Action plan for the Day of the theater (senior preschool age). Extra-curricular event "Day of the theater Theater associations for adults in libraries



MBUK "A. Bely Centralized Library System"

Theater Books

dedicated to the Year of Theater in Russia

Target: The main goal of the project is the organization of cultural and leisure theatrical events that form a positive attitude towards reading, towards the book and contribute to the multicultural education of library users, including young people.


  • development and support of library users' interest in books and reading
  • introducing readers to the literary heritage of Russian and foreign writers through theatrical performances
  • attracting new users to the library
  • organization of creative meetings with actors, directors
  • strengthening partnerships with creative adults and youth associations of the city, and in the future - the region
  • popularization of creativity of Russian, foreign and local writers and poets

Project description:

Interest in reading is able to increase through spectacular forms of work, because they have their own dynamics and have specific features of a positive impact on each reader. One of these forms, of course, is theatricalization, with the help of which a literary work acquires a new quality - characters, conflicts are embodied in living persons, actions. This artistic spectacle takes place directly in front of the readers - viewers, leaves an indelible impression for the rest of their lives, and ultimately contributes to the activation of the processes of reading fiction.

At the same time, many amateur theaters would like to have a platform for showing their creative works. This project will make it possible to bring the library closer to the population, since it is often only in the library that you can visit the theatrical evening for free. The Theater of the Book will help open the world of literature in a new way, give a new impetus to the artistic and spiritual development of young people. Its activities will contribute to the creative reading of works and the disclosure of the acting abilities of both young and adult amateur actors. The project is designed for the long term.

Project partners:

Educational institutions, Children's Art School, members of theatrical groups of educational institutions, houses of culture, institutions of additional education of the city of Balashikha

Target audience of the project

Students of secondary schools, students of colleges, universities, students of the Children's Art School, as well as employees and readers of the library.

Information support:

Balashikha media; Internet sites.

Program of events
Library Theater Books
for 2018

event title



Solemn presentation of the library project "Book Theater"

"Mini-performance to surprise everyone" - within the framework of the All-Russian network action "Library Night-2018": "Library Through the Looking Glass"

All divisions of the CBS

Internet project "Reading Andrei Bely"


Information and cultural center

Competition for children and youth for the best staging of literary works "Theatrical Olympus"


Information and cultural center

Art exhibition "The Magical World of the Stage"

Information and cultural center

Art meeting "Professions in art"

Information and cultural center

Annual exhibition, meeting with interesting people "Commonwealth of beautiful muses"

during a year

Thematic solo performances “What does Terkin have in his duffel bag?” (with the participation of theater artist N.M. Kruzhkov)


Center for Children and Family Reading

Art exhibition, review-talk

"Theatre Workshop"

Center for Children and Family Reading

Interactive event dedicated to the International Theater Day "Magic World of Backstage"

Theatrical competitions for the All-Russian week "Theatre for Children and Youth" "Battle of Talents"

Aesthetic Development Library

Literary and Musical Lounge "Magic World of Ballet"

Library №2

Literary portrait for the 195th anniversary of A. Ostrovsky "Dramaturg and his theater"

Library №2

Video presentation "Magic Country-Theater"


Library №2

"On the history of art: theater". Lecture hall

(visiting the Golden Age Club - Dashevskaya G.V.)

Library №3

"Fyodor Chaliapin - pages of life". Livejournal dedicated to the 145th anniversary of F.I. Chaliapin

Library №3

"Marius Petipa and Russia". Evening - portrait

to the 200th anniversary of the birth of M. Petipa

Library №3

Theater for children and youth. All-Russian Theater Week

Library №3

"I lived at the Bolshoi Theatre." Video lecture hall with the film club "Educational Films" about Galina Ulanova

Library №4

"Puppet theater of S. Obraztsov". Conversation, video lecture

Library №4

Oleg Tabakov and his tobacco chickens. Video portrait, conversation with members of the film club "Educational Films"

(on the birthday of the artist)

Library №4

Moscow Theaters. Conversation, virtual tour, video demonstration, discussion

Library №4

Interactive event "Gymnastics of the senses"

Youth Library

Literary and theatrical living room to

International Theater Day "They play how they live"

Family Reading Library

Media presentation for the International Dance Day "Dance is the poetry of the soul"

Family Reading Library

Action: "We play a Russian fairy tale" "Wonderful miracle - marvelous marvel"

Children's library №2

Ekaterina Yurchenko
Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Fairy Tale Theater.

Target: expand children's knowledge of international holiday"Day theater» .


To unite children in the creative process, to reveal an interesting world to them theatrical art;

To intensify the activity of each child in the search and transmission scenic images using a variety of expressive means;

Raise a willingness to be creative;

Contribute to the development of creative abilities.

Materials and equipment: musical accompaniment, colorful poster, costumes, theatrical paraphernalia.

Conduct form: costumed celebratory event.

preliminary work: learning poems, role-playing training theatricalization.

Event progress

Children enter the hall to the music in costumes and take their seats.

What a miracle to be in fairy tale

With the heroes of suddenly revived legends!

We are surprised by their costumes, masks,

Captures the action of the moment.

They sing, mourn, meditate...

Glow passions are transmitted to us.

The game of their souls ignite us.

Their art is theater, not a farce.

Today we praise the skill of actors,

Happy Birthday we hurry them to the theater,

Make-up artists, dressers and prompters -

Thank you all for the magic!

Leading. Good afternoon, dear viewers! Before starting our holiday I want to ask you riddle:

There is stage and backstage,

Both actors and actresses

There is a poster and intermission,

Scenery, full house.

And, of course, the premiere!

You guessed it, probably.


March 27th is the International Day of theater. We are also preparing for this. holiday and we are very glad to welcome you to our festive competitive program « Dreamland» . The program includes poems, songs, jokes, skits and theater quiz for viewers. The jury at the end of the program will sum up the results and name the best participants.

Jury presentation.

Theater! How much does a word mean

For everyone who has been there many times!

How important and sometimes new

There is action for us!

We die at performances

We shed tears together with the hero.

Although sometimes we know very well

That all sorrows are for nothing!

Forgetting about age, failures,

We aspire to someone else's life

And from someone else's grief we cry,

With someone else's success, we are rushing up!

In performances, life is in full view,

And everything will be revealed in the end:

Who was the villain, who was the hero

With a terrible mask on his face.

Theater! Theater! How much do they mean

For us sometimes your words!

And how could it be otherwise?

IN theater life is always right!

Millions of people around the world respect theatrical art, but with particular regard to theater for children: because it is on their favorite fairy tale characters come to life on stage.

Song about theater performed by children.


I want some talk about the history of the theater.

Word « theater» Greek. It means both the place where the spectacle takes place and the spectacle itself. Theatrical art arose a very long time ago, more than two and a half thousand years ago.

In ancient Greece, performances sometimes went on for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on dais, and the action itself took place in the arena, located right on the grass. On March 27, the Great Dionysia took place in Ancient Greece - holidays in honor of the god of winemaking Dionysus. They were accompanied by processions and fun, there were many mummers.

And since 1961, this day, March 27, began to be celebrated all over the world as the International Day theater. In Russia, the emergence of a national theater associated with folk games and rituals. In the 11th century, buffoons appeared in Rus' - itinerant actors. In the middle of the 18th century, the first theater in Yaroslavl. After 100 years, a children's theater(1779) in the Tula province, in the estate of the counts of Bobrinsky, the manager, the famous scientist-encyclopedist Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov (1738 - 1833) .

The most popular puppet character is Petrushka.

Now in Russia there are about 200 children's theaters.

Every day our theaters open their doors to hundreds of young spectators. IN theater all people come dressed up, smart, and although they want to talk, they restrain themselves, try to speak more quietly and laugh out loud. They came to theater.

Take a closer look: already in the foyer, that solemnly upbeat atmosphere reigns, which, as it were, warns you about the upcoming meeting with a miracle. Because as soon as the performance begins, you will be transported to another time, another place.

Poem (read by children of the younger group).

IN theater for children

To the people! To the people!

Wherever you look,

For every pass

There is a wave of guys.

But suddenly the lights went out

Silence has come

And ahead of the ramp

The wall opened up.

And the children saw

Clouds over the sea

stretched networks,

The fisherman's hut.

All this knew the tale

About the golden fish

But it was quiet in the hall

Like it's empty.

He woke up, clapped,

When the fire was lit.

Knock your feet on the floor

Palm on palm.

And the curtain flutters

And the lights flicker

Applauds so loudly

Half a thousand guys.

S. Ya. Marshak

But it depends on you whether the visit brings theater joy or leave indifferent, cause a feeling of annoyance or grief.

How can one disagree with the rules of conduct that state that when going to theater, to a concert, to the library, to the cinema, you need to especially meticulously examine yourself and carefully put your clothes, shoes, and hair in order. This is one of the most important rules that one who goes to theater.

There is another rule that must be followed All: V theater, you need to come to the cinema 15-20 minutes in advance. before the start of the performance, in order to have time to undress and calmly find your place in the hall. And it happens that the performance has already begun, and the audience is still wandering along the aisles, looking for their place, and obscure those who are sitting scene, you should pass facing the people who have already taken their places. They, in turn, can get up, letting you through.

Coming in theater, you will see scene, a curtain. The curtain not only separates stage from the auditorium. It separates the fuss, conversations, trifles of everyday worries from why we came to theater. The curtain rises. Quiet! The meeting with art begins. But we also meet guys who miss any performance. They are not carried away by the skill of the actors, they are indifferent to the art of the artist, they are not touched by wonderful music. It happens guys So:


Once a children's theater play

I had to watch the dunce.

He sat, clapped his ears,

He looked, he ate candies,

And in the intermissions, they say

Drinking sparkling lemonade.

Someone for the sake of interest

A day later he asked the dunce:

You are in theater was, is not it?

What did you like about the performance?

AND the dunce said in response:

I liked the buffet!

Was the play good?

In vain to ask the dunce,

What do you learn from him?:

He did not understand a belmez.

This means - nothing!

I. KOZLOVSKY. "NO Belmes".

Is in theatrical language such a word - intermission. It comes from two French words meaning between and action. Guess what "intermission" means? That's right, a break between the actions of the performance, the sections of the concert. It is intended for performers to rest and change the scenery.

The performance has not yet ended, and some are already in a hurry to leave the hall, drowning out the last words of the actor with the shuffling of their feet. Is it polite to leave early, and even without thanking the actors for the pleasure?

Do you guys know how theater say thank you actors After the performance (Children's answers.)

You liked the acting - applaud. Applause is a form of expressing gratitude to artists, authors. Do not forget to thank the artist for the beautiful scenery, the orchestra and conductor for the music.

Giving flowers to actors, singers, musicians is one of the most ancient and most beautiful theatrical customs. Flowers can be handed to the artist by going to stage, or transfer with an employee theater.

Tell me what theaters are? (puppet, drama, operetta, opera and ballet.)

That's right, well done! Have you been to theatrical performances(children's answers)

In all theaters a lot of people work. Who works in theater(answers children: artists, directors, musicians, prompters, etc.)


To become an artist, you need to learn a lot, to be able to do a lot of things.

What should an artist be able to do?

(Good, understandable, speak clearly; breathe correctly; move beautifully, etc.)

I suggest you try to become artists today.

Let's remember the phrases.

Children stand in a circle and say tongue twisters.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

There is a priest on a shock, a cap on the priest, a shock under the priest, a priest under the cap.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.

Karl stole the corals from Clara, Clara stole the clarinet from Karl. Clara severely punished Karl for stealing the coral.

Prokop came - dill boils, Prokop left - dill boils. And under Prokop, dill boils, and without Prokop, dill boils.

The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died.

The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.


And without a suit, children can

Turn, say, into the wind,

Or in the rain, or in a thunderstorm,

Or a butterfly, a wasp?

What will help here, friends? (Gestures and of course facial expressions).

What is mime? (These are body movements, no words)

The leader conducts the game with the kids (children repeat the movements for the leader)

As soon as we entered the forest, mosquitoes appeared.

- Suddenly we see: at the bush, the chick fell out of the nest.

Quietly we take the chick and put it back in the nest.

We go to the clearing, we find a lot of berries.

Strawberries are so fragrant that you are not too lazy to bend over.

A red fox peers out from behind a bush.

We will outwit the fox, we will run on toes.

In the swamp, two girlfriends, two green frogs

Washed early in the morning, rubbed with a towel,

They slapped their paws, they clapped their paws.

Paws together, paws apart, paws straight, paws sideways,

Paws here and paws there, what a noise and what a din!

fabulous quiz "How well do you know fairy tales?”

(for children of the middle group)

1 Competition.

He got leeches

Karabasy sold,

The whole smell of marsh mud,

His name was. (Not Pinocchio, but Dyremar.)

He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin.

He was a little simple

They called the dog. (Not Totoshka, but Sharik.)

He walked boldly through the forest,

But the fox ate the hero.

At parting, the poor thing sang.

His name was. (Not Chebyrashka, but Kolobok.)

Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key.

He has a terrible look

This is a doctor. (Not Aibolit, but Karabas.)

For many days he was on the road,

To find your wife

And the ball helped him,

His name was. (Not Kolobok, but Ivan Tsarevich.)

Knows everything, peeps

It hinders and hurts everyone.

She only cares about the rat,

And they call her. (Not Yaga, but Shapoklyak.)

And beautiful and sweet

Only very small!

slender figure,

And call. (Not the Snow Maiden, but Thumbelina.)

Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years

Finally saw the light

He has grown a beard

This one is kind. (Not Santa Claus, but Old Man Hottabych.)

With blue hair

And big eyes

This doll is an actress,

And call her. (Not Alice, but Malvina.)

He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests returned him.

He is grumpy like an old man

This one is sad. (Not Piglet, but Eeyore the Donkey.)

He is a big naughty and comedian,

He has a house on the roof.

Boastful and arrogant,

And they call him. (Not Dunno, but Carlson.)

For passers-by on the track

He plays the harmonica.

Everyone knows the harmonist

His name (Not Shapoklyak, but Gena.)

Heals animals in Africa

kind doctor (Not Barmaley, but Aibolit.)

I have a bun for you

Come visit me at least once.

Master of all mischief

The best in the world (Not Karabas, but Carlson.)

Where is your ball gown?

Where is the crystal slipper?

I'm sorry I was in a hurry

My name is (Not Scarecrow, and Cinderella.)

2 Competition.

We continue the competition for the best knowledge fairy tales.

What song did Kolobok sing?

What did the Goat sing to her seven kids?

Who can call Sivka-Burka?

Who can call Ivanushka's sister Alyonushka?

Emelya's vehicle?

3 contest "Who is this?"

A) fairy tale heroine, the owner of the first aircraft? (Baba Yaga)

b) fairy creature, an inhabitant of the forest, the so-called Spirit of the forest? (Goblin)

4 competition "Who says so?"

a) “Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red? (Morozko)

b) “As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets.” (Fox)

5 competition "Who sent the telegrams?"

“He left his grandfather, he left his grandmother. I'll be with you soon."

“Save! We were eaten by the Gray Wolf.”

"I've already laid a simple testicle."

“Come visit us, there is enough space for everyone.”

6 competition (for babies)

Wax on your neck

Under your nose.... (blot; "Moydodyr")

The fly went to the market

And I bought... (Samovar; "Fly - Tsokotuha")

And again a bear: - Oh, save the walrus!

Yesterday he swallowed a sea ... (hedgehog; "Phone")

Look into the tub

And you will see there... (frog; "Fedorino grief")

With elephants on the go

Played in (leapfrog; "Barmaley")

The sea is on fire

Ran out of the sea... (whale; "Confusion")

It's a shame for the old to roar

You are not a hare, but ... (bear; "The Stolen Sun")

But like a black iron leg

She ran, jumped... (poker; "Fedorino grief")

Here the soap jumped

And clung to the hair

And wilted, and lathered,

And bit like... (wasp; "Moydodyr")

Fleas came to Mukha

They brought her... (boots; "Fly - Tsokotuha")

The frogs came running

Watered from… (tubs; "Confusion")

But here comes the Gorilla because of the Nile,

The gorilla is coming... (the crocodile leads!; "Barmaley")

Hare looked out the window

It became a bunny ... (dark; "The Stolen Sun")

Hey you stupid cymbals

What are you jumping like... (squirrels; "Fedorino grief")

Yes, long live scented soap

And a fluffy towel

And tooth powder

And thick... (scallop; "Moydodyr")

And came to Aibolit fox:

Oops, I got bitten... (wasp; "Aibolit")

We're sorry without the sun

In the grain field... (not seen; "The Stolen Sun")

The fish are walking across the field,

Toads across the sky... (fly; "Confusion")

Shark scared

And with fear...(drowned; "Barmaley")

Quiz about theater(for high school students).

What the country is considered the birthplace of the Theater(Ancient Greece).

Where does it start theater? (Hanger).

How in theater called break? (Intermission).

Invisible theater prompter? (prompter).

What types theaters you know(Opera, ballet, operetta, puppets, etc.)

What is the name of puppet theater(Puppet).

First theatrical puppet in Rus'(Parsley).

How the audience expresses their gratitude to the artists (Applause).

What was the name of the text by which the actors learn their text? (Role)

Performance text. (Scenario)

What is the name of the installed theatrical action environment (Decoration).

The workout is over...

You have tried now.

Now for the surprise guys!

IN fairy tale invite you.

scene"Emelya and the princess"(available on the internet)

scene"What's happened?"(available on the internet)

scene"Goat and four cubs"(Annex 1)

Hall games (while the children are preparing for the performance)

« Theater»

The hall is divided into four parts. The first plays the role of the right backstage (with the right hand, as if they are pushing back the curtain with words: "Whack. Zipper". The second is the left side (same thing, only left hand). The third group will be an orchestra. Each depicts an instrument. Fanfare sounds. The fourth group is the audience. Stormy applause. So, is everyone ready? Begin. The right side was opened. The left side was opened. Orchestra - fanfare. Audience applause. The show starts!

Fun attention game "I'm not myself".

(Children and adults play sitting on chairs:

on "I"- stand up, hands up; "not me"- sit down).

Who loves chocolate?

Who loves marmalade?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves pomegranate?

Who loves grapes?

Who loves apricots?

Who doesn't wash their hands?

Who loves ice cream?

Who loves cake?

Who loves toffees?

Who laps from a bowl?

Who loves tomatoes?

Who fries fly agarics?

Who loves cinema?

Who broke the window?

Who loves cookies?

Who loves jam?

Who loves honey?

Who lies all the time?

Who wants dumplings?

Who wants a banana?

Who is stubborn like a sheep?

Who wants "Coca - Cola"?

Who will clean up the whole school?


The hall is divided into two halves. With a wave of the leader's hand, one half usually clap their hands. The second part of the children claps their hands, folding them into a boat. The presenter alternately waves either his left or his right hand - in response to a wave of his hand, the audience alternately claps, depicting the sound of train wheels, gradually speeding up the pace. If the leader raises both hands above his head - children shout: "Tu-tu!"

At the end, the children say words:

Hold hands, friends, and take a deep breath,

And what we always say, now you are loud to everyone Tell:

I swear now and forever cherish the theater,

To be an honest, kind person and worthy to be a spectator.


Awarding the best artists and connoisseurs theater.


"Goat and seven wolf cubs" (fairy tale opposite) .

presenter: Listen to my guys a fairy tale, fairy tale opposite, at first glance the same fairy tale Yes, but it's the other way around. And what's wrong with it - see for yourself! Whether it's true or not, it's up to you.

Once upon a time there was a she-wolf and she had four cubs: (go out in order)

1st - fluffy, - fluff,

2nd - - nimble, - nimble,

3rd - nimble, - nimble,

All wolf cubs are smart, and the 4th is smart from smart girls, well, just smart.

The wolf cubs lived together and merrily, and they loved each other very much. (dance)

presenter: What is the name of the mother of the wolf cubs?

cubs: She-wolf.

presenter: And here she is. (dancing she-wolf runs out).

She-wolf: Wow, here I am!

She-wolf: And I'll go to the fair, like, like to the market

cubs: Wu-u-u (dance continues).

presenter: The she-wolf gathered at the market and says cubs:

She-wolf: Wolf children, wait for me at home and don’t open it to anyone, they say a hefty goat wanders around our district, named "Boxthorn".

presenter: Her muzzle is long, her horns are large and sharp, she walks and butts everyone, and whom she cannot gore, she intoxicates. Here (goat runs out).

presenter: Goat - dereza, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns, What did you eat, what did you drink?

Goat: I did not eat, did not drink, I grazed myself. I’ll stomp, stomp with my feet, I’ll block you with horns, and sweep you with my tail ...

All: Goat, get out ...

cubs: Wu-u-u (V run away in fear) .

She-wolf: Wolf children, wait for me at home, don’t go anywhere and don’t open the door to anyone, you saw what a hefty goat. Nicknamed "Boxthorn"?

cubs: Yeah.

(The she-wolf runs away)

cubs: While mom.

presenter: Only the she-wolf left the house, and the goat was right there, crept up quietly, bleated with her terrible voice:

Goat: Meee, hey-gey, wolf cubs, kids, it's me, your mother has come, open, open ...

cubs: You are not a mother ...

1st: Our mother howls like she sings a song!

2nd: You "goat dereza"- that's who you are!

3rd: We will never open the door for you!

Together: Go away, stupid goat!

presenter: And wolf cubs from howled like a wolf.

cubs: Uuu…

presenter: Then the goat turned on her ingenuity and hit the idea in her head: she decided to eat honey so that her voice would be honey.

Goat: ha ha ha (runs away)

(wolves come out from behind the scenes)

presenter: The goat ate honey, returned to the she-wolf's lair and bleated with a voice as sweet as honey.

Goat: Wolves - kids, it's me - your mother has come, open up, open up.

presenter: All the cubs believed her and told her:

cubs: Mom mom!

presenter: But the wolf cub- "smart ass" did not believe and said through the door"goat-derese":

wolf cub: Show us your paw!

Goat: That's how tender my paw is.

presenter: And the cubs, when they saw a hefty hoof, growled in unison.

cubs: Go away, stupid goat! Our mother's paw is gray, clawed. And you have a paw like an elephant. (and howled) uuuu…

presenter: The goat did not realize that the elephant had no hooves, but remembered that she really had hefty hooves, she fled and how she hit the door with all her goat strength.

Goat: Beeee I’ll go sharpen my horns ... beeeee

presenter: And the cubs from fear fled and hid in all directions, and hid, shhh ...

But the goat is not a bast of a shield, she set up her witchcraft nets and went to look in all corners. As he finds the wolf cub, he begins to apply his witchcraft spells, hypnotize the kids.

Goat: There is a horned goat, for small wolf cubs, who does not eat porridge, does not drink milk. - gore. Gore…

Make horns, bow down, follow me (3 times)

Now everybody follow me (takes the cubs away).

Addresses the audience:

Goat: First I gore the cubs, and then I will come to butt you, I will conjure.

presenter: The goat bewitched all the wolf cubs, she did not find one clever man. That's why he's a wise guy, so as not to succumb to tricks.

Goat: I can’t find one smart guy, he hid somewhere cleverly (looks around). But we'll find nothing.

presenter: In the meantime, the clever man was hiding, he came up with such a spell to return the wolf cubs back, and make the goat kind.

Remember, repeat so as not to forget!

smart ass: Chok-chok, piglet,

I'm smart, not stupid

I'm that gray wolf

What will grab the barrel.

You spin like a top

And get better...

presenter: I came up with and ran to save my brothers and sisters. Run...

And then the she-wolf returned from the market.

She-wolf: Wolves - kids, it's me - your mother has come, open, unlock.

presenter: A she-wolf entered the house, and there ...

Goat: And now you, she-wolf, butt, conjure will: a horned goat is coming ...

cubs (together):

Chok-chok, piglet,

I'm smart, not stupid

Goat-dereza, do not goggle your eyes,

I'm that gray wolf

What will grab the barrel.

You, goat, spin like a top,

And get better...

Goat: Something is wrong with me, it seems I have become kinder, beeeee ...

She-wolf: What about my wolf cubs, where are they?

Goat: And I taught them to dance.

She-wolf: How?

Goat: And like this!

(wolves run out, dance with balls).

She-wolf: Wolf kids, don't it hurt you?

cubs: No, mom, we have a lot of fun!

She-wolf: Well, if you have fun, then let everyone have fun. Come follow me!

Goat: And I?

She-wolf: And you ... where without you ...

presenter: So they became friends. They all went to the bazaar together to dance, and to amuse and entertain people, they probably dance there even now. Don't believe? Go, look, and tell me, But people say that since then, all goats are kind. Anyway, this year...

The year of culture is dedicated to the thematic book exhibition "The theater is already full ..." V library-branch №1 them. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The exhibition is dedicated to the International Theater Day, established in 1961 by the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute (ITI). International Theater Day is celebrated annually March 27.

As you know, in translation from ancient Greek, the word "theater" means "a place where they look." The mention of the first theatrical production dates back to 2500 BC. e. It is believed that the development of theatrical craft in Russia began with the court theater of the 17th century.

Today, International Theater Day is not just a professional holiday for stage masters, it is a holiday for millions of spectators.

The epigraph to the exhibition "The theater is already full ..." were the words of N.V. Gogol: "The theater is such a department from which you can say a lot to the world." Here are books about the history of foreign and Russian theater, Russian actors and playwrights.

The methodological development of the event with the participation of parents "Theater Chest" is dedicated to the International Theater Day. This methodological development contains practical advice on the organization and scenario of the event.



Municipal autonomous institution of additional education of the city of Nizhnevartovsk


Scenario of the event for parents and students,

dedicated to the Theater Day


Kleimenova Marina Anatolievna,

additional education teacher

Main part.

Target: to give elementary ideas about the theater and the rules of conduct in the theater, about the International Theater Day;education of a value attitude to the beautiful;the formation of the initial experience of self-realization in creative activity;development of creative abilities, identification of non-standard, individuality of students


  1. To acquaint students with the history of theatrical art and theatrical terminology.
  2. Conduct training exercises with the audience to develop attention, coordination, imagination.
  3. Organization of joint activities of children and parents.

Conduct form: festive theatrical program with creative performances and competitions.

Preliminary preparation:Festive decoration of the hall and stage with theatrical motifs, the production of invitation cards by students in the form of masks for their parents, theatrical masks.

Technical means:Laptop, microphones, musical arrangement,props for theatrical miniatures, cards with creative tasks.

The course of the holiday

From behind the screen, theatrical little men appear - members of the theater group. To the music they show pantomime and read poetry.

Theatrical people.Theater! How much does a word mean
For those who have been there many times!
How important and sometimes new
There is action for us!
Put on gloves,
And face makeup.
From socks to heels, from socks to heels ...
And here I am - a funny mime!
In the twilight of the hall spotlights shine,
And it's time for the actors to take the stage again.
Worries and troubles will remain at home.
Here is a fairy tale and truth, here is life
a game!

The actors run behind the screen and carry out a large casket. The Theatrical Fairy appears and stands next to the casket. The leader comes out.

Leading. Hello dear viewers,
Children and parents!
We don't get bored today
Celebrating Theater Day!
There are not only holidays in the calendar that everyone celebrates: New Year, March 8 ... March 27 is a special day for those who love the theater. The holiday is called the International Theater Day.
Fairy. Do you love theater as much as I do?
presenter . Hello girl! And who are you?
Fairy. I'm not just a girl, I'm a theater-goer fairy. When I grow up, they will call me the muse of the theater, and then I will help adult artists serve ...
Leading. To serve in the military?
Fairy . No, serve the theatre! And now I help little artists to comprehend the laws of acting, not to be afraid of the stage, to feel free and relaxed on it.
Leading. Fairy Theatrical, how are you on time! Maybe you can help me tell our little viewers about the theater?
Fairy. With pleasure! I took with me this chest, which contains magical things that help the artist to transform ...
Leading. Or rather, to transform ...
Fairy. ... in those they play on stage. But my chest is locked, and in order to open it, you need the guys to tell about the rules of behavior in the theater. How can you behave there and how not.
Leading. I think the guys will easily cope with this task and help you open your chest.
Fairy. I will now tell you about the rules of conduct in the theater, and you correct me if I'm wrong.
1. Take your place in the hall only when everyone has taken their seats. 2. Loudly, with noise and shouting, squeeze to your chair, stepping on everyone's feet.
3. If you came to the performance with a friend, be sure to talk to him during the performance, discuss with him all the actors, spectators, laugh out loud, behave freely and uninhibitedly, because you paid for the ticket ...
4. Having bought chocolate in the buffet, but do not eat it right away. Unfold when the actors take the stage. Do you know how nice it is to eat chocolate and sweets during the performance! Be sure to rustle with foil. And if you get dirty, wipe your hands on your neighbor!
5. Remember that sitting still for a long time is very harmful to the body. Therefore, move more: turn around, bend over, rest your feet on the back of the front seat, push your neighbors' hands off the armrests.

The children and parents correct the mistakes, and the chest opens.

Leading. Fairy Theatrical, quickly open your chest and show the magical things that help the actors.

The fairy opens the chest, takes out a hat, skirt, shoes.

Fairy. Well, please!
Leading. Yes, these are clothes, simple clothes ...
Fairy. If an artist puts on clothes and goes on stage in them, then this is no longer clothes, but a stage costume! Remember, guys, this word.
presenter . Let's repeat in chorus.

Children repeat.

Fairy. And now I will ask you theatrical riddles, whoever guesses, we will invite him to our stage.

Theatrical riddles

At least ask someone about it
They know - they were in Rus'
Funny actors.
Scenes, jokes and tricks

He walks around the stage, jumps,
He laughs, he cries!
At least someone will portray -
Mastery will amaze everyone!
And formed a long time ago
Profession type...(Actor.)

He leads all
Thinking, running, screaming!
He inspires actors
Manages the entire show
Like an orchestra conductor
But it's called...(Director.)

Either a king, or a jester,
Beggar or king
Lady, witch or fly
Robinson or an old woman
Become will help, for example,

narrow eye and long nose
In the theatre, this is not an issue.
If you want to be different
Call for help...(Makeup.)

All the actors will stand together
Wherever they need to be.
The director calls to the stage -
Marks up…(Mise-en-scene.)

6 parents are called. They are offered costumes and tasks for the dance of Pinocchio and Malvina, Goblin and Babka Yozhka, Fox Alice and Cat Basilio.

Leading. Guys, our parents put on various costumes and turned into fairy-tale characters. Take a closer look at them and try to guess which character our adults have reincarnated into.

Parents take turns defiling and dancing, children guess.

Fairy. Well done guys, here's another thing for you that helps actors transform.(Pulls out makeup.)
presenter . Some colors...
Fairy. These are not ordinary paints, but face paints. And they are called make-up. With the help of makeup, you can turn a young actor into an old man, a good one into a villain, and make up a person into any animal. Let's guys say this word together.

Children repeat the word.

Leading. The guys and I already got acquainted with these wonderful colors, and our mothers, like real make-up wizards, turned the kids into fabulous creatures.
Fairy. Can I see how your magical moms do it?
presenter . Of course you can. And the children will help their mothers-make-up artists.

Faces are painted on easels. With the help of wax pencils, mothers paint faces. You need to come up with a make-up for a clown, a flower, a hare, a cat.

Fairy. I just don't have words for how much I love it! I can only show my joy.
Leading. How to show it?
Fairy. But how - pantomime!(Shows great joy.)
Leading. Guys, pantomime is when the actors do not say any words at all, they only show everything with action, plasticity.
Fairy . Yes, yes, my assistants, theatrical little men, will help you deal with pantomime. They will not tell you a word, they will only show you. And guess what they do.

Artists show with the help of plasticity a glass wall, a rope, a barbell, a flower. Children guess.

What good fellows you are! I will open my chest again for you.(Opens, takes out a fake mirror. Looks into it, straightens her hair).
Leading. Fairy Theatrical Girl, what can you see in this mirror? It's not real!
Fairy. This is a real fake mirror.
presenter . Traffic lights?
Fairy. Fake! The fact is that they will never put a real mirror on the stage, they won’t get real weapons, they won’t eat from real dishes. All these items will be made for the performance by prop artists from cardboard, plywood, papier-mâché…
Leading. And these items will be called props! Let's guys repeat this difficult word together.

Children repeat.

Do you know why real things are rarely used on stage? First, they can be dangerous for the actor. A real mirror or plate can fall and break, injuring a person. Secondly, real things may not be very visible from the auditorium. A props - it is always larger and brighter than the real thing. Come on, guys, now, together with your parents, will try to distinguish real things from fake ones. I will show you objects, and you will clap if you see props, and stomp if you see the real thing.

Hall game.

Fairy. Well done boys! You are true theater connoisseurs.

Imagine that a person comes up to you on the street and mysteriously invites you to act in a movie or play a role in a play. And you agree, but at the same time, from happiness, you forget to ask what kind of role it is. Here you come to test shootings.(theatrical little men (mimes) help to call adults and children from the audience. They form 2 teams of 3 people each).
Leading. Say hello to our creative teams! And we give you cards with tasks.

Understanding "Depict a song without words"
1. "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
2. "Smile"
3. "We wish you happiness"
4. "Oh, frost, frost"
To hold the mise-en-scène "Show the picture"
1. "Barge haulers on the Volga"
2. "Again deuce"
On the ability to lead (agitation for some action)
1. Swimming in winter
2. For admission to the circus school
3. Going to the movies
4. On Saturday

There is a creative competition.

Fairy. Guys, now I see that you love the theater as much as I love it. And I hope that you will keep this love for the theater for the rest of your life. Well, it's time for me to fly to the theater and help the little actors. And if any of you ever decide to go on stage, then I will help you too. See you on stage and backstage!

Theatrical little men see off the Fairy Theatrical.

Leading. And for the price, I invite the entire staff of the theater-studio "PRIZ" with a plastic production of "No, I'm not crying." Meet!

Music sounds. Number "No, I'm not crying!"

Leading. Once again, I congratulate you on the Day of the Theater! Parents and children reincarnated, improvised and of course friendship and acting skills won!

And also won cheerful laughter and good mood! We will give all participants of this festive program commemorative postcards, on which you can leave your autographs as a keepsake for each other, and, of course, a flurry of applause!

Reflection "Mask of Mood"

As a summing up of the event, parents and children were invited to choose a theatrical mask that suits their mood and emotions after the program. All those present are invited to go to the photo workshop for a group photo.

List of sources:

  1. Pobedinskaya L.A. Holiday for friends. Collection of scripts. M., 2000.
  2. Romashkova E.I. Card index of forms of educational work of creative orientation. M., 2005
  3. Maksimova I.P. Costumes, music, game - and take off a bright moment of goodness: a theatrical performance / I.P. Maksimova //Read, study, play. - 2007. - No. 8.
  4. Marchenko N. N. Bravo, actor! educational game program / N. N. Marchenko, V. V. Fayt, E. E. Khitrova // Read, study, play. - 2007. - No. 1.

"Day of the theater"

competitive program

to the International Theater Day

Developed by:

Educator at GPA

Mashentseva Tatyana Petrovna


Goals and objectives of the competition:

propaganda of theatrical art;

development of students' abilities in joint creative activity;

identification of the most gifted, talented children;

development of communication skills.

Age of participants : 7-9 years old.


Stand "Development of theatrical art in the Saratov region";

multimedia equipment;

Appendix No. 1 Presentation "Theatre of Ancient Greece"

Annex No. 3 Invitation tickets for the play "Teremok is standing in the field."

Used Books:

V. Barmin. On the school stage Volgograd. Publishing house "Teacher", 2009. - 144s.

I.A. Agapova, M.A. Davydova. Theatrical performances in high school. Volgograd. Publishing house "Teacher", 2009. - 412 p.

Christie G.W. Fundamentals of Acting, Soviet Russia, 1970

Theater where children play: Textbook for leaders of children's theater groups / Ed. A.B. Nikitina.-M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2001. - 288 p.: Ill..

Internet resources:

[email protected] ; ;

Event progress

Introductory part.


What a miracle - to be in a fairy tale

With the heroes of suddenly revived legends!

We are surprised by their costumes, masks,

Captures the action of the moment.

They sing, mourn, meditate...

The intensity of passions is transmitted to us.

The game of their souls ignite us.

Their art is theater, not farce.

Today we praise the skill of actors,

We hasten to congratulate them on the Day of the Theater,

Make-up artists, dressers and prompters -

We thank you all for the magic!

Alyona: Good afternoon guys. Before starting our holiday, I want to ask you a riddle:

There's a stage and backstage

Both actors and actresses

There is a poster and intermission,

Scenery, full house.

And, of course, the premiere!

You probably guessed ... (THEATRE)

Application No. 1. Presentation "Ancient Greek theater"

Alexandra: Yes, today we will talk about the theater. I want to talk a little about the history of the theatre.

The word theater is Greek. It means both the place where the spectacle takes place and the spectacle itself. Theatrical art arose a very long time ago, more than two and a half thousand years ago.

Anna: In ancient Greece, performances sometimes went on for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on dais, and the action itself took place in the arena, located right on the grass. March 27 in ancient Greece was the Great Dionysia - holidays in honor of the god of winemaking Dionysus. They were accompanied by processions and fun, there were many mummers. And since 1961, this day, March 27, has been celebrated all over the world as International Theater Day.


It's good to have a theatre!

He was and will be with us forever.

Always ready to say:

Everything in the world is human.

Everything is fine here -

Gestures, masks, costumes, music, game.

Here our fairy tales come to life

And with them the bright world of goodness.

Alexandra: Today we will prove to you that you are talented friends,

Today we will reveal to you all the secrets of mastery.

Teacher: Artists who are versatile, tragic, funny and simply mischievous have come to visit us. Greet them with loud applause. But now, guys, you applauded yourself. After all, today you will be our artists!

Did you know that by clapping your hands, you are performing one of the oldest rituals of communication with the higher world. And in our time, scientists say that clapping has a beneficial effect on the entire body. So, clap often - it's useful and always cheers you up! Let's clap again!

Anna: There are many theaters in the world, and of course, artists

And we are growing to replace them, growing up very quickly.

And we have a holiday today. Quietly the curtain opened

And on the stage of first-graders - our school artists.

Main part.

Alyona: Our holiday continues and there are many creative challenges ahead, and in order to cope with them, we offer to warm up a real actor!

1. Competition "Warm-up actor".

the teacher explains the rules, the leading girls are distributed around the hall

Teacher: Claps are our special acting warm-up, because a real actor can turn any action into creativity. So today we will clap not just, but creatively. To do this, we will beat with the left palm on the right. Like this. In this case, the palms seem to slide over each other. In this case, the right hand - the guide, goes forward, and the left goes back. This is a "shot". Let's try. Now let's change hands.

- Great! Now I see that you are all warmed up. However! On stage, any action must be justified by the actor. Justified - that is, to become true. Only in this way the viewer will believe in what is happening on stage. (If the actor himself does not believe in what is happening on stage, the viewer will definitely feel it as a spoof or falsehood). Now we will arrange a shootout again, but now we are sure to put some emotion into our shot. For example, if it's anger, you'll see it in my facial expressions, my posture, the strength of my clap. I can shoot you like this (angrily), or like this (joyfully).

So, now your leaders will shoot at you with different emotions, you shoot at them with the same emotion, but ... do not copy the leaders, but only return the same feeling. Some people have this kind of joy, and some people have this.

Well, let's try, your presenters will help you. Our first emotionAnger !

- Fright! - Sadness! -Joy !

It was great guys! Now I ask everyone to send our last emotion straight into space! Like this! Our emotion isHappiness! We are all filled with the greatest joy and happiness from the fact that we have gathered here today, that we still have many interesting trials ahead of us, that the holiday continues, that His Majesty the Theater united us all here. So, the emotion is happiness. Get ready! Handles raised, we shoot loudly on the count of three. Once! Two! Three!( cotton)

Well done! Great! The cosmos has received our signal. Do your palms still hurt? Then pat yourself again! Thank you, and now I will ask everyone to take their seats.( children sit down).

Anna: How wonderful! What good fellows you are! How talented and artistic!

Teacher: Guys, which of you performed at the holidays? What did you do? (sang, read poetry), or maybe one of you danced? And who participated in the scenes? How many artists we have!

Alyona: I propose to make a fascinating journey into the magical world of the theater, because everyone who enters this world becomes a little different, you just need to connect your imagination and a little imagination. Let's go backstage to find out the secret of the birth of the play and become active participants in this creative process.

Appendix No. 2 Presentation "The image of a theatrical hero"

The teacher gives a presentation.


Only today,

Only here

Theater opens

Magic curtain for you!

Come to our theatre.

10-15 children are invited to the stage.

Teacher: To become a real artist, you need to be able to do a lot: master facial expressions, gestures, clearly, clearly pronounce the text, move plastically.

So, we offer you to become artists for a while. Stand in a circle and carefully follow what I will say, and do it with me.

2. Competition "Acting skills".

See the puddle ahead

We need to bypass it.

But a huge log lies,

It is very difficult for us to climb over it.

Now the path is so narrow

That needs to be balanced a bit.

And here is a deep and wide ditch,

And from it water we hear a roar.

How do we cross the moat?

Well, did you guess? Of course, jump.

And suddenly we found ourselves in a fairy tale.

Looking around, we were very surprised.

A mischievous bunny is running.

Stop, coward, don't run, stop!

We jump just like you

If you don't believe me, look at it!

We know how to sneak like a cunning fox,

Tail sweeping the road: not to leave a trace!

We know how to prowl like an angry wolf,

Which is called "click teeth".

We will be able and, like a bear, we will pass,

Sweeping away everything that gets in the way.

Anna : All the guys here are born actors!

Alyona: Well, now, we are ready to conquer the theatrical heights! Well, are you on your way?

Together: Let's hit the road!

3. Competition "Competition of announcers". Each actor must have good stage speech, diction.

The facilitator asks the children to repeat the tongue twisters.

Klasha was given porridge with curdled milk, Klasha ate porridge with curdled milk.

Weavers wove fabrics for Clave and Tanya's dresses.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

The little chatterbox chatted milk, chatted, but did not blurt it out.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Thirty-three cars in a row chatter, rumble. Chatter, rumble thirty-three cars in a row.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

4. Competition "Stage plasticity".

Each artist must have excellent plasticity, a sense of tempo and rhythm, and also be able to change time, situation, appearance with the help of action, because action is the main material in acting.Now you will have to show not only acting skills, but also imagination!

Try to depict the walk of a person:

who has just had a good meal;

who is pressed with shoes;

who unsuccessfully kicked a brick;

who had an acute attack of sciatica;

who happened to be in the forest at night;

walking along the edge of a skyscraper.

5. Competition "Roles of the second plan or extras."

Guys, you know that the main roles are not given to every actor. Some artists play them regularly, while others wait their entire acting career. However, without supporting roles and extras, there would be no performances and films. There are actors who play only supporting roles all their lives, but it is this role that the viewer remembers even more than the play of the main character. And now we will try ourselves in this role.

After 2 minutes, each team member tries to portray his character with the help of sounds, facial expressions, and gait.

The teams are given the task to depict some kind of scene; for example, the first team depicts the morning in the village - the bleating of sheep, the lowing of cows, the creaking of the gate, the croaking of frogs, the crowing of a rooster, the quacking of ducks, the clanking of a well chain, and the second team must guess what it is.

Then the second team shows their skit; like a circus troupe. The presenters give tasks to portray the team members: the leader of the troupe, trainer, clown, acrobat, monkey, bear, snake, trained dog, etc. The first team guesses what it is. You can ask leading questions.

Teacher: And now we will check how attentive and collected you were today, because real artists must have an excellent memory.

He is a theatrical worker -

Performances "conductor",

Performance Manager -

That's right... (DIRECTOR!)

The director is the main person in the theater, he selects the actors, helps them to correctly portray the hero, then the fairy tale becomes special, unlike one another.

What will the screenwriter write?
That will show us ... (ARTIST)

Anna: In the cinema - a wide screen,

In the circus - arena or arena.

Well, in the theater, the usual theater,

The site is special - ... (SCENE!)

Alyona: What is "Countermark"? -

The dictionary will give the answer:

Know she's free.

Or simply - ... (TICKET!)


Everything you see on stage

What lies, hangs, stands,

All items of presentation -

This, you know, ... (PROPERTIES!)

Anna: To make the show look more interesting,

Ovations were heard in gratitude,

It is necessary on the stage decoration:

House, trees and others ... (DECORATION!)

Alyona: To store the clothes of visitors,

Theatergoers or moviegoers

To make them comfortable and not hot -

There is a wardrobe. Or easier - ... (LOCKER ROOM!)


When the show is over -

Heard "Bravo!", compliments;

To all the actors, in gratitude,

We give ... (APPLAUSE!)

Teacher: Well done!Today we visited a magical land whose name is -THEATER. Love the theatre. He will make you kinder more honest, fairer. Tell us who you were in our theater today and what did you do?

Theater is always amazing. To be an actor, a person who creates this miracle, even on a small modest stage - what could be more exciting? A fairy tale on the theater stage is a double miracle. "A miracle in a square!".

Our whole life is a theater!

Epigraph, action, intermission

And again the action on the stage.

Our whole life is just a spectacle,

Sometimes comedy and drama

Sometimes a novel, sometimes a tale.

Sometimes actors change

The script is being written for us

Gods above

For people to play their part.

And life is a theater, a theater no more,

Theater, and we are actors in it.

Alyona: Thank you guys for your hospitality.

Anna: And now we invite you to visit.

Alexandra: Our young artists have prepared for you a gift Forest Fairy Tale

"There is a tower in the field."

Alyona: Don't forget the stories

Read them with interest.

We are waiting for you, friends,

We will always be glad to see you.

The song "The theater is joy and love" sounds

Students of the children's association "Synthesis" distribute tickets

for the play "Teremok is standing in the field."

Complimentary ticket

Dear friend!

We invite you to the performance

"Teremok is standing in the field"

at the House of Children's Creativity

Complimentary ticket

Dear friend!

We invite you to the performance

children's association theater "Synthesis"

"Teremok is standing in the field"

at the House of Children's Creativity

Complimentary ticket

Dear friend!

We invite you to the performance

children's association theater "Synthesis"

"Teremok is standing in the field"

at the House of Children's Creativity

Complimentary ticket

Dear friend!

We invite you to the performance

children's association theater "Synthesis"

"Teremok is standing in the field"

at the House of Children's Creativity

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