List of plans for autumn holidays. Where to go on autumn holidays? Private Theater Festival


Balzamova Natalya Grigorievna
Planning activities for the autumn holidays with middle school children

The action plan was developed for children 4-5 years old with a general developmental focus. The author of the development is teacher of the 1st category Balzamova N. G.

Autumn holidays - hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Their children, parents and teachers are waiting!

Preschoolers have a lot more fun during the holidays!

After all, the entertainment for children is doubly enhanced!

(Natalia Balzamova)



GOAL: to create a friendly and joyful environment in the group.

Tasks: to form children's understanding of genres of music and musical instruments.

Develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, and memory.

Cultivate a love of music.

1. Didactic musical games:

"Guess what it sounds like?"

"Listen and repeat."

2. Listening to classical music.

3. Singing songs and reading poems about autumn and friendship.

4. Outdoor games with musical accompaniment.

5. Children's disco using songs from cartoons.



GOAL: to systematize the knowledge of fairy tales with children of the middle group.

Tasks: continue to teach children to listen carefully and analyze fairy tales

Develop dialogical speech, attention, memory.

Cultivate a love of fiction.

1. Reading Russian folk tales according to children's preferences, followed by their analysis.

2. Quiz "Visiting a fairy tale."

3. Didactic games.

4. Outdoor games with fairy-tale characters.

5. Creative workshop; my favorite fairy tale (drawing of your favorite hero from a fairy tale)



GOAL: to form children’s ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: forming proposals for preschool children about the human body, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Develop attention, speech, thinking.

Foster a sense of responsibility for your health.

Activation of motor activity and expansion of active vocabulary.

1. Conversation with children about the benefits of cultural and hygienic skills.

2. Entertainment with children "Fun Starts"

3. Examination and discussion of pictures of sports games.

4. Outdoor games.

5. Group essay and, if desired, individual essay (together with the teacher) “If you want to be healthy.”



GOAL: formation in preschool children

Tasks: continue to teach children to play in the fields.

Develop speech activity, attention, memory.

Foster a love of theatrical creativity.

1. Tabletop paper theater fairy tale "Turnip"

2. Creative workshop based on the fairy tale "Geese Swans" (modeling)

3. Viewing of the theatrical performance: “The Cockerel and the Beanstalk”, followed by analysis.

4. Theatrical activities in masks (with the help of a teacher) of the children’s choice.

5. Tetra on flannelograph “Zayushkina’s Hut”, followed by a discussion of the fairy tale.



GOAL: creating a creative mood in children.

Tasks: continue to teach children to express their creative fantasies on paper and through other means.

Develop speech, attention, imagination, thinking, creative abilities.

Cultivate interest in creative activities.

1. Discussion with children about the types of activities for the day (find out the children’s desires for creative activities)

2. Group work "Autumn in the city park"

3. Examination with children of pictures of Dymkovo and Khokhloma paintings and patterns. (Shared discussion)

4. Preparing crafts for Mother’s Day.

5. Reading nursery rhymes.

All daily items are designed for a full day and are carried out in any order at the discretion of the teacher.

Publications on the topic:

Conversation-instruction “How to behave during the summer holidays” Conversation - instruction: “How to behave during the summer holidays” Purpose: to teach students to avoid situations hazardous to health, to conduct.

How to develop the attention of a six-year-old during school holidays? How to develop the attention of a six-year-old during school holidays?

Consultation for parents “Children’s safety during the May holidays” The May holidays are approaching. At this time, children and adolescents have more free time and are more often left to their own devices.

Consultation for parents “Games with children 6 years old on summer holidays during the holidays” Children playing with their parents is an integral part of children's development. This is both health promotion and good mood. Playing games together brings people together.

Memo for parents "Children's safety during the summer holidays" Dear parents! In the summer, with the start of the holidays, our children face increased danger on the roads, near bodies of water, in the forest, on playgrounds.

"Autumn Mess"

Game program during the autumn holidays.

Slide No. 1

Leading: Hello, dear guys! Today you and I will conduct a very interesting and fun competitive game program with the cheerful name “Autumn Mayhem”. I will try to make sure that everyone takes part in our program, has fun from the heart, so that all the children remember our competitions.


Explain the game.

Musical screensaver No. 1

Slide No. 2

Presenter: And now for you guys

I'll tell you riddles...

It's green in flowers

Ready to meet the sun,

Fresh, elegant, silky

Emerald thin... (leaf)

On a green edge

Two green girlfriends

They croaked loudly: “Kwa-kwa!

"The grass is green all around!"

Those loud wahs

Amphibians... (frogs)

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread. (hedgehog)

Gray, scary and toothy

Caused a commotion.

All the animals ran away.

Scared the animals... (wolf)

Wears a gray vest

But the wings are black.

Do you see twenty couples circling?

And they shout: Carr! Carr! Carr! (crow)

Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the forest. (woodpecker)

It's like a tiny bell. (lark)

I don’t walk and I don’t fly,

Just try and catch up!

I can be golden.

Come on, look into a fairy tale! (fish)

He lives in the very pool,

Master of the depths.

He has a huge mouth

And the eyes are barely visible. (som)

She had a saw in her mouth.

She lived underwater.

Scared everyone, swallowed everyone,

And now she’s fallen into the cauldron. (pike)

Slide No. 3

CONTEST:3 people For the game: glasses, 3 blindfolds

Disposable glasses are placed on the floor. Goal: Step over every glass blindfolded without crushing a single one. After the participant is blindfolded, the glasses are removed.

Musical screensaver No. 2

Slide No. 4

CONTEST:2 people For game: 2 blindfolds

Two blindfolded people make a “gate.” The rest of the children go through the “gate”, one at a time: on their toes, crawling and running.

Children representing the “gate” must hear and catch as many people as possible.

Musical screensaver No. 3

Slide No. 5

For the game: 30 clothespins and 3 blindfolds

Leading: Well, now, guys, let's compete in speed and agility. I suggest playing the following "Clothespin" competition. For this game, I need 2 pairs, each of which is a boy and a girl.

The winner is the pair whose forward player collects the clothespins from their partner.

Musical screensaver No. 4

Slide No. 6

I choose 5 people, and they become partners

COMPETITION: “Nimble Button”

Now I invite you guys to remember fairy tales, riddles, songs. We will hold a fabulous musical quiz. The main condition for quiz participants is that you not only need to remember the correct answer, but if it is a song, then sing the lines from this song.

The presenter reads out the questions, the player who knows the correct answer presses his button, whose button beeps first, this pair answers

For the game: 5 caps with a sponge, 5 chairs


    Which fairy-tale character poked a hole in the cauldron with his nose? Pinocchio.

    What words did the boy “write in the corner” in his drawing?

May there always be sun, may there always be sky...

    What word does the riddle end with: “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle...” Carnation.

    Who was the grasshopper's friend? He didn’t touch the booger and was friends with the flies.

    What is the same color in winter and summer? Christmas tree

    Hanging on the fence, a piece of paper. What's written on it?

A dog named Druzhok has gone missing.

    What is left of the little gray goat after a walk in the forest?

Horns and legs

    The Bremen musicians believe that there is nothing better in the world than...? Why friends can wander around the world.

    Who can eat little children in Africa if they go for a walk there? Barmaley

    Where does friendship begin? Well, friendship begins with a smile .

    What is the Thieving Magpie's favorite dish? Porridge

    What causes a dog to bite? Only from the life of a dog does a dog become a biter.

    Which pear should you not eat? A light bulb

    What song did the brave captain sing both in trouble and in battle?

Captain, captain, smile, because a smile is the flag of a ship...

Slide No. 7

Leading: Now we have just made sure that you all know and love fairy tales, riddles, and songs very well. But I really want to see how quickly and deftly you can complete the next task. Our next competition is called "Balloon". For the game, I need 3 teams of 5 people each. The task is as follows: Try to race to carry balloons in tablespoons across the room. The winner is the team whose players never drop the ball from the spoon.

For the game: 3 inflated balls, 3 tablespoons

Musical screensaver No. 5

Slide No. 8

Leading: Our next competition is called "Rvachi". 4 people compete in this competition.

Players are given a newspaper sheet and offered for 10 seconds. tear it into as many pieces as possible.

After completing the task, it is announced that the winner will be the one who quickly glues his piece of paper back together using tape.

For the game: 5 sheets of newspaper, 5 rolls of tape, 5 scissors.

Musical screensaver No. 6

Slide No. 9*

Leading: And here "Word Game", is designed for those who want to show their logical thinking and reveal their intellectual abilities.

5 teams of 3 people are participating.


Competition of intellectuals

1. What word consists of half a letter? (Field, fields, regiment.)

2. How many letters G are needed to make a large pile of hay? (One hundred - a hundred.)

3. The rooster crowed and woke up one person. How many roosters does it take to wake up ten people? (One.)

4. How many ends does one stick have? (Two.) What about five? (Ten.) What about six and a half? (Fourteen.)

The presenter sums up the results, checks the words and displays the winning team.

Slide No. 10

COMPETITION: “Leaf Fall” - I choose 3 people

You will be given commands:

“sun” - we dance rock and roll;

“bouquet” - we cuddle 2 people together;

“wind” - we spin around ourselves, shout “oo-oo-oo-oo”;

“puddle” - we stand in a circle and take hold of the shoulders;

“leaf fall” - we run and choose a partner.

I will name the teams at random, your task is not to get lost! Be careful!

Ready? Well, then let's go!

Musical screensaver No. 7

Slide No. 11

Leading: And now, guys, I suggest checking how carefully you can listen to other people. Our next competition is for attentiveness and speed of response.

I offer you the chant “Super Fashionista”.

Purpose of the chant: You guys should clap if the things I call can be worn, and stomp if they cannot be worn.

Chant text:

I once met

One super fashionista.

You won't see one like this

And never meet.

I saw a skirt on her... (Clapping)

Not one, but two at once... (Stomp)

On the shoulders there is a fur coat made of fish...(Stomp)

And a pot on my head... (Stomp)

There are boots on her feet...(Clapping)

In high heels...(Clapping)

And there are earrings hanging in my ears... (Clapping)

And tights on my hand... (Stomp)

The scarf hangs around the neck... (Clapping)

There are glasses on my nose like a shadow... (Clapping)

A fan is tangled in her hair... (Stomp)

And there’s a belt on the waist... (Clapping)

And she’s also wearing a blouse... (Clapping)

Cane umbrella in hand...(Clapping)

There is a jellyfish hanging on his shoulder...(Stomp)

And a briefcase on a leash... (Stomp)

There is a ring on my finger... (Clapping)

And there’s a bowler hat on his neck... (Stomp)

And also a heart pendant... (Clapping)

And a cambric scarf... (Clapping)

If you meet that girl,

Remember this fable

But I want to wish you

You won't meet such fashionistas.

FOLDER: Color dances

Slide No. 12

GAME: "Steam Locomotive"

In this game, we all stand in a line behind each other, holding onto the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train – the “locomotive” – runs quickly and often and unexpectedly changes direction.

You and I must follow him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train.

Leading: I will name the part of the body that you should grab during the movement (stomach, knees, nose, heels, etc.). Ready? The answer is “Yes!” Then let's go!

Musical screensaver No. 8

Slide No. 13

Leading: Who knows what a casino is? Now I invite you to play Musical Casino. I have recorded fragments of fast and slow melodies. Everyone participates in the game. I invite players to place bets: guess which melody will sound - fast or slow.

Players who bet on a fast melody stand to the right of the leader, those who bet on a slow melody stand on the left. Those who don't guess correctly are eliminated.

The game continues until one person remains - the winner of the music casino.

For the game: Music fragments are played.....


Slide No. 14

Leading: Our program has come to an end. You played great today, answered questions, had fun, supported each other. See you again, guys!

The autumn school holidays are an ideal time to visit major museums and attractions of the capital, which are difficult to find time for on other days. Find out how best to plan a whole week of vacation in our itinerary.

Day 1. Zoo and planetarium

On the first day, go to zoo, one of the oldest in Europe. It was opened in 1864 by the Imperial Russian Society for the Acclimatization of Animals and Plants and was then called a zoo. Now more than a thousand species of animals live here.

Allow several hours for a walk around the zoo. It is better to plan your visit in the morning: this way you will avoid crowds near the enclosures and children will be able to get a better look at the zoo guests.

Before going to the zoo, be sure to study the feeding schedule on the official website This way you will definitely be able to see animals, which often hide in secluded places during the daytime. Indeed, in nature, the main activity of most animals occurs at dusk - morning and evening. During demonstration feedings, animals are most active, so little visitors will have more chances to watch them. In addition, during feedings, zoo staff talk about the characteristics of a particular animal.

For lunch after a tiring journey through the fauna of different continents, go to Italian restaurant Bella Pasta(Krasnaya Presnya, 6/2, building 1).

Devote the second half of the day to a hike planetarium, which is located near the zoo. Both junior and senior schoolchildren will be interested here: the exhibition in this scientific complex is arranged in such a way that everyone will find something to their liking. After viewing meteorites, launching a hydrogen-powered rocket and sending a message to aliens, stop by the Great Star Hall to see the stars on Europe's largest dome.

Day 2. Moscow Kremlin

Dedicate the second day of your vacation to the main Moscow attraction - to the Kremlin. Take a walk along Cathedral Square and visit the Armory Chamber. Tickets should be purchased in advance: their number is limited and they run out quickly. Tickets are sold strictly for a specific time, so don't be late.

The Moscow Kremlin museums have prepared several special programs for children. They are held two to three times a week. Among them are “Legends of the Middle Ages in the monuments of the Armory Chamber”, “Russia in the Time of Troubles”, “Peter I and his era”, “Heroes of the myths of Ancient Greece in the monuments of the Armory Chamber” and others. Such routes are designed for schoolchildren aged 9-12 years.

Visiting the Moscow Kremlin museums for children under 16 years of age is free.

And then take a walk around the Kremlin. The sights of the capital, concentrated around the Kremlin wall, are collected in

The program is maximum for those who do not want to stay at home with their children this fall.

The first holidays of the school year, and even those extended by holidays, are the ideal time to spend time with your child. The organizers are trying to fill this week with events for children as much as possible, organizing numerous festivals. As a result, there are so many events that every day can be devoted to different things: to see performances brought from different parts of Russia and the world or the latest animation in short or feature films. We have collected for you the best from all autumn festivals for children.

Theater festivals

Spectators will be able to see the best performances with robots, productions based on modern literature and plays written by teenagers. As well as performances with a social orientation and the work of Yana Tumina, which you definitely shouldn’t miss.

Puppet theater "2+ku", "Firefly"

Robots and new technologies in the puppet theater

The III Moscow International Festival of Puppet Theaters “Hephaestus” will be held at the Moscow Puppet Theater on Baumanskaya from October 25 to 31. It is dedicated to unique and latest technologies in the world of puppet theater, including projects using IT technologies and robotics. The playbill includes performances from all over the world with robots, automatons and original inventions of master puppeteers.

  • Firefly (6+), Living Puppet Theater “2+ku”, October 27 13:00, 15:00; October 29 11:00; October 30, 17:00 at the Moscow Puppet Theater
  • Fight for Fire (14+), Spain, Arawake company, October 30, 19:00 at the Moscow Puppet Theater
  • On threads (6+), Italy, theater “Di Filippo Marionette”, October 30 11:00, 14:00 at the Moscow Puppet Theater

Sarov Drama Theatre, "AliSSa"

Performances for children from all over the country

The II International Great Children's Festival lasts for a whole month, including the holidays. The festival, led by Sergei Bezrukov, brings interesting events from all over Russia to Moscow. It will continue after the holidays, so viewers will have the opportunity to stretch out the theatrical pleasure until mid-November.

  • Mukha Ts (6+), OF Theater, October 29 12:30, 14:30, 16:30 at the Puppet Theater S.V. Obraztsova
  • AliSSa (6+), Sarov Drama Theatre, October 29 12:00 at the Moscow Provincial Theater
  • ...and his name was Domino(12+), Buryat Republican Puppet Theater "Ulger", October 29, 19:00 at the Theater Center on Strastnoy

Nyagan Theater for Young Spectators, “I am”

Young directors for children

The Union of Theater Workers decided to expand the “Artmigration” festival and is holding “Artmigration for Children” for the second year. The playbill includes the best performances staged by young directors from the capital in the regions. The festival is principally held during the autumn holidays, this time from October 28 to November 3. All proceeds from tickets will traditionally go to charity - this year to the Gift of Life fund.

  • I am (12+), Nyagansky Theater for Young Spectators, October 30, 19:00 at the Theater Center on Strastnoy
  • Let's not fly away anywhere, Hedgehog...(6+), Chelyabinsk State Drama “Youth Theatre”, November 2, 19:00 at the Theater Center on Strastnoy
  • Tonya Glimmerdahl (8+), Novosibirsk theater-studio “First Theater”, November 3, 19:00 at the Theater Center on Strastnoy

Altai Youth Theater, "Wonder boy"

Social theater for children and about children

The First Un Certain Regard Forum-Festival will be held in Moscow from October 28 to October 31, with an extremely rich program - educational and theatrical. The festival, dedicated to social and inclusive theater, will unite the professional community and caring audiences. Among the dense schedule there are also productions for children and teenagers. Admission to the performances is free, upon registration.

  • Kholstomer Nights (12+), Theater School “Inclusion”, October 29, 16:30 in the New Space of the Theater of Nations
  • Factory of Stories (6+), Alma Mater Foundation, October 29, 19:00 at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art
  • Wonder boy (12+), Altai Youth Theater, October 31, 19:00 in the New Space of the Theater of Nations

TO "Taratumb", Ruslan Volfson Theater, "The Horrible Mrs. Murphy"

Private Theater Festival

Private theaters for children will also hold their first festival from October 29 to November 4, which the Moscow Department of Culture decided to draw attention to during the Year of the Theater. The forum was named “Troubadour” in honor of the small troupes of traveling actors who stood at the origins of modern theater. The festival is competitive, most of the shows will take place on the stage of the Ryumina Center. The repertoire of non-state teams includes productions based on a wide variety of material: from authentic folklore to modern literature for children.

  • Once upon a time there was Fip (6+), St. Petersburg Theater Corporation "William the Cat", October 30, 18:00 on the stage of the Ryumina Center
  • Horrible Mrs. Murphy(6+), Creative Association “Taratumb” and Ruslan Volfson Theater, November 1, 14:00 on the stage of the Ryumina Center
  • Viy. Scary March(6+), “Fanny Bell’s House”, November 3, 15:00 on the stage of the Ryumina Center

Cinema and animation

The autumn holidays traditionally include not only film premieres for children, but also the Big Cartoon Festival with the best collections of Russian, foreign, student and documentary animation.

"Panic in the Village"

The best animation from around the world

The Big Cartoon Festival will take place from October 25 to November 4 and will present several full-length films and many collections for children from preschool to adolescence. In addition, the 10th anniversary “Cartoon Factory” will be held at the BFM, where children will be able to invent and create cartoons in a variety of techniques and genres: from plasticine and puppet animation to flower and Lego animation.

Municipal autonomous institution of additional education for children "Center for Children's Creativity "Fakel"

event title

the date of the


“Folk Tunes” - concert program

Age 7-10 years.

MOBU secondary school No. 14 village. "Birds"

St. Gostello 19

“It’s warm in the sun, good in mother’s presence!” - role-playing game

Age 9-12 years.

MOBU secondary school №32

St. Vostochnaya 82a

“Folk tunes” - concert program"

Age 10-13 years.

Library of the village "Birds"

“Ring the ringing guitar” (Guitar Song Festival).

Age 13-15 years

DK "Raduga" village. named after Kuibyshev

“Journey to the country of “Cartoonland” game program

At the request of the City Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School

From 01.11.2013 to 10.11.2013

Age 7-10 years.

At the request of the City Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School

“Miracles in the Kingdom of Obalduya” - (a new fairy tale in the old way)

At the request of the City Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School

From 01.11.2013 to 10.11.2013

At the request of the City Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School

MAUDOD "Children's Ecological and Biological Center"

Vacation program

Autumn vacation

event title

the date of the


carrying out


“Health Secrets” is an educational and entertaining program for middle school age.

DEBC, Gagarin Ave., 42/3

“Health Plants” educational quiz game

DEBC, ave. Gagarina, 42/3

“Autumn Kaleidoscope” educational and entertaining event

DEBC, ave. Gagarina, 42/3

“Autumn Palette” - art workshop for middle school children

DEBC, Gagarin Ave., 42/3

Master class on beading

« Autumn patterns»

DEBC, Gagarin Ave., 42/3

Action plan of MBUDO "MCDOD",

for autumn holidays from 01.11.2013 to 10.11.2013


event title

the date of the



"Hooray! Holidays!" entertainment

“Young Olympian” - sports competition among school teams of the Southern District

MBUDO "MCDOD", Svetly proezd, 10

“My city on Earth is the only one” intellectual and local history game

MBUDO "MCDOD", Svetly proezd, 10

“Golden Autumn” - reporting concert of students of the aesthetic education department

MBUDO "MCDOD", Svetly proezd, 10

Birthday of the historical reconstruction club "Truvor"

MBUDO "MCDOD", Svetly proezd, 10

MOAUDOD "Center for Children's Creativity" of the Industrial District

P/ P

event title

the date of the



Autumn vacation

Open championship in sports tourism (middle age)

CDT (park)

Thematic concert “In our unity the strength of Russia” (for all ages)

Great Hall of the Central Children's Theater

District competition-exhibition on papermaking “Masters of Paper Crafts” (junior, middle age)

Regional competition of volunteer teams “Healthy Youth” (senior age)

Great Hall of the Central Children's Theater


events of the CDT Dzerzhinsky district

Item no.

Name of events





Opening of the exhibition “My first works” and a creative workshop on DBT

Petrova I.V.

d/k "Prometheus" st. Brestskaya, 11

District photo competition of journalistic works “Motherland – we are your children!”

CDT (assembly hall, Kosmicheskaya, 5)

“Visiting the cat” competitive educational program with your favorite pets

Living corner of the CDT

st. Kosmicheskaya, 5

Event plan for the autumn holidaysCDT Dzerzhinsky district

event title


Sketch competition “Our coat of arms”

“Autumn mood” - music class-concert. Domisolka Studios

d/k "Iskorka",

st. Yun. Lenintsev,

Friendly mini-football match among CDT students

Stadium "Kommunalshchik"

“Autumn Flower Ball” - a competitive program of the Junior Biology Department

living corner of the CDT

Local history quiz for middle ages “My small homeland - Orenburg”

d/k "Luch",

Volgogradskaya, 10/1

Opening of the exhibition “My first works” and a creative workshop on road accidents “Autumn leaf fall”

Petrova I.V.

d/k "Prometheus",

Brestskaya, 16/1

“Visiting the cat” - a competitive and educational program of the Youth Biological Department

living corner of CDT Kosmicheskaya, 5/1

“Autumn in Colors” - presentation of children's works by the authors

living corner of the CDT, st. Kosmicheskaya, 5/1

Isothread competition “In our circle, I’m the best”

d/k "Prometheus",

st. Brestskaya, 16/1

“Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” is a game program based on the folk culture calendar.

st. Kosmicheskaya, 5/1


main events for the holidays of the 2013/2014 academic year

MAUDOD "Center for Extracurricular Activities "Teenager"

Autumn vacation (01.11.2013-10.11.2013)



date and time

carrying out

carrying out

Celebration for first-graders “Initiation into young musicians”

Center "Teenager"

Educational program “Earth Day”


Mini-football competition between SVPSH teams

Boxing competition among pupils of the Open Ring Youth Sports School

SK "Mayak"

Game program “Golden Autumn”

Musical evening "Autumn Ball"

Intercity traditional tournament “Sport – against drugs”

SK "Mayak"

Game program “Fire is my friend and enemy”


Game program “Autumn Kaleidoscope”


Entertainment program “Autumn Festival”

Exhibition-competition of children's decorative creativity

"Gold autumn"


MOBUDOD "DTD and M" and its branches

Autumn vacation

event title

the date of the


Venue (name of institution, address, telephone)

Morning performances “Farewell to the ABC book”


upon request

"DTD and M" (1 building),

Karaganda street, 37A,


(2nd building),

lane Khlebny, 2,

Autumn Week of Good “Constellation of Good Deeds”


On schedule (daily)

TsPPRD "Orion"

st. Chkalova, 33

Competition "Guess the melody"

d/k "Alyonushka", room No. 7, st. Chicherina, 43

Game program "Osenins"

D/c "Orion"

Polygonnaya, 30

Game program “My Rights”

MOBUDOD "DTDiM" TsDiMD "Rainbow".

Pobeda Ave. 5

Organization of the work of the Center for Children and Youth and Youth and its branches on the days

autumn holidays for the 2013-2014 academic year

event title


carrying out




“The Extraordinary Adventure of Pippi Longstocking” is a theatrical play program for juniors. school age



st. Central,

“Leaves are spinning” - disco - program for high school students

“Startup Teen Stars” - a competitive and game program for high school students


“Scents of Magic” - master class on soap making for middle school. age

“Invite me to dance” (trip to the land of dance) - dance and educational program for Wed. school age

“With a song through life!” - concert and game program for Wed. school age

“In the world of puppets” - a trip to the puppet theater

“Heroic Fun” - biceps curl competition (event for high school students)

“Give a smile to the world” - a psychological act of kindness for children of different age categories

“Dunno on the Moon” is a competitive game program for juniors. school age.

"Big Loss" - a station game for children of different age groups

“Osenins” - congratulations to autumn birthday people (for children of different age groups)

“Strike by Strike” - a bowling trip with children of different age groups

“When my friends are with me” - a competitive and entertainment program for children of different age groups


“Bereginya” - a master class on making amulets dolls for younger children, Wed. school age

Children's club "Chaika"

1 .

"The region where you live" -

quiz for middle school age

d/k "Chaika",


st. Belyaevskaya,

"Autumn Fantasies" -

drawing competition with children of different age groups

"Visiting Winnie the Pooh" -

autumn birthday party

"Games of the Peoples of the Orenburg Region" -

competition program for National Unity Day for high school students

"Station "Neskuchayka" -

game program for preschoolers

“Our Family Traditions” - a family relaxation evening for high school students

"Vitaminka" -

preventive measure for children Wed. school age

“Palette of useful activities” -

creative workshop for children of different age groups

“Even in a fairy tale, they undoubtedly know the rules of movement” - theatrical performance for children Wed. school age

“I will decorate my house myself” -

craft competition for high school girls

Children's club "Istok"

“We dance and sing - we live wonderfully” - a musical and game program for children younger.. middle school. age

d/k "Istok",


st. Vostochnaya, no. 19,

“Autumn, Autumn, we ask you to visit us” - poetic conversation

Excursion to the Museum of the History of Air Traffic Control with children of different ages

“Autumn Mood” - competition of autumn landscapes for children Wed. school age

“Tale after tale” - literary living room for preschool children

08.11.2013 G.


“Wonderful Girl” - macrame master class for high school girls

"Burim" - a game program for Wed. school age

Children's club "Pioneer"

“Journey to the Land of Road Signs” - an educational program for juniors. age



d/k "Pioneer",


Gagarin Ave.,

“My native land. Orenburg region" - educational program for high school students

"Masterilka" - a crafts workshop for the little ones

"Strike" - an excursion to the Solo bowling center for children of senior school age

“Never Boring Country” - entertaining - game program ml. school age

“My home is my fortress” - educational and entertaining program for middle-aged children

“Miracles in your hands” - a workshop for making souvenirs for children of different age groups

“And the music sounds...” - music competition program for middle-aged children

“The Adventures of the Traffic Light” is an educational and game program on traffic rules for preschool children

“Autumn Forest – Full of Many Wonders” - a travel game for children Wed. age

MBUDOD "DSHI No. 2 named after A.S. Pushkin"

event title

the date of the


"Pushkin's Autumn" -

Musical and poetic concert.

Assembly Hall

Musically – those – theatrical performance

Assembly Hall

First-grader's holiday. Musical – those – theatrical performance “Hello, Princess”

Assembly Hall

“Golden Needle” is an exhibition of products from the department of artistic clothing design.

"Autumn Waltz" - dance floor.

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Children's Art School No. 8"

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Station of Young Technicians" of Orenburg

Event name

the date of the


Formula 1 track modeling competition

Individual and team competitions in aircraft modeling (indoor models) “Young Conquerors of the Sky”, 1st round

MBUDO SUITE Orenburg, st. Brestskaya, 3

Competition program “Forward, YuIDovtsy!”, 1st round


In-person and correspondence competition “Radiotechnician-2013”

MBUDO SUITE Orenburg, st. Brestskaya, 3

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Station of children's technical creativity" in Orenburg


event title

the date of the



Autumn vacation

City competition "Automotor all-around"

Stage 1



st. Nogina, 46

Training launch of aircraft models among students of the TM department



st. Proletarskaya, 15

City competition “I am a road user.” Traffic rules competitions



st. Nogina, 46

City competition - competition

"Young aircraft modeller"



st. Proletarskaya, 15

City NTM competitions

"The Wonderful World of Samodelkin"



st. Proletarskaya, 15

“Creative workshop” (making souvenirs for mom, preparing for Mother’s Day)



st. Nogina, 46

“Do-it-yourself miracles” - the work of creative workshops



st. Proletarskaya, 15

MBUDO "Station of children's technical creativity

Industrial District" autumn holidays 2013-2014 academic year.

event title

the date of the



(name of institution, address, telephone)

Competition “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

St. Instrumental,5

Competition “The master’s work is afraid”

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Regional PV shooting competition “Sharpshooter”

MOBU secondary school No. 55

Competition for the launch of indoor models “The sky conquers us”


MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Educational program

"Technical achievements of mankind"

MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Mother's Day event

MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Exhibition of children's drawings "My Mother"

from 01.11 to 08.11. 2013

MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Small Spartakiad "Folk Fun"

Photo exhibition “270 years of Orenburg”

MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Correspondence district competition “Kindness will save the world”, dedicated to Russian rescuers

MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Municipal autonomous institution of additional education for children "Station of children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists)" of Orenburg 2013 - 2014 academic year. year

MBUDO "Youth Sports School No. 2"

Work plan for the autumn holidays

Name of events

Date and time

Time spending


Mini-football tournament dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Orenburg

Dynamo Stadium

st. Gaya, 10


MOBU "Lyceum No. 3"

st. Installers 14/2

City Basketball Championship "Flying Ball"

MOAU "Gymnasium No. 3"

st. Noyabrskaya, 41

Open city mini-football tournament

Dynamo Stadium

st. Gaya, 10

Events MOBUDOD "Youth Sports School No. 3"

for autumn holidays 2013

event title

the date of the


Merry starts department of artistic gymnastics

st. Embankment, 25

Classification competitions in sports acrobatics

st. Embankment, 25

Competitions in general physical training of the sports acrobatics department

st. Embankment, 25

Open interschool tournament "Golden Autumn"

Sports relay races of the sports acrobatics department

st. Embankment, 25

“Autumn Festival” demonstration performances of the artistic gymnastics department

st. Embankment, 25

Competitions among students of Children's and Youth Sports School No. 3 in table tennis

st. Rodimtseva, 10/2

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