Peter Grinev was. Peter Grinev


Pyotr Grinev is the hero of the story "The Captain's Daughter", on behalf of whom the story is being told. The image of Grinev is a continuation of the theme of an ordinary person, an "insignificant hero", begun in 1830 by "The House in Kolomna" and "Belkin's Tales". The son of a Simbirsk landowner, who has been living on his estate for many years, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev grew up and was brought up in an atmosphere of provincial-local life, imbued with a folk spirit. Pictures of his childhood, education, upbringing, painted with irony, sometimes stand on the verge of caricature and somewhat resemble the famous comedy of Fonvizin. And the hero himself admits that he grew up “undersized”.
It is also significant that the father of the hero, Andrei Petrovich, this disgraced aristocrat, who at one time served under Count Minich and, apparently, was forced to retire after the coup of 1762, is a detail that had a kindred and personal meaning for Pushkin. The fate of Grinev, the senior "nobleman in the bourgeoisie", is typical, according to Pushkin, for the time when the old nobility loses its significance, becomes poorer, turns into a "kind of the third state" and thus into a potentially rebellious force.
The best features of Grinev are due to his origin and upbringing, his unmistakable moral instinct is clearly manifested in moments of trials, decisive turns of fate and help him to get out of the most difficult situations with honor. The hero has the nobility to ask for forgiveness from the serf - the devoted uncle Savelich, he immediately managed to appreciate the purity of the soul, the moral integrity of Masha Mironova, firmly deciding to marry her, he quickly discerned the nature of Shvabrin. In a fit of gratitude, he without hesitation gives a hare sheepskin coat to the oncoming “counselor”, and most importantly, he knows how to discern an outstanding personality in the formidable rebel Pugachev, to pay tribute to his justice and generosity. Finally, he manages to maintain humanity, honor and loyalty to himself in the conditions of a cruel and inhuman internecine war. Grinev equally unacceptable elements of "Russian revolt, senseless and merciless", and formalism, soulless coldness of the official, bureaucratic world, which is especially clearly manifested in the scenes of the military council and court.
Moreover, finding himself in a critical situation, Grinev is rapidly changing, growing spiritually and morally. Yesterday's undergrowth of the nobility, he prefers death to the slightest deviation from the dictates of duty and honor, refuses the oath to Pugachev and any compromises with him. On the other hand, during the trial, again risking his life, he does not consider it possible to name Masha Mironova, rightly fearing that she will be subjected to humiliating interrogation. Defending his right to happiness, Grinev commits a recklessly bold, desperate act. After all, the unauthorized trip he made to the “rebellious settlement” was doubly dangerous: he not only risked being captured by the Pugachevites, but put his career, well-being, good name, honor at stake. Grinev's action, forced by the irresponsibility and passivity of the command, indifference to the fate of the daughter of the heroically deceased captain Mironov, posed a direct challenge to official circles.
It was in this hero that Pushkin reflected his views on Pugachevism ...

The image of Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" (version 2)

Grinev Petr Andreevich - the main character of the last major work of A.S. Pushkin, the story "The Captain's Daughter". Grinev is a provincial Russian nobleman, an officer of the Catherine's army, on his behalf Pushkin narrates.

Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is the son of a Simbirsk landowner who has been living on his estate for many years. He was brought up in an atmosphere of provincial-local life, imbued with the spirit of the common people. Grinev steps on the road of life as an inexperienced youth of 17 years old, but life's trials make him a personality, consolidating what he learned from his parental home: loyalty to duty, honor, kindness and nobility. The best features of Grinev are due to his origin and upbringing, his unmistakable moral instinct is clearly manifested in moments of trial, which helps him to get out of the most difficult situations with honor. The hero has the nobility to ask for forgiveness from the serf - the devoted uncle Savelich, Grinev immediately managed to appreciate the purity of the soul and the moral integrity of Masha Mironova, he quickly figured out the base nature of Shvabrin.

From an early age, parents greatly influenced how the character and views of the child were formed. They were honest and decent people who had seen a lot in their lives. Thanks to his parents, Petrusha (as his relatives called him) fell in love with Russia from childhood, he knew what loyalty to duty and the word that you gave meant. The younger Grinev respected older people, was brave and strove for justice. The father, when he sent his son to serve in the army, first of all wants Peter to grow into a real soldier, and not become a dissolute varmint, a rake and a spender. Grinev Sr. believes that his son can become a brave and noble person.

The father helps to mark Peter's landmarks in this life, telling him to serve faithfully to whom he swore allegiance. He said to obey the bosses, but they don’t chase after affection and don’t ask for service. Petrusha should not be dissuaded from the service, and the main dress must be protected while it is new and honor while you are young. Those lessons that Petr Grinev received were not in vain for him. When he lived in the Belogorsk fortress, he showed himself to be a brave officer and a very good person and comrade who values ​​honor above all else.

Grinev risks his life with a sword in his hand when he defends the honor of Masha Mironova. She was slandered by the hypocritical and cowardly Shvabrin. We discover a new side of the enamored Petr Grinev. He is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his beloved being happy. Grinev is an ardent and very gentle admirer. Peter Grinev shows how strong he is in spirit, his decency and courage. Fate did not break him, he did not renounce his views. Grinev's character is more and more tempered. Pushkin's hero discovered real life values.

The father, in order to teach him something worthwhile, sends him to the service with the order "Take care of honor from a young age." And Peter, in spite of everything, fulfilled this order. Before the eyes of readers, Pyotr Grinev grows from an inexperienced young man into a strong and courageous young man who can become an example to follow, because he has all the qualities that are valued in a person.

The image of Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" (version 3)

The story of A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" is unique and interesting in that the fates of heroes with different characters are intertwined in it. In fact, this is a historical story describing the rebellion of that time. But on the other hand, there are notes of pure, sincere, light and bright love in the story. This feeling flares up with a bright fire and continues to burn throughout the story, warming the soul of the reader.
Do we know Peter Grinev? familiar. This is the main character of the story. Perhaps Pushkin invested in the creation of the image all the most honest, noble, kind and correct. Grinev's character and personality were "built" by his father, Andrey Petrovich Grinev. Andrei Petrovich is a former military man. His personality is reminiscent of his son. The same honest, kind, open and sincere. Father Peter's military service ended quickly, because he did not want to be dependent on anyone and "beg for" ranks, as many did. In his son, he brought up the most noble qualities inherent in man.
Soon Petya was seventeen years old. The father was worried about the future life of his son and began to choose a worthy place for him to serve. Peter himself raved about St. Petersburg, he imagined the service there bright and interesting. But contrary to Petya's dreams, Andrei Petrovich chose his service near Orenburg, where Peter met his future love. Having collected things, Peter left, remembering the words of his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." And so he bore the meaning of this instruction throughout his life.
In Orenburg, new heroes are added to the reader's attention. This is a commandant, a brave and correct man, loyal to Empress Catherine II. His wife, Vasilisa Yegorovna, is a fatal and wise woman. The commandant's daughter, Masha Mironova, is a modest and shy girl. Evil Shvabrin, the same age as Peter, is a dark, vile and cynical personality.
The nobility of a nobleman and the character of his father are manifested in Grinev more and more. I was especially impressed by the duel played between Shvabrin and Peter. Shvabrin publicly insulted and slandered Masha, but Grinev, like a true nobleman, defended the honor of the girl. The result of the duel - Peter is wounded, and Shvabrin is the winner, but what a! The unfortunate coward who struck from behind. This fact indicates the cowardice, meanness and insensitivity of this person.
I really liked this story. The personality of Pyotr Grinev is especially pronounced here. He does not possess heroic strength and dodgy mind. But he is sincere, open, naive. That is why it evokes sympathy in the reader. He does not know how to pretend, be hypocritical, even wanting to save his life. This is the manifestation of true nobility, strength of character.

Pushkin's story begins with a description of the protagonist's family, from which the reader learns that his father, Andrei Petrovich, was once an aristocrat, served under the famous Count Minich, but then was forced to resign due to the coup and after that settled in the village and became a landowner, although prosperous. So the author wanted to show what is happening with the nobility, that they are getting poorer and losing their former strength.
The main character of the story is Pyotr Grinev, who was well educated and received a good upbringing. His morality will manifest itself in a young man in those moments when trials fall on his lot and he will have to make serious and important decisions. But he will be able to get out of any situation with honor, acting according to his conscience and not betraying the Motherland and the views that his father instilled and nurtured in him from childhood. Peter is capable of much: if he is guilty, then he can ask for forgiveness from Savelich, who was his own serf, but raised him from early childhood.

Pushkin Grinev could easily see the beauty and purity of the soul of Masha Mironova, so he fell in love with her almost immediately. He quickly saw in his colleague both a traitor and a bad person in general. And Alexey Shvabrin then proved himself at a meeting with Pugachev. But Pushkin's character himself easily performs wonderful deeds, trying to thank those who helped him. For example, having accidentally met Emelyan Pugachev in the field, not even suspecting who he was, he gave him a sheepskin coat from a hare, because he helped him find his way in a snowy field. But even this is not the main thing, but what he was able to see in the formidable Pugachev, who executes and seems harsh to everyone, a person who is fair and generous, who can act nobly.

But fate carefully checks Petrusha Grinev himself, who, having passed many trials, still retained all his human qualities. Being in the hands of a cruel rebel, he remained true to his honor and Motherland. Pushkin's character is very far from the Russian rebellion, which is merciless and senseless. But he does not understand the formalism that appears in the court scenes.

Before meeting Pugachev the rebel, Peter was a little different, more naive and did not show his character. But the situation in which he finds himself, being in a captured fortress, helps the character grow morally and morally in the eyes of the reader. He is even ready to die if required, but the main thing for him is to save his honor. He is not going to make any compromises with the rebel. Realizing that Masha could be interrogated and it would be humiliating, during the trial, risking his own life, he did not give her name.

But even after he was pardoned and released by Pugachev, he does not live in peace, rejoicing in his salvation. He soon goes back to the captured fortress, having learned that there, in captivity, is Masha. But this trip was very risky: on the one hand, he could be captured by Pugachev again and this time he might not pardon him, but, on the other hand, he could compromise his good name and ruin his career.

Grinev, when he realizes that his command is not going to do anything to save the daughter of Captain Mironov from Pugachev's captivity, is surprised by this and was forced to challenge this indifference by setting off to save her himself.
The narration in the story comes from the face of Petrusha, and the author puts his opinion and his attitude towards Pugachev and his rebellion into the mouth of his hero. By the way, it was the rebellion that helped to reveal the character of Pyotr Andreevich so well and vividly.

After all, he received his education from Savelich, who understood only dogs, and from a Frenchman who was not averse to chasing serf girls, and constantly got drunk to unconsciousness. But on the other hand, Peter's father was able to bring up an honest and decent person in him, laying in him the concept of honor and debts. Therefore, Grinev tries to adhere to his father's order, which the author took as an epigraph to the entire work: "Take care of honor from a young age."

Grinev swore allegiance to the Empress and therefore he never violated the oath he took. If necessary, he would rather die than change the oath he had given. Even when his bride is captured by Shvabrin, he asks for help from the rebel Emelyan, he does not change the oath. Therefore, the author shows Shvabrin so clearly and vividly, which is a complete contrast to Pyotr Andreevich. Alexei Ivanovich is a nobleman from the capital, but he has a different concept of honor. His patriotism is ostentatious, but in fact he is very afraid of death and for the sake of life he is ready to betray everyone in the world. This Pushkin character is an egoist. He easily goes over to the side of Pugachev, although he hates the people, but only in order to save his own life.

The fate and life of Pushkin's character Pyotr Grinev is complicated, but he always moves in the right direction. The author created a positive hero, but many nobles at that time were ready to give their lives for their country and for the people.

The story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is unique and interesting in that the fates of heroes with different characters are intertwined in it. In fact, this is a historical story describing the rebellion of that time. But on the other hand, there are notes of pure, sincere, light and bright love in the story. This feeling flares up with a bright fire and continues to burn throughout the story, warming the soul of the reader.

Do we know Peter Grinev? familiar. This is the main character of the story. Perhaps Pushkin invested in the creation of the image all the most honest, noble, kind and correct. Grinev's character and personality were "built" by his father, Andrey Petrovich Grinev. Andrei Petrovich is a former military man. His personality is reminiscent of his son. The same honest, kind, open and sincere. Father Peter's military service ended quickly, because he did not want to be dependent on anyone and "beg for" ranks, as many did. In his son, he brought up the most noble qualities inherent in man.

Soon Petya was seventeen years old. The father was worried about the future life of his son and began to choose a worthy place for him to serve. Peter himself raved about St. Petersburg, he imagined the service there bright and interesting. But contrary to Petya's dreams, Andrei Petrovich chose his service near Orenburg, where Peter met his future love. Having collected things, Peter left, remembering the words of his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." And so he bore the meaning of this instruction throughout his life.

In Orenburg, new heroes are added to the reader's attention. This is a commandant, a brave and correct man, loyal to Empress Catherine II. His wife, Vasilisa Yegorovna, is a fatal and wise woman. The commandant's daughter, Masha Mironova, is a modest and shy girl. Evil Shvabrin, the same age as Peter, is a dark, vile and cynical personality.

The nobility of a nobleman and the character of his father are manifested in Grinev more and more. I was especially impressed by the duel played between Shvabrin and Peter. Shvabrin publicly insulted and slandered Masha, but Grinev, like a true nobleman, defended the honor of the girl. The result of the duel - Peter is wounded, and Shvabrin is the winner, but what a! The unfortunate coward who struck from behind. This fact indicates the cowardice, meanness and insensitivity of this person.

I really liked this story. The personality of Pyotr Grinev is especially pronounced here. He does not possess heroic strength and dodgy mind. But he is sincere, open, naive. That is why it evokes sympathy in the reader. He does not know how to pretend, be hypocritical, even wanting to save his life. This is the manifestation of true nobility, strength of character.

The image of Pyotr Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" fascinates with its breadth and versatility. It contrasts with the image of Grinev Sr., Peter's father - a man with an established worldview and a fully formed character. Pyotr Andreevich, on the other hand, is a young sixteen-year-old boy whose personality is just beginning to develop, is in a state of constant search and movement.

Union of opposite qualities

On the first pages of the story, Petrusha Grinev remains a frivolous and rather careless offspring of a landowner, an undersized loafer, dreaming of a simple and worldly life full of various worldly pleasures as a guard officer in the capital. The image of Pyotr Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" shows these features especially clearly in the episode where the young man meets the hussar officer Zurin during his visit to Simbirsk. And also in the way he treats Savelich, who is selflessly devoted to him, how, imitating adults from his circle, he tries to put him in the place of a serf servant. However, in the same episode, Pushkin also reveals some of the positive qualities of his hero. Grinev yells at Savelich, realizing in the depths of his soul that he is wrong, feeling that he is sorry for the poor old man. After some time, Peter comes to ask his forgiveness.

Interweaving of characters

The image of Pyotr Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" combined the loving and kind heart of the hero's mother, as well as the directness, honesty and courage of his father. The young man was deeply impressed by the parting words of the latter, in which he urged Peter to faithfully serve the one to whom he swore allegiance, to listen to the words of his superiors, but not to curry favor with them, not to shy away from service. It is in the parting words of Grinev Sr. that the famous proverb “take care of the dress again, and honor from youth” appears.


The next moment when Peter showed the best qualities of his soul - when he generously donated a rabbit coat to the counselor, not yet knowing what role this case would play in his entire future life. The kindness of the hero was manifested repeatedly in other situations. This is the side of Grinev's personality that allowed him to feel acute pity for the Bashkir who suffered from the tsarist "justice", to rush headlong to the rescue of Savelyich, who was captured. And the breadth of Petrusha Grinev's heart manifested itself especially brightly after his meeting with Masha Mironova, who sowed a feeling in his soul, for the sake of which he was ready to make any sacrifices and face any dangers head-on.

Father's covenants and the formation of personality

Further, the image of Pyotr Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" becomes the personification of loyalty to the precepts of his father. We are talking about events that unfolded directly in spite of everything, Peter did not change himself, his ideas about honor and duty, despite the fact that these concepts were severely limited and distorted by his class and noble prejudices. In the conditions of that harsh school of life to which his father gave instead of free Petersburg, a new Peter Grinev appears before the reader. "The Captain's Daughter" is a story in which a stupid and selfish boy reveals his best features in a short time, and the reader watches how they harden and grow stronger under the influence of various situations.

"A strong and good shock" produces a grandiose uprising of the peasants in the heart of Grinev. He becomes a strong and confident person, not afraid of obstacles. And this is what allowed Peter, even after his father did not give consent to their marriage with Masha Mironova, not to give up and not give up.

Why is the story "The Captain's Daughter" so controversial? The characterization of Pyotr Grinev, as well as other characters, is not just idealized images, clearly delineated into “good” and “bad” characters. These are real living people, with their own internal conflicts and doubts. For example, Pyotr Grinev himself, due to his noble origin and upbringing, cannot support the ideas of the Pugachev uprising. Moreover, the young man actively helps to fight the rebels. However, the head of the movement himself evoked sincere and deep sympathy in Peter's soul, which was explained not only by the fact that the first repeatedly helped him, but also by the fact that Grinev involuntarily became imbued with sympathy for this man from the people - brave, strong, outstanding and true to his ideas.

/ / / The image of Pyotr Grinev in Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter"

"" is not only a historical story, but also a work about life, love, growing up and the formation of a human personality.

We see everything that happens in this literary work through the eyes of the main character - Pyotr Andreevich Grinev.

Petrusha's childhood passed in the Simbirsk village. He grew up in the family of a retired officer and a noblewoman. It must be said that the Grinev family had many children. But all the brothers and sisters of Petrushka died at a young age, so he was a favorite child. The serf Savelyich was engaged in the upbringing of the protagonist. From a young age, Peter was instilled with the best features of the Russian national character, such as honesty, justice, fidelity, kindness, sincerity and openness. All of them were revealed in Grinev during the period of life's trials and largely predetermined the fate of the protagonist.

Pyotr Andreevich began his independent life path upon arrival at the Belogorsk fortress, where he was sent for military service. This place became the starting point for the protagonist to grow up and become an independent person and an officer loyal to the oath.

In the fortress, Grinev meets his first love -. Although the first impression of the girl was not very pleasant, because it was formed under the influence of Shvabrin's stories, later Pyotr Andreevich managed to discern in her a well-mannered and noble person. Seeing how he humiliates Masha, Grinev decides to stand up for her honor and challenges the offender to a duel. This act characterizes the main character as a real gentleman, ready to stand up for the lady's honor.

It is worth noting that Grinev was a very generous person. He, without a moment's hesitation, presented a simple peasant with his hare sheepskin coat just because he helped him and Savelich get out of the snowstorm. This simple man turned out to be. Later, in this seemingly terrible man, the robber and rebel Grinev managed to discern a simple person gifted with intelligence, daring, courage, and humanism.

After the rebels captured the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev, unlike Shvabrin, remained faithful to the oath and to his empress. He retained the honor of an officer and was ready to die, fulfilling his duty to his homeland. Pyotr Andreevich directly told Pugachev that he would not swear allegiance to him, saying: "I swore allegiance to the Empress, I can't swear to you."

This honesty and openness helped Grinev save Maria. He told Pugachev that Shvabrin forcibly kept her in the fortress and wanted to marry her. Pugachev frees the girl and blesses the young people, releasing them from the fortress.

In the image of Grinev, he showed us an exemplary person who is not afraid to give his life, protecting a loved one. An officer who, even in the most difficult moment, remained faithful to the oath, to his homeland.

The story ends with the proverb "Take care of honor from a young age." In my opinion, this expression ran like a red thread through the whole life of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, and he remained faithful to it.

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