it sink? (He is swimming)

Let's get him. (Catches the ball with a net.)

What did Tannin's ball do in the water? (He swam.)

What drips from the ball? (Droplets of water.)

How did the ball feel to the touch? (Wet.)

Why is he wet? (Swim in the water.)

What do you think needs to be done to make the ball dry? (wipe it off.)

(The teacher wipes the ball with a towel)

How does the ball feel now? (Dry.) Let's play with him.

The game "My cheerful, sonorous ball."

At the end of the game, the ball "accidentally" falls into a bowl of water.

Educator:“The ball fell into the water again. Does he swim or sink? Why do you think he swims? (He's light.)

Do you think that if a stone is thrown into water, will it float or will it sink?

Let's check. (Hands out pebbles to the children.) Throw the pebbles into the water. Look what happened? (The stone has sunk.)

Why did he drown? (He's heavy.)

And if the twigs are thrown into the water, what will happen to the twigs? Will they sink or will they float? (Children make their guesses.)

Let's check.

(Hands out twigs. Children throw them into the water.)

Why do you think the branches float? (They are light.)

What items are floating? (Light objects float.)

What items sink? (Heavy objects sink.)

Let's fish all the items out of the water."

Children catch pebbles and twigs with a net.

caregiver. “What did the pebbles and twigs become? (Wet)

What needs to be done to make them dry? (wipe off)

Children wipe pebbles and twigs with napkins.

caregiver: “Did you like to play with water? Tell us what we did today."

Synopsis of the GCD in the educational field: "Fiction". Age group: I-younger.

Lesson topic:"The hostess abandoned the bunny."

Description: this summary of the GCD is intended for young children on the topic: "The hostess threw the bunny." This summary, I hope, will be of interest to early childhood educators. This lesson allows children to memorize the poem and instill in them love and respect for toys.

Integration of educational areas:"Fiction", "Physical culture", "Health", "Safety", "Artistic creativity", "Communication", "Socialization".


Educational area: "Social - communicative development".

Enrich children's vocabulary by reading a poem;

Continue to form the ability to coordinate words in sentences, to give the opportunity to tell the poem in full;

Cultivate respect for toys.

Educational area:"Artistic and aesthetic development".

Continue to form plasticine modeling skills, cultivate a desire to sculpt;

Cultivate accuracy.

Educational area:"Physical Culture".

To form the ability to perform simple movements under the text.

Methodical methods. Game situation, conversation-dialogue, physical minute, productive activity, joint actions with children.

Equipment: a toy - a bunny, a towel, plasticine, a board, napkins for each child.

Vocabulary work: bunny, abandoned, wet.

Preliminary work: reading the poem "Bunny" by A. Barto, the game "Bunny".


1. Organizational moment:

Oh, guys, look who came to us? (answers).

Bunny! Are you all wet? (I am responsible for the bunny).

Let's wrap him in towels to dry and keep warm. (perform actions).

Guys, what happened to the bunny? (answers).

Listen to what Agnia Barto told us about this in her poem.

2. Reading a poem from the series "Toys" by A.L. Barto "Bunny".

The hostess abandoned the bunny,

A bunny was left in the rain.

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin.

3. Conversation.

Guys, who threw the bunny? (answers).

Why is the bunny wet? (answers).

Can toys be thrown outside? (answers).

What should we do with the toys after we have played? (if they find it difficult, I speak for myself).

The hare was offended by his mistress. He felt so bad in the rain. Let's take pity on the bunny, say kind words to him. (the children feel sorry for the bunny, they tell him, “don’t cry, good one”).

Go, Katya, read a poem about a bunny. (I call 2-3 children. I help if necessary).

4. Fizminutka "Bunny".

Guys, our bunny is already dry, but cold. Let's play with him.

A gray bunny is sitting

He moves his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to jump.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this

You need to warm up your paws.

Children perform movements according to words.

5. Artistic creativity. Modeling "Buns (cookies) for a bunny."

Guys, let's bake sweet buns and cookies for the bunny.

Look, the bun is shaped like a ball. Yes, our bun is round. Therefore, from a piece of plasticine, we first blind a ball. Here's what we got for you.

And how will the children sculpt the ball. Show. (children do the task).

And now we will turn the ball into a booth, for this we will flatten it. Like this. (show).

And now the bun is ready. But one bun is not enough for a bunny, because he will probably want to treat his friends. Will you help me? (Yes).

Let's remember how we will do this? (listen to the answers, then summarize them).

That's right, we first blind a ball from a piece, then flatten it and our bun is ready. (I monitor the progress of the work. I help if necessary).

Works of children (I use "personally-oriented technology". Individual approach to children).

6. Reflection:

How many beautiful, delicious buns you baked. Eat bunny. Bunny ate and thanks you:

Thank you for the buns

I speak from the heart!

The bun is delicious, the bun is sweet,

I'll eat it soon.

And now we, together with the bunny, will go to our toys and treat them.

Long-term planning "Reading fiction in the 1st junior group"
List of fiction
1. “Hello, kindergarten” September I. Gurina “Preschoolers”
A. Vishnevskaya "I work as a child"
N. Kalinina "How Sasha and Alyosha came to kindergarten" (from the book "About the snowball")
S. Privarskaya "Farewell to Mom";
V. Gerbova "About the girl Masha and Bunny Long Ear"
Z. Aleksandrova: “In the Morning”, “Delicious Porridge”, “Topotushki” (from the book “Topotushki”).
Z. Alexandrova "Katya in the manger" (excerpt)
“Everyone clapped their hands” A. Anufriev
2. “My home” September S. Kaputikyan “Masha is having lunch”
N. Kalinina "How the guys built the house" (from the book "About the Snowball");

"Mitten" Ukrainian folk tale (arr. E. Blaginina)
"Katya, Katya is small ..." Russian folk amusement
"Give milk, Burenushka ..." Czech folk song
3. "Harvest" September Y. Tuwim "Vegetables"
V. Suteev "Apple"

T. Shorygina "Generous Harvest"
T. Bokova "Harvest Festival"
"Cucumber" Russian folk amusement
"After a warm rain ..." Russian folk amusement
4. "Our way of life" September V. Oseeva "Kind hostess"
L. Voronkova "Masha the Confused"
"Kolobok" Russian folk tale
D. Shidlovskaya "Offended toys"
N. Pavlova "Whose shoes?"
"Sick doll" V. Berestov
"Kiska" Russian folk amusement
1. "Animal World" October S. Kaputikyan "Everyone is sleeping";
E. Charushin "Cat" ("In our yard")
"Cockerel, cockerel" Russian folk song;
"The Cockerel and the Bean Seed" Russian folk tale
“You, doggy, don’t bark” (translated from Moldavian, I. Tokmakov);
E. Charushin "Dog" ("In our yard")
4. "Vulnerable-early in the morning" Russian folk amusement;
E. Charushin "Cow" ("In our yard")
5. "There is a horned goat" Russian folk amusement;

"Elephant" A. Barto
"Mishka clumsy" Russian folk amusement
2. “I am a man” October “The cat went to the market” Russian folk amusement;
"Masha and the Bear" Russian folk tale
S. Prokofiev "Masha and Oyka",
"The Tale of Yoku the Crybaby" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Protruding Tongue" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of Naughty Hands and Feet" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")

"Who will help" M. Ivensen
"Legs" Russian folk amusement
3. Folk culture and traditions in the game October 1. "Ribushechka hen" Russian folk amusement;
"Golden Egg" Russian folk tale (arranged by K. Ushinsky);
2. "Ladushki-ladushki" Russian folk amusement;
"Turnip" Russian folk tale (arranged by K. Ushinsky)
3. "Ai, dudu-dudu-dudu" Russian folk amusement;
"Teremok" Russian folk tale (arranged by K. Ushinsky)
"Bayu-bayushki-bayu" Russian folk amusement;
"Kids and the wolf" Russian folk tale
“I will tie the goat” Russian folk amusement;
"How a goat built a hut" Russian folk tale
"Egor's Bunny ..." Russian folk amusement
"Because of the forest, because of the mountains" Russian folk amusement
4. Musical drawing room "Colors of autumn" October M. Ivensen "Autumn";
A. Vishnevskaya "Autumn"
A. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come";
N. Kalinina "In the forest"
"The red sun has set" Russian folk song;
O. Vysotskaya "Herringbone"
5. A. Block "Bunny"
"Autumn" A. Pleshcheev (excerpt)
"The wind blows in our face" Russian folk rhyme
1. I am in the world of people "Friendship" November
L.N. Tolstoy. Stories "Petya and Misha had a horse"
V. Oseeva "Good hostess"
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Greatest Friend" (from the book "Masha and Oyka"
S. Prokofiev "The tale about the rude word" go away "" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Hammer and Nails" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
"Two hands" G. Sapgir
"There are three hens on the street" Russian folk amusement
2. Transport November N. Pavlova "By car"
2. S. Bernikov "The Tale of the Tu-Tu Engine" (from the book "Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends")
3. E. Bendrysheva “What does it sound like?”
S. Bernikov "Tu-Tu the Engine and the Moon" (from the book "Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends")
4. T. Kryukova "Foreword" and "Accident" (from the book "Avtomobilchik BIP")
5. T. Kryukova "Sick" (from the book "Avtomobilchik BIP")
"Truck" A. Barto
"The Locomotive Buzzed" by T. Volgin
3. Health School "Healthy" November S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Crow's Nest" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Pacifier" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "Magic cottage cheese"
D. Shidlovskaya "Little Doctor"

“Ay, frets, frets, we are not afraid of water” Russian folk amusement
"Let's put new boots on our feet" Russian folk amusement
4. "Who is preparing for winter" November Kabardino-Balkarian song "Hare";
I. Pivovarova "Hare"
A. Blok "Bunny".
E. Charushin ("Who lives like that?") "Hare"
E. Charushin (“Who lives like that?”)
N. Kalinina "In the forest";
A. Vishnevskaya "Winter Forest"
A. Paroshin “Birds fly south”;
D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey Neck" (abbreviated)
"Cold" O. Vysotskaya
"Our Masha is small" Russian folk amusement
5. "Mom's Week" November S. Prokofiev "The Tale of Mom" ​​(from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "Good deeds"
A. Metzger "Long Ear Bunny"
A. Metzger “We are loved the way we were born”
A. Metzger "So that mothers do not get sick"
"Horse" A. Barto
"Ladushki" Russian folk amusement
1. Hello, winter-winter December "Bayu-bayu, bainki ..."
A. Vishnevskaya "Winter in the yard", "Mittens"
Z. Aleksandrova "New snow";
A. Prokofiev "Like on a hill, on a mountain"
V. Orlov "Everything is angrier, angrier, angrier on the street frost";
P. Voronko "Santa Claus carries a bag"
N. Nikitin “The weather was noisy, the weather was clearing up in the field ...”, “The moon is merrily shining over the village”, “Burning crackling frost ...”
V. Orlov "Evening Song"
“Oh, you, zimushka-winter” Russian folk amusement
"Where is my finger?" N. Saxony
2. City of Masters December S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Cuckoo Clock" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Magic Basket" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
B. Zakhoder "Builders"
"Teremok" Russian folk tale (arranged by K. Ushinsky);
A. Metzger "How the Bunny was looking for his talent"
“Bunny, bunny, dance” G. Lagzdyn
"New clothes" P. Voronko
3. Winter is a sorceress December A. Pushkin “Here is the north catching up the clouds” (from the novel “Eugene Onegin”)
A. Metzger "Winter Song"
O. Vysotskaya "Cold";
V. Khorol "Bunny";
3. Z. Alexandrova "Katya in the manger"
4. S. Bogdan "For a walk ... Winter";
A. Paroshin "Mittens"
V. Stepanov (from "The ABC of the Seasons") "Winter"; "December"; "January"
"Burning Frost Crackling" I. Nikitin
"Snow, snow is spinning" A. Barto
4. New Year's kaleidoscope December A. Vishnevskaya "Herringbone", "New Year in kindergarten";
V. Gerbova "The story of the adventures of a green Christmas tree"
A. Metzger "How the animals divided the Christmas tree"
Ch. Yancharsky "Herringbone of a Big Bear" (chapter from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.
V. Suteev "Christmas Tree"
N. Mayer "Santa Claus - Red Nose"
“Grandfather Frost walks the street” S. Drozhzhin
"Our tree" Y. Akim
1. "Visiting a fairy tale" January M. Plyatskovsky "Daisies in January"
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of Honest Ears" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "Good Snowman"
A. Barto "It was in January"
I. Gurina "Snowman"
"Chiki, chiki, kitki" Russian folk amusement
"There is a tower-teremok" Russian folk joke
2. "Winter Fun" January S. Bernikov. "Tu-Tu the Engine and the Snowman" (from the book "Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends")
I. Gurina "Snow fight"
Y. Taits "Train"
V. Suteev "Snow Bunny"
5. N. Kalinina "Snowball" (from the book "About the Snowball")
“A lot of snow, nowhere to run…”
"Katya's sleigh is lucky" 3. Alexandrova
3. Etiquette January N. Kalinina “Is that how they play?” (from the book "About the snowball")
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Ill-bred Mouse" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "About the greedy little bear"
Ch. Yancharsky “Everyone eats what he loves”, “Guest” (from the book “The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear”), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.
A. Barto, P. Barto "Girl-Revushka"
"Bunny" A. Barto
"Bear" A. Barto
4. Birds are cold in winter January 1. M. Biryukova. "Merry Tit";
V. Sukhomlinsky "What is the tit crying about."
2. A. Barkov “Bird-Joy” (Tales) 3. S. Bernikov “Tu-Tu Train and Sparrows” (from the book “Tales of Tu-Tu Train and His Friends”)
4. V. Zvyagin "Sparrows";
M. Gorky "Sparrow".
5. A. Prokofiev "Bullfinches" "Bird" A. Barto
"Snegirek" German folk song
1. "Little Explorers" February I. Darensky "Pie"
S. Mullabaev "Footprints in the snow"
M. Lapisova "It will be a cat's house"
A. Barto "I know what to think of"
D. Kharms "I walked in the winter along the swamp ..."
"Pie" P. Voronko

"The cat inflated the balloon" N. Pikulev
2. Travels and discoveries February S. Bernikov. "Tu-Tu the Engine Goes to Africa" ​​(from the book "Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends")
V. Suteev "Who said "meow"?"
"The Journey of the Mouse" Eskimo folk tale
B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti", trans. from English. O. Exemplary
B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti", trans. from English. O. Exemplary (continued)
"The whole earth is covered in snow" A. Vvedensky
"Three cats were walking on the roof" V. Levin
3. Week of Courage "Our Defenders" February R. Bykov "Man"
K. Avdeenko "Little officer"
V. Rudenko "Men's holiday";
I. Gurina "February 23"
A. Vishnevskaya "Airplane", "My Dream"
T. Bokova "Time to work"
"Airplane" A. Barto
"Congratulations Dad"
4. "My family" February A. Vishnevskaya "I love my grandmother";
“We lived with my grandmother…” Ukr. n. song
2. S. Cherny "About Katyusha"; M. Skrebtsova "Mom is with us"
3. "Lazy Brucholin" Italian folk tale.
4.E. Ranneva "Lovers"; M. Skrebtsova "My grandfather"
I. Vekshegonova "Our friendly family";
O. Bundur "I take care of my father and mother"
"Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, grandfather caught the cat ..." Russian folk amusement
"Friendly family" Russian folk amusement
1. Meeting of spring "Women's Day" March
1. S. Bogdan "For a walk ... Spring";
Spring-sorceress A. Barkov
L. Dyakonov “We ​​rode on a sled”;
V. Suteev. "How Winter Ended"
3. S. Marshak "Poems about spring";
“How the bear was woken up” by A. Barkov
4. E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence";
S.Ya. Marshak "Gloves"
"My mother" G. Russu
"Come out to the garden soon" Russian folk amusement
2. Kindness rules the world March "Zayushkina's hut" Russian folk tale
E. Bekhlerova "Cabbage leaf" Per. from Polish. G. Lukina
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of How the Mouse Got into Trouble" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "Birthday of a bear cub"
A. Metzger "How the little squirrel found friends"
"Sun" G. Boyko
"Kiskino grief" B. Zakhoder
3. Me and my friends in the game world March S. Prokofieva. "The Tale of the First Berries" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of Magic Feathers" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
V. Suteev "Ship"
Ch. Yancharsky. "In the toy store", "Friends" (from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.
Ch. Yancharsky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.
"Ball" A. Barto
"We are working" S. Semyonov
4. "Day of laughter", "Circus", "Theater" March V. Morozova "Puppet theater"
"Shadow, shadow, sweat" r.n. song
Ch. Yancharsky "In the circus" (chapter from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.
K. Chukovsky. "Confusion"
S. Marshak "Circus Big Top"
"There is a stump in the swamp" Russian folk amusement
"The cat went under the bridge" Russian folk amusement
1. “We want to be healthy” April A. Vishnevskaya “To grow big”
Poem about health
A. Barto and P. Barto "The grimy girl"
K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"
“So that the teeth do not hurt”;
I. Gurina "The Tale of Sore Teeth"
“My hands are clean with warm water” Russian folk amusement
“My advice to the guys is this” L. Grzhibovskaya.
2. “Spring walks the planet” April I. Kosyakov “Chick-chirp!”;
S. Bogdan "Summer is Coming"
"Visiting the sun" Slovak folk tale
A. Pleshcheev. "Spring" (abbreviated);
I. Solovyov-Mikitov "Hello, spring!"
A. Metzger "Droplet"
P. Solovyov "Snowdrop";
Z. Aleksandrova "Snowdrop" "Country song" A. Pleshcheev
E. Blaginina “The streams are ringing, they are singing ...” (excerpt)
3. “We meet the birds” April A. Paroshin “The birdhouse”,
N.V. Kuznetsov "Starling"
"The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;
T. Shapiro "The Nightingale"
A. Pleshcheev "Country Song";
G. Ladonshchikov "The singers are returning"
E. Blaginina "Crane";
Ch. Yancharsky (chapter from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik") "Letter from a stork"
Ch. Yancharsky (chapter from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik") "Bananas"
"Clouds run faster" S. Marshak
"Sparrow, what are you waiting for?" A. Taraskin
4. "Water Magician" April 1. S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of Cold Water" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
I. Gurina “April wandered through the forests”;
M. Plyatskovsky "A cloud in a trough"
S. Bernikov. "Tu-Tu the Engine and the Cloud" (from the book "Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends")
A. Metzger "The Wind and the Cloud"
A. Lukshin "The Tale of the Rain"
"Vodichka, some water, wash my face..." Russian folk amusement
"The sun gently laughs" Y. Kolas
1. Week of spring and memory May S. Kaputikyan "May"; N. Ivanova "Spring";
I. Zakharova “Here is the glorious month of May!”;
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Biggest Hare in the World" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
T. Agibalova "My dad"
A. Usachev "What is Victory Day";
I. Tokmakova "This is a holiday"
"Wears a dandelion ..." E. Serova
"Sun-bell" Russian folk amusement
2. Safe childhood May S. Prokofieva. "The Tale of a Cunning Trap" (from the book "Masha and Oika")
A. Metzger "How the Long-Eared Bunny Pricked His Leg"
A. Metzger "How the animals put out the fire"
"Bull" A. Barto
"To cross the road" O. Emelyanova
3. Week of Friendship
with nature May S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Gray Cloud" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Little Oak Tree" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "Good Dwarf"
A. Metzger "How the Dawn did not want to get up"
A. Metzger “Why did the insect take offense?”
"The ant found a blade of grass" Z. Alexandrova
"Bee, bee" Yugoslav folk song
4. “That's how big we have become” May S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of a Toy Town" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Shoes" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Red Lantern" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of Lazy Feet" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Leaky Pocket" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")

"Kids-strong" ... "Russian folk nursery rhyme
5. "Hello summer!" May 1. A. Metzger “How Mishutka and Bunny Long Ear rode a motorcycle”
2. A. Metzger "Bunny Bunny"
3. "Puff", Belarusian folk tale, arr. N. Myalika "Musical guys" P. Zolotov
“A fox with a box ran through the woods” Russian folk amusement

Svetlana Volobueva
Abstract of a lesson on reading fiction in the younger group "The Tale" Mitten "

Abstract of a lesson on reading fiction in the younger group of the fairy tale "Mitten."

Target: Formation of interest and need in the perception of the work of the fairy tale genre.

Lesson progress:

The children are playing, the teacher comes up to them and asks:

Children, today I went to kindergarten, and on the way I found this ... What is it (showing a mitten)

Children's answers

Children, what do we put on a mitten? (children's answers). That's right, on hand. Therefore, a mitten can also be called a mitten. Do you know who lost the mitten? (No). Let's sit on the chairs, I'll read the tale "The Mitten" to you and you will find out who lost it.

We will sit together in a circle, let's talk in a friendly way,

About an interesting fairy tale, well, very interesting ...

Reading the fairy tale "Mitten" to children. (with display on flannelgraph)

Who lost a glove? (grandfather)

Oh, you lose your mittens (children answer)

Finger gymnastics: "Mitten".

Masha put on a mitten:

Oh, where am I, the finger of the case?

I don't have a finger, I'm gone

Didn't make it to my house.

Masha took off her mitten:

Look, I found it!

Looking, looking, you won't find

Hello finger, how are you?

That's how many animals the mitten contained. Let's remember who was the first. Mouse, frog, bunny, fox, spinning top, bear. (we expose the animals on the flannelgraph)

What is the name of the mouse? (mouse scratching)

What was the frog's name? (Bouncer)

What was the fox's name? (Sister)

And what was the name of the wolf? (grey barrel)

What was the boar's name? (Boar - fang)

What was the bear's name? (Bear - father)

So they decided, everyone lived together happily.

Only friendly animals can live together and not quarrel.

Do you guys live together in kindergarten? And never fight? (No). Then you guys are great!

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