Petliura is a first and last name. Short life and bright career: causes of death of Yuri Barabash-Petliura


Yuri Barabash, known under the pseudonym "Petlyura", died in a car accident on September 28, 1996. He was only 22 years old, despite this, he managed to record several albums and become a popular performer of songs in the chanson style.

Fans of chanson are well aware of the name of Yuri Barabash - this is one of the most iconic performers of the genre. For the general public, the singer is known under the pseudonym Petlyura, which was awarded for his explosive character, by analogy with the Ukrainian politician Symon Petlyura.

Possessing a memorable manner of singing, a peculiar timbre of voice and songs close to ordinary people, the singer quickly won the love of thousands of fans, but his career was interrupted by a sudden death at a very young age: the singer was barely 22 years old. The cause of death of Yuri Barabash is considered to be a serious accident. However, many put forward a version of the murder. How did the famous chansonnier really die?

Circumstances of death

On the night of September 27-28, 1996, a car accident occurred on Sevastopol Avenue in Moscow. According to the official version of what happened, the car crashed into a pole at high speed: Yuri was not wearing his seat belt, so he was thrown out of the car. The examination showed that there were no signs of braking. All other people in the car received only minor injuries. According to some reports, the participants in the accident were in a state of intoxication.

Barabash was an aspiring driver: he had just obtained his license and bought his first car, a BMW earned from numerous performances. On the fateful day, the young man was not going anywhere. The next morning, the singer was scheduled to shoot for the program "Up to 16 and older", so Yuri wanted to have a good rest before an important event. In the evening, acquaintances called him and asked him to speak in a restaurant. According to the mother, the caller was the local crime boss Vasya, whom the singer could not refuse.

A film crew from the Highway Patrol program arrived at the scene of the tragedy, filming footage of the incident, including the deceased himself. Barabash was not immediately identified because he did not take his identification with him - some believe that friends were simply heading to the nearest store to buy beer.

Criminal version

Supporters of the criminal version of the death of the famous chansonnier believe that the BMW did not belong to Barabash himself, but to one of the "brothers", who were many among the singer's acquaintances. He lent Yuri a car in which ill-wishers planted explosives: Barabash's "cool" friend was supposed to be the target of the murder. Eyewitnesses of the incident said that before the impact, a loud sound was heard, similar to an explosion. The veracity of this version has not been proven.


There is a lot of mysticism around the death of a young talent, for example, the singer’s mother is sure that her son was killed by a cross that once belonged to Igor Talkov. The fate of Talkov was tragic: he was shot backstage at his own concert. Talkov's pectoral cross was handed over to Barabash by Alexei Blokhin, the lead singer of the Laskovy Byk group, at the presentation of one of Mikhail Krug's albums. The musician was delighted at first with the gift, but the superstitious Olya Nabatnikova, who was the singer's girlfriend, asked him to remove the pendant. According to Yuri's mother, he again put on the cross on the day of his death.

According to rumors, Blokhin wanted to get rid of the gift, because he began to get sick and lose his sight.

Yuri Barabash's book "Legends of Chanson" was published after his death. On the cover, Barabash was depicted in an embrace with Mikhail Krug - they were close friends. Krug saw this as a bad omen - and, as it turned out, he was right.

The singer seemed to predict his death. In one of the songs written by the musician, there are such lines "You came to him in green - your mother opened it to you in black." A similar episode was repeated in reality: after the death of the singer, his bride Olga really first came to the house of the singer's mother in green clothes.

The singer has always had a strange relationship with death, for example, at the age of 10, the boy wrote poetry and sang them to the tune of a funeral march, which terrified his superstitious mother. Tamara Sergeevna admitted to the press that she was often tormented by bad forebodings regarding her son. So on a tragic day, she sent a message to that same Vasya to find out where Yuri was. The message reached the addressee at the same minute as the accident happened.

The funeral of the singer Petlyura

The chanson star Petlyura was buried in Moscow at the Khovansky cemetery.

The singer's mother specially went to the church of Boris and Gleb to find out if it was possible to sing her son in Moscow, or according to the canons, it is necessary to take the body to Stavropol. The priest, with whom the woman consulted, once buried Talkov.

The musician was buried in a closed coffin - the body was badly damaged in an accident - with three crosses: given at baptism, during the funeral procedure, and thus ill-fated, inherited from Talkov. On the grave there is a granite monument, on which a guitar is engraved.


Yuri Barabash's date of birth is April 14, 1974. He became the second, after his sister Lolita, a child in the family.


The first years of the singer's life were spent in Kamchatka. His father was a military man, and his mother was a creative person: she worked in a puppet theater, and then in a philharmonic society. As a child, Yuri was a naughty, uncontrollable and very active child, often fighting with other children. Later, the family moved to Stavropol - a serious illness was found in Lolita, for the successful treatment of which a warm climate was recommended.

Studying did not arouse much interest in the boy, besides, because of the hooligan lifestyle, he had many problems with the school. After the death of his father in 1984, he began to be considered a difficult teenager at all. He started smoking early, and my mother was constantly called to meetings with the director.

I left the educational institution after the 8th grade, but for a long time I could not decide what to do now. Then at the age of 14, my mother gave the boy a guitar. Yuri himself learned to play and began to write the first songs that he performed in courtyards and porches. Because of the theme of the songs, many thought that the young performer had a difficult childhood or even went to prison - the singer was so charismatic.

A close friend of Barabash told one incident that happened to the musician. One day, while waiting for a trolleybus at a bus stop, Yuri took out a guitar and began to sing. He was immediately surrounded by people who wanted to listen to the songs. The transport going along the route left empty every time: no one wanted to go. Only when Barabash got into the trolleybus himself did the grateful listeners disperse.

Invitation to show business

The artist's popularity slowly grew: he soon began to record his songs at home. One such recording was heard by Andrey Razin, at that time the producer of the popular group Laskovy May. Razin appreciated the peculiarities of the timbre of the novice singer's voice and its similarity with the voice of Yuri Shatunov, the vocalist of Tender May, after which he invited Barabash to his studio. The young man even auditioned as a soloist of a popular group under the pseudonym Yuri Orlov.

However, the joint career did not work out: the ambitious Barabash did not want to be just a copy of Shatunov, and many concepts about the artist’s image were contrary to Razin’s opinion, so the union soon broke up. Yuri was very upset by the failure, but soon on his creative path the musician met the composer Konstantin Gubin, in collaboration with whom the semi-professional album "Benya Raider" was recorded. Prior to that, the musician already had experience recording songs in a home studio - the first such album was “Sing, Zhigan” in 1993.

According to Gubin, none of the participants in the recording expected the popularity that had fallen on Barabash. By pure chance, Gubin, about to go on business to the capital, took the very recording with him and took it to the recording studio. Soon the songs began to sound from everywhere.

According to the musician's mother, Andrei Razin did not disappear from Yuri's life forever. After the release of the first albums, Razin tried to renew a working relationship with the performer, but was refused. The next day, people in uniform knocked on the door of Barabash's apartment - employees of the military registration and enlistment office. They took the guy's passport, promising to send him to the hottest spot. After that, it was decided to go to Moscow. By the way, the documents could be returned only in 1996 - shortly before his death.

Being popular in some circles, the young man receives various job offers: for example, for some time Barabash, having already become Petliura by that time, sings in nightclubs. In 1995, the album "Youngster" was recorded, which did not bring the expected success. Yuri experienced constant financial difficulties. During his life in Zelenograd, the guy met "dishonest" young people - criminal elements. The life of a musician of this period resembles a kaleidoscope: a constant change of scenery. Sometimes the lack of money was so serious that the singer slept at train stations and lived under a bridge.


The meeting with Yuri Sevostyanov, who is at the head of the Master Sound studio, became a success. Sevostyanov practically ensured all of Petliura's further success. He offered a contract for as many as five albums and organized the first solo performances. In addition to improvements in his professional life, Barabash has also undergone pleasant changes in his personal life:

  • Sevostyanov rented decent housing for the singer;
  • insisted on moving to the mother's capital;
  • began to pay the musician a very decent salary - about a thousand dollars a month;
  • an album was recorded, recognized as the best in the career of a musician - "Fast Train".

Compositions were taken into rotation even by "Russian Radio", which practically did not deal with performers working in the chanson genre. On the wave of popularity, the next disc "Sad Guy" was released. And the last album, which the singer miraculously managed to finish three days before his death, was released after his sudden death. Many of the musician's friends consider Petliura's latest work to be a kind of requiem. The lines became prophetic: “The heart melts like ice, the strength of the body leaves, God calls me to heaven. Does that really happen?"

After the death of Yuri Barabash in 1999, another chanson performer appeared on the stage under the name Viktor Petlyura. Many fans of Barabash were perplexed: does the young singer really want to get promoted at the expense of the name of his famous predecessor? In fact, Viktor is Petliura according to his passport. Having existed for more than 10 years under that name, in 2015, the artist, who released about 12 albums, decides to take a pseudonym - Doreen. According to him, the constant confusion with the famous performer of courtyard songs made him very tired.

Transfer of the DTV channel “How the idols left. Yuri Barabash.

Everyone knows the words to the songs of Viktor Petlyura. Of course, they were never hits, but they were heard by many. He was loved and listened to, it was a certain category of people. For all cause of death of Yuri Barabash became sudden.

Yuri Vladislavovich was born in 1974, on April 14 in the Stavropol Territory. The whole country knew him under the pseudonym Petlyura. One person combined a sad look, heartfelt songs. Everyone listened to the songs and wondered: who is this man? Probably, he was sitting or sitting, and why this particular surname. Even now there are no less questions.

Yura never chased fame and did not look for meetings with journalists, did not attend noisy events. He just sang his songs. The singer's childhood took place in Stavropol, a city that was the same as all cities. Much later, Yu. Cherny will dedicate a song to Petlyura about the small Motherland - Stavropol.

Yurino generation, these are people who are a little over 40 years old. They survived perestroika and live in a new time. They accepted the change of power, and Petliura simply sang and did not pay attention to his surroundings. He sang mostly his own songs. She herself wrote 2-3 maximum. He performed. He sang so soulfully that it was impossible not to hear his voice. Sometimes sad, sometimes happy.

The first album "Raider Benya" was recorded at home. At that time, it was cool to insert computer comments during the music. During this period, on the rise of Petliura and Shatunov, they could be confused. Therefore, the words were inserted into the music: "This is not Shatunov, this is Petliura."

The style and manner of performing songs from Yuri Petlyura appeared immediately. The album "Youngster" appears already on professional equipment. Some of the songs are new, some are covered from previous albums. It is released on cassettes and CDs. People are buying up again.

Attracting new viewers learned with the help of the composition "Rain". It was staged as a slow dance at discos in villages and children's camps. The girl's guys listened and wanted to hear other songs by Yuri Barabash. In his songs, he touched on the topics of prison, the army, relationships with treason, etc.

In 1995, Yuri Sevostyanov invests in Petliura, a Russian chanson. The compositions included songs of streets, courtyards, night restaurants and kitchens. We started shooting a video for "Fast Train". He has already moved to Moscow and works day and night. The album "Sad Boy" is being prepared for release. Petliura's career is on the rise and suddenly death . Cause of death of Yuri Barabash banal. Car accident. He sat behind the url about 3-4 times. In an accident, everyone escaped with injuries, he died alone on the night of September 27, 1996. The musician was buried in Moscow at the Khovansky cemetery.

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In 2005, the Black Raven album was released, followed by the Black Raven and Sentence records at intervals of a year. Well, the last one to date was the album "Coast", which was released in 2008. In total, there are 10 records in the artist's piggy bank.

Viktor Petlyura treats his colleagues in the workshop, performers of Russian chanson, with deep respect. In his genre, the musician appreciates the work of Katya Ogonyok and Tanya Tishinskaya, Ivan Kuchin, Garik Krichevsky, Mikhail Krug, Mikhail Gulko and many others. And he appreciates the work of everyone, because he himself understands as well as possible how hard and painstaking work this is.

As of October 2018, Victor pays special attention to the sound quality of his music, experiments a lot with the guitar, thanks to which some of his works, such as "Keys to Paradise" or "Friends", have acquired a tangible rock color. At the same time, no re-evolution is alien to this classic rock drive. Petlyura is quite advanced in terms of sound modernization and therefore is always open to the dance floor.

Discography of Viktor Petliura

1999 - Blue-eyed
2000 - You can't be returned
2001 - Brother
2001 - North
2002 - Destiny
2002 - The son of the prosecutor
2003 - Gray
2004 - Date
2004 - The guy in the cap
2005 - Black Raven
2006 - Judgment
2008 - Shore
2013 - Two coasts
2014 - The most beloved woman in the world

Viktor Petlyura was born on October 30, 1975 in the city of Simferopol, Republic of Crimea. The guy dreamed about music at an early age. At the age of eleven, the future musician already skillfully handled the guitar, played folk songs, as well as yard songs.

At the age of 13, Victor created his own musical group. It was there that his talents for songwriting manifested themselves. He began to write author's compositions, for the most part, on lyrical themes. A year later, the musical group received an invitation to the amateur club of one of the factories in Simferopol. There was a pretty decent rehearsal space and regular concert performances were guaranteed.

The professional growth of the artist just began at this time. Viktor Petliura began to look for his own style and direction. After the school ten years, Victor and his comrades enter the school. They organize a new team there, and devote all their free time to rehearsals.

At the same time, Petlyura is called a guitarist and vocalist in one of the Simferopol restaurants. And besides this, given the professional level, they are invited as an acoustic guitar teacher to a city club. At this time, the real musical life of the performer began. The first performances and professional recordings begin, as well as participation in festivals and competitions.

Gradually, Viktor Petliura independently comes to the genre of a yard song or Russian chanson, as it is called now. That is, to songs that are usually performed with soul and from the heart. For almost five years, the performer did not dare to record his own album.

Only in 1999 saw the light of his debut disc called "Blue-eyed". The disc is produced by Zodiac Records. A year later, the second disc "You Can't Return" was released. By the way, the recording of these two albums took place in a rented studio. Where mostly rock and pop music was recorded. It was difficult for Victor to work, because it took a lot of time to explain and find mutual understanding with local musicians.

Such difficulties prompted Viktor Petlyura to the idea of ​​creating his own studio. The musician has chosen a reliable team. These are poet Ilya Tanch, arrangers Konstantin Atamanov and Rolland Mumdzhi, as well as backing vocalists Irina Melintsova and Ekaterina Peretyatko. Evgeny Kochemazov is also engaged in arrangement and male backing vocals. However, the artist prefers to do most of the work himself. At his studio, by the way, such eminent performers as Alexander Dyumin, Tatyana Tishinskaya, Zheka, Masha Vaks are already recording their songs.

Viktor Petliura devotes his whole life to creativity. Work on new songs stops only during touring activities. And the artist performs with concerts not only in the cities of Russia, but also in the countries of near and far abroad.

In 2001, he wrote material for two albums at once: “North” and “Brother” saw the light. After that, in 2002, two collections followed again. One of them was named "Fate", and the second "Son of the Prosecutor".

A year later, the next disc was called "Gray". Further, the fans were able to enjoy the disc "Svidanka". In the same year, the collection "The Guy in the Cap" was released.

Everyone knows the words to the songs of Viktor Petlyura. Of course, they were never hits, but they were heard by many. He was loved and listened to, it was a certain category of people. For all cause of death of Yuri Barabash became sudden.

Yuri Vladislavovich was born in 1974, on April 14 in the Stavropol Territory. The whole country knew him under the pseudonym Petlyura. One person combined a sad look, heartfelt songs. Everyone listened to the songs and wondered: who is this man? Probably, he was sitting or sitting, and why this particular surname. Even now there are no less questions.

Yura never chased fame and did not look for meetings with journalists, did not attend noisy events. He just sang his songs. The singer's childhood took place in Stavropol, a city that was the same as all cities. Much later, Yu. Cherny will dedicate a song to Petlyura about the small Motherland - Stavropol.

Yurino generation, these are people who are a little over 40 years old. They survived perestroika and live in a new time. They accepted the change of power, and Petliura simply sang and did not pay attention to his surroundings. He sang mostly his own songs. She herself wrote 2-3 maximum. He performed. He sang so soulfully that it was impossible not to hear his voice. Sometimes sad, sometimes happy.

The first album "Raider Benya" was recorded at home. At that time, it was cool to insert computer comments during the music. During this period, on the rise of Petliura and Shatunov, they could be confused. Therefore, the words were inserted into the music: "This is not Shatunov, this is Petliura."

The style and manner of performing songs from Yuri Petlyura appeared immediately. The album "Youngster" appears already on professional equipment. Some of the songs are new, some are covered from previous albums. It is released on cassettes and CDs. People are buying up again.

Attracting new viewers learned with the help of the composition "Rain". It was staged as a slow dance at discos in villages and children's camps. The girl's guys listened and wanted to hear other songs by Yuri Barabash. In his songs, he touched on the topics of prison, the army, relationships with treason, etc.

In 1995, Yuri Sevostyanov invests in Petliura, a Russian chanson. The compositions included songs of streets, courtyards, night restaurants and kitchens. We started shooting a video for "Fast Train". He has already moved to Moscow and works day and night. The album "Sad Boy" is being prepared for release. Petliura's career is on the rise and suddenly death . Cause of death of Yuri Barabash banal. Car accident. He sat behind the url about 3-4 times. In an accident, everyone escaped with injuries, he died alone on the night of September 27, 1996. The musician was buried in Moscow at the Khovansky cemetery.

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