Platonov, analysis of the work Yushka, plan. Retelling and brief description of the work "Yushka" Platonova A.P. Retelling and brief description of the work


Analysis of the work

The genre of the work is a story. The main character is the blacksmith's assistant Yushka. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The plot of the work is a description of the life of Yushka, his work in the forge. With the development of the action, the reader learns about how Yushka was treated by the people around him, and also that Yushka has some kind of relatives, to whom he goes every summer. The climax is an argument with a drunken passer-by and the death of Yushka. The denouement is the arrival of Yushka's adopted daughter and a story about her future fate.

In his books Platonov

does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary actions, the heroes of his works enter into ordinary everyday relationships. Based on these relationships, the writer tries to look deeper into the human soul, to touch its strings that have not yet been touched. The heroes of his works are ordinary people, people of labor. Here is the hero of this story - the blacksmith's assistant, who was the subject of universal ridicule, turning into hatred. The whole life of this man was spent in work.

Yushka was killed. He did this because of the anger that choked him, a random drunken passerby. After the death of Yushka, however, they began to notice that everyone misses him.

Gone was the gentleness that he embodied. Kindness and meekness are gone. The fact that people of this kind are the bearers of true human values, for some reason, becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story, we learn that Yushka left behind the same kind person - an orphan girl studied with the money he saved up and became a doctor, helping the sick day and night. Here is a paradox: Yushka so lacked the understanding and compassion of people, and his adopted daughter generously carried them to people.

There are not so many people like Yushka in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people do not take out their anger on such people, their life failures, the inexplicable hatred accumulated over many years. Attitude towards people who require compassion is an indicator of a person's viability as a bearer of high moral qualities.


1. Portrait of Yushka and a story about what his work consisted of.

2. His financial situation.

3. The attitude of children to Yushka.

4. Adults, like children, offend and maim Yushka.

5. Every summer, Yushka takes a vacation and goes away for about a month.

6. Yushka began to weaken and did not go anywhere this year.

7. A random passerby kills Yushka.

8. Everyone comes to say goodbye to the person they tormented.

9. After the death of Yushka, life around has changed.

10. The adopted daughter of Yushka arrived, began looking for him and told him where he went every summer.

11. Having grieved, the girl remained forever in this city in order to work as a doctor.

12. Yushka's daughter brings good to people all her life.


      • story plan yushka
      • platonov Yushka analysis
      • plan according to the story yushka
      • analysis of the story yushka
      • yushka analysis

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Platonov is a writer, who often describes in his creations the zvichayní pobutovі vіdnosіní people, smearing through the tsі vіdnosiny, better to know that person's soul. Yogo heroes are simple people, simple people bv i Yushka - the hero create Platonov's "Yushka".


Opovіdannya Platonova Yushka

Pratsyyuchi over the creation of "Yushka" Platonov and yoga analysis, varto denotes the genre of work and ceremonial. Rozpovіd, who tells us the story of one person: kind, chuynny, who was smart enough to love generously, no matter what. Until then, history, as it shows us the cruelty of people, as it could not understand what to love and how to love just like that. Here we have a lot of inhumanity, zhorstokіst, pardons of people, as well as the author showing us that among the most common people are kind, like they can please the beauty of nature, like they can talk about their neighbor.

Heroes of Confession Yushka

With the main hero of the story “Yushka”, the author knows us on the very cob and on the cob Yukhim Dmitrovich. True, I didn’t click on anything, for all the wines of Yushko. Tse buv forty-year-old man, who was aged before the hour by the ailment. Vіn ailments on dryness. Pratsiuvav vin at the farrier, vykonuyuchi routine robot, otrimuvav kopіyka for yak. We’ve been beaten, so we can’t afford a new one, drinking water instead of tea, but alive in the kitchen in the farrier’s apartment.

Everything would be nothing, from only the kindness of the soul, lightening the right gift of love, Yushka, having turned to himself respect and yoga, everyone wanted to form, to overcome the conflict, to strike. Yogo was constantly portrayed as grown up, so are the children, casting their anger at him, but Yushka himself believed in those who stink so much to show their love to the new, just in a different way, no one taught them to love. Having himself so impressed by a good person, he didn’t show it to him. Children, more than saying: “What are you, my relatives, what are you, little ones! You, maybe, love me? Why do you all need me?”.

In the description of Platonov's "Yushka" and a short zmistі mi bachimo, that it’s not only before people that wine is put with goodness and love, wine and nature are brought with a touch of tenderness and that mi bachimo, if wine is hurt, breathe in the aroma of flowers, I don’t breathe chi, shob do not sip their beauty to your breath. Bachimo, like wines, dead bugs and komasok, making yourself an orphan without them, like wines, enjoying the sleep of birds and horses.

Irrespective of the zhorstokіst otochyuyuchih, vіn not squandered his humaneness, and meanwhile, twenty-five roіv over him, and once, zustrіch with the devil's passerby, as if having beaten Yushka, ended deplorably for Yukhim Dmitrovich. Vin died. Yogo was buried, with whom the whole place came to the funeral. Perhaps to the fact that people have spent a great waste, even if they have spent love in death. The stench has spent a lot of light, poking at what you don’t touch the skin of them.

Another heroine is an orphan, a girl, about what we know in the world of creation. Vaughn came to see Yushka, she didn't just see, but vilified Yogo. We know for sure that Yushka took the girl under her wing. Vіn, having learned in her mustache, having contrived to win the girl, bringing her pennies for education, and now, having graduated from the university, turning on the doctor, she came to help him. Ale, I didn’t catch it, so I didn’t find yoga alive. Tse buv, singsongly, one person, like in a right way loving, with our heart, with our soul, Yushka. For his life, Yushka zoomed in on teaching the girl to love people, to do good for them, to that, she was lost in the city and exulted people for free, like they were ill in dryness.

Plan to create Yushka

1. Acquaintance with Yukhim Dmitrovich - Yushko. Description of yoga work and minds of yoga life
2. Zhorstok_st of children by age to Yushtsi
3. Fathers lick Yushkoy their children for their filthy behavior
4. Zhorstokіst mature
5. Rozmova with Dasha - the farrier's daughter
6. Yushka's motherfucking trip. Harassed by nature and recovery of Yushki from the place and yogo inhabitants
7. I'm starting to work again and I'm starting to know
8. Pain progresses
9. Transient becoming the cause of Yushka's death
10. Yushka's funeral
11. Orphan - the daughter of Yushka is named
12. The maiden-doctor, yak free of charge rejoiced at the ill for tuberculosis

On the other side they joked:

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  • Platonov Yushka

Lesson topic:

Workshop idea: Everyone should reveal their abilities, and not copy anyone.

Workshop motto: Do it your way, based on your abilities, interests and life experience, correcting yourself.


Improve the skills of analyzing a work of art, repeat and consolidate the ways of creating the image of a literary hero, continue working on the formation of skills for thoughtful reading of a work of art;

Develop speech, improve the skills of working with text, the ability to analyze, compare, see the artistic detail;

To cultivate love and respect for a person, to promote the formation of positive moral qualities of a person: responsibility for actions, respect for other people's opinions, lifestyle, love for one's neighbor.




Lesson topic:

Workshop idea:Everyone should reveal their abilities, and not copy anyone.

Workshop motto:Do it your way, based on your abilities, interests and life experience, correcting yourself.


  • Improve the skills of analyzing a work of art, repeat and consolidate the ways of creating the image of a literary hero, continue working on the formation of skills for thoughtful reading of a work of art;
  • Develop speech, improve the skills of working with text, the ability to analyze, compare, see the artistic detail;
  • To cultivate love and respect for a person, to promote the formation of positive moral qualities of a person: responsibility for actions, respect for other people's opinions, lifestyle, love for one's neighbor.

Equipment: Cards with didactic material, presentation, document camera,

During the classes:

1. Organizing moment.

Hello guys, my name is Natalia Valerievna.

Today at the lesson of literature I invite you to the workshop, but not the usual one, but the workshop of the word. I am not voicing the topic of the lesson, we have not written it down, but I want you and I to formulate it ourselves during our dialogue.

And we open the door to our workshop with the words of the writer A.P. Platonov, from whose work you began to study:

“I just want to be human.

A person for me is a rarity and a holiday.

(This word has no epithets - the word "man" contains all high moral concepts: kindness, justice, mercy. Since you are a man, you cannot be different.)

Behind these words, seemingly so simple and familiar from childhood, one of the most complex moral problems is hidden. As long as a person exists, he will not stop painfully reflecting on it, because the history of the development of society is the history of the struggle between good and evil.

What is good? This is all the good that is in us, that we can disinterestedly give to the people around us.

But evil is more difficult.At what point in life does it creep into our hearts?

They say that a person is born from the womb of the mother with the purest soul and body.Where does anger, callousness, callousness come from in him then?

So I invite you to a serious conversation in the workshop of the word, where we will reflect on love for one's neighbor, on good and evil.

Why is man born on earth? What do you think?

This question is worth thinking about.

Yes, how many people - so many opinions. And here is the opinion of the contemporary poet Dmitry Golubkov. He reflects on the purpose of man on Earth:

Man, like a star, is born

In the midst of an obscure, disturbing milkiness,

In infinity begins

And ends in infinity.

Generations are being created

Age after age, the earth is imperishable.

A man, like a star, is born,

To make the world brighter.

So many years ago a new star lit up in the sky ... a man was born to live, the hero of the story of the same name "Yushka", that is, his name is Yushka.

Guys, do you know what your name means?

(If not, be sure to find out, it's important that everyone knows the history of their name, where it came from, what it means)

What do you know about the name Yushka? What does it mean?

Yushka - this is blood, a life-giving fluid, a significant loss of which threatens the body with death. Let the yushka go - beat until it bleeds.

Yushka - meat, fish broth, the liquid part of the whole dish.

What is Yushka's full name?(Efim Dmitrievich)

Let's turn to the dictionary of names. We read what the name Efim means. (slide)

Yefim - pious, benevolent, sacred.

We found out the meaning of the name Yushka, now let's turn to the characteristics of the main character.

Portrait of Yushka.

- How do people see Yushka? What do they know about him? What do they think?

(Read out)

Before us is an old-looking man, weak, sick. The author emphasizes the external inconspicuousness.

  • Selective reading

“He was short and thin; on his wrinkled face, instead of a mustache and a beard, sparse gray hair grew separately; the eyes were white, like those of a blind man, and there was always moisture in them, like tears that do not cool down.

A lot of space is given to details in the description of Yushka: hands, food, clothes, eyes.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. The soul is crying. We sympathize with the soul, we love, we hate, we think with the mind.

And his table is more than modest:I didn't drink tea, I didn't get sugar.

Who can remember when and for what reason another detail with tea and sugar pops up?

(Parents frightened the children for disobedience, saying: “Here you will be the same as Yushka! ... They will torture you, and you will not drink tea with sugar, but only water!”)

Where else?

“Having swung, a passer-by with the force of anger pushed Yushka in the chest, and he fell backwards.

  • Have a rest, - the passer-by said and went home. to drink tea .

- What does it say?(about indifference)

What does it mean for the villagers? how do you think about it?

Tea with sugar is a “full”, “normal”, “respectable life”, life as the top of all human dreams and aspirations,

and he is an assistant to the chief blacksmith, and he performs the work imperceptible to prying eyes, although necessary.

For many years he wears the same clothes, reminiscent of rags, without changing.

- Why "he had little strength in his hands"?

He was seriously ill with tuberculosis.

He is the first to go to the smithy in the morning and the last to leave for the night, so that old men and women use him to compare the beginning and end of the day.

But there was something about Yushka that people don't know. - - -What do people not know about him? How has he never been seen?

1. READ OUT (Away from people, he is transformed. We see him cheerful and happy, open to the nature around him. “A good person is the brother of all creation.”

2. READ OUT ( Yushka gives her love to the orphan girl, helps her, denies herself in many ways, only so that she has everything, can study and live in abundance. That's where he disappears every month.)

Why do people treat Yushka so cruelly, although he claims the opposite in a conversation with the blacksmith's daughter Dasha: “The people love me, Dasha!”

Is it so? How does he respond to his offenders? Who is right?

These are the questions that come to mind as we read the story. To answer these questions that reveal Yushka's secret, let's work in groups.

(The class is divided into four groups, and each group works with its own questions to separate episodes of the text).

Group I - Meeting Yushka with children


(What they were doing?

How did you behave?)

Yushka (What did you do? What did you feel?)

... stopped playing, ran, shouted

... lifted branches and threw ...

... they called again, threw, touched and pushed

... again they pushed and threw clods of earth

... pushed harder ... shouted around Yushka

... hurt too much


... did not answer and did not take offense

... walked quietly and did not cover his face

... walked and was silent

... did not touch and did not answer



And now, guys, on the sheets in the tablelet's write down a kind of table of behavior, and most importantly - feelings, the state of the characters.

(Let's look through the document camera) GROUP 1 PROTECTION

In the “psychological duel”, the children and Yushka behave differently, but the conclusion is the same - they rejoiced.What is the name of a literary device that indicates opposite qualities, signs?Antithesis in the behavior of heroes

What attracts children to Yushka?

How does Yushka respond to their cruelty? Offendedis he on them? Why?

(They throw stones at him, scream, pester him with blows. It is not anger or hatred that drives children, they expect a natural reaction from a person - to respond with evil to evil. Evil for children is also a source of joy and fun. They want him to “respond to them evil and cheered them up." He believed that they needed him, for him love is a source of attraction for people to each other).

Why are children who are just beginning to live, and therefore, should not yet learn evil and hatred, torment Yushka? What do they expect from him?(The children were surprised that he did not get angry, did not cover his face, did not scold, did not answer them. They wanted to anger, anger him.)

How do you understand the word "torture"?

(Choose synonyms: torment, torment, harass, torment)

Why? (The children were happy that they could do whatever they wanted with him. Yushka believed that the children loved him, but did not know what to do for love, and therefore tormented him).

How does Yushka appear before you? What about children?

(Yushka is kind, patient. Children are evil, cruel, rude).

Group II - Meeting Yushka with adults.


(Viewing through document camera) PROTECT 2 GROUP

Why do they treat him like that?

Because he is not like everyone else.

How does Yushka answer them?

(Silently endures all insults. An example from the text. Yushka follows the Christian commandment. In response to a blow, he will turn his cheek.

Why do their hearts fill with fierce rage at the sight of Yushka?

They don't know how to love. They cannot forgive him for not being like them.

How do the adults in the story make you feel?They are disgusting, very cruel people.

  • Can a person take out his anger, anger on another person?

Retelling of the dialogue between Yushka and the blacksmith's daughter. (SHORT)

What did you talk about? What does Yushka say in this conversation?

Yushka does not understand "why should he die if he was born to live."

Do you agree with the thought of Yushka?

Illustration work.

The artist's illustration for the story helps to feel the severity of what is happening even more.

What episode is on it?

What do you feel when you see the picture?

Conclusion :

It is impossible for one person to put himself above others, no one has the right to judge other people for their dissimilarity, especially to mock and kill.

III group - Yushka and nature.

Prepare an expressive reading of the description of nature, think about the questions:

How does this episode help us understand the image of Yushka?

Does he add to what we already know about this hero?

How does Yushka change against the background of nature?

Like all living things, he wants love and sympathy, but he finds them only in the natural world, and not among people. People only make fun of him, reproach him for his unrequited stupidity and torment him.

Having gone far from people, Yushka is transformed. It is open to the world: the fragrance of herbs, the voice of rivers, the singing of birds, the fun of beetles, dragonflies, grasshoppers - it lives with one breath, one living joy with this world.

Group IV - Yushka and the "joyful passer-by".

Prepare a role-play.

How does a passer-by greet Yushka?

"If only you were dead", instead of "hello". "It would be more fun without you, otherwise I'm afraid to get bored."

How Is it possible to address a person with a death wish? Is this not cruelty?

People are afraid of boredom, the time when they are left alone with themselves, with their conscience, which convicts them.

What did the passer-by call Yushka? (Yurodivy) What does the word holy fool mean?

"The holy fools were considered God's people, but at the same time they were teased and humiliated." “Yushka was beaten during his lifetime, he died from beatings, but everyone who knew him came to the body of the deceased to say goodbye.”

YURO "DIVY and (reg.) YURODI" VY, oh, oh.

  1. Stupid, eccentric, insane..
  2. A Christian ascetic who is a madman or who has taken the form of a madman and who, according to believers, has the gift of divination

What prevented Yushka from the “merry passer-by”?

“Why am I to you, how am I bothering you! ... Without me, too, it means that it’s impossible! I was put to live by my parents, I was born according to the law, the whole world needs me too ... "

  • Why was Yushka "angry" for the first time, and not angry? Maybe you shouldn't be angry?

Yushka cannot be angry, by nature he is very kind. He got angry for the first time. It was necessary to be angry, you can’t be silent all the time!

So, Yushka couldn’t even be angry, he didn’t know how, because he was kind, with a soft heart.

- Remember, reading the lines describing the appearance of Yushka, we heard such words: "his eyes were white, like those of a blind man." The blind man who saw everything saw with his heart.

How can you call such an all-seeing heart?(SEEING HEART)
What about the townsfolk? After all, they are sighted, but what kind of heart do they have?(BLIND HEART) Yushka is a “blind man” with a sighted heart, residents are sighted with a blind heart. That is why they do not see the real Yushka, everyone considers himself entitled to reproach him for "unrequited stupidity", to throw a stone at him (in the literal sense of the word), to cruelly injure him with a word.

Find how Yushka talks about people's hearts?

Does he call the heart cruel somewhere?

“The people love me without a clue, there is a heart in people blind.

What does blind heart mean?

Sometimes a person does not think that he is doing evil.

I offer you a game called "Cluster". Its essence is that synonyms similar in meaning are selected for the main concept.

Match the written concept with words that could explain the meaning of the expression "blind heart"


cruelty indifference

callousness selfishness


Such qualities were possessed by the people surrounding Yushka. But he forgave them.
A “blind heart” happens to a person who is not able to understand another, to sacrifice himself, to do good or even notice him, who loves only himself, who does not feel pity and compassion for others.

But Yushka died...
- What happened after the death of Yushka? Did people understand that they did wrong towards Yushka?

(They all came to the funeral, asked for forgiveness from Yushka and ... forgot !!!)

Life without Yushka became worse. Why?
(“Now all the malice and mockery remained among the people and wasted among them, because there was no Yushka, selflessly enduring any other evil, bitterness, ridicule and ill will”).

So, Yushka was right when he said that people love him, without realizing that they need him?
(Yes, right. He was wiser than them).

They say: "GOOD FROM GOOD COMES...".

But it turns out that evil has won? Is Yushka dead? (No).
- How can you continue the quote "Good from good comes ..."?(EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON US)

Of course, everything depends on us, as in one oriental parable. I suggest you listen to it.

Oriental parable "Everything is in your hands"

“This story happened a long time ago. In the ancient city there lived a wise man, the fame of which spread throughout the city. But in this city there also lived an evil man who envied his glory. And he decided to come up with such a question that the sage could not answer it.

He went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, squeezed it between his closed palms and thought: “I will say: Oh, wise one, what kind of butterfly do I have - alive or dead? If he says that he is dead, I will open my palms - the butterfly will fly away, and if he says that he is alive, I will close my palms and the butterfly will die. Then it will become clear which of us is the wiser.”

So the envious did, he caught a butterfly, planted it between his palms, went to the sage and asked him: “What kind of butterfly do I have - alive or dead?”

But the sage replied: "Everything is in your hands."

Do you guys agree that everything depends on us?

What feelings did the story evoke in you?

However, the story evokes not only a feeling of pity, but also indignation at the cruel reality, people (children and adults) who are inaccessible to such elementary and necessary feelings as compassion and kindness.

Why do you think the most important thing about Yushka was learned after his death?

Conclusion. It often happens in life: when we lose a person, only then do we realize how great and heavy the loss is.

A. Platonov undoubtedly loves his hero, pities him, but leaves us, the readers, the right to draw our own conclusions. With his will, the writer could change a lot in the plot of the story. But even with this tragic ending, A. Platonov retains faith in the victory of humanity over inhumanity.

So what, in your opinion, is the author trying to convey to us in the work "Yushka"?
A. Platonov teaches us pity and compassion, he teaches us to love and respect a person, empathize with his grief and help him. And to see in each person equal to himself, to understand him and love him.

Yushka died, but the important thing is what did he leave behind. He gave his strength, his life to a girl who sees her duty in increasing goodness on earth.

What is the most important topic raised A.P. Platonov?

The theme of mercy, compassion for people, kindness.
How do you understand the meaning of the wordsmercy, sympathy, compassion, evil, good.
Sympathy for the grief of a person, compassion for him, to see in everyone equal to himself, to understand him.

Work with statements of famous people. (slide)

The problem of respect, compassion, empathy, love for a person has always been very acute, and many great people turned to it.

– Read the suggested statements and try to choose the one that best suits the theme of our workshop lesson. Prove it.

Respect the human personality in yourself and others.
DI. Pisarev

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.
B. Pascal

Great souls endure suffering in silence.
F. Schiller

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul.
M Gorky

"The old wisdom says: do not cry for the deceased - cry for the one who has lost his soul and conscience."
V. Rasputin

"Love your neighbor as yourself."

Let's go back to the beginning of our conversation. So how can we formulate the theme of our lesson?

I propose to formulate it this way: "The great power of good."Do you agree with me? Fine. Thank you.


Summing up our dialogue, I want you to understand that goodness grows and bears fruit. “So every good thing brings forth good fruit,” the Gospel says. Do not be blind, have a sighted heart, do not forget that there are people next to you who need your help, your participation, compassion and sympathy.

A In parting, I want to thank you very much for your work. You perfectly showed that such moral values ​​as kindness, understanding, mercy are understandable to you, it was a pleasure for me to communicate with you.

For the soul I give you a poem.

Be able to overcome obstacles

And pain, and illusory success.

Live without asking for a reward

For your deed for everyone.

Still sadness the world has a cold,

Trouble threatens on the sly,

You must be needed by someone

Always - like bread or water.

Being kind is a matter of habit

Not calculated. come in handy

At least a little titmouse -

Let her out of the cage.

creative work(Home or in class by time)

  • Let's fantasize. Think and draw what Yushka's heart will look like. Choose associations. (students select associations, someone has a heart in the form of a flower, someone has an asterisk, etc.) discuss in a group.
  • Now let's choose the color in which you would paint Yushka's heart.

For example:

love for nature green ;

love to motherland - red;

love for living yellow ;

Love for people orange . )

  • Try to depict Yushka's heart by filling it with selected different colors. The main thing in this work is not to draw beautifully, but to try to depict your own idea.
  • Completing of the work.

(Show through document camera).

Creative homework.

Our streets are still full of lonely old people, past whom “beautiful clean people” pass indifferently, “going away on their important and happy business”, not hearing the disturbing and rare beating of the hearts of those who need care and warmth so much, and sometimes just sympathetic look and kind words...

The genre of the work is a story. The main character is the blacksmith's assistant Yushka. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The plot of the work is a description of the life of Yushka, his work in the forge. With the development of the action, the reader learns about how Yushka was treated by the people around him, and also that Yushka has some kind of relatives, to whom he goes every summer. The climax is an argument with a drunken passer-by and the death of Yushka. The denouement is the arrival of Yushka's adopted daughter and a story about her future fate.

In his books, Platonov does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary actions, the heroes of his works enter into ordinary everyday relationships. Based on these relationships, the writer tries to look deeper into the human soul, to touch its strings that have not yet been touched. The heroes of his works are ordinary people, people of labor. Here is the hero of this story - the blacksmith's assistant, who was the subject of universal ridicule, turning into hatred. The whole life of this man was spent in work.

Yushka was killed. He did this because of the anger that choked him, a random drunken passerby. After the death of Yushka, however, they began to notice that everyone misses him.

Gone was the gentleness that he embodied. Gone is kindness and meekness. The fact that people of this kind are the bearers of true human values, for some reason, becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story, we learn that Yushka left behind the same kind person - an orphan girl studied with the money he saved up and became a doctor, helping the sick day and night. Here is a paradox: Yushka so lacked understanding and compassion for people, and his adopted daughter generously carried them to people.

There are not so many people like Yushka in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people do not take out their anger on such people, their life failures, the inexplicable hatred accumulated over many years. Attitude towards people who require compassion is an indicator of a person's viability as a bearer of high moral qualities.


  1. Portrait of Yushka and a story about what his work consisted of.
  2. His financial position.
  3. The attitude of children to Yushka.
  4. Adults, just like children, offend and maim Yushka.
  5. Every summer, Yushka takes a vacation and goes away for about a month. material from the site
  6. Yushka began to weaken and did not go anywhere this year.
  7. A random passerby kills Yushka.
  8. Everyone comes to say goodbye to the person they tormented.
  9. After the death of Yushka, life around changed.
  10. The adopted daughter of Yushka arrived, began to look for him and told him where he went every summer.
  11. Having grieved, the girl remained forever in this city in order to work as a doctor.
  12. All her life, Yushka's daughter brings good to people.

The genre of the work is a story. The main character is the blacksmith's assistant Yushka. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The plot of the work is a description of the life of Yushka, his work in the forge. With the development of the action, the reader learns about how Yushka was treated by the people around him, and also that Yushka has some kind of relatives, to whom he goes every summer. The climax is an argument with a drunken passer-by and the death of Yushka. The denouement is the arrival of Yushka's adopted daughter and a story about her future fate.

In his books, Platonov does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary actions, the heroes of his works enter into ordinary everyday relationships. Based on these relationships, the writer tries to look deeper into the human soul, to touch its strings that have not yet been touched. The heroes of his works are ordinary people, people of labor. Here is the hero of this story - the blacksmith's assistant, who was the subject of universal ridicule, turning into hatred. The whole life of this man was spent in work.

Yushka was killed. He did this because of the anger that choked him, a random drunken passerby. After the death of Yushka, however, they began to notice that everyone misses him.

Gone was the gentleness that he embodied. Gone is kindness and meekness. The fact that people of this kind are the bearers of true human values, for some reason, becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story, we learn that Yushka left behind the same kind person - an orphan girl studied with the money he saved up and became a doctor, helping the sick day and night. Here is a paradox: Yushka so lacked understanding and compassion for people, and his adopted daughter generously carried them to people.

There are not so many people like Yushka in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people do not take out their anger on such people, their life failures, the inexplicable hatred accumulated over many years. Attitude towards people who require compassion is an indicator of a person's viability as a bearer of high moral qualities.


  1. Portrait of Yushka and a story about what his work consisted of.
  2. His financial position.
  3. The attitude of children to Yushka.
  4. Adults, just like children, offend and maim Yushka.
  5. Every summer, Yushka takes a vacation and goes away for about a month.
  6. Yushka began to weaken and did not go anywhere this year.
  7. A random passerby kills Yushka.
  8. Everyone comes to say goodbye to the person they tormented.
  9. After the death of Yushka, life around changed.
  10. The adopted daughter of Yushka arrived, began to look for him and told him where he went every summer.
  11. Having grieved, the girl remained forever in this city in order to work as a doctor.
  12. All her life, Yushka's daughter brings good to people.

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