Singer Tarkan is the prince of Turkish pop music. Tarkan: biography, personal life, wife, height, weight, photo Young Tarkan


TURKISH singer Tarkan loves to tell the story of his birth, which has already become a legend. A few months before the little Tarkan was supposed to be born, his mother fell into a coma after the accident. Doctors, fearing for the life of the patient, offered to terminate the pregnancy, but the father of the future celebrity had a prophetic dream. He saw a completely healthy boy, screaming loudly and ... with a star in his forehead.

“Dad decided to leave the child, he was sure that everything would end well,” says Tarkan. “I was really born healthy. And so far, pah-pah-pah, I don’t complain about anything. And mom feels great” .

WHAT is true in this story, and what is an invention of the singer's image makers, probably only Tarkan himself knows. However, fortune undoubtedly favors the artist.

The first album of the twenty-one-year-old artist - "Yine Sensiz" ("Again without you") - was sold in 1993 in Turkey with a circulation of 700 thousand copies, and the circulation of the next one was more than two million copies. In just a few years, "tarkamania" swept Turkey. The publishers of the local "Cosmopolitan" took an unprecedented step - for the first time the cover of a women's magazine instead of a seductive girl was decorated with a photo of a Turkish man N 1.

And then Tarkan began to look at Europe. Germany was chosen as the first country to conquer. It was there that in 1994 Tarkan went on his first foreign tour. By the way, Tarkan himself, although he is an ethnic Turk, was born in Germany, in the town of Elsee, not far from Frankfurt am Main. The family, where five more children grew up in addition to Tarkan, returned to Turkey when the guy was 14 years old.

Before the start of the tour, the singer's manager, without much hope, sent Tarkan's Turkish recordings to the leading German radio stations. And I was quite surprised when they not only got into the rotation, but began to win in prestigious charts, ahead of well-known American performers. Tarkan himself looked no less shocked: "It's fantastic, people loved my songs without knowing the words."

The newspapermen interviewed the newly-minted celebrity, since Tarkan spoke German fluently, with only a slightly noticeable accent. He did not fail to tell the story of his happy birth. However, the artist stated the rest of the facts of his biography very sparingly: “As a child, I grew up as a clockwork boy, was fond of football. I dreamed of becoming an ecologist or a veterinarian. But when our family returned to Turkey, I began to attend music school and seriously thought about the career of a singer. True, after school I tried to enter the university at the Faculty of Engineering, but, fortunately, failed. Still, my vocation is music. "

Since 1995, Tarkan's discs have been in more and more demand not only in Germany, but also in other European countries. In a few years, about one and a half million records were sold in Europe.

"I'm not blue"

BUT GROWING popularity did not always please Tarkan. In Turkey, he had no rest from the paparazzi. One day he opened a newspaper and saw himself kissing a man. The caption under the material read: "Tarkan hid his homosexuality for a long time." It soon became clear that it was a photomontage.

Nevertheless, the singer's imaginary homosexuality continued to be actively exaggerated in the press. The book of memoirs of the former producer Tarkan added fuel to the fire. Thanks to the efforts of the singer, the sale of the book was stopped, and the issued edition was destroyed by bailiffs. But the echo of those scandals still haunts the Turkish celebrity. This summer, during a tour in Moscow, Tarkan was again forced to answer a question about his attitude towards sexual minorities.

“I’m not gay, I have a girlfriend. But I don’t condemn homosexuals, moreover, I respect them very much,” the singer said. unpleasant. It's a show. I never make a show of myself."

Whatever it was, but Tarkan wanted a quiet life. To do this, he went overseas, to the United States, where almost no one knew him by sight. In New York, the singer bought an apartment for himself.

True, evil tongues claim that Tarkan left Turkey not only because of the paparazzi. According to Turkish laws, the singer had to serve in the army for about a year. However, referring to his beliefs as a pacifist, he categorically refused to do so. It was in Germany that such excuses could pass, and in Turkey all deviationists are threatened with prison and criminal prosecution. For some time, the singer really did not appear in his homeland due to an order for his arrest.

But recently, the Turkish parliament passed a new law, according to which, for 15 thousand dollars, any Turk can declare himself a pacifist. Tarkan immediately paid the required amount and became a law-abiding citizen. Now nothing prevents him from moving freely between Turkey and the States.

In America, the singer underwent plastic surgery for himself - he corrected his cheekbones and upper lip. There he caught the spirit of entrepreneurship and expanded the scope of his activities. Like Hollywood stars, he launched his own perfume line. "Pleasant smells contribute to a good mood, like pleasant music," the singer believes. Recently, those who wish can purchase Tarkan eau de toilette for $80. Those with lower incomes can get by with $30 shower gel. A good addition to the millionth fortune was also the fees for shooting in a commercial for one of the Turkish cellular companies. And recently, Tarkan signed a contract with one of the world's giants producing carbonated drinks. The singer will become the advertising face of the company in Turkey.

Love and drying

HOWEVER, the main sources of income for the singer, as before, are the sale of discs and tours. This year he visited Russia for the second time, visited Moscow and St. Petersburg.

According to the organizers, the Turkish star did not put forward any special requirements. The singer brought security in the amount of three people with him. He was content with the food prepared for him by the chefs at the hotel. The eminent guest was especially delighted with dumplings and pancakes with caviar.

In St. Petersburg, the singer made an independent trip to the city together with his girlfriend Bilge Ozturk. Friends arranged gatherings in a small cafe, where they chatted for about half an hour, until one of the fans recognized Tarkan. The girl expressed her love with an unusual gift - a bunch of dryers.

Bilge and Tarkan have been together for several years. Before this acquaintance, the singer spoke very negatively about the institution of marriage: “I don’t like the very word“ marriage, ”he said. “A person must live and enjoy life, love and have no restrictions. Marriage is not a panacea for loneliness. Marriage must be suffered and want."

But, as the singer's inner circle notes, lately Tarkan is no longer so categorical. Rumor has it that the couple has already agreed on the wedding. True, the date of the marriage is kept in the strictest confidence. They say that Tarkan promised to almost strangle with his own hand one of his friends who blurted out information about the upcoming celebration to the paparazzi.

Dossier "Superstars"

Height: 1m 74 cm.

Weight: 70 kg.

Shoe size: 42.

Place of residence: Manhattan (USA) and Istanbul (Türkiye).

Marital status: single.

Religion: Islam.

Hobbies: music, sports, literature, girls.

Favorite singers: Prince, James Brown, Steve Wonder, Madonna.

Favorite actors: Al Pacino, Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman.

Family: mother, two brothers and three sisters. Father died in 1995.

Phobias: afraid to pass under a stepladder.

Favorite slang expression: stupid.

Favorite flowers are orchids.

Tarkan can be safely called the most famous Turkish singer and musician. He managed to gain almost worldwide fame by singing songs only in Turkish.

He was adored and idolized by the public, Tarkan was literally carried in his arms and called the Prince of Pop. This was only ten years ago. Now his popularity has fallen, but people continue to enjoy listening to the songs of this impressive artist.

Husametin Tarkan Tevetoglu was born in Germany, in the city of Alzey. By the way, the first part of his name is translated as "sharp sword". After the economic crisis hit Turkey, his parents decided to move to Germany.

The boy grew up in a large family. The mother already had two daughters and one son from her first marriage. In her second marriage, in addition to Tarkan, she also had a son and a daughter. Despite the change of residence, the family carefully preserved the traditions of their people. Turkish music was always played in the house.

In 1985, the family decided to return home to Turkey. Ten years later, his father died of a heart attack. Soon, the mother married for the 3rd time. Her choice was a Turkish architect.

After returning from Germany, Tarkan decided to go to study music. He was then thirteen years old. Later, he continued his musical education in Istanbul, at the Academy of Music.

Tarkan's musical career

During his years in Istanbul, he had to earn his own living, he sang in restaurants and at weddings. Once, while in Germany, he met a man directly associated with a record company.

His name was Mehmet Soyutoulu. He listened to the young guy, appreciated his vocals and offered his help in recording the debut album.

During the recording of the album, fate brought Tarkan to another talented person - composer Ozan Cholakolu. He, like the young performer, was practically unknown in those years. The acquaintance continued with many years of successful cooperation.

The success of the first album in 1992 was deafening. In it, Turkish melodies intertwined with Western motifs, resulting in a unique flavor and sound. Two years later, the second album of the artist was recorded.

Soon Tarkan went to the USA to learn English and sing in it. True, the album in this language was released already in 2006. He also continued his musical education in the USA.

Tarkan's albums became popular not only in his native Turkey, but also in Europe. In 1997, his third disc was released. The performer began to receive prestigious music awards.

Despite the growing global popularity, no one canceled his duties as a Turkish citizen. Namely, he was threatened with military service, the deferment from which had ended by this time.

In Turkey, this is very strict, for evasion you can go to jail, the country's authorities discussed depriving the singer of citizenship. Everything was decided by the earthquake that occurred in Turkey in 1999.

Then the parliament passed a law allowing for the introduction of 16 thousand dollars to help the victims, to serve only 28 days. Tarkan took advantage of this right and also gave a charity concert in Turkey.

In total, to date, Tarkan has released 8 albums, recorded many video clips. The last CD was released in 2010. Many of his works have become real hits. The performer was incredibly popular in Russia.

Tarkan's personal life

The singer, despite the already solid age for marriage, is not yet married. At one time, rumors about his homosexuality were actively exaggerated in the press.

This was initiated by one Turkish edition, which placed on the cover of its magazine a photo of Tarkan kissing another man. As it turned out later, it was a photomontage.

However, the photo did a lot of hype. Tarkan explained in an interview that he has a girlfriend, that he is not blue, although he does not condemn same-sex relationships.

For several years he dated a girl named Bilge Ozturk. However, the marriage never took place. Tarkan didn’t really want to go to the registry office at all, saying that free relationships are better and that marriage needs to be suffered. Or it is necessary that his bride be pregnant.

Now the singer lives on a ranch in Istanbul, where he breeds plants and takes care of animals. He also has expensive apartments in New York.

Who has achieved success in the Turkish field, see and read

Singer Tarkan is perhaps the most famous Turkish show man in Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space. Tarkan's songs can be sung or, at least, "guess this melody from three notes" by almost any adult resident of Russia, Ukraine or the countries of the former USSR. Tarkan's music is known and loved by thousands of Russian-speaking people. Who is Tarkan, where does he come from, how did he end up in Turkey and Istanbul, and why Philip Kirkorov sang his songs, read on.

Tarkan - the prince of Turkish pop music

Tarkan: biography

Tarkan Tevetoğlu was born, no, not in Turkey, but in the city of Alzey in Germany in the family of Ali and Neshe Tevetoglu, on October 17, 1972. It is believed that he was named Tarkan in honor of the hero of the Turkish famous in the 60s of the twentieth century books, and his real name is Hüsamettin.

Tarkan's parents, of course, Turks by nationality, ended up in Germany in a completely traditional way for the middle of the last century. At that time, Turkey was going through one economic crisis after another, and Germany needed a lot of foreign labor (anything like the situation? :-)). I personally had a chance to observe the consequences of the policy of inviting labor from abroad to the country in Germany in 2009, and also to communicate on this issue both with the Germans and, in fact, with the local Turks. So, the family of the singer Tarkan was one of thousands of her kind. His grandfather, according to some information, was a participant in the Russian-Turkish wars of the 19th century, and there were also Turkmen folk singers in his family. The singer has a brother and sisters from the first marriage of Tarkan's mother. Tarkan's father died in 1995 and Tarkan's mother married for the third time. In general, Tarkan's biography is not easy.

Tarkan in childhood

Singer Tarkan in Turkey

In 1986, the family of the future pop star moved to Turkey, as the country's economy was growing steadily. Tarkan began to receive education in the city of Karamürsel (Karamürsel) in the province of Kocaeli (Kocaeli) near Istanbul, and the singer's parents were engaged in musical education from the age of 13. Tarkan loved music. From 1990 to 1992 he studied at Üsküdar Musiki Cemiyeti (music academy in Istanbul in Yusküdar district). There is information that the singer’s financial situation at that time left much to be desired and he worked part-time, so to speak, “in his specialty”, that is, he sang in bars and clubs, as well as at various events, including weddings, various music from pop music, to national Turkish music. Yes, there were such moments in Tarkan's biography.

Tarkan in the early 1990s

Tarkan: the first serious successes

Successes worthy of attention began with the singer in 1992. It was this year that Tarkan's debut album "Yine Sensiz" (Again without you) was released, which was warmly received in Turkey, especially by young people, who, against the background of rather conservative and traditional Turkish music of that time, heard fashionable European notes in it, as well as familiar slang words. According to some estimates, about 1 million copies of the album were sold. Apparently, the head of the İstanbul Plak label, Mehmet Söğütoğlu, was involved in this success. Around the same time, the singer Tarkan met Ozan Çolakoğlu, a talented young composer, songwriter and producer who would become his business and creative partner for many years to come.

Tarkan's first album looks ridiculous now, but then it was a huge success

In 1994, Tarkan's second album "Aacayipsin" (You are beautiful) was released. More than 2 million copies were bought in Turkey, and about a million more outside of it. Perhaps no one has achieved such success before the singer Tarkan.

Two songs of Tarkan's new album were written by famous Turkish pop singer and composer Sezen Aksu. The song "Hepsi Senin Mi?!", which later became a hit, and known in Europe as "Şıkıdım" was written by her.

About 20 concerts in Europe, thousands of fans in Turkey, face on the cover of Cosmopolitan Turkey, interviews for radio, TV, newspapers and magazines, Tarkan's music everywhere... Success!

In the mid-nineties, Tarkan is already known not only in Turkey

Singer Tarkan in the USA and Europe

In 1994, Tarkan travels to the USA. The main goal is to study English perfectly and get an education at Baruch College in New York. There he begins preparations for his first English-language album, but for a variety of reasons these plans are put on hold despite the announcement of the album in 1995.

Then the singer Tarkan began to actively perform in Europe, and in 1997 Tarkan's third album "Ölürüm Sana" (Mad About You) and the single "Şımarık" were released, which immediately occupied the leading lines of European hit parades. 3.5 million copies in Turkey. Platinum in Mexico, gold in France, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Sweden and Colombia. Did Tarkan himself expect such a success?

The style, unusual for Turkish singers of that time, sharply distinguished Tarkan from the general mass of show business

Tarkan: international recognition, successes and problems in Turkey

The end of the nineties brings Tarkan the World Music Awards, the title of "the most successful Turkish musician" according to the association of Turkish journalists and a contract with Universal Music Group, another album "Tarkan", as well as many different achievements, which once again confirmed his status as "prince Turkish pop music. Tarkan's music becomes recognizable in the world.

But in addition to success, troubles awaited the singer. In 1998, his deferment from compulsory military service in Turkey ended. In this regard, he was in no hurry to return to his homeland, but since he was already a very famous person at that time, the Turkish government became interested in this issue. The issue of depriving Tarkan of Turkish citizenship for evading military service was considered. The situation was resolved in an unexpected way. In 1999, a powerful earthquake hit a city in Turkey. On this occasion, a law was passed that reduced military service to 28 days for those who would contribute an amount approximately equal to 16,000 US dollars to the earthquake victims' fund. Tarkan, of course, made it, and also held a charity concert in Istanbul, also affected by the earthquake, the funds from which were also transferred to charity. An interesting fact of Tarkan's biography is that he, after all, served his 28 days as a singer.

Tarkan during his 28 day service in the Turkish army

Singer Tarkan in the 2000s

In 2001, Tarkan signs a contract and becomes the official face of Pepsi in Turkey, as well as the mascot of the Turkish football team at the 2002 World Cup, for this the singer records the song "Bir Ölürüz Yolunda", which becomes a kind of anthem for the fans.

Also, in 2001, Tarkan's long-awaited album "Karma" was released, on which the singer had been working over the past years. The singles "Kuzu-Kuzu" and "Hüp" occupy the top lines of the charts. The album sells 1 million copies in Europe.

The beginning of the 2000s is called the Karma Period by Tarkan fans.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the singer Tarkan expects 2 scandals. The first is with the book "Tarkan: Anatomy of a Star" (Tarkan - Yıldız Olgusu), which is first released and then withdrawn from sale due to accusations of plagiarism according to one version, according to another because it represents the singer as gay. The second - with a video for the song "Hüp", due to the fact that some members of the Turkish public declared some scenes of the video to be pornographic and this caused a certain resonance in society. However, this clip was nominated for an award by the Turkish music channel Kral. Tarkan tries not to advertise this page of his biography.

In 2003, Tarkan's album "Dudu" was released, which the singer recorded on his own label "HITT Music". It sold 1 million copies in Turkey. In the same year, the singer tried himself in the production of perfumes under his own brand Tarkan.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Tarkan tried various showbiz-related businesses, for example, a perfumery

Tarkan in English

Ideas to record his English-language album visited Tarkan, apparently, back in the early nineties. But Tarkan's first album in English was released only in 2006. Despite expectations, even a tenth of the success that albums in Turkish brought to Tarkan did not expect him. The singles "Bounce" and "Start To Fire" were also coolly received by the public, despite the European tour in support of the album.

Despite all the attempts of Tarkan, his English-language projects were fundamentally less successful than Turkish ones.

Singer Tarkan sings in Turkish again

And not just singing, but releasing in 2007 the album "Metamorfoz" entirely in Turkish and fully rehabilitated in the eyes of fans around the world. In the first weeks, over 300,000 copies of the album were sold. It was the music of Tarkan that the fans loved.

Tarkan consolidates his success by releasing the Metamorfoz Remixes compilation in 2008. Also, several clips are filmed for the songs of the albums. It seems that it was then that he restored the trust of his fans and determined the direction that is most consistent with both his inner vision of creativity and the preferences of consumers. In 2010, Tarkan's new album "Adımı Kalbine Yaz" was released. And again success. Over 300 thousand copies in the first weeks. The top lines of the hit parades of Turkey. Here he is the former prince of Turkish pop music.

It seems that by the end of the 2000s, Tarkan acquired the final image of a world-class professional musician.

Tarkan: rumors, true or not?

The two most common rumors about Tarkan are that he is gay and that he is a drug addict. Naturally, both in support and in refutation of these rumors, you can find a lot of information, both similar to the truth and frankly funny. Here is something that is trustworthy.

In addition to the fact that on many talk shows, singer Tarkan personally denied all accusations of non-traditional sexual orientation, for about seven years he did not hide his relationship with Bilge Ozturk (Bilge Öztürk), with whom they broke up in 2008. After that, the singer did not advertise his relationship with anyone, saying that he was free.

There are also many rumors regarding the use of drugs by the famous singer. But the fact, again, is only that in 2010, during a large-scale operation of the Istanbul police, Tarkan and several other well-known figures of the Turkish show business were detained in Istanbul in a private villa on charges of drug use and possession. A few days later, Tarkan was released. Whether this was an accident and a mistake by the police, most likely, we will never know, but this will be recorded forever in Tarkan's biography.

In 2010, all the newspapers were full of news about the drug scandal involving Tarkan, everything ended in nothing

Tarkan and Russia

In 1998, when Tarkan was already quite famous in Russia and throughout the CIS, the popular at that time, Russian singer Philip Kirkorov, suddenly released the album “Oh, mom, chic ladies!”, The main motive of which is the melody of Tarkan’s song “Sıkıdım ". This happened due to the fact that the author of this song Sezen Aksu and Tarkan broke off business relations and Sezen began to sell the rights to her songs to various artists, including Philip.

Separately, I would like to note the Russian awards of Tarkan. "Song of the Year" in Russia was recognized as "Dudu". Also for this song, he received the "100 pood hit" award from the Russian radio station Hit FM in the form of a weight. Tarkan's music has been played live from the stage in Russia more than once.

Tarkan has been to Russia more than once, both with concerts and on personal matters. In 2009, he made a whole tour of Russian cities with the Prince of the East program.

Tarkan and Istanbul

Tarkan often gives concerts in Istanbul. Follow ours so you don't miss the next one!

Tarkan has repeatedly visited Russia, both with concerts and on personal matters.

Tarkan regularly gives concerts in Europe, Asia and, of course, in Istanbul, which has become his native

Singles by Tarkan

  • Şımarık (international in 1998)
  • Şıkıdım (international in 1999)
  • Bu Gece (International 1999)
  • Kuzu Kuzu (Turkish in 2001)
  • Hüp (Turkish in 2001)
  • Bounce (Turkish in 2005 / International in 2006)
  • Start the Fire (Turkish/International in 2006)
  • Uyan (Turkish in 2008)
  • Sevdanın Son Vuruşu (Turkish in 2010)
  • Adımı Kalbine Yaz (Turkish in 2010)

Songs of Tarkan - promo releases (only in Turkey)

  • Özgürlük İçimizde (2002)
  • Bir Oluruz Yolunda (2002)
  • AyrIlIk Zor (2005)
  • Uyan (2008)
  • Sevdanın Son Vuruşu (2010)

Tarkan's concerts are a real show!

Singer Tarkan: official site

Tarkan has been popular in Turkey and beyond for over 20 years.

The famous singer Tarkan left the bachelor ranks. The Turkish star, who has made a great contribution to the development of the music of his country, finally got married. Particularly interesting is the fact that his longtime fan became Tarkan's wife.

Tarkan's personal life

For a long time, there was no place for a wife in Tarkan's biography. Moreover, he was suspected of homosexuality. He publicly denied these rumors, and at the same time said that he was dating girls, he simply did not see the point in tying his relationship with marriage. Perhaps the singer was a little cunning and rejected marriage due to the fact that he could not find a woman whom he would sincerely love. By the way, in Russia, Tarkan was seen with his girlfriend Bilge Ozturk - the couple walked around St. Petersburg and seemed quite in love. But by no means did Bilge become the wife of a handsome man.

The wife of the singer Tarkan

More recently, it turned out that Tarkan got married. A fan who broke through to him backstage a few years ago became the happy chosen one of a successful singer. The girl's efforts were not in vain, Tarkan noticed and singled her out of the thousands.

The relationship between Tarkan and Pinar Dilek, which lasted 7 years, was kept secret for a long time, just as the details of the marriage ceremony were not disclosed. But still, little information was leaked, and the public saw photographs of Tarkan and his wife from the gala. The wedding took place at the singer's villa in Istanbul - the newlyweds said to love each other forever in a beautifully decorated garden.

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Only the closest people were invited to the wedding, but Tarkan mentioned that he was going to arrange another, more magnificent celebration in honor of his marriage.

Tarkan Tevetoolu (tour. Tarkan Tevetoğlu; October 17, 1972, Alzey, Rhineland-Palatinate), better known as simply Tarkan, is a Turkish singer, winner of many awards both in Turkey and in the world. He began his solo career in early 1992. Tarkan has released several platinum albums, selling a total of about 25 million copies.

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He is also a producer and owner of the music company HITT Music, established in 1997. For the huge impact on Turkey with his shows, Tarkan has been compared many times with Elvis Presley and his influence on America in 1957 (reports by the Washington Post). Ahmet Ertegun, co-owner of Atlantic Records, described Tarkan as the best showman he has ever seen.
Tarkan was able to climb to the top of the charts without singing songs in English. He took high places in the charts of Russia, Europe and South America with the song "Simarik". Due to its wide-ranging success, Rhapsody recognized Tarkan as a key artist in the history of European pop music with his hit Simarik, which was the basis of his further promotion.

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