Sample letter to statistics. Letter to Rosstat about the lack of indicators


Sometimes statistics require forms for which the organization does not have indicators. This is not a mistake and should be reported. But instead of zeroing, send a letter to Rosstat about the lack of indicators. See sample below.

Letter to Rosstat about the lack of indicators: who passes

Federal State Service

statistics for the Volgograd region

Due to the lack of relevant activities, the organization ________________________________ will not submit to the statistical authorities in 2018 the following forms of statistical reporting:

In the event of the occurrence of phenomena reflected in the statistical reporting forms or relevant activities, the reports will be submitted within the established time limits.

Penalties for not submitting a letter of lack of indicators

If statistics are not warned about the lack of indicators, then the organization may be fined under article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

For non-submission of primary statistical data or submission of false information, officials are fined in the amount of 10 to 20 thousand rubles, legal entities - from 20 to 70 thousand rubles.

For a repeated commission, the fine is: for officials - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles.

Federal State Statistics Service<...>sends clarifications on the provision of statistical reporting by respondents.

Deputy Chief

consolidated statistical

works and public relations -

Head of Engagement Department

with the media and public organizations



Regarding the provision of statistical reporting by respondents, the Department of Organization of Statistical Observation and Control reports the following.

1. Do you need to send a letter of missing indicators every time the reporting date is due? Would it be legal to penalize if an organization sends only one letter and does not repeat it every time the due date is due?

A letter about the absence of indicators must be sent every time the reporting deadline comes, since in accordance with clause 4 of the Regulation on the conditions for the mandatory provision of primary statistical data and administrative data to subjects of official statistical accounting, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 N 620, primary statistical data are provided to the subjects of official statistical accounting by respondents according to the approved forms of federal statistical observation in accordance with the instructions for filling them out at the addresses, on time and with the frequency indicated on the forms of these forms.

Because Art. 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for all, without exception, the obligation to provide the subjects of official statistical accounting with primary statistical data is established, then the failure by respondents to provide the subjects of official statistical accounting with primary statistical data in the prescribed manner or untimely provision of these data or the provision of unreliable primary statistical data is a violation of the procedure and entails administrative responsibility.

2. Is it possible to ask Rosstat in a letter to clarify and send in writing a list of reports that the company is obliged to submit? Can I ask you to clarify the list of reports on How will the territorial body of Rosstat react to such a letter? When will the list on the site be corrected?

The respondent can send a letter to the relevant territorial body of Rosstat to clarify the list of statistical reports that he must provide.

State statistical bodies inform respondents free of charge (including in writing) about the conduct of federal statistical observation in relation to them on specific forms of federal statistical observation that are mandatory for submission.

The list of forms of federal statistical observation to be provided by the respondents is posted in the information retrieval system on the Rosstat Internet portal at:

When sending information to the respondent by mail, it is sent to the address of its location, contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE) or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP), or to the address indicated in the respondent's written request.

Respondents included in sample surveys must be notified in writing by the state statistics authorities about the provision of specific forms of federal statistical observation. If the list of reporting forms published for the respondent at differs from the one sent in writing, a written notification should be followed.

If necessary, the list of statistical reporting forms for the respondent can be adjusted on the Rosstat Internet portal at: within 2-5 days.

3. How often should operating companies check information on

The service for respondents is updated monthly, taking into account the frequency of statistical reporting forms (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual).

Head of Organization Department

statistical observation

and control of Rosstat

Rosstat promises not to punish entrepreneurs who, instead of reports with zero indicators, will send official letters about the absence of observed transactions. This is good news for businesses, because now it will be possible not to fill out some statistical reports.

The Federal State Statistics Service issued a letter in which it told how to submit reports with zero indicators. The clarification will help reduce the burden on many entrepreneurs, officials believe.

It is not necessary to submit a zero report

The letter from Rosstat emphasizes that entrepreneurs often ask whether it is possible not to submit reports with zero indicators. Officials in this regard say that organizations and individual entrepreneurs, indeed, should submit some forms of statistical observation only if they have the phenomenon under study, for example, wage arrears, scientific research or financial investments. If for the reporting period the respondents have zero indicators, then the report can not be submitted. His failure will be regarded as the absence of an object of observation, and punishment in this case will not follow.

The norms of the Federal Law of November 29, 2007 N 282-FZ “On Official Statistical Accounting and the System of State Statistics in the Russian Federation” state that one of the principles for collecting statistical data is to reduce the burden on respondents. In this regard, Rosstat suggests that entrepreneurs replace zero reports with official letters about the absence of indicators in the reporting period for specific forms of federal statistical observation.

Officials do not describe the format of such an official letter, so such a document can be drawn up in a free form, but in an official style. At the same time, it is important not to forget to indicate the initial data of the organization / individual entrepreneur on it, so that the statisticians clearly know who they received the information from.

Mandatory reports and liability for refusal to submit them

Statistical reporting is mandatory for all organizations and citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity. A complete list of forms of federal statistical observation that are currently in force can be found on the Rosstat website. Usually these are reports that summarize data on the organization's activities in a specific area for a certain period. Zero reports can be only if economic activity was not carried out or certain operations were not carried out. However, it is important to understand that the Rosstat proposal does not apply to all statistical reports in a row, but only to those where it is indicated that they must be submitted in the presence of an observed phenomenon (for example, forms N 3-F, N 1-PR, N P-6, N 2- the science). The rest must be handed over even with zero indicators and it is impossible to replace them with letters.

Otherwise, the failure to submit the report will be qualified as a deliberate evasion of informing Rosstat, and the company faces administrative liability under article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (“Failure to provide primary statistical data”). The minimum fine for officials in this case will be 10 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - 20 thousand rubles.

Rosstat allowed not to submit zero reports to statistics if the company does not have indicators*. Therefore, instead of cumbersome zero reports, the service allowed to send a letter in free form. An example is in the article.

When you can not submit zero reports to statistics

In the letter, list the reporting forms that the company submits to statistics. You can create a list on the website To do this, enter the TIN or OGRN number in the search conditions. And then click the Form List button. The system will generate a pdf file. The file will contain a table with a list of forms, due dates, frequency and a link to the forms.

  • Important article:

Explain in the letter which forms the company does not complete and why. For example, an organization does not conduct specific activities for which it was included in the sample for statistical observation.

  • How to complete and submit reports

In the order in which some forms are filled out, it is written that companies turn them in "if there is an observable event." For example, 3-Ф - information about overdue wage arrears. If the company gives money to employees on time, it means that it has no debts and the 3-F form can be omitted. It is not required to report this specifically in the letter. But if the company writes that it does not have indicators, then additional information will not be superfluous.

Federal State Statistics Service<...>directs on the provision of statistical reporting by respondents.


Regarding the provision of statistical reporting by respondents, the Department of Organization of Statistical Observation and Control reports the following.

1. Do you need to send a letter of missing indicators every time the reporting date is due? Would it be legal to penalize if an organization sends only one letter and does not repeat it every time the due date is due?

A letter about the absence of indicators must be sent every time the reporting deadline comes, since in accordance with clause 4 of the Regulation on the conditions for the mandatory provision of primary statistical data and administrative data to subjects of official statistical accounting, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 N 620, primary statistical data are provided to the subjects of official statistical accounting by respondents, according to the approved forms of federal statistical observation in accordance with the instructions for filling them out at the addresses, on time and with the frequency indicated on the forms of these forms.

Because Art. 13.19. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes for everyone, without exception, the obligation to provide the subjects of official statistical accounting with primary statistical data, then, failure by respondents to provide subjects of official statistical accounting with primary statistical data in the prescribed manner or untimely provision of these data, or the provision of unreliable primary statistical data is a violation of the procedure and entails administrative responsibility.

2. Is it possible to ask Rosstat in a letter to clarify and send in writing a list of reports that the company is obliged to submit? Can I ask you to clarify the list of reports on How will the territorial body of Rosstat react to such a letter? When will the list on the site be corrected?

The respondent can send a letter to the relevant territorial body of Rosstat to clarify the list of statistical reports that he must provide.

State statistical bodies inform respondents free of charge (including in writing) about the conduct of federal statistical observation in relation to them on specific forms of federal statistical observation that are mandatory for submission.

The list of forms of federal statistical observation to be provided by the respondents is posted in the information retrieval system on the Rosstat Internet portal at:

When sending information to the respondent by mail, it is sent to the address of its location, contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE) or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP), or to the address indicated in the respondent's written request.

Respondents included in sample surveys must be notified in writing by the state statistics authorities about the provision of specific forms of federal statistical observation. If the list of reporting forms published for the respondent at differs from the one sent in writing, a written notification should be followed.

If necessary, the list of statistical reporting forms for the respondent can be adjusted on the Rosstat Internet portal at: within 2-5 days.

3. How often should operating companies check information on

The service for respondents is updated monthly, taking into account the frequency of statistical reporting forms (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual).

Document overview

Explanations are given on certain issues of providing statistical reports by respondents.

So, it is indicated that a letter about the absence of indicators must be sent every time the deadline for reporting comes. Otherwise, administrative liability will follow.

The respondent can send a letter to the territorial body of Rosstat to clarify the list of statistical reports that he must provide. Statistical authorities inform respondents free of charge (including in writing) about the conduct of federal statistical monitoring in relation to them according to mandatory forms. Information is sent by mail to the respondent at the address of his location contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, or at the address indicated in the written request.

The list of forms of federal statistical observation to be provided by respondents is posted on the Internet portal of Rosstat at Respondents included in sample surveys are notified in writing by the statistical authorities about the provision of specific statistical forms. If the list of reporting forms published for the respondent at differs from that sent in writing, a written notice should be followed. If necessary, the list of statistical reporting forms for the respondent can be adjusted on the Rosstat Internet portal within 2-5 days.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the service for respondents is updated monthly, taking into account the frequency of statistical reporting forms.

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