We write a mini-essay. We are writing a mini-essay The inextricable connection between man and nature


Read the following statements by Bazarov:

We act on the strength of what we recognize as beneficial. At the present time, denial is most useful. We deny.
The moral illnesses of a person are due to the bad state of society. Fix society and there will be no disease.
A real person is one that must be obeyed or hated.
And what is the mystery of the relationship between a man and a woman? We physiologists know what these relationships are. You study the anatomy of the eye, where does the mysterious look come from? It's all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art.

Choose one of them with which you agree or disagree. How do you understand it? Write a short essay explaining your opinion.

We act by virtue of what we recognize as useful

I agree with Bazarov's statement. Which claims that a person is looking for a benefit for himself in everything. I agree with his opinion. Nowadays, many lazy people do not recognize theater, books, painting. They deny art, arguing that there is no benefit from it. It is better to lie on the couch watching TV than to go to the theater in the cold.

04-12-2013, 15:14:05 | Guest

Rafael is not worth a penny

To some extent, I agree with Bazarov, because indeed, a person who draws pictures with nothing, will not be able to help the people, unlike a chemist. But somewhere I do not agree with him, since art can help to reveal oneself spiritually, and a chemist will make a discovery that many will seem insignificant to themselves. Glove Roma

A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet.

A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet.I agree with this statement. Such a field of science as Chemistry is needed more than the same art. In the course of time, many discoveries were made in Chemistry, which later helped to develop our lives. Art, on the contrary, began to develop for the worse. Art in Davinci's time was much more beautiful than it is today. Art is a spiritual hobby, and Chemistry is the results of research by many scientists who have gone down in history. Doronin Dmitry

03-12-2013, 03:53:26 | Guest

Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.

This quote tells about Bazarov's indifferent attitude to spiritual values ​​​​and about the practical attitude towards nature. Bazarov's position is close to me, but you need to understand that a good worker leaves his place in its purest form.To prove the above, I will give an example that happened in our life.Recall the man-made accident at the Chernobyl A.E.S. . The accident worsened the state of the environment for a long time. And this is one example of the detrimental impact of man on nature. Zakhar

02-12-2013, 19:59:55 | Guest

Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.

I do not agree with this statement of Bazarov. If a person thinks that nature is a workshop, and wastes all resources, throws waste into the sea and much more, then people will have nowhere to live. Such an indifferent attitude to the environment will lead to irreversible consequences: nature will be polluted, people's health will deteriorate due to terrible living conditions. The world in which we live will gradually become gloomy, empty and unsuitable for future generations. With such thoughts in relation to nature, much can be lost. The natural beauty of nature is also useful, it helps people to calm down, relax, clear their thoughts. I think the mental state of people is also very important. Also, if people do not rest in the fresh air, inhaling non-exhaust gases, they will harm their health. Mammadova Arzu.

29-11-2013, 17:26:16 | Guest

All people are the same, like trees in the forest. No botanist will deal with every single birch.

I do not agree with this statement of Bazarov. Bazarov is a bright representative of nihilism, he believes that art, consciousness, soul - all this is rot and nonsense. This is not and cannot be. There is only something that can be touched, seen and felt, something physical: the trunk of a tree, the body of a frog or a person. But Bazarov is wrong. All people are different. We all differ not only in the color of our eyes, hair or skin, but also in our thoughts, attitudes, preferences. We differ in spiritual experiences, feelings and emotions, as well as their expression. We are distinguished by strength of spirit and character. Can dry science explain this? No.I agree that a botanist will not deal with every single birch. But we are not birches. We are people. We are different. Lady Dee

29-11-2013, 14:06:23 | Guest

"Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it."

I agree with the opinion of Bazarov. In the early stages of the development of society, hunting and fishing were important for meeting human needs. Mineral resources were used to make simple tools. At the subsequent stages of the development of primitive society, in connection with the emergence and growth of agriculture and animal husbandry, soil resources began to be used. Some metals and their alloys began to be used for the manufacture of tools, weapons, religious objects and jewelry, as well as new sources of energy. Natural resources, part of the totality of the natural conditions for the existence of mankind and the most important components of the natural environment surrounding it, used in the process of social production to meet the material and cultural needs of society. Without the use of natural resources, humanity would not have survived! Evdokimova Lisa.

29-11-2013, 10:18:38 | Guest

All people are the same, like trees in the forest. No botanist will deal with every single birch.

I do not agree with Bazarov's statement. Yes, most people are similar in general terms. Same needs, same anatomy and instincts. But every person is an individual. Everyone has their own personal opinion, thinking and beliefs. People differ because of the originality of the psyche and personality, temperament, character and specific interests. Many have different priorities in life and different principles.A person performs different actions in the same situation. Throughout life, in his own way, he rejoices, mourns, falls in love and hates.Each of us is unique. Anechka K

28-11-2013, 18:56:49 | Guest

There are no principles at all, but there are sensations.

When I read the book, I drew attention to this quote. I consider it one of my mottos. I fully agree with Bazarov. I can't understand people with principles. For me, it's like not having an opinion. Some say: "I will not do this or that on principle." It is interesting right away, but from what principle will you not do this act? What does it mean? Principles must always be followed, and they just won't make something out of the principle at the moment. And now, what he will not do is called sensation. Ivanova Olga.

28-11-2013, 17:09:43 | Guest


I do not quite agree with Bazarov's statement "A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet". After all, a person cannot live without art. We are taught to art from childhood, parents read fairy tales and poems to us, and take us to performances in theaters. As we get older, we begin to read novels and understand what love and hate are and what role they play in our lives. But we also need exact sciences in life, without them we would not know how elementary things in the world are arranged. Also, science does not stand still, and every day there are innovations that make life easier for us. People have more and more free time, which they use to develop in the spiritual realm. It follows from this that science and art are interconnected.

28-11-2013, 16:57:45 | Guest

A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet.

I do not agree with Bazarov's statement. Of course, I do not deny the usefulness and importance of such a science as chemistry, but if you develop only in the direction of the exact sciences, you can completely stop being a person. After all, poetry helps a person to live in harmony with nature, to understand its value and beauty. Thanks to it, we develop spiritually, we learn to understand other people, to sympathize with them, this makes us tolerant and prudent. Even Bazarov himself, who hates all this “romanticism” one way or another, thought about such problems that are best described not in chemistry, namely in poetry. Besides, how many people are poets who, with their work, can not only hook the reader, but also develop any feelings in him? There are really few of them, because for this it is tedious not only to be able to write correctly, but also to feel your work and the reader, while in order to understand exact science it is enough to understand and learn it. Therefore, in this matter, one can still argue which is more important. Nazarova Anna

28-11-2013, 16:44:10 | Guest

Raphael is not worth a penny.

I do not agree with this statement of Bazarov. Raphael is a great Italian artist who created many masterpieces of world art that enchant people. He worked a lot fruitfully his name is known to everyone! He's worth a lot! Sadigova Aysun

28-11-2013, 16:09:11 | Guest

A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet.

I do not agree with this statement of Bazarov. For a full life, a person needs not only material values, but also spiritual ones. It is good that science does not stand still, new inventions are constantly appearing that make our lives easier. A person has more free time and it can be used for spiritual development. Knowledge and art always go together, they complement each other. Why does a person need scientific discoveries if he stops developing as a person, appreciating the beautiful, enjoying life. Nature itself created some people - "physicists", and others - "lyricists". Yes, you can't wear poetry, or you can't feed the hungry. But when a person feels good, having fun, he sings. When in love - reads poetry. No science can replace these spiritual joys. From early childhood, mothers read poems and fairy tales to children. They have miracles that have now become a reality thanks to science. The story itself refutes Bazarov's theory. Great canvases to Raphael and Pushkin's poems delight us and will delight our descendants. Mikhailov Dmitry.

Nature is not a temple, but a workshop and man is a worker in it.

Modern youth have a positive attitude towards the preservation and enhancement of natural resources, a civic position has been formed, high spiritual and moral values ​​and social guidelines, but nevertheless, in recent years, the level of the state of natural resources, the quality of drinking water, the safety of fresh water reservoirs has been steadily moving down. The main reasons for the violation of the state of rivers and water bodies are both external factors and human intervention in nature, wasteful use of their resources and rather inefficient. It was this problem that formed the basis for the development of my essay.

Nature - the whole world in a variety of its forms - is still an object of study for people. Mankind has discovered many laws that explain the structure of various natural processes. We have learned how to make fire, breed new breeds of animals through selection, we have sent a man into space. We plant cereals and vegetables wherever we want. Even if the soil is not suitable - we will fill it with organic and mineral fertilizers - and the sprouts will sprout. We plant decorative flowers with beautiful geometric designs, creating beautiful new gardens with our own hands. We try and make mistakes, we calculate probabilities, theoretically or practically, we eventually arrive at a given goal. We are mastering.

Since ancient times, man has been trying to adjust nature for himself, to create new convenient forms. He is moving further and further away from the "original plan". A person does not allow the process to develop independently.

He controls it and calls this control culture.

Man does not allow nature to dictate its conditions to him. In large cities, before large-scale parades, clouds are even dispersed, not allowing the rain planned by nature to overshadow the holiday.

It is likely that in the future people will learn to change climatic conditions. The weather will become completely subordinate to man. And yet man is part of nature.

The human body is still not fully understood. Even biochemical reactions familiar to specialists can give unpredictable results. A person is free to make his own choice, but it is very difficult for him to go against his nature.

A man can plant a garden, but can he fashion himself into the image he desires? Can he control the biochemical processes of his body? Set the rhythm of the heart, make the blood circulate faster? Do not let hormonal surges affect your mood? Slow down or speed up hair growth? Maybe with the help of chemicals. With the help of certain physical exercises, he can change his body, with the help of plastic surgery - his face. Man has made a workshop even out of himself. But who will have the last word? While we grow old and die, it remains with nature, but the future sparkles with bright prospects. Perhaps it's just a matter of time?

People forget that nature is their native and only home that requires careful treatment.

A person is indifferent to the values ​​accumulated by previous generations, lives in the present and uses everything that he needs, without thinking about what consequences this may lead to.

Here are the ideological origins of what our planet has now come to. And our country as well. They took from nature, thinking that its reserves are inexhaustible. They built, erected, changed the course of rivers, cut down forests, not thinking about the consequences. They did not understand that nature is just a temple, where there are no unnecessary details, where everything is interconnected. The forests were cut down, the rivers dried up. Infected rivers and seas with industrial plums - fish stocks have decreased. This is what people have come to, considering nature not as a temple, but as a workshop. But all this was built, created, mined in the name of man, his well-being.

But how should modern man treat nature?

Nature is precisely a temple, a beautiful, miraculous temple, which should be protected by everyone, young and old. Don't break a tree, don't hurt an animal, don't leave rubbish in the forest, don't pick wild flowers for no reason, put out the fire to the last spark - we learn all this from childhood and this should become the law for campers. These are the first lessons in nature conservation. And if you are an employee of an industrial enterprise, then remember: workshops are your workshops, your construction sites, and not nature. Then those who come after us will not have to correct our mistakes, cursing us and our irresponsibility.

Of course, I understand perfectly well that humanity cannot live and feed itself without using natural resources. But we must and must use nature without harming it, or reduce this harm to a minimum, maintain reasonable relations with nature and calculate them for many years to come.

Our generation must always remember the destruction that people have caused to nature, for example, the great environmental disaster that Chernobyl has become, be sure to reckon with nature, and then in the future it will answer us the same.

The beauty of our world is so multifaceted and amazing, there are so many amazing corners on our planet with their stunning views that a person cannot allow it to be destroyed without allowing these next generations to enjoy it.

We must remember how much joy the world around us gives us: a blossoming bud, the rustle of rain, the radiance of the sun, the greenery of foliage - how can one not love this? We and nature are one big family and should live together.

On the same day, Bazarov met Fenechka. Together with Arkady, he walked around the garden and explained to him why other trees, especially oaks, did not start. It is necessary to plant more silvery poplars here, and fir trees, and, perhaps, sticky ones, having added black soil. There, the arbor was well received, he added, because the acacia and lilac are good guys, they do not require care. Bah, there is someone here. Fenechka was sitting in the pavilion with Dunyasha and Mitya. Bazarov stopped, and Arkady nodded his head to Fenechka, like an old acquaintance. Who is it? Bazarov asked him as soon as they passed by. How pretty! Who are you talking about? It is known about whom: only one pretty one. Arkady, not without embarrassment, explained to him in short words who Fenechka was. Aha! said Bazarov, your father, apparently, does not have a fool's lip. And I like him, your father, she-she! He is great. However, we need to get acquainted, he added and went back to the arbor. Eugene! Arkady shouted after him in fright, be careful, for God's sake. Don't worry, said Bazarov, we are grated people, we lived in cities. Approaching Fenechka, he threw off his cap. Allow me to introduce myself, he began with a polite bow, Arkady Nikolaevich is a friend and a humble person. Fenechka got up from the bench and looked at him in silence. What a wonderful child! continued Bazarov. Don't worry, I haven't jinxed anyone yet. Why are his cheeks so red? Are the teeth cutting through? Yes, sir, said Fenechka, four of his teeth have already erupted, and now his gums are swollen again. Show me... don't be afraid, I'm a doctor. Bazarov took the child in his arms, who, to the surprise of both Fenechka and Dunyasha, showed no resistance and was not frightened. I see, I see ... Nothing, everything is in order: there will be a toothy one. If anything happens, tell me. Are you healthy yourself? Healthy, thank God. Thank God best. And you? Bazarov added, turning to Dunyasha. Dunyasha, a very strict girl in the mansions and a laugher behind the gates, only snorted at him in response. Well, that's great. Here is your hero. Fenechka took the child into her arms. How quietly he sat with you, she said in an undertone. All my children sit quietly, answered Bazarov, I know such a thing. Children feel who loves them, Dunyasha noticed. That's for sure, Fenechka confirmed. Here is Mitya, he will not go into the hands of another for anything. Will he come to me? asked Arkady, who, after standing for some time in the distance, approached the pavilion. He beckoned Mitya to him, but Mitya threw his head back and squeaked, which greatly embarrassed Fenechka. Another time, when he has time to get used to it, Arkady said condescendingly, and both friends left. What is her name? asked Bazarov. Fenichka... Fedosya, answered Arkady. And for the father? This also needs to be known. Nikolaevna. — Bene. What I like about her is that she doesn't get too embarrassed? Another, perhaps, would have condemned this in her. What nonsense? what to be embarrassed about? She is a mother well, right. She's right, Arkady remarked, but my father... And he is right, interrupted Bazarov. Well, no, I don't. Apparently, we don’t like an extra heir? Shame on you for suggesting such thoughts in me! Arkady picked up with warmth. I do not consider my father wrong from this point of view; I find that he should marry her. Ege-ge! Bazarov said calmly. Here we are, how generous! You attach more importance to marriage; I didn't expect this from you. The friends took a few steps in silence. I saw all your father's establishments, Bazarov began again. The cattle are bad and the horses are broken. The buildings are also running wild, and the workers look like notorious sloths; and the manager is either a fool or a rogue, I have not yet made out properly. You are strict today, Evgeny Vasilyevich. And good peasants will cheat your father without fail. You know the saying: "A Russian peasant will devour God." I begin to agree with my uncle, Arkady remarked, you have a decidedly bad opinion of the Russians. Eka importance! The only good thing about a Russian person is that he has a bad opinion of himself. The important thing is that twice two makes four, and the rest is all nonsense. And nature is nothing? Arkady said, looking thoughtfully into the distance at the motley fields, beautifully and softly lit by the already low sun. And nature is nothing in the sense in which you understand it. Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it. The slow sounds of the cello reached them from the house at that very moment. Someone played Schubert's Expectation with feeling, albeit with an inexperienced hand, and a sweet melody poured through the air like honey. What is this? Bazarov uttered with amazement. This is the father. Does your father play the cello? Yes. How old is your father? Forty-four. Bazarov suddenly burst out laughing. What are you laughing at? Have mercy! at forty-four years old man, pater familias, 

Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.
From the novel "Fathers and Sons" (1862) by I. S. Turgenev (1818-1883).
Bazarov's words (ch. 9). cm. also Bazarovshchina.
It is usually cited ironically as a phrase-symbol of a narrow-minded, unreasonable (primarily from the point of view of the interests of the person himself) attitude to nature.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it" in other dictionaries:

    Bazarov, Evgeny Vasilievich ("Fathers and Sons")- See also The son of a retired doctor's staff, a medical student preparing for the doctor's exam. B. was tall, with a courageous voice, with a firm and swift gait. His long and thin face, with a wide forehead, flat upwards, downwards ... ... Dictionary of literary types

    Publicist, critic, translator, prominent contributor to the magazine "Russian Word" in 1863-1865. Biographical information about him is extremely scarce. Zaitsev was born in Kostroma on August 30, 1842. His father, who served as an adviser to the Treasury ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    The hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" (1862). Evgeny Bazarov is in many ways the programmatic image of Turgenev. This is a representative of the new, diverse democratic intelligentsia. B. calls himself a nihilist: he denies the foundations of his contemporary ... ... literary heroes

    The central character of M.A. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" (1925). P.P. surgeon, luminary of world importance. His literary brothers are Bazarov, Lopukhov, Kirsanov. Just like them, P.P. adherent of the philosophy of rational egoism, ... ... literary heroes

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The negative consequences for nature and man himself that have sharply manifested themselves in recent years make us look more closely at the system of relationships between man and nature. And especially important is the problem of the relationship between man and nature, which at the present turning point in human history has, unfortunately, acquired a tragic sound. Among the numerous socially significant problems facing the peoples on the threshold of the third millennium, the main place was occupied by the problem of the survival of mankind and all life on Earth.



“Nature is not a temple, but a workshop. And the person in it is a worker.

Bazarov, the hero of I. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

The negative consequences for nature and man himself that have sharply manifested themselves in recent years make us look more closely at the system of relationships between man and nature. And especially important is the problem of the relationship between man and nature, which at the present turning point in human history has, unfortunately, acquired a tragic sound. Among the numerous socially significant problems facing the peoples on the threshold of the third millennium, the main place was occupied by the problem of the survival of mankind and all life on Earth. All this makes us think about what the relationship between man and nature should be like, how to find harmony with nature.

After all, only the need to get out of the current crisis causes the need for the formation of a special form of unity between man and nature. This is the harmony of man with nature. We, adults, must understand and convey to children three basic rules:

Man is the main part of Nature;

Man and Nature should not be opposed to each other; but they must be considered in unity;

A person and everything that surrounds him are particles of a single, Whole;

Responsibility of Reason before Nature. A small man came into the big and complex world of adults. In the brightIn this joyful, polyphonic and multicolored world, we must help children find and love the beauty of nature through poetry, painting, and music. Art helps the child to join the good, to condemn the evil. Art reflects life, expresses its attitude towards it. Art is a particularly strong and indispensable means of educating man's relationship with nature and maintaining harmony between them. Exciting and delighting the child, it makes him look closely at everything around him more attentively, brighter and more fully respond to the beautiful in nature and life. Everyone understands that in its mature and developed form, art cannot be mastered by a child. It is possible and necessary to introduce children to all its most accessible forms from early childhood. Only in its many-sided forms can art help the development of the child's many-sided artistic abilities. He needs all kinds of art. From an early age, they should enter into his life an artistic toy, a fairy tale and a saying, a riddle and a proverb, songs and an instrumental play, a picture and decorative items - the child's acquaintance with art begins with them. No matter how simple these products of art masters are, they introduce the child into a special, new world of artistic experiences.

Fine arts, as phenomena of nature, evoke various and interesting statements in a child if an adult encourages the child to do so. The content of these statements is connected with the impressions that a meeting with wonderful phenomena, accessible to the understanding and feelings of the child, evokes. Statements relate to the beautiful in nature, in everyday life. Any artistic phenomenon requires a certain level of development of perception processes from the one who perceives it. The more active the “search movements” of the hand, eye, hearing, the more intense will be the perception of the surrounding world, its colors, forms, sounds. In the process of learning to draw, children learn ways to isolate a form from the general view of an object, determine its properties, compare it with the most suitable geometric figure, and vary it when the proportions and positions of the object change. All this leads to a more correct depiction of the object, to the emergence of an artistic image in the child, to the development of creative imagination, because the child must change a lot under the influence of the idea that has arisen in him. The education of the subtle apparatus of creative perception of nature, life, art, equips children with the ability not only to feel harmony, but also to create it in any other environment of activity, extending it to relationships with people, with the surrounding and natural world.

Art, including theater, teaches us to notice and appreciate everything beautiful in what surrounds us. Anyone who loves and appreciates beauty is unlikely to destroy. Often evil begins with the smallest thing, with the wings torn off from a fly, just the same fly from which it is worth making an elephant. You can destroy a harmful insect, but you can not torment it. It corrupts a child's soul. Love for animals instills in the child a sense of responsibility. And this is perhaps the most important thing. Responsibility for someone's health, for someone's life, For your choice. Remember, as in Saint-Exupery: "We are always responsible for those whom we have taught." And one more thing: "Get up in the morning, put yourself in order - put your planet in order." Writer Nikolai Sladkov said: "You can't make people fall in love with nature, but you can help." One of these assistants is theatrical and gaming activities of children. Why do we call theatrical creativity of children theatrical and playful? Because, unlike the creativity of adults, it has a free playful character, which persists even when children play a play on a literary plot.

Drama Theater.Theater where the roles are played by the children themselves. The smaller the child, the more his activity is similar to the game, the more imitation in his actions. A kid of 3-4 years old is not available for long-term work on the image, the stage embarrasses him. Since the development of speech in a small child lags behind the development of movements, it is easier for him to show than to say, so it is good to use simple dramatizations of rhyming texts. Texts can be different, but since we are talking about the relationship between man and nature, it is better to take texts about animals or those that will help the child to realize himself as a biological whole (to feel his body and every part of it). Almost the entire folk pedagogy is built on this ("Magpie-crow", "Ladushki-okladushki" ...)You can also take the original text. For example, a poem by E. Korganova "Paladushki-palms" or a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Chicken". There are no movements in the book, but everyone will come up with their own version. You can also stage poems with children of senior preschool and primary school age.

Etude work. The little actor still has a lot to learn before entering the stage. In any business, a person begins with the basics, with small easy tasks, exercises, if we are talking about theatrical creativity - sketches. And, if we do not have time to put on a performance, a staging, then the etude work is quite real and necessary.It frees the creative nature of the child, creates the conditions in which this nature awakens and acts. It leads to the release of muscles, to the correct stage well-being, to the ability to act organically in the circumstances offered - "to be, and not to appear on stage." Etude work removes the clamp from the child. Etude work in the broad sense of the word, we call all types of training work: from the simplest exercises to complex plot studies.Theater in Greek means "action". Whether we are performing a simple exercise or working on a complex plot sketch, the action obeys the same laws, the laws of our organics (it must be natural). But, each action can be performed in different ways. In life, we behave organically, without thinking. For example, when in life we ​​thought about the expression of our face?! Busy with business, we do not even suspect how we look from the outside. We only have a thoughtful facial expression when we want to deceive someone or try to hide something.So, for example, hiding misfortunes, people make a cheerful face, smile, having received a refusal, they try to seem indifferent ... And, as a rule, they begin to behave unnaturally, movements become constrained, a frozen expression on their faces ...Nothing will be achieved by an actor who is trying to portray feelings and diligently making pre-planned gestures, following his facial expression with all his might. Where is there to think about a partner, here the goal is to please the audience or you, the educator.

But, the whole system of Stanislavsky (the system of organic action on the stage) lies in the moment of tolerance - the ability to listen and hear. Therefore, work should begin with the training of individual elements of organic action: attention, imagination, assessment of the proposed circumstances. For the development of each of these elements, there are a number of exercises.

"Empathy" Imagine yourself as an image in a situation where this image has problems. Example: You are a tired grasshopper, lost your way in the meadow. What do you feel? (What do your legs feel? Mustache?) Or. You are a flower in a sunny meadow. You really want to drink. It hasn't rained for a long time. What do you feel? Tell. Or. I am an evil boy, and you are a beautiful daisy. I want to rip you off. Convince me not to.

"Point of view"

We set the situation on the basis of which the sketch was invented, and then we change the character of the hero in this situation. Examples: The boy saw the nest. His actions. (A boy can be kind, cruel, curious, stupid, distracted). Or: in the same situation, we offer the child to play different images: the fly got into the net to the spider. What does a fly feel? And the spider? Now switch roles. Or: you represent two dogs. One is large, sits near her kennel and gnaws at a bone. The other is small, homeless, hungry. After discussing the actions and feelings of the given images, the exercises are played out in the form of dramatizations. The value of this technique is that the child learns to feel the situation from different points of view, can analyze its pros and cons. This ability lies at the heart of nature protection activities. Picking a flower is good for a person. It will stand in a vase, you can admire it. But when the child feels like this flower, he will think. At least he won't tear the flowers for nothing to do, in order to immediately throw them away. Again, it's about a sense of responsibility.

Listening exercises:

  1. Sit still and listen to the sounds coming from the street. Name what you heard. (Knocking, voices, car horn, wind noise, birdsong, leaves rustling, rain sound...)
  2. Sounds behind the wall, in the hallway.
  3. In the room where you are.

The latter will require special concentration, because here the sounds will be very weak and random. (Crackling, breathing of comrades ...) You can put an alarm clock on the top shelf (for better acoustics) and ask: "What new sound has appeared in our room?"

Eye exercises:

  1. Consider an object and describe it in detail.
  2. Close your eyes and remember what Sasha was wearing, or what hairstyle Katya has today...
  3. The game "What has changed?", familiar to all of us, when we remove or swap objects.

Smell and taste exercises:

An equally important role is played by exercises for smell and taste: games: "Define by taste", "Guess by smell".

Touch exercise:

"Know by touch"...

Imagination exercises:

There are also many exercises to develop the imagination. For example, you invite children, picking up some object (or looking at some thing in the room), compose its story: who were its owners, how did it get here, what will happen to it in a hundred years, when it will be found in excavations.

You can take 3 or more items that are not related to each other (say, a needle, a bench and a key) and try to compose a story with the children, wherever these items appear and are needed for each other to develop the plot.

All of us without fail must go out of town more often, communicate with plants and animals, admire beautiful landscapes, listen to forest rustles, enjoy silence, so as not to lose harmony with nature.

We adults, raising children, should every day introduce them to the mysteries and beauty of nature, through art, so that already in early childhood a sense of community with it would be born in every person!

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