Singer Nyusha (Anna Shurochkina): biography and personal life. Nyusha - photo, biography, personal life, creative path How is the real name of Nyusha

Nyusha (according to her passport - Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina) is a young Russian pop singer. Her songs have repeatedly occupied leading positions in domestic charts, foreign cartoon characters spoke in her voice, and eminent music publications called Nyusha "the most memorable event of recent years."


Nyusha grew up in a family of musicians. Her father, Vladimir Shurochkin, sang in the group "Tender May" in the early 90s, and then began a solo career. Irina Aleksandrovna Shurochkina, the mother of the future singer, performed with a rock band.

From early childhood, Nyusha did not part with the microphone. From the age of three, she took vocal lessons from Viktor Pozdnyakov. The producer claimed that the girl managed to perfectly develop an innate ear for music in just a year of classes.

At the age of five, Anya first appeared in a recording studio, where she sang "The Song of the Big Bear". The girl experienced such intense emotions from participating in the recording that she began to sing everywhere: at home, in the car with her parents, in the village with her grandmother. Supporting her interest, the father gave his daughter a synthesizer, hired a solfeggio and piano tutor.

Carier start

Anya recorded her first "real" song at the age of 8. The composition called "Night" was performed in English.

Later, when a twelve-year-old girl performed at a concert in Cologne, singing this and several other English-language compositions of her own composition, the listeners were amazed by her purest pronunciation without an accent.

At the age of 9, Nyusha attended the Daisies children's dance and fashion theater. Together with the group, she performed at the largest concert venues in Russia, including the Kremlin Concert Hall. But pretty soon the girl broke up with the Daisies team, deciding that she liked making music more.

At the age of eleven, the aspiring artist joined the Grizzly group. The team lasted 2 years, in a month of performances traveled half of Russia and went on tour in Germany. This was Anya's first serious tour, with which the girl coped well, withstanding all the difficulties of a nomadic life.

Nyusha in the group "Grizzly"

Shortly after the collapse of the Grizzlies, at the family council it was decided to send Nyusha to the casting of the Star Factory. The girl did not want to compete with other performers, saying that such a format deprives the music of a “live” component, its individuality and emotions. But the father convinced his daughter that the "Factory" is the best suited for a career start. However, the audition ended unsuccessfully due to Ani's young age.

In 2007, a seventeen-year-old girl tried her luck by auditioning for the TV show STS Lights Superstar. Having sung to the jury two songs by Bianca and Christina Aguilera, she passed the selection and got on the transfer. During the competition, a pseudonym was born, known to every fan of Russian pop music, the sonorous and laconic word "Nyusha" - a derivative of the real name of the singer.

Nyusha on the show "STS Lights a Superstar"

A year later, Nyusha took seventh place at the New Wave international competition in Jurmala and recorded the final song of the main character in the film Enchanted.

The singer's first single "Howl at the Moon" was released in early 2009. Nyusha said that the composition was written during a depression after breaking up with a young man. In the same year, the song brought the girl a victory at the "God of the Air" award in the "Radio Hit - Performer" nomination and was nominated for "Song of the Year".

Debut album

The first album of the singer - "Choose a Miracle" - went on sale in November 2010. The album, which debuted at seventh place in the charts, was received ambiguously by critics: someone believed that the “Miracle” did not reflect the individuality of the young singer, but most listeners rated the album positively, noting that it was not without musical paradox, and mystical motives can be found in the texts worthy of Viktor Pelevin.

Success and rise

2011 was truly phenomenal for Nyusha. Anna released the singles "Above" and "It Hurts", and also sang a duet with French performer Gilles Luca. In the spring, the singer was nominated for the Muz-TV award in two categories: "Best Singer" and "Best Album", but the star lost the title of winner to Vera Brezhneva and Sergey Lazarev.

But the European MTV EMA 2011 ceremony brought Nyusha the title of "Best Russian Artist", after which Billboard Russia magazine included the girl in the "Twenty Major Musical Events of the Year". The year ended with no less grandiose achievements: the title track of the album “Choose a Miracle” became the main song of the year according to the Afisha publication, and the composition “It Hurts” received the title of the most memorable pop hit over the past two decades.

On April 22, 2014, Nyusha's second solo album, "Association", was released. The album was rated positively: Nyusha was called the leader among the "non-shameful" Russian pop artists, and the listeners considered that the songs "matured" along with the singer.

Film career

On television, they did not disregard the singer who soared rapidly to the top of the musical Olympus. In 2011, she played herself in the series "Univer" in tandem with Vitaly Gogunsky.

Nyusha's voice can be heard in the cartoon "Rango", where the singer voices an ah-ah animal named Priscilla. Together with the singer, Ivan Okhlobystin and Boris Klyuev worked on the voice acting of the picture.

The next invitation to voice acting appeared soon - in the same year, 2011, Nyusha voiced Smurfette in the film The Smurfs. This time, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan became her "colleague in the shop".

In 2016, Nyusha was invited to Moscow Evenings, a new entertainment show by Ivan Urgant, broadcast on Channel One.

Nyusha's personal life

Like most celebrities, Nyusha prefers to remain silent about the details of her personal life. It is known that at the beginning of her singing career, the singer was in a relationship with the star of "Kadetstvo" Aristarkh Venes, met with hockey player Alexander Radulov, who played the role of the girl's lover in the video "It hurts", and rejected the courtship of rapper ST.

In the summer of 2012, the media were full of headlines: “Nyusha and Vlad Sokolovsky are dating!”. The couple vacationed together in the Maldives and had fun at social events. However, their relationship was the result of the joint work of celebrity PR managers. Nyusha and Yegor Creed

In 2016, the press declassified the name of Nyusha's new boyfriend (which she hid from the public for a long time and carefully). It turned out to be Igor Sivov from the International University Sports Federation. Igor had a marriage with choreographer Elena and two adult sons behind him.

In January 2017, Igor proposed to his beloved and in August they played a secret wedding in the Maldives. November 5, 2018 Nyusha gave birth to a daughter. The baby was named the old Jewish name Seraphim. For her, this is the first child, while for her chosen one the third. However, for the first time, Igor Sivov decided to attend the birth.

Nyusha now

Shortly before the birth, the singer pleased the fans with new material - a video for the song "Tayu", in which she tried to convey the feelings of expecting a child.

Nyusha - Tayu

In the summer of 2019, Nyusha gave a long interview to the Tender Editor YouTube channel. She told details from the personal life of her parents and from the experience of mentoring in the fourth season of the show “Voice. Children". Nyusha also retorted Yegor Creed's statement that they broke up due to Nyusha's commercialism and her father's negative attitude towards Yegor. According to the singer, they simply did not get along in character, and she herself, although her father's daughter, would never betray her beloved because of his opinion.

Nyusha is a young, but already confidently declared singer. I must say that she is not only a singer, but also the author of her own songs, both texts and music, as well as a producer, TV presenter and even a little actress. For such a brilliant start, the girl had every opportunity.

Nyusha or Anna Shurochkina (this is her real name and surname) was born into a family closely associated with music. Fans of the work of the Laskovy May group are well aware of the name of her father, Vladimir Shurochkin. He is the ex-soloist of this band, famous in the 90s. Mom is a former soloist of a rock band. The girl was born in the capital of our country, where she lives to this day. It so happened that the parents separated when Anya was only two years old. It was a dramatic moment in the life of the family. The father was very attached to his daughter, often came to her, spent a lot of time together and, each time leaving, seemed to tear her from her heart. The little girl felt this acutely and experienced it with him.

The father soon remarried an artistic gymnast. The second wife Oksana played a significant role in the development of Nyusha as an artist, spending a lot of time with the girl in dancing and acting. In this marriage, the father had a son and a daughter - Ani's half-brother and sister. By the way, my sister is now a multiple world champion in synchronized swimming.

Nyusha began to sing at almost the same age as to speak, from about three years old. A sensitive father, without hesitation, took his daughter to the studio, she began to take vocal lessons. At the age of five, Anya recorded her first song. She herself was delighted with the recording process in the studio in huge headphones.

Soon she was sent to piano lessons, her father gave her a synthesizer. He constantly brought new songs, together with his mother they learned them and sang literally everywhere. In addition to music, Anya actively studied English, and at the age of 8 she recorded her first song in it. The work was called "Night" or "Night".

Early career success

From the age of nine, the girl was engaged in dancing, performing with the Daisy Children's Theater. The team toured a lot around the country, even performed on the stage of the Kremlin Palace in Moscow. At the age of ten, Anya told her father that she was ready to perform as a solo artist, in which her father, of course, supported her. Therefore, after leaving Daisies, the girl became the soloist of the Grizzly group, in which she performed for 2 years.

Father wrote several new songs for Anya, and soon the group began to go on tour, giving the first concerts, first in Russia, and then in Germany. Dad wrote music, and Anya composed poetry in English. She knew him perfectly and spoke without an accent, which is a rarity. That is why in Cologne one person who worked in a large production company drew attention to her and said that Anya has all the data to make a good career in the West. But the girl decided to start with Russia.

She graduated from school as an external student.

At the age of 14, after the collapse of the Grizzly, Anya wanted to become a member of the Star Factory, but such young performers were not accepted for the competition. At the age of 17, she participated in the STS Lights a Superstar contest and became the winner in it. It was at this competition that her pseudonym, Nyusha, was born.

Then there was the New Wave competition, where she became a finalist, taking 7th place.

A year later, Nyusha recorded her first single "Howl at the Moon", the text for which she composed, being depressed after breaking up with her beloved. This piece was nominated for Song of the Year.

Frame from Nyusha's video "Howling at the Moon"

And a year later she released her first album called "Choose a Miracle". Not all listeners equally warmly accepted him, some believed that he did not fully reflect the personality of the singer. Others expressed the opinion that this is "the birth of a supernova Russian scene." The album became the sixth in the Russian album chart.

Over the next years, the girl actively developed her career, in 2014 she released another album called "Association". She released 13 video clips for her songs, recorded 15 singles.

In 2012, she tried herself as a TV presenter in the TopHit Chart program on the MUZ-TV channel, which she quite succeeded in, she continues to broadcast today.

Nyusha starred a little in serials and films, and also took part in the dubbing of cartoons.

Nyusha's personal life

Personal life, like most artists, Nyusha prefers not to advertise. It is only known that she had a short affair with actor Aristarkhov Venes and hockey player Alexander Radulov. About a possible affair with Vlad Sokolovsky, it later became known that it was nothing more than a PR move.

Since 2014, the girl met with Yegor Creed. The novel lasted almost two years, as unexpectedly in February, fans learned about its end. Not without the influence of the singer's dad. Upset Yegor, even at one of the concerts, having performed Nyusha's song, added his verse to it with the words "What the hell is love - your dad's opinion is stronger." The scandal was hushed up, but the couple broke up. Now Nyusha is waiting for a new love.

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Nyusha is a popular Russian singer who, despite her young age, has already managed to win the hearts of millions of fans. The real name of the fashionable singer is Shurochkina Anna Vladimirovna. The future star was born and grew up in a family of musicians. Her father, Vladimir Shurochkin, once worked in the insanely popular Laskovy May group at the time, and then became the producer of his own daughter. The mother of the young singer was a popular rock singer. When Anya was only two years old, her parents divorced. Despite this, little Anya spent a lot of time with her loving and caring father.

The beginning of a musical career

Nyusha began to study vocals at the age of three. Her first teacher was Viktor Pozdnyakov. It was he who recognized the amazing hearing in the little girl. During the year of joint work, Pozdnyakov helped Anya develop her range, as well as cultivate a passion for writing in the future popular singer.

When Anya was five years old, her father took up her daughter's musical education. And already at the age of 17, the young singer took the pseudonym Nyusha and began to actively take part in various television projects dedicated to the search for young talents. Despite the fact that the girl still does not have a professional education, she continues to rapidly expand the circle of her fans and conquer new musical heights.

History of the name Nyusha

The singer speaks openly about the real name of Nyusha, as well as about where the roots of such an unusual pseudonym come from. Nyusha is a diminutive derivative of the real name of the star - Anna. Nyusha's name is now exactly that, because the young star wanted to give her image individuality by taking a unique pseudonym that would distinguish her from the mass of other girls with the same name. In addition, the singer changed her name in her passport and is now officially Nyusha Anna Vladimirovna.

Nyusha (singer)

Nyusha Vladimirovna Shurochkina (nee - Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina). Better known as Nyusha. She was born on August 15, 1990 in Moscow. Russian singer, composer, actress, TV presenter.

At the age of 17, Anna officially changed her name to Nyusha.

Father - Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Shurochkin, a former member of the Laskovy May group, a producer.

Mother - Irina Vladimirovna Shurochkina, in her youth she sang in a rock band.

Stepmother - Oksana Shurochkina, master of sports in artistic gymnastics.

Half-sister - Maria Shurochkina, Olympic champion and eight-time world champion in synchronized swimming.

The younger brother - Ivan Shurochkin, is engaged in tricking.

Anna's parents separated when she was two years old. At the same time, she continued to communicate closely with her father.

At the age of 5 she recorded at the studio the composition "Song of the Big Dipper". As a child, I studied with a solfeggio teacher for a year and a half, but did not receive a musical education. Plays the piano a little.

In her school years she was engaged in Thai boxing.

From the age of 11, she began performing on stage as part of the Grizzly group. The team toured in Russia and Germany.

She began writing her first songs as a teenager in English. Then, with the help of her father's second wife, Oksana Shurochkina, she mastered dancing and stage skills.

At the age of 14, she did not pass the age limit at the casting of the Star Factory.

In 2007, she won the television competition “STS lights up a superstar”, performing the song “There were dances”, Maxim Fadeev’s composition “Dancing on Glass”, a cover version of the song by the Ranetki group “I Loved You”, the song “London bridge” by singer Fergie .

In 2008, Nyusha took seventh place at the New Wave international competition, and also recorded the final song of the main character in the dubbed version of the Walt Disney Pictures film Enchanted.

In 2009, she released her first single "Howl at the Moon". In the same year, she became a laureate of the "God of Ether 2009" award, received an award in the "Radio Hit - Performer" nomination for the composition "Howl at the Moon". For the same composition, Nyusha became the laureate of "Song of the Year - 2009".

Nyusha howling at the moon

At the Europa Plus LIVE 2009 concert, Nyusha presented two new compositions - the Russian-language "Angel" and the English-language "Why".

In 2010, the single "Do not interrupt" was released, which became the most popular Russian-language hit in April, the singer was nominated for the MUZ-TV 2010 award in the "Breakthrough of the Year" nomination.

In September 2010, the singer signed a contract with the Gala Records label.

In November 2010, the debut album "Choose a Miracle" was released.

In 2011, the singer released three new singles: "It hurts", "Above" (the fourth and fifth singles from her debut album) and "Plus Près (We Can Make It Right)" - a duet with French DJ and producer Gilles Luca.

In October 2011, Nyusha won the vote for the Best Russian Artist nomination at the European MTV Europe Music Awards 2011. The editors of the Russian edition of Billboard magazine included the singer's victory in the list of "20 major musical events in 2011".

April 28, 2012 in the concert hall "Crocus City Hall" in Moscow, the first big show of Nyusha "Choose your miracle!" During the concert, the singer presented three new songs: two solo songs (“Remembrance” and “Unification”) and a duet with dad (“You Are My Life”).

In the same 2012, Nyusha won the Best Song nomination of the MUZ-TV award.

Since April 2012, the singer has become a permanent host of the TopHit Chart program on the MUZ-TV channel.

In 2012, Nyusha took 17th place in the final list and 2nd place in the “audience interest” nomination in the annual list of 50 Russian celebrities compiled by Forbes magazine in 2011.

On the TV channel "RU.TV" in 2012, according to the results of voting, Nyusha won in the nomination "Best Singer". In the same year, she won the Golden Gramophone award from Russian Radio (for the song Remembrance), and the diploma of the Song of the Year 2012 festival (for the song Higher).

On November 27, 2012, the premiere of the video "This is the New Year" took place. The song became the soundtrack to the cartoon "The Snow Queen", in which Nyusha voiced Gerda.

In the fall of 2013, the singer, paired with figure skater Maxim Shabalin, took part in the Ice Age 2013 show on Channel One, but at the 12th stage, the couple left the project.

On April 22, 2014, her second album "Unification" was released, and on April 26, its presentation took place at the Arena Moscow club.

In the same 2014, at the RU.TV channel award, Nyusha won the Best Singer nomination.

She starred in the sitcom "Univer", played Masha in the film "Friends of Friends". The voice of the artist is spoken by the characters of many popular cartoons - Priscilla, Smurfette, Gerda and Gip.

In November 2016, the premiere of her show "9 Lives" took place, on the eve of which the artist launched the social project #nyusha9life. These 9 stories are taken from the life of Nyusha, they tell about the emotions and feelings experienced by the performer.

In February 2017, Nyusha became a new mentor in season 4 of the Voice. Children".

In November 2017, Nyusha became a jury member of the vocal show "Success" on the STS TV channel.

Nyusha's height: 167 centimeters.

Nyusha's personal life:

The singer had a relationship with an actor, the star of the series "Kadetstvo".

In the summer of 2012, the singer had a relationship with a singer and actor. True, there were rumors that their romance was a PR in order to promote the performers.

Since 2014, she began an affair with a singer. It continued until February 2016, when the couple broke up. At the same time, the fact that he was promoting on his daughter.

The scandal began after the rapper added a quatrain to the song “Only”, which Nyusha allowed Yegor Creed to use (and the author of which is her father): “I stuffed your name on my left hand. But in fact, weeks flew by "Everyone told you that he had no money. What the hell is love - your dad's opinion is stronger." Vladimir Shurochkin asked the Youtube administration to remove this video.

In January 2017, it became known about the engagement of Nyusha with Igor Sivov, adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation. The man has two sons from a previous relationship.

In July 2017, Nyusha married Igor Sivov, and in August. They divided the holiday into three days, and each event took place in different restaurants. At the pre-wedding dinner, all the guests and the spouses themselves appeared in white outfits, the company enjoyed rolls and fresh fish in a Japanese restaurant. The day after the wedding, the newlyweds with friends and family threw a beach party at the Fish, Crab & Shark restaurant.

Filmography of Nyusha:

2008-2011 - Univer - cameo
2013 - Friends of friends - Masha (in the credits - Nyusha Shurochkina)

Nyusha voiceover:

2011 - Rango (animated)
2012 - Snow Queen (Snow Queen, The) (animated)
2014 - Snow Queen 2: Refreeze (Snow Queen 2: The Snow King) (animated)

Nyusha's vocals in the cinema:

2007 - Enchanted (Enchanted)
2008 - Bride to order - Angel
2011 - Univer - Do not interrupt
2011 - Yolki 2 - Choose a miracle
2012 - Diary of Dr. Zaitseva - Angel, Hello, Why
2013 - People He - Choose a miracle
2013 - Jack Ryan: Chaos Theory - Flashback
2014 - Fizruk - Alone
2014 - Sweet Life - Remembrance

Composer's works of Nyusha in cinema:

2008-2009 - Redhead

Discography of Nyusha:

2010 - Choose a miracle
2014 - Unification

Singles by Nyusha:

2009 - Howling at the Moon
2010 - Don't interrupt

2010 - Choose a miracle
2011 - It hurts
2011 - Above
2012 - Remembrance
2012 - It's New Year
2013 - Alone
2014 - Lady N
2014 - Only
2014 - Don't You Wanna Stay
2014 - Tsunami
2015 - Where are you, there I am
2016 - Kiss
2016 - To love you
2017 - Always Need You
2017 - I'm not afraid
2018 - Night

Video clips of Nyusha:

2009 - Howling at the moon
2010 - Don't interrupt
2010 - Choose a miracle
2010 - Plus Pres (We Can Make It Right)
2011 - It hurts
2011 - Above
2012 - Remembrance
2012 - It's New Year
2013 - Alone
2014 - Lady N
2014 - Only / Don't You Wanna Stay
2014 - Tsunami
2015 - Where are you, there I am
2016 - Kiss
2017 - To love you

Many are interested in what Nyusha is really called. And it is no coincidence. The popular singer conquered and won the hearts of a huge number of listeners. She always admires her appearance and exclusive outfits. Her name is always in the top, her compositions take the best places in the music charts.

Ivan Urgant found out the name of Nyusha (singer)

The program "Evening Urgant", broadcast on the first channel, was visited by the popular and charming singer Nyusha.

The beautiful girl made an impression with her chic outfit. With the presenter, they discussed topical issues of fashion and style, talked about how her career began. And also found out what Nyusha's real name is and what she is fond of. The girl showed her passport to the whole country, as many fans and viewers were repeatedly interested in this issue. Her date of birth: 08/15/1990. Place of birth: Moscow. More information about it is provided below.

Biographical information about the singer

The girl was born in a musical family. They named her Anna. It was later that she changed her passport data. Now: Nyusha - first name, last name (remained unchanged) - Shurochkina. Father - a member of the well-known group "Tender May" Vladimir Shurochkin. Mom Irina is a former rock singer. It is not surprising that the daughter inherited a gorgeous voice and hearing. Parents subsequently divorced, and she had a half-sister Maria (junior champion in synchronized swimming). There is a brother Ivan, who is younger than her.

She did not receive any special musical education.

Her main teachers were Viktor Pozdnyakov and her own father. With the first teacher, Victor, the girl studied vocals from the age of three. He admired her natural ear, which he later managed to develop. From the age of five, her father has been teaching musical literacy and vocals. Nyusha visited a recording studio with him. The "Song of the Great Bear" sung there became a bright event and an important moment for the future singer. Those positive emotions that she received, she remembered for the rest of her life. From an early age, she begins to write her own songs. Her very first composition - "Night" - was created in English. Nyusha successfully performed it in Cologne, where they were surprised that the little singer was from Russia, since she was purely performed in a foreign language. From the age of twelve, Nyusha has been performing songs that her father wrote for her.

At the same time, she visits the children's theater of dance and fashion "Daisies".

With her stepmother Oksana (master of sports in gymnastics), the girl was engaged in stage movement and dancing. From the age of 14, she actively goes to auditions of various music competitions. She was not accepted to the "Star Factory" because of her age. At the age of 17, she changed her name in her passport. Therefore, the question of what Nyusha is really called is so often heard.

Career success

In 2007, she successfully passed a huge casting and became the winner of a well-known television competition called "STS Lights a Superstar". And takes first place. In 2008, she became a finalist of the most popular international competition "New Wave", which is regularly held in Jurmala. Here she gets seventh place. The girl is a performer of the song of one of the main characters of the American film "Charmed". In 2009, her very first single called "Howling at the Moon" was released. This musical composition sounded in the final of the festival "Song of the Year". The song "Choose a Miracle" became a real breakthrough and a mega-hit. She sounded on the radio, everyone knew her, and almost everyone sang. It was this song that pushed Nyusha into the supernovas of the Russian stage.

Why did Anna Shurochkina decide to change her name?

From the previous section, it became clear what the name of Nyusha (singer) is. But why did she decide to change her name on her passport? What specifically prompted her to make a documented official name is unknown. But in one program, she justified this by the fact that in her childhood, Nyusha, her father affectionately called her. At an older age, she chose him as a pseudonym. But over time, it became as close to her as her own. She no longer perceived the name Anna at all, so she decided to change her passport data. She admitted that she really likes this sound. Now it is known not only what the name of the singer Nyusha is, but also why she decided to change it.

Video clips and filming of the star

Her videos are watched with great pleasure by the audience. These are videos shot for the following compositions:

  • "Hurt".
  • "Howling at the Moon".
  • "Memory".
  • "Choose a miracle."
  • "Higher".
  • "Alone".
  • "It's New Year" and many others.

In 2013, she starred as the main character Masha in the film Friends of Friends. She voiced the characters of such cartoons as:

  • "Rango".
  • "The Croods".
  • "The Snow Queen".
  • "The Smurfs".

Since 2012, he has been running the TopHit Chart program on the MUZ channel. Since 2013, on MUZ-TV, together with Vlad Sokolovsky, she has been the host of the Russian Chart program.

Thus, we found out what Nyusha's real name is and why she decided to officially change her passport data. Her biographical information is very interesting. A beautiful girl with good vocal abilities has become a mega-popular Russian pop star.

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