Side effect of jade eggs. Taoist practices with jade eggs


Eggs and balls made from various minerals have been popular with women since ancient times. True, with the development of marketing technologies, the purchase of such products must be treated with more and more caution, especially " jade» eggs for women's practices.

Here we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions about vaginal balls And jade eggs. By the way, is there any difference what shape the stone product is: what is better for use in female imbuilding techniques, jade balls or jade eggs?

If we talk about balls or eggs from the position of wearing them, then there is nothing better than the ideal shape of the ball. In addition, the lower part of the egg, with which the muscles actually work, is no different from the ball. But, due to the fact that the egg is elongated, it is heavier than a ball of the same diameter and material. That is why in ancient times a stone egg or two balls were used to increase the load.

Conclusion: there is no fundamental difference what shape the long-term vaginal trainer has. Get the product of the shape that you like best, suitable for the load and fits into your budget.

Nephritis- a monomineral aggregate of entangled fibrous tremolite-actinolite series amphiboles with a characteristic structure. People have been using this mineral for a very long time: both as an ornamental stone and as a unique material for the manufacture of jewelry and decorative art products.

Jades, like any other natural stones, differ from each other in a number of characteristic ways. features. It is these features that make each type and grade of natural stone unique and inimitable.

Thermal energy is a physical factor that has a high biological activity. The coolant (in our case, a jade stone), as an irritant, first acts on the skin, and then, irritating the peripheral receptors, reflexively affects the entire body. Thermal exposure has a strong effect on the energy balance of the body, causes a variety of biological responses that manifest themselves at the clinical level:

Jade is a beautiful and healing natural stone. Since ancient times, it has been used by craftsmen for making jewelry, interior items and household items (for example, massagers). And even jade egg for training intimate muscles no one will be surprised anymore. You won’t surprise with the egg itself, but the question is " how to use jade egg' is still fairly common.

In this article, I will give a detailed description of the main jade egg exercises that are present in women's practices. Briefly, we can say that the meaning of all jade egg exercises or ball comes down to the fact that the jade object is either held by the woman's intimate muscles inside the vagina, or moves up and down due to their intentional contraction and relaxation. All movements are controlled by willpower.

Vaginal balls: instruction

With different types of load, muscles grow faster and become stronger. I bring to your attention ready complex multidirectional exercises using vaginal balls or eggs.

vaginal balls for these exercises must meet two requirements:

  • safety of contact of the material of the vaginal balls (eggs) with the mucosa of the vaginal canal,
  • the presence of a thread for which an additional load can be hung from the simulator (or at least just holes for this thread).

Products made of natural jade (with holes for the thread) are best suited for practices, the Egg simulator (manufactured by Secret Fitness) is also suitable.

Before the first use and each subsequent use, the simulator (vaginal ball or egg) must be treated with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine solutions or any feminine intimate hygiene product. Do not boil jade eggs!
After training, it is recommended to rinse the simulator with an intimate hygiene product and warm water.

(eggs) occurs due to the contraction of the muscles of the perineum ( Kegel exercise with vaginal balls): the pelvic muscles narrow the vaginal canal and push the simulator deeper. The ball/egg is inserted into the vagina above the pelvic floor muscles, the cord remains outside. The simulator is moved back by the thread (in the prone position), or it falls down under the action of its own weight or additional load (in the standing position). Imagination helps a lot - imagine how the ball / egg is drawn deeper and deeper.

It is recommended to use special water-based or silicone-based vaginal lubricants.
At the end of the gymnastics, we must perform the stretching of the MTD (more on this in the article).

Wearing vaginal balls

This fits well exercise with vaginal balls for beginners and bustling ladies.

A simple example that characterizes this exercise: a bag in your hand. It is unlikely that you will open your fist (both consciously and unconsciously) if it contains the handles of a handbag or a grocery bag. And the heavier the bag, the stronger you will hold it and strain your muscles for this. You will hold the object in your hand for as long as you want it, and your muscles have enough strength.

How to wear vaginal balls?

With a vaginal ball (egg), the situation is exactly the same as in the above example. Properly selected in size and weight, the simulator should simply be worn, periodically pulling up.

When holding the ball/egg while wearing, the MTD retraction force should not be maximum, on the contrary, the simulator should be held with light efforts! Otherwise, the muscles will quickly get tired and walking with the simulator for a long time will not work.

To wear, we select a ball / egg medium (for those who have not given birth) or large (for those who have given birth), respectively:

  • speaking from an egg-shaped simulator, then its height should be more than 35 mm or more than 40 mm,
  • if we talk about the shape of the ball, a diameter of 30 mm or 35 mm will do.

A positive sign is if the simulator, while inside the vagina, is well felt by a woman. Unfortunately, I give only general recommendations for choosing a vaginal ball or egg to wear. Each woman determines the most suitable size for herself individually: the anatomical structure of the pelvic bones, the number and complexity of childbirth, the current state of your muscles can affect the choice of simulator.

How long to wear vaginal balls?

  1. You can start from the smallest: if at the beginning of the journey you manage to keep the vaginal ball inside for no more than 15 minutes, do not be discouraged. In this case, do during the day with several approaches for 10-15 minutes. Naturally, in this case, we use the simulator only at home, trying each time to keep the egg as long as possible.
  2. If you manage to wear a vaginal ball / egg for an hour or more, try to improve the result each time and aim for the figure "6-8 hours".
  3. There is nothing good in hypertonicity and spasm of muscle tissue. In addition, muscles that do not have time to rest properly, over time, practically do not progress in the training process. Give MTD proper recovery time and do not use vaginal trainers every day: 1-2 days a week arrange a day off for them.

Kegel exercises with vaginal balls

  1. exercise wearing will be many times more effective if during it periodically do a series of kegel contractions(anywhere - in the subway, in a traffic jam, etc.).
  2. We alternate compressions - deep long, frequent short, superficial "flashing" and increase the duration of compressions. We try to work with muscles until we are completely tired - then there will be a good effect.

Vaginal balls with weight

This exercise allows you to develop the strength of static compression of the pelvic floor muscles. Atcargo holding can be performed with vaginal eggs or balls from natural jade (with holes for the thread) or with spherical or ellipsoid shape simulators made of medical materials (for example, the Egg simulator is well suited in combination with special weights from the Secret Fitness company).

Pick up the load in such a way that the first hold lasts 15-20 seconds. During the workout, each next hold will be shorter than the previous one.

For the result, do at least 10 repetitions of the exercise. Rest between cycles for 30 seconds. Evaluate your progress and add new weight to the simulator in time.

Vaginal balls correctly

... prone retraction

We introduce the simulator into the vagina by about 1 phalanx of the finger, hold the cord with your hand. You can use lubricant. We reduce the muscles of the perineum, pull the anus inward.

The ball / egg makes a small movement, and this is felt by the tension of the lace. Slightly delayed the simulator and relax the pelvic muscles. We pull the egg / ball by the string to the starting position, as close as possible to the entrance, but so that the simulator does not slip out.

... standing retraction

We stand straight with relaxed knees or leaning on our knees with our hands. We contract the muscles of the perineum, pull the anus inward, add the lower abdomen and the respiratory diaphragm - we retract the simulator. Everyone relaxed - the simulator went down. Strive to completely relax the perineum in order to lower it as low as possible.

Popular questions when training with vaginal balls and eggs

A lubricated vaginal ball / egg does not move down on its own when fully relaxed?

As a rule, this happens in nulliparous women.

  1. Concentrate on relaxation, let go of the stomach and buttocks, which can be tense without you noticing. This will help the egg drop lower.
  2. Then we pull up, hold for a few seconds in the highest position and again relax.
  3. If the egg does not sink at all, you need to load it by the thread with a non-heavy load (maximum 100-200 gr).

A lubricated vaginal ball / egg falls out of the vagina when fully relaxed?

This is due to a short pubic bone, a straight position of the vagina, or weak perineal muscle tone. Try this option:

  1. Enter the egg about 1 phalanx of the finger and hold it inside with your finger, it does not allow it to fall out with weakened muscles.
  2. Try to tighten your muscles, hold the egg in the top position for a few seconds, relax and let the egg fall back onto your finger.

How does the sensitivity of the vaginal canal change from wearing vaginal balls?

Many women do not feel the movement of the ball or egg at all in the first days of training. This is normal, the sensitivity of the vagina is not great compared to the clitoris. But! After a month of diligent intimate gymnastics, it noticeably increases, and the simulator will no longer “disappear” in you. As a result, almost all women even enjoy wearing vaginal balls.

Properties of jade for women

As mentioned in the previous article, natural jade does have certain properties, the proper use of which helps to maintain and restore human health. Let me remind you in general terms.

Prices for jade eggs depend on the size, color of the jade and the presence of a hole. Ornamental jade eggs cost from about 1,500 rubles to 2,500 rubles. for 1 piece Jewelry jade products are much more expensive. We will give discounts to wholesale buyers. Contact information for ordering jade eggs: womanprak mail [email protected], skype womanpraktika, tel. 8-903-240-70-04 Larisa.

Egg sizes are approximate and may vary slightly. The most common shades of jade eggs are dark green, emerald green, tobacco-golden, blue-green, black, white, honey, and salad colors are less common.

New jade egg supply with photo and price

Since ancient times, the inquisitive and practical Chinese secretly passed on to their students the knowledge of the healing properties of jade for the body as a whole, and especially for the urogenital area of ​​men and women.
Jade is a unique stone that has long been considered the favorite stone of Chinese emperors. The Chinese say: "Gold has a price, jade is priceless" ...

The shape of an egg is the oldest symbol, embodying the infinity of being, the extension of the family,
continuity of generations, an amulet of vital stability and maintaining the tradition of the family. Since time immemorial, the wives and concubines of the Chinese emperor and noble nobles have used jade eggs to develop and strengthen intimate muscles.
In Chinese erotology, the names of female and male reproductive organs are associated with this stone. In men - a jade rod or stem that enters a woman, in women - a jade gate or a cave that receives a jade rod, a jade chamber - a uterus and jade clusters - these are eggs in the ovaries that can give new life to offspring.

If you have looked here, then you have already heard something about the benefits of jade. Then read carefully, because in the networks you will find many myths and tales about this mineral.

When we talk about the healing properties of minerals, we need to distinguish between two sides of the same coin, namely:
1) physical and chemical properties, or what really works at the level of the body and what official science confirms;
2) magical properties, or something that is not visible, is difficult to prove on devices, but it works at the energy level and has been successfully used for thousands of years.

Let's consider in more detail.
1). Physicochemical characteristics.
How jade products (eggs, balls, plates) affect the body:
- they warm up the tissues of the body, both from the outside and from the inside. In the vaginal canal, a temperature slightly higher than normal is created, as a result of which the pathogenic microflora dies;
- transforms chaotic body heat into structured (wave) heat, and jade vibrations correspond to heart rhythms.
Those. in essence, the impact of jade is equated to physiotherapy procedures.

What effects:

Jade destroys pathogenic bacteria, harmful microflora, while it itself is resistant to the effects of a pathogenic environment, it does not "infect";
- strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, increases libido, brighter and more orgasmic sensations in sex for both partners;
- vaginitis (colpitis), thrush, inflammatory processes of the urogenital system are cured, an unpleasant smell from the vagina disappears;
- good prevention of prolapse of female organs and stress urinary incontinence;
- pain in the stomach passes quickly, especially that occurs during stress, as well as toothache and headache (a plate on a cord on the stomach area, on the forehead or on the cheek);
- the possibility of diagnosing diseases is improved, the clinical picture of diseases of the genitourinary sphere is clarified;
- personally in my practice there are several cases of fragmentation and natural release of stones from the kidneys;
- smoothing wrinkles when applying plates to the face, especially the alternation of warm and cold plates.

How and why does this happen?

Jade is a very heat-intensive material; is able to accumulate and store heat for a long time, transferring this heat to the tissues of the body (and cold when cooled). It has a confused - microfiber structure (fibers of actinolite and tremolite) and a hidden - crystal lattice (a mineral of the amphibole group).
The mineral is able to stop the processes of decay and decomposition of tissues. In 1983, excavations were made of the burial place of a Han princess, who was lying in a suit made of jade plates. Not only did it not decompose in 2,200 years without embalming. Her skin hasn't lost its elasticity. There was no rotting at all, it seemed to dry out. Moreover, at the time of her death she was pregnant, and the fetus was preserved in her.

2). Energy (magic) properties.

On the one hand, jade is a stone of the Rulers of Heaven and emperors of China, symbolizing cosmic energy, perfection, strength, power, incorruptibility, immortality. On the other hand, for millions of years, jade has collected the strength and power of the earth. According to Taoist alchemy, a person combines the energy of Heaven and Earth, and at the level of the body, the energy of heaven (cosmos) is located in the cavity of the head, the energy of the earth in the cavity of the abdomen, and in the cavity of the chest, the energy of a person is concentrated as a harmonious unity of heaven (yang) and earth ( yin) - the energy of Qi. Having a fibrous structure (vibrational basis), jade has been a long-wave conductor and carrier of information since ancient times, and the crystal lattice helps the mineral rid the owner of the bad, destructive energy of illnesses or negative emotions and not get "infected" himself.

What effects:
- by placing an egg in the vaginal canal, we strengthen the Earth within us, growing our power and vitality;
- jade harmonizes blood cells. The structure of the gem has a positive effect on all fluids in the body;
- wearing eggs or jade products enhances the Qi energy of those organs with which objects are in close proximity;
- jade enhances the regeneration of our body tissues at the cellular level, rejuvenates the body, prolongs life;
- has a strong energy potential and the ability to transfer its charge to the owner in difficult life situations;
- with prolonged interaction with jade, many women notice how the fuss gradually disappears and softness and fluidity appear;
- in sex there is a shift in emphasis from mechanical actions to a deeper feeling of internal states.

Myths about jade.

Myth #1. You will find many articles that jade perfectly releases molecules (ions) of calcium and magnesium in a humid environment, and that is why it should be worn in the vagina, put in the bath, eat from jade dishes.

Don't believe!!!

Jade really contains many useful microelements, its chemical formula is Ca2 (Mg, Fe) 522 - oxides of calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon dioxide, often with additives of sodium, aluminum, manganese, nickel, chromium and copper - a whole periodic table! But at the same time, it is an extremely dense, durable and inert material, i.e. not reacting with the medium in which it is placed. That is why in ancient China they made dishes from it! Through the influence of a liquid medium, only the wave (energy) properties of jade can be enhanced. In order for jade to begin to emit ions of trace elements, such conditions are necessary (very high temperature and pressure), which do not exist in everyday life!
But with the help of jade powder in China, many diseases were successfully cured. Avicenna treated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with nephritis, only these were special proven recipes.

Myth #2. Jade eggs in the vagina can cause inflammatory, infectious, fungal, and other diseases.

Don't believe!!!
Jade just cures these diseases (see above), but often through an exacerbation, like any treatment, and it may seem to you that the troubles started from the mineral ... I have never met allergic reactions to nephritis in my practice.
BUT I recommend starting work with eggs gradually, from a few minutes and bringing it to the most convenient time for you.

Myth #3. Boil the eggs before using.

Do not destroy the living mineral!!!

Do you really want to turn it into a dead stone...
There are many disinfectants - any antiseptic solution or chlorhexidine (without alcohol). To clean from someone else's information, you can choose the option:
- rinse in running water
- stay in the sun
- hold in a box with salt
- put in the freezer (there is frost in nature, unlike boiling water)!

Now directly about the eggs.

How to choose the size of the egg for training? Why do you need 3 eggs? What size to start with?

Such questions arise in every woman at the beginning of classes.
To train the pelvic floor muscles, it is desirable to have 3 eggs, but you can start with one.
The egg should feel good inside you. Those. to get started, choose the largest possible size. If the egg is not felt inside, this is normal initially, this is due to the lower sensitivity inside the vaginal canal than at the entrance. Gradually the sensitivity increases. Then, as we develop skills, we change the size to a smaller one. The most difficult thing is to retract a small egg, this already requires a certain skill.
But even if it turns out to work with a small size, we do not refuse large eggs, they provide a greater load on the muscles (like small and large dumbbells).

Curious facts about jade

Color: from milky white, honey red, through all shades of green (lemon, grassy, ​​emerald, marsh) to almost black. Even red jade is extremely rare. The depth of color depends on the content of iron oxides and impurities of chromium, manganese, nickel. Pale, monophonic, translucent coloration is more valued than with uneven striped, spotty. Brown streaks or streaks in jade are the result of iron oxidizing through cracks in the stone.

Any natural stone has energy, carries the memory of the universe. Jade is a stone of eternity, a stone of sages, it is a stone of the Rulers of Heaven and emperors of China, symbolizing cosmic energy, perfection, strength, power, incorruptibility, immortality. In Chinese tradition, he personifies: moral purity, justice, sincerity, courage, harmony, devotion and benevolence.

Confucius wrote:
Jade is like the power of knowledge, for it is smooth and shiny. He is like justice, for he has sharp edges,

but they don't cut. It is like obedience, for it strives down to the earth. It is like music, because it produces pure, clear sounds. He is like truthfulness, for he does not hide the flaws that only enhance his beauty. He is like the earth, and his fortitude is born of mountains and water.

For thousands of years, only the emperor, members of his family and senior dignitaries had the right to own jade products. Jade was not just a valuable stone, but also a symbol of power and might. The imperial jade seal symbolized that power was given to the emperor by Heaven. The honorable duty of the Emperor was to greet the sunrise with jade bells sewn onto special ritual clothing.

There is probably no woman in the modern world who has not heard about exercises for intimate muscles (🍑 Kegel exercises🍑). With age and after childbirth, the internal female muscles weaken, and husbands want their wives to have everything as before and even better, so that there will always be "a queen in society, a mistress in the kitchen and a harlot in bed") So the question of training intimate muscles arises mostly already in front of women who gave birth.

I think that there is no point in copying Kegel exercises, they are publicly available on the Internet. And I will tell you about the adaptation for those for whom Kegel exercises are a passed stage, for those who want to achieve perfection in the matter of owning intimate muscles.

Probably many if they were not at specific shows in 🏝 Thailand🏝, you must have heard about the ability to shoot with darts, balls and other tricks that Thai women are capable of with the help of their intimate muscles) I first learned about this from the book "Emmanuel", where this topic is discussed in detail) Regular Kegel exercises to achieve such intimate wisdom will not be enough, this will require special simulators.

I'll tell you about one of them - jade egg. First you just need to learn how to keep the testicle inside. You need to start training with a large egg. And although at first glance it may seem that training with a small egg will be much easier, but it is not.

I wanted to buy an egg made of natural jewelry jade, the options with Aliexpress, of course, beckon with their price, but even from the photographs it is clear that this is not jade, but at most jadeite, or even don’t understand what is painted in greenish color 🙀

Jade eggs are different not only in size, but also in color, the most expensive option on the site where I purchased was from black jade. If you arrange the cost of jade eggs in ascending order, then the cheapest is ordinary, dark green jade, jewelry jade is lighter and has few dark blotches, brown (honey) jade is more expensive, white and black jade are the most expensive.

The jade egg that I use now is small, 3.5 cm, made of jewelry jade.

It is better to choose an egg with a hole, especially if you are new to this matter.

Forget the pretty ribbons, it's not hygienic to use them with a jade egg! The same story with ropes and laces. It is more hygienic to use dental floss (not waxed), which should be changed once a week.

But the most convenient and hygienic option is a fishing line with a bead) I'll show you with another set of eggs as an example)

💧How to cleanse the stone of negative energies?💧

Jade is able to store the information and energy of people who have touched it, therefore, before the first use, a jade egg must not only be disinfected, but also “drained” of negative energy.

To do this, place the egg in a saline solution (a tablespoon per glass of water) for a day, then hang the egg under running water for 20 minutes, and then place it in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Periodically, the procedure for clearing negative energy should be repeated!

💧How to care for a jade egg?💧

The testicle must be stored in such a way that only you have access to it, due to the fact that the stone very quickly absorbs information and other people's energy. After disinfection, you need to put it in a bag

and hide in a box or at worst, in the remaining empty 🎁box mybeautybox 🎁))

The stone can be charged with lunar or solar energy, for this you need to put it under 🌞 the lights of a sun🌞 or 🌛 moon light🌛 It's up to you to choose which energy is closer to you, I choose solar 🔥🌞

Before each use, the egg must be disinfected. Wash with soap, disinfect with miramistin or chlorhexidine, rinse with boiled water.

You can also disinfect the testicle with an ozone ionizer.

Do not forget to regularly disinfect the hole into which the fishing line is threaded, from time to time I take it out of the testicle for 100% certainty that every millimeter is disinfected!

🌸 How to train intimate muscles?🌸

Women who have given birth should start training with a large egg. For starters, just learn to hold it in yourself. After that, you can begin to try to contract the muscles, pull in and push out the egg. Alternate technique, then hold the muscles contracted for 10 seconds, relax for 10 seconds, then make quick contractions.

You need to learn to feel the egg and move it inside with the help of muscles, learn to pull it in and push it out.

What is the bead for?

If you have already learned how to control the muscles, then you can proceed to the next stage - to training with weights 😎 The weights are fixed on a fishing line with a bead, you need to keep the egg inside so that it does not fall out)) Gradually, the weight of the weights increases 😎

The best time for training

Training of intimate muscles should not be carried out on an empty or full stomach, and also if you are not in the mood, because the stone is able to store negative information in itself!

Ideally - after a light breakfast, with pleasant music, when no one pulls.

If you don’t have time catastrophically, you can train your muscles right on the road, for example, in a car or in transport (with pleasant music in your headphones).

I once started my practices on vacation, when the mood is always sunny and there is a lot of free time, classes are very addictive)

There were no problems with disinfection, since in any hotel there is a kettle and you can pour boiling water over the egg)

The very next month, after regular training, she noted that the pain on the first critical day had decreased, she was even able to do without painkillers, earlier on the first day there was just a fainting state ...

I bought my jade egg on the site Eteli (link) When I bought it, they sent me a manual. "The Art of Being Desirable. Jade Trainer"

If you are a beginner, then you can immediately buy a set of eggs in three sizes.

I also invite you to my review of a female device that will save on tampons and pads (

The problem of women's health is one of the most discussed among the fair sex. Women and girls share various miracle cures with each other, often refusing standard antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. And many of these remedies are truly miraculous. One of them is the wumbling technique - exercises with jade eggs.

What are jade eggs

Jade eggs are polished egg-shaped jade stones. Most often on sale they are found in a set of three eggs of different sizes, with holes for threading fishing line or rope. Jades are excellent.

The beautiful half of humanity needs to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, in which exercises with jade eggs will perfectly help. In particular, strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor is necessary for those who have hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, there are cases of air entering the vagina during sex, when water enters during bathing, or when bending over. All of these contribute to infection.

Regular exercise with Jade Eggs helps increase blood circulation as well as strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. As a result, they will become more elastic. The influx of more nutrients and oxygen will allow you to get rid of stagnation in the vagina and ovaries. This, in turn, is an excellent prevention of female diseases.

Exercises using jade eggs are also called wumbling. What stands for: Vaginal; Managed; Muscles; Building - development, construction.

The effect of jade eggs on a woman's body

Jade is a stone of feminine power that has healing properties. It cleanses the body and soul, and also brings success and prosperity to the owner. In ancient times, the Chinese added crushed jade to the drink in order to maintain health and youth.

Those women who practice wumbling with jade eggs do not feel pain during menstruation.

In addition to strengthening the muscles of the intimate zone, regular exercises with jade eggs are considered to be the prevention of the following diseases:

  • myoma;
  • polycystic;
  • erosion;
  • cyst;
  • mastopathy;
  • violations of the microflora of the vagina, breast compaction.

Vumbilding helps to improve the psychological and emotional state of a woman, which helps to avoid pre- and postmenstrual syndrome. It also affects the restoration of the hormonal system of a woman, which helps to get rid of excess weight.

Intimate training makes childbirth easier. Future women in labor need training with jade eggs in order to learn to understand and control their body - such an experience will be needed during childbirth. In addition, in a woman with gymnastics of the pelvic floor muscles, the muscles of the press and diaphragm are strengthened. As a result, childbirth is less painless, and after the baby is born, the tissues of the vagina and pelvic floor recover much faster than usual.

The aging process and age-related changes slow down. A woman accumulates energy, in which menopause does not occur, menopause and childbearing functions are preserved. Therefore, the practice of wumbling prolongs youth.

Preparing and Applying Jade Eggs

Before you start, they must be cleaned. To do this, you need to hold the eggs for a day in a saline solution (a tablespoon of salt per 250 ml of water), then place, without touching your hands, under cold running water for twenty minutes.

Attention! Jade eggs should never be boiled! They are an intimate remedy, in order to protect against infections, you should not give them to anyone.

Jade directly receives the energy of the user. Therefore, the mood during classes with jade eggs should be positive. In this case, the effect will be better. As you know, a positive attitude, joy and laughter prolong not only life, but also youth.

Before training, you can hold the egg in your hand so that it is not cold. It is also necessary to warm up the pelvic floor muscles by contracting and relaxing them for several minutes.

A set of exercises to strengthen intimate muscles

To get the greatest effect from training with jade eggs, you must correctly and consistently perform certain exercises. They will help to gradually and imperceptibly prepare the body for training.

Types of Exercises with Jade Eggs

Passive training- the egg is inserted into the vagina and is inside. When asked how much to wear, answer yourself, because at the same time you can do everyday activities, or even sleep. During sleep, muscle training also occurs.

Holding. You need to use the smallest egg: lie down, bend your knees and insert it to the maximum depth into the vagina. Then you need to squeeze it with your muscles and pull on the fishing line. Muscles must resist.

Compression-decompression. This exercise is best done in several positions with eggs of different sizes: standing, lying or sitting, trying to slowly compress and unclench the muscles of the pelvic floor. When performed correctly, the egg will be felt inside. Each time you need to change position and wear jade of different sizes.

squeezing- pulling in. This exercise can be performed in different positions:

  • sitting;
  • reclining;
  • leaning against the back of a chair, bed, or wall.

The egg starts shallow. Holding the line with your hand, start pulling it in slowly, then, with impulsive movements, and then relax. Repeat the exercise several times. Try to make sure that the line is almost completely gone inside. However, do not let go so that the egg can be easily removed. This exercise may seem difficult, but after a few repetitions, everything will turn out easily.

Moving and pushing. To start, use a smaller egg, insert it close to the entrance, and with a pushing force, try to push it out. This exercise can be performed in any position. In the future, the egg is introduced deeper.

Ingestion. Harder exercise. For beginners, this exercise will facilitate the position of a birch tree when the legs rest against the wall. The egg is inserted only halfway inside, then try to absorb it (pull it in). If it doesn’t work right away, try gently pushing with your hand. Relax your pelvic floor muscles to suck in the egg, then tighten.

Vumbilding is a modern technique that helps the fair sex to cope with a considerable number of women's problems and diseases. Jade eggs are quite easy to use and effective in the prevention and treatment of female diseases. To improve the result, all the above exercises must be performed in various positions and regularly change the size of the eggs.


Average rating: 4.15 (1 votes) 0

The use of jade eggs allows you to strengthen the muscles of the vagina, making it thinner and more flexible. At the same time, jade is able to heal the body and take on all the negative energy. Production China.

The authenticity and integrity of the stone (that it is not a crumb) confirmed by gemological examination. You can find it at the bottom of this page.

When ordering from 10 pcs, wholesale prices apply


Standard set.

Stone from light green to green, may have light green shades, opaque. At the moment, testicles with a light green tint are on sale. The testicles may have color transitions, divorces or inclusions. Threads are attached from the sharp end. Set of 3 eggs: 3 eggs with threads in a gift box with satin, instructions with exercises

Egg sizes: large egg: dm - 32mm, dl - 50mm, medium egg: dm - 25mm, dl - 40mm, small egg: dm - 23mm, dl - 30mm.

Product in stock


Don't know which kit to choose? Doubt something? You can order simulators "to choose from" you order 2 of any simulators (or + 1 to more), and when buying, choose the one you like best. The rest are returned to our warehouse. Our testicles are of high quality and you can see for yourself. The offer is valid for courier delivery in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region.


Set of green jade LUXE

Color - from green with a light green tint to dark green. dark green
color, transparency of the stone 5-20% (as if the stone is translucent inside), the glossy structure of the stone. The product may have slight color differences or inclusions of white, testicles of dark green color may have a grassy-light green hue. Jade of this level is also used for jewelry. Production China. Set of 3 eggs:

Egg sizes: large egg: dm 32mm, dm 50mm, medium egg: dm 26mm, dl 40mm, small egg: dm 23mm, dm 30mm. Gross weight is for shipping purposes and includes the weight of any additional outer packaging.Net weight of the set - 220g. Gross weight of the set - 300 gr.

Temporarily out of stock

Set of white royal jade

Color - gentle white. The stone is opaque. Pale marble light stains of a pastel green color, or a small pastel greenish tint, are possible. In China, white jade is called royal because it contains the least amount of impurities and inclusions and is the purest. Production China.

Set of 3 eggs: 3 eggs with threads in a beautiful gift box with satin, instructions with exercises

Egg sizes: large egg: dm 32mm, dm 50mm, medium egg: dm 26mm, dl 40mm, small egg: dm 23mm, dm 30mm. Gross weight is for shipping purposes and includes the weight of any additional outer packaging. Net weight of the set - 220g. Gross weight of the set - 300 gr.

Temporarily out of stock


One big egg

: one egg with threads in a beautiful velvet bag, instructions with exercises. Production China.

Egg size: dm 32mm, dl 50mm.

Set weight - 110 gr


Jade Authenticity

The authenticity of jade is confirmed by the results of an independent gemological examination. A study of specialists showed: this is jade, this is a solid stone.


Our articles about the simulator "Jade testicles"

"Jade eggs" is very popular even now, and even in ancient times it was in demand among Chinese empresses and eastern concubines. With the help of this simple simulator, you can greatly develop your internal muscles, as well as strengthen your sexual energy.

Which of the women does not dream of becoming a skilled lover, which a man will never be able to forget? One of the secrets of success in bed is well-trained vaginal muscles, which a woman can also control during intimacy: act on a man's penis as skillfully as with her hands or tongue. Can you imagine how delighted a man will be with sex with such a woman?



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