Pajama party: script, dress code, design and games. Scenario "Pajama Party"


According to the rules of the pajama party, all participants must be dressed in pajamas. After the end of the holiday, all guests stay overnight with the host of the party and traditionally sleep on the floor. The party menu includes milk, hot sandwiches, juice, cookies (homemade), fruit. Many children consider such a holiday to be the best holiday in the world, because they don’t need uncomfortable outfits, they don’t need to restrain themselves to sit quietly at the table, but they can have plenty of fun with friends, not part until the morning and have breakfast together. So how do you throw a fun pajama party?

It all starts with an invitation. Be sure to indicate that everyone must come with pajamas. Explain to the mothers of the invited children that there will be a parade of pajamas (so that someone is not unprepared for the demonstration of pajamas). As a rule, guests are invited to "pajama parties" in the late afternoon, so they do not arrange a feast, but light snacks are prepared. You should also warn about this in advance so that the children have dinner at home.

The party starts!

Joyful children jump in pajamas: they rarely meet each other in this form. Give them a chance to settle in and offer hot juice sandwiches. Sandwich options:
Put a piece of sausage, a circle of tomato, cheese on a piece of bread and put it in the oven for a minute.
Grate cheese, sausage on a fine grater, mix everything, put the resulting mass on hot toast.

We are sure that you have many similar recipes.

After a light treat, several competitions can be held.

Pajama parade. Of course, this competition cannot but please the girls, but do not leave the boys aside either. Invite them to walk, for example, like Spider-Man or a robot. We are sure that the boys will quickly join the game. Be sure to turn on the music. For this competition, purchase small soft toys for all participants. No one will be left without a prize!

Pillow fight. This is also a traditional entertainment at the "pajama party". The title is intimidating, but don't worry: as long as the game has rules, everything will be fine. We put a hoop on the floor. Opponents stand in it, holding pillows in their hands. Immediately warn that you can not hit the face. The one who "knocks out" the opponent from the circle wins. Be sure to choose physically equal opponents. Girls can be offered to knock a soft toy off the table with a pillow. We think it is superfluous to say that it is necessary to think over the safety of this competition in advance. The winners can be presented with a small pillow with a cheerful muzzle.

Dreamers. An adult can start the game so that children quickly understand what is required of them. Dad says: "If I were a KING, I would have three things: a crown, a mantle, a carriage." Children have to think of what substitute items can be used. For example, instead of a crown, a pan, mantles - a sheet, carriages - a stool. All invented objects are placed on dad. Then the children can dream up: "If I were an astronaut, I would have three things: a rocket, a spacesuit, a star." The smartest win. Winners can be awarded with medals with cheerful inscriptions "To the most resourceful", "The smartest" or "The most active", which you can purchase at a bookstore or make it yourself.

SON-art. Buy or sew in advance white pillowcases for the number of party participants, prepare a couple of packs of felt-tip pens for drawing on fabric. Invite the children to color their pillowcases. It will be a unique piece of handmade art. In addition, sleeping on such a pillowcase is much more pleasant. When buying felt-tip pens, pay attention to the fact that they are not erased during washing, and then each participant, falling asleep at home, will remember your party for a long time.

Sleepy bakers. While the children are busy creating a masterpiece, prepare the dough from 190 g of wheat flour, three eggs, 200 g of granulated sugar, adding cardamom, vanilla or lemon zest. Roll out the dough and have the children cut out different shapes with cookie cutters. While the cookies are baking, you can start arranging a bed: inflate the mattresses on which the children will sleep and prepare lanterns (you can ask everyone to bring it with them, or you can give each a small flashlight as a keepsake). Before going to bed, we enjoy eating cookies with milk.

Sleep stuck to my eyelashes,
I want to sleep - I want to sleep,
I rub my eyes and drive sleep
But I'm almost asleep...
How early sleep stuck to me.
I want to sleep - I want to sleep!

Maybe one of the children will remember how to say “Good evening!” in English. Suggest, for example, this poem:
An Englishman walked towards me,
And suddenly I hear: "Good evening!"
Good evening! - I answered him.
And the evening became as bright as the morning.

After such rhymes, even those who did not know these words will definitely remember them.

Andersen has a wonderful, magical fairy tale that fits perfectly with our party - "Ole Lukoye". You can turn off the lanterns, close your eyes and listen to your mother quietly talk about a kind gnome that arrives at night and opens a multi-colored, wonderful umbrella over the most obedient kids. And then these kids have good fairy-tale dreams. And over the naughty kids, the dwarf opens a black umbrella, and then they don’t dream of anything. But among our kids, of course, there are none! Agree, it’s more pleasant to fall asleep under a good fairy tale.

The closer the bedtime, the calmer the games should be. When everyone has calmed down, let the children keep secrets in the dark. Each mother can easily guess the mood of the children, see if they let her into their world today. If the children ask to be left alone, don't insist, but if they accept you, sit and chat with them. You will see your children in a new way: in an unusual, but cozy environment, they will reveal themselves from a completely different side. Such simple parties will bring you closer to your children, help you get to know each other and accept each other for who you are. And such holidays will allow children to be rightfully proud of you, they will definitely tell everyone that their mother is the best and that only their mother knows how to hold the most fashionable parties.

Invite friends. Remember that this is not a birthday party. Therefore, do not invite more than 10 people. Too many people are harder to entertain, plus you'll need more space and more food. Just invite your closest friends. You will have more fun with people you know well. So, you and your friends will be more comfortable. You can only invite one friend, but it's usually more fun with multiple friends. A suitable number of people is between 3 and 6. Keep these tips in mind when deciding who to invite and who not to invite:

  • Invite a friend you want to get to know better. This does not mean that you need to call complete strangers. Perhaps you have a girl at school who loves, for example, books about Harry Potter. If you have common interests, then in this way you can make new friends at the party. But don't invite more than two people you don't know very well. Often in such cases there is an awkward silence, and your close friends may be left without your attention.
  • Don't invite "popular" girls. However, except when they are really your friends. But usually such girls are not the best guests for a pajama party. Just because she's popular doesn't make you cool. What are you to do? And what about true friends?

Prepare food. You will need: lunch, breakfast, dessert, snack, drinks. Buy food only a few days before the party. So, you won't eat it all yourself! You can also go to a cafe for lunch, breakfast or ice cream (but only pick one!). Choose food that won't be too different, something that everyone likes. For example, you don't have to cook fish or veggie burgers. However, you can offer a choice of regular and veggie burgers. So you have to have food that everyone is sure to eat. Below are the simple food and drink tips you'll need. But you can always come up with something of your own!

  • Lunch - The most common lunch at these parties is pizza. A lot of people love her. When making pizza, always cook at least one without toppings and one with toppings. Pepperoni pizza is always a hit. You can also cook chicken, pasta, hot dogs and hamburgers. Find out what your friends love. But even if you don't know, just serve pizza.
  • Dessert - be creative with this! A good idea for dessert at a party is sundae, cupcakes, or pie. You can decorate them or make your own. You can also buy a cake or a chocolate pie-semi-finished products. This will save time if there is a lot to be done.
  • Drinks - You should always have water or soda with you. Sprite is fine as a drink, but if your friends like Coke, Seven Up, or root beer, stock up on those too. Fruit juice is also suitable.
  • Breakfast - For breakfast, make waffles or pancakes. You can ask your parents to help you. You can make French baguette toast. Always serve delicious fruit, as well as orange juice and milk.
  • A light snack - of course you will need it. Pay attention to chips, dryers, vegetables with sauces. Serve popcorn, candy, fruit, etc. Food should always be healthy!
  • Consider where you will sleep. If your bedroom is large enough to receive guests, then this is a good choice. Make sure the bedroom you'll be sleeping in has enough floor space. After all, it will not be fair to the guests if you sleep on the bed, and they are on the floor. This option is suitable if the bedroom has enough space on the floor. If not, please choose another location. If you have an equipped basement, you can stay with friends in it. Alternatively, you can choose a hallway or living room. Any place that has a TV, enough floor space, and a snack table is a great option for a sleepover.

    • Choose a place where your relatives do not usually spend time. You don't need to be distracted unless you want your brother or sister to join you. Think about which room they are most often in. Perhaps they won't be at home tonight!
  • Cleaning. Prepare a trash bag and throw away any rubbish. Throw dirty clothes in the washing machine or basket, and hide the clean ones. Dust the TV and bring pillows and sleeping bags into the room. Vacuum if necessary. Put the snack in a large bowl and place it on the table. Charge your iPod (if you have one) so you can use it. Make sure you have plenty of games and movies. You don't need to do a general cleaning. Just make sure the floor is clean and the house looks decent.

    • Cleaning the bathroom is also a good idea. Your guests will use it, so it's good if it's clean and fresh! Plus, your parents will be proud of you. Remove all trash from the bathroom, make sure there is toilet paper, soap and a towel. Wash the sink. If you don't know how to clean the toilet, ask your parents to help you.

    When the guests arrived

    1. Get a manicure. Do different manicures and pedicures for yourself and your friends. If you want, you can make a special nail design for more chic. You can also use nail stickers. Have fun and get creative with your color and design choices. Read these articles for cool manicure ideas:

      • Newspaper manicure
      • Manicure "Panda"
      • Checkerboard manicure
      • Manicure comics
      • facebook manicure
      • Manicure "Harry Potter"
      • popcorn manicure
    2. Play Truth or Dare. Sit in a circle. You can turn on the music if you like. Ask one of your friends the question: "truth or dare?" If your friend chooses the truth, then ask her an embarrassing question. If she chose a wish, then make her do something scary, a little painful, or just some stupidity. Remember, the truth doesn't need to be too personal. You don't have to answer! The same goes for desire. Never perform dangerous activities. Your friends will understand this, and if not, then they are not your true friends.

      • Good Wishes: Kiss with a pillow or plush animal; mimic the behavior of someone from the group; describe one of your friends using only 5 words and let everyone guess who it is; talk to the wall.
      • Good truth questions: what act are you most ashamed of; who are you in love with What is the worst thing you have done in your life? If you could change three things about yourself, what would they be?
    3. Play games. Anything you can think of would be a great choice, but here are a few ideas for you: uno, show off (like showing your favorite movie), twister, or Cluedo board game. If guests get bored, play one of these games. You can also play them just for fun. Make sure all the guys are familiar with the rules of the games. If they are unfamiliar, quickly explain to them or just start playing and they will learn as they play. Whatever the case, games like twister and uno are very simple, and a lot of people know how to play them.

      Watch films. What's a pajama party without movies? You will probably need to watch movies already in the evening, but not when the guests want to sleep. Make popcorn, turn off the lights, and let guests choose a movie to watch. You can always watch other movies later, but only take advantage of this opportunity after you've watched their selection with your friends. Make sure your girlfriends don't mind the movies you suggest. They must be rated PG 13 (not recommended for viewing without parents by persons under 13) and/or R (not recommended by persons under 17), but only if you and your girlfriends have permission from your parents. Here is a list of movies to watch that you are likely to enjoy:

      • Harry Potter
      • Pirates of the Caribbean
      • Confrontation
      • Enchanted Ella
      • Up
      • I'm pathetic
      • Another Cinderella Story
      • Mean Girls
    4. Do something with your hands. Crafts are a good idea if you don't want to get bored. It is also a memory for you and your guests to take home with them. This activity is inexpensive and at the same time fun. Just what you need during a pajama party. Here are three simple craft ideas with explanations on how to make them:

      • Make photo frames. Take a group photo. Grab some wood frames, paint, foam stickers, and glitter. Decorate the frame. Be creative.
      • Homemade necklaces. Use yarn, beads and scissors to make some cool patterns. There are kits for making homemade necklaces. Therefore, you can use them if you need additional balls or threads.
      • Decorate pillowcases. Grab some bright fabrics, glue, gems, and jewelry. Decorate pillowcases with them, paint and paint them! Your guests can write their signatures on these pillowcases.
    5. Rock out! Turn on the music and sing at the top of your voice (but only if the others are awake). You can sing along to karaoke or just sing along to songs from your iPod. Dance. You can make a dance competition if you like. But leave your friends alone. May everyone win in some way. Together with your friends, you can come up with your own dance and record it on video so that you can review it later. If you have a mirror ball or flashing lights, don't forget to use those too!

      Play dress up. You might think that you are already adults for such entertainment, but it is not! You can also do a fashion show instead of dressing up. Find old hats, beads, Halloween costumes, wigs, anything your guests can wear. Be the judges in turn, judge each other's style (be kind), creativity, whatever on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest score. Let each of the girls choose a song. Show your skill!

      Have casual conversations while sitting in sleeping bags. Do this when you are tired but not yet in bed. Chat with each of the girls heart to heart! Don't hurt each other's feelings. Everyone loves interesting gossip at these parties. Talk about who is in love with whom. What do girls "don't do"? Who is cute, funny, and who is a complete dumbass? If you want, look at the boys in the old school album. You can also talk about sports (what you like or don't like) or school (teachers, tests, homework).

      • If you see that everyone is quiet, make a joke or two, tell scary stories, or play with questions. For this game, ask them one by one to make them. For example, would you rather lose an arm or a leg? Kiss or ___, would you hit a glass wall in front of ___ or would you step on a huge hole in front of ___?
    6. Stock up on goodies. Popcorn, chips, ice cream, pizza and lemonade are fine. If someone is allergic to something, then you do not need to buy such products.

      If you have a computer and a music player, then download dance music there. Dress up, make up, dance, relax!

      Rent some movies. It is desirable, however, that the films be of different genres - comedies, dramas, horrors, and so on, so that everyone is happy.

      Or you can just watch TV.

      If everyone has already gathered, and the time is not too late, then play outside. Plenty of options:

      • Catch-ups: one leads, the rest run away. When the one who drives catches up and touches one of the fleeing, the roles change. If 6 people or more play, you can divide into groups.
      • Hide and Seek. One person counts up to 30 with their eyes closed, the rest hide at this time. The one who is found first begins to look for the others himself - although, in general, the rules on this matter are different.
      • Volleyball, football and other ball games.
    7. Have your parents build a fire and roast something for you. What do you need for this? Well, at least marshmallows! It will be delicious, mmm!

      When it gets dark, you can stay outside to play or come home and watch a movie. If you have a trampoline in your yard, you can jump on it at night (or if it's cold outside, you can stay at home).

      • Play truth or dare.
      • Tell each other scary stories.
      • If it's not too late, indulge in pranks.
      • Put on each other's makeup.
      • Take up gymnastics.
    8. Have breakfast the next day with friends. After a few hours, when everyone has left (or when only your closest friends are left with you), you can start cleaning.

    Quick Ideas

      Here are some simple activities for your party. Do one or more of them at once. You don't need much and will still have fun, whether at home or outside.

      Prepare a light meal. You can decorate the cookies with icing, sprinkles and m&m catfish. You can make Chex mix cereal before watching movies. Put dryers, m&ms, popcorn, raisins and marshmallows. You can also roast marshmallows over an open fire in the evening.

      Get outside! Play catch-up with flashlights. This is the same as simple catch-ups, but in the dark and using flashlights. In the summer, you can run through the sprinklers if there is no pool nearby. Just walk outside if it's still light. You can also do physical education (if all the guys know how to at least make a wheel, and if they don’t, then teach them).

      Have fun indoors. Don't worry if it's raining outside. Just go to the cinema. You can do makeup with your eyes closed (make sure you wash it off afterwards). Play hairdresser. Tie your hair into a braid or make each other ponytails. You can pin up your hair with cool barrettes, wear berets or hair ties. If you're bored, play charades. Make your own video or take photos of each other. Play Wii. A few good games are Mario Kart, Wii Sports, and Just Dance 2. But any other option will do. Hide and seek is also a wonderful game that does not require additional costs.

    • A great idea is to have a good old pillow fight.
    • Try not to play computer games too much. If you watch one or two YouTube videos, that's fine. But if you watch videos for an hour, then this will already be harmful to your health. Be that as it may, such spending time is not very interesting, and not everyone will be able to be at the computer at the same time.
    • Do you have balloons? Fill them with water and have a ball fight! Or you can inflate them and just play volleyball.
    • Don't be strict with your friends. For example, you say "I have an idea. Can we ___" instead of saying "Let's do ___, quick!"
    • You can always have a spa party! Make face masks and makeup. Let there be gift sets with cosmetics at home.
    • If the weather is good, you can go to the pool. Just warn your friends to prepare for going to the pool. Bring your water sticks, swim rings and beach balls to play in the pool.
    • Prank calls are fun. Play a boy or an annoying girl. But if your girlfriends want to call the pizza guy, don't. They work hard and spend money on gas. You don't have to ruin their evening.
    • Make up word games. You can use ready-made games like Mad-Libs or create your own game.
    • Play outside. Play volleyball, catch or just ball. You can go for a walk and chat with your friends.
    • Record videos of the party, take photos, and you can watch them later. They help create great memories. You can even make a movie!
    • Ask your friends to bring a movie if you don't have good movies. You can rent them.
    • Some girls like to watch Barbie movies to make fun of them. If there are no good movies, but there is a movie about Barbie, watch it.
    • You can just watch TV. Make sure your guests love entertainment shows. You can watch iCarly, Dance Fever, SpongeBob, or Victorious.
    • You can make photo frames and put photos taken during the party there.
    • Type the invitations on the computer or write them by hand. You can just buy them in the store and make them personalized.
    • Sleeping arrangements must be prepared in advance. Find out where the sleeping bags are. Thus, you will save time and do not forget to provide all guests with sleeping bags.
    • Get your glow sticks ready and turn off the lights. Make a tent out of blankets, chairs, sheets, etc. Turn on fun music. Hand out glow sticks to your friends when the lights are on. Turn off the light, and then guess who is holding the wand and what color. In the end, such an event will end in complete fun.


    • Don't think that a pajama party has to be too much fun. This is just a party, so too many games can bore everyone. Just spend time with your friends.
    • In Truth or Dare, don't force guests to do inappropriate things, repulsive things, or anything personal. You should also not do this when you grant wishes.
    • Be careful when preparing dessert or breakfast. If you need help from your parents, ask them for it.
    • Don't neglect your friends. Be it during games, conversations, etc.
    • Don't be strict with your friends. You need everything to be planned. But guests can choose what to do with them. Let them choose entertainment.
    • Make sure your friends are old enough to watch the movies you choose. That way you won't get in trouble.
    • Don't wake up your friends if they are already asleep. If they are tired, then it is okay not to disturb them. Never make fun of them if they are very receptive to jokes.
    • Don't stay awake all night. You will simply feel tired throughout the day. At least get some sleep.
    • Some of your friends may be vegetarians, so prepare food for them accordingly.
    • Make sure your parents will be at home and don't mind your party. They must approve this event.
  • Not only children like to hold pajama parties, they are also very popular among adults. Such an event is a great way to remember your past youth, relieve stress after a busy work week, or celebrate an event. And if in childhood such parties were organized by parents, now all the preparation lies on your shoulders. Editorial “WHO? WHAT? WHERE?” prepared some tips on how best to organize a pajama party.

    Make a guest list

    First, decide how many people will participate in the party. If your square meters allow, then you can invite a large group of friends, and both sexes. But in this case, it will be necessary to organize two separate sleeping areas, as well as various corners, for example, for quiet conversations, dances and other events. The main thing is that each guest has enough space and their own space.

    Decide on a date

    When choosing a date for the party, be guided by the work schedule of your guests, and also do not forget about the neighbors. After all, on weekdays everyone needs a good night's sleep. The most optimal date is Friday or Saturday. Another point is family friends with children who need to be notified about the party before everyone else so that they can organize a night babysitter or invite a grandmother on the day of the event.

    Think about the theme of the party

    Choosing a theme for the event can help the host or hostess decide other organizational issues, such as what style to decorate the room, what to cook for the table, what to dress up the guests and how to entertain them. For example, if you decide to spend it in the style of “cinema”, then everything should correspond to this choice: invitations in the form of movie tickets, instead of sleep masks - 3D glasses, indoors - a projector, a large screen and a bunch of films, for a snack - popcorn, chips, lemonade, beer. It is better to hold a karaoke party in a country house or in a country house where there are no neighbors. You also need to consider that she needs special equipment, a lot of wigs and other accessories to transform into pop stars. Pick up all the most fashionable and glamorous for a glossy party.

    Send invitations

    Once the guest list has been drawn up, the party plan is developed, send out invitations to everyone. This can be done by calling, via any instant messengers, by e-mail, or get creative and send out paper invitations that you can make yourself. Or print ready-made and just fill in the blank lines. Here you can borrow templates for .

    Be aware of the dress code

    Every party has an appropriate dress code, and pajama is no exception. Let your friends know ahead of time so they have time to pick the perfect outfit for the event. It can be pajamas of different colors, styles and styles, shirts, shirts, T-shirts and shorts, boudoir outfits and more. Also do not forget about accessories: socks, slippers, caps. If the party is held in the circle of some ladies, you can dress up in stunning lace lingerie, corsets, stockings and arrange a glamorous photo shoot. For some, this will be an excuse to go shopping and update your wardrobe. Another option is to hand out white t-shirts to all guests on which they can draw with neon markers to make the night even brighter.

    Decorate the room

    In order for your guests to remember the pajama party for a long time, you need to think about the appropriate design of the room. Choose the largest room in your house or apartment for the event and decorate it with party style. Lay out lots of brightly colored pillows, blankets, blankets, soft rugs, and sleeping bags. Hang up cheerful posters, light garlands in the room, light candles, incense, inflate balloons. You can also organize a small photo zone in the apartment, where your guests can take beautiful pictures in memory of this party. For example, like this or like this.

    Plan your menu

    Before compiling the menu, pay attention to the preferences and restrictions in the food of your guests. Perhaps some of them adhere to a healthy diet, while others are allergic to certain foods. If you don't know this, feel free to ask them ahead of time to avoid trouble on the day of the party. Also provide products for two meals: in the evening and in the morning. Of course, it is best to order a buffet table from a restaurant. But if you have time and desire, cook everything yourself. Ideas and recipes can be borrowed. You can also please guests (cheese, meat or chocolate). If it is too difficult or expensive, order pizza and rolls. For dessert, you can make cookies in the form of house slippers or bandages for sleep, arrange multi-colored M&M sweets, marshmallows, marmalade and popcorn on plates. Most importantly, don't forget alcohol. Also, check with your friends in advance what they prefer. If your guests love cocktails, offer them, it can be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Therefore, no one will be deprived. In the morning, organize a coffee bar with pastries: waffles, pies, pancakes.

    Hide your gadgets

    Today, many people like to spend time on social networks, and so that during the party your guests are not distracted by their gadgets, collect all their smartphones, tablets and laptops before the event. Leave your home phone to communicate with relatives, and use a regular camera to take pictures of interesting moments. Definitely, guests will forget about their gadgets if the program for the night is exciting.

    Plan an entertainment program

    Of course, you can borrow ideas from children's parties and adapt them to adults, but this is more suitable for a women's pajama party. For example, organize a home spa, an art studio, or a friendship bracelet weaving workshop. Also a great option would be a game of “spinning bottle” and nail polishes. To do this, arrange bubbles with multi-colored varnishes in a circle, and put a bottle in the center. The essence of the game is to spin the bottle and paint the nail with the varnish that the end of the bottle indicates. You need to spin it in turn, each has ten rotations.

    If the party is unisex and you want to please not only girls, arrange home Hollywood for everyone. Give your guests the opportunity to be rich and famous, even if it's just for one night. To do this, you will need a projector and a screen that you can rent or make yourself, your friends’ favorite movies uploaded to a USB flash drive, a red carpet (a carpet or a roll of paper of the appropriate color) and “expensive” accessories and decorations (which you can buy at any children's store) . You can also play the game “Truth or Dare” together. To do this, prepare questions and a list of actions in advance, print them out, cut them into strips and place them in two glass jars. The rules of the game are simple: one of the players asks you a question: "truth or dare?". If you answer “true”, pull out a piece of paper with a question and answer it truthfully. If “action”, then do what you got. After that, you ask someone, and so on.

    Prepare gifts

    At the end of the party, give your guests nice souvenirs that will remind them of this event. These can be: soft socks, a sleep mask, toothpaste and a brush, a container with sweets or various snacks, a photo album with memorable photos from a pajama party (if you have a photo printer), an alarm clock and others.

    Where will all guests feel relaxed and at ease? Have a pajama party! The kids will be delighted: no outfits that are terrible to get dirty and hairstyles that can be disheveled. No decorum at the table. A kids' pajama party is all about rolling on the floor, pillow fights, comfy pajamas, and all-out fun.

    A pajama-style party, like any children's themed party, starts with invitations. Print and distribute them ahead of time. Don't forget to include the dress code. It is also advisable for guests to grab room slippers and a favorite pillow.

    How to decorate a pajama party room

    The decor of the pajama party room depends on whether you are gathering guests during the day to send them home in the evening, or you are going to entertain the kids all night.

    An afternoon party for children can be arranged in any sufficiently spacious room: both cafes and children's entertainment centers are suitable. And use the “pajama” theme for table decoration and serving dishes.

    If your guests are a little older, you can throw a party for the night. This is best done at home. The main attributes of the festive decor are soft bedspreads and pillows, plush toys, folding tents decorated with lights.

    Pajama party treats

    Deciding what to cook for a pajama party is not an easy task. After all, they usually don’t eat in pajamas, but sleep or lie in bed. Here the bed can be taken as the basis of all the treats. Pancakes that look like air mattresses, muffins and cupcakes decorated with cream in pastel shades. Donuts that look so much like pillows. They can be glazed with fondant, or you can simply sprinkle with powdered sugar. If you are afraid that guests will get dirty with donuts, make them in a mini format and string them on skewers.

    From drinks for a pajama party, milk, chilled cocoa, fruit juice are suitable. Pour your drinks into tall bottles so you're less likely to spill them during the fun.

    If the party program includes a movie or cartoon session, don't forget popcorn, cola and M&M's.

    If guests stay with you until the morning, you will have to take care of breakfast. Muesli with juice or milk, scrambled eggs and ham in muffin tins are good options.

    How to entertain guests at a pajama party

    Kids party games and teenage girls party games can be very different. Babies 3-5 years old will be interested in various drawing contests, dances and songs, outdoor games. They can be offered handicraft entertainment: for example, to assemble a bracelet or a necklace of colored beads. As beads, you can use the beds of a dry breakfast.

    Girls 6-8 years old and older will not be carried away by this. But they will gladly take part in a pajama show, sing their favorite song in karaoke, lie on pillows and watch their favorite cartoon. Girls at this age will recklessly and happily pose for the camera, so you can arrange a mischievous pajama photo shoot.

    Girls love to be "like adults." Arrange a beauty salon for them at home. You can make a variety of hairstyles, and even make a real face mask from natural ingredients.

    Kids Pajama Party Games

    Manicure weather vane

    You will need bottles of bright nail polishes.
    The girls sit in a circle, a bottle of varnish is placed on the table in front, unwinds. Whoever the cap points to, she paints the nail on one finger with this varnish. The result is an unexpected and colorful nail art.

    Sleepy creativity

    You will need white or plain pillowcases according to the number of guests, and felt-tip pens, or acrylic paints for fabric.
    Give guests their creative kits so everyone can paint their own unique and inimitable pillowcase. Together with felt-tip pens, you can offer templates for drawings cut out of cardboard: flowers, leaves, animals, etc.

    Surprise Story

    You will need plastic containers from Kinder Surprise or other chocolate eggs.
    Put a variety of items in the containers: small toys, jewelry, a cap from a felt-tip pen, etc. The task of the participants is to get their “surprise” out of the egg and, within 10 minutes, compose an impromptu story on a pajama theme using this item.

    The main rules of a pajama party for children

    • Only girls are invited to the pajama party
    • No outfits or hairstyles! Only pajamas or a nightgown, curls loose or intercepted with a ribbon.
    • A pillow fight at a pajama party is the highlight of the holiday.
    • You need to go to bed no later than one in the morning. Before that, chat quietly and gossip to your heart's content.
    • Sleep - only on the floor, each on its own pillow.

    A pajama party is a great holiday for adults who want to remember their childhood. It is best to arrange such a party at home to celebrate a bachelorette party, birthday, end of the session, or just have fun with friends.

    pajama party invitations

    Every party starts with invitations. Since the theme provides for fun, then the invitations should be as positive as possible and a little childish.

    The first thing to do is call everyone you want to see at your party. After confirmation, it is worth informing about the theme of the event and the dress code. The atmosphere of a pajama party provides for trust and openness, so you should not invite just acquaintances, but only your closest friends.

    Since it is the 21st century in the yard, you can send invitations to all your friends by e-mail or remember your childhood and think about paper invitations. It’s worth decorating invitations in a fun and casual style, for example, illustrate with a bear in pajamas, a cat in a festive cap, or a funny text:

    • Would you like to attend a party with pizza, sushi and sweet treats?
    • Are you ready for a little giggle today?
    • Do you want to spend an unforgettably cool evening at Pajama-party?

    Be sure to indicate the place of the party and the time. To make it more interesting, come up with a password word that will serve as a pass to the holiday, you can guess it in a riddle or come up with a rebus on this topic. At the entrance there is a strict face control in the person of the organizer of the event, who will check the dress code and erudition of his friends.

    Event dress code

    The very name of the party provides for its dress code, of course, it's pajamas! But if you wish, you can dress up in sexy nightgowns, boxer shorts, T-shirts with the image of Disney cartoon characters. The more fun and brighter the print, the better. And, of course, you can’t wear stilettos under your pajamas; slippers in the form of soft toys are ideal here.

    Hairstyle is best done according to the style of your outfit, for example, two braids, ponytails, a bun, etc.

    Room decoration

    A pajama party is an event that often takes place in one room and does not involve a large venue.

    It is important to create an atmosphere of celebration, home comfort and childish mischief in the room:

    • inflate a lot of colorful balloons and hang around the room;
    • attach your own drawings in a children's style to the walls;
    • hang bright ribbons on the door frame that will form curtains;
    • scatter decorative pillows on the floor;
    • put large soft toys on sofas and armchairs;
    • attach phosphorus figures that glow in the dark to the ceiling;
    • download your favorite songs of different directions for dancing, background during a conversation and singing to the soundtrack.

    Treats for guests

    The fact that the party will take place in one room also affects the menu of the holiday. The table, as we are used to seeing it, is not set for such an event. Most often, treats are limited to snacks and drinks, guests sit comfortably on the floor, and in between fun chatter and competitions they intercept with sweets and sweets.

    Ideal snacks for the holiday: pizza, sushi, sandwiches with red fish or caviar, popcorn, ice cream of any kind, fruit, chips, cheese dish, croutons, nuts, cookies and light sweets.

    For drinks, milkshakes, juices, champagnes, vermouths, liqueurs or delicious cocktails, such as mojitos, malibu, etc., are suitable.

    It is best to find out about the preferences of your friends in advance, and prepare the necessary ingredients for cocktails and the drinks themselves. One of the guests can be appointed as a bartender, and he will make delicious cocktails for everyone else.

    It is important that it is comfortable to take all the goodies at the party with your hands, and not mess around with cutlery, because a pajama party is not a dinner party, it is not so important to follow the rules of etiquette here.

    Competitions, games and entertainment

    At pajama parties, entertainment is the most important activity, so it is important to think through this pleasant part of the holiday to the smallest detail. So let's get started!

    "Pillow Fight"

    The legendary and never boring pillow fights will appeal to all the guests of the holiday, because it is fun and energetic. The main thing is to hide all breakable objects in advance and stock up on a lot of pillows.


    The good old twister will give a lot of fun to the participants. The host spins the arrows that indicate which part of the body (hand or foot) you need to stand on one of the four colors. The one that will be as flexible as possible and will be able to stay in a not very comfortable position wins.

    "Grint out of the bag"

    For this entertainment, you need to find a lot of sleeping bags. Participants lie down on sleeping bags, one person is selected, the so-called "watcher". When he leaves the room, everyone is not in their bags. After returning to the room, the beholder pats the sleeping bag and says “Say grunt to me”, the one who is inside begins to make the corresponding sounds. The viewer must determine by the grunt who exactly hid in the bag. Guessing the person, the viewer relieves himself of his duties in favor of the participant who was guessed. If guessing did not work out, you need to repeat the manipulations with another sleeping bag.

    "Guess the melody"

    Option 1:

    The good old game is familiar to many. The guests sit in a circle, the presenter, who has previously recorded popular songs on the player, turns them on for 5 seconds. You need to correctly guess the name of the song and the artist.

    Option 2:

    Plain water is collected in a glass and a straw is placed. The host must sing a song into it, and the participants must guess the melody. Laughter and memorable moments guaranteed!

    "Sleeping Beauty"

    This game can be played in turn. One of the guests lies down in the center of the room and pretends to be asleep, the others try to “wake him up”. Physical manipulation is prohibited, it is allowed to tell funny stories, sing songs, shout funny sounds, etc. The one who can withstand more than a minute will not laugh and will not show that he has “woken up” receives a prize.

    "Bottle with varnish"

    All the girls who are party guests sit in a circle and spin a bottle of nail polish. On whom it stops, he must paint one nail with this color. The next participant is already spinning a bottle of polish of a different color. Thus, at the end of the game, everyone will be with colorful nails and a great mood.

    "Beauty saloon"

    This game is suitable if all participants in the pajama party are girls. Girlfriends can do each other funny hairstyles, styling, unusual manicures and pedicures, face and eye masks, spa treatments and much more.

    "Feed Me Ice Cream"

    The guests are divided into pairs and, on command, begin to quickly feed a block of ice cream to their partner. Whoever eats the ice cream the fastest wins.

    "Catch your tail"

    Divided into pairs, “tails” are tied to the participants, which are a long rope with a fork. The tail should not be longer than the knees. Becoming with your back to each other, not helping with your hands, but performing a variety of manipulations, you need to grapple with your tails. Those who do it first win.

    "Hugging Dancing"

    Couples stand on an open magazine and begin to dance to incendiary songs. It is important not to tear the paper and stay in its features. After a minute of dancing, a pause is made, the magazine is folded in half, and so on until some pair goes beyond the allocated area or tears the paper. The most persistent, flexible and hardy are declared winners.

    "Squeeze harder"

    4-6 people participate, previously divided into pairs. Representatives of the couple take out leaves from the box with a description of the parts of the body that need to be touched. For example, with the ear to the leg, etc. Remaining in the same position, the couples take turns pulling new pieces of paper, as long as flexibility allows. The one who completes the most tasks wins.

    "Pass the Pencil"

    All those who came to the holiday are divided into two teams and lined up in two rows. It is necessary to become so that boys and girls alternate. The goal of the game is to pass the pencil between the participants without using their hands. This should be done by pinching the pencil between the nose and upper lip. Whoever is faster, he won.

    "Fun bottle"

    Everyone sits in a circle and takes turns spinning the bottle. Next to her in the box are leaves with a task. The one who the bottle points to chooses a task from the box, and the one who spins it completes it. For example, scratch behind the ear or sing a duet song.

    "Funny Kisses"

    A guy is selected, to whom the leader closes his eyes. The goal of the game is to find a kissing partner. To do this, the host takes turns pointing his finger at the girls in the room and asks “this one?” For laughter, in addition to the girls, the guys also take part. The choice of a partner for the game goes on until the participant says “yes”, then the game is stopped. And then they begin to choose a “kiss place”, pointing to different areas of the body, the host waits for an affirmative answer from the participant. Further, they determine how many times you need to kiss in this place, in order to determine this moment, the host shows a different number of fingers with the words “so much?” Until the guy gives a positive answer. After they untie their eyes, the man sees who exactly he has chosen for himself for kisses. For example, it turned out to kiss Styopa on the cheek 7 times.

    "Pop the balloon"

    A ball is attached to the legs of the participants. After the “start” command, everyone tries to burst the opponent’s ball, but at the same time preserve the integrity of their own as much as possible. The game will end when the last ball bursts, the owner of which becomes the winner.

    "Pajama Queen"

    Well, what holiday is complete without a beauty contest? Men vote for the fair sex in the sexiest pajamas. The winner girl is awarded a crown in the form of curlers.

    incentive prizes

    Everyone loves to be encouraged for achievements and victories. It is, at the very least, very pleasant. Gifts to the winners of the competitions, of course, will be symbolic, but this will not make them less pleasant. These can be plush toys, soap bubbles, huge lollipops, socks, a pillow with a cute print, M&M dragees, etc.

    Entertainment at a pajama party can be very diverse. In addition to the games and competitions described above, you can watch your favorite films, arrange fortune-telling on cards or coffee grounds, gossip about school, university life, or simply discuss the life of stars - it is important that each guest is fun and comfortable.

    In no case should you forget about the camera, because during the holiday there will be a lot of positive moments that you want to keep in your memory. In a few years, it will be very fun to meet all together and remember the funny moments.

    The scenario for a pajama party can be very diverse, and depends solely on the imagination of the organizer. Remember: the good mood of the guests of the event is a guarantee that the evening will be held in a positive and friendly atmosphere.

    We wish you a fun pajama party and positive emotions for a long time!

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