Singer Nargiz Zakirova: biography, personal life, creativity. What did the shocking Nargiz Zakirova look like in her youth


Nargiz Zakirova - Uzbek and Russian singer, representative of a musical dynasty, finalist of the second season of the musical television show "". For her love of outrageousness, she was called the “Uzbek Madonna” in her youth.

In the biography of the artist there were ups and downs, great love and disappointment in family life. Nargiz managed to preserve and increase her talent.

Childhood and youth

Nargiz Zakirova was born on October 6, 1970 in the capital of Uzbekistan - Tashkent. According to the sign of the zodiac, the newborn turned out to be Libra. From early childhood, the girl loved music, which was natural, because musicality and artistry were in her blood. The child's family was directly related to art. Parents, grandmother, grandfather, two uncles - they were all artists.

The uncle of the singer Farrukh Zakirov is the soloist of the legendary group "Yalla"

So, grandfather Karim Zakirov was an opera singer, People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR; grandmother Shoist Saidova - singer, soloist of the Tashkent Musical Drama and Comedy Theater named after. Mukimi; uncle - Uzbek singer and composer, People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR; mother Nargiz Louise Zakirova was a popular pop singer in the 60s.

Father Pulat Mordukhaev is probably the least connected with singing, it is only known that he was a drummer in the ensemble of Batyr Zakirov; the second uncle Farrukh Zakirov is a famous singer and leader of the popular Yalla ensemble. Nargiz Zakirova also had a third uncle, Jamshid Zakirov, who has more to do with theater and cinema, as well as television, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan.

It was unrealistic to be brought up in such a talented family and have nothing to do with music. As Nargiz often likes to recall in an interview, she had her first experience of appearing on stage at the age of 4.

Mom often took her little daughter with her when she toured with the music hall, played in performances. And in one episode, it was necessary to bring the doll to the children's song "From a smile it will become brighter for everyone," which they offered to perform to the future conqueror of the audience of the Voice project.

At school, Zakirova studied reluctantly, because after the touring stage life she had to sit down at her desk, learn uninteresting subjects. By the way, Nargiz's favorite subject at school, of course, was singing, although the singer received bad grades for it, because knowledge of texts is important for a teacher, and not the ability to sing. Then she was transferred to a music school, where she also did not like it, because there she had to learn more notes by heart, the same texts, and not develop her voice skills.


At the age of 15, the girl participates in the Jurmala-86 music competition for new talents, where she won the audience award with the song “Remember Me” to the music of Uncle Farrukh Zakirov and the words.

Nargiza Zakirova remember me

According to the rules of the competition, only those who were already 16 years old became participants. But this did not stop Nargiz, and she nevertheless earned the honorable respect and understanding of the audience and listeners. After the performance, the girl began to intensively develop her vocal abilities.

Nargiz studied at the 51st school in Tashkent, which was no different from the others. Relationships with teachers and classmates were good. After graduating from school, when all her peers entered colleges, Nargiz performed on stage, toured with the orchestra of Anatoly Batkhin. At the same time, she was still enrolled in the circus school at the faculty of vocals.

Such a life attracted her. But Zakirova did not like to sing in a simple format, she tried different approaches and styles of performing on stage. Nargiz appeared in public in short shorts, dyed her hair blond, took men to dance, tried to perform rock music.

We must not forget that this was still the Soviet Union, where such things were unacceptable. At that time, she was still called an Uzbek girl by her name, and many criticized her because of such a "loose" style.

In 1995, the singer immigrates to the USA. At that time, she was divorced from her first husband. But from him she left a daughter, who was then 5 years old. At first, life in America was difficult. At first, Nargiz worked in a video store, which required her constant presence from early morning until late at night, although her salary was barely enough to live on. Then she was already pregnant, but no one knew about it. This period became a school of survival for the singer.

After some time, Nargiz made some musical connections, and she was invited to sing in a restaurant in New York, where she could somehow apply her creative abilities. According to her, there was a more prestigious concert venue than karaoke.

Nargiz Zakirova - "Lullaby" (album "Golden Cage")

In 2001, she recorded a solo album with songs in the ethno genre "Golden Cage", which was sold in large numbers in the United States. American listeners fell in love with this type of music even more thanks to the talented singer Nargiz.

She did not bypass her work in the tattoo parlor. Repeatedly Nargiz tried to look for people and make groups of them. But there was no positive result from this. The participants were mostly lazy, untalented, embittered and lacked the experience to be in a group with Zakirova. After all the attempts to assemble a group, Nargiz made a choice in favor of herself and became a soloist.

In the US, the artist managed to release the studio album The Golden Cage on her own label. The disc hit the shelves of music stores in 2006. The single preceding the debut was the hit Alla. After 5 years, Nargiz recorded her second album - Alone.

After her stay in the USA, Nargiz was thinking about returning to Russia. But she did not dare to take this step due to the lack of the necessary “connections” and acquaintances in Moscow.


Few people know that Zakirova was supposed to appear in the first season of The Voice. But just before the start of the casting, the singer's father fell seriously ill. The diagnosis was disappointing - lung cancer. In April 2013, Nargiz's father passed away.

Nargiz Zakirova in the show "Voice"

It is worth noting that before participating in the second season of the Voice show, Zakirova went through three stages of selection for the American X-factor. And before the start of the next stage, she received an invitation from Channel One to participate in the Voice project. Nargiz chose Russia and did not lose.

After the very first performance on a TV show, another talented singer flew into the Russian pop open spaces and for a long time “registered” there. The 42-year-old shaven-headed performer, covered in tattoos and piercings, impressed both the audience and the mentors of the competition with her originality and charisma.

Nargiz Zakirova - Still loving you

The way she sang the song “Still loving you” at the Blind Auditions did not leave indifferent any of the jury members who tried to convince her to work in their team, as well as millions of viewers around the world. Nargiz chose her mentor.

The Nargiz number, which got on the Channel One website, was gaining crazy views on the Internet every day. Soon she invited the participant to perform in a duet with someone and sing in an ethnic style, but it turned out that the singer did not remember her native language.

During the “Fights” stage, Zakirova performed the song “Castle from the Rain” along with another member of the Agutin team, Anna Alexandrova.

Anna Alexandrova and Nargiz Zakirova - Rain Castle

And during the “Knockouts”, a brilliant performance of the hit “The Woman Who Sings” allowed her to go to the next stage. In the quarterfinals, where Nargiz performed the track Smells Like Teen Spirit, the semi-finalists of the competition were determined, which, in addition to the Uzbek star, included Andrey Tsvetkov,. To get to the final competition, Nargiz brilliantly showed herself in the performance of the song "When I'm gone."

Nargiz Zakirova - You are my tenderness.

Having reached the final of the project as part of the team of Leonid Agutin, Nargiz became perhaps the most popular member of the Voice. The artist lost only to Sergei Volchkov. Nargiz rated her performance not as a win, but as a victory.

After the completion of the musical project, Zakirova signed a contract with a production center. In 2016, the third album of the artist's solo discography, Noise of the Heart, was created at the Russian recording studio, which included the tracks "I am not yours", "You are my tenderness", "I do not believe you!", "Run". For the collection, the duet "Together" was recorded, the second performer of which was Fadeev himself. Clips were released for all hits.

In connection with the development of his career, Nargiz rarely visits his home in the United States. At the same time, the native singers treat this with understanding, because she had a chance to shine in the starry sky of Russian show business. Zakirova is proud of herself and those who helped her at the beginning of her musical journey.

On Russian television, the performer managed to participate in the release of the Battle of Psychics. In hot pursuit after The Voice, Zakirova won the Grand Prix of the White Nights of St. Petersburg music competition.

Personal life

Nargiz Zakirova was married three times. From her first marriage with Ruslan Sharipov, the singer raised her daughter Sabina. Nargiz left for the USA, being married for the second time. At the time of the move, the singer was waiting for the birth of her son Auel.

Nargiz and Max Fadeev - We are together

In 1997, the second husband of Nargiz Zakirova, Yernur Kanaibekov, dies in a car accident, all the worries fall on the shoulders of the singer. Foreign country, two children, no permanent job. During this period, Nargiz began a protracted depression. The singer admits that she wanted to return to Russia and try to build a career there, but there was no money or acquaintances for this. Pulling herself together, Zakirova decided to get on her feet at all costs and give children a decent life in the United States.

Then a musician appeared in the life of Nargiz Zakirova, an Italian. He became the third husband of the singer. He himself turned out to be an unusually talented singer with a good voice. From time to time, the couple performed with joint concerts, went on tour. Nargiz has three children - two girls and a boy. The singer gave her daughter Leila to her third husband.

In the summer of 2016, like a bolt from the blue, information appeared in the Nargiz family. The singer, after 20 years of marriage, filed for divorce from Philip. As it turned out, the husband was jealous of the glory of his wife, because of which scandals constantly arose in the family. According to the singer, her husband forced him to pay his debts, and this is $ 40 thousand. As a result, the couple divorced.

After the conflict began, the children stood up for their mother, and Balzano began to threaten them with violence. A conflict arose between him and his stepson Auel. The US police even forbade the stepfather to approach the guy. After further threats, the police arrested Philip for a while.

Despite all the problems in his personal life, during his stay in the United States, Nargiz does not forget about his relatives and closely maintains communication with relatives in Tashkent. Maxim Fadeev also became important to her, thanks to whom she gained success in a stellar career.

Nargiz has an exotic appearance that distinguishes her from those around her. Her head is shaved, and a bright long tattoo is embossed on it, reaching down to her back and turning into a tattoo on her arm. The photo of the artist shows that the drawing is similar to the image of an unusual plant. Decorates the head of Nargiz with a long tail, collected from dreadlocks. Most people think that it belongs to a subculture, but it is not.

Tattoos Nargiz Zakirova

From a young age, the singer was fond of breakdancing, and the girl gave dance concerts on the streets of her native Tashkent. At one time she taught the direction of street dance in a choreographic studio. She also became the organizer of a city-wide festival dedicated to breakdance. It was her very first experience in organizing festivals in Uzbekistan. Thanks to the love of dancing, Nargiz manages to maintain excellent athletic shape. With a height of 167 cm, its weight does not exceed 56 kg.

Nargiz - I will always be with you.

Zakirova also calls collecting soap an exciting pastime for herself. Wherever the artist travels, she collects it and puts it in a box for the collection.

Nargiz Zakirova now

In April 2018, in the studio of Channel One, the shooting of the release of the Tonight program, which was dedicated to the Voice show, took place. But Nargiz Zakirova did not receive an invitation to participate in the program. The editors of the show asked her third husband, Philippe Balzano, to perform.

Nargiz - "Bring back the memory"

Now Nargiz does not reduce creative activity. Her tour schedule is scheduled for many months in advance, but at the beginning of 2018 she had to suspend her concert activity due to a cold. However, the fans were sympathetic to the forced downtime of the singer.

The artist continues to delight fans with the release of new tracks, including the songs “I will always be with you”, “Return the memory”, “Dislike”.

Nargiz ft. Basta - Farewell, beloved city (Video premiere 2018)

In August, together with rapper Nargiz, she recorded the musical composition "Farewell, beloved city", the video for which was immediately posted on the video channel of Max Fadeev's music label MALFA. The hit was positively received by fans of the musicians. Within a month, the video gained 6 million views.


  • 2006 – The Golden Cage
  • 2011 – Alone
  • 2016 - "Sound of the Heart"

Once, a little girl, who today is known as Nargiz Zakirova, entered the stage in one of the performances arm in arm with a doll. Her biography is interesting and unusual, like herself.


On October 6, 1970, the daughter of Nargiz Zakirova was born in the family of Pulat Mordukhaev and Luiza Zakirova, whose biography will become one of the most striking in the world of music. This is not surprising - the future member of the "Voice" was born in a musical family - grandfather, grandmother, uncles and parents Nargiz were associated with music.

Nargiz toured with her mother, and after such an interesting life she did not like boring everyday life either in a regular school or in a music school. Nevertheless, she graduated with good grades.

Musical career

Nargiz Zakirova began active work on herself as a professional singer after performing at the Jurmala-86 music competition, where she received the audience award. Unfortunately, she could not win, since she was not yet 16 - the age at which participants were allowed to participate in the competition.

Nargiz was a regular school student, and she had a warm relationship with teachers and classmates. After graduation, she entered the vocal department of the circus school.

She was different from other musicians of her time - she sang in English, wanted to perform rock music, wore short shorts, dyed her hair white, and the dancers were not girls, but guys. For her eccentricity, she was nicknamed the Uzbek Madonna and accused of promoting homosexuality.

Life in America

On the wave of emigration after the collapse of the USSR, Nargiz moved with her family to the USA, to New York. Like many, it was hard for her to live in a foreign land, but the woman did not despair and got a job in a video rental. Then she was invited to sing in a restaurant. Such work was considered prestigious and allowed her to apply her creative abilities. There she met some Russian show business stars during their tour of America - Nikolai Baskov, Lev Leshchenko, Vladimir Vinokur.

During her work, Nargiz Zakirova tried to assemble a group, but it did not work out, since the candidates were either lazy or not talented enough and could not work with her. As a result, Nargiz decided to work solo. The result of her work was "Golden Cage" (2001) - an album in ethnic style, which was sold in the USA in large circulation and fell in love with the Americans.

Nargiz not only sang, but also starred in a short film by Japanese directors, in which she played the role of a witch.

In 2011, the singer's second album, Alone, was released.


Sometimes the singer thought about returning to Russia. But she was afraid that connections and huge material investments would be required. Therefore, she applied to the American X-Factor and passed all stages of the qualifying round. But the organizers, who promised to call back, did not keep their word. In parallel with the American project, she applied for participation in the Russian musical project, where the jury sits with its back to the participants, which allows them to evaluate their vocal abilities. Among those who had a chance to get on the stage of "Voice-2" was Nargiz Zakirova - blind auditions began for her too ... She performs the hit "Still loving you" by the Scorpions. Nargiz Zakirova, whose voice from the first seconds conquered everyone in the hall, performs this song no worse than world stars. All members of the jury turn to her, among them the artist chooses Leonid Agutin and reaches the final with her coach. Later, in an interview, she admitted that her youth was spent under the music of her mentor, and the choice, if everyone turned to face her, was obvious.

It is worth noting that Nargiz was allowed to participate in the first season of The Voice, but she had to refuse the competition, as her father was seriously ill with lung cancer and died in 2013. In addition, Hurricane Sandy in 2012 left Nargiz and her family homeless, and the club where she worked was completely demolished. Therefore, I had to postpone participation in the Russian project for a year.

Life after "The Voice"

After the final of the Voice, Nargiz went on a mega tour that lasted 9 months. In 2014, she began collaborating with Maxim Fadeev. Back in 2005, the singer wanted to contact him, but her attempts were unsuccessful. Today in the repertoire of Nargiz there are several songs written by Maxim Fadeev: “I do not believe you”, “You are my tenderness”, “I am not your war” and “Together”. The producer and the singer performed the last song together.

In 2014, the international competition "White Nights" was held in St. Petersburg, in which Nargiz Zakirova won. In November of the same year, viewers could see her in the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, where she came as a test subject. There she met and became friends with psychic Tatyana Larina.

In 2015, the singer became the host of the music show "Main Stage". In 2016, the studio album "Heart Noise" was released.

What else did Nargiz Zakirova achieve? Albums, an army of fans and many creative successes await her ahead.

Personal life

Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography is interesting to her fans, was married three times. The first marriage was concluded at the age of 18 with Ruslan Sharipov, a member of the Byte group. In marriage, the couple had a daughter, Sabina. But after the betrayal of her husband, the couple decided to end the marriage.

At the time of moving to the United States, the artist remarried. The second husband of Nargiz Zakirova is Yernur Kanaybekov. The couple had a son, Auel. In 1997, a man dies in a car accident - Nargiz Zakirova, the children are left alone. Of course, this event could not but affect the woman, and soon after the tragedy, she begins to feel depressed. Nargiz is seriously considering returning to Russia and building a career there, but changes his mind and stays in the United States. At this time, she meets Philip Balzano and unites her fate with him. The third husband Nargiz Zakirova is also a musician and a talented singer. Therefore, spouses often perform together at various events. His parents are originally from Sicily but moved to the US when Philip was 9. Today, the couple have a daughter, Leila.

In the summer of 2016, Nargiz filed for divorce, and the couple eventually divorced after 20 years of marriage. There were several reasons: Phil's zealous attitude towards his wife's success, and demands to pay his debts, and conflicts with his stepson, which had been going on since the boy was four, and uncontrollable anger, because of which the man left work. The children sided with their mother, which the now ex-husband did not like, and he began to threaten them. The conflict between Balzano and Auel reached its climax when the police intervened, arrested his stepfather and forbade him to approach the young man. Not only the lawyer Nargiz, but also the lawyers of the production center of Maxim Fadeev took part in the divorce procedure. After the divorce, the daughter stayed with her father.


The eldest daughter of Nargiz, Sabina, is studying philosophy and Buddhism. The girl categorically opposes alcohol, smoking and drugs. The circle of her friends are artists, artists, singers. She has her own non-professional group with which she travels to festivals. She is now married and the couple have a son, Noah.

The singer's son, Auel, draws well, is interested in politics, loves serious books and performs on stage. His favorite genre is “stand-up” and he wants to develop in this direction.

The youngest daughter, Leyla, sings well, knows how to dance and play musical instruments - flute, drums and trumpet. From the age of 7 he has been interested in studying meteorology. At the moment she is engaged in a yacht club and knows how to manage a sailboat. After Hurricane Sandy, she and her father went to clean up rubble and help those in need with food and warm clothes.


Those who first saw Nargiz are amazed at her appearance - a shaven-headed woman with a lot of tattoos evokes associations with informals. But Nargiz Zakirova (blind auditions became a platform for revelation for the project participant) admitted that she does not belong to informals, and tattoos are just a whim. Each of them symbolizes an important moment in the life of the singer. So, for example, after the end of the show “Voice”, she stuffed its name on her hand in Gothic font. The first tattoo - omkar - a sign of goodness and peace, which the singer Nargiz Zakirova filled in 1996. All other tattoos on the body of a star have a deep, mystical meaning. At one time she worked as an artist in a tattoo parlor, so her passion for such drawings can be easily explained.

Nargiz has always been distinguished by her love for everything new and unusual. Even before moving to the USA, she was engaged in break dancing, taught it and organized a city festival in Tashkent dedicated to this dance. She was the host on it, but she performed out of competition.

The singer loves to travel, and as a memento from her travels she brings soap and keeps it in a special box.

Another passion of the artist is astrology, the occult, spiritualism and other supernatural things. Why does Nargiz Zakirova love them so much? Her biography is full of moments when inexplicable things happened to her. One of these was an accidental television advertisement for The Voice, after which her heart prompted her to take part in the project. And she didn't fail.

Popular Russian singer Nargiz Zakirova celebrates her 47th birthday in early October

She is known not only for her strong and beautiful voice, but also for her outrageous appearance. But what did the actress look like in her youth?

When Zakirova participated in the Voice show, she was already known as a singer. She started her career long before that. Now Nargiz is wildly popular. Shaved head, long hair on top, bright makeup and tattooed body - it is easy to recognize her, she will never get lost in the crowd.

Recently, the singer posted a photo in her youth. In her youth, she was just as spectacular, except that there were fewer tattoos and more hair on her head.

By the way, Nargiz decided to change her image! She is now growing her hair out and is no longer bald. Fans love her new look.

At a recent concert in Yalta, Nargiz met her classmate Aidan. They were often confused at school.

Nargiz Zakirova loves her family very much and is kind to her. She has two daughters and a son. All children are from different husbands. On her Instagram, she writes warm words to her mother:

“I became the first-born and I remained her. Your only daughter. Just be always with me MOM!

The eldest daughter Sabina, whom the singer gave birth to at the age of 18, made her mother a grandmother a few years ago. Zikirova's grandson Noah is growing up.

We will not see such Nargiz soon. How long will the singer grow her hair and at what length will she stop? Anything can be expected from her.

Nargiz Zakirova had a rather difficult fate. In her life, she achieved everything herself and wanted her children to live a better life. It seems she succeeded.

What do you think, will the new image suit the singer?

At the 39th Moscow International Film Festival, Nargiz performed her new song “Bring Back the Memory”.

    Nargiz Zakirova now does not have the hairstyle that she did not have in her youth. Earlier, when she was still a girl, she wore long hair, which made excellent braids. Many fans of Nargiz Zakirova are interested in looking at a photo with hair, and so I provide a photo especially for you:

    Nargiz Zakirova hid her old photos very well. Scrolled through her Instagram to the very bottom, and did not find her previous photos with hair. But persistent searches nevertheless brought little fruit - I found another unique photograph of Nargiz Zakirova with thick hair:

    There are many photos on the Internet in which Nargiz is young and beautiful.

    Personally, I don’t like her image: she’s too aggressive and repulsive.

    She is remembered as the host of a music show, then she was replaced. Indeed, she did not fit in there and did not fit her co-host.

    Here are pictures of her when she was young:

    Many fans are interested in photographs of Nargiz at a young age and where she did not have long hair yet. There are not very many photographs from the singer's youth, but still they are available.

    She used to be a long-haired girl, and not completely bald as she is now:

    Once the singer wore a long braid. Photo: social networks.

    Unfortunately, there are very few photos of the singer Nargiz Zakirova on the network, where she is young and with hair, but I managed to find an old video recording where she is about sixteen years old.

    And here she is with long hair, relatively young.

    Here is a photo of the singer Nargiz Zakirova in her youth. In my opinion, she was an ordinary pretty girl in her youth, but now at 45 she has changed her image and gained her own personality. Now she looks much brighter.

    In her youth, when Nargiz was with hair, one could say she was a very attractive girl, here are a few photos, I’ll also say that she once worked in a tattoo parlor, that’s where she got her passion for tattoos from.

    Nargiz Zakirova was born in Uzbekistan.

    Her mother is a pop singer. The daughter inherited an amazing voice.

    All her grandparents were some opera singers, some folk singers.

    One of her uncles Farukh artistic director of the most famous Uzbek pop group Yalla, which my generation remembers and loves in our country.

    And it is no coincidence that it is with her uncle that she sings a beautiful song Remember me.

    Here you can see young Nargiz. See how beautiful she is.

    With this song, Nargiz performed at the Jurmala 86 festival and, being one of the youngest participants, won the audience award.

    This is what Nargiz was like in those years

    In the difficult 90s, she, being pregnant with her second child (from her second husband), left with her whole family for the United States.

    For a long time, Nargiz worked in a tattoo parlor, earning a living, and changed her image there. But what is good and beautiful at 20 does not look at all at 45.

    I don't think that image suits her at all.

    By the way, Nargiz decided to shave her hair after she led a very rock and roll lifestyle with alcohol and other outrages for quite a long time. Suddenly I got tired of all this, I didn’t leave the house for a year, my room was gradually filled with books, I became interested in Buddhism, various philosophies and at one moment decided to quit drinking, smoking, swearing and shaving my head as a symbol of new life. So I removed my whole old life, - explains the star.

    The singer lived 20 long years abroad. She was apparently so drawn to her homeland that in order to participate in the Voice show, she sacrificed her participation in the final audition of the American television project X-Factor.

    All the judges turned to her unconditionally. She chose Agutin's team.

    For the sake of participating in the project, she left her family in the USA and came to Russia. Her third husband is also a singer, but he could not go with her. They have a schoolgirl daughter.

    Now Nargiz is invited to appear in various shows, she is touring the cities of Russia.

    At one time she was invited to be a co-host in the Main Stage 2. But apparently she didn’t fit in there, or rather her image and she was quickly replaced.

    She has three children in the US. The eldest daughter has already given her a grandson.

    Son Auel is studying to be a director. At the request of his mother, he agreed to compose several English lyrics for songs for the new album, which his mother is recording with Maxim Fadeev.

    The youngest daughter plays almost all musical instruments.

    So children are all creative individuals.

    Nargiz considers himself happy in every way.

    She took place as a mother, as a wife, everything that she wished for herself came true in her life.

    Nargiz Zakirova has really changed a lot since those very, already immemorial times of Socialism. Then she was a real charmer and the right girl. Now, despite her excellent vocal abilities, she evokes extremely mixed emotions in some people.

The biography and personal life of Nargiz Zakirova are known to few.

Childhood and family of Narkiz Zakirova

Nargiz Pulatovna was born on October 6, 1970 in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. The future singer was born and raised in a famous family of musicians, so it is not surprising that the talent for music began to appear from early childhood, because she had it in her blood.

From the biography of the singer Nargiz Zakirova, it is known that all her relatives were associated with music. Grandfather Karim Zakirov was an opera singer, awarded the title of People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR. The life of my grandmother, Shoista Saidova, is also connected with music, she was a soloist of the Tashkent Musical Theater, uncle Batyr Zakirov is a famous Uzbek singer and composer. The mother of the future singer, Luiza Zakirova, was one of the most popular singers in Uzbekistan in the 60s.

Raising a child in such a talented musical family, it was impossible to raise him indifferent to music. The family of Nargiz Zakirova instilled in her a great love for music, which remained with the girl for life. According to the singer, she appeared on stage for the first time at the age of 4. Mom during her performances often took her daughter with her, once she sang a children's song "From a smile it will become brighter for everyone."

The future celebrity studied at school without much enthusiasm, because after performing on stage and an interesting touring life that her mother introduced her to, there was no desire to learn lessons. Nargiz's favorite school subject was singing, because she was the best at singing, in addition, this lesson brought real pleasure to the girl. However, oddly enough, the girl had poor grades in this subject, because for the teacher it was important not the ability to sing, but the students' knowledge of the lyrics.

Soon, the parents transferred their daughter to a music school, but even there the girl studied poorly, because she had to know a lot of notes by heart, while she wanted to further develop her musical skills and abilities. At the age of 15, Nargiz Zakirova took part in the music competition "Jurmala-86", she sang the song "Remember Me", the words of which were written by Ilya Reznik, and the music was written by her uncle Farrukh Zakirov. The young singer with her song received the audience award.

Nargiz Zakirova's performance in the TV show "Voice" and the best singles

Nargiz was a fan of Madonna, whose popularity peaked in 1992. At this time, the future Uzbek singer dyed her hair white and performed with a very bold program, dressed in short shorts. For such behavior on stage, Nargiz was called the Uzbek Madonna, but almost everyone condemned her.

The first few years, when the girl lived in New York with her parents and daughter, she worked in a store, in a tattoo parlor, and for some time performed in restaurants. In 2001, Nargiz released an album in the ethnic style "Golden Cage".

The serious illness of her father prevented the girl from taking part in the first casting of the TV program "Voice", which took place in 2012. The father of the Uzbek singer Pulat Mordukhaev died in April 2013.

Nargiz's career continued in 2013, when Zakirova passed a three-stage casting for the American X-Factor. But the organizers of the project did not call the girl back. Then Nargiz Zakirova went to the show "Voice" - a Russian television project. With her performance, Nargiz Zakirova in the TV show "Voice" conquered all the judges, but chose the team of Leonid Agutin. She made it to the final and placed second.

Since April 2014, the singer has been collaborating with producer Maxim Fadeev, performing solo. This year, the musician wrote the debut single for Nargiz "I am not your war." In October, the singer's fans saw the video for this single, in which Nargiz starred with her husband Philip Balzano.

At the beginning of 2019, Nargiz Zakirova released the second single "You are my tenderness". At the end of this year, fans of her talent heard the third single "I don't believe you", the author of these two musical compositions is Maxim Fadeev.

Personal life Nargiz Zakirova: husband and children

The personal life of Nargiz Zakirova was not the best, in 1995 the singer was already divorced. The Uzbek singer was married three times, from her first marriage she had a daughter, Sabina. In addition to the eldest daughter, Nargiz Zakirova also has children - son Auel and daughter Leila, all children are from different men.

In 1997, the singer's husband dies in a car accident, she is left with two children and all the worries about them fall on her. During this period, a woman experiences a severe and prolonged depression, but soon pulls herself together, because she wants to give her children a decent life. A few years later, the Italian musician Philip Balzano appears in the life of the singer, below in the photo are the children and husband Nargiz Zakirova.

Now the woman is a popular singer, a happy wife and mother of three children.

In the photo, Nargiz Zakirova with her husband and children - a son and two daughters.

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