Plan April folk culture and traditions. A fragment of the calendar plan in the preparatory group "Folk culture and traditions


Theme of the week: « Folk culture and traditions ».

Tasks: Continue familiarization of children with folk traditions and customs. Expansion of ideas about art, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia. Expansion of ideas about the diversity of folk art, art crafts (different types of materials, different regions of our country and the world). Raising interest in the art of the native land; love and care for works of art

Final event:Exhibition of children's creativity

Cooperative activity


Individual work

Weekend Talk: What did you do? Where did you go?

Conversation "Peoples of Russia" - to cultivate respect for people of different nationalities.

D / U "Pick a couple" - teach children to compare objects in shape, size, color, purpose.

Situational conversation "Cleanliness is the key to health." C: Continue to acquaint children with the concept of "Health".

Improving gymnastics after daytime sleep.

Reading “In the City of the Short Talker” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to accurately, correctly, expressively and with appropriate intonation use small forms of folklore in one’s speech; to cultivate interest in tongue twisters, proverbs, counting rhymes.

Situational communication: "Our hostess." Ts: Continue acquaintance with a new joke. Show how to use basic household items.

Labor - "Let's put the toys away together!" Purpose: to nurture behavior and positive relationships between children; ability to work together.

"Wonderful miracle, wonder

marvelous - golden Khokhloma "

Purpose: to introduce the history of fishing, the features of Khokhloma painting; instill a sense of patriotism

Veraksy N.E. "Complex lessons. Preparatory group”, page 265

"Small folklore forms"

Purpose: To acquaint children with small folklore forms: proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, riddles; to teach to reproduce figurative expressions, to understand the figurative meaning of words and phrases; develop the ability to compose stories, fairy tales according to proverbs, invent riddles

"Journey to the country of folklore" O.S. Ushakov, E.M. Strunina "The development of speech of children 6-7 years old",

Observationbehind the cloud

Target: continue to form a consciousness of unitylandand the sky as the basis for a holistic perception of the world.

Labor activity

Help the kids in the construction of the slide on their site.

Target: learn to work together, to enjoy the work done.

Movablea game"Homeless Bunny"


-exercise in the ability to run without bumping into each other;

-cultivate agility and endurance.

With Maxim P., Vova V. repeat the sequence of seasons.

With Katya G., Masha V. didactic exercise "Magic Square". Purpose: to develop attention, logical thinking, ingenuity.

Complex of morning exercises.

D / and "Make no mistake"

Purpose: to clarify, consolidate children's knowledge of the senses, develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, attention.

DI. “Let's dress the doll for the holiday” (paper) C: continue to introduce the elements of the folk costume.

“Like - not like” (verbal) Purpose: to continue to teach children to compare objects, to find a connection in them; signs of entertainment and similarity, recognize objects by description, develop descriptive speech, logical thinking.

Reading and conversation based on the fairy tale "Silver Hoof" by N. Bazhov in order to introduce children to the work of the Ural writer N. Bazhov. C: To cultivate a conscious attitude to the means of expression (polysemy of the word, comparison, amplification).

D / I “To whom, what is needed for work”, “Museum of Objects” Purpose: to deepen children's knowledge about the diversity of the objective world, about the purpose of objects; develop curiosity

Dymkovo toy coloring pages

"Cut pictures" - to develop the ability to make a whole out of parts (folk crafts)

Board printed game "Russian Patterns"


Purpose: to exercise in measuring length using a conditional measure; introduce children to the unit of length - centimeter; introduce the ruler and its purpose; practice counting within 20

V.P. Novikova "Mathematics in kindergarten" (preparatory group) p.133

snow watching


    learn to observe seasonal changes in nature.

    to consolidate knowledge about the relationships that occur in inanimate nature (sun - snow).

Measure snow depth in sun and shade.

Labor activity

Clearing paths from debris.

Target: learn to work together.

Outdoor games


Target: develop the ability to run fast, dodge the catcher.

"Do not back."

Target: learn to jump over a rope at a height of 15-20 cm.

The game "Tangram" (square, triangle) to develop the ability to fold a figure from parts according to the model; develop thinking and attention (Nastya A., Artem U.)

Puzzle game "Vietnamese game". Give an idea about the change in geometric shapes (Katya, Yana)

Complex of morning exercises

Didactic game "Name the toy" (formation of relative adjectives)

Listening “Like it is in our workshop” A. Filippenko “Ural round dance”, round dance “Spinning wheel”. Ts: Tell the children about the folk crafts of the Urals (using pictures)

D / and "Recognize the pattern" - fixing the elements

Wellness exercises after sleep.

Reading and perception of fiction:

"What do crafts smell like" G. Rodari

Proverbs about work. C: To form interest in professions; activation to cognitive, creative activity.

Conversation "Furniture and utensils in

an old Russian hut "Making with children utensils and dishes for a Russian hut (from waste material)

Art of Russian clay toys. (stencil) To form the ability to notice the expressiveness of color. To consolidate knowledge about the features of painting Dymkovo and Filimonovo toys. Exercise in finding a color scheme that matches the color of clay toys. Cultivate interest in folk toys

Physical education lesson No. L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. The system of work in the preparatory group for school "p.

Watching Seasonal Changes


    form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bspring changes in nature;

    to teach to see changes in the behavior of sparrows with the advent of spring;

    educate interest in bird watching, respect for them.

Labor activity

Clearing a flower bed from last year's grass.

Target: develop a positive attitude towards work.

Outdoor games

"Who is faster?", "Further and higher"

Target: exercise in running, develop speed

D / game "What has changed" C: Improve children's knowledge of geometric shapes, their color, size, thickness, develop thinking (Kirill F., Polina)

With Veronica, Artem U. didactic game "Cheerful tongue". Purpose: To prepare the articulatory apparatus of children for the pronunciation of sounds.

Complex of morning exercises

Conversation "Life and traditions of the Russian people." C: To develop the ability to express one's impressions in speech, to express judgments. Continue to enrich the speech of children with new words. To improve the ability to compose stories about objects, accurately describing their qualities.

Listening to the play "How a man played the harmonica"

Presentation "Homemade folk dolls" C: to develop interest in the culture of the Russian people through acquaintance with a folk toy

D / and “Whose souvenir?” - to deepen knowledge about some types of folk crafts and crafts. Awaken interest in the talents of folk craftsmen

Wellness exercises after sleep.

Reading: fairy tales "Three daughters" Purpose: name Russian words.

Reviewing a slide presentation with children

"Painted toy".

The teacher's story about folk crafts. Examination of toys, postcards and illustrations about folk art.

"Counting in threes"

V.P. Novikova "Mathematics in kindergarten" (preparatory group) p.135

"Dymkovo young ladies"; To consolidate the ability to sculpt based on a folk toy, sculpt hollow forms (a young lady's skirt), observe the proportions of the figure. Develop the ability to properly evaluate your work and the work of your comrades. Komarova T.S. Page 60

Musical according to the plan of music. worker

Observation of the height of the sun

Target: consolidate knowledge about the impact of solar energy on plant, animal and human life

Research activities

Touching metal objects, determine where the sun heats more.

Answer which objects heat up faster: dark or light?

What can you use to look at the sun for a long time?(Dark glasses.)

Labor activity

Organization of assistance to the janitor in cleaning the curb around the site.

Target: develop a desire to help elders.

Mobile game "Sun and planets".

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the movement of planets around the sun.

With Denis and Maxim P., consolidate the ability to call numbers in forward and reverse order (oral counting).

With a subgroup of children, continue to learn the names of the months for the seasons

Complex of morning exercises.

Watching cartoons: "Silver Hoof"

D / I "What's gone"

Purpose: to teach children to coordinate nouns with numerals; use nouns in the genitive case.

"Lay it out yourself." Purpose: to teach children to analyze the shape of objects using the image of a figure, to make a drawing from geometric shapes (ornament)

Wellness exercises after sleep.

Conversation according to proverbs: “The master is happy - the owner is happy”, “Many guests - a lot of news”

Russian folk games "Smoking room", "Burn - burn bright".

Board printed game "Fold the Pattern"

Purpose: to teach how to make a whole from parts.

"Decorative and applied art". Purpose: To distinguish the features characteristic of each type of fishing through the ability to guess riddles to develop visual-figurative thinking. Exercise in the word formation of adjectives from nouns using suffixes (wooden, clay).

"Doll in the national

suit” p.144, T.S. Komarova

Physical education lesson No. L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. The system of work in the preparatory group for school "p.

Drop Watching


-consolidate knowledge about changes in water depending on temperature;

-teach research activities.

Labor activity

Sanding the paths in the kids area.

Target: help children and their caregivers.

Outdoor games

"Fifteen", "Don't get your feet wet", "Wind".


    to consolidate the ability to run in all directions, jump over obstacles;

    learn to listen carefully to the commands of the educator, to overcome obstacles.

Anzhelika and Artem - to consolidate the skills of working with scissors.

Game "Make a pattern of ropes" - Kostya, Ksyusha, Timofey

Topic: "Folk culture and traditions." Day of the week Date Directly educational activity Educational activity in regime moments Monday 06.02.201 7y. Artistic creativity. Drawing Let's decorate the Dymkovo duck Continue to acquaint children with the Dymkovo toy. Learn to highlight the elements of the painting, apply them to a duck cut out of paper. Cause joy from the result; from the brightness, beauty of the Dymkovo painting (Komarova T. S No. 44 p 58) Motor activity. (L.I. Penzulaeva p 31. No. 13) Teach children to maintain a stable balance when walking on an elevated support; exercise in vigorous repulsion from the floor and soft landing on bent legs in the Morning Morning exercises (February complex No. 1) Game situation “Like a cat went to visit”. Acquaintance with the custom of visiting guests with gifts. Encourage children to independently carry out elementary tasks: after playing, put toys, building materials in place, put dolls in order. Russian folk game "Karavai". Purpose of the game: formation of a sense of belonging and a positive psychological microclimate of the group; identification of likes and dislikes in the group. Situational communication: “A cat will go out into the garden - all the people will be alarmed.” Introduction to jokes and songs about pets. P / game "Mice and a cat". Teach children to follow the rules in the game Walk 1 "Watching icicles." Objectives: to introduce various natural phenomena; show the diversity of water conditions in the environment. Labor: Clearing paths from snow. Purpose: to learn to work together, to help each other. P.I. "Don't miss the ball." Goals: to teach to pass the ball without dropping or stopping; cultivate friendliness. "Birds and chicks". Purpose: to learn to run without bumping into each other, to quickly find their place. Individually with Matvey and Eva jumping up from a place. Purpose: Creation / organization of a subject-spatial developing environment for independent activities of children and support for children's initiative. Attributes for the game. Cubes, constructor "Lego", for building a house. Involving families in educational activities In the parental corner, place the article “Folk wisdom says” (proverbs). Shovels, buckets, sleds. Fairy tale by S. Marshak “Ryaba the hen and ten jumps moving forward. ducklings." Pictures of ducklings and chickens. Wooden constructor and poster "Dymkovo patterns" Sledges, shoulder blades, molds to develop jumping ability, combine strength with speed. Evening: Gradual rise, awakening gymnastics. Reading the fairy tale by S. Marshak "The Ryaba Hen and Ten Ducklings". Strengthen the ability to listen carefully and understand what is read. Examination of illustrations for the book by S. Marshak "Ryaba Hen and Ten Ducklings". To fix the distinctive features of chickens and ducklings. Construction game "Let's build a barn for ducklings." Learn to build a building according to the model, using additional materials according to your plan. Examination of the poster "Dymkovo patterns". Learn to highlight and name the individual elements of the pattern, their color. Walk 2 Cognitive research activity. Observation of the strength of the wind. Game activity: Word game "Pinch". Develop the ability to conduct a speech dialogue during the game, a sense of humor; cultivate friendships between children. Mobile game "Geese swans". To develop the motor activity of children, the ability to play all together, to conduct a game dialogue. Day of the week Date Directly educational activity Educational activity in sensitive moments Tuesday 02/07/17 Artistic creativity. Designing. Continue to get acquainted with folk culture. Arouse interest in the design of a Russian stove with a stove bench. Clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure (oven, chimney, stove bench, fire chamber) and purpose (house heating, cooking). Create a problematic situation - propose to design a pipe, turn it into a stove and beat it by adding fire and smoke (from paper napkins or shreds). For the image of the cooking chamber, propose a new Morning. Morning exercises (February complex No. 1) Work on gender education. Didactic game "Polite words". To educate in children a culture of behavior, politeness; respect for each other, desire to help each other. Russian folk outdoor game "Carousel". Development of general motor skills, attention. To develop the activity of children in motor activity, the ability to communicate calmly, without shouting. Finger gymnastics "Cockerel, cockerel." D / game "What are the figures?". To form the ability of children to distinguish geometric shapes. Develop creative imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills of hands. Situational communication: "Our hostess." Target. Acquaintance with a new joke. Show how to use the main items of household utensils Walk 1 "Signs of winter." Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the time of year; repeat the signs of winter. Labor: Clearing paths from snow on the site, cleaning Creation / organization of a subject-spatial developing environment for independent activities of children and support for children's initiative Book corner: Books for reading and viewing: making illustrations for various folk crafts outdoor games, snow toys, dolls dressed for the weather. Involving families in educational activities Talk to parents about how children are feeling. Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents. detail - arch. Learn to analyze the building and highlight the structure-forming elements. Develop perception, spatial thinking, creative imagination. Raise a steady interest in designing and playing with buildings based on Russian folk tales. (I.A. Lykova p 60) Music (according to the plan of the music director) of snow on the veranda. Purpose: to teach to shovel snow with the help of shovels in a certain place. P.I. "Hares". Purpose: to consolidate repulsion skills when jumping on two legs. "Jump - turn around." Purpose: to teach to quickly perform actions at the signal of the educator. "Horses". Purpose: to develop speed and endurance. Independent play activity of children with portable material. Games with snow - to maintain a cheerful mood for children, develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands. Downhill skiing to cultivate a caring attitude towards your health. Evening: Gradual rise, awakening gymnastics. Reading a poem by Z. Alexandrova "Delicious porridge." Introduce children to literature. Develop the ability to answer the teacher's questions with a full sentence. Introduce the folk proverb "Schi and porridge is our food." DI. “Assemble a samovar from parts.” Purpose: to teach how to assemble a whole image from parts; to consolidate the knowledge of children about the samovar, to develop attentiveness, memory, the ability to work according to the model. Learning the nursery rhyme "Grow a braid to the waist." To acquaint children with the work, to talk about how this nursery rhyme was used by our ancestors. Develop memory, create a positive attitude. (girls). Cloud observation walk: to consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature, what clouds in the sky (fluffy, white), what do they look like? - promote the development of imagination. Mobile game "Run for the ball" Purpose: Subject pictures of a samovar and furniture, mosaic Wooden constructor to learn to act according to the text of the educator. Day of the week Date Wednesday 08.02.17 Directly educational activities of the FEMP Continue to learn how to compare two equal groups of objects using the application method, designate the results of the comparison with the words many, equally, as many. (I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina p. 26. No. 1.) Physical development. Exercise in balance - walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your head, hands on your belt. Jumping on two legs. (L.I. Penzulaeva p. 33 No. 14 medium gr.) Educational activities in sensitive moments Morning. Morning exercises (February, complex No. 1) Conversation: “What is a folk toy?” Purpose: to introduce the concept of "folk toy". Finger game “We will blow on our palms ...” Purpose: we develop speech and fine motor skills of the hands. Situational communication: "My favorite fairy tales" Purpose: To develop dialogic speech; attention, visual perception, memory, thinking. To consolidate knowledge about Russian folk tales and their heroes. D / and "Let's set the table for tea." Purpose: to enter the names of items of dishes into the dictionary, to learn to find the named items among others. C \ r game "To visit grandmother Varvarushka for pancakes". Purpose: To introduce household items in the hut, their purpose and meaning; Activate cognitive activity by expanding vocabulary. To develop interest in the objects of the man-made world of the past, a careful attitude towards them. Walk 1. Watching the clouds. Purpose: to form the ability to see the beauty of the sky; develop observation, curiosity, creative imagination. Sayings and proverbs: February is strong with a blizzard, and March - Creation / organization of PRRS for independent activities of children and support for children's initiatives Bringing into the iso corner a collection of toys and household items made of wood: nesting dolls, rattles, caskets, carved wood items. Involving families in educational activities Recommend parents to draw an illustration with their child on the topic “My favorite fairy tale” Riddle. I looked up in the morning - Mountains rose into the sky! These mountains do not stand, but they fly, fly, fly ... (Clouds). drop; February blows out the winter, and March breaks it. Labor: Clearing the site and paths from snow and debris. Purpose: to cultivate industriousness, the desire to bring the work begun to the end. P \ and "Two frosts". Purpose: to teach clearly, pronounce the text in the game, follow the rules of the game. Ind. work with Vanya, Yana, Lena: Improvement of running technique (naturalness, lightness, vigorous repulsion). Purpose: to develop coordination of movements. Evening: Gradual rise, awakening gymnastics. Reading the Russian folk tale "Teremok". Purpose: to teach to listen, to continue to acquaint with the work of the Russian people. C \ r Game: "Like a cat went to visit." Target. Acquaintance with the custom of visiting guests with gifts. Retelling the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" Purpose: to cultivate the ability to retell the story, answering the teacher's questions. Construction games with the constructor "We are building a house for nesting dolls." Purpose: to teach children to create their own combinations of existing parts, to find in them a certain side of the building. Walk 2 Observation of the footpath. Purpose: to form knowledge about the pedestrian part of the road, the rules of the road. D / and “What first, what then?” Goal: develop logical thinking, fantasy, continue to teach to answer in full sentences. Labor: Clearing the site of snow. Purpose: to cultivate the desire of the Spatula. snow molds, sleds. Create conditions for s/r games. Constructor for building a house for Matryoshka. Book of fairy tales. Molds for making snow, sleds. Shoulder blades. collectively improve your site. P / and "We are funny guys." Purpose: to increase motor activity, to act quickly on the signal of the educator. Ind. work with Milana, Kolya, Nikita: Development of movements. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to move with an added step. Independent activities: games with shovels and buckets, skiing. Day of the week Date Directly educational activity Educational activity in sensitive moments Thursday 09.02. 2017 Cognitive development (World around). Purpose: to form children's interest and respect for Russian folk culture. Continue to acquaint children with the custom of the Russian people. Expand children's ideas about the purpose of the Russian stove. Introduce children to the samovar, its external Morning. Morning exercises (February complex No. 1) D / and: "Make a picture" to teach children to collect simple pictures, select details according to the shape and image; develop attention, observation, visual figurative thinking, perseverance and fine motor skills of the fingers. Round dance game "How our girlfriends went." To teach children to stage a folk song, to perform game actions; introduce children to the culture of the Russian people, instill love and interest in it. Exercise "Paired Pictures" Tasks: Exercise children in comparing objects shown in the picture, in finding similarities and in collecting identical images; to form speech, to develop the ability to follow the rules of the game, to cultivate concentration, attention Creation / organization of a subject-spatial developing environment for independent activities of children and support for children's initiatives Illustrations, pictures. Involving families in educational activities Recommend home reading of Russian folk tales with a discussion of the character of the characters, their actions, relationships with each other. Talk to children about the sources of danger at home and on the street. view (lid, spout, faucet), purpose. Expand the horizons of children. Music (according to the plan of the music director) Walk 1 Birdwatching at the feeders. Labor activity. Bird feeding. Raise the desire to take care of feathered friends. Didactic game "Say the opposite." Expand the vocabulary of children with antonyms. The game is a competition "Who is the most accurate." To teach children to swing and throw, to throw a bump at a distance; develop coordination of movement, mobility of the joints of the hands, eye. Mobile game "Kite". Develop the ability to ask and answer questions; exercise children in running; instill interest in folk games. Evening: Gradual rise. Awakening gymnastics. Plot - role-playing game "Mistress". To develop in children the ability to jointly deploy the game, to coordinate their own plan with the plans of their peers; to develop the dialogic speech of children, to consolidate the diversity and expressiveness of role-playing actions. Construction We are building a fabulous house. Update children's ideas about fairy-tale constructions; to teach children to use the acquired skills to create a new type of buildings, decorate them; develop children's fantasy, imagination, creativity. Exhibition of books: "Russian folk tales". Consider the exhibition with the children, determine the name of the fairy tales by the covers; develop attention, thinking; educate interest in oral folk art. Walk 2 Observation of seasonal changes. to form concepts about natural phenomena (hoarfrost, frost, waning day, staying night); to consolidate knowledge about the sun (it shines, but does not heat). Shovels, buckets, molds for playing with snow, a flag, cones, bird food. Help children pick up items and attributes for the game. Prepare the necessary material for constructive activities. Prepare a book exhibition. Shovels, buckets, molds for playing with snow. P / games: "Birds in the nests", "Find your house" to learn to walk and run, scattered, without bumping into each other; to teach to act quickly on the signal of the educator, to help each other. Day of the week Date Directly educational activity Educational activity in sensitive moments Friday 10.02. 2017 The development of speech. Reading the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Hare". Introduce children to the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare", help to understand the meaning of the work (small daring, but brave). (V.V. Gerbova No. 1 p. 53) Physical development. Purpose: To exercise in throwing the ball over the net, developing eye and dexterity; in maintaining a stable balance when walking and running on a reduced area of ​​​​support. (L.I. Penzulaeva No. 15 p33.) Morning. Morning exercises (February complex No. 1). Conversation on the topic "Who, how and from what creates garments." Tell children about the work of representatives of various professions involved in the production of clothing (weavers, seamstresses, designers, fashion designers and others); compare modern clothes with the folk costume of our ancestors; to cultivate respect for people of different professions. Teacher's story: “What toys did grandparents play with” (looking at illustrations). "Playing with nesting dolls" to develop the skills and abilities to say your name, talk about yourself in the first person; express their needs and interests in speech; Hearing r.n. songs: “Oh, you canopy”, “The moon is shining”, “Oh, I got up early” Walk 1. Observation of the snow Objectives: to introduce the natural phenomenon - snow; show the diversity of the state of water in the environment. Outdoor games "Mice in the pantry". Objectives: to learn to run easily without bumping into each other; Creation / organization of a subject-spatial developing environment for independent activities of children and support for children's initiative Attributes for the game. Pictures depicting a Russian folk costume. Involvement of families in educational activities Individual conversations and consultations. Illustrations of toys Sledges, ice cubes, shovels. Bird food. move according to the text, quickly change the direction of movement. "Get in the circle." Goals: - to improve the ability to handle objects Inno with Milana and Nastya "Obstacle Track". Goals: to learn to coordinate movements with each other; develop an eye. Evening: Gradual rise. Awakening gymnastics. Reading the fairy tale "Fox with a rolling pin" Acquaintance with household items - a rolling pin. HBT. Washing toys Games. reception: I don’t recognize the toys, they have changed and become dusty. They need to be washed. Practical activity: I will wash and you dry. Conversation along the way: What toys did you feel? (wet) What are you doing? (I wipe) What kind of steel? (dry) Organization of an exhibition of household items. Expand children's ideas about the objects used by their ancestors. Walk 2 Observation of the movement of cars and people during ice. Purpose: Review the basic rules for crossing a street without a traffic light. Labor: Clearing snow from paths, benches to bring up the desire to help adults in cleaning the area from snow. P \ and "Homeless Hare" run fast, navigate in space. "Hunters and deer" to coordinate movements with each other. "Hit the target" to develop an eye. Independent activities: skiing, playing with snow. Ind. work: Throwing at the target to consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing Organize an exhibition of household items. upside down Ice, ice - Up flight. Where there is a stream of cars - There is not a square, but a skating rink. Who does not ride, but slides - Because it slows down. Ice, ice - This means bare ice. Don't go out anywhere - It's better to sit at home And look out the window! Sledges, ice rinks, shovels.

Elena Erofeeva
Planning educational work for the week "Culture and traditions of the Russian people"

. (Monday)

Subject: «» .

folk traditions: "Tea Party".

Ind. work on FEMP: did. a game: "Set the table for tea". Fixing a quantitative account, orientation in space (left, right, shape, color, size of objects.

Proverbs and sayings about samovar:

You don’t miss tea - you drink three cups each.

Drinking tea is a pleasure to live.

Have a cup of tea - you will forget longing.

With tea dashing does not happen.

If you don’t drink tea, where do you get your strength.

Examination of illustrations of a samovar.

Submit a reproduction of a painting: A. Morozov. "Tea Party".

FTsKM: « Culture and traditions of the Russian people» .

Tasks: Clarify children's knowledge about the concept « Tradition» to expand knowledge about traditions of the Russian people, culture(oral folk art, folk- applied art). Get back to the roots Russian folk culture.

Ways: Talk about traditions of the Russian people, viewing illustrations for fairy tales, round dance game, discussion traditional dishes.

Facilities: N.V. Aleshina, p. 123.

Music. By plan of the muses. leader.

Drawing: "Let's paint Tula samovars".

Tasks: Strengthening the ability of children to use elements of Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Gorodets murals. Practice your skills brush work to promote the development of artistic taste, fostering respect for the work of craftsmen admiration for their work.

Ways: a conversation about samovars, looking at illustrations with painted samovars, discussing painting techniques, showing children some techniques for drawing a painting element, self-study. Job looking at drawings.

Facilities: Internet - resource, illustrations depicting samovars from different times, modern painted samovars, a silhouette of a samovar made of paper, gouache, brushes.


What a miracle - a winter forest,

How many fabulous miracles!

In this fairy tale I am a forest,

Dream or reality before me?

Here is a luxurious row of birches,

White shawls are burning

Silver - but on the sidelines

Christmas tree girls in fur coats.

Oh what silence

White country! M. Stepanov

Individual work - long jump. Practice long jump

repel two.

P / s: "Hunters and Hares". Improving the skill of jumping and throwing at a target on both legs. Development of dexterity, speed and orientation in space. Observation of trees and shrubs. Expanding and deepening knowledge about plants.

After snowfalls, free bushes and trees from heavy snow. Pay attention to respect for trees and shrubs. Why can't you run near the bushes, play near the trees? Talk to children about trees: why do they not grow in winter, how do buds hibernate, do our trees need winter, why does birch not grow in a tropical forest? In frosty weather, listen to the crackling of trees and the creaking underfoot, examine the trees in winter dress. Why don't trees freeze in winter? (Cork layer, snow blanket, peace, no sap flow.) Questions.

How are trees different from shrubs?

What are trees that shed their leaves called?

What are the benefits of trees and shrubs?

Research activities: to dig deep snow where the grass grew. Under the snow cover, you can see small green plants with weak leaves pressed to the ground. Lead the children to the conclusion that snow protects the soil, preventing it from cooling.

Work: Shoveling snow towards the trees. Contribute education humane and active attitude to trees.

A game: "What grows in different parts?". Fixing the names of trees.

Literary Lounge - D. Kharms "Ivan Ivanovich samovar". Arouse children's interest in Russian folk traditions. enrich children's vocabulary with words: bread and salt, tea drinking, a feast for the whole world, a samovar, refreshments, a feast with a mountain, hospitality.

Ind. Job: Cutting out according to the samovar pattern, decorating it with the help of appliqué.

folk traditions: talk about traditions of Russian tea drinking. To activate the attention of children to the history of the emergence of the samovar. Expansion of ideas about proverbs, sayings, jokes about Russian hospitality.

Household work: “In our group, as if in the upper room it will be clean and light”. To cause a desire to restore order in the group, to promote the development of labor skills.

Di "Fold the picture" (samovar, bagels). Promote the development of attention, thinking.

Offer to expand the plot for the game "Tea drinking at the samovar".

Production of pretzels, bagels, loaf, Easter cake from salt dough.

Planning educational and educational work in 2016. (Tuesday)

Subject: « Culture and traditions of the Russian people» .

Morning gymnastics. Complex number 10.

folk life: a conversation about ancient dishes (what was it made of, how was it used).

Ind. Job for drawing dishes based on folk painting(Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel). To contribute to the development of the ability to apply the acquired knowledge of decorative art, to use the stylistic features of color inherent in Russian.

Riddles about objects folk life.

I feed everyone with pleasure,

And she's homeless. (Spoon)

Back, then forward

The steamer is sailing.

Stop - make a hole

(Iron) and etc.

Examination of wooden, earthenware, cast iron, trays.

Illustrations depicting Russian folk life.

Speech development: storytelling "Fear has big eyes".

Tasks: to ensure the development of the ability to retell the text of a fairy tale consistently, without omissions and repetitions, expressively conveying the speech of the characters.

Ways: reading a fairy tale, a conversation on the content, re-reading, retelling a fairy tale by children, a game "How to say right?", poem. L. Stancheva "Is this true or not?",a game "House - home", a game "Finish the sentence".

Facilities: O. S. Ushakova, p. 168

Application: « Russian doll» .

Tasks: Promote interest in Russian applied art - a wooden toy; skills work with a stencil, cut out of fabric, consolidate the skills of symmetrical cutting of flowers, leaves; contribute education the desire to create and create based on motives.

Ways: a riddle about nesting dolls, a brief conversation about nesting dolls, showing nesting dolls, examining colors, patterns, suggest choosing the right material for applications: fabric, col. paper, self Job, result.

Facilities: Internet resource, fabric with flowers for cutting, col. paper, glue, scissors.

Physical training.

By .

Role in la


Research activities

Observe where the snow melts faster - on a mitten or a hand. Why? What is formed from snow?

Labor activity: Building a labyrinth. Learn to get things done;

bring up ability to work together.

Outdoor games "Two Frosts", "Wolf in the Den".

Promote the development of attention and the ability to act on a signal educator.

Individual Job"Walk carefully". exercise walking "snake" between objects without knocking them down.

Watching snowflakes. Pay attention to the fact that snowflakes come in different shapes; compare, develop cognitive activity.

What kind of stars through

On a scarf and a sleeve,

All through, cut out

Will you take water in your hand?

An asterisk circled

A little in the air

Sat and melted

On my palm. E. Blaginina

Look at the snow, what is it like?

Look at your mittens, what are snowflakes?

Pay attention to the beautiful carved snowflakes, their different patterns.

Why are snowflakes cut out? Why do they melt in the palm of your hand?

Find two identical snowflakes. (There are no identical snowflakes.)

Exercise after sleep. Complex number 5.

Literary living room - fairy tale "Golden Spindle". Expansion of children's knowledge about antiquities, their purpose. Activate in speech words: spinning wheel, spindle, spinner, tow, etc.

Ind. application work: "Patchwork Quilt".

Arouse the desire to create a composition based on Russian folk art.

Circle: "Young Explorer".

Subject: "Water Games".

Target: Fixing the properties of water.

Create a joyful mood from playing with water. Promote the development of imagination, curiosity.

Examination of illustrations of peasant labor tools and a story about their purpose. Riddles about the tools of the peasant. To replenish knowledge about crafts and activities of adults in Rus' (plowman, weaver, potter, etc.). Based on this knowledge, show the importance of labor for a person. D/ And: "Items Russian way of life» . Fixing the names of objects, their purpose.

Drawing household items Russian peasant(coloring pages). Encourage the development of fine motor skills.

Planning of educational work in 2016. (Wednesday)

Subject: « Culture and traditions of the Russian people» .

Acquaintance with Russian costume: a conversation about the symbolism of red and black in patterns Russian folk costume.

Ind. speech development work: suggest schemes for compiling a story - narration, description, modeling Russian folk tales. Contribute to the development of communication.

round dance game: "On the mountain, viburnum". Get back to the roots Russian folk culture.

Work. assignment: cleaning in a natural corner. Contribute education responsible attitude to business, labor skills.

Looking at a doll in the national Russian outfit, illustrations depicting the ancient Russian clothes.

Games in the corner of disguise.

Games for the development of small motility:

Braid Matryona's braid,

"Collect beads for Alyonushka".

FEMP: "Adding and Subtracting Numbers One at a Time".

Tasks: To ensure the development of the ability to create silhouettes from geometric shapes, compare values ​​in depth. Exercise in adding and subtracting numbers one at a time, in completing tasks in logic games, drawing arcs and straight horizontal lines in notebooks. Ways: math. warm-up, determination of depth, performance of tasks in notebooks.

Facilities: L. V. Minkevich p. 94, No. 35, water bucket, basin, doll, example cards, number set, game "Pythagoras", logical squares, notebooks, pencils.

Acquaintance with thin. l- Roy: Small folklore forms. Compilation of stories, fairy tales according to proverbs.

Tasks: Help to understand the figurative meaning of words and phrases, contribute to the formation of the ability to compose stories, fairy tales according to proverbs, invent riddles.

Ways: ex. "Explain, show", explaining the meaning of proverbs, inventing a story according to a proverb, guessing riddles, pronouncing tongue twisters with different intonations.

Facilities: O. S. Ushakova, p. 163, illustrations for phraseological units, pictures for riddles.

Music. By plan of the muses. leader.

Role in la: Sets up children before class, fosters a culture of the right answer, provides an individual approach, sings with children, performs his own version, encourages good performance, provides an individual approach, plays with children.


Di "Guess it"- to ensure the development of the ability to describe the subject and recognize it.

Ind. Job on the development of movements - jumping on the right and left. Strengthening the muscles of the legs.

Watching for signs of winter. To ensure the development of the ability to determine the state of the weather, compare different winter periods, draw conclusions and conclusions.

What season is it outside?

How did you know it was winter?

Not a leaf. Not a blade of grass! Our garden has become quiet.

And the birches and aspens Are boring.

Only the Christmas tree is cheerful and green.

It can be seen that the frost is not terrible for her, It can be seen that she is brave.

What is the weather today?

Vocabulary Job:

Winter (what is he doing)- comes, flies, frowns, leaves, etc.

Work: clear the path to the feeder. Contribute education caring attitude towards birds.

A game "Alive - not alive"

Target: the division of nature into living and non-living objects.

Games - relay races: "Get the snowballs in the basket", "Change of Places". Create a cheerful mood, promote the development of physical qualities, hardening of the child's body.

Exercise after sleep. Complex number 5.

Literary drawing room - a story by K. D. Ushinsky "How the shirt grew in the field". Expanding knowledge about cultivation and flax processing, weaving. Contribute to the development of artistic and aesthetic perception of works of folk art(linen embroidered products, russian costume) .

Sport games: "Who will tie the sash faster", "Who is faster" (running in bast shoes).

Promote the development of children's physical qualities: speed, dexterity, eye.

Hearing Russian folk music. Attach to the spiritual and folk music.

Weaving from the threads of a belt for a doll. Encourage the development of fine motor skills.

Stencil Decoration Russian costume. Contribute education children have an aesthetic sense, artistic taste.

Planning of educational work in 2016. (Thursday)

Subject: « Culture and traditions of the Russian people» .

Morning gymnastics. Complex number 8.

Russian folk art: talk about Russian crafts Khokhloma, Gzhel, Zhostovo. Album review "Decorative and applied art".

Ind. Job: sound analysis of words.

Solving riddles about Russian folk musical instruments.

Singing round dance songs: "Like ours at the gate", "Like thin ice". Engage in choral singing.

Examining illustrations of objects Russian crafts.

Photos of wooden houses and old buildings.

Offer to build according to the scheme Russian hut.

Literacy education.

Tasks: Improve the ability to perform sound analysis of words using a mixed model. Repeat the rules for writing vowels after consonants. Exercise in the name of words with a given sound.

Ways: word sound analysis "time", a game "Who is the most attentive?", changing words, the game “Name the words with the sounds b and b.

Facilities: N. S. Varentsova, p. 86, no. 18.

Drawing: "Bouquet of flowers" (based on Zhostovo trays).

Tasks: Arouse the desire to create a decorative composition in a certain color scheme based on popular decorative and applied arts. To consolidate the knowledge of warm and cold tones. Encourage the development of compositional skills.

Ways: showing illustrations depicting bouquets made in warm colors, clarifying knowledge of warm colors, offering to create a bouquet in such a range, independently. Job looking at drawings.

Facilities: T. S. Komarova, p. 73, white or light yellow paper, watercolor, brushes, oilcloths, napkins, water jars.

Physical training. By physical education instructor plan.

Role in la: targeting the lesson, assistance in the distribution of attributes, sports equipment, assistance with outdoor switchgear and internal affairs, monitor posture and breathing.


"Bird Flight". To promote the development of endurance, the ability to move on a signal. Practice running and balance.

"Sly Fox". Development of agility, speed, coordination, education of honesty, creative imagination, the ability to behave in a team of comrades.

Snow watching. To systematize children's knowledge about snow as a natural phenomenon.

What does snow smell like? How does snow fall when the wind blows and when it doesn't? When is it easy to rake snow (when it flakes or blows with the wind? Is snow heavier or lighter than the earth? Does all life on earth need snow? And why?

Z. Alexandrova "Snowball".

Snow flutters, spins,

It's white outside.

And the puddles turned

In transparent glass.

Where the finches sang in summer

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

On the branches of snowmen.

Mystery: In the winter he lay, in the spring he ran into the river (snow).

Vocabulary Job:

Snow (what is he doing)- falls, spins, lies down, melts, etc.

Drawing patterns on the snow with sticks.

Work: clearing the area of ​​snow. Contribute education of industriousness.

Exercise after sleep. Complex number 5.

Literary lounge - listening to a fairy tale "Sadko" (audio recording).

Examining illustrations for a fairy tale.

Ind. Job: manufacturing folk toys: whistles, Dymkovo toys, painting them with different paintings.

folk game: "Towns", "Brook". Arouse the desire to use folk games in everyday life.

Theatricalization: Russian folktale(at the choice of children). To promote the development of creative, artistic skills.

Bring books with fairy tales, epics, floorboards illustrations by different artists.

Collective building "Village".

game on folk musical tools: pipe, balalaika, horn, spoons, whistles. Contribute to the development of musical culture.

Planning of educational work in 2016. (Friday)

Subject: « Culture and traditions of the Russian people» .

Morning gymnastics. Complex number 8.

Oral folk art: a conversation about the features of the content of lullabies

songs and sentences.

Ind. Job: "keep going" (work in notebooks in a cage) . Learning invocations “Ay, larks, my children…”, "Larks-flyers". Contribute fostering love for Russian folklore.

round dance game: "Where was Ivanushka".

Engage in choral singing Russian folk culture.

Image illustrations Russian heroes.

Create conditions for s-r games "Family". game exercise "Rock the doll Dasha". Engage in the application of knowledge about lullabies.

FEMP: "Independence of number from the size of objects".

Tasks: Promote the development of logical thinking. Practice addition and subtraction working with the plan, drawing arcs and straight vertical lines. To consolidate the concept of the independence of a number from the size of objects.

Ways: Job with logical cards, finding patterns, correcting errors, solving problems, tasks in notebooks. Facilities: L. V. Minkevich p. 95, No. 36, cards with objects of different sizes, cards with geom. figures, cards with logical tasks, a set of numbers, drawing and room plans, notebooks, pencils.

Manual labor: "Sewing on buttons".

Tasks: To ensure the development of the ability to sew on a button.

Ways: rule reminder working with a needle, show how to measure the thread, thread it into a needle, sew on a button. Self. Job. Grade.

Facilities: L. V. Kutsakova p. 105, buttons, fabric, needles, thread, scissors.

Physical education in the air(folk games) .

P / s: "Burners". Exercise in running in pairs for speed, start running only after the end of the words. To develop in children the speed of movement, dexterity. "Dawn - lightning". To promote the development of running strength, exercise in a clear pronunciation of words.

"Metelitsa". Promote the development of motor activity, the formation of a sense of balance.


Individual Job- strengthening the ability to navigate the kindergarten site, find an object according to the description.

Frost watch. Summarize children's knowledge about a natural phenomenon - frost.

Who painted the windows with beautiful patterns? - Why is the hill filled with frost? Why is snow and ice water? Why is there ice on the street? What do wipers do on ice?

I. Nikitin

Burning frost crackling,

It's dark outside;

Silver frost

Launched the window.

Experience with water:

If snow and ice melt, water will appear; But if you put water in the cold, it will turn into ice.

P / s: "Jack Frost"- follow the rules of the game.

"Find Your Color". Formation of the ability to navigate in space, to teach to act on a signal, the development of dexterity, attention.

Proverb: The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

Work: building a slide for dolls. Generate interest in building a building. To promote the development of the skill of raking snow into a pile, and forming a hill.

Exercise after sleep. Complex number 5.

Literary lounge - reading to choose from epics: "Healing of Ilya Muromets", "Ilya Muromets and the Beast", "About Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich". Show children the beauty Russian language through oral folk art.

Examining illustrations for Russian epics.

Ind. Job: jobs in notebooks - Alena, Sasha, Alyosha.

Listening to audio lullabies. Get back to the roots folk culture.

Work. assignment: Putting things in order in the group. evoke positive emotions from

completed assignments, the atmosphere of comfort and cleanliness.

Directing game « Russian bogatyrs» .

Construction Games: "Fortress for Ilya Muromets".

Larisa Savchuk
Calendar and thematic planning under the program "From Birth to School" on the topic "Folk Culture and Traditions of Russia"


preparatory group

Program content: Continue to acquaint with folk culture, traditions and customs. To expand ideas about the diversity of art, crafts, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia. Continue to acquaint children with oral folk art, songs, dances, and folk toys. Talk about the Russian hut, household items, clothing. Cultivate interest, love for folk culture

Final event: Exhibition of children's creativity "We are young masters of folk arts and crafts", game - presentation "Call it right"

JOINT ACTIVITY OF ADULTS AND CHILDREN: GCD (educational field, type of activity, topic, goal, source)


Subject: Culture and traditions of the Russian people

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the name of the country in which they live, about its nature, historical events, culture; clarify knowledge about such a concept as “tradition”, recall the traditions of the Russian people that they were told about, introduce them to other traditions

N. V. Aleshina “Introduction of preschoolers to the surrounding and social reality”, p. 120.

V. N. Volchkova, N. V. Stepanova “Summaries of classes in the senior group of kindergarten. Cognitive development”, p. 50.

Subject: Groups of items. Orientation in space. Oval. Measurement of objects.

Target: Exercise children in determining the number of groups and the number of objects in groups; continue to learn to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage; clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe oval; learn to measure the length and width of objects using conditional measurements.

Metlin, p. 178


Subject: Making groups of objects. Measurement of objects. Comparison of adjacent numbers

Target: Teach children to make groups containing an equal number of objects; determine the number of groups and the number of items in them; measure the length and width of objects, put off objects-marks in the course of measurement, understand that the marks show how many times the measurement was postponed; practice comparing adjacent numbers within 10.

Metlin, p. 180


Subject: Retelling of the Russian folk tale "As it comes around, it will respond"

Target: To teach children to expressively retell a fairy tale using words and expressions from the text; to activate the use of verbs in the speech of children; exercise children in the formation of the comparative degree of adjectives; learn to understand the meaning of proverbs; in the correct pronunciation of the sounds w, w, p in isolation and in a tongue twister with a change in the strength of the voice and the tempo of speech.

O. S. Ushakova, E. M. Strunina “RR for children 6-7 years old p. 87


Subject: Sound analysis of words

Target: Continue the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants. To consolidate knowledge of the word-distinctive role of sound. Learn to name words with a given sound.

Teaching preschoolers literacy. L. E. Zhurova, N. S. Varentsova.


Subject: Reading the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" in the processing of A. Nechaev

Target: To acquaint children with the epic, to help them feel the beauty and expressiveness of the epic speech. Enrich the vocabulary of children with social science words. Develop aesthetic feelings by means of artistic expression, music and fine arts. Raise interest in Russian history, the lives of ancestors and heroes.

G. Ya. Zatulina Abstracts of comprehensive classes on the development of speech (preparatory group) p. 90


Subject: Beloved beauty (Russian folk crafts)

Target: to cultivate an aesthetic attitude to folk applied art, to instill interest in various types of folk crafts, in a variety of natural materials from which craftsmen made various products.

G. Ya. Zatulina Summaries of complex classes in RR. p. 166; Volchkova, str. 48

Subject: Russian folk clothes

Target: Continue to acquaint children with the history and features of the Russian folk costume. To expand children's knowledge of Russian folk culture. Show the beauty of embroidered products, patterns from plant elements. Learn to draw Russian folk clothes, conveying its characteristic features, and decorate it with floral patterns (flowers, leaves, stems, blades of grass)

D. N. Koldina "Drawing with children 6-7 years old", p. 34., Koroleva T. V. p. 34


Subject: Ancient building - tower

Target: To acquaint children with the structural features of ancient wooden buildings, with their decorations; to teach how to depict a fabulous wooden tower with a light, with patterns on the platbands, shutters, on the boards framing the triangle of the pediment, on the cornice; convey the texture of the tree with thin lines and strokes of a different nature; to consolidate the ability to draw and paint over with different pressure of the pencil.

G. S. Shvaiko “Art classes in kindergarten”, p. 123., Koroleva, p. 20


Subject: Round dance of matryoshkas

Target: To instill in children an interest in folk art, develop aesthetic perception, the ability to cut out a nesting doll silhouette, flowers for a sundress from paper folded several times, be able to arrange nesting dolls in one composition (in a meadow, in a round dance, etc.)

T. G. Kazakova "Classes in fine arts in kindergarten" p. 131


Subject: Palace for fairy-tale heroes

Target: To teach creative approach to solving constructive problems, independently invent and implement original ideas in the design of palaces (spiers, cities, curly columns). All children should develop an interest in invention, teamwork skills.

N. F. Tarlovskaya, L. A. Toporkova "Teaching preschool children to design and manual labor" p. 38


Subject. According to the music director


Subject. According to the physical plan leader



Plot - role-playing games:"Theater", "Fair"

Didactic games:“Fold the picture”, “Choose the pictures correctly”, “Make a pattern”, “Zhostovo trays”, “What is a fairy tale?”, “Name the crafts”, puzzles, mosaic


Conversations:“A miracle is wonderful” (Russian folk toys, “These wise Russian fairy tales”, “Traditions of Russia” (Russian folk holidays), “Golden hands of masters” (Russian folk arts and crafts, “Russian gatherings”

Individual conversations:“What I saw on the way to kindergarten”

Situational conversation and speech situation on this topic.

Solving riddles: topic

Writing descriptive stories: according to folk toys, according to their works

Didactic games:“Guess”, “Name it right”, “What, what, what?”, “What is made of what?”, “Name the fairy tale”

Articulation gymnastics:"Ball rolling", "Curtains"

Cognitive research:

Excursions and target walks: around the kindergarten

Observations: behind the state of the weather, behind the aspen tree, behind the behavior of birds, behind the sky, behind people's clothes

Consideration: subject pictures, illustrations, albums "Decorative and applied art", "Dymkovo toys", etc., toys: nesting dolls, water-carriers, turkey

Didactic games:“What time of year?”, “Birds, animals, fish”, “Name the plant with the right sound”

Perception of fiction and folklore

Listening and discussion: Russian folk tales, epics about Russian heroes, nursery rhymes, r. n. With. "Vasilisa the Beautiful" (from the collection of fairy tales by A. Afanasyev)


Self service: to consolidate the ability to neatly fold clothes in the closet

Cultural and hygienic skills: to consolidate the ability, after finishing the meal, put the cutlery on the plate, and not on the table; exercise "Show Dunno how to chew food properly"

Socially useful work: learn how to clean up the play areas on your own

Labor in nature: to consolidate the ability to independently and responsibly perform the duties of a duty officer in a corner of nature: water indoor plants, loosen the soil

on a walk: clearing paths



Drawing:"My favorite Russian folk tale"

Construction:"Fairytale Terem (Palace)"


Hearing: songs "My Russia", music. G. Struve, sl. N. Solovieva; music "Lullaby", "Guy with an accordion", music. G. Sviridov "Chamomile Rus'", "Forget-me-not Gzhel", "Pipe and horn", "Palekh" and "Our Khokhloma", music. Y. Chichkova (collection "Chamomile Rus'");


Outdoor games:"Don't Stay on the Floor", "Let's Find the Traces of the Hare", "Hunters and Hares", "Find What's Hidden", "We're Merry Boys", "Obstacle Road"

Fitness minutes:"Khokhloma, yes Khokhloma ...".

Finger gymnastics:“We sculpted, we sculpted, our fingers got tired ....”, “Finger exercises”

SUPPORT FOR THE INDIVIDUALITY OF THE CHILD (form of work, topic, full name of the child)

- "Look at (album) and tell" - consolidate children's knowledge about the country in which they live, about its nature, historical events, culture

D / game "Measure an object" - exercise the ability to measure the length and width of objects using a conditional measure

I/ex. "Compare numbers" - exercise in comparing adjacent numbers within 10

- "Tell a fairy tale" - exercise in expressive retelling of a fairy tale using words and expressions from the text

D / game "Name the sound" - exercise the ability to distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants

Consideration of illustrations for the epic - to develop ideas about Russian history, the life of ancestors and heroes

D / game "Guess" - to consolidate knowledge about the arts

- "Draw a pattern" - exercise in drawing elements of a plant pattern (flowers, blades of grass, stems, leaves)

- "Draw and paint over" - exercise the ability to draw and paint over the image with different pressure on the pencil

Exercise children in cutting out objects from paper folded several times.

- "Think up and build what you want" - develop the ability to invent and implement a plan when creating various buildings


Morning exercises: Outdoor switchgear complex without items No.

Awakening gymnastics: Complex No.

Preventive actions: gymnastics for the eyes. Complex No.; prof. flat feet Complex No.; prof. postural disorders Complex No.

Breathing exercises:"Semaphore", "Controller"

Hardening procedures: contrast air baths, barefoot walking on combined paths


Provide the necessary equipment for storage systems: modeling "Potters"; drawing with colored pencils "My favorite Russian folk tale"

Create conditions and help organize role-playing games: "Theater", "Fair"

Create simple structures, drawings familiar to children, for independent reproduction of the buildings "Fairytale Terem (Palace)" from the building set

Provide children with the necessary material for the development of theatrical activities based on Russian folk tales

Contribute to the cognitive, artistic and aesthetic development of children, through the arrangement in the group: subject pictures, illustrations, albums "Decorative and Applied Art", "Dymkovo Toys", etc., toys: nesting dolls, water-carriers, turkey-cock

Encourage children to play n / a games: “Fold the picture”, “Choose the pictures correctly”, “Make a pattern”, “Zhostovo trays”, “What is a fairy tale?”, “Name the crafts”, puzzles, mosaic

Support children in striving to independently choose the type of activity according to their interests


Consultations:"Educational value of Russian folklore", "Culture and traditions of the Russian people", "Folk crafts and trades".

Folder - mover"Introducing preschoolers to folk arts and crafts."

Master Class for parents "Drawing elements of the Khokhloma pattern"

Individual conversation"Gifted child", recommendations to parents.

Thematic selection of material"Reading and learning with children"

Individual mini-conversations for parents

Approximate plan of educational work

with middle school children

Topic: "Folk culture and traditions"

Program content:

    Development of the need and desire of children in the knowledge of the creativity of folk culture, the perception of beautiful household items, works of folk, decorative, applied and fine arts.

    Familiarization with household items, their names, purpose.

    Acquaintance with various types of decorative arts (wood, clay, paper, cardboard, sewing, embroidery, weaving).

Directly organized educational activities

"Knowledge" - the development of horizons

Didactic game "How the hut was built" Continue to develop the ability to distinguish and name building details. Develop the ability to analyze a sample building.

"Labor" - man-made world

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Apron Decoration" Learn to draw a pattern on a square-shaped paper napkin from circles and squares, placing the circles in the corners of the square and in the middle, and the squares between them. Develop a sense of rhythm. Strengthen the ability to draw accurately. Cultivate independence.

"Communication" / "Reading fiction"

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Wonderful paws." Continue to acquaint children with the works of oral folk art through reading Russian folk tales, learning nursery rhymes. To teach children to understand the figurative content and idea of ​​a fairy tale, to see the relationship between the content and the title of the work.

"Artistic creativity" - drawing

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Scarf decoration. (Based on the Dymkovo painting) Learn: highlight the element of the pattern (straight lines, intersecting lines, dots and strokes); evenly cover the sheet with continuous lines (vertical and horizontal), put strokes, dots and other elements in the resulting cells. Develop a sense of rhythm, composition, color.

"Artistic creativity" - modeling

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Plasticine painting" (Dymkovo). To introduce children to some ways of making and painting clay toys. Engage in folk art. Cultivate a creative spirit. Learn to enjoy the success of your work and the work of other children.

"Artistic creativity" - design

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Building "Turret", "House". Purpose: to teach children to create their own combinations of existing parts, to find in them a certain side of the building. Continue to develop the ability to distinguish and name building details. Develop the ability to analyze a sample building.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

    Hearing: "Shepherd Boy"; Russian folk dance melodies.

    Singing: “Where was Ivanushka”, “Kisonka - Murysonka” Russian; folk songs.

    pictures, illustrations about objects of ancient life;

    illustrations for enrichment and creation of mood, individual musical performance, exercises, crafts, chants, movement, plastic, dance studies;

    illustrations for the fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip";

    ready-made forms from paper, cardboard of household items, for stroking along the contour of drawing a pattern

    waste material for the manufacture of the layout "Compound"

    forms for laying out a pattern on a flannelgraph

    painting by E;Racheva "Chanterelle with a rolling pin"

    illustrations for the fairy tales "Khavroshechka", "Fox - sister and gray wolf";

    Matryoshka toys and albums of matryoshka painting samples

    decorating household items, strokes along the contour

    for independent games-experiments with water, clay, wood, sand;

    a doll in a folk costume, looking at a doll in a folk costume

    coloring "Dymkovo toy";

To carry out educational activities in the family on the topic, recommend to parents:

    reviewing books, discussion;

    examining objects on the theme of "Russian hut",

    outdoor games with children: with running; “At the bear in the forest”, “Bird and cat”, “Horses”, “Homeless hare”, “Traps”;

    visit the museum of decorative and applied arts;

    draw an illustration with the child on the topic “My favorite fairy tale”;

    look at the photo album "National Costumes" at home;

    tell the child about folk crafts (knitting, embroidery, weaving, etc;)

Joint educational activities on the topic in sensitive moments:


    experimental activity with the properties of wood and clay;

    developing situations: looking at albums, looking at a doll in a folk costume, pictures, illustrations about objects of ancient life, illustrations of "Heroes of Rus'";

    consideration of objects of folk crafts (knitting, embroidery, weaving, etc.);

    examining illustrations for the fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip";

    the use of ready-made forms made of paper, cardboard, household items, for tracing along the contour of drawing a pattern;

    production of the layout "Compound";

    laying out a pattern on a flannelograph;

    acquaintance with folk instruments ratchet and pipe;

    painting by E; Rachev "Chernet with a rolling pin";

    Matryoshka toys and albums of matryoshka painting samples;

    organization of outdoor games;

    looking at toys, illustrations, talking about them;

Hygiene procedures

    the use of nursery rhymes sayings, riddles; "The sun, the bell", when washing, dressing for a walk;

    situational conversations about washing devices (washbasin, basin with water);

    to acquaint with fables and amusing folklore - teasers; tongue twisters; "Barabek", "Sack";

    nursery rhyme for combing hair "Grow, braid, to the waist"

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner


Observation: use folk songs, calls "Sun, turn around!" "Rain, rain, more!"

Outdoor games: games - round dances: "Three Merry Brothers", "Garden", "Wind", Russian folk games: "Geese-Swans", "Wolf in the Ditch", "Wolf and Sheep", "Crows and Sparrows", "Snake", “Hares in the Garden”, “Bees and Swallows”, “Cats and Mice”, “At the Bear in the Forest”, etc.

Work: Collect sticks, pebbles, dry grass, leaves to make the Compound layout

Individual work on the development of movements:

Independent activities of children:


    experimenting with water, clay;

    looking at pictures depicting items of ancient clothing, utensils;

    problematic situations “How can we wash if there is no running water”;

    figurative imitation games, organization of game situations using toys, characters of the finger and puppet theater;

    viewing CDs with folk tales;

    learning sayings and proverbs, reading nursery rhymes;

    viewing objects of decorative art, illustrations, paintings;

    reading riddles and poems about the Dymkovo toy;

    the use of counting rhymes in the game “They were sitting on the golden porch ...” “The cuckoo was walking past the net ...”;

    Russian folk tales “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed” (arranged by O. Kapitsa), “Zhikharka”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Wintering of Animals”, “Chanterette-sister and Wolf”, “Wonderful Lapotochki”;

    game situations "Visiting grandmother Matryona". Enrich children's active vocabulary. To intensify the use in speech of the names of clothes, its parts.



Outdoor games:"Mice and a cat"; with running "At the bear in the forest" (learning); with jumps "Fox in the chicken coop" (learning); with throwing "Who will throw the bag further"; with lasagna "Hatch and chickens"; Folk outdoor game "Grey Bunny washes";

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