PR company Yulia Mikhalkova who came up with. Actress Yulia Mikhalkova from the Ural dumplings


Yulia Mikhalkova is a popular and beloved by many actress. Mostly a young woman became famous after she took part in the famous TV show "Ural dumplings". A little earlier, she took an active part in KVN, where she perfectly showed herself as a talented comedian.

Mikhalkova also repeatedly starred for men's magazines, created several clips that she staged on her own. Due to the fact that she was never afraid to experiment, she was always positive, so many viewers liked Julia, she found her own audience. In addition, the young woman is the owner of a center where stage speech and oratory are taught.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Mikhalkova

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Mikhalkova? Answering all these questions, it should be noted right away that Julia looks very good, because she is slim and always smiles. She owes this not only to good natural data, but also to the constant desire to become better, improve and develop. Julia Mikhalkova fell in love with Ural dumplings precisely because she is always positive, knows how to cheer up the rest. To date, Mikhalkova is 33 years old, her height is 170 centimeters, her weight is 52 kilograms. Thanks to the model parameters, the girl looks beautiful and fit. However, not only thanks to her appearance, she was able to make a good creative career as an actress and TV presenter.

Biography of Yulia Mikhalkova from the Ural dumplings

The biography of Yulia Mikhalkova dates back to 1983, in a small provincial Russian town, which is located near Yekaterinburg. The girl grew up without a father, but she did not feel it too much, because she was replaced by a loving and caring grandfather, brother and uncle. Already at an early age, she liked to use her mother's cosmetics. After that, she flaunted in front of a mirror, dreamed that she would perform in different cities, achieve success as an actress. Relatives have repeatedly heard from her that she wants this, therefore, she is going to achieve it. Moreover, she began to take her first steps quite early, even when she was in the tenth grade. She got a job as a music news host, although she entered the university without thinking about creativity, choosing the profession of a teacher of Russian language and literature. But still, nature took its toll, the girl began to play KVN, which was located at the educational institution.

Already in 2009, Mikhalkova took part in the KVN team called "Ural dumplings", which quickly gained popularity among the audience. Thanks to her participation in the team, the girl got the opportunity to fully and fully reveal her comedic potential, fall in love with many viewers, and gain fans. A team of talented guys received awards, performed again and again. For Yulia herself, participation in KVN has become the real meaning of life. She also dreams of acting in films, and soon her dream comes true. Her first role was in the series "Silver", where she played, albeit an insignificant, but interesting role. The actress understood that this gave her a great opportunity to gain new experience, to become even one step higher, because now she could officially call herself a professional actress.

Other roles were not long in coming. She starred in the series Real Boys, where she also showed herself perfectly, allowing the directors to notice this beautiful, talented young woman. But even this is not the last achievement of Mikhalkova, because she was able to prove herself as a singer. He releases his own clip, followed by the second and third. But most of all, the young woman surprised fans by the fact that in 2013 she starred in a candid nude photo shoot. The result turned out to be very frank, many Mikhalkova fans admitted that they did not expect such courage from the cute girl from the Ural dumplings. But if a woman has a beautiful body, why not show it?

Personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova

The personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova is quite rich and vibrant. She is not married, but at the same time, she knows how to build relationships, give and receive love. I must say that for several years in a row, Yulia met with a well-known politician, whose name is Igor Danilov. For a long time they were together, Mikhalkova appreciated him for his tenderness, attention to her, for the fact that he always and everywhere supported her for all her undertakings.

But, despite this, when it came time to make a choice, Julia could not accept his proposal of the hand of the heart. Apparently, she felt that they did not quite suit each other, perhaps the man was not energetic enough for her, not bright enough. It is difficult to say whether she did the right thing or not, but nevertheless, the lovers parted.

For some time, nothing was clear or heard about the personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova. But in 2016, she said that she had found true love. But the name of the beloved is still kept secret, the actress only shared that she met him during the next performance of the Ural dumplings, that it was almost lightning-fast love.

Most likely, everything is serious there, because Mikhalkova said in an interview that she was already ready to start a family. And she wants to do it with him, to buy a house so that they have three, and preferably four children, well, and a big, perfectly well-mannered dog. So, it is quite possible that fans will soon be able to see wedding photos on the Web of Yulia Mikhalkova with her new husband.

Family of Yulia Mikhalkova

The family of Yulia Mikhalkova so far consists of herself, because she is not married. As mentioned above, the girl met with her previous beloved for several years, but this did not develop into family life. Now the woman claims that she has a loved one, that this is true love. Repeatedly in an interview, she said that she dreams of starting a family with a new man, buying a big, comfortable house, having several children, and a big dog. How far the actress will succeed is still unknown, but the very fact that she wants this gives every chance that the dream will come true. Fans can only wait to see how this relationship ends for her.

Children of Yulia Mikhalkova

The children of Yulia Mikhalkova are still in the plans for her. When the girl met with a famous politician, she probably also thought about them, but since the relationship did not work out in the end, there was no point in talking about them. But in 2016, a young woman made a statement that she had found true love, therefore, her chances of having children increased significantly.

It is not known how it will go on, but in any case, it is clear that Yulia Mikhalkova really wants children, to strive to ensure that she has them, and with her loved one. It is not yet known what the name of the new man is, Yulia hides him, but if it really ends up in something serious, the fans will know about it.

Husband of Yulia Mikhalkova - name unknown

The husband of Yulia Mikhalkova - the name is unknown, most likely she is not yet her husband. If only because there was no official statement about the marriage of the actress and singer. At one time, Julia made a statement that she met true love. That the young people met at the next performance of the Ural dumplings, and that these were unexpected feelings.

But for now, Mikhalkova, for her own reasons, does not want to disclose the name of her beloved man. She only said that she really wants to connect her life with him, she wants the usual female joys, such as: a large, comfortable house, several children, a good, well-mannered dog. By the way, the girl wants a husky breed, she thinks these dogs are cute. So, maybe very soon fans will be able to see Yulia Mikhalkova in a wedding dress with her new chosen one.

Yulia Mikhalkova is pregnant from Ural dumplings

The personal life of a bright charming woman haunts the press and the audience. Since she is not yet in a hurry to go to the altar, the audience themselves can come up with something that is not there. The same can be said about journalists who are happy to come up with something that will be interesting to the public. Therefore, more than once there were rumors about Yulia Mikhalkova that she was getting married, going on a honeymoon trip. There was even such news as Yulia Mikhalkova was pregnant from the Ural dumplings, there were even photos that “proved” that she was pregnant. But so far, the expectations have not been met, Yulia has not officially married, although she claims that she is not alone, that she has a loved one. How strong and deep this relationship will go, time will tell, so far any pregnancy of Yulia remains only a speculation of fans and the press.

Photo by Yulia Mikhalkova before and after plastic surgery

The question of whether certain stars do plastic surgery has always interested the audience. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with that, because it is very important for celebrities to look good for as long as possible. But on the other hand, I really want my favorite idols to remain beautiful precisely because of their natural beauty, so that they do not use the services of plastic surgeons, but simply take care of themselves and take care of themselves. Therefore, fans often look on the Web for photos of Yulia Mikhalkova before and after plastic surgery in order to understand for themselves whether Mikhalkova uses the services of modern surgery.

Julia herself confidently claims that she never went to a surgical clinic, she doesn’t even go to the gym. The young woman says that she welcomes natural beauty, so she does not want to interfere with her external data, even if she is unhappy with the size of her eyes or the shape of her nose. You need to be grateful for what is, not to look for what is not, because you never know how it will be better and more beautiful. So fans can be sure that the "Ural dumpling" welcomes natural beauty, and is unlikely to turn to surgeons for this. Well, maybe in thirty years.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Mikhalkova

Like any other celebrity, Yulia Mikhalkova has pages on the Internet that tell about her life, what she did before and what she is doing now. One of the main sources about her is the Wikipedia page (,_Yuliya_Evgenievna), which contains facts about life, from childhood to some creative moments. Where did she play, in what films and TV shows she starred. All this can be found here, but these are just general facts that should be available about any celebrity.

But if you want to know more about Mikhalkova, you need to go to her personal Instagram page ( There you can see how Yulia Mikhalkova lives now, what she does, what plans she makes, how well everything is in her personal life. Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Mikhalkova were created just for this purpose, so that you can get as much information as possible about the star, how she lives, what she plans to do next. So this is an ideal option to get acquainted with the life of Yulia Mikhalkova in all details.

March 4, 2014, 20:08

About how it ended up in the "Ural dumplings"

Since childhood, I really wanted to become an artist. She lived in Verkhnyaya Pyshma and dreamed: “How good it is to be on stage. Wonderful life, all gifts are given to you!” At school, teachers praised me a lot for my artistry and expressive poetry reading. After school, she gave documents to the theater, but she was not confident in herself, she was modest and did not enter: she was frightened of a big competition. I entered the Pedagogical Institute, the philological faculty. Thank God, KVN appeared in my life! Sergey Ershov, the head of the group of authors of "Ural dumplings", organized the women's team of the Ural State Pedagogical University, I came to the casting, they took me. "Ural dumplings" in Yekaterinburg periodically made their shows and invited me to some roles. Then they decided that they needed a girl as a permanent acting unit: they arranged a casting, but in the end they didn’t take anyone from outside. Someone replays, someone does not look very good on stage with them. So I stayed in the "Ural dumplings".

About KVN

KVN has greatly changed my life: the most important thing is that now I constantly and over everything, not only laugh, but laugh! I can't take anything seriously anymore. It seems to me that all KVN players have this distinguishing feature: to insult everyone. Here is a case: I bought myself a beautiful Indian-style pendant, proudly put it on, and came with it to the rehearsal. I boast: here, I say, look, guys, what a beauty! Everyone neighs: “Oh, what kind of floor lamp do you have? Or is it a censer? Can I put a candle here?

About the men's team

I feel incredibly good among them. All participants of the "Ural dumplings" are my good comrades. Even more - brothers. My childhood dream came true - to have many brothers! The team is a great force, and I perceive it as my protection. We do not have a division into girls and boys - we are a team, one whole.

Once on tour we went to a disco. The guys say: "Oh, Julia, everyone looks at you like that, they want to get to know you!" I was even surprised that someone was paying attention to me! I'm used to being around my boyfriends. Here, it would seem, we are constantly together, we must get tired of each other, and on the long-awaited vacation we go in a crowd - all with our soul mates. My boyfriend is a serious man, a deputy, but with a sense of humor. He got on very well with the guys from the team, so we have a lot of fun.

Guys constantly make fun of my purchases. You see, I'm a terrible shopaholic! I’ll buy a bunch of clothes, and then I’ll sit on the couch in a dressing gown, look at the closet and think: “Why do I need all this ?!” Guys criticize me: "You're such a clothes-maker!" Although they themselves look in the mirror more than I do! They prepare to go on stage for two hours and vied with each other to attack the make-up artist: “Katya, make me sexy!”, “Katya, no! I must be sexy!” I will buy a fashionable dress, I will dress up, of course, I am waiting for compliments. And instead I hear: “Julia, how can you walk like that!”, “Why are you so dressed up?”, “Why are you so thin?”, “Why are you so fat?” In general, there are eight of them and everyone has their own opinion!

About the process of preparing the concert

First, the guys gather in groups of two or three people and come up with numbers. And then comes the so-called reading: everyone presents what they have written, edits and arranges the numbers one after the other. And then the rehearsal.

In fact, we take our work seriously. But precisely from all sorts of hee-hee and ha-ha, from behind-the-scenes jokes, from that very wave, from this “Let's do it! And let's do it like this! ”, From seemingly unrelated things, our concerts are born.

At the Yekaterinburg Hall, we are testing new jokes. However, sometimes what is funny to one audience will not make others laugh. Even in our city two days in a row the halls are different. After the first concert, we already, as a rule, notice: “Yeah, here we need to pause for a laugh, here, too, the audience reacted.” And the next day, this does not happen again, and the audience most of all laugh at other numbers.

About popularity

I can't say that I don't like being popular. I also like to give autographs. I am recognized on the streets, and the image of our team is good. Our viewers are very intelligent. It's funny, but not everyone knows that we are from Yekaterinburg. I recently came to the local market (I usually go there for potatoes and meat), and they ask me there: “Julia, what are the fates of us in Yekaterinburg?” And we've been living here all our lives...

About other participants of "Ural dumplings"

"Ural dumplings", like all men, are always on the lookout. They always need something new! It's like, you know, a husband lives for 100 years with his wife, and looks at other people's girls. A huge number of women tried to join us, I have already experienced so many women! Even the scariest! But I was the only one left in the team, so I think: probably, they really love me after all!

About personal life

It kind of happened by itself. I was very fond of party activities, since childhood I dream of becoming the Minister of Culture. At one of the party meetings, she met Igor. He was from the opposite party. I didn’t even notice how our relationship began, then I didn’t notice how I moved in with him ...

Igor goes to the concerts of the "Ural dumplings" and sometimes flies with us to Moscow. He is on a business trip, and the team is on tour. Igor is involved in politics and can plan work so that we part with him as little as possible.

I strive to ensure that there is harmony between personal life and work. Yes, I could not sit at home: I like to live at high speeds. But after rehearsals, I rush home to be at home by the time my beloved man arrives. Now there is no need to waste time on household chores, we have an assistant, and we spend our free time on each other. But I myself do everything quickly, in five minutes, once - and I will fry the cutlets. I just love meatballs. Two - and I'll cook porridge! I love baking pies. I cook well and I love it. Sometimes I even think: wow, what a talent I am! True, Igor sometimes complains that I will feed him and he will get fat!

About jealousy

I never give a reason to be jealous. Of course, I am a woman and I can make my beloved boil with jealousy, but I am not going to do this. Igor is an accomplished person, he has something to do, except to control my every step and look for reasons for jealousy. He is confident in himself - such people are not jealous. He is calm, but this is the calmness of a lion who does not need to roar to prove who is in charge.

About love

It is important for me that she simply always be - without love it is impossible to live together with any person. For me, if there is no love, then there is no relationship. I am an emotional person, I live with feelings. It is very important for me to love. Love work. Love the car. Even a telephone! Even a handbag! If there are no feelings, there is nothing. I wouldn't be able to work if I didn't love my job. Right now, I just love my job, I also like the fact that thanks to my favorite business, I can live the way I like, for example, to buy beautiful things. I feel good. At the moment I am happy.

About parents

I am grateful to my mother, grandparents - for the fact that they loved me very much, tried for me and allowed me everything. They never insisted on their opinion. My mother is a trade worker. When I dreamed of a theater institute, she did not quite understand me, she said that it was better for me to go to a trade technical school so that later I could have my own kiosk, but still did not forbid me to do as I wanted. Although sometimes my mother and grandmother make fun of me, they say, in whom, they say, you are so impudent with us, you all climb somewhere, after all, we are modest people. And it's true: I have them modest and highly decent people. They do not complain about their small salaries and pensions, so what, they say, we have enough. They even offer me help, they say: “Julia, do you need some money?” “Of course,” I laugh. “Mom, it’s necessary, five million!”

About children

To be honest, I like my current dynamic life so much that I'm not going to quit my creative activity or leave the stage for a while. It's too early to think about children, in my opinion. A few years will pass and you will see me as a mother.

About a possible move to Moscow

No, I like Yekaterinburg. We have the same shops and restaurants, but this is not the main thing. I have friends in Yekaterinburg, family and work is excellent. So there is no reason to live in Moscow yet.

About bad mood

I rarely get in a bad mood. But my teammates don’t let me be especially sad - they all translate it as a joke. They are rarely serious at all. And we have no time to be sad. I will come to boast about the purchase, and they: “Julia, well, you are crazy! My roof costs so much, and you bought yourself a ring.” But I'm a girl! I don't need to build a house.

About free time

I love being at home and watching TV. I love to chat with my friends. And I love to visit my mother and grandmother. But I have almost no free time, because when I have little to do, it's just a disaster. I love that I always have no time, I like it when I have to be in time for a hundred places and do a thousand things - only then I feel good!

About shooting in a men's magazine

I still don't understand why I needed it. I'm just very flexible. (Laughs.) I spend most of my time in Yekaterinburg, where show business is not as developed as in the capital. And sometimes I want to plunge into this world of metropolitan glitz and glamour, look through fashion magazines. The guys, of course, have repeatedly said that this is useless to me. But I made up my mind!

About plastic surgery and "beauty injections"

Nothing like this. It's just that in the frame my body parts look bigger, that's why these conversations began. Basically, I have nothing against it. It's every woman's business. But personally, I'm not going to resort to such procedures yet. Early!

About beauty

In my opinion, the key to good mood and beauty is healthy rest. I, unfortunately, do not often manage to get enough sleep because of the tour and the tight concert schedule. However, when I have a free day, I happily spend it on the couch watching TV. I relax, gain strength for further achievements. And I advise all women to sleep more, eat fruits and vegetables and lead an active lifestyle.

About life principles

Don't lie to yourself. Don't go against yourself, never do what you don't like. Do not live without love, do not work out of love. And don't take life too seriously - it's easy to live!

"Ural dumplings" about Julia

Dmitry Sokolov: Yulia is our boyfriend. That's what we call her: Mikhalych!

Andrey Rozhkov: At first, of course, we mistook her for beauty, but then it turned out that she was on the board. Julia is a very charming, sociable, sociable girl, so she easily joined the team. She constantly gives us advice: "Andrey, you need to throw out this stupid tie, put on a bow tie!" Or: "What kind of suit? Buy yourself a Louis Vuitton and a branded bag - you'll be cool!" So we were lucky with Yulia, just like she was with us."

Dmitry Brekotkin: Somehow they asked her for advice on what to give their wives on March 8th. You know, if you listen to her advice, you will go bankrupt right away! You ask her: "How much is your handbag?" She: "Cheap!" And he names such numbers that I would think to spend on a car! In general, Yulia is like a medal for us, which we carry with pride and awe!

private photos

Yulia Mikhalkova is the only young girl in the Ural Dumplings who managed to win the hearts of many viewers with her brilliant performance in the comedic actress genre. The real name of the girl is Matyukhina, and when many questions began to be asked about her double surname, the girl admitted that Mikhalkova was just a pseudonym, more consonant with the scene.

Now Julia is on the rise of her career, she is trying her hand at various areas of show business: in addition to her main activity in a comedy show, Mikhalkova managed to play several roles in films, record a couple of clips with a famous group, and is also actively involved in her political life. countries. She supports the current President of Russia - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Mikhalkova

All girls on Earth dream of being beautiful and slim, so they often think about what height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Mikhalkova. The young actress is 34 years old, according to her zodiac sign she is cancer. Julia's weight is 52 kg, and her height is 158 centimeters. The TV presenter in her interviews admits that she does not go to the gym in principle, but she has such a beautiful body structure since birth and that she was very lucky in this regard.

Julia Mikhalkova playing Ural dumplings on stage, gives all her best, the actress considers the best award to be a full hall of spectators who come to her show for a good mood.

Yulia Mikhalkova photos in her youth and now are equally interesting and positive, because the girl always sincerely shares her feelings, both in life and in the pictures.

Biography of Yulia Mikhalkova

The biography of Yulia Mikhalkova begins in 1983. July 12 in the Ural town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, in the Sverdlovsk region of the city of Yekaterinburg. Matyukhina did not have a father, her mother raised the girl alone. However, little Julia did not experience a lack of male attention. Much attention was paid to the girl by her beloved grandfather, uncle and brother.

From childhood, Julia was firmly convinced that she would become famous throughout the country, she loved to use cosmetics from her mother's purse and arrange miniature performances at home in the kitchen, with a bottle of water in her hands instead of a microphone.

Graduating from a regular school, she manages to get on local television, as a news anchor about new music.

Later, having received a certificate, the young girl leaves for Yekaterinburg and enters the Pedagogical University to become a teacher. Out of boredom, Yulia begins to perform in the KVN team, she is “dragged in”. Initially, only girls play in the team, then the Ural dumplings turned out from this team and Yulia remains the only representative of the weaker sex in the comedy show.

The girl felt that she sometimes lacked acting skills, so she thought and decided to enter another university in the same city at the faculty of "theater and film actress", successfully completing it.

In 2009, the Ural Dumplings show was released on the STS channel; in a fairly short time, a huge number of people managed to fall in love with the comedy show - for its open, funny and always understandable humor.

Four years later, the team won the Breakthrough of the Year 2013 competition.

Yulia Mikhalkova also tries herself as a singer, having shot a video with Alexei Zavyalov - “Julia is a beauty”, and a little later the video “My heart is for you”.

It was not in vain that the young star got the profession of an actress - her filmography has already replenished with seven films: for example, in the TV series "Real Boys" she played a secondary role as Oborin's mistress, and in the film "In Love and Unarmed" - the charming bride of Vladimir Avdeev.

Julia is quite a multifaceted person, she has her own business. So, in order to always feel like an independent girl, she opens her own center for the correct and beautiful pronunciation, called "Speech". Yulia Evgenievna loves to conduct classes on her own, because it is not in vain that she is a teacher by education. She brings great pleasure to the realization that she can not only amuse people, but also teach them something useful.

Personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova

The personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova at one time was closely connected with politics. For a long time she was in a relationship with a well-known political figure in Yekaterinburg - Igor Danilov. The case was even close to the wedding, but in 2014 the couple broke up.

Yulia Evgenievna, in the preliminary voting of the United Russia party, took an honorable third place. But under pressure from some politicians, who remembered her candid photos for a men's magazine and after the request of the Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg, she refused to continue her career in politics, but not from public work. Julia was the host at the festival, which was dedicated to the Orthodox Lenten cuisine.

Mikhalkova hosts the Tasty Things program on television in the city of Sverdlovsk. Often, in preparation for the next shoot, she has to master some kind of farming skill. Now the TV presenter can safely milk both the cow and the goat, and the animals behave quite adequately without trying to butt the celebrity.

Now Julia has a new object of adoration, whose name is not disclosed, but the fact is not hidden that she is ready to start a family with him, give birth to many children and, of course, get a family friend - a big and kind dog, preferably a husky breed.

Family of Yulia Mikhalkova

At this point in her life, the family of Yulia Mikhalkova is herself and her favorite pastimes. Many men courted the Russian beauty, but it is reliably known about one of her romances with politician Igor Danilov. They met for a long time, they were often seen together.

Julia herself said that they had a romantic relationship, the chosen one loves and respects her as a person, as a public figure. However, when Igor "ripened" for family life and offered his lover to legitimize their relationship, the girl realized that she could not give him a definite answer. After some time, the couple made a mutual decision to leave.

Children of Yulia Mikhalkova

Every second girl wants to have a family, children. So far, the children of Yulia Mikhalkova are only in her plans. For a long time, after breaking up with Igor Danilov, nothing was heard about her new novels. But in 2006, the TV presenter herself told the general public that she had finally found a person with whom she was ready to connect her life forever. The actress does not disclose the name of the groom, but the fact that she is ready to give birth to a child from him, and ideally four, was announced publicly.

Despite the fact that she was the only child in the family, Julia represents her family life just like that.

Husband of Yulia Mikhalkova

The husband of Yulia Mikhalkova is a man whom the TV presenter is still hiding from prying eyes. The actress keeps secret all the details of her personal life - this further fuels the interest of fans. The only thing that became known to journalists was the fact that the fateful meeting took place at one of the performances of the Ural Dumplings, but whether it was a colleague at work or just a fan - a mystery with seven seals.

The fans are not even sure whether the marriage is formalized or not, although they really hope that the TV presenter still does not do this to her fans, and the young couple will announce this event.

Yulia Mikhalkova is pregnant from Ural dumplings

Public people are “in plain sight”, their personal and professional aspects of life are of interest to many people. Sometimes, when a celebrity does not want to share certain aspects of his life with the general public - people, not without the help of the paparazzi, who sometimes publish rumors and gossip - think up or even just come up with sensations.

This happened with our heroine: Yulia Mikhalkova is pregnant from the Ural dumplings - such news appeared on the Internet. Time passed, but the "pregnant" actress somehow did not think to get better, for some reason her stomach did not increase. And when the time came, it seemed like she was going on maternity leave - it became clear to everyone - Yulia was not pregnant. As the actress herself said, this is a simple matter, the main thing is to be confident in your life partner and wait a bit.

Photo by Yulia Mikhalkova before and after plastic surgery

You can’t even look for photos of Yulia Mikhalkova before and after plastic surgery on the Internet and on the covers of magazines - they simply do not exist. Leading in her age looks stunning. She has a naturally slender figure, a beautifully delivered voice, huge eyes, Julia dresses well and, most importantly, her face is always adorned with a radiant smile. Therefore, if the presenter agrees to plastic surgery, then in twenty-five, thirty years.

Mikhalkova herself is now of the opinion that beauty at any age should be natural, without any surgical interventions. Well, let's wait and see how it goes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Mikhalkova

In addition to Instagram and Wikipedia, Yulia Mikhalkova, she also has an official page on VKontakte. Anyone who wants to know more truthful information about the life of an actress is here.

Here you can learn about the meeting between the actress and Andrey Rozhkov, who is a confidant of the President of Russia, with volunteers from the Urals. The fact that in the near future their duet will sound in public transport in the city of Yekaterinburg, talking about the EXPO exhibition. And those who just want to admire the TV presenter - they need to go to Julia's Instagram. A huge number of photographs are posted there, where Mikhalkova was filmed in various guises: at social events, in long dresses; in a tracksuit, with a gun in his hands; dancing an incendiary dance, in a short dress and many other various pictures.

Mikhalkova Julia, whose biography is of interest to almost every young person today, has strived for fame since childhood. Actually, this was the main goal of the long-legged and dark-haired beauty from the Ural dumplings show.

The girl was born on July 12, 1983 in a small town in the Sverdlovsk region (Verkhnyaya Pyshma). As a child, she imagined herself in beautiful dresses and dreamed of an acting or television career, which she came to in her school years.

Yulia Mikhalkova, whose biography at that time aroused admiration and the “good” envy of all her friends, became the host of youth news on one of the local channels. I must say that this was an insignificant, but very desirable first victory, which not only gave the girl great pleasure, but stimulated her to take the next steps in her career.

Immediately after graduation, Yulia left her hometown and went to Yekaterinburg, where she entered the Pedagogical University in the philological department. There she received her invitation to participate in the performances of the local KVN team. Yulia Mikhalkova, whose biography is being discussed by a multimillion-dollar public, immediately realized that this was her chance for childhood, and she was not mistaken! Since then, she has become a permanent member of the Ural Pelmeni team.

In 2005, she was invited to one of the projects on Channel Four of Yekaterinburg Television, and a little later she began to lead the Weather Forecast column at the end of the News program. So her path to glory continued - slowly but surely.

After studying for about two years at the Pedagogical University and taking regular part in KVN games, Yulia decides to seriously pursue her acting profession and drops out of school. Immediately after that, she entered the Theater Institute in Yekaterinburg and graduated with honors in 2008. The chosen specialty, in which the girl defended her thesis, is an actress of drama theater, cinema and television!

Yulia Mikhalkova, whose biography rapidly brought the girl to fame, after graduation received a small role in the historical series Silver, where she gained her first serious experience with large scenery, costumes and productions. Then there was the role of Viola with the youth project "Real Boys", as well as one of the main roles in Anario Mamedov's comedy "In Love and Unarmed".

The participation in the television project - the show "Ural dumplings", where the girl was invited in 2009, brought great popularity to the actress. From that moment on, she became recognizable on the streets of the city and received the very recognition that she had dreamed of since early childhood.

The biography of Yulia Mikhalkova shows us her steadfast character and desire to become famous, which has become a reality today. Playing on the same stage with such actors as Dmitry Brekotkin or Sergey Svetlakov is worth a lot.

Little is known about the personal life of the actress. According to some information, it can be judged that the artist has her own business, to which she devotes a lot of time. It is also known that she gives lessons in correct speech in one of the centers of Yekaterinburg.

Of course, there is no limit to the curiosity of fans, and everyone who is interested in Yulia Mikhalkova, the biography, husband and life of the actress is trying in every possible way to get this information from various sources. According to one version, Sergey Nitievsky (participant in the Ural dumplings show) was “appointed” as her husband, according to another, the girl is not married. What of this is true and what is not is not known, since we have not yet waited for official confirmation, but we hope that the secret will be revealed soon.

Yulia Mikhalkova is one of the participants in the Ural dumplings comedy show, previously this community was a KVN team, but later the guys began to perform and delight the audience as an independent organization. Yulia Mikhalkova is undoubtedly the decoration of the Ural dumplings, and although all the members of this team are incredibly talented and interesting, our heroine does everything to expand the audience of the show, because when you see this beauty on the screen, it becomes very difficult to switch the channel, and it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. Julia Mikhalkova fascinates, so she acts on me like a boa constrictor on a rabbit. A very beautiful and talented girl, those numbers in which she takes part look in one breath, you don’t even pay attention to whether it’s a funny joke or not. Yulenka is so sweet and spontaneous that any scenes where she is involved will look funny. At that moment, when I decided to find as many great photos as possible with Yulia Mikhalkova, I wanted to find out as much information as possible about this beauty. I didn't know much. They say there is such a girl - the decoration of the "Ural dumplings". What information do I have now? How is my "today" different from my "yesterday" after receiving this knowledge?

  1. Yulia Mikhalkova was born in 1983, at the time of this writing she was only 34 years old, still very young. I thought she was closer to forty years old, just well preserved. And all because of the excess of makeup and unnaturally plump, sexy lips, traced black eyebrows. But in general, Yulia Mikhalkova is very beautiful, I really like her outwardly, in my opinion she is flawless. I admire her.
  2. By the age of 34, Yulia Mikhalkova is not married, she has no children yet, but she dreams of giving birth to four, at least three. He believes that if he marries his chosen one, he is guaranteed to be happy with him all his life.
  3. Yulia Mikhalkova's motto is: "Don't think hard, don't bother over trifles, live for today, do what you want to enjoy life." This is literal. Well, judging by the interview of this beauty, she really doesn’t think much, thinking is not her forte. With all this, she is sweet, funny, sometimes naive. I ran for deputies of the State Duma, it was generally fun. To the question of one of the voters, they say, why do you need to go to the State Duma, what did you forget there, Yulia answered that she looks stunning, everyone likes her appearance, and since she knows how to take care of herself, she can help the rest to be the same irresistible beauties. Strong for a deputy ... Quote: "I am obliged to represent the interests of young people, I am a very successful representative of a young man ... A bright, successful girl needs to be equal to me." There are no words, right? In addition, Yulia Mikhalkova claimed that she did not shoot naked for gloss, allegedly was photographed only for a certain information publication, but did not completely undress. Yeah. Although I do not see anything wrong with her erotic photos, they are quite decent for a future deputy.
  4. As a child, Yulia Mikhalkova was cut very short, sometimes even shaved to zero, mother and grandmother believed that from such procedures their Yulenka would grow more lush and strong curls. While the girls dressed up as snowflakes and princesses, our heroine had to flaunt in a soldier's costume. Until the age of 10, Yulia Mikhalkova looked more like a boy than a girl, but the situation soon changed, and today this girl is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful in Russian show business.
  5. Yulia Mikhalkova is not familiar with her father; she was raised by her mother and grandparents. Mom worked a lot, the girl was mainly taken care of by her grandmother, who did not have a soul in her granddaughter. Julia loved to dress beautifully, and her grandmother was ready to give her entire pension for outfits for her favorite, so our heroine was one of the most fashionable girls in school.

Yulia Mikhalkova is not only filmed naked for gloss, but is also the face of the Lenten Food Festival for the Orthodox.

Take a look at these photos, Yulia Mikhalkova is beautiful in a swimsuit. This girl claims that she is not friends with sports, she has never sat on diets.

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