First computer lessons. Computer courses for beginners


Jan 19

How to master a computer quickly and easily?! In fact, everything is quite simple!

Greetings, dear blog visitors. As always, Dmitry Smirnov is in touch with you, and in this article I would like to address, as it were, our Dear old people, grandparents, parents who cannot understand how to master a computer on their own! Tfu, how much extra literature our bookstores can provide you, but all this is not necessary, you just have to follow some tips that will help you master the computer for free!

In a previous article, I wrote that maybe this information will also be extremely useful for you! In fact, the information on the topic “mastering a computer for free” is very popular, and now I will talk about the main failures of those who are trying to master a computer!

  1. Afraid of breaking something!
  2. Reluctance, it's like toys!
  3. It makes no sense to master the computer, because why do you need it ?!

These are the three most terrible misconceptions of all, especially the elderly, but the answers to these questions can be found in the following lines, namely:

  1. Don't be afraid to break something! Computers have long been of high quality and powerful enough that stationary PCs, laptops or tablets! It was earlier in the 2000s, back in our days of the groups Ruki Vvverkh, Shark, Sveta, Kraski and everything else, when computers were really like machines, they constantly broke down, and repairs were very, very expensive! Everyone dissuaded the children from buying a computer with phrases, namely: “Why do you need it, you’ll break something and that’s it!”. Now computers are of very high quality, and the maximum that you can break is to remove any shortcut or program, you simply won’t be able to do anything serious!
  2. If you have no desire to study a computer, then no one can force you to study a computer! Remember, the computer is no longer a toy, but since 2010 it has become a real source of income! Many, even schoolchildren, have ways to earn hundreds of thousands of rubles and millions on a computer without leaving home! I have examples when children at the age of 13 already earn 300,000 rubles a month! Even a pensioner will be able to master the computer, and from this you will benefit!
  3. No need to be mistaken and think that you will not need a computer! Tell me, how many times have you wanted to talk to a close relative? How many times do you want to mail or spend money on calls to relatives? Having a computer and even simple access to the network for 200 rubles, you get unlimited communication, and you can even see your relative who lives 10,000 kilometers away from you live through a webcam, and all this is completely free!
  1. Just sit down and break! You need to learn from mistakes! Everyone makes mistakes, even advanced programmers! Just learn how to work with the mouse, understand why the keyboard, where are any buttons!
  2. Learn to type with the Keyboard Trainer! No need to buy anything, it's just a program that will teach you how to type quickly and easily! You can start typing easily and simply using just the keyboard!
  3. Love to read? Then the book “computer for dummies” is for you, or start taking courses using the same Youtube

These are the only ways to learn how to work at a computer! There are no special courses and everything else! Of course, the best option for you will be paid courses, and live! It is in these courses that you will be taught how to work with a computer, but even if you do not want to pay money to charlottes, you can buy a book on learning a computer, or just go to youtube, where you can find many detailed videos!

Nowadays, almost everyone has such a device as a laptop. For example, people… They also want to keep up with modern technologies. Therefore, this article will help you understand the basics of using a laptop.

The training system is divided into several stages.

First of all, it is worth mastering some concepts of a computer. Studies show that there is nothing difficult in using a laptop. However, a large amount of information inspires fear about the impossibility of using the device. But here everything depends only on the desire of the pensioner.

Mastering a laptop easily with the help of video tutorials

Here are the first features of the laptop:

  • A clear advantage among communication devices is a program that provides free video contacts with any subscriber around the world who has a computer with Skype installed and the Internet in his arsenal.
  • It can be used for typing, followed by printing, and you can create a large number of copies without using carbon paper. If you make a mistake in the text, you do not need to use an eraser, you can simply delete it with a single keystroke. So, you don't need a typewriter anymore!
  • The laptop does a good job with, or made on the phone. That is, it is able to edit, correct the necessary qualities, or remove some effects.
  • Using a laptop, you can send a letter to relatives or a friend anywhere in the world.

As you already understood that you are a laptop user, the device itself has an operating system that has several versions. At the same time, this system is capable of performing many tasks. If the laptop is connected to the network, accordingly, it has a large amount of information that can be obtained from the results of the search query.

You can search for information on the Internet by entering the email address of the site or simply its name in the address bar. Remember, if you are looking for a site using the address, enter the characters very carefully, if at least one letter or sign is incorrect, you will be taken to a completely different site, and accordingly it provides different information.

The site address is always written in Latin characters. can be done with a combination of two keys "Alt + Shift". The most popular search engine is Google. It is she who will provide a large selection of information that matches your request.

To perform this or that operation, you can use hot keys or the mouse. are a combination of keyboard buttons, sometimes there is one button. This tool is used mainly by those who do not have skills in using the mouse.

However, there is an opinion that in order to master a computer, at least at the initial level, it is not necessary to know all the principles of its operation and technical characteristics. Computer programming should not bring you excitement.

Remember that the more often you return to a particular task on a laptop, the faster the use of skills will become moderate.

The most difficult moment is the development of the mouse. Double-clicking with the right mouse button... Some people replace one double-click with two single-clicks. However, these are completely different things. Therefore, a pensioner can stop at this stage of training for a certain period of time. But in the future, you can confidently make such a click with any number of clicks.

A laptop is no longer a luxury, so even an elderly person sometimes has to turn to it for help, since typewriters and paper letters have long been out of fashion and much harder to use. This device can perform a wide range of diverse information.

For quick and more understandable learning to work on a laptop, it is better to use training video courses recorded on DVD discs. For a better understanding of the course, watch the video review from Uncle Sasha. Everything is simple, easy and not expensive!

A good disk for mastering a laptop. Helped me a lot!

Alexander Sergeevich Kokovikhin, Kirov

After reading this article, the thought comes to mind that it is impossible to understand computer basics by reading these recommendations not only to people of age, but also to young people. Oh, it hurts everything is somehow confusingly described, nothing to understand.

It is much easier to gain skills with illustrative examples while working in programs, by watching Grandpa's review in the video clip, well, or in extreme cases, viewing screenshots (pictures from the monitor screen) with step-by-step explanations.

The most realistic method remains when smart heads take the hand and lead to the goal, forcing you to press the necessary keys on the keyboard, direct the mouse pointer for you, forcing you to click in the indicated places. But this method requires your mentor to be with you at all times, being the most expensive of all training options.

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The main task of a computer is to provide the user with the most efficient performance of tasks. Nowadays, in many jobs you need to be able to use iron, but not everyone copes with this. This article will provide a brief instruction on how to learn how to work on a computer for free.

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You will need

  • computer;
  • study guides;
  • computer courses.


  • Learn touch typing (ten-finger touch typing). In many cases, working at a computer is associated with typing, which is why it is important to type quickly without looking at the keyboard. People who master this method can type over 300 characters per minute.
  • Try to avoid the "poke method", this path is very tortuous: many programs cannot be understood on an intuitive level.
  • Make it a habit to read the built-in documentation for all new distributions. So you can reduce the time for studying programs, and you can work more productively.
  • Remember the combination of hot keys and then use them in your work. They exist in almost all software.
  • It is worth optimizing the virtual workspace. You can bring shortcuts to the programs and folders that you use daily on your desktop.
  • Structure the data that is stored on the hard drive. Place text documents in one folder, photos in another, videos in a third. Make it so that the search for the necessary information takes a minimum of time.
  • If you realize that you are not very good with a computer, it is worth hiring a tutor or enrolling in computer literacy courses. So you can get rid of the need to study from books and get the same amount of knowledge faster.


If you have managed to master the computer to the level of an ordinary user and want to study further, then you can learn from books, only you need to avoid materials for beginners, because then you will have to filter out more unnecessary information. Give preference to books for advanced users or professionals.

Do not be afraid to introduce a virus into your computer or break it, constantly study unknown computer functions. Confidence is only half the battle.

If you decide to find a tutor or sign up for computer literacy courses, you don’t need to rely on them for everything: you should always take the initiative. Otherwise, you will automatically always wait for advice, and the necessary information will be more difficult to remember.

Video lessons

As a rule, pensioners have to devote more time to master new concepts and phenomena - the principle of intuitiveness, on which the curriculum is built for people who own any modern gadgets, is not so effective in this case. Therefore, teaching computer literacy for the elderly requires a special approach. For example, a deep dive into the technical aspects of a PC will be redundant, but the functional purpose of each element, program or device that you will encounter when using a computer needs to be given more attention.

What you need to know to work effectively on a PC:

  • Key components of a computer or laptop and their purpose;
  • What is an operating system (OS) and why is it needed;
  • Basic controls (menus, buttons, scroll bar, cursor), places and principles of organizing files and folders on a PC (desktop, control panel, system drives);
  • Input-output devices (keyboard, mouse, printer) and data storage (disks, flash drives);
  • Turning on and off the PC, opening, closing and saving files and folders;
  • Built-in programs and applications in the Windows operating system;
  • Internet access, browsers, e-mail registration;
  • Principles of information search in search engines;
  • Addresses of useful sites and portals for various tasks;
  • Social networks: registration and search for contacts;
  • Registration and making calls in Skype/

As you can see, the list is not so extensive - in just a few weeks of careful and consistent study, you will be able to independently perform all the necessary operations. Do not give up if something does not work out: the path from ignorance to knowledge goes through practice. By performing the same operation several times, you will form a skill that will become natural to you over time. Spend a couple of hours a day studying and you will see how easy it is!

It is important for older people to pay attention to eye protection when working with a PC. Ask your relatives or computer literacy teachers to teach you how to set a convenient font size and icons on the screen, periodically look away from the monitor and do simple eye exercises. You can also order special glasses for working with a PC - they will help relieve eye strain.

Another important point is information security when using the Internet. Reasonable caution when communicating with strangers on the Web will never be superfluous. Do not tell anyone the passwords for your accounts and personal accounts, as well as passwords and bank card details. You should not share personal details and details of financial affairs, especially on public online platforms and when communicating with virtual acquaintances. Computer literacy courses will teach you how to shop safely online and how to stay safe online.

When teaching computer literacy, a systematic approach is needed and the opportunity to get answers and explanations on incomprehensible points. Therefore, self-study of the computer by pensioners is much less effective than courses designed taking into account the peculiarities of the perception of older people and conducted by experienced and friendly teachers.

The GTSDPO regularly takes part in PC courses for pensioners in Moscow. Training takes place in equipped classrooms near the metro, and prices are affordable for absolutely everyone - only 2900 rubles for 12 lessons!

Modern realities are such that the computer has firmly and permanently become an integral part of our lives. It is necessary at work, in the family and at home, for leisure activities, etc. The amount of data that we trust PCs is constantly and rapidly growing, and it is already hard to believe that just some twenty years ago for many of our compatriots the concept of "computer" was mysterious and abstract.

But to become a full-fledged computer user, it is not enough just to purchase it and put it in the workplace. First, you will have to get at least some minimum of knowledge and skills that will allow you not only to find out what a modern PC is and what it consists of, but also how, in fact, to use it. Moreover, consultations of more “advanced” acquaintances will not be enough: you will have to read special literature, to which the proposed book also belongs - designed, by the way, for the most novice users (simply speaking, for “dummies”).

The relationship between a person and a PC is provided with the help of a special software product called an “operating system”. At the moment, the most popular are systems manufactured under the Windows brand from Microsoft. But there are other "OSes", for example - Linux, Unix, MS-DOS. In this book, we will consider the Windows system, because it is the one that is used on the vast majority of computers (the description is based on the example of Windows XP Professional).

Chapter 1
General information about the personal computer

So what is a typical personal computer? This and much more is covered in the first chapter of the book.

1.1. What is a typical PC made of?

The heart of every PC is the system unit. It is he who provides the processing and storage of all the data necessary for the user. The system unit consists of a number of separate elements, together representing a single whole. We will not consider each of them in detail, since the purpose of the book is to teach a person how to use a computer, and not to tell about its device. We only emphasize that in any PC it includes:

Hard disk (in a simple way - "hard drive");

Random access memory (RAM; in a simple way - "RAM");



Video card;


All these elements are located inside the case; without any of them, in principle, it is impossible to operate a computer. However, other devices may also be present in the system unit: a fax modem, a TV tuner, a network card, etc. - here much depends on what tasks are solved using this computer. For example, to watch TV shows, you need a TV tuner, to surf the Internet, you need a modem, etc.

A hard drive is used to store data on a computer. But for this you can use (and often it is more convenient) external media - floppy disks (which, frankly, are already living out their lives), CDs and DVDs, "flash drives", etc.

Their use is possible if there are appropriate devices in the system unit: for floppy disks - a drive, for disks - CD- or DVD-ROM, etc. Sometimes it is useful to use the so-called "removable hard drive" - ​​for example, in order not to leave a lot of valuable or sensitive data that should not be accessed by unauthorized persons.

In addition to the system unit, the computer includes a number of necessary technical means - such as a monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer.

The monitor looks like a regular TV. The result of the processes occurring in the system unit is displayed on its screen. Today, the market offers a wide range of any monitors - both with a cathode ray tube - the age of which, however, is already ending, and liquid crystal. We will talk more about how to choose a suitable monitor for yourself and test it below.

Advice. Please note that choosing a monitor is a very responsible process. Try to get the advice of specialists or at least more experienced users before that. Proper choice of a monitor is important for health (primarily the eyes), as well as for comfort, so this issue deserves the closest attention. It is highly undesirable to buy monitors that have already been in use.

The keyboard is a device that is used to enter and display information. Simply put, using the keyboard, the user gives commands to the computer to perform certain tasks (operations). Working with the keyboard is easy even for beginners; the only difficulties in the initial stages are related to remembering the location of the keys and, accordingly, quickly finding the required character.

The functions that the computer manipulator "mouse" performs are in many ways similar to the functions of the keyboard: first of all, this is the input and output of information. In addition, a number of actions are more convenient to perform with the mouse.

The key elements of a mouse are its buttons. The left button is designed to perform most of the most common actions (calling menu items, selecting text fragments, etc.); as for the right button, it is usually used to invoke commands from the context menu.

Keyboards and mice are also widely available on the market. Here and wireless, and optical, and a number of different models and options. When choosing a keyboard and mouse, first of all, be guided by considerations of practicality - otherwise you risk spending money on completely unnecessary “bells and whistles”.

A printer is a printing device with which the data displayed on the monitor screen is output to paper. The printer is connected to the computer in the same way as a monitor, keyboard and mouse - using a cable inserted into the port on the back of the system unit. There are three types of printers on the Russian market today: dot-matrix, inkjet and laser.

The undoubted advantage of dot matrix printers is their relatively low cost and ease of maintenance. The main disadvantage is the noise emitted during printing, which often causes serious discomfort (especially if several matrix printers are used in the same room).

Inkjet printers are also notable for their low cost, but at the same time, compared to their dot-matrix counterparts, they are distinguished by better print quality. The main disadvantage of inkjet printers is the unjustified high cost of maintenance (the price of a new cartridge is sometimes more than half the cost of the entire printer).

The most “modern” printers these days are laser printers. They are cheaper than matrix and inkjet, and the print quality is better, and the cost of maintenance (in particular, refilling the cartridge) is quite reasonable.

So, we are already more or less familiar with the most important elements of a modern computer. However, there are also technical devices that are not "vital", but necessary for some operations. The most typical example is a modem.

This device is designed to connect your computer to the Internet. Modems can be built-in (that is, located inside the system unit) or external, made as a separate device connected to the computer via a cable. In order for communication with the World Wide Web to be possible, you need to set up an Internet connection (we will talk about this below). The modem receives and sends data over the Internet.

To quickly transfer information from paper to a computer, a special device is used - a scanner. It allows you not to enter text printed on paper from the keyboard, and thereby saves a lot of time. In addition, the capabilities of the scanner make it possible to create and print a document, the formation of which in the traditional way is unrealistic or impractical.

1.2. Main technical characteristics of the computer

The main technical characteristics of a computer are: the size of the hard disk, the clock frequency of the processor and the amount of RAM. Of course, these are far from all the parameters that a PC has, and there are indicators, for example, for a modem, video card, sound card, etc. However, it is these three characteristics that give the most complete picture of a particular computer, its speed and ability to meet the needs of the user. Let's briefly consider each of them.

It is easy to guess what the volume of a hard disk is: this indicator characterizes the capacity of a hard drive, and based on this, you can determine how much and what information can be stored and processed on a computer. For the work of most users, a hard drive that can accommodate from 80 to 160 GB of information is quite suitable.

The clock speed of the processor is also of great importance. Along with the amount of RAM, this indicator directly affects the speed of the computer. If you are not going to play powerful modern games on your computer, deal with complex processing of music files, video, graphics, etc., then a processor frequency of 1.5–2 GHz will be enough for you.

But even if your computer uses a large hard drive and a powerful processor, and there is not enough RAM, there will be performance problems. The average amount of RAM that will satisfy most users is 1024 MB.

Note. The recommendations given here are conditional and "averaged": someone needs a more powerful computer, and someone is quite satisfied with twice the smaller characteristics. Much depends on what tasks the computer is used for.

1.3. Basic rules for working on a computer

The rules for working on a personal computer have long been formed on the basis of many years of experience in operating a PC. Every user should know them: this is necessary both to protect the computer from troubles and to preserve the information contained in it.

1. It is imperative to install a reliable anti-virus program on the PC. Even if you do not use the World Wide Web, you can always pick up a virus from someone else's CD or DVD, from a local network, etc. From time to time, you need to completely scan your computer for malware.

2. If you access the Internet, be sure to protect your computer with a firewall (for sure, many have heard the word “firewall”). The most common Internet Explorer browser from Microsoft is protected by a regular firewall, but even not the most “advanced” hackers have long found loopholes in it. Therefore, use more reliable protection (for example, a good firewall is Zone Alarm, and it also has a free version that can be downloaded from the Web).

3. Do not experiment with the contents of the system block. If you need to somehow change the configuration of your computer, use the services of professionals (or, in extreme cases, at least get comprehensive advice from them).

4. Provide stable uninterrupted power supply. Please note that the quality of Russian electricity is far from the best (this is a legacy of the USSR - a similar problem exists in all countries of the former Soviet Union), so the computer must be protected from power surges, unexpected power outages, etc. A surge protector must be purchased at any case, and even better - do not spare money and buy an uninterruptible power supply.

5. If the computer has been in the cold for some time, then do not turn it on immediately after it is in a warm place, but be sure to let it stand for at least 1.5–2 hours.

6. Do not install the PC where it can overheat (near radiators, in direct sunlight, etc.).

7. Never launch icons and shortcuts that suddenly appear on the desktop and are unfamiliar to you (we will talk about what a desktop, icon and shortcut are below) - malware is often distributed in such a simple way. If you find something similar in yourself, immediately scan your computer with a good antivirus (required - with updated and fresh anti-virus databases).

8. Track the temperature regime of PC components. All regular fans should work, if one of them fails, it should be quickly repaired or replaced with a serviceable one. You can monitor the temperature regime using special utilities that can be found on the Internet.

9. Try to minimize the ingress of dust into the system unit. Not everyone knows that it can cause overheating of computer components, disappearance of contacts and other similar problems. Try not to put the system unit on the floor, as there is always a lot of dust on the floor. From time to time (for example, once every six months) clean the system unit and remove accumulated debris from it (you can use a vacuum cleaner for this).

10. Shut down any session gracefully, using the normal shutdown mode (we'll talk about this in the next section).

Compliance with these rules will significantly extend the life of your computer and greatly increase its reliability.

1.4. How to turn on, turn off and restart your computer

Even such, at first glance, simple operations, such as turning on, turning off and restarting the computer, require certain knowledge from the user.

For example, turning on the computer (by pressing the appropriate button). Not all beginners know that before doing this, it is necessary to connect all used devices to the system unit: monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc. The fact is that they are recognized by the computer during the loading of the operating system. Therefore, if you first turn on the computer, and only after that - connect a mouse or keyboard to it, they may remain unrecognized, therefore, their use will be impossible (or rather, you will have to reboot).

Let us remind you once again that it is strongly not recommended to connect the computer to the electrical network directly, without a “buffer” in the form of a surge protector or an uninterruptible power supply. Otherwise, the slightest power surge will lead to a computer breakdown: the motherboard, power supply, etc. may fail. As a rule, repairs in such cases cost a lot of money. In addition, you risk losing data.

It is necessary to turn off the computer using the appropriate regular mode, after closing all running programs and open documents. On the menu Start need to choose a team Shutdown As a result, the window shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. System shutdown

In this window, click the button Shutdown and wait for the system to shut down. After that, you do not need to press any buttons - the computer will turn off automatically.

The need to restart the computer arises when installing or uninstalling certain programs, when performance problems occur (in other words, when “freezing”), and also in some other cases. Restarting is carried out in the same way as turning off the computer - with the difference that in the window (see Fig. 1.1) you need to press the button not .

However, sometimes the computer freezes so much that even the menu Start does not open. In this case, the reboot is initiated by pressing a button specially designed for this, which is located on the system unit (it may have the inscription reset).

Chapter 2: Getting Started with Windows XP Professional

Previously, we have already noted that a special software product is required to work on a computer - an operating system. This book describes Microsoft's most popular Windows operating system to date (Windows XP Professional is considered).

The first thing that appears on the screen after the computer boots up is the Windows user interface (Fig. 2.1), which includes the following components: Desktop, Task bar and menu Start.

Rice. 2.1. Windows user interface

Menu Start opens by pressing the button of the same name, which is located in the lower left corner of the interface. Task bar is a strip located along the entire bottom border of the interface, and includes icons, open application buttons, system clock, etc. The largest part of the user interface is occupied by Desktop- this is the entire screen area, except for the button Start and taskbar.

2.1. Desktop

The desktop is decorated with a background image, on top of which shortcuts for calling applications and folder icons are displayed. In addition, by clicking on the desktop with the right mouse button, a context menu is called up.

2.1.1. Desktop Background

You can use files that have one of the following extensions as your desktop wallpaper: bmp, gif, jpg, dib, png, or htm.

Note. A file extension is a set of characters characterizing its type, immediately following its name and separated from the file name by a dot. To make it clearer, let's explain with specific examples: in the file List. doc extension - doc(it indicates that this document was created in the Word program), in the file Drawing. bmp extension - bmp(by the way, this is one of the graphic extensions), etc.

The default desktop wallpaper is an image called Serenity(see figure 2.1). Note that the developers have included a number of graphic files in the operating system, and you can choose any of them to design your desktop. This is easy to do: right-click on the desktop, in the menu that opens, execute the command Properties, and in the window that appears Properties: Screen select tab Desktop(Fig. 2.2).

Rice. 2.2. Selecting an image for the wallpaper

In field background picture a list of graphic files is presented, any of which can be used for design. To select a suitable image, select it in the list with the cursor and press the button Apply or OK. Above the list of images, a sample of how the desktop will look with the currently selected image is shown - this allows you to quickly view all the contents of the list and choose the most appropriate option. Please note: in fig. 2.2 background picture selected in the list Serenity, which decorated the desktop in Fig. 2.1.

In principle, you can use any image to decorate your desktop (for example, a photo of your favorite lap dog, or a family photo, etc.), by adding it to the list and selecting it according to the general rules. The button is used to perform this operation. Review, which is located to the right of the list (see Fig. 2.2). It brings up a window on the screen. Review(Fig. 2.3).

Rice. 2.3. Selecting an arbitrary image

Here in the field Folder(at the top of the window) indicates the path to the file of the required image. Open the drop-down list, select a directory (if the picture file is not in the root directory, then open all folders on the path to it in sequence), then click on the required file and click the button Open.

As a result of the performed actions, the specified image will be added to the list of background images located in the window. Properties: Screen tab Desktop. Moreover, the cursor is automatically positioned on it, and a sample of how the desktop will look like will be displayed in the field located above (Fig. 2.4).

Rice. 2.4. Custom Image

Changes will take effect after clicking the button Apply or OK(Fig. 2.5).

Rice. 2.5. Decorating the desktop with a custom image

Similarly, you can decorate the desktop with any pattern. The only condition is that its extension must correspond to one of those given at the beginning of the section.

2.1.2. Desktop icons and shortcuts

The main functional element of the Windows desktop is the icons and shortcuts located on it, designed for quick access to programs, files, documents and folders. You can install the necessary icons and shortcuts on the desktop yourself.

Note. As a rule, shortcuts and icons for the most frequently used applications, files and folders are displayed on the desktop. In other cases, it is better to use Explorer (we will talk about it in more detail below) so as not to clutter up the desktop with rarely used elements.

After installing the operating system, the icon is displayed on the desktop by default. Basket. It provides access to the trash with deleted files, folders and other objects. Periodically, you should delete all the contents from the trash, so as not to store on your hard drive what is no longer needed.

Note. If you need to immediately and permanently delete an object from the hard disk, bypassing the trash, use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Del.

Also, when installing Windows on the desktop, the following icons and shortcuts may be automatically displayed:

My computer– to access files, folders and documents stored on the computer.

My Documents– this folder stores various current user documents (letters, reports, etc.).

My music– the folder is intended for storing music and sound files.

My drawings– it is advisable to store digital photographs, drawings, graphic objects, etc. in this folder.

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