The first channel explained why the smaller one is closing "alone with everyone". Transfer of Yulia Menshova “Alone with everyone”, all the best episodes, reviews Archive of the transfer alone with everyone Yulia Menshova


Andrey Malakhov, the closing of the program “So far, everyone is at home”, and now the program of Yulia Menshova “Alone with everyone”.

It turned out that Julia herself insisted on closing the program. Menshova is not going to leave Channel One, according to her, she is preparing two new projects for release.

“Yes, it’s true, the program“ Alone with Everyone ”is closed. But it is not true that the program was closed by the channel's management. It was only my desire and urgent request. For 4 years on the air, we filmed 600 episodes, and it was a very difficult job, although infinitely interesting. I did not want this program to become a routine and reduce its quality. In this regard, together with the management of the channel, we decided to close the project. I understand that you will be sorry and will even complain to me, list potential heroes and so on. But I am sure that television today must be more dynamic than ever, and one must be able to complete projects on time, leaving a good memory of them. But I'm not leaving Channel 1 anywhere. We have agreed on new projects that are currently under development. The edition of the program has not been dissolved, but is working to its fullest. And we look forward to meeting you again in the new season, with new forces and new ideas!” - Julia wrote on Instagram (Spelling and punctuation are copyright. - Note. ed.).

"Alone with Everyone" is an interview program that aired on Channel One from 2013 to 2017.

Leading the project "Alone with Everyone" throughout its existence, the famous actress Yulia Menshova remained, who has an impressive experience in television: she has a successful talk show on her account "I myself" and the multi-part project "Balzac age, or All men are their own ...". Konstantin Ernst, general producer of Channel One, made Yulia Menshova an offer she could not refuse. Show Producers "Alone with Everyone" were sure that the presenter would be able to compete with Oprah Winfre herself and her legendary project.

Channel One had previously tried to introduce such a format of a “female” talk show: “Nastya” with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was closed six months later due to low ratings, the program "Alone with Everyone" lasted 4 years and closed in August 2017 at the insistence of Yulia Menshova.

About the show Alone with everyone

In the show studio "Alone with Everyone" visited by domestic artists and famous people. Each of them brought their own emotional experiences to the public. Ballerina Ilze Liepa spoke about how difficult it was for her to get used to the idea of ​​pregnancy at forty-six years old, singer Valeria - about her protracted relationship with the "monster", producer Alexander Shulgin, Evelina Bledans - about her son and Maria Golubkina - about the role of shocking in own life.

Yulia Menshova about the show “Alone with Everyone”: “This is a portrait program. People through the prism of the most famous, serious and important events of their lives. We are interested not so much in information as in feelings. Of course, the degree of openness will depend on the interlocutor. But many program guests know me personally, and this helps to make the conversation comfortable for the interlocutor and talk about topics that they usually prefer to remain silent about. Very often, journalists ask standard questions, and the essence of a person escapes. My task is to capture this essence, and it seems to me that it lies precisely in feelings, and not in words. In preparation for each program, I read a huge amount of information about the hero, raise the whole background and try to capture what people are interested in regarding my hero.

However, the shooting of the very first episode turned into a huge scandal: Yulia Nachalova, a Russian singer, was a guest in the studio. The shooting took place in strict secrecy, and the girl visited the Ostankino television studio with her parents. But, as the journalists later found out, the guest was struck by the host's caustic tone and her questions, which touched on really sensitive topics.

Yulia Menshova even asked Nachalova why she exchanged football player Yevgeny Aldonin for hockey player Alexander Frolov and what is the difference between them, in fact? Outraged Yulia Nachalova threatened to sue the presenter.

Closing the show Alone with everyone

Show « Alone with everyone" aired on Channel One since 2013, but in the summer of 2017 it was decided to close the program. Rumors immediately appeared that the channel's directorate required the closure. But Yulia Menshova denied them.

On her Instagram, the presenter posted information that " Alone with everyone” is closed “solely at her will and urgent request.” Menshova also explained that the editorial board of the program has not been dissolved and continues to actively work on other projects.

Channel One PR director Larisa Krymova said: “Menshova suggested that the project be completed, believing that good programs should be closed before the audience got bored with them.”

Also Larisa Krymova announced that two more shows are being prepared on Channel One with the participation of

At the same time, she remains on Channel One.

48-year-old Russian actress and TV presenter Yulia Menshova announced that her program "Alone with Everyone" on Channel One would no longer be released. She spoke about why this happened and about her future plans.

“Of course, I would like to extend the intrigue, but stupid rumors have spread, we will have to split a little earlier,” the TV presenter wrote on Wednesday on her page in Instagram.

She confirmed that indeed the program "Alone with all" is closed. At the same time, Menshova emphasized that this was not the decision of the leadership of Channel One. She herself asked for the closure of the program, and very urgently.

Menshova explained that the program existed for four years and during this time 600 episodes were filmed.

“I didn’t want this program to turn into a routine and reduce its quality. In this regard, together with the channel’s management, we decided to close the project,” the TV presenter explained.

At the same time, Menshova assured that she was not leaving Channel One anywhere and that the entire editorial office continued to work "to its fullest."

“We have agreed on new projects that are currently under development. And we look forward to meeting you again in the new season, with new forces and new ideas!”, the TV presenter wrote in conclusion.

Readers of her blog greeted the news with regret. “4 years is the deadline for closing?

Yulia Menshova announced the closure of the program "Alone with everyone" on Channel One

Yulia Menshova announced the closure of the program "Alone with Everyone", which she became the host of in 2013. On her Instagram page, she confirmed that the show would indeed no longer be aired, but dispelled rumors that she was leaving Channel One.

I would like, of course, to prolong the intrigue, but stupid rumors have spread, we will have to split a little earlier. Yes, it's true: the program "Alone with all" is closed. But it is not true that the program was closed by the channel's management. It was solely my desire and urgent request,

Menshova reported, noting that she made such a decision because she did not want the program to "turn into a routine":

For 4 years on the air, we filmed 600 episodes, and it was a very difficult job, although infinitely interesting. I did not want this program to become a routine and reduce its quality. In this regard, together with the management of the channel, we decided to close the project. I understand that you will be sorry and will even complain to me, list potential heroes and so on. But I am sure that television today should be more dynamic than ever, and you need to be able to complete projects on time, leaving a good memory of them.

Yulia Menshova in the program "Alone with everyone"

Menshova noted that she remains to work on Channel One, where new projects with her participation will soon appear:

I'm not leaving Channel One! We have agreed on new projects that are currently under development. The edition of the program has not been dissolved, but is working to its fullest. And we hope to see you again in the new season, with new forces and new ideas!

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