Library reading plan for summer holidays. Guide to Summer Readings


In the summer, the libraries of the MBU CLS actively work according to the program "Summer Readings", which is part of the city municipal program "Izhevsk Holidays". The purpose of the program is the formation of active reading activity and the organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents in the summer.

In 2017, 20 branch libraries serving children take part in the Summer Readings program. Each library plans its activities in the summer in accordance with the interests and needs of readers of childhood (up to 14 years old), taking into account the relevance and demand for topics and forms of work.

2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology in Russia, so libraries' summer programs are dedicated to nature and environmental protection.

Many activities will introduce young readers to children's writers and their works. In the libraries, children are waiting not only for interesting books, but also outdoor and intellectual games, outdoor walks, watching cartoons, entertaining master classes, and theatrical performances. The most active readers can compete for the title of the best book readers and connoisseurs.

Libraries - participants of the "Summer Readings"

Central Municipal Children's Library. M. Gorky (ul. Udmurtskaya, 216)

Library them. V. G. Korolenko (street Kambarskaya, 29)

Library-branch No. 24 (Vorovsky St., 106)

Library them. I. A. Krylova (St. K. Marx, 271)

Library-branch No. 18 (Shkolnaya st., 55)

Library-branch them. F. Vasilyeva (st. 50 years of Pioneer, 22)

Library them. F. G. Kedrova (st. 1st Tverskaya, 48)

Library them. M. Jalil (street Sadovaya, 1)

Library them. V. V. Mayakovskogo (street Novostroitelnaya, 28)

Library them. A.P. Chekhov (settlement of Mashinostroiteley, 66)

Branch Library No. 25 (Dragunov St., 62)

Library them. N. K. Krupskaya (st. Avtozavodskaya, 18)

Library them. L. N. Tolstoy (Voroshilov St., 18)

Library-branch No. 19 (St. T. Baramzina, 84)

Library-branch No. 23 (st. 40 years of Pobedy, 56 A)

Library them. P. A. Blinova (50 Votkinskoe Highway)

Library them. Yu. A. Gagarin (Avangardnaya st., 2)

Library them. S. Ya. Marshak (Dzerzhinsky St., 83)


Central Municipal Children's Library. M. Gorky

st. Udmurtskaya, 216. Tel. 68-11-24

Subject: "ECORobinsons"

Library week at 15.00

Monday– Entertainer

Tuesday- Cartoon collection

Wednesday– Poznavayka

Thursday– Playing game

Friday– Masterilka

"ECORobinsons" - a holiday, the opening of the program

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan" - puppet show

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

“A lesson for good fellows” based on the tales of A. Pushkin, conversation

"Like on the island of Buyan ..." - game

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

"Basket with stories" - to the 125th anniversary of K.G. Paustovsky, conversation

"Journey to Meshchora" - game

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" - puppet show

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

"A man, not a legend!" — about A.P. Maresiev, conversation

"Soldier's maneuvers" - game

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" - puppet show

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

"On the seas, on the waves" - to the 110th anniversary of A.S. Nekrasov, conversation

"Around the World with Captain Vrungel" - game

"The Old Man and the Dragon" - puppet show

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

"Murom wonderworkers" - conversation

"Family joys" - game

"Rooster with a Fox" - puppet show

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

"A Beloved Aid" - to the 70th anniversary of G. Oster, conversation

"Charging for the tail" - a game

The Hunter and the Snake - puppet show

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

"Lords of the Deep" - a conversation about dolphins

"About dolphins and whales - about sea buddies" - a game

"At the edge of the forest" - puppet show

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

“Tales for the protection of the rights of children, animals and nature” - conversation

"What Happened at the Chicken Villa"

"The Old Man and the Birch" - puppet show

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

"Crocodile Gena and others" - a conversation for the 80th anniversary of E. Uspensky

"Open Day at the Zoo" - game

"Little Baba Yaga" part 1 - puppet show

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

Why do we need physical education? - conversation

"Merry Starts" - game

"Little Baba Yaga" part 2 - puppet show

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

"Formula of goodness" - conversation

"Everyone needs a home: - both a puppy and a kitten" game

"Uncle Fyodor and company" part 1 - puppet show

Shooting a cartoon at 16.00

"Symbols of the state" - conversation

"Bye, summer!" - Summing up the results of the summer, fair

"Uncle Fyodor and company" part 2 - puppet show

Game book exhibitions

"Fantasy Island"

"Summer fun in the book forest"

"Cave of Tales"

"Ocean of Knowledge"

Library them. V. G. Korolenko

st. Kambarskaya, 29. Tel. 66-16-48

Subject: “We read smart books and respect nature”

Library week at 11.00

Monday– bibliographic reviews, quizzes

Tuesday- "Strong, fast, agile, smart" - games

Wednesday- "The world of the planet and its secrets" - video previews

Thursday– Theater Studio "Tales of a scientist cat"

Friday- "Do it once, do it twice!" - day of useful deeds

"We read smart books and respect nature" - the opening of the program

"Journey to Lukomorye" - slide quiz

"Do you know your native land?" - slide quiz

"Global environmental problems" - quiz

"7 Wonders of Russia" - slide game

"Under the invisible hat" - a game-journey through the stories of N. Sladkov

Book series "Tuzik, Murzik and others" - an overview

"The world of the planet and its secrets" - video hour

"Try the delicious treats from our book cup" - exhibition-review

"About the animal life" (V. Bianchi) - a literary game

“How grandfather broke the great balance” (V. Bianchi) - puppet show

"Book eco-picnic" - a celebration of the closing of summer readings

Library exhibitions:

"Book Garden for Toddlers"

“We read smart books and respect nature”

"Try some delicious treats from our book cup" (new items)

Branch Library No. 24

st. Vorovskogo, 106. Tel. 66-10-44

Theme: "The Adventures of the Green Suitcase"

Library week at 15.00

Monday - video preview

Tuesday- loud readings

Wednesday– environmental quizzes

Thursday– eco-workshop “From waste to income”

Friday– eco-theater "On the Forest Glade"

"Green suitcase" - the opening of the program

"Garbage Scavenger" - game conversation

"National Parks of Russia" - video preview

"ECOpaths" - ecological holiday

"Forest Pharmacy" - conversation-quiz

“What are the trees crying about” - a quiz conversation

"Nature in Art"

"Green Friends"

"Ant's Journey" - an ecological game

"In good hands" - action

"Winged birds" - media crossword

Summing up the summer. Holiday.

Prize Fair


Library them. I. A. Krylova

st. K. Marx, 271. Tel. 43-05-29

Subject: Environmental Patrol

Library week at 15.00

Monday- "Red Cross" - book hospital

Tuesday- "Orange Mood" - cartoon views

Wednesday- "We want to know" - informative conversations

Thursday- "Green Landing"

Friday- Kapitoshka gathers friends "- intellectual games

"Eco-summer in Krylovka" - the opening of the program

"We will stage the fairy tale ourselves" - theatrical game

"Small Birds" - media conversation

“LSV - features of animal survival” - media conversation

"Frog princess?" - media talk

“100 thousand why. Trees are champions” – media talk

"Eco-summer is summer!" - end of summer

Library exhibitions:

"Environmental Patrol"

"The amazing world of nature" to the 125th anniversary of K. Paustovsky

"Ecological Square"

Branch Library No. 18

st. School, 55. Tel. 59-30-24

Subject: "Hooray! Summer readings or a book trip around the world!”

Library week at 14.00

Monday- listening to audiobooks

Tuesday- creative workshop

Wednesday- board and other games

Thursday- educational events

Friday- book hospital

"Hello summer!" - opening the program

"Day of the scientist's cat" - virtual tour

"Peter's creation" - quest game

"Son of the Regiment" - Loud Readings

"What was Petya afraid of?" - ABC of safety

"Good advice Moidodyr" - an hour of health

Bad Advice from Auster - Journey Game

"Flower-Semitsvetik" - quest game

"Winnie the Pooh and Pyrgory" - a fun game

"Lilliputians and Giants by Jonathan Swift" - game

"Holiday at the Villa "Chicken" - a holiday

"Day" jam "with friends" - summing up the results of the summer

Library exhibitions:

June - "Through the pages of Russian history"

July - "Chukokkala - Autograph Album"

August - "Visiting Literary Heroes"

Library-branch them. F. Vasilyeva

st. 50 Years of Pioneers, 22. Tel. 73-06-21

Theme: "Eco-summer"

Library week at 15.00

Monday- Know-It-All Tournament

Tuesday- Get to know!

Wednesday- Summer marathon, outdoor games

Thursday- Master`s OK

Friday- Cartoonland

Opening of the program “Shake! Hello, eco-summer!

“Journey through fairy tales” - a conversation based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin

“Well, Kotyonochkin, wait!” - 90 years since the birth of V. M. Kotyonochkin, conversation

"Visiting a mammoth" - a slide conversation from local historian Alexander Kondratiev

Ecological traffic light. Yellow color" - a lecture from the Izhevsk Planetarium

"The world in one drop" - slide conversation

"Young naturalists" - conversation

"Young naturalists" - conversation

Ecological traffic light. Red Color" - slide talk about the Red Book

Ecological traffic light. Green color" - slide talk about the forest

"Nature has friends: it's us - you and me" - summing up the results of the summer

Library exhibitions:

"Journey through fairy tales" (based on the work of A. S. Pushkin)

“Well, Kotyonochkin, wait!” (based on the work of V. M. Kotyonochkin)

"What is the bed hiding?" (about vegetables, fruits)

"Towards the Stars" (to a lecture from the Izhevsk Planetarium)

"World in one drop" (to the Day of Living Water)

"Who is new" (book novelties)

“With a basket - the path is on the way” (about plants)


Library them. F. G. Kedrova

st. 1st Tverskaya, 48. Tel. 54-42-42

Theme: "Eco-summer"

Library week at 14.00

Monday- "Green Path"

Tuesday- "Enter nature as a friend" - ecological landings

Wednesday- "Botanical train" - quizzes, games

Thursday- "I know the world" - video views

Friday- "Eco-chips" - talent day

"I open the world of nature with a book" - opening of the program at 14.00

"Pushkin forever" - Pushkin's day in the library

"Streets of my city" - a game-quest for the birthday of the city

"The Secret of Water" - informative conversation

"In June 41st" - a lesson in memory

"Forest Mosaic" - informative conversation

“Do you know such an animal?” - educational conversation

"Winged, feathered" - an informative conversation about birds

"You, my bug!" - informative conversation about insects

"In a certain kingdom, in a flower state" - an informative conversation

"Hello, grub!" - informative conversation about mushrooms

"Dangerous-safe person" - informative conversation about health

"Earth is our common home" - informative conversation

"Initiation to the friends of nature" - a quiz game

"Colors of Russia" - an educational hour (to the day of the state flag of Russia)

"Closing the book, I remember about nature" - summing up the results of the summer

"Literary Races"

"Connoisseurs of Nature"

"Home for all living things"

Library them. M. Jalil

st. Sadovaya, 1. Tel. 74-14-26

Topic: "Ecological cruise"

Library week at 15.00

Monday- "Play it!"

Tuesday- "Read it!"

Wednesday- "Draw!"

Thursday- "Guess it!"

Friday- "Study

"Children are our happiness" - the opening of the summer program

"Colors in fairy tales" - draw on the pavement

“I’m in a hurry to visit Pushkin ...” - slide conversation

"Tukay әkiyatlәre" = "Tales of Tukay" - watching cartoons

"Book Labyrinths" - intellectual literary lottery

"Wide is my country Russia" - conversation, film

"Kazan buylap, chittan toryp, säyakhat" = "A trip to Kazan by correspondence"

"In the Hearts" - conversation, film

"Drug addiction is death!" - slide talk

"Points in your favor" - conversation, photography

“In harmony with nature, in harmony with oneself” - slide conversation

"Family is a magical symbol of life" - conversation, cartoon parade

"Color drawing on asphalt" - conversation, drawing on asphalt

"The riddle, the wisdom of the Russian people" - conversation, riddles

“Rivers, rivers and seas on earth do not live in vain” - conversation

"Animals are our good friends" - slide conversation

“Summer gave us all this” - summing up the results of the summer

book exhibitions ( June):

Let's Protect Plants Together

"City of my dreams" "I live in this city"

“Tugan yagym - yashel bishek” = “My dear land is my green cradle”

"Three colors of Russian glory"

Library them. V. V. Mayakovsky

st. Novostroitelnaya, 28. Tel. 71-03-61

Topic: "Environmental summer laboratory"

Program opening

Events at 15.00

"Nature in the work of Russian writers" - an interactive conversation

"On the problems of water in modern society" - an interactive conversation-dialogue

"Knowing the nature of water" - experiments

"Eco-watch for unauthorized dumps" - conversation

"Knowing the nature of sand" - experiments

Sketches for Turgenev's Mumu, interactive conversation

"Flower marathon" - observation of the growth and flowering of plants

Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and Hares" - interactive conversation

"Experiments on touch" - experiments

"Literary Lotto" (Bianchi, Skrebitsky) - game

"Fly-sokotuha" (Chukovsky) - impromptu theater

"The good of civilization: good or evil" - interactive conversation-dialogue

"Flight of Fantasy" (finish the tale) - creative game

“And I’m walking, walking ...” - a walk through the streets of the district

"Fables of Krylov" - loud readings

"Minutes of joyful reading" - loud reading

"Kolya knows!" (according to Tuganaev's book "Kolya knows 50 plants, and you?") - game

"Colors of summer" - experiments

"Zoo" - a game based on the book of the same name by B. Zhitkov

"Protect Nature" - a game based on the book by I. Pivovarov "Nature Protection Day"

Summer summary, fair

Library them. A. P. Chekhov

st. Mashinostroiteley, 66. Tel. 71-58-70

Topic: "Welcome to ecology or entry into summer is allowed!"

Library week at 14.00

Monday- Fairy Island

Tuesday- Wildlife Island

Wednesday- Memory Island

Thursday- Crazy Hands Island

Friday- Island "Multlyandiya"

"Summer is a small life" - opening of the program

"Don't be late to save the planet!" - exhibition of children's posters

“I read Pushkin with inspiration” - loud readings

"I. My house. Russia" - slide talk

"Izhevsk in questions and answers" - quiz

"My dad is the best" - children's drawing competition, book review

"In the country of multi-remote" - a conversation about the animator V. Kotenochkin

“Year 41st. I was 18" - a lesson in courage

"For the glory of the fatherland!" – retro trip

“Although they are huge, they are very modest at sea” - slide talk about dolphins

"Under the cover of Peter and Fevronia" - conversation

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Movie Screening

"Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet" slide talk

"Hot Ashes" - a slide talk about the tragedy of Hiroshima

"Junior Brothers Day" - a conversation about homeless animals

“Under the symbol of a glorious mighty power” - slide conversation

"So the summer is over!" - end of summer

library exhibition "Book Rainbow"

Branch Library No. 25

st. Dragunov, 62. Tel. 54-10-38


Library them. N. K. Krupskaya

st. Avtozavodskaya, 18. Tel. 46-51-35

Theme: "Summer Garden"

Events at 12.00

"Good spring flowers in the garden!" - opening the program

"Live Pages" - the theater of the book (based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin)

"To the very apple!" – eco-tournament (in the native land)

“Eh! Apple! .. "- music of Victory, conversation

"At the microphone ..." - a game-report (books by V. Bianchi).

"Roll, roll apple ..." - viewing educational films

"I was born a gardener ..." - an entertainment game

"Live Pages" - the theater of the book (based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky)

"To the very apple!" – eco-tournament

"Live Pages" - the theater of the book (based on the fairy tales of B. Zakhoder)

"At the microphone ..." - game-report (N. Sladkov's books about nature)

"Apple Spas" - a holiday, summing up the results of the summer

Library them. L. N. Tolstoy

st. Voroshilov, 18. Tel.: 46-56-64

Subject :"Eco-calendar of our summer"

Events at 15.00

"Earth is our common home" - opening of the program

"Save you, Earth!" – World Environment Day, talk

"The Sun of Russian Poetry" - Pushkin's Day in Russia, conversation

“I love the Russian birch, sometimes bright, sometimes sad ...” - a holiday of the Russian birch, conversation

"Non-scary eco-encyclopedia of Slavic spirits" - educational game

"Little sun in the palms" - conversation, game

Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. Conversation about the Second World War, reading stories and poems about the war

"My friend is a dolphin" - conversation

"July - the crown of summer" - conversation, games about the holiday of Ivan Kupala

“Water is wealth, take care of it!” - conversation

Day of the Izhevsk pond. "Hello, pond!" - video preview

"I love you, my river!" – conversation about the rivers of Udmurtia

"Amazing creatures - fish" - master class

"These summer rains, rainbows and clouds" - video preview

"Beautiful eyes of flowers" - conversation

“These wise firs and pines” - conversation, crafts from cones

“The pain that is near ...” - for the Day of Homeless Animals, conversation

"In the footsteps of forest animals" - a quiz

“What have I done to make the Earth feel better…” – summing up the results of the summer, excursion

Game book exhibitions

"I open the world of nature with a book"

"Eco-calendar of our summer"

Branch Library No. 19

st. T. Baramzina, 84. Tel.: 21-74-88

Theme: "Summer in a flower"

Library week at 15.00

Monday- "Play"

Tuesday- "Walking"

Wednesday- "Flourishing" (day of creativity)

Thursday– “Know” (the day of intellectual games)

Friday- "Congratulations" (fantasy day)

"Keys to Summer" - opening of summer readings

"At Lukomorye" - a quiz-mosaic

"Places of power in Izhevsk" - video walk

Tuganay readings "Eco-kingdom-eco-state"

Hour of kindness "Hug the tree"

"I was in that war that was" - an hour of memory

Game "Secrets and mysteries of nature"

"Murom miracle workers" - slide conversation

Quiz "Connoisseurs of nature"

Ecological walk "Enter nature with a friend"

"Berry-raspberry" - a holiday

Competition "Beauty of summer - 2017"

"Goodbye, summer" - closing of summer readings

Branch Library No. 23

st. 40 years of Victory, 56 A. Tel.: 36-34-74

Theme: "On the paths of summer"

Library week at 16.00

Monday- outdoor games

Tuesday- puppet workshop

Wednesday– Animation Studio “Live Hat”

Thursday- Mind games

Friday- loud readings

Program opening

“Like a library name day” - a holiday

"Smart fishing" - an intellectual game

"Ecological solitaire" - an intellectual game

"Sea battle" - an intellectual game

Ecological quest

"Swamp tic-tac-toe" - an intellectual game

mythological quest

"In a certain kingdom, a chocolate state" - a holiday

"A bag full of wonders" - an intellectual and entertaining game

"Ascent" - an intellectual and entertaining game

Neptune Day - holiday at 17.00

"Cup of tea with Poseidon" - intellectual and entertaining game at 17.00

"Ecological paths" - quest

"In the mountains, in the valleys" - an intellectual and entertaining game

Summing up the results of the summer at 15.00

Library game exhibitions:

Through mountains and swamps

Dive into the abyss

forest mosaic


Library them. P. A. Blinova

Votkinskoe highway, 50. Tel. 44-06-65

Subject: "Eco summer green"

Library week at 15.00

Monday- Board games

Tuesday- watching cartoons

Wednesday- Loud readings of the book by V. Tuganaev "Green House and its inhabitants"

Thursday- educational activities

Friday– eco-machinery

Opening of the summer readings "Eco-summer of green color"

"H2O - the basis of everything" - summer laboratory

"Secrets of the Arboretum" - eco-tour

"Dividing" - an ecological game

"Inseparable connection of peoples" - summer eco-gatherings with the ensemble "Rodolad"

"Little Green Men" - Alien EcoParty for the World UFO Day

"The purity of the city - the purity of the soul" - eco-landing

"Catch the sunshine!" – eco-plein air

"Protect nature!" – eco-talk, drawing on asphalt

"Detectives-ECOlogists" - an excursion to the spring to them. D. Prigov

"Secrets of Grandfather Local Lore" - eco-quest

"ECOhouse closes the doors" - a holiday, summing up the results of the summer

Library them. Yu. A. Gagarina

st. Avangardnaya, 2. 43-25-96

Subject: "In harmony with nature"

Library week at 14.00

Monday– Self-Government Day

Tuesday– EcoPavilion

Wednesday- Man-Made Miracles

Thursday- Intellectual club "Sovyonok"

Friday- Project "Book and Cinema"

"Children Must Laugh" - Program Opening

"Visiting the Scientist Cat" - a literary game

"Visiting the Scientist Cat" - an intellectual game

"Izhevsk is my capital" - conversation

"Solar wind" - master class

"Wind of Wanderings" - a literary game

"Help Paw: Human Helper Animals" - Conversation

“And the saved world remembers” - conversation

"Amazing Animals" - conversation

"Muzzle, tail and four legs" - conversation

"Peter and Fevronia - the story of eternal love" - ​​conversation

"Princes on white horses" - fairy tale quiz

“All professions are important, all professions are needed” - conversation

"Dividing" - a sports and environmental game

"Alien Adventure" - game

"The smartest astronaut" - a game

"The Riddle of the Old Pirate" - a quest for the Day of Neptune

"Right of the rudder!" - a game

Zebra is an important horse! - sports festival on the day of the traffic light

"I see green!" - interactive game according to traffic rules

"Fluffy Stories" - a conversation and a quiz for the Day of the Cats

"And it's all cats" - interactive quiz

"One left!" - mobile game

The Boy Who Conquered the World Harry Potter Quiz

"Formula of goodness" - slide conversation

“Flags fly over the country” - competition of drawings on asphalt

"Bye, summer!" - summarizing

library exhibition"The world we live in"

Library them. S. Ya. Marshak

st. Dzerzhinsky, 83. Tel. 45-14-80

Theme: "Inhabited Island"

Library week at 16.00

Monday– “Botanical Tale” – creative workshop

Tuesday- "Glade of Games" - board games

Wednesday- "Anthill of good deeds"

Thursday- "Forest School" - educational hours

Friday- "The book from the green shelf" - loud readings

"The Adventure Begins" - the opening of the program

"Past the island of Buyan" - a quiz based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin

"Who lives? What is growing? - local history lotto game

"Winged and tailed" - conversation

"Lost World" - quest game

"Over the seas, over the waves" - a literary cruise

"Record trees and champions" - a conversation

"On invented islands" - educational hour

"Stories about wildlife" - conversation

"Amazing is near" - a walk in the Arboretum

"Reserved Corner" - a slide conversation on the pages of the Red Book

"On the edge of summer" - summing up the summer

library exhibition"Inhabited Island"

Library them. I. A. Nagovitsyna

Theme: "Alice in Book Wonderland"

Library week at 12.00

Monday- The Mad Hatter's Workshop

Tuesday- "Running in a circle" - labor landing

Wednesday- Events

Thursday- "Cheshire Fantasies" - video preview

Friday– Through the Looking-Glass Book – loud readings

"Down the rabbit hole" - the opening of the program

"Down the Rabbit River" - game

"Visiting Absolem" - a game-changer

"Royal croquet" - a sports game

"The Dodgson Mystery" - conversation, master class in photography

"Humpty Dumpty" - literary quiz

"Alice never dreamed" - quest game

"Welcome to the Looking Glass" - movie screening

"It's Wrong Here" - role-playing game

"Mad tea party" - a creative meeting

"Niktographic dictation" - an informative lesson

"Anthill of good deeds" - action

"Royal Court" - summing up the results of the summer

Library exhibitions:

"Summer with a book"

"Alice in Wonderland"

Library them. I. D. Pastukhova

Topic: "Nature is a book, you read it"

Library week at 11.00

Monday- multi-views

Tuesday- Board games

Wednesday- educational hours

Thursday– creative workshop

“Nature is a book, you read it” - children's matinee

"The investigation is conducted by connoisseurs of birds" - an ecological game

“All nature is a world of miracles: the sky, the river, the sun, the forest!” – review of the book exhibition

"Reserved paths" - educational hour

Republican action "What is Motherland?"

"What? Where? When?" - environmental and local history game

"Throw a Lifebuoy to Nature" - ecological hour

"In harmony with nature" - quest game

"Making from plastic" - master class

"Let the birds always sing to us" - ecological hour

“Maybe dolphins are people of the sea?” - educational hour

"The Tangled Stories of Lisa Patrikeevna" - Literary Hour

Summing up the summer


Krasnoperova Natalya Vladimirovna,

The organization of summer holidays for children and adolescents is a traditional activity of libraries. In the summer, the main task of all libraries is to cover as many schoolchildren as possible with meaningful recreation, broaden their horizons, teach creativity, communication, respect for nature, and instill a love of books.

Libraries cooperate with schools, kindergartens, work and recreation camps, sports camps to organize summer holidays.

How to fill the free time of children and teenagers? How to make them interested in a book in the summer? To address these issues,summer programs . They include:

· attracting children and teenagers to the library,

organization of their summer leisure;

development of the student's intellect through the game and the book;

Joint creativity of children and their parents

Individual events are being replaced by complex and specialized summer programs, which reflect the diversity of thematic areas of work, are compiled taking into account the specifics of various age categories, which increases the interest of children in all ongoing events. Hereexamples of summer programs , on which libraries can work:"Amazing Holidays", "Summer Kaleidoscope", "Summer, a book, I'm friends", "Summer with a book", "Journey through the book universe", "Vacation with a book", "Mystery in a book, a book is a mystery".

These programs are interesting because they allow you to combine reading with creative and play activities, discussing books with watching movies and cartoons.

During the summer period, it is advisable to carry out work using such forms of work astravel, tournaments, ecological hours and lessons, creative workshops.

But summer is not only about reading books. This is also a big change that was given to the guys to improve their health and physical conditioning. Therefore, it is necessary to hold outdoor games, sports holidays, and olympiads with them.

Activities should be carried out both with organized children (visiting summer playgrounds at schools, cultural centers, sports institutions), and with unorganized children - those who, for a number of reasons, did not go on vacation and were left to their own devices.

To keep kids interested during the summer holidays, try creating game situation. You can choose a suitable role-playing game or come up with your own. The most common game is travel. We draw a large travel map "Across the seas, along the waves." The reader boards the ship and takes the library with him. Summer reading can be compared to a sea dive. “Dive into your library this summer and join in on a sea adventure, a summer literary game. Earn points by reading books, answering questions, participating in library activities. What kind of diver will you be? With a mask, scuba diving, deep-sea?”. The library room can be decorated with details of the sea depths: fish, corals, divers, divers.

You can offer readers the following game: “If you are interested in becoming a modern Robinson and spending the summer with a book on your own desert island, the library invites you to take part in the summerprogram "Robinson - 2012". During the game, the children must fill out the "Robinson's Diary", made in the form of a booklet.

The events held by libraries in the summer are distinguished by a great thematic diversity, covering various fields of knowledge: literary criticism, ecology, geography, history, local history, etc., since here, in addition to filling children's leisure time and attracting them to reading, the task obtaining new knowledge on various topics.

In addition to the program, you can offer leisure and educational literature, which can be found on colorfully designedexhibitions:

- "Secrets of Summer Reading"

-"Summer is a small life"

- "King - orange summer"

Indispensable attributes of these exhibitions can be bookmarks, memos, recommended annotated lists of literature.

The following forms of library work are especially popular. as: theatrical performances, review games, literary cruises, geographic news magazines, art history investigations. In a word, not only reading is limited to the leisure of children and adolescents in the summer in the library. Some guys strive to show off their erudition by solving crossword puzzles and charades, answering quiz questions. Others prefer to express themselves in literary creativity - they write poems, stories, letters to their favorite characters. Still others try themselves as illustrators, embodying the images of book characters in drawings.

Despite the mobile summer fun, children can be invited to attend classes with enthusiasm."Schools of Morality", "Schools of the Young Pedestrian", "Magic School of Politeness", which open in the summer at libraries.

A cycle of computer literacy lessons helps children to communicate with this smart technology on "you".

Particular attention should be paid to exhibitions targeted at a specific readership. Teenagers can offer a crossword exhibition"I'm looking for a reading friend." To solve this crossword puzzle and find the correct answers, they had to read the books featured in the exhibition.

For lovers of intellectual leisure, a new form can be introduced into the work of libraries"Erudite Cafe".This is a cycle of cognitive activities with children not only within the walls of the library, but also going beyond it: excursions to the local history museum, to the park of culture and recreation. The topics of meetings in the cafe are very diverse: conversations about love and friendship, camaraderie, local history quizzes about the native land and famous fellow countrymen, literary contests and intellectual duels.

Many libraries can actively use their technical capabilities to create video salons, video clubs, organize showings of animated films and slides, karaoke tournaments, chess and checkers tournaments.

An interesting form of work is the organization of a summer reading room. The purpose of this work is to promote reading by means of books and periodicals through an open-air reading room. An important aspect of its functioning is information and educational and leisure activities. Designed for children and teenagers, this work includes fun games, educational quizzes, and interesting contests.

Libraries are opening mobile stations at summer health camps and school day camps. Children resting there can be invited to the walls of the "book kingdom", where they are introduced to the latest literature, children's newspapers and magazines.

During the summer holidays, many libraries can introduce children to library activities. Can organize a school"Young Librarian" "Corner of book Aibolit", book repair mugs"Book Hospital" hold an action "Live long, book!". It is also possible to involve children in editing catalogs and file cabinets.

Traditionally, all events held during the summer holidays reflect several priority areas:

environmental education

local history

Moral and aesthetic education

Cultivate an interest in reading

Creative development of children

Such diversity is an undoubted advantage of libraries and a guarantee of the successful implementation of the summer campaign. Let's take a closer look at each of these areas.

environmental education

Its goal is to educate children in environmental literacy through acquaintance with the work of naturalist writers: Sladkov, Prishvin, Paustovsky and others.

The forms of work are very diverse: loud readings, games, intellectual lotto, quizzes and riddles, discussion of works. Children with great pleasure can take part in the round table meeting. "Earth is our home", you can offer to create your own "Declaration of Nature" take an active part in the creation of an environmental book.

To increase interest in the native land, its nature, to see and try to solve its problems, libraries hold events with access to nature:

"We're going camping" - ecological game

Can arrange "Ecological landing" to clean up the forest area from debris.

The imaginative game enjoys continued success with children and adolescents. "Forest Book of Complaints and Suggestions", health day, on which Tree of Healthy Habits, extramural excursion to the forest, for which, according to all the rules, it is necessary to equip the ecological expedition of young local historians “On Forest Paths”.

The literary and biological KVN in the forest is of constant interest. "Bear Games" which ended with the cleaning of the forest from household garbage and the preparation of treats for forest dwellers; landscaping campaign "Blossoming Planet of Childhood", in which the most active library readers take part.

local history

Without this area of ​​work, it is impossible to imagine the activities of the library today, especially for children. Librarians are in constant search for the most effective forms of work with local history books, promotion of local history knowledge.

Summer readings can be held under the motto “Remember: you don’t know the world without knowing your edge.” The program can be called “My native land is a large part of the Motherland”. The work of libraries on local history education includes three main areas:

“Our common friend is nature” (nature, ecology of the region)

"Writers and poets of the native land"

"On the native side"

As part of the summer holiday program for children, it is necessary to organize a variety of activities:

"My native street" - an educational hour,

"Land of Miracles" - a local history quiz game,

· “It is better to see once” - a local history trip.

The symbol of the program “My native land is a particle of the great Motherland” is Grandfather-local historian. It is on his behalf that it is necessary to develop a leaflet with tasks.

Here are the words Grandfather-local historian addresses to the participants of the readings: “Dear friend! Nice to meet you. I am Grandfather-local historian, I will lead you with the help of maps, books, riddles, competitions to the wonderful world of nature, I will introduce you to the history and literature of the region, I will tell you how to see the unusual in the ordinary. At the end of the summer holidays, perhaps it is you who will receive one of the prizes in the nominations: leader of local history reading, reader-artist, reader-writer, reader-dreamer.

The results are summed up at a general library holiday, where the winners of summer readings will be awarded.

Moral and aesthetic education, instilling interest in reading

Organization of children's leisure, involving them in reading, broadening their horizons and shaping children's aesthetic perception of the world around them have always been priority areas in the work of libraries in the summer.

In addition to the traditional week of children's reading, which takes place during spring break, libraries especially pay a lot of attention to children's reading "out of the curriculum" in the summer."Extraordinary Adventures": Literary Quiz

Traditionally, in many libraries, the campaign to organize work in the summer period begins with the Pushkin Days. Libraries hold blitz tournaments, literary marathons, quizzes dedicated to the legacy of the great poet.

"Literary Arbor"- under this name, you can organize a summer reading program in the library. Participants of the program have the opportunity to show their literary abilities in it, develop their imagination, and acquire communication skills.

Such events are not just entertaining in nature, but carry rich information, the charm of a book, and awaken imagination. The creation of a game situation removes the motive of “testing abilities” that is painful for children, and their inclinations and habits are revealed more fully.

Libraries can organize an entire city with their Entertainment Square, Hobbies Crossroads, Health Boulevard, Good Deeds Street, and their own publishing house.

Activities held in libraries during the summer are developed taking into account the interests of children and adolescents, their age characteristics and are multifaceted: these are hours of undertakings, puppet shows, theatrical performances, role-playing and literary games, competitions "The book inspires" drawings "My favorite story”, essays "My family's favorite book."

The creative and fruitful work of libraries during the summer once again confirms the demand for libraries, increases their prestige in society. We can say with confidence that summer is the most active season in working with readers, the time for creativity, fantasy, and the activation of all forms of individual and mass work.

Friends, our Summer Reading Program has already begun. For those who read about our Program for the first time, I will say that using the tag "Summer Reading Program" you can "walk" through previous years with our summer reading.

This year our topic is relevant and very interesting - ecology! "The world is beautiful, the world is alive" - this is how it sounds, and, as you well understand, there are much more books on this topic than we offer in an exemplary recommendation list, which you can get acquainted with.

But some books are already waiting for you in our library :)

Program Terms remain unchanged:

1. Program participants sign an agreement with the library and undertake to read the number of books determined by them (but not less than 3) until August 30, 2017.

2. Participants of the program make notes about the books they read in a reader's diary.

3. Participants of the program prepare a presentation (for 1-2 minutes) on the book they like in a free form: book trailer, media presentation, theatrical performance, etc.

4. Program finalists are participants who:
- fulfilled the contract with the library;
- no later than September 14, they submitted their reader's diaries and draft presentations for consideration.

5. A holiday for the participants of the Summer Reading Program “The world is beautiful, the world is alive” and the award ceremony for the finalists will be held on September 24 at the address: Rostovskaya nab., 5.

The best diaries and presentations of the program participants will be posted on the Gaidarovka website.

We remind you that you can write about the Program in blogs and social networks. Use the hashtag @#PLCh2017 to make progress reports easier to find and collect in one place :-)

The recording is already in full swing, diaries and special bookmarks are already waiting for you! We have an exciting book summer ahead of us!

For those who find it difficult to navigate the book world, we offer an annotated book list. But we remind you that not all books on our topic are here. Suggest your options, ask questions - we will be happy to answer them :)

Join the Summer Reading Program with Gaidarovka! We are always very glad to new and old friends :-)

The “Book Rainbow” summer reading program has been implemented in the Minusinsk region for many years. It is one of the activities of the subprogram "Library service of the population with books and the development of interest in reading", implemented within the framework of the municipal program of the Minusinsk region "Development of culture" for 2016-2018.

The purpose of the program is to attract as many children as possible, regardless of age, to reading literature, to organize cognitive leisure for children in the summer, to develop creative abilities. To attract the attention of children and inform them about summer activities, libraries distributed information leaflets and booklets with the logo of the summer program.

A seminar was held with the librarians of the district on organizing summer reading and recreation for children, where they were introduced to various models of the library's work with readers - children in the summer. The “Book Rainbow” summer reading program for children was financed from the local budget in the amount of 15,700 rubles. This money was used to purchase prizes for participants and winners.

Each library has compiled its own summer reading program with conditions and tasks for children.

On September 8, a seminar following the results of the Summer Reading Program “Book Rainbow” was held in the Caucasian Settlement Library, at which each library presented its report on the summer reading program (presentations, handouts). According to the results of the reports, the winners of the summer reading program were determined:

1st place - “ECOsummer IN! circle of books” (village Znamenka);

2nd place - "Book Rainbow" (p. Dry Lake);

3rd place - "Summer Mosaic" (village Lugavskoe);

Incentive prizes were awarded to the libraries of Malaya Minusa and Vostochnoye villages for the programs “Girls and boys! Read books in summer”, “Our common friend is nature”.

In the Znamenskaya inter-settlement library, the summer reading program was called “ECO-summer! circle of books » , each participant of the program made a trip to eco-sites: eco-shelf, eco-clearing, eco-workshop, eco-cinema, eco-cafe. The condition of the program is to visit the library, take part in activities and complete assignments. After completing the task, for each correct answer and visiting eco-sites, the participant received a token in the form of a symbol of the program - “Green Bag”. The results are placed on the stand in the library reading room, and the photo of the winner of the program is placed on the first page of the library newspaper "Meeting of Good Friends".

In the Lugava Settlement Library, the foyer turned into a cozy living room for the summer, where the children became active participants in master classes in applied art, a photo lab, where the children became “Interesting Frame” photo hunters. The results of the "Summer Mosaic" program were published on the stand, in the library newspaper. The children themselves added news, in which they were able to speak about the books they read, recommend reading works, talk about a summer adventure, congratulate them on a holiday or birthday, place announcements. During the summer, an eco-landing party worked. To become a participant in the program, you had to fill out a ticket, decorate it colorfully, and make a plan for reading books for the summer.

In 25 libraries of the Minusinsk region, creative workshops, game libraries, video libraries, library lawns were organized, which were visited by more than 1,500 people.

During the summer period, clubs and circles of interest were fruitfully carried out in the libraries. In with. Bolshaya Yinya, a summer communication club "Read - company" was opened, the guys chose an asset, came up with an emblem and a motto: "Read, play, learn!". At least 320 people were involved in the work of the clubs.

In Znamenka, the PIR - 2 project (game entertainment lane) was implemented. Now you can play games right on the floor in the library or on the street! Thanks to the guys Nikita Shcherbakov, Victoria Tkacheva, Sophia Dresvyankina, participants of the Territory 2020 spring session, a playing space appeared. This is the 5th youth project that has been launched into our lives. Young people and adults who took part in a checkers tournament right on the street during the celebration of the 280th anniversary of the village of Znamenka felt like real players on the battlefield. The site, which was placed for playing checkers, attracted many comers.

Workshops on the development of children's creativity in libraries are becoming increasingly popular among the readership. A master class in a library is a useful and unique phenomenon. After all, it is in the library, in such classes, that a labor lesson, a lesson in artistic mastery take place at the same time, at the same time, teenagers create their creations. An example of all this is the implementation of the project Creative Studio “Ladoshki”, which became the winner of the spring session “Territory 2020”, in the Sukhoozerskaya Settlement Library. Throughout the summer, library visitors held and participated in the following master classes: “Gifts from natural materials”, “Funny paper flower”, “Making bouquets from threads”, “Summer fantasies using quilling technique”, etc.

As part of the project "Book Round the World", the readers of the Verkhnekoy Settlement Library, while traveling around Japan, attended a master class on making Japanese paper fans. Japanese fans are a real work of art, requiring a lot of effort and time to create. It was the fans that became the real highlight of Japan and its hallmark. The creation of Japanese fans has been and remains a separate craft that not everyone can comprehend. Japanese fans are highly valued around the world as they reveal the true beauty and brightness of this beautiful country.

On the basis of the Priholmskaya Settlement Library, the Filippok puppet theater was created by volunteers for children from among representatives of various nationalities living in the village. Within the framework of the project, high-profile readings of the "Ten Minutes", master classes in acting, the Week "Theater and Children" were held. Outside puppet shows will be organized in the villages of Malaya and Bolshaya Inya, pos. Pritubinsky.

In the village of Gorodok, the Astafyevsky Corner “Reading Astafyev Together” appeared in order to preserve and promote the work of our fellow countryman Viktor Petrovich Astafyev. The implementation of the project contributes to the dissemination of the works of V.P. Astafiev, as the best examples of domestic literature, introducing children to reading, to the cultural values ​​of their people, employment of children, reducing the number of offenses among children and adolescents, developing the creative potential of children in the village.

During the summer, libraries took part in various regional holidays and promotions. The holiday "Golden Sunflower", dedicated to the Day of the Minusinsk region, was held as part of the 100th anniversary of the revolution in 1917. The library system organized the prospectus "Through the pages of the October Revolution". On the avenue, the guests of the holiday were able to get acquainted with the facts and photographs of the October Revolution, look, look through, read books telling about the revolution, order their delivery to any village in the Minusinsk region, take part in the “Red Revolution” master class for the manufacture of revolutionary attributes, take pictures in a photo studio against the background of the banner "100 years of the revolution" and the attributes of Soviet Russia, check and replenish your knowledge about the revolution by taking a question from the famous cap of Ilyich, take part in the photo quiz "Who is who?" on the topic "Revolutionaries".

Libraries of the district are participants of the network action "Russia is us". On June 12, the children answered the questions of the quiz "Russia", watched the slide presentation "History of Russia" and drew the symbols of Russia (on asphalt, on paper, from colored sand).

Libraries took part in the organization and holding of the regional action "Light a Candle", dedicated to the Day of Memory and Sorrow. A master class “Draw a symbol of peace” was held, a presentation “Tomorrow there was a war” was held, and in the evening a rally was held and candles of memory were lit.

In the libraries with Zherlyk, p. Znamenka, p. Lugavskoe, s. Big Yin, p. Upper Koya was organized action "We are for the cleanliness of the village." Librarians and readers distributed leaflets among the residents, held talks “To keep our village always clean” and collected garbage from the surrounding areas. More than 80 people took part in the action.

On Pushkin's Day, round tables were held in all libraries, literary quizzes "Visiting Pushkin's fairy tales", "We know these fairy tales from childhood", book exhibitions "There on unknown paths" were arranged, and an educational game program was held, a day of relaxation - book therapy "Let's listen to the tales and poems of A. S. Pushkin", questioning "Who was born on this day?"

One of the activities of libraries during the summer period was the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. There were excursions to the forest and to water bodies, which were accompanied by quizzes, riddles and competitions (B. Inya village, Zherlyk village).

Participation in the youth district holiday "DenM". Librarians A. Voznesenskaya, O. Khanakova, E. Golubnichnaya organized the "Book Boulevard" platform, which included "Eco-shelf", "Eco-workshop", eco-quiz "Guess the writer". On the "Eco-shelf" everyone could get acquainted with plants and information stickers about their medicinal and beneficial properties, in the "Eco-workshop" to make souvenirs and crafts from natural materials. Visitors to the "Book Boulevard" could guess the names of modern writers, affecting creativity, the topic of ecology, and for correctly guessed answers, taste the “rejuvenating apple”.

On June 5, on World Environment Day, the Krasnoyarsk Regional Children's Library held a regional action "Reading aloud Day" Read with me! ". The action is dedicated to the Year of Ecology. The motto of the day of reading aloud: “Nature is a fascinating book. Just start reading it, you won't come off,” Nikolai Sladkov. More than 350 institutions from all over the Krasnoyarsk Territory, including 15 libraries of the Minusinsk region, have registered to participate in the action. During the day, in libraries, schools, kindergartens, orphanages, houses of culture, fiction and popular science books about nature were read aloud by such authors as V. Dragunsky, V.V. Chaplin, V.P. Astafiev, V. Bianchi, R. Kipling, K. Paustovsky, E. Charushina.

On August 15, the interdepartmental action "Help go to study" began, librarians and librarians organized: a review of book and illustration exhibitions "To Help the School Curriculum", "Journey to the Land of Knowledge". Library lessons: "Native speech", "Such different books ...", "Books are our true friends!". Excursions (for future first graders) "Book Temple", "And we are glad to see you!" with the presentation of the memo "You are a reader!". Collection of things, school supplies for children from low-income and disadvantaged families in all libraries of the district.

23 branches took part in the interregional campaign "Book on the palm of your hand." The organizer of the action is the municipal budgetary institution of culture of the city of Samara "Centralized system of children's libraries". On August 28, at the same time, the best literary works of contemporary children's writers were read aloud to children in all institutions participating in the action.

Every year in the villages of the Minusinsk region, traditional "Harvest Holidays" are held. This means the meeting of autumn, farewell to the summer warmth and the expectation of cold weather. Since that time, the people could take a break from their labors, and nature itself is preparing for a winter sleep. August 26 at the KFOR square with. Malaya Minusa passed the "Harvest Festival". Library on the playground "Children's hands do wonders!" held a competition for the best crafts from the "gifts of summer", as this is the time for the abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. Fellow villagers and guests of the holiday could sit with their children at the table, watch and read colorful children's books by G. Oster "38 parrots", S. Kozlov "The lion and the turtle", A. Usacheva "The Winter Tale", S. Mikhalkov "Tales and about cats , and about mice, etc. For lovers of painting, a table was set up for drawing and board games. The librarian Ksenia Dolgikh held a master class "Toys from a Ranetki", where animals, birds and various fairy-tale characters came to life from under children's fingers.

Malonichkinskaya and Bolshenichkinskaya settlement libraries took part in the competition-holiday "Mushroom Festival". The site “In the Forest Clearing” was decorated with an overview of the exhibition, a children's coloring quiz, and a drawing competition.

On August 27, the federal action "Cinema Night" was held in Russia for the second time. As part of the action, the audience saw the winning paintings, selected in the course of Internet voting. This is “Time of the First”, “Kitchen. The Last Battle" and "28 Panfilov". In the children's program, the cartoon "The Snow Queen - 3: Fire and Ice" became a finalist. The libraries of the villages of Selivanikha, Tes, Bolshaya Inya, Znamenka joined this action and organized exhibitions for the villagers "From book pages to the screen", "Man. Universe. Space”, photo-drying, magic tickets with questions about space exploration in the 60s, by answering which you could show your erudition, as well as enjoy watching movies.

Library events were not limited to the walls of libraries. Many outdoor games and contests were held on the lawn near the library.

The activities of the libraries were aimed at promoting reading among children and adolescents, enhancing their creative and cognitive abilities.

TOTAL for 3 months (June, July, August) 2017 551 activities for children, they were visited 13476 Human.

On the site AMR, MBUK "MBS" Minusinsk region, VK group

Summer Reading Program 2014

Rationale for the program.

Reading to children is one of the most important prospects of spirituality, intellect, culture of the nation. For the future of each nation, it is especially important how the process of children entering the world of book culture takes place.

The value of books and how books should be presented in order to remain the main source of literacy and development for children is the essence of children's libraries.

Much attention is paid by librarians to the leisure of children and adolescents in the summer. It is important that in the summer the child is busy with useful work. When preparing and holding summer events, the interests of the children, their age characteristics, and social status are taken into account.

library program "Summer Bibliopolyanka" includes attracting children to the library, organizing their summer leisure through a game and a book, close communication between a small reader and a librarian, disseminating environmental knowledge among program participants, and fostering a sense of love for the Motherland.

Every Wednesday at 11 o'clock. children meet with a book outdoors. Outdoor and intellectual games, loud readings, quizzes, riddles, etc. are held for them in the square in front of the library.

The library for its readers should make the summer unusual, unforgettable. Contests, games, adventures, travel and gifts will make children's leisure not only interesting, but also useful. For the library, summer becomes another opportunity to encourage children and teenagers to read and use the library.

Goals and objectives of the program.


  • Formation of active reading activity and organization of leisure for children and adolescents in the summer
  • Attracting new readers to the library
  • Strengthening the role of the book in the self-development of the young reader.
  • Promotion of quality literature that nourishes morality, citizenship, patriotism, love for the motherland.
  • Engage readers to actively participate in the summer program "Summer Bibliopolyanka»
  • To promote the formation and expansion of the reader's horizons, interests, hobbies of children and adolescents with the help of books.
  • Purposeful organization of reading and cultural leisure for children in the summer.

Action plan for the implementation of the program.

Creative project execution


  1. "Full sail into summer" stand



  1. "Book Smile of Summer" book exhibition



  1. "We read according to the school curriculum" book viewing exhibition



  1. "Our porch has no end to the fun"(magic library assortment)


  1. "Colorful carousel"(intellectual-cognitive game)


  1. "The Sun on the Book Page"(loud readings and discussions of stories)


  1. "Mr. and Mrs. Summer"(summer birthday)


  1. "Circle of friends"(game program)


  1. "Mushroom Carousel" competitive - game program


  1. "Mysteries in the forest at every turn"(environmental tournament)


  1. "The Second Saved the Apple"(folk hour)


  1. "Goodbye, red summer!"(rewarding of the participants of the summer program, issue of a wall newspaper "I, summer, book")


Compiled by: Selivanova L.A. - head. CDB

Shabalina L.R. - ved. librarian for mass work with children

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