The first steps of an aspiring singer: tips for arranging a creative career. The first steps of an aspiring singer: tips for arranging a creative career How to become a popular singer


If you have a great voice, then why not become a celebrity thanks to your talent? This is a great goal! At the same time, it is important to understand that only one voice is not enough to become a famous singer. You can not do without stage charm and your own style of performance. All these abilities come with practice and experience. No one can guarantee you a particular level of popularity, but there are many steps you can take to gain fame and recognition and make a living from your talent.


Part 1

Develop talent

    Practice and more practice. Try to sing whenever possible so that your voice develops and stays in good shape. Choose from a variety of songs with different vocal ranges and in different keys. Your goal is to get the maximum amount of practice in all possible genres.

    • Sing in your bedroom, in the shower, while driving, with friends.
  1. Sign up for vocal lessons online or in the real world to develop your skills. Finding a good singing teacher is one of the most important things you need to do to advance your musical career. Even if you have an amazing voice by nature, professional advice will help you reach a new level. In the classroom, you will learn not only how to sing well, but also the following techniques:

    Find your unique features and develop your own style. It is important to understand how you are different from everyone else. Sometimes you have to experiment to determine your vocal abilities and a particular style.

    Sing on stage to gain the experience of performing in front of an audience. When you feel confident in your voice, take the next step and start singing in front of strangers. Often people prefer to sing alone or in the presence of friends and acquaintances who will support them in any situation. It takes a lot of courage to sing in front of people you don't know!

    • Start going to a karaoke bar, join a school or church choir. This is a "fail-safe" option, as it allows you to sing for fun and with other people with enough reason to rehearse, but still get a chance to show off.
  2. Sing in places that require getting out of your comfort zone. As you get used to the scene, try something new. You can perform as a guest performer with a local band or sing in the restaurant's outdoor area. Any new and unusual experience will be useful.

    Choose your signature song that you can sing at any time. Always be ready. If you are unexpectedly asked to stand up and sing to or without music at an audition, then you should always have a homemade preparation. Choose a song that will sound great at any given moment.

    Learn songs from other artists. Many singers don't write their own songs. It's quite normal. When meeting you for the first time, it is important that people pay more attention to your voice, and not the talent of the songwriter. Build a "repertoire" of 10-15 cover songs that can be effectively performed in the park, and rehearse each one.

    Find a paid performance. It is unlikely that the payment will be large, but the opportunity to earn money by singing will establish you as a potential performer. The first performances may be free, but if you make a name for yourself, it will be easier for you to find paid events and concerts.

    Start writing your own music to increase your reputation. Having your own songs is a big step forward and reputation, but don't worry if you can't write songs. Many singers work with authors and composers. Your goal is to give listeners something new and not rely solely on cover songs.

    • When collaborating with other songwriters, you need to decide whether you will credit the songwriter or work on the terms of "nameless" authorship. Usually fans appreciate sincerity.
  3. Chat with other musicians to expand your range of possibilities. Meet in person and online to make valuable connections in the music industry. Other singers and musicians were also in your place. I'm sure they have some useful tips for you. Just ask.

    Get involved in the local music community. Spend as much time as possible in places where you can meet successful musicians and producers. Go to clubs and places. Behave like a full member of the community, even if no one knows you yet.

    • During your vacation, try to visit cities known for their musical culture. You can visit St. Petersburg, Sochi, Moscow and chat with local musicians.

Part 3

Promote yourself
  1. Create your own YouTube channel and post regularly. With one billion visits per month, his own YouTube channel will allow the singer to show himself to millions of listeners around the world.

    Make a demo record to promote yourself in your local market. Use the services of a professional recording studio or create your own home studio to record your best songs. Share your material on CDs, flash drives and online.

    • Submit your recordings to club DJs, local radio stations, publishers and record labels.
  2. Share music on online platforms. Thanks to the development of digital technologies, people from all over the world can now listen, download and buy your music. In addition to fame, you get the opportunity to earn!

    • Check out Bandcamp, SoundCloud, CD Baby, Record Union, MySpace, Google Play Music and iMusician.
    • Each company has its own user agreement and cost of services, so explore all possible options and choose the best service.

Nowadays, there are many shows that have proven that you can become a singer at any age. You can develop a voice and a sense of rhythm, there are even exercises for developing hearing. Therefore, if a person will work, then his dream is feasible.

The first thing you have to master is, of course, the ability to sing, you need it both on the stage and when performing opera arias. Those who will attend lessons at a music school or a private teacher will get faster results. But due to the distance from the city or the difficulty of arriving, some people have to study on their own at home.

Equally important will be:

  • the ability to move beautifully on stage;
  • possession of charisma;
  • good sense of humour;
  • recognizable image;

Exercises to help you learn professional singing

Breathing exercises for vocals

Many people think that the more air they take into the lungs, the longer and more drawn-out phrases he will be able to sing. In fact, a sharp or strong inhalation causes a person to exhale as quickly as possible, and he begins to sing a little faster, ahead of the music. There is nothing you can do about it, as nature intended, but if you learn how to breathe correctly, you will be able to dial exactly that golden mean that will allow you to perform any song and not break off on the floor of the word.

  • Breathe in and out, to the maximum comfortable maximum, so that after a few minutes, you do not have shortness of breath. You will need to breathe through your nose. As you inhale, imagine how you are sniffing something very tasty and you want to get enough of at least the smell, draw in the air slowly. When exhaling, imagine that you need to extinguish the candle, and you can only do this with your nose.
  • Pursing your lips, draw in air through your nose, and begin to pronounce "M", stretching and lowing. This should be done with a gradually increasing sound and exhalation force, reaching the maximum exhalation force at the end.

Diaphragm development

Exhaling, pronounce in turn, the letters - "I", "E", "A", "O" and "U", on the letter "U" make, as it were, pushing movements in the lungs to release them completely, while helping pushing the belly inward.

Preparing and setting up bundles

Remember how in childhood you imitated a tiger and growled, here you need to do the same, you can start with the croak of a crow, stretching out the letter “P” at the end of the word.

Before starting the chanting, let's make a small note, each letter has its own tone and volume sound, your task during chanting will be to change the volume. On one exhalation, sing the letter as quietly as possible, on the second a little louder, and on the last as loud as possible, while maintaining an even tone. There should be no rise in tone during exhalation. Thus, you will learn to control your ligaments.

  1. We sing the letter “U”, pull it as long as possible, not for a second without relaxing our lips.
  2. When singing the letter "M", pay attention to the fact that the larynx is lowered, and vibration is felt on the lips all the time.
  3. Consonants are a little more difficult to sing, but this is also necessary, the ligaments are well trained when singing the sound “R”.

After warming up, you can move on to more complex elements, and start singing syllables: mi, ma, mo, mu, me.

How to become a pop singer

stage image

Not all people have a model appearance, but this does not mean that the road to public life is closed to them.
Take, for example, such an example as Shura, he went around many studios and, despite good lyrics and music, achieved popularity by making his appearance unusual.

No less memorable person, who initially conquered the public with his image - became Vitas, despite the presence of a strong voice, an unusual PR company helped him become famous.

But do not forget that this is a temporary push that helps to express yourself, in the future there will be a fierce struggle among competitors. So never relax. Idols are forgotten very quickly if they do not bring anything new.

How to become a famous singer

Take part in various competitions, fairs, clubs, karaoke. Any performance in public adds confidence and naturalness to your behavior on stage. Have your friends record all your public appearances. Put the best entries on the Internet, and the worst ones will help you polish bad angles, intonation, etc.

Rent a studio and record a couple of songs and try to play them on radio stations.

Live like you're already a pop star

This is not about expensive purchases, but about attending narrowly focused parties. Even if you have to cut back on all possible expenses to raise money for such events, it will pay off. There you can meet a future producer or a person who can recommend you.

Be ready to meet with the producer at any time

You can meet a producer anywhere, so you need to be ready to show what you can do. Few producers will agree to listen to you, the first thing you hear is "Give me your record, I'll listen." And in order not to miss such a chance, such a record should be. Moreover, both video and audio, and preferably a photo session in various images.

Producers are busy people, so get ready for the first 15-20 minutes of screening, so let them contain:

  1. One of your best clips;
  2. A couple of songs that you are most successful with;
  3. Photo session.

It is better if the entry ends with an address to your YouTube channel, which will have additional recordings or performances at the local level.

How to become an opera singer

The opinion of most people that it is impossible for an adult to learn opera singing is wrong. The performance of opera arias requires strong and already formed chords. People over 16 years old are taken to the opera, as classes with children can completely deprive them of their voice.

To begin with, you can go to the conservatory, where they teach the pedagogical practice of vocals, and find out if they need people to practice their teaching skills. Some students train on such volunteers, teaching them vocals and musical literacy.

Having mastered some terms and received the classical basics of singing, head to the opera house and ask to be taken into the choir. Do not be shy that you do not have a special education, anyone who can sing and has an ear for music is taken to the choir. And if you can adequately show yourself as part of the choir, in the future you will be promoted as a soloist.

If you are an attractive girl and nature has endowed you with a beautiful strong voice, you are incredibly lucky. If, in addition, you have a good sense of rhythm, a developed ear for music and an excellent memory, artistry, you are diligent, the path is open for you to become a real singer.

How to become a singer: qualities you need to have

How to become a singer? First, there are certain qualities that must certainly be:

  1. There are chances to become a singer if there is a well-trained voice to sing from the stage, an ear for music is developed. Musical talent is either given from birth or developed through hard work under the guidance of an experienced teacher. It will help to reveal the possibilities of the voice and choose the repertoire. Developing an ear for music and developing a voice in adulthood is very difficult.
  2. An attractive, presentable appearance is required. The work of the singer is concerts in front of the public, which would be pleased to look at the star. Taste and color, as usual, are different for everyone, but certain criteria for appearance must be present. Your figure, facial expression, movements, clothes, make-up - all this should be perceived by the viewer without irritation, and even better - enthusiastically. To become a singer, appearance is of great importance. If you are not very happy with your appearance, you need to work on it. Trainers involved in modern and ballroom dancing, cosmetologists, make-up artists, and image makers can help here.
  3. It is very important to be artistic if you really want to be a singer. Mortal boredom for the viewer: to watch the singer standing on the stage without moving. To do this, you can go to the opera, but not to the concert of a young famous singer. You need to learn to move artistically and freely, to be able to make beautiful movements and gestures, to look at the audience without stiffness and embarrassment. In order to develop these qualities, you need to attend dance clubs and acting classes, where they will teach you all this.
  4. It’s not bad to compose poetry and music yourself, this will help if you want to become a famous singer. This is not a mandatory quality, today many poets and musicians create songs. However, if you play a musical instrument (piano, guitar, etc.) and are inspired and easy to compose rhyming lines, this will certainly play in your favor when looking for a producer.
  5. It is very good if you have a rich sponsor (dad, friend, husband). This is also not a mandatory item for a novice singer, but: it will not get worse. Just keep in mind that if you do not have talent, the presence of such a person will not help you become a singer.
  6. An important role is played by personal qualities. Among other things, to become a real singer, you must have the following personal qualities: diligence, willpower, perseverance, resistance to stress. The work of a successful singer is hard labor: trips to the Russian outback, abroad, the inability to see relatives for a long time, endless rehearsals, filming clips, recording songs in the studio and other "charms of stellar life." All this must be honored.

Nuances that you need to consider to become a singer

There are nuances that you need to know to become a singer:

  1. Some serious educational institutions: conservatories and music schools do not accept applicants under the age of 18 to the vocal faculty. The fact is that only by the age of eighteen does the voice become real. Singing actively in adolescence is not worth it. At the age of 13-16, a voice mutation occurs, both in boys and girls. It's just less noticeable in teenage girls. If you want to become a singer, during the mutation period, the voice should not be loaded too much.
  2. It is absolutely impossible to sing in full voice if the temperature has risen. And if, suddenly, the voice is gone, you need to urgently visit a doctor-phonator. No self-treatment, only silence will help, you can’t even talk in a whisper for several days. The doctor will prescribe irrigation of the ligaments with special formulations.
  3. If you want to become a singer, you need to follow all kinds of shows that start almost every month so that talented people can show themselves. Don't be afraid to try your hand at these projects.

Many girls who dream of a stage are tormented by the question of how to become a famous singer, achieve fame and recognition. Many people dream about the career of a singer, but only a few realize how thorny the path of a famous singer is, how much work the popularity and recognition of listeners cost.

From the blue screens, not just beautiful girls look at us, but chic women, well-groomed, fit, talented. Involuntarily, it begins to seem that you just have to strain a little to get on stage, and the whole world will fall at your feet. But is it really so? Is it really that easy to become a famous singer?

What data should a famous singer have

In fact, the career of a singer requires simply titanic efforts, great diligence, incredible diligence, considerable intelligence and quick wits. A girl who claims to become a famous singer must have the following qualities:

  1. Excellent vocal performance.
  2. Expressive memorable appearance.
  3. Acting skills.
  4. Inimitable charm.
  5. Incredible charisma.
  6. Sexuality.
  7. The ability to speak and express your thoughts beautifully.
  8. Eloquence.
  9. Impeccable diction.
  10. The ability to present yourself.

How to become a famous singer: vocal data

Undoubtedly, in order to become a famous singer, a pretty appearance and a chiseled sexy figure are not enough. You also need good vocal skills. And although today in order to become a singer, it is not at all necessary to have a musical education, but if you have it, this is a definite plus.

In fact, your professionalism as a singer depends on how well your voice is set, and how well your repertoire is chosen. All this can be achieved by attending a music school and studying at the conservatory. Many famous singers began their path to fame with performances at various events at school, at city venues, where they practiced their ability to communicate with the public.

Perhaps the most effective way to put a beautiful voice once and for all is to study with a professional vocal teacher. Choose a teacher who has experience working with famous singers. Of course, it can take years to develop a voice, but who said that becoming a famous singer is easy?

How to become a famous singer: external data

Of considerable importance for the singer are external data. Appearance also needs to be worked on:

  • Find yourself a stylist who will work on your image. If this is not affordable for you, at first you will have to cope on your own.
  • Get your hair done by a good hairdresser.
  • Learn to do your own make-up - day and evening. You can take makeup courses.
  • Tidy up your figure. If you have weight problems, lose it.
  • Go to the gym to always be fit.

Remember that when you are on stage, all eyes are on you. Beautiful people love to reach out to them.

How to get famous

  1. Perhaps the most valuable piece of advice we can give you is to sing anytime, anywhere. Perform wherever possible - at city talent competitions, various events. Offer your services in bars, restaurants and cafes. Live music is appreciated at all times. Constant performances will help you to relax, get rid of complexes and shyness, give you invaluable experience of speaking in public.
  2. You will not become a famous singer without a well-chosen repertoire. But where to get it? Of course, if you write good songs yourself, there will be no problems with the repertoire. But if you are not lucky with this talent, you need to turn to professionals - authors of texts and composers. The first song is an opportunity to express yourself. She just has to be a real hit.
  3. Contact a good record company. When the hit is recorded, start promoting it - let's listen to the song to your family, friends, random people, post it on your LiveJournal or on a page on a social network. Alternatively, put the song on YouTube. A home video will suffice, in which you can simply sing a song with a guitar or piano accompaniment. Sooner or later you will definitely be noticed. That's how Justin Bieber got on.
  4. Take your song to the radio. If it fits the format of the station, it will be included in the rotation. And all this is absolutely free.
  5. Another way to become a famous singer is to find a good producer. It is this person who is able to make a “star” out of you.

And most importantly: becoming a famous singer is half the battle. You need to maintain your popularity. Today there are many one-day singers on the stage, who just yesterday blew up the world of show business, and tomorrow they will disappear from its stage forever. Constantly work on yourself, record new songs, look for duets with famous performers, work on your voice, perform at various events, participate in music competitions. After all, there is no limit to perfection!

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Singer (vocalist)- one of the most common professions in the world, so the competition is very high. To conquer the top of the musical Olympus, you must have acting talent, a sense of rhythm and a great desire. But that's not all. If the voice can be put, then leadership qualities and a personal inner core should be present by default.

The first step to a career as a singer or singer

The main question for beginners: where to start to become a singer? If by nature you have talent, hearing and a beautiful voice - this is excellent! But this does not mean that vocal lessons are not needed.

Therefore, the first thing you should do if you want to practice vocals professionally- find a good teacher.It will determine your type, voice range and help you learn the basics of vocals. This is followed by a long, hard work on the production of the voice and the development of correct breathing skills.

How to choose a vocal teacher

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of a teacher and learn how to sing cool, you need to know a few rules:

The second step - how to advance as an aspiring vocalist

After learning how to sing well, start promoting yourself as a vocalist.

1) Perform at concerts and events. You will be heard and recognized, the first fans will appear.

2) Write a song and record a composition. But this option has a huge disadvantage. Unfortunately, renting a studio, equipment, and attracting musicians is an expensive pleasure. For example, renting a studio costs an average of 1500-3000 rubles per hour. That is, to record your composition, you need at least 10,000-15,000 rubles.

3) Another effective way to increase your popularity - promote yourself on social media. Post videos with the performance of your songs, post vines or tell about yourself in stories. In general, get as much attention from your audience as possible.

Try not to pay attention to the malicious and offensive comments of the haters. They are just jealous.

How to find a producer

After learning vocals, an important stage isfind a good producer. His responsibilities include: mentoring, song selection, songwriting oversight, your promotion, administrative affairs, and more.

In many ways, the success of the singer will depend on the professionalism of the producer. Often, many "producers" do not always understand the principles of work and business. Therefore, take your time with the choice and look at the results of their work - were their wards successful, how long has the mentor been producing?

To find a producer:

  • Submit your songs to producer websites and record labels.
  • Contact the production center.
  • Perform more often at concerts, castings and various events to light up and make yourself known.

Pros and cons of being a singer

Of the advantages of a career as a singer, one can single out:

  • fame;
  • creative work;
  • many acquaintances;
  • financial viability.

Disadvantages of being a singer:

  • The personal life of the singer is interesting to many and is constantly under the guns of paparazzi cameras and even fans. It's tiring.
  • A career as a singer is not the case when work lasts from 9 am to 5 pm. The schedule of singers and singers is very tight and changeable.
  • You need to constantly protect your vocal cords. The slightest damage to the respiratory or pharyngeal organs can disrupt the voice and you will either have to take a break from work, or even say goodbye to your singing career.

The stories of those who have already become successful and famous singers can serve as a source of inspiration for you.

Singers Success Stories

Roman "Troev" Vasiliev, ex-soloist of the St. Petersburg band, vocal and stage coach, talks about his experience as a vocal soloist, and also gives advice to beginners.

Roman "Troev": "My success- coincidence"

Since childhood, I loved music and became a singer thanks to my parents who supported my youthful zeal, and not crushed them. In fact, any success is a team work, no one achieves success alone. my success- coincidence.

It all started with the fact that I got into the group" Saint Petersburg ". And away we go : television, concerts, tours, filming, broadcasts, fans. After that I signed a contract with the hard rock band Reds'cool and continued my career, recording a very good, in my opinion, Bad Story album with American producer Michael Waganer (sound producer of Skid Raw, Metallica, etc.).

I don't think there was anything particularly difficult for me in vocals. I have always loved what I did and do. When a person does what he loves, difficulties do not seem difficult.- they are interesting.

Now I'm teaching vocals and performing arts.- I think this is my new beginning and new career. I am interested in teaching people what I can do.

I want to give some advice to novice singers. To become a singer, in the understanding of the profession, and not the "star status", you need to learn how to sing. Mastering professional skills- the first thing to start with. Musical education will never be superfluous, however, is not a decisive factor.

The set of personal qualities for a singer and an artist is somewhat different. The work of a vocalist, although it seems very creative, is in fact technical - it consists of vocal data + skills, while the work of an artist is more psychological.

Semyon Frolov: “For 10 years I sent my songs to the radio, but not a single one was taken”

Semyon Frolov laureate of the international competition"Play button accordion" , Russian record holder in the nomination« Records of Russian musicians» shares his success story.

I can’t call myself a singer, although I have my own hit« All women are like women, but my goddess» (over 35,000,000 views on YouTube). I never sang especially, but if I did, it was only when my soul sang or for fun.

To start my career as an artist, I thought for 2 years how to make the coolest video in the world out of nothing, and at the same time not spend a dime. And I came up with it- the clip is called "Eurovision" . But a lot of time passed before my video won the film festival at the Cinema House.

One of the main music critics of the country Artemy Troitsky said about the video:« This is how today's youth should shoot their clips to enter the history of art» .

I also participated in all kinds of castings, shows and TV projects, but without success. For 10 years I sent songs to the radio and not one of them was taken! I came up with new songs, rewrote old ones and sent them back. This went on until I accidentally wrote a hit, which was then taken to radio in 2009.

Marina Tabri "I myself became a producer, songwriter, singer"

I have been singing since early childhood, as long as I can remember. When I didn’t pronounce the letters yet, I already sang and arranged concerts for adults.

My creativity began 6 years ago when I wrote my first song. I gave it to another singer to perform, but I did not like the way she sang. Then I got up to the microphone and sang it myself.

I published the first song on the Internet on YouTube and Facebook. I was noticed right away. And then it went on and on. I released songs and poems one after another. Posted them online. People shared my work, attracted their friends to my songs. If I had used targeted advertising then, everything would have been much faster, but it took me 6 years to promote and develop.

I turned to famous people in Moscow for help in my career. But they were not interested in a person who writes songs himself, who has his own recording studio. As one producer told me:« You have everything. You can't sell a song, record it in a studio and take money for it.» .

I was offered to give up my author's songs, to be silent for six months, not to stick out with my material anywhere, so that people would forget about me. And then I had to appear with the songs of this producer and sing only his material, paying him for it.

I already had my first album out." You and me " . There was an accumulated audience of my fans who followed my work, loved my songs and poems. How could I betray them? Therefore, I decided that I would never ask for help and support again. I started doing everything myself. She herself became a producer, songwriter and singer. I realized that you don’t have to wait for the wizard uncle to come and make your career for you. It probably happened to someone, but not to me. I got it all the hard way.

Gradually, people began to appear in my life helping me, who do their work professionally and I work with them as part of the Marina Tabri project.

If you want to become a singer, then we hope we answered all your questions! Share the article on social networks, write in the comments which tips were most useful!

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