The first producer of the Soviet Union. Talented producer (Yuri Aizenshpis) Aizenshpis yuri death from AIDS

June 26, 2015, 01:00

Yuri Shmilevich became famous while working with the legendary rock band "Kino". Thanks to Aizenshpis, the Russians got acquainted with the work of many talented people who still release hits and collect halls to this day. He was called the "godfather" of Russian show business.

1. Aizenshpis's parents are Jews. Maria Mikhailovna is a native Muscovite. Father, Shmil Moiseevich Aizenshpis, a Polish Jew, fled from Poland to the USSR, fleeing the Nazis, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Little Yura with his parents

2. In his youth, Yuri Shmilevich was seriously fond of sports - volleyball, handball and athletics. However, at the age of 16 he suffered a serious leg injury and was forced to quit the sport.

3. At the age of 16, he already arranged semi-underground concerts of the first Soviet rockers, and then became the administrator of the Sokol group, with which he even got a job at the Tula Philharmonic. Since the musicians toured a lot, Aizenshpis' monthly income reached 1,500 rubles (Soviet ministers then received only a thousand).

4. Yuri Aizenshpis has by no means a musical education. In 1968 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in economic engineering.

5. In 1968, 23-year-old Aizenshpis quit the Philharmonic and went to work as a junior researcher at the Central Statistical Office of the USSR with a salary of 115 rubles. But at the workplace, the "major", smelling of French perfume, was rarely shown. His main income was currency fraud, as well as buying and selling gold. Every evening he was in contact with a large number of people - taxi drivers, prostitutes, waiters and even diplomats (for example, the son of the Indian ambassador). "The volume of transactions that I made," Aizenshpis said, "reached a million dollars." The underground millionaire was then only 25 years old.

Trial of money changers in the USSR

6. In 1970, Aizenshpis was arrested for money fraud and spent a total of almost 18 years in "places not so remote". Some of them are in the settlement. For all the years of his imprisonment, he did not make a single tattoo.

Photo from the book “Lighting the Stars. Notes and advice of the pioneer of show business»

7. In the Krasnoyarsk-27 zone, he launched a lively speculation in tea, sugar and vodka. Then he began to occupy leadership positions at local "construction sites of the century." Once in a colony-settlement, he fled from there to Pechory and, having charmed a local intellectual, began to live with her. He was exposed by a guest at home - a police colonel, but amazing luck and knowledge of psychology rescued Aizenshpis. He was transferred to another colony to a lukewarm position as a rationing officer. And already in the second term, Aizenshpis received a number of patents for his rationalization proposals and even a diploma from the Minister of Internal Affairs of Mordovia.

8. From December 1989 until the death of Viktor Tsoi in 1990, he was the director and producer of the Kino group. He was one of the first to break the state monopoly on the release of records, releasing the Black Album in 1990 with money taken on credit.

Musicians of the Kino group and Aizenshpis at the presentation of the Black Album. Source: / by New Look Media Team

Viktor Tsoi and Yuri Aizenshpis

9. Yuri Shmilevich was a producer of such famous musical groups as "Technology", "Moral Code" and "Dynamite". Thanks to him, the Russians recognized Linda, Vlad Stashevsky, Katya Lel, Nikita and pop singer Sasha.

Yuri Aizenshpis with members of the Dynamite group

Vlad Stashevsky and Yuri Aizenshpis

10. It is believed that it was Aizenshpis who brought the "blue lobby" to the Russian show business. Allegedly, at first, the cool ones brought their mistresses to the producer for the promotion, and then they began to bring lovers. "A time spent in prison could have influenced Aizenshpis's orientation," says Alexander Stefanovich, Alla Pugacheva's ex-husband.

11. Singer Dima Bilan, who conquered Eurovision, is the last and, probably, the most successful project of producer Aizenshpis.

With Dima Bilan

12. He was in a civil marriage with Elena Kovrigina. In 1993, the couple had a son, Mikhail. After the death of Yuri, Elena married the editor of a television program on the TNT channel, Leonid Gyune.

With wife Lena and son Misha

Yuri Shmilevich with his son Misha

13. Aizenshpis spoke rather dismissively about his own income, saying that he earns exactly as much as he needs to provide for his family and pay for telephone calls. True, in return for the stolen Volvo, he nevertheless acquired two other cars - a Pontiac Bonneville and a Ford Explorer.

14. Yuri Aizenshpis died on September 20, 2005 from a myocardial infarction. He was buried near Moscow next to his parents at the Domodedovo cemetery.

Director Yulia Nachalova, whom everyone considered her lover, turned out to be a "girlfriend"

Traditionally, most pop stars take the stage accompanied by dancers who perform various steps behind their backs. How these boys and girls get to the stars, what kind of relationship they have with them and how much they get for their work - the audience usually does not think about it. Meanwhile, this is a whole separate branch of show business that feeds a large number of people. We managed to find out some secrets of this community from the producer Vitaly MANSHIN, who heads one of the main centers for training dancers - the Duncan modern dance school.

Our school was founded ten years ago by a former dancer of the Beryozka ensemble. Olga Zamyatina and initially focused on amateurs, - Manshin began his story. - Then Zamyatina retired for personal reasons, and the school was on the verge of closing. And I rehearsed there group "Reflex" and other artists that I was collaborating with at the time. And I decided to buy the school from Zamyatina and transfer it to a professional channel along the lines of the Todes studio Alla Spirit. Our first "star" client was Kolya Baskov. The funny thing is that he lived in the same house with Dukhovaya, and he had a direct road to her. But my friend dragged Baskov to us at Duncan. Kolya approached the matter seriously and personally selected each dancer. I instructed to prepare the assembled team for work Artem Bykov, who previously worked in ballet with Jasmine. He was all broken, he was practically an unsuitable semi-disabled person. But he assured me that he could work. And I took it out of pity.

Rough Basque

At first, Bykov successfully coped with the duties of a leader, Vitaly continues. - But six months later, a rebellion began within the team. According to the terms of the contract, all dancers had to deduct a small percentage of their earnings to me. For this, they were given the opportunity to rehearse at our base, as well as a number of additional services - a solarium, a sports club, etc. But, having worked for Baskov, they quickly forgot that it was I who got them there, and decided: “Why pay interest ?!” They started throwing mud at me, complaining to Kolya that I was robbing them, not giving them a hall for rehearsals. It got to the point of absurdity. I sometimes went on tour with them to check how the work was going. And one day at dinner I got into a conversation with a 20-year-old violinist from Baskov's accompaniment. He was very worried about his career and began to ask me for help. I explained that I was far from classical music. And he advised me to contact a familiar accompanist from the orchestra. Someone immediately reported this to Baskov. Kolya called me in the middle of the night from Kyiv and began to be indignant: “Manshin, are you oh ... l ?! Why are you stealing people from me?!” Immediately, Baskov's then-father-in-law called me back Boris Shpigel and said sternly: “Don’t you sit evenly?! Do your ballet - and keep doing it! ”

An outlet for Aizenshpis

Unfortunately, I, Dukhovaya, and our other colleagues have had to deal with such ingratitude more than once, - Manshin sadly smiled. - Recently, the head of the ballet "Street Jazz" Sergei Mandrik complained to me that his pets did not at all appreciate the good that was done to them. Perhaps this is due to the fact that 95 percent of the dancers are from the provinces. They are more than Muscovites ready to go over the corpses. They need to somehow settle in the capital. And morality comes last. And artists and their producers often follow their lead. Take at least the story with the dance group Dima Bilan. At one time, I myself called the deceased Yura Aizenshpis and suggested: "Let's make your Bilan a number for a free trial!". He liked the number. And we immediately agreed on further work. I had contracts with Baskov and his dancers. "Let's sign something!" - I said to Aizenshpis. “It's useless! he waved it off. “My word is iron.” We could not find dancers for him for a long time. First they put the guys from ballet "Mirage" who are dancing now Friske. They flew with Bilan on tour. Apparently, Aizenshpis rolled up to them. And upon their return, they said: “No, we will not work with him.” Then they put two girls. But Aizenshpis did not like them. Girls didn't inspire him at all.

Then I offered to go to him three guys from the ballet "Dance Master". One of them was an ex-member of "Reflex" Denis Davidovsky. At one time, Aizenshpis heaped on him, drove up to him at presentations and said: “Come to me!” Denis foolishly decided to leave Reflex. But, having got to Aizenshpis, he ran back three days later. He fell to his knees and said: “Forgive me! It was a mistake." Apparently, there was also something unusual going on. It is not surprising that Denis and his partners in the Dance Master were not particularly eager to work with Aizenshpis. "But he won't bother us?" they asked. “This is how you put yourself! I answered. - The Dynamite group is working with him, and nothing. They have two Ilyas - quite normal guys. And only the third is an outlet for Aizenshpis.

- And many people think that dancers - almost all "gays" - only dream of men ...

This thrives in groups that are close in style to classical ballet, - Manshin grinned. - Those who are engaged in classics, for some reason, are more in this direction. And the dancers who work in modern styles are usually normal guys. In any case, we have not come across a single "blue" for all the time. Therefore, everyone was afraid to contact Aizenshpis.

Aldonin is not a cuckold

How much do dancers get paid?

Members of groups of artists such as Baskov and Bilan receive an average of 200 euros per concert, Manshin clicked his tongue. - In teams it is simpler - from three thousand rubles in Moscow to five thousand on the road. Concerts can be 20 per month. Or maybe there isn't one. For comparison, go-go dancers in trendy clubs, without straining, consistently earn 3-5 thousand dollars a month. But not everyone can shake their ass in front of drunken faces. And most artists don't make much money. With rare exceptions, they strive to save money on ballet. For example, we have been friends with Vitya Nachalov- dad Julia Nachalova. She is a good singer, and her ballet has always been kind of frail - from teenage girls - two laps, three stomps. I suggested that Vitya do something more serious for her. Gathered a team of six people - four girls and two guys. One of the guys was a kid from Brazil, an amazing dancer who is now working with Topalov. Nachalova just got out of maternity leave and returned to work. By this time we already had a program ready. But then Yulia's "girlfriend" began to stir up trouble - her director Andrey Trofimov.

What does "girlfriend" mean? It seems that they say that the director of Nachalova is almost her lover, with whom she is cheating on her husband, football player Yevgeny Aldonin.

It can not be so! This Andrei is of a slightly different orientation, - Vitaly laughed. - He used to work with Aizenshpis's pet Vlad Stashevsky. I don’t know whether our ballet didn’t suit him for some gender reasons, or whether he wanted to stage his own dancers in order to receive bribes from them. But as a result of the subversive work carried out by him, Nachalova refused to work with us under the pretext of supposedly our lack of professionalism. In fact, the claims were completely unfounded. All the artists with whom we worked were always present at ballet rehearsals and did rehearsals. And it was almost impossible to drag Nachalovo to rehearse. And no matter how professional she was, some blunders turned out on the stage. “I understand that Andrei goes over the ears of Yulia,” Vitya Nachalov justified himself. “But she sang so well with him that I can’t do anything with her.” Then they changed the ballet several times. I saw the last one. You can't call it choreography. It's some kind of aerobics. Apparently, Nachalova likes it that way.

Greedy Dance

We did not cooperate with Ladoy Dance Manshin shook his head. - When you start to communicate with her, she can attract you like a woman. But then it abruptly turns 180 degrees. She starts yelling, making some unfounded accusations. Then she does not like to pay money. We agreed to work with her on a barter basis. But she worked only one performance. And, almost tore it off. It was some kind of conference in the Kremlin. There he spoke Sergey Drobotenko. And Lada was supposed to sing two songs after him. For this, we wrote off a three-ruble note from her. But she was late for the appointed time. To fill the pause that had arisen, poor Drobotenko, instead of ten minutes, was forced to speak for more than an hour. He was already all red and every minute looked at us with hope: “Well, when?” And we had to get her on stage anyway to get paid for her. In the end, Dance sang one song instead of two. Then she made a scandal and said that I was completely crazy. As a result, she owed one and a half thousand dollars.

Jewish TV. Discrimination against Russians on television. Collection of articles and notes. Compiled by Anatoly Glazunov and others.

"Shark of show business" Yuri Aizenshpis - Zhidovin

Tens of thousands of Russian fans of famous "pop stars" did not know and do not know about this Jew, but this Jew lit several famous stars. It was the Zhidovin Aizenshpis who introduced the concept of "producer" into the everyday life of Russian show business, was one of the first producers in Russia, and "convincingly proved that anyone can be made a pop star."

Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis was born in 1945 in Chelyabinsk, where his mother, Muscovite Maria Mikhailovna Aizenshpis (1922-1991), was evacuated. By nationality - a Jew. Father - Shmil Moiseevich Aizenshpis (1916-1989) - Polish Jew. He fled from Poland to the USSR, fleeing the Germans, was at the front. Parents after the war returned to Moscow. Worked in GUAS (Main Directorate of Airfield Construction).

Money changer Aizenshpis

Producer of Dima Bilan and Viktor Tsoi served more than 17 years in Soviet camps

Rock underground manager

A graduate of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics, Aizenshpis did not like his boring profession. Since childhood, he was drawn to sports and music. At the age of sixteen, he arranged semi-underground concerts of the first Soviet rockers, and then became the administrator of the Sokol group, with which he even got a job at the Tula Philharmonic. Since the musicians toured a lot, Aizenshpis' monthly income reached 1,500 rubles (Soviet ministers then received only a thousand).

In 1968, the 23-year-old Aizenshpis quit the Philharmonic and went to work as a junior researcher at the Central Statistical Office of the USSR with a salary of 115 rubles. But at the workplace, the "major", smelling of French perfume, was rarely shown. Using his connections with store managers, he was able to get nearly two hundred scarce grocery orders for his colleagues. Therefore, his constant absences looked through the fingers. Such a free regime helped Aizenshpis lead a second, parallel life, which brought him completely different incomes.

Underground millionaire at 25

Aizenshpis's guide to the world of currency fraud was Eduard Borovikov, nicknamed Vasya, who played in the football team of Dynamo masters. “I bought foreign currency or checks,” Aizenshpis said, “I used them in the Beryozka store to buy scarce goods and then sold them through intermediaries on the black markets. In those days, the dollar cost on the black market from two to seven and a half For example, a synthetic fur coat could be bought at Beryozka for $50 and sold for 500 rubles.

His career developed according to the knurled scheme: henchman - junior partner - shareholder. Then Aizenshpis ventured to work alone. His first major independent business was the purchase of Panasonic radios in the Beryozka currency store. These were elegant four-range products of two models - $33 and $50 each. Aizenshpis decided to take 25 Panasonics to Odessa, where they were still rare and cost much more than in Moscow. And he did not lose - the receivers went flying.

In 1969, two outwardly inconspicuous, but very remarkable events took place in Moscow. A certain Mammadov, the first secretary of the Oktyabrsky district party committee of the city of Baku, opened a passbook in the capital in the name of his wife and put 195 thousand rubles on it - the then earnings of an ordinary worker for 108 years. In the same year, a commercial office of Vneshtorgbank was opened on Pushkinskaya Street, where gold of the highest standard was sold in bars weighing from 10 grams to one kilogram. Gold could be purchased by any citizen, but only for currency.

What do these events have to do with Aizenshpis? The most direct. The USSR was already decaying, the shadow economy and corruption flourished in the southern republics. In the same Azerbaijan, for example, positions were sold almost openly: the director of the theater - 10 thousand rubles, the secretary of the district party committee - 200 thousand, the minister of trade - a quarter of a million. "Buyers" to justify their costs engaged in extortion and embezzlement. The money received had to be invested somewhere. Best of all in "imperishable" - currency, diamonds and gold.

At the service of these people in Moscow there were about a hundred people who dealt in currency and gold on a large scale. Aizenshpis also managed to find his "theme". A kilogram of gold in the very office of Vneshtorgbank was sold for one and a half thousand dollars. Even if you buy dollars for 5 rubles, it cost 7.5 thousand. Plus, one ruble per gram was paid to foreign students who bought gold. As a result - 8500 rubles per kilogram ingot. And it was sold for 20 thousand rubles. 11,500 rubles profit - a giant profit, if you remember that the nurse then received 60 rubles a month.

Trade in precious metal was brisk. Aizenshpis had to buy almost every day from one and a half to three thousand dollars at the rate of 2 - 3 rubles per dollar. Every evening he was in contact with a large number of people - taxi drivers, prostitutes, waiters and even diplomats (for example, the son of the Indian ambassador). "The volume of transactions that I made," Aizenshpis said, "reached a million dollars."

The underground millionaire was then only 25 years old. ]

Ten years with confiscation

At the end of 1969, a prominent money changer Henrikh Karakhanyan, nicknamed the Crow, was arrested in Moscow, and in January 1970 Aizenshpis's turn came. At the time of his arrest, he had 18 thousand rubles in his pocket, that is, a salary for about ten years of work in his native research institute. The main accusatory articles in the Aizenshpis case were the 154th, part 2 (“Speculation on an especially large scale”), and the 88th, part 2 (“violation of foreign exchange transactions”). According to their totality, in the case of the first term, they were given, as a rule, no more than 5 - 8 years. But Aizenshpis got a ten. And the enhanced mode. By a court verdict, not only currency, gold, mohair were confiscated from him (the list took seven pages), but also a collection of vinyl records of 5 thousand discs, and most importantly, a room of 26 square meters in the apartment where he lived with his parents and why - I made a separate personal account.

After serving time in Krasnoyarsk, Tula and Pechora, Aizenshpis was released - on parole - in May 1977. But Yuri Shmilevich breathed the air of freedom for only three months. Already in August, having bought 4 thousand dollars from foreigners, he and his companion were arrested on the Lenin Hills. A former athlete, Aizenshpis rushed to run. On the way, he managed to throw away all the dollars, rubles and even the keys to the apartment.

It didn't help... This time they gave him eight years. Plus the fact that he did not sit through on parole. In total - again "ten". He served his second term in Mordovia, in the infamous Dubrovlag. The zone was called the "Meat Grinder" because three to five people were killed there every day.

Under the hood of the KGB

In August 1985, Aizenshpis was released again on parole - the term for good behavior was thrown off for a year and eight months. Returning to the capital, he met a woman in a restaurant who was married to an Arab who often traveled abroad. A new friend suggested that Yuri Shmilevich update his wardrobe. The offered items were of higher quality than in the notorious "Beryozka". First, Aizenshpis dressed himself, then dressed his friends, and then turned the resale of fashionable clothes into a craft. His monthly salary was several thousand rubles. It is incomparable with what he had in gold, but still 5-6 times more than the ministers and secretaries of the Central Committee.

Trouble began when the resourceful Arab fell under the hood of the KGB. Tracking all his connections, the security officers came to Aizenshpis. In October 1986, Aizenshpis arrived at the next meeting near the Mossovet Theater on the newly purchased "Zhiguli" of the sixth model. Here he was detained by police officers. In the trunk, they found several Grundig cassette recorders, a couple of super scarce video recorders and video cassettes.

Aizenshpis was incredibly lucky that his Arab accomplice managed to escape abroad in time. Without the main defendant, the criminal case, through the efforts of lawyers, successfully fell apart. Yury Shmilevich left the prison bunk in April 1988, after serving seventeen months in the pre-trial detention center. This was his last posting.

Karabas-Barabas and his puppets

Once free, Aizenshpis fell into the thick of perestroika. Soon, a friend Alexander Lipnitsky (stepson of Vadim Sukhodrev, Brezhnev's personal translator) introduced him to the then rock party. At first, Aizenshpis headed the directorate of the Intershans festival, slowly studying the backstage and hidden springs of home-grown show business, and soon undertook to produce the pop group Technology. Yuri Shmilyevich stated his credo with the utmost frankness: "Promoting" an artist is the functional duty of a producer. And here any means are good. Through diplomacy, bribery, threats or blackmail." That's exactly how he acted, earning the nickname "sharks of show business." But even the commercial success of his wards - the groups "Technology", "Dynamite", "Kino", singer Linda, Vlad Stashevsky and Dima Bilan - brought him disproportionately, less money than he earned in his own stellar peak in gold and foreign exchange transactions.

So, he got out of prison in 1988 after serving 18 years in prison.

Works in the creative association "Gallery" under the city committee of the Komsomol, organizing concerts of young performers. In early 1989, Aizenshpis produced the Kino group and was one of the first to violate the state monopoly on the publication of records. In 1990, having borrowed 5,000,000 rubles, he released the last work of the Kino group.

From 1991 to 1992, he collaborated with the Technology group.
From 1992 to 1993 he produced the Moral Code and Young Guns groups. In 1994, he makes a star out of Vlad Stashevsky - a guy with very dubious vocal abilities, but a bright appearance. In 1993, he noticed Linda, a jazz college graduate, and helped her take her first steps. In 1997 he produced the singers Inga Drozdova and Katya Lel, and from 1998 to 2001 - the singer Nikita, and in 1999-2000 the singer Sasha. In the book of Evgeny Dodolev “Vlad Listyev. Biased Requiem ”it is mentioned that the Jew Aizenshpis was helped by the criminal authority Alexander Makushenko, known as “Sasha Gypsy”, in the promotion of some artists.

“We don’t have courts,” said the cool Jew Aizenshpis. - And "promoting" the artist is the functional responsibility of the producer, and for him there are no concepts of "good" or "bad". The main thing is the goal. At any cost. Through diplomacy, bribery, threats or blackmail. In the end, it's just emotions. But at the moment of moving towards the goal, you must act like a tank.

Since 2000, he has been managing the affairs of the Dynamite group. Since 2001 - General Director of Media Star. He died in September 2005 from a myocardial infarction.

Shortly before his death, he wrote the book Lighting the Stars.

Aizenshpis wrote in this book: “I am a Jew. My mother is Jewish and my father is of the same nationality. And what from this? Absolutely nothing ... I do not honor Judaism, I do not know its traditions and I am not interested in its history. I do not consider the Jews to be either the most intelligent, or the most persecuted, or in general some kind of exceptional people. They say that Jews in Russia have always been oppressed. I don't know, I'm not sure. In any case, just as Stalin's repressions bypassed my family, anti-Semitism did not affect me at all. Neither at school nor later in life did I hear offensive words like "Jew" or "Jew's muzzle" thrown in the face or in the back.

“Many people talk about anti-Semitism, about Zionism. These political phenomena somehow passed me by. I didn’t feel anything like that either at school or at the institute. And I didn’t feel it in prison.”

“The late Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis was also known for not only having all his pop fosterlings himself, but also supplying them to homosexuals from among our new elite. All his fop stars went through this conveyor ... "

Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis was born a month after the end of the Great Patriotic War in Chelyabinsk. At that time, the producer's mother was evacuated there. Yuri Shmilevich comes from an unusual family. The father's ancestors lived in Spain, but at the same time, Poland is indicated in Shmil Moiseevich's passport as the country of birth. Already in adulthood, the man fled to the USSR, fearing the reprisals of the Nazis.

Interestingly, the real name of Yuri's father is Shmul. An employee of the NKVD, filling out a passport, mixed it up. So it turned out Shmil Aizenshpis. The man went through the Second World War, visited Berlin. In this case, the soldier was never wounded. The mother of Yuri Shmilyevich's biography is no less interesting. Maria Mikhailovna was born in Belarus.

After the death of her parents, she was transferred to the upbringing of distant relatives. Due to the outbreak of the war, she did not have time to get a diploma in journalism. Maria Mikhailovna joined the partisan detachment, several times she almost fell into the hands of the Germans. In the post-war years, she was awarded medals and orders.

The acquaintance of Yuri's parents took place at the Belorussky railway station in 1944. After the end of the war, Maria Mikhailovna and Shmil Moiseevich ended up in the Main Directorate of Airfield Construction. At that time, the Aizenshpis family lived well. They had a TV and a gramophone with a large collection of records in their house.

Until 1961, the producer's family lived in a wooden barracks, but then moved to an apartment located in the Moscow Sokol district. Yuri Shmilevich was a sports child, he attended a sports school. The producer was a fan of handball, volleyball and athletics. I had to retire from professional sports due to a leg injury.

Yuri took his first steps as an administrator already in his youth. In 1965, the man began to collaborate with the rock group Sokol. Despite the obvious craving for show business, Aizenshpis received an economic education at the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics.

Music and production

Producer career for Yuri Shmilevich began while studying at the institute. Collaboration with a rock band did not help to reach the desired heights. Then Aizenshpis went to jail for conducting illegal currency transactions. After leaving prison, the producer found himself in the perestroika world, which became the starting point for developing a career in show business.

Acquaintance with Alexander Lipnitsky allowed Aizenshpis to become the head of the Intershans festival. Gradually, the man studied the basics of backstage life, identified methods of influencing musicians, and later moved on to producing.

“Promoting an artist is the functional responsibility of a producer. And here any means are good. Through diplomacy, bribery, threats or blackmail,” Yuri Shmilyevich said.

This approach has been successful. From an ordinary producer, Aizenshpis quickly rose to the rank of show business shark. Yuri began to help performers who wanted to be on the big stage. Not everyone suited Aizenshpis. The producer, lighting the stars, chose artists who could "hook" the viewer. A prerequisite was the presence of a repertoire. To promote musicians, Yuri Shmilyevich used the media and television.

In 1988, the Kino group fell into the hands of Aizenshpis. By this time, the musicians had already reached a certain level on their own, but a professional approach to promotion was required. The cooperation of two talented people - Yuri Shmilyevich and - has borne fruit.

The fame of the producer and musician soared to unprecedented heights. Two years later, Viktor Tsoi dies. Aizenshpis takes a loan of 5 million rubles and releases the posthumous album of the musician "Black Album". The circulation of the disc exceeded 1 million copies. On this project, the producer earned 24 million.

Musicians of the Kino group, Yevgeny Dodolev and Yuri Aizenshpis at the presentation of the Black Album

Yuri Shmilevich's career developed rapidly. After Kino, another team followed - Technology. In fact, Aizenshpis promoted the group from scratch. Young musicians became popular. For some unknown reason, after a year of joint work, the paths of the producer and the wards diverge.

Already in 1992, Yuri Aizenshpis was recognized as the best producer in the country. A year after official recognition, he meets Svetlana Geiman, known under the pseudonym. They worked for several months, after which he took up the promotion of the singer.

For 6 years, Yuri Shmilevich collaborated with a famous singer in the 90s. Collaboration led to the recording of 5 albums. Aizenshpis increased Vlad's popularity and recognition at times. The musician was invited to major concerts and events in Russia and the USA.

The track record of Yuri Aizenshpis includes such stars as Nikita, the Dynamite group. The main achievement in the work of the producer was. Under the leadership of Yuri Shmilevich, they learned about the artist in Russia.

Aizenshpis described the bright moments of life and work in books. The producer published "Lighting the Stars. Notes and advice from a show business pioneer”, “From a black marketer to a producer. Business people in the USSR” and “Viktor Tsoi and others. How the stars light up. In memory of the producer, a program was broadcast on the TVC channel called Wild Money.

Personal life

Rumors constantly circulated around Aizenshpis. In show business, they said that the producer brought the so-called "blue lobby" to the work. Previously, women were brought to a man for promotion, later lovers of politicians and businessmen began to appear. More than once, Yuri Shmilyevich and the wards of the producer were called gays, but no official confirmation of the men's orientation was found.

“A term in prison could have influenced Aizenshpis’s orientation,” the ex-husband suggested.

Numerous rumors did not prevent Yuri Shmilyevich from living in a civil marriage with Elena Lvovna Kovrigina.

After the death of Aizenshpis, she quickly arranged her personal life by marrying director Leonid Goiningen-Hühne. Yuri and Elena had a son, Mikhail. In 2014, a young man came to the police in connection with the use of drugs. During the search, 1.5 grams of cocaine were found on Mikhail.


Imprisonment had a negative impact on the health of the producer. For a long time, Yuri Aizenshpis hid the fact that he had serious problems. Officially, the cause of death is myocardial infarction, but a number of diagnoses led to this, including cirrhosis of the liver, gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatitis B and C. The information that Yuri Shmilyevich had AIDS, which led to death, is not documented.

Three days before his death, Aizenshpis felt unwell. The doctors decided to hospitalize the producer. After the manipulations, the condition improved, so Yuri Shmilevich persuaded the doctors to let him out of the hospital. The producer wanted to see Dima Bilan receive the prestigious MTV-2005 music award.

Before the ceremony, the producer did not live two days. Aizenshpis's life was cut short in the 61st year. The funeral took place at the Domodedovo cemetery. The farewell ceremony was attended by artists, composers and other show business figures. Numerous photos of the mourning Dima Bilan have circled the Internet. The grave of the producer is located next to the parent.

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