"Why isn't she thrown out?" How and why celebrities criticize Olga Buzova. A well-known blogger told why Olga Buzova does not give birth to children Why does everyone dislike Buzova so much


We see it everywhere: in movies, commercials, talk shows, music videos, theater. Industries in which Olga Buzova has not yet left its mark, every day becomes less and less. It seems that a little more, and the pop diva will get to politics. She has more than 45 followers on Instagram US President Donald Trump! What is the Buzova phenomenon? I tried to find the answer to this question psychologist Anna Khnykina.

Soul wide open

If we talk about the factors that helped Olga Buzova gain incredible popularity and a huge army of fans, then perhaps the most important of them is genuine sincerity. She became famous for this quality even in the television set known to many. About people like her, they say: "the soul is wide open." People perceive her as their neighbor from the yard, who achieved everything herself, which means that, theoretically, they can do it too. Of course, they are very curious to watch Olga. Inside each of us, no matter what we are outside, there is an ordinary person who is easy to hurt, and we are afraid to show him to others, but Buzova is not afraid. But at the same time, her protective mechanisms work very well, which help to prevent all the negativity that comes in her address from reaching her heart.

Self love

It can be seen that Olga not only treats herself well, but also perceives herself as a good and worthy person. And you know what? More such women! Because it is this kind of attitude that is considered healthy.

I note that a person's self-esteem depends on upbringing, genes and the conditions in which he grew up. Apparently, Olga has everything in order with these components. At the same time, I do not think that she is not at all receptive to criticism, and she does not care who says what about her. Most likely, she reacts, and she also feels bad, we just rarely see it.

If you write a song and no one likes it, what will you do? For example, Diaghilev dreamed of becoming an opera singer, and when it didn’t work out, he took a different path: he built a career as an entrepreneur. And what did Buzova do when she failed to become a singer in 2011? In 2016, she released her hit "To the Sound of Kisses", which literally tore iTunes. And all because, as I said, everything is in order with her self-esteem.


Yes, today you will not surprise anyone with a bare booty or a neckline to the navel, but in any case, sexuality adds bonuses, especially if you really have something to show. The shortest way to attract the attention of the audience is to wear a shorter skirt, a top so that the chest sticks out, and also fishnet tights “for beauty”. No one says that this is correct, but this technique works. And Olga, like many girls in our show business, uses it.

Thanks to colleagues

Olga's immediacy impresses many of her colleagues who sing songs about her, like Cord, or shoot videos like Marina Fedunkiv. As a result, Buzova's popularity is growing like a snowball. It's really hard to hide from her.

She is everywhere

Long before the advent of social networks, a great producer Andrey Razin created the group "Tender May", which was able to become megapopular. And this happened due to the fact that the boxes with the cassettes of the team were handed out to the conductors. Voice Yura Shatunova sounded in all the trains that went to the regions, so gradually our large country began to go crazy over it. Almost the same thing happened here. Before Instagram, Buzova already had the love of the audience thanks to the Dom-2 program. Such popularity as this show still needs to be looked for. Olga came to social networks, being well promoted. Now she has over 9 million subscribers. I note that Trump has only 6 of them, and he is the president.

Of course, along with that part of the audience that sincerely loves this girl, there are those who would like not to notice Olga Buzova, but they can’t, because she is everywhere. Say thanks to social media. One media girl said: “Now is the time for Buzovshchina.” This is so, because most of us will sell our souls for likes on the Internet. Virtual communication has become more important than real. And here Buzova, with her army of subscribers, has few competitors.

However, most truly talented people do not want such popularity. They want to be loved for their talent, intelligence and professionalism, and not for what kind of underwear they wear and what picture they put on social networks.

In those distant times, when I, as a student, watched Dom-2, Olga Buzova met with Roma Tretyakov and was a kind of clone of the early Ksenia Sobchak. She was born in St. Petersburg, dyed her long hair white and dressed in ruffles and pink. Olga came to the project in 2004, in 2008 she became its host. So the viewers of the reality show decided, and the channel's management, seeing the potential of the girl, gave her a chance. And they didn't fail! Olga does an excellent job with her duties. She never lets directors down, doesn’t “star”, doesn’t argue, but simply does her job well. Buzova - real workaholic, she always worries about the result.

She constantly develops himself and try different things. For this, you not only need to respect her, but also set an example. The easiest thing in her position would be to lie on the couch, watch the notorious "Dom-2" and give instructions to numerous nannies and cleaners, as so many footballers' wives do.

And Buzova first puts on the scarf of the Moscow Lokomotiv (okay, she used to put it on), and after the match of her beloved husband she runs to her own clothing store, then to the shooting, then to the interview, then to play a DJ set in the club, then to sleep home for a while, and with morning on the plane. Tour again! In the meantime, she manages to devote time to additional activities, such as: writing a book or recording a song that is sure to become a hit ... And with all this, she always finds an opportunity to play sports.

Yes, Olga almost every day starts in the gym. “The press will not appear by itself!” she wrote on her Instagram. We must pay tribute to the TV presenter, she has an ideal figure. Gorgeous abs, long slender legs, pumped-up ass without a gram of cellulite, relief - everything is as it should be. On the Internet, Olga is scolded for her lack of breasts. And why no one praises her for being natural?! After all, there is so little of it left on today's TV! And by the way, the dark hair color that Buzova acquired recently suits her incredibly.

About Tarasov. I remember that several years ago newspapers and Internet sites exploded with headlines that Olga took Dmitry away from the family. What does taken away mean? Did she force him? Is he a donkey? Or did she get pregnant quickly so that he, as an honest man, was obliged to marry? No, no, and no again. Here it would be just worth talking about the human qualities of Tarasov, and not Buzova. Olga became an ideal wife - smart, beautiful, independent, self-sufficient, well-earned. She cooked her husband's favorite dishes, arranged surprises for him, supported him when he had problems ... Not a wife, but a dream. And if the rumors are true

Photo: globallookpress.com, eastnews.ru

Olga Buzova

Almost two years have passed since Olga Buzova divorced Dmitry Tarasov. During this time, the football player managed to marry again and become a father, and the star of "House-2" unexpectedly won the musical Olympus. But here . The site expert, clairvoyant and sorceress Saona, told how she sees Olga's future.

“Many people think that they don’t want to marry Buzova because of her complex nature, but in reality it’s not like that. Buzova has a whole army of fans, and many of them are men who are hunted by crowds of girls. Some of them are more, some are less, but not a single one has come up to Olga yet. She is very responsible and, one might even say, picky in choosing a life partner: her feelings, character, status, and intentions of the future groom are important to her. She is not ready to compromise or have fleeting romances, especially after breaking up with Tarasov, ”said Saona.

“In general, this is a rather mature position, and in general, Buzova is actually a very smart girl with a very tough character. Otherwise, she would not have achieved such huge popularity - there is an exact cold calculation in her entire career path., - continued the sorceress. - Her on-screen image of a naive and soft fool is nothing more than a mask that allowed her to win crowds of fans. She has complete control over her life, she has a strategy for career development and personal happiness. “Marry Buzova” is nothing more than another TV project, created only for the purpose of PR, which is part of her career strategy. Olga understands this very well and does not even consider the participants seriously. On the project, she definitely will not choose anyone. If she hasn't chosen a man from the huge number of fans that she has, then how can she choose from several participants in the show, in whose sincerity she cannot be completely sure? However, Olga will not be alone for a long time. In the future, I definitely see her marriage and two children. By choosing her husband, Olga will greatly surprise her fans. This will be a man older than her, with a big name, fortune and influence. One can only guess who it will be: a politician, a businessman, or maybe an artist? We will follow the development of events and make bets.”

“Olga, of course, will get married, but later. She has not yet met her lover. I can also say that it is fast and will not happen this very second. Olga has about 2-3 more years. True, she will meet another young man, and it seems that even love will start, but Olga needs to be extremely careful, since this person will only play love, but in fact will try to get the maximum benefit from their relationship. Olga will understand this and immediately end the relationship. According to the program, Olga should have two children. And she will make a great mother, ”concluded the clairvoyant.

Blogger Lena Miro published on her blog reasoning why the singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova does not give birth to children. She's sure she knows exactly what's going on. Most commentators agreed with her.

Lena Miro began her reasoning after the famous tennis player Serena Williams gave birth. The blogger believes that even if such women give birth, then everything is not so simple with Olga Buzova. Elena builds her conclusions on one main fact - for Buzova PR comes first. The girl believes that the singer is seeking him by any means. And childbirth and pregnancy is a big intrigue. According to the blogger, Olga's PR people understand this and would have forced her to become pregnant long ago. The blogger sees only three reasons why the pregnancy has not yet occurred, of which he immediately rejects two. First: not from anyone, but Buzova only recently divorced and could already give birth in marriage. Second: illness, but then Olga would cry in every program about her unfortunate fate. The blogger is sure: “Such a PR is worse than pregnancy and childbirth, and after it Olenka would be treated for infertility on the air.” The third and most probable, according to Elena: “There remains one reason, and it, in my opinion, is the most similar to the truth. Buzova terribly hates children, can’t stand them in the spirit, and therefore no one can persuade her to fly in. ”

Internet users enthusiastically began to discuss Buzova and her possible motherhood. “These are some genes that disappear for how much in vain! Let's just say thank you to her!" “Perhaps she simply refused to have children? Consciously and consciously ... Or maybe she realized that she had missed this moment with Dmitry .. And now there is no one worthy who would take up the topic with her seriously .. ”“ She just doesn’t want children, it seems to me. I don't see anything strange in that." “I think she doesn't trust people. Men. Therefore, she does not give birth. ” “Better without children, probably, than carrying them around like Sobchak and Borodin.” “It seems to me that she is so stupid that she does not understand who children are and why give birth to them at all .. She herself is like a child.” “Because she used to be a man, she changed sex, so she can’t have children.” “Does not give birth, and is not necessary. With a divorce, everyone took out her brain, you don’t know what to see or read so as not to see Buzova there. Imagine what will happen if she gets pregnant. And after you give birth, at least move to Mars!” Only time will tell the real reason, but everyone is enthusiastically discussing this issue. Even despite the fact that they are tired of Buzova.

And Buzova herself recently flashed in a wedding dress. True, not for a wedding, but for a video. But there was also a resonance in the network.

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