Why Korchevnikov leaves the program live. Boris Korchevnikov: In a sense, Andrey Malakhov and I have a common life


The popular Russian TV presenter began his career at a very young age, and gained considerable experience in communicating with viewers. During this time, he gained many fans, and Boris Korchevnikov's personal life has since been under the closest attention of the audience.

Personal life of Boris Korchevnikov

This year, Boris will turn thirty-five years old, but despite this, he still has not tied the knot and lives with his mother, remaining one of the most enviable suitors of Russian show business. The TV presenter admitted that he had not yet met a girl with whom he would like to link his fate, but as soon as this happens, he will be happy to create his own family and move from his mother.

However, Korchevnikov does not exclude that a completely different fate awaits him, and he will live alone, remaining a reliable support for his loved ones.

Among the many reasons why Boris Korchevnikov's personal life has not yet settled down is his enormous employment - in one of the interviews, the TV presenter admitted that he only comes home to spend the night, and he simply does not have enough time for anything other than work.

Recently, Boris has been diligently looking for his soul mate, and the best chance to meet the woman of his life is at his work.

The careful choice of a life partner can be explained by the fact that Korchevnikov would like to fall in love once and for all his life - it was such couples that he always admired. The presenter believes that he will someday meet a girl with whom he wants to connect his fate for the rest of his life and give birth to children, without whom he cannot imagine a full-fledged marriage.

Since he himself grew up without a father, Korchevnikov plans to build a life in a completely different scenario and become not only a faithful husband, but also a loving father.

Boris Korchevnikov's wife

Boris already had a chance to start a family, but for some reason this never happened. Korchevnikov was never completely frank in talking about his personal life, and not much is known about her, so it’s impossible to say with a high degree of certainty that the TV presenter was married, and Boris Korchevnikov’s wife, even the former, is a very real person.

It turns out that some time ago, Boris had a long romance with actress Anna-Cecile Sverdlova, whom he called simply Anya. They were so close that Borya's mother agreed to register his girlfriend in her apartment, and the young people even talked to the priest about the wedding.

Anna-Cecile and Boris Korchevnikov were together for eight whole years, but they never managed to start a family. They met in church - faith in God was one of the threads that connected the lovers.

Sverdlova, according to Boris, did a lot to bring him even closer to faith. She was an employee of the Orthodox channel "Tsargrad", took part in the work of the Board of Trustees of the Fund. Seraphim of Sarovsky, engaged in the protection of the family, motherhood and childhood.

Sverdlova was born in France, but soon after her birth, her parents moved to Moscow, where Anna-Cecile studied first in high school, and then at GITIS.

However, after graduating from high school, in the creative biography of Boris Korchevnikov's ex-wife Anna-Cecile, there were no noticeable roles, except for the main one in the series Rosehip Aroma and one of the main ones in the series If You Are Not With Me. Sverdlova starred in small roles in the series "Only You", "My Prechistenka".

It is not known for sure whether there was a wedding between Boris Korchevnikov and Anna-Cecile, whether the wedding took place, but their couple broke up, and parting was not easy for Boris. They were able to remain friends, although Korchevnikov tried to save the relationship.

TV presenter's parents

The TV presenter grew up in an incomplete family - his father left the family before Boris was born. For many years, Korchevnikov did not communicate with his father, Vyacheslav Evgenievich Orlov, and only when Boris was thirteen years old did they meet.

Incomparably more connects the TV presenter with his mother, Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova, who alone raised her son and gave him all her love.

Since there was no one to leave little Borya at home, she often took him with her - Irina Leonidovna worked for a long time at the Moscow Art Theater, was Efremov's assistant, then became his deputy, and later - director of the Puppet Theater. Obraztsova.

Since her father never helped financially, she had to work hard. Mom introduced her son to theatrical art - from the age of eight he played on stage, so after school he applied to the Moscow Art Theater School.

Another vocation of Korchevnikov was journalism, and in parallel he also entered the journalism department of Moscow State University.

Irina Leonidovna says that she always raised her son very strictly and tried to control everything. She recently admitted that sometimes she even went too far, but she did it only because she was very afraid for Borya and tried to protect him from the bad influence of the street.

Relationship with father

Although Boris met his father only at the age of thirteen, he always knew who his dad was - Irina Leonidovna never said anything bad about her ex-husband. The first acquaintance of the father with his son took place in the theater. Pushkin, where Orlov worked as a director. Vyacheslav Evgenievich, who had long intended to get acquainted with Borey, asked for a meeting.

At that time, he already had another family, which, apparently, did not want him to communicate with his son. When it was still far from close communication, Boris Korchevnikov's father tried to observe his life at least from afar. That is why, when little Borya went on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, Vyacheslav Evgenievich took a ticket to the front row and watched Boris from afar.

Despite the fact that in the early years the family of Boris Korchevnikov consisted only of him and his mother, and his father did not take an active part in raising the child, Borya never had negative feelings for him, and was only offended by the fact that Evgeny Vyacheslavovich hurt his mother leaving her when she was pregnant.

After the first meeting, when Korchevnikov was still a teenager, he and his father again lost sight of each other, did not communicate for several years, and only when Orlov was already sick, Boris himself arranged a meeting with him.

When he saw his sick dying father, a feeling of pity arose in his soul and the realization that this was a person close and dear to him.

Vyacheslav Evgenievich supported Boris, after his separation from Anna-Cecile and a heart-to-heart talk with his father helped Korchevnikov a lot.

When Orlov, the former director of the Theater. Pushkin, was already in the hospital in a very serious condition, he introduced his son to his daughter - she is twelve years older than Boris and works as a primary school teacher. Korchevnikov did not have close communication with his half-sister, and, according to him, they mostly only talk on the phone.

Boris said that his father died practically in his arms, and the fact that at that moment he was nearby was very important to him. Before his death, Vyacheslav Evgenievich gave parting words to his son, saying: "Do not rush to do everything."

Korchevnikov says that his father always loved him very much, but was afraid to talk about it.

Disease of Boris Korchevnikov

A black streak in the biography of Boris Korchevnikov was the period when he struggled with his illness. The TV presenter never spoke about his state of health, and only in 2015 it became known that he had a benign brain tumor removed.

About what happened to him, Boris Korchevnikov admitted in one of the episodes of the program "Live", the guests of which were Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Andrei Gaidulyan, who told about their illness and the fight against it.

At the end of the program, the host said that he also survived a terrible illness and his health was very difficult.

He was examined in one of the German clinics, where he underwent an operation, after which Korchevnikov partially lost his hearing for some time.

After the surgery, Boris's health did not recover immediately, but he tried to get to work as soon as possible, which helped him get in shape faster.

Until now, the presenter is grateful to his relatives who supported him in a difficult period of his life, and this helped him cope with all the difficulties.

Brief biography of the actor and TV presenter

The famous TV presenter was born in Moscow on July 20, 1982. As a child, Boris Korchevnikov spent a lot of time in the theater where his mother worked, and was well acquainted with all his behind the scenes.

He began to appear on stage early, and he was also very interested in journalism, and he got to know her especially closely when he came to television and became the host and reporter of the Tam-Tam News program.

In the photo: Boris Korchevnikov in childhood ("Tam-Tam news")

Korchevnikov took part in the preparation of reports for the programs “The Other Day”, “Today”, “Profession - Reporter” and many others, was one of the creators of the documentaries “Concentration Camps: Road to Hell”, “Romania. Albania. Two destinies" and others.

Career stages

The artistic career of Boris Korchevnikov began early - he played on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater from the age of eight, including in such performances as Bulgakov's Cabal of the Hypocrites, Boris Godunov, My Dear, Good, Sailor Silence and others.

In the cinema, he first appeared in tiny roles in the series "Happiness for Rent" and "Thief-2", and played his first major role in the series "Kadetstvo".

Almost two years of Korchevnikov's life were associated with this project, and he admitted that the character of his hero turned out to be very close to him, so there were no particular difficulties in revealing the image.

After he finished filming in "The Cadets", Boris came to the STS channel, where he began to host his own program "I want to believe!". In 2010, together with Sergei Shnurov, Korchevnikov hosted programs from the History of Russian Show Business series, and in the same year he played the role of Paragraph in the children's television movie Guys and Paragraph.

The next stage in the creative biography of Boris Korchevnikov was the creation of an investigative documentary film “I don’t believe!”, Dedicated to the denigration of the Russian Orthodox Church, including by a number of well-known journalists, writers and media personalities.

Boris Korchevnikov joined the Live Broadcast project on Channel One in May 2013, was the host of the program until August 2017, and in October he began hosting the Fate of a Man program on the Russia-1 channel.

Since May 3, 2017, Korchevnikov has been the general director and general producer of the Spas channel. The offer to head a socio-Orthodox channel was unexpected for Boris, and he saw providence in this, since he himself had long believed in God.

  • In the series "Kadetstvo" Korchevnikov, who at that time was twenty-four years old, played the fifteen-year-old Suvorov Sinitsyn.
  • Boris always regretted that he did not receive a male upbringing - after a divorce from her husband, his mother, Irina Leonidovna, did not marry again.
  • His film "I do not believe!" recognized by many of his colleagues as biased. In addition, Korchevnikov was accused of committing many violations, including ethical ones, when creating the tape.
  • Boris carefully monitors his health and regularly works out in the gym.
  • Korchevnikov is a deeply religious person who often goes to church.
  • In January 2018, he became a confidant of President Putin in the upcoming presidential elections.

TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov is only 33 years old, and he already has a simply breathtaking track record: working at the Moscow Art Theater since childhood, the main role in the popular TV series Kadetstvo, many of his programs on federal channels, a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland ... And in For the past 2.5 years, Boris has been hosting one of the highest-rated talk shows on our TV - "Live" on the Russia 1 TV channel. It was in this broadcast four months ago that he confessed that he had a brain tumor. But only in an exclusive interview with ProZvezd Korchevnikov openly spoke about everything he had to go through this summer.

"This is a state of impotence, monstrous weakness"
- Boris, how did you dare to admit that you have a brain tumor? I know from my own experience how difficult such revelations are, even with close people. And here - all over the country ...
“We talked so many times in our studio about other people's illnesses that when it happened to me, it was just not fair to keep silent about it. We have argued so many times whether it is necessary or necessary to hide this. And they agreed that the benefit of saying this openly is greater than if you keep silent about it. It would be very strange when a tumor was found in me, not to mention it. In addition, I believe in the prayers of people, I know what kind of help you can get from them.
- But it seems to me that our society for the most part does not know how to respond to such information. We are afraid and do not know how to express condolences. For some reason, we believe that getting sick is somehow shameful.
– I think it comes from a completely wrong attitude towards death in our society. The further we go, the more we live in such a hedonistic (aimed at getting pleasure. - Auth.) society, where death is completely absent in the mass field. We are afraid to even talk about it and think about it. Although death is something that happens to everyone anyway. And this is the most important event in our life.
“We can say that we all live for this.
- Certainly. Very accurate. And when illness happens, it is the best reminder of the main goal of our life. And maybe that's partly why I openly spoke about my tumor - from my attitude to death like this ... The word "tumor", of course, sounds very scary. But it's not cancer, it's benign.
- How was it discovered?
- A little noise in my ear. This has happened before and has never bothered me. I did an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging. - Auth.). That's where it was found - on the auditory nerve.
How did you receive this news?
“First, the mystery. And the thought of death, of course. I thought that now I can live a full life. Because just when we think that we can die, we begin to live life to the fullest. I did not yet know what it was, what kind of tumor, whether it was growing quickly or slowly. But my very first feeling: that's how many days I have left, they should be devoted to preparing for death.
- Go away, get all the pleasure?
- No not like this. We live with a lot of pending cases. As a rule, we postpone the most important in order to do the urgent. And it's terrible. Because in the end we come to the conclusion that the most important thing has not been done. I had one thought: it is better to prepare for death, for a meeting with God. I knew for sure that He would not take me away earlier than expected, than I would be ready for this. I had a large number of cases that I did not have time to finish, implement here, and I had to hurry ... And then this operation happened.
– When was she?
- In summer. It turned out so great, just for Saints Cosmas and Damian, unmercenary doctors (July 14. - Auth.). I learned a lot about life right there in the hospital bed when I couldn't open my eyes. Anyone who has ever had a craniotomy knows what it is like when a few days after the operation your vestibular apparatus is damaged and it is impossible to walk. But this state of impotence, monstrous weakness - it is very useful for understanding the main things in life.
– How do you feel now?
- All the consequences after the operation have not yet passed - sometimes, when I get tired, I stagger. But now I am being observed at the Burdenko Hospital. I recently had an MRI and all is well. You just need to be patient.

I had one thought: it is better to prepare for death, for a meeting with God. I knew for sure that He would not take me away earlier than expected, than I would be ready for this.

“I met my father at the age of 13”
“I heard that your father is seriously ill.
- I buried him in October ... It was a difficult year. Everything seemed to be preparing for parting with her father - although it turned out to be an acquaintance with him. Now I will explain. It all started in early spring. Actor Gennady Vengerov died of cancer. I talked to him several times on the phone, he knew me from childhood. How courageously Vengerov faced death! Probably, it is necessary. When we talk about cancer, we often talk about an example of struggle. But we completely avoid the question: how to accept the history of departure? Because - let's be honest - most often cancer ends in death ... Then just imagine: on the same day, in the same cemetery, in the same crematorium, two days before my operation, we buried two people from the film crew of Kadetstvo, who died one after another. others from brain cancer - Pavel Kuznechevsky, the director of this series, and Valentin Kozlovsky, the second director. I still don't get it in my head.
- One day?!
- In one day, in one crematorium at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. In the same place where Zhanna Friske rested. with the same diagnosis. Both were buried by one father. I stood at these funerals and did not understand how this was possible. Their life divorced, they did not communicate. And suddenly they were together again here, almost on the same deathbed. It was July 12, the next day I went to the hospital. And on the 14th I had an operation. He went to work in August. A few days later I found out that my father was in a coma. For two months he struggled, suffered greatly, and died.
– Please accept my condolences… And sorry for the tactless question…
- This is fine. You know, my father and I never lived together. We met when I was 13 years old.
“Did he even know of your existence before this time?”
- Yes, sure. Dad worked as the director of the Pushkin Theater (Boris' father Vyacheslav Orlov gave this theater almost 40 years. - Auth.). And I played in the Moscow Art Theater since childhood. He came and bought tickets for all performances with my participation. Sat and watched. And only when I was 13 years old, he asked my mother to introduce us. But we did not become father and son. I didn't know much about him. He had his own family, or half-family. We rarely spoke. But this year at Christmas I called him, we agreed to meet. We dined at a restaurant on the Patriarchs, then went to him. We walked, and he leaned with one hand on me, the other on a stick. And I felt so sorry for him: I saw a very lonely man with a broken heart, with broken thoughts, with a broken life. I understood that somewhere I still have a sister from him. But he never wanted us to meet. He didn't even talk much about her.

frame from the series "Kadetstvo"

Did he live alone at the end of his life?
- Yes, I saw him in the apartment completely alone. There was no visible presence of a woman. I spent the whole day with him and after that I left, hiding my tears. I understood that he was leaving, that he was burying himself. He drank 20 cups of coffee in front of me and smoked a pack of cigarettes. Moreover, his weight was under 180. He was already a very unhealthy person ... Then in August the news came that he was in the hospital, in a coma. We went to him with my mother. After some time, he began to regain consciousness. I tried to communicate with him like a son with his father. Although he never called him dad.
- But as?
- Vyacheslav Evgenievich. I told him: "Pray for me, I really need your parental prayer."
- Even on "you"?
- Yes. I visited him almost every day. And he met his sister there. She was a wonderful person, very much like me. 12 years older than me. Primary school teacher. It is a pity that my father, perhaps due to his cowardice or cowardice - otherwise, how can I explain this - did not introduce us earlier. But now I have found my own blood.
"So you're talking to her now?"
- Certainly! I now have a sister and a niece. Dad introduced us, lying in intensive care. It was hard for him to leave, he suffered a lot, he was on a ventilator, his life was supported only on tubes for two months. It seems to me that he managed to do a very important thing during this time - to prepare for death. He confessed and took communion twice, for the first time in his life. It was I who suggested to him that the priest come. You know, it's always scary to offer such things.
- I understand, because a person immediately has an indignant question: “Are you burying me?”
- Exactly. Everyone is afraid to see the priest in the hospital. But in vain. Because spiritual strength is needed to fight the disease. The father had these powers. And having exhausted himself, he left very peacefully after two months. Introducing me like this to my sister.
- Have you ever been offended that your dad never became your real father?
- No. Because it is an insult that will bring nothing. Another thing is that I always lacked masculinity in my upbringing, I felt it myself. I really missed the man in the family. But this is not an insult, what is there to be offended? It's a pity. He did worse to himself in life, of course. Because to live, hiding so much, not being able to be completely frank with anyone, is hell. And when I was in the hospital, it seemed to me that I was doing my filial duty. It was sons, although he did not feel like a father. I realized that it's stupid when they say: "Not the father who gave birth, but the one who raised." No, blood is not water. I hardly knew him, and over the years I discover in myself from him - even in habits - a lot.

Boris with his father, Vyacheslav Orlov

“I was “married” very early
- Boris, I tried to find information about your wife, about your personal life. So it is not enough. Do you deliberately keep outsiders out?
- No, there is no intention here ... (Thinking.) I was “married” very early. The information in the press about the wedding - it was premature. My fiancee (actress Anna-Cecile Sverdlova. - Auth.) really thought about the family. We both saw in our common house, in a huge number of children - the main thing in our life. But, apparently, it’s not enough just to want it very much. I can't explain to you now why it didn't work out. We will simply drown in the little things and signs with which the Lord spoke to us. I am happy that our relationship was very pure, very sincere - therefore very happy. But, probably, some other plan of God about her and about me. I am sure that after some time we will unravel this plan.

Actress Anna Cecile is listed in Internet directories as the wife of Boris Korchevnikov

- And in all online directories, she is listed as your wife.
- Hurry up. Nobody asked us. We were first and foremost friends - this is very important in a relationship.
“Sorry, I don’t understand something. I also have male friends with whom I'm just friends. But it never occurs to me to start a family with one of them, because they are like my girlfriends ... Let's be honest: did you have an intimate life?
- If you are talking about intimacy, then this is still a secret of two and any answer lets you into this secret - so I won’t talk. But in general, this part of the relationship does not deserve the attention that many people give it.
- So you are now a kind of enviable bachelor? Or is your heart already taken again?
- This is where it gets tricky...
- Yeah. For now you will say that you are a bachelor - and wow, how fans become more active!
- I am sure that marriage is such a thing that you can talk about openly. And when before marriage - this is the pulse of only two people. And a huge mistake of a large number of public people is to talk about their relationship when the novel is a week away. As a result, they let into this still very fragile world, when they are just looking at each other, when they still do not decide on a family, a huge number of ears and eyes. And this can destroy a lot ... Therefore, if a family happens, Marin, you will be the first to whom I will tell about this and whom I will introduce to my wife.
- Agreed.
– In the meantime, let it be such a fragile world in which we will not let anyone in.
- All right, let's not.
- Got out? (Laughs.)
- Got out! Everything will be fine. You will also be a great husband and father.
- Hope.

TV presenters talked heart to heart. Andrey Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov spoke about the successes over the past year, and also revealed some of the secrets of new projects. Program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” on the TV channel “Russia 1” also collected a huge number of views on the Internet.

“That broadcast a year ago was incredible. Every evening my mother discusses the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live, "I find her watching your program," Korchevnikov admitted to Malakhov.

The presenters recalled that the very first episode of the updated talk show was watched by more than a million people on the Internet. They admitted that at that time they spoke very frankly on a variety of topics that they had never touched before. Boris recalled how he met his dad, whom he had not seen for a long time, spoke about the tumor with which he had lived for many years.

Korchevnikov noted that Malakhov nevertheless revealed the biggest secret. For the first time, the TV presenter's wife Natalya Shkuleva, who was pregnant at that time, was in the studio. Andrei admitted that his wife was very imbued with Boris's personal history and now treats him very reverently.

“I don’t remember what we said and discussed, but I know one thing - when you see a person on the screen and meet him in life, there is a stereotype of perception,” Malakhov said. “Natasha took your story so close to her heart that when she comes to church and leaves notes about her health, she always writes your name.”

After leaving the program "Live", Korchevnikov began working on the program "The Fate of a Man". Despite the fact that celebrities usually open their souls to him, there was one broadcast when Boris himself had to answer uncomfortable questions. In a conversation with actress Anna Kovalchuk, they touched on the topic of family and marriage. The artist began to ask the presenter about his personal life - Boris was embarrassed and replied that he was not married. Kovalchuk shamed Korchevnikov, at that time he was 35 years old, and noted that he should take more initiative in finding a bride if he dreams of a family.

This conversation sunk into the heart of Boris, he considers Anna an amazing woman, whose opinion is worth listening to. He also admires her as a mother of two children. “She will open a new season on the Spas TV channel, she will read fairy tales. Anna does it amazingly. She is an amazing mom!" - revealed the secret of Korchevnikov.

Andrey Malakhov became interested in a colleague's new project and admitted that perhaps his child would be interested in it.

“My son Sasha will be able to listen, he is nine months old. He has never seen TV, but listens to music and fairy tales. We try to protect him from any gadgets. Perhaps he will like fairy tales performed by Anna Kovalchuk, ”Andrey suggested.

The presenters recalled how many famous artists opened their souls to Boris during his program. However, Korchevnikov is waiting for Andrey Malakhov to visit. “I really hope that very soon we will meet at the Fate of a Man studio. I am grateful that you agreed to come and tell about your path,” said Boris.

Korchevnikov admitted that he would like to remember those great people who are no longer with us - that is why in the new season he launches the Distant Close program.

In contact with


Boris Korchevnikov, 34, is stepping down as the host of the Live TV talk show on the Rossiya TV channel. This became known from sources in television circles. Korchevnikov will leave his place in the coming days. Among the reasons for leaving the presenter are personal circumstances, as well as health problems ().

Beloved by everyone, the host of the talk show "Live" Boris Korchevnikov suddenly leaves the program. The reasons for this decision, he did not tell the fans.

Rumors immediately spread that Boris's health worsened: last year he revealed the secret that he had undergone brain surgery - doctors removed a benign tumor from him. Korchevnikov has been the permanent host of the live talk show since 2013 and had a high popularity rating. However, one of the last broadcasts with the participation of Nikita Dzhigurda, which almost ended in a fight between him and the presenter, could put an end to Boris's television career, the audience suggested.

Korchevnikov's place will be taken by Dmitry Shepelev, who previously worked on Channel One. Alas, not all viewers of the program were happy about the changes, many were dissatisfied with the decision of the management of the Rossiya TV channel. Numerous fans expressed words of support and wishes of good luck to Korchevnikov on the page on the social network.

“Boris, I never wrote to anyone, but if you have problems in medicine, write, I will help! The doctor herself is good doctors, write, I will be glad, if I may say so! Everything is free!”, “Boris, with all my heart I wish you a speedy recovery! You are such a bright, sincere person, we will pray for you, everything will be fine! God bless you! May God give you patience and strength! And a speedy return to TV, we love you very much!”, “Boris, you are a wonderful person. It's a pity that this happened. Get well, everything will be fine. The Lord God and the support of loved ones will help you in this. The main thing is not to lose heart, ”users said.

It is reported that Boris Korchevnikov left the talk show "Live" for personal reasons and health reasons. Earlier, he frankly admitted on the air of his program that he underwent a serious operation to remove a benign brain tumor. At the same time, there is a version that the reason for Korchevnikov's departure from the show is a new project launched by the Rossiya channel. It is possible that this will be a program with a political context, the leading role of which is perfectly suited for the charismatic and agenda-oriented loyalist Korchevnikov.

Today, the director of the TV presenter commented on his departure: “Boris feels great, there are definitely no health problems. His departure has nothing to do with the program about Nikita Dzhigurda. It's all complete nonsense."

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