The winner of the last season of the battle of psychics. All winners of the "Battle of Psychics" of all seasons: their names, surnames and short biography


The bright and eventful season 18 of the popular mystical project "The Battle of Psychics Season 18" has come to an end. The name of the winner of the show will be announced this night, from December 16 to 17, but viewers will see the final episode on the air only next week, December 23.

Traditionally, the name of the winner of the show will be known, of course, before the broadcast - already at night the audience will gather at the final filming site and will breathlessly wait for which of their favorites will leave the building with a blue crystal hand "in a bag". The voting lines will close at 10:00 pm on December 16 - the judges will count the results and will be ready to announce the winner. By the way, everyone will be able to watch the ceremony.

Battle of psychics 18 - final

This is not the first year that the final of the Battle of Psychics has been filmed a week before its broadcast on the air of the TNT channel. All loyal fans know about this feature of the project, and therefore they dress warmly and move forward to be the first to congratulate the winner of the show on his triumph and then tell the whole country on social networks about who won the project this year.

The creators of the show do not struggle with such a development of events, but, on the contrary, invite fans to meet their favorites.

"The shooting of the final of the 18th Battle of Psychics will take place this Saturday, December 16th at the address: Moscow, Novaya Basmannaya St., 14 (Red Gate metro station). Starting at 19:00 We are waiting for everyone who wants to support our finalists. And if you love the Battle as much as we love it, come by all means! Good mood, posters in support of your favorite psychic, flowers, smiles, songs and dances are only welcome. There will be a camera on the street, and if you have something to say to your idol - don't miss your chance!" - reported on the Instagram of the project.

According to the plan of the event, the finalists will arrive from 19:00 to 19:30 - the winners of the show can be seen with their own eyes on the red carpet. After that, other participants from different seasons of the Battle will come, who each time support their colleagues in the final.

Everyone will not be able to get inside the building where the shooting will take place. Only close friends and relatives of the finalists, as well as psychics and honored guests of the ceremony, are allowed in.

See also: The finale of the Battle of psychics turned into hysteria

At 22:45 or later, the awards ceremony will begin - at 22:00, the voting results will begin to be counted. Around midnight, the finalists and guests will leave the building, and the public will know the name of the winner.

The award will be shown on air next Saturday - they will also tell about each of the finalists what society did not know about him yet.

Battle of psychics 18 - who is in the final

For the first time in the history of the project, as many as five strong mediums reached the final - the judges could not determine the strongest among them, and therefore provided such an opportunity to the viewer.

Among the finalists is the favorite of the public, Konstantin Getzati, who passed all the tests of the show with great success and more than once found himself among the strongest, according to the judges.

Sonya Egorova also claims to win. The girl was called one of the most beautiful psychics in the history of the show, but it was far from her appearance that helped her get to the finals - Sonya often surprised her with her discoveries during the passage of tasks and showed herself from the strongest side.

By the way, the aforementioned couple was dubbed the “sex symbols” of the current season, and many hope that a passionate romance will break out (or has already broken out) between the participants, as passion once also visited colleagues and finalists of season 15 Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps. The couple was also then named one of the most beautiful and "mystical" on Russian TV.

The 18th season of the Battle of Psychics has come to an end. Konstantin Getzati, Sofia Egorova, Alexander Kinzhinov, Jean and Dana Alibekov reached the final of the project. Each participant showed himself excellently during the most difficult tests, so he could claim victory.

Before announcing the results of the audience voting, the organizers of the show decided to get the fans acquainted with each of the leaders of the season. So, Jean and Dana Alibekov invited the film crew to their house. The mother of psychics said that their abilities began to manifest themselves at an early age. The presence of the gift brought relatives even closer.

“For me, my brother is the most important person in my life. No other man can take his place. I always rejoice in his achievements,” said Dana.

As it turned out, both psychics are raising two sons. Now the finalists devote all their time to helping people, so they often do not have enough strength to communicate with loved ones.

By the way, before the announcement of the results, Jean told the other participants about his prophecy. On the day before filming, he saw himself in a dream with a cherished blue hand.

For another finalist, Alexander Kinzhinov, the “Battle of Psychics” became the chance of a lifetime. The man was not only able to show his abilities, but also met love during the filming. He met a girl named Anna at one of the last tests.

By the way, Kinzhinov made a bet on the victory of Sofia Egorova. The cards predicted the first place to the charming witch.

Egorova herself refused to make predictions. The girl quickly became one of the favorites of the audience. Sometimes Sophia's words were too harsh, but on the other hand, she almost always coped with the tests. According to the witch, she got the gift from her father.

“He always had the ability to heal with his hands. When dad died, it was a real blow for my mom and me. But I feel his support and presence, ”said Sophia.

The girl commented on her alleged romance with Konstantin Getzati. According to the girl, she does not hope for a relationship, because she came to the show for the sake of winning, but still she has exceptionally warm feelings for the competitor.

But Konstantin himself is sure that Sophia is in love with him. At least that's what his intuition tells him to be. The talented psychic from Alanya was considered the favorite throughout the season. The man easily passed all the tests, because the spirits helped him.

The seers of Alanya got in touch with Getzati at the age of ten. Then the boy almost died, but after the illness he managed to gain supernatural abilities. It took Konstantin a lot of time to learn how to use the gift correctly and realize his destiny.

Now, for the sake of his abilities, Getzati is ready to sacrifice a lot, including his personal life. According to the psychic, he has not had a serious relationship for more than ten years.

“The last time I fell in love was when I was 17, but then it was not mutual. Now the seers forbid me to start relationships, as they take too much vital energy. I know that sooner or later that one will come to me. I only need one woman and she already knows me. Only I don’t know her yet, ”Getsati shared.

The final shoot of the season was tense. Each participant in the "Battle of Psychics" dreamed of victory, but the cherished blue hand eventually went to Konstantin Getzati. He thanked all the viewers who voted for him. The man took first place with a score of over 50%.

But Sofia Egorova thanked the organizers of the project. Shortly before this, the girl told the sad news. While filming one of the trials, she heard that season 18 of the show might be the last. That is why the witch hastened to wish the "Battle of Psychics" longevity on television.

It is not yet known whether the filming of the new season of the project will take place, but it is obvious that many more people with foresight would like to come to the project.

Many participants of previous seasons came to congratulate the finalists. Among them were Elena Golunova and her son Vlad Kadoni, Swami Dashi, Alexander Sheps, Victoria Raidos and others. Each of them had their own favorites, but most of the stars of the project still bet on the victory of Konstantin Getzati.

In the second half of September of this year, the eighteenth season of the show "Battle of Psychics" began to air on TNT. Clairvoyants, sorcerers and shamans from the Russian Federation and countries of near and far abroad clashed for the title of the winner of the Battle of Psychics and the main prize - a blue crystal hand. Filming of the project ended on December 16, 2017.

The other world, superhuman abilities, telepathy, foresight and much more awaits you in the new eighteenth season of the sensational project "Battle of Psychics". Previously, people believed in the other world and knew about its limitless power, and people who knew how to communicate with this world were respected and revered. They had the power to answer any questions and prevent any catastrophes, but progress does not stand still, with the development of science, people no longer believe in higher powers. And gifted individuals began to be considered crooks and charlatans, after such changes they began not to appear to the public, but they did not forget their purpose.

First place in the 18th Battle of psychics: fans immediately believed in Konstantin's victory

The brutal man, having just appeared on the screen, immediately turned the heads of the female audience of the television show. A charismatic, moderately tough young man with incredible mystical abilities impressed the audience from the first part of the show.

Psychic by nationality - Ossetian. Being already an experienced doctor, he assigned himself a pseudonym, the real name of the man is Taimuraz Gatsaev.

Konstantin was born on July 10, 1987. The picture of the childhood of an unknown physician until yesterday is not yet presented in full. It is known that he grew up in Chukotka, in the village of Ugolnye Kopi, studied at school number 3, while learning the basics of playing the guitar in a "musical school". The media managed to get juicy details of the youth of the future celebrity - Kostya had tender feelings for the music teacher. A strong guy from an early age was fond of sports, and also collected stamps.

Kostya is a descendant of an Alanian magician. Great-grandfather healed people with the help of herbs, prayers, healed by the laying on of hands, used in medical practice and summoning the spirits of the dead.

Konstantin's magical abilities were discovered in the second or third year of the medical academy, in the morgue, during classes in pathoanatomy. The future doctor in the circumstances of the death of people whose bodies were opened by students, was initiated by spirits.

See also: The finale of the Battle of psychics turned into hysteria

Later, he learned to call otherworldly forces on his own, at any time. The magician explains that he communicates with demonic spirits (shaitans), who are privy to the details of the life of the living and those who have already gone to the next world. And later I realized - these are not the souls of the dead, but the spirits that take on the images of the dead. The participant of the 18th season of the “Battle of Psychics” did not spread about the discovered supernatural abilities for a long time, only close people knew. He even took a pseudonym specifically so that the doctor would not be identified with a psychic.

First place in the 18th Battle of Psychics: all participants in the eighteenth season

Participants of the Battle of Psychics 18

1. Marina Zueva - a natural witch from Portugal, an exorcist-housewife; 51 years old
2. Nikita Turchin - housekeeper from Ufa, actor; 17 years.
3. Jean and Dana Alibekov from Kazakhstan.
4. Olesya Molchanova from Khakassia.
5. Konstantin Getzati from Moscow, 30 years old. Urologist.
6. Sonya Egorova, fashion model;
7. Alexander Kinzhinov - a fortuneteller on Tarot cards;
8. Irina Maklakova - village witch;
9. Rustam Zartdinov - sorcerer from Tashkent.
10. Irina Volkova and dog Dasya.
11. Maxim Nikitin - black magician.
12. Ivan Shabanov - city shaman.

On December 24, 2016, the country is waiting for the last final release of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. Everyone froze in anticipation - who became the winner, everyone hoped for the victory of their favorite favorite. Four participants went to the final: Daria Voskoboeva, Nadezhda Shevchenko, Marilyn Kerro, and Swami Dasha. The winner of the 17th battle of psychics will be determined soon.

The battle of psychics season 17 finale - photos and names of the finalists of the last part of the show

4th place

Daria Voskoboeva- fighting witch, mother of two children, while participating in the battle, Darya is 36 years old. She claims that she put blocks on other participants on the show and took away other people's skills and abilities, but as they say, in war, all means are good.

Participants of previous battles came to support Daria at the final: Natalya Banteeva, Tatiana Larina. During the appeal to the audience, Daria performed a magical rite, but unfortunately, this did not help, the fighting witch took an honorable fourth place with a score of 61,235 people.

3rd place

Nadezhda Eduardovna Shevchenko- a hereditary witch of many faces, divorced, has a son, at the time of participation in the battle 52 years old. Claims that he sees and knows how to communicate with the souls of the dead. The gift was inherited from her grandmother. At competitions, the battle often turned to "dead souls" who helped her pass the test.

The audience fell in love with Nadezhda for her sense of humor and straightforwardness. According to Nadezhda Eduardovna, the main thing for her is helping people, not winning, but at the final the witch was excited and, like the rest of the participants, was looking forward to the results of the vote. 76,266 people voted for Nadezhda, this is the third result.

2nd place

Marilyn Cerro- fashion model, calls herself a witch, was born on September 18, 1988 in Estonia. Marilyn's participation in season 17 caused indignation and indignation among many participants, the witch returned for the third time for her hand. For the first time, Mary participated in 2013 and took second place, losing to Alexander Sheps, the second time Marilyn returned to the “Battle of Psychics” in the 16th season, but this time she took second place, the victory went to Victoria Raidos, this did not stop the Estonian witch and she returned for the 17th season. At the first participation, Mary did not speak Russian and used the services of an interpreter, having learned the language, she returned with renewed vigor.

On the final, Marilyn said that the 17th season was the easiest mentally. For herself, Mary concluded that victory in the battle is not important, for her the victory "over oneself" is important. For the third time, Marilyn Kerro took second place, 488,532 people cast their votes for her.

Psychic Battle Season 17 Winner - 1st Place

The winner of the 17th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" on TNT was Swami Dashi- (real name and surname Peter Smirnov). Swami Dashi is a master of Eastern practices, a yogi, he lived in India for almost 20 years, where he studied the culture of working with the body, Osho's aum meditation, spiritual practices, as a result of which he completely changed his worldview. Dashi conducts author's seminars, lectures and trainings in various cities of Russia and the world.

At the show, people watched with bated breath how he passes the tests and what methods he uses: a bell, a tambourine, a whistle, a quick whirl and breathing meditations. Swami Dashi became the most mysterious and secretive participant in the battle, according to him, he deliberately hides his life from outsiders, he is about 50 years old, has three children and a wife.

From the very beginning of the project, he declared himself as a strong participant, justifying it in the final and taking first place. At the end of the TV show, Swami Dashi said that at the beginning of the project, he was inexperienced and insecure, at the end of the show he gained a huge irreplaceable experience.

There are a huge number of tattoos on the man’s body, mainly images of animals, Swami Dasha’s totem animal is a wolf. Dasha always came to the tests in ordinary jeans and a hat, and even at the finals he did not change his taste.

Photo by Swami Dasha

During the announcement of the results, Dashi stood with his eyes closed, and only when he heard that he had become the winner of the “Battle of Psychics -17”, he smiled and thanked his guardian angel and family. 720,761 people voted for him, the total number of votes was 1,346,000.

The voting results show a huge gap in the votes, which confirms the great love of the audience for Swami Dashi.

". TV viewers finally found out which of the four strongest magicians - Konstantin Getzati, Sonya Egorova, Alexander Kinzhinov or Jean and Dana Alibekov - received the coveted "Blue Hand". The name of the winner turned out to be quite predictable - 53% of the audience voted for Konstantin Getzati, a descendant of the Alanian magicians.

Finalists of the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics

The final was not without surprises. The brightest participants of past seasons came to support the finalists: Elena Golunova and Vlad Kadoni, Alexey Pokhabov, Nicole Kuznetsova, Namtar Enzigal, Victoria Raidos, Tatyana Larina and others. A video message to the finalists was sent by the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro, and the winner of last season, the mysterious Swami Dashi, completely confused everyone by giving his “blue hand” to Jean and Dan Alibekov.

In the final, Marat Basharov created a real intrigue by offering Sonya Egorova to once again show her strength at the Battle next season. Sonya Egorova agreed.

Swami Dashi give your "blue hand" to Jean and Dan Alibekov

Recall that Konstantin Getzati is a descendant of the Alanian magicians. The real name of the medium is Timur (Taimuraz) Getsaev. Born in the family of an economist and surgeon, grew up in Chukotka. He studied in Vladikavkaz, in 2011 he graduated from the North Ossetian Medical Academy. Arriving in Moscow, he completed postgraduate studies at the Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology. ON THE. Lopatkin, and then got a job in one of the capital's clinics.

In the first issue of the “Battle of Psychics”, season 18, Konstantin Getzati amazed the observers and Sergey Safronov by not only finding a person in the trunk of a car, but also accepting Safronov’s challenge, agreeing to find three people in the trunk at once. As a result, he found two people. Already after the first release of the show "The Battle of Psychics", season 18, the fans of the project began to say in social networks that they see the winner of the show in Konstantin Getzati.

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