Why official historians are silent about the state of Tartary. Tartaria history of the disappeared state


In the Middle Ages, residents of many countries imagined that mystical monsters really existed somewhere far, far away. For example, geographers and cartographers of Western Europe believed that in the east there was a huge territory called Great Tartaria. Allegedly, this is where the river of the dead originates, and the inhabitants of this country will one day announce to the whole world about the coming of the End of the World. Where was this mystical land located?

What country?

Great Tartaria is a geographical term that was used mainly by Western European scientists. From the 12th to the 19th century, they placed this state in various parts of Asia: from the Urals and Siberia to Mongolia and China.

Some cartographers believed that this was the name of all the lands that were not explored by representatives of the Catholic world. And then the borders of Tartaria moved apart from the Caspian Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Other scientists, on the contrary, associated this mysterious country with Turkestan or Mongolia.

For the first time this toponym is found in the writings of the Navarre rabbi Benjamin Tudelsky, around 1173 this traveler wrote about Tartaria, calling it a Tibetan province. According to the Jewish religious figure, this country is located to the north of Moghulistan, on the side of the Tanguts and Turkestan.

Pagans from Hell

Scientists associate the origin of the toponym "Tartaria" with the contamination of two terms at once: the ancient Greek Tartarus and the name of the people "Tatars". It is believed that these words were combined in the minds of the inhabitants of Western Europe due to the similarity in sound.

The fact is that from the caravaners who transported goods from China along the Great Silk Road, the Europeans had heard a lot about the mysterious Tatars inhabiting the eastern lands. Since the Chinese called almost all the peoples living north of the Celestial Empire, including the Mongols and Yakuts, Tatars, the idea was formed in the West that Tartaria is a huge power that occupies almost all of Asia.

In the XIII century, after the raids of the troops of the Mongol Khan Batu on a number of European countries, the attitude towards the Tatars became negative. They began to be perceived as fearsome warriors from the east, whose hordes would one day put an end to the existence of Christian civilization. The religious texts said that the Tatars are savages, ferocious like demons, sent by Satan himself.

In addition, according to ancient Greek mythology, Tartarus is the abyss under the kingdom of Hades (the world of the dead). Due to the similarity of the ethnonym "Tatars" with the name of the pagan Hell in Western Europe, it was believed that Great Tartaria is a land where various monsters and monsters live, including the legendary Gog and Magog, and people there worship the Antichrist. It was believed that the source of the river flowing through this territory is located in otherworldly reality.

From the Urals to the Pacific Ocean

Many scientists from Western Europe considered the Great Tartary a huge empire stretching from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean. For example, the Italian diplomat and Jesuit Giovanni Botero, in his work “Universal Relations” (Relationi universali), dated 1595, wrote that this country used to be called Scythia. And it occupies half of Asia, bordering the Volga region in the west, and China and India in the south. At the same time, the lands of a huge empire are washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea on one side, and the Bering Sea on the other.

Another representative of the Jesuit order, the French orientalist Jean-Baptiste Duhald, published in 1735 the scientific work Geographical, Historical, Chronological, Political and Physical Description of the Chinese Empire and Chinese Tartaria. In his opinion, in the west this huge country borders on Muscovy, in the south - on Mongolia and China, from the north this state is washed by the Arctic Sea, and the East Sea separates Tartary from Japan.

And in 1659, an appendix to the work of Cardinal Dionysius Petavius ​​of France, The Science of Time (Opus de doctrina temporum), dedicated to geography, was published in London. It said that the Tartarus River irrigated most of the vast empire. According to the cardinal, Great Tartaria is bounded by the Urals from the west, and by the Ganges River from the south. In the north of the country is the coast of the Frozen Ocean, and the waters of the Qing Sea wash this territory from the east.

central Asia

However, not all scientists were inclined to give such vast spaces to the Great Tartaria. Some geographers located this country in Central Asia. Thus, the Encyclopedia Britannica (volume 3, 1773) indicates that the state of Tartars is located south of Siberia, north of India and Persia, and west of China.

The Swedish researcher Philipp Johann von Stralenberg also adhered to this point of view. In 1730, he published a New Geographical Description of Great Tataria, placing this state between Mongolia, Siberia and the Caspian Sea.


A number of scientists directly associated Tartaria with the birthplace of Genghis Khan. The Italian diplomat and Franciscan Giovanni Plano Carpini, who visited Mongolia in 1246, left a whimsical description of the country. In the work "History of the Mongols, we call Tartars" he combined his travel impressions with medieval mystical traditions. For example, the author mentioned stuffed animals spewing fire, people with dog heads and cow hooves, as well as creatures whose legs do not have joints.

Probably, Plano Carpini pursued two goals in this: to impress readers and not to contradict the idea of ​​​​Tartaria that was established among Catholics.

Many Western European cartographers were guided in their work precisely by the works of the Italian Franciscan diplomat for several more centuries.


Some scientists considered the mysterious expanses of Siberia to be the Great Tartaria. So the Fleming Abraham Ortelius in 1570 published an atlas of the world "The spectacle of the circle of the earth." In this edition, Tartaria was located between Muscovy and the Far East.

Some researchers mentioned in their writings that it is so cold in the vast empire that ice is already shallow underground. It was here, according to the French traveler of Hungarian origin Franz Tott, that the cradle of mankind was located. In his "Memoirs of the Turks and Tartars" (1784), he wrote that the very first people migrated from Tartaria to the south and west, populating China, Tibet, India, and later Europe.


Many Catholic scholars considered the border between Europe and Asia to be a mystical frontier of Good and Evil. And although Muscovy was geographically located west of the Ural Mountains, in the minds of the British, Italians, French and Germans, it coincided with the image of an alien, distant, wild and dangerous land. Therefore, geographers often put an equal sign between Russia and Great Tartary.

For example, the English explorer John Speed ​​in 1626 presented to the scientific community the "New Map of Tartaria" compiled by him. The publication contained an image of a typical inhabitant of this country, he was in the clothes worn by guardsmen under Ivan IV the Terrible. And the cartographer drew the Russian Tsar sitting in a yurt.

In addition, some historians and geographers from Western Europe considered the North Caucasus to be the westernmost part of Great Tartaria.

As for domestic scientists, they avoided this toponym for two reasons:

knew that there is no people called "Tartars";

Tartaria was associated with the world of the dead or a country ruled by evil forces.

Although this state can be found on the very first Russian maps, which is explained by the influence of the Western European tradition. So, Tartaria got on the "Drawing of all Siberia, selected in Tobolsk by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich", which was compiled in 1667 under the guidance of the boyar Pyotr Godunov.

Recently, more and more information appears about the history of Tartaria. This is a fictional state, which, according to supporters of alternative history, was the ancestral home of the Slavic race. It is assumed that it existed in the XVI-XIX centuries, but was later erased from history as a result of conspiracies of opponents of Russian identity. Allegedly, at present, all eminent scientists hide this truth from everyone.

The main evidence of the existence of this state are maps and old books that really mention Great Tartaria. Under it, cartographers and historians of that time meant the territories of Siberia, the Volga region, Tibet, Central Asia and the Far East up to the borders with China. Accordingly, depending on the time period, in fact, the Great Tartaria was different states, including the Golden Horde, the Mongol Empire and many others.

How did the version come about?

They began to actively discuss the history of Tartaria with the filing of the domestic publicist and writer Nikolai Levashov, the author of the nationalist neo-pagan occult teaching. At various times he called himself a healer and a member of four public academies. In the media, he was repeatedly characterized as the founder of a totalitarian cult, known as "Renaissance. The Golden Age." In particular, he wrote the book "Russia in Crooked Mirrors", which was recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation for imposing negativity on Jews and indirectly inciting religious hatred.

Levashov himself died in 2012 at the age of 51. For the first time, he spoke about the history of the state of Tartaria in his article "Hushed History of Russia". In it, he cites as an experiment a map from the British Encyclopedia for 1771, on which, in addition to other countries well known to everyone, there are several Tartaria at once, including Moscow, Chinese, Kuban, Mongolian. Levashov considered that all these were the remnants of the Great Tartary that once existed.

According to him, the capital of this empire was destroyed by the hordes of the Dzungars, which was facilitated by Dmitry Donskoy, who, according to Levashov, started a civil war against Mamai. Previously, similar conspiracy theories have already been expressed. For example, the head of a new religious association of neo-pagan orientation "Old Russian Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings" Alexander Khinevich back in the early 90s. In 2004, the Omsk Regional Court banned the activities of his religious community, deeming it extremist. In 2014, he was accused of inciting religious and ethnic hatred.

Soon the idea of ​​the history of the state of Tartaria gained some notoriety in some circles. As the main arguments of this theory, its supporters always cite ancient maps that mention this state. Then they compare the descriptions of the Tartars with the Russians, concluding that they are one and the same people. In some cases, modern words are translated into the ancient proto-language, finding additional meanings in them.

How did the Europeans learn about Tartary?

The acquaintance of Europeans with the Mongols took place around the 13th century. Soon, Asians began to be associated with everything bad that could be in this world, from which the association with demons from Tartarus was born. European historians of that time soon began to compare the Mongols with the messengers of hell. The Holy Roman Emperor draws these analogies in his letter to the English King Henry III, who ruled from 1216 to 1272.

It is noteworthy that the negative connotation was not immediately attached to the Mongols. When the Europeans first learned about their conquests in Asia, they decided that this was the army of the legendary Christian presbyter John, so they even expected him to help in the war against the Saracens. In 1221, the Bishop of Acre, Jacques de Vitry, even distributes documents, claiming that these are reports from King David, received by him from scouts from East Turkestan.

Thus, he tried to bring to life the rumors that the Mongols were also Christians. Confirmation that the Mongols at that time were perceived as co-religionists can also be found in Alberic de Trou-Fontaine, when he describes the battle on Kalka. However, even then the chronicler expressed some doubts that the Mongols really had at least some relation to Christianity.

By that time, apparently, in Europe there was a transformation of the Tatars, as the Mongols were then called, into "tartar", as well as their identification with an unknown and distant kingdom of the same name, which is located in the Asian region, not yet explored by Europeans.

It is interesting that in the XVII-XVIII centuries, travelers and missionaries began to write with surprise that in fact only Tatars exist, as they call themselves. In Poland, Russia, Turkey and the rest of Asia, there are only concepts of "Tatars" and "Tataria". For example, such messages can be found in "Information about Siberia and the way to China", collected by the missionary F. Avril in 1686, as well as in the "New geographical description of Great Tataria", made by the Swedish captain Philipp Johann von Strahlenberg in 1730.

By the way, some Europeans were aware of the correct pronunciation as early as the 13th century. For example, the Salimbene Parma chronograph points to this. The term "Tatars" is also used by Henry of Latvia in the "Livonian Chronicle", describing the battle on the Kalka.

How did they hide an entire continent?

This rhetorical question is regularly asked by numerous followers of Levashov and his ideas, talking about the history of Tartaria. Based on the same Encyclopædia Britannica of 1771, they note that at the end of the 18th century, all of Siberia was formed as an independent state with its capital in Tobolsk.

At the same time, the existence of Moscow Tartaria is also noted, which, allegedly according to the same encyclopedia, was the largest country in the world at that time. What is the secret then of the history of Tartaria, where did such a huge state go?

Supporters of conspiracy theories note that in order to answer this question, it is necessary to rethink many facts that prove that until the end of the 18th century, a giant state existed on the territory of modern Eurasia, which was excluded from world history only in the 19th century. It was then, allegedly as a result of a large-scale conspiracy, that everyone pretended that such a country had never existed.

As evidence, quotes are given from the same encyclopedia "Britanic" of 1771, which speaks of the country of Tartaria and its history. In particular, it is written that this is a huge state in the northern part of Asia, which borders on Siberia in the west and north. And there are different tartars:

  • Those who live south of Siberia and Muscovy are called Circassian, Astrakhan and Dagestan.
  • Living in the north-west of the Caspian Sea - Kalmyk.
  • Living north of India and Persia - Mongols and Uzbek Tartars.
  • Tibetan Tartars settled in the northwest of China.

Moreover, in this edition there is no mention of the Russian Empire. But it is written that the largest country in the world is Great Tartaria, which covers the area of ​​almost the entire Eurasia. The Moscow principality, in which the Romanovs already ruled by that time, is allegedly only one of the provinces of this empire, bearing the name of Moscow Tartaria. As evidence, maps of Asia and Europe are provided, on which this information is confirmed.

Surprisingly, in the next edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica, there is no information about that state at all, which is one of the main arguments of supporters of conspiracy theories in support of their ideas.

Contemporary sources

Today, many versions are put forward about what happened to this powerful state. Most of them are presented in the work "Tartaria - the history of the disappeared state" from the cycle "Kryon of Russia". It tells about the beginning of a new civilization, the awakening of a sleeping city, the multidimensional genome of humanity. The article "Tartaria - the history of the disappeared state" is carefully studied and analyzed, while it is worth recognizing that most of the facts set forth in it do not correspond to reality and the ideas of modern science about the surrounding world.

Siberian researcher Sergei Ignatenko has a whole series of documentaries about the forbidden history of Tartaria. In particular, the author claims that he bases them exclusively on documentary and official materials, putting forward his own versions of the history of our country. He also mentions the work "Tartaria - the history of the disappeared state." The series consists of four paintings:

  • The first film in the Forbidden Story series about Tartaria. It tells what was written about this state in the books of reputable European historians, how the people who lived there dressed and looked, what reports were published by travelers based on the results of their visits. In the cycle "Forbidden History of Russia" part 1 about Tartaria is of the greatest interest to the audience.
  • In the second film, Ignatenko talks about the mysterious Chudi people, trying to establish the difference between Tatars and Tartars, and also what relation the Chudi have to the Dinlins.
  • The third film tells about Yermak's campaign against Siberia. The main questions that the researcher poses for himself are: with whom did he fight when he got to Siberia, who Yermak himself was in reality, even analyzes whether he participated in the atomic war.
  • Finally, the fourth series, entitled "Exploration of Siberia in the 19th century," tells about when Siberia was actually conquered by the Russian Empire.

It is in the documentary "Forbidden History of Siberia-1. Great Tartary" that most of the hypotheses that exist about this mythical state are presented.

Travels of Marco Polo

As proof of this theory, even the works of Marco Polo are cited, in which he describes his many travels. In particular, in books about the history of Tartaria, an English-language edition of 1908 about his travels is given.

For example, it is argued that it is almost entirely devoted to the same Tartary, its rulers and provinces, laws and regulations, life and organization of state administration, a description of the habits of its inhabitants. The same information can be found in the Russian translation, with the difference that instead of "Tartars" it refers to "Tatars", and the word "Mogul" is generally excluded from the text.

As a result, the elite and color of the most powerful, large, progressive and rich state of the times of the Italian traveler turned into ignorant, wild and bloodthirsty nomads of the Tatar-Mongols. Moreover, this transformation took place quite recently, only at the beginning of the 20th century, when they began to actively rewrite the real history of Tartaria.

It is interesting that the researchers study in detail the editions of the traveler's notes, finding the mention of Tartaria in earlier lists. The country of Tartaria and its history is of such great interest today, because it completely changes modern ideas about the structure of the world in those days. For example, in Polo it can be found that the Tartars do not destroy cities that capture, do not kill their inhabitants, but appoint wise rulers to them, contributing to the prosperity and full development of these areas.

If you believe these sources, it turns out that the Tartars, whom in the modern interpretation we call the Tatar-Mongols, did not come to new lands with the aim of killing and robbing local residents. On the contrary, they sought to restore order, obliged the townspeople to do this, tried to ensure the safety of travelers where possible.

It is important that the concept of "Moguls" was completely removed from the alternative history of Tartaria, which were replaced by "Mongols". Unlike the latter, the Mughals are Scythians, Tartars and Slavs. The same Marco Polo wrote that the Mughals were a Tartar royal dynasty. It turns out that the rulers of all regions of this state were members of the same family, they called themselves the Mughals.

Describing their appearance, the traveler unequivocally indicates that they were representatives of the white race, regardless of where they lived: in China, Turkestan, India or other areas of Great Tartaria.

Founding of the state

"The Hidden History of Tartaria" is another documentary film of the "Secret Territories" project, aired on the REN TV channel. It came out with the subtitle "Ancient Chinese Rus'. Reality." In particular, the "Hidden History of Tartaria" states that it was the representatives of this people who played a decisive role in the construction of the Great Wall of China. Allegedly, this is confirmed by the latest archaeological discoveries.

Based on this, we can conclude that the history of Tartaria is ancient. At the same time, it is not possible to establish at least approximately when the first mention of it appeared. The film "Tartaria - the history of the disappeared state" notes that already in the 11th century it was remembered after several centuries of oblivion.

All this confirms the fact that already in the 5th-7th centuries this state not only existed, but also had its own Christian rulers. On this basis, we can conclude that Prester John, about whom Marco Polo writes, was another Tartar king who had a certain number of countries and states under his control.

Supporters of the true chronology of the history of Tartaria believe that Genghis Khan in the 12th century became the first Tartar king of a non-Christian faith.

As a result, it is argued that the Scythians who existed in ancient times did not disappear anywhere, remaining to live on approximately the same lands as before, only becoming known as Tartars. They had paramilitary detachments (hordes), which, most likely, were distributed throughout the territory of Tartaria, no matter how large it was at that time. Their members were engaged in keeping order, collecting tribute, that is, in fact, an analogue of income tax. Marco Polo also mentions it, speaking of tithing.

hidden truth

In the Forbidden History of Russia cycle, the authors think a lot about Tartaria, in particular, trying to understand why no one tells the truth about it in modern history lessons. According to the most common version, the reason lies not even in hiding the glorious historical roots of our ancestors, but in the fact that at a certain period of history a war was waged to exterminate the peoples of Tartaria by the Moscow Principality.

Allegedly, the Muscovites exterminated the original settlers, and those who remained alive were driven to the reservations. Then it becomes obvious what is being hidden from us in the history of Tartaria. If you believe this hypothesis, then the history of modern Russia is built on the blood of a foreign people.

The history of Rus' with Tartary is closely connected. It says a lot about the atrocities and suffering that the Tatar-Mongols brought to our land. They kept the Russians under oppression for three centuries, but still survived. Supporters of alternative history believe that the situation developed exactly the opposite. On the basis of the works of the most famous domestic alternative historian Anatoly Fomenko, some come to the conclusion that it was the Muscovites who destroyed Tartaria.

For example, it is this version that is set forth in Fomenko's New Chronology. This is a pseudo-scientific theory of a radical revision of the entire world history, which has been categorically rejected by the scientific community. In it, the author claims that the entire historical chronology is fundamentally wrong: the written history of mankind is much shorter than is commonly believed, the states of Antiquity, the early Middle Ages, and especially ancient civilizations are nothing more than phantom reflections of much later cultures that were inscribed due to biased or erroneous interpretation of sources.

The history itself, according to the authors of the concept, practically did not exist until the 10th century AD. In their opinion, in the Middle Ages there was a gigantic empire with a political center on the territory of Rus', which covered almost all of Asia and Europe, and according to some sources, even both Americas. Contradictions with known and documented facts are explained by the global falsification of historical documents.

Thus, one of the arguments in favor of the existence of a gigantic world empire in the Middle Ages, which was ruled by Russian khans, is the fact that on Western European maps until the beginning of the 19th century, significant territories of Asia were designated as Tartaria.

Interestingly, this theory is largely based on the ideas of the scientist and Russian revolutionary Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov, who proposed a global revision of the chronology of the entire world history. His conjecture was very popular at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, where Fomenko studied. It was promoted at that time by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Lenin Prize laureate Mikhail Mikhailovich Postnikov.

The original version of the history of Russia and Tartaria was formulated by Fomenko in the early 80s, since 1981 he began to develop the theory together with another Russian mathematician Gleb Vladimirovich Nosovsky, who became the co-author of most of Fomenko's books.

It is worth recognizing that in the 90s it turned into a large-scale commercial project. By 2011 alone, more than a hundred books with a total circulation of about 800,000 copies had been published.

Falsification of history?

Those who believe in the history of Tartaria and its collapse seek to explain in every possible way why this empire was actually wiped off the face of the Earth.

Some even call it "The Silent Empire". The article "Tartaria, or how history is falsified" states that over the past several centuries, Western historians, who were outright Russophobes, have mainly written about the domestic past. Allegedly, they could not allow the truth about the true role of the Slavic peoples in world history to be revealed.

If in all documents until the 18th century Tartaria was called a powerful empire with developed shipping, industry, extraction of precious metals, fur trade, then from the beginning of the 18th century this information began to be carefully erased from all documents.

According to some historians, in ancient times there was a great confrontation between two powerful empires - the Holy Roman and the Great Tartar. The first was built on the Anglo-Saxon Western world, and the second on the Slavic peoples. Moreover, the palm belonged to the Tartars, in which the Europeans were actually in the position of vassals. This situation continued for several centuries.

Decline of an empire

Why the Great Tartaria disappeared is still not known. There are several reasons and explanations for this.

According to some researchers, the cold snap was the culprit. It is worth recognizing that strong climate change often led to the economic fall of the most developed civilizations.

Others believe that this was due to corruption and internecine confrontations, which actually destroyed the economy of the empire. In any case, supporters of the existence of this state insist that our ancestors were much more cultured than is commonly believed today. And the real contribution of the Slavs to scientific and cultural progress is still not appreciated.

The most exotic version

Finally, there is a completely exotic version that explains the fate of this state. For example, some researchers argue that the empire could have died as a result of nuclear bombardments.

In the writings of these fans of alternative history, one can find references to the fact that the situation in the state began to deteriorate radically at the end of the 18th century (according to modern chronology). It was then that the Tartars succumbed to the pernicious and destructive influence of monotheism for them, in particular, to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The population of the European part of the Great Tartaria actually plunged into the abyss of aggressive and religious wars, rebellions, political intrigues, civil strife and revolutions.

In this version, Great Tartaria is considered the largest state that has ever existed on the planet. Its natural borders stretched over the entire Northern Hemisphere without exception, limited only to ocean shores. As a result, the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic oceans (three of the four available) were actually its inland waters.

Under the onslaught of world religions, only a part of the once great empire withstood, retaining the faith of their ancestors and moral purity. As a result, between the so-called plague-ridden western lands and the metropolis, the border ran from the Indian to the Arctic Ocean, along the shores of the Caspian Sea, the Ural Mountains.

Unsuccessfully for Tartaria, a war developed between Muscovy and Britain. After a series of crushing defeats, she was forced to admit the loss of a significant part of her territories. In particular, in the Northern Caspian, in the Southern Urals, in North-East and Central India, South-Western Siberia, on the east coast of North America.

Supporters of this hypothesis are convinced that in our time the episodes related to this war, which can be considered a world war in its scope and the number of affected territories and peoples, are known as the development of Siberia. It was accompanied by the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev in the 18th century. This also includes the war for the independence of the British colonies and the United States of America, the colonization of India. In fact, as they believe, all these were parts of one worldwide military confrontation.

But even after that, Great Tartaria by the beginning of the 19th century remained the most powerful and largest state in the world. Adherents of alternative history do not believe that defeat in the world war could destroy such a powerful and great power. If only because the people who inhabited the empire only two hundred years ago were completely homogeneous and united. Therefore, not a single internal political crisis could lead to the collapse of the Great Tartaria. The locals spoke the same language, were of the same nationality and religion. This situation persisted from Tibet to Novaya Zemlya and from Alaska to the Urals.

The only option that seems to them a reasonable and realistic explanation for the death of this empire is the extermination of the entire people to a single person. But at that time it was beyond the power of any state in the world. It is believed that the famous commander Alexander Suvorov, who participated in the defeat of Pugachev and personally brought him to the capital, could inflict a major defeat on the Tartar troops.

According to this very exotic version, the Tartars were finally destroyed in February 1816. Later it was called "a year without summer", and official modern science considers it the beginning of the Little Ice Age, which lasted three years.

In March, frosts persisted in North America. Rains and hail in April and May, coupled with cold weather, destroyed almost the entire crop. Strong storms tormented Germany, there was a crop failure all over the planet, so already in 1817 grain prices in Europe increased 10 times. Hunger has begun.

It is believed that the answer to this three-year cold was discovered by the American researcher Humphreys, who linked climate change with the eruption of the Tambora volcano on the island of Sumbawa. This hypothesis is generally accepted by modern science. Although some strongly do not understand how a volcano in the southern hemisphere could affect the climate in the northern.

In addition, although Europe and America were starving, no cataclysms happened in Russia. Alternative historians explain this by the fact that it was not possible to actually learn about the troubles due to strict censorship. An indirect confirmation of this is the age of forests, which does not exceed two hundred years. This means that they were all destroyed then.

Another proof is the karst lakes common in Russia. They are perfectly round in shape, and their diameter coincides with the size of the funnels from air nuclear explosions. They also note that it was in the 19th century that cancerous diseases appeared, which came from nowhere.

They note that even the fire that destroyed Moscow during the Patriotic War of 1812, as well as the diseases that followed it, are too reminiscent of the events in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that occurred a century and a half later.

It is noted that the majority of the population of Great Tataria burned down in atomic explosions, the survivors died of cancer and radiation sickness. Allegedly, the initiators first used the nuclear stock against Napoleon, and then, convinced of its effectiveness, they also used it to finally resolve the Tartar issue.

In the process of "baptism" for 12 years of forced Christianization, with rare exceptions, almost the entire adult population of Kievan Rus and part of the population of Moscow Tartaria were destroyed. Because such a “teaching” could only be imposed on unreasonable children, who, due to their youth, could not yet understand that such a religion turned them into slaves both in the physical and spiritual sense of the word.

All those who refused to accept the new "faith of Christianity" were killed. This is confirmed by the facts that have come down to us. If before the "baptism" on the territory of Kievan Rus of Moscow Tartaria there were 300 cities and 12 million inhabitants, then after the "baptism" there were only 30 cities and 3 million people! 270 cities were destroyed! 9 million people were killed! (Diy Vladimir "Orthodox Rus' before the adoption of Christianity and after").

Despite the fact that almost the entire adult population of Kievan Rus, as part of the Great Tartaria, was destroyed by the "holy" baptists of the Vatican in their good Crusade, the Vedic tradition did not disappear. On the lands of Kievan Rus, the so-called dual faith was established. Most of the population purely formally recognized the imposed religion of slaves, while she herself continued to live according to the Vedic tradition, though without showing it off."

"But the Vedic Slavic-Aryan Empire (Great Tartaria) could not calmly look at the machinations of its enemies, which destroyed three-quarters of the population of the Kiev Principality. Only its response could not be instantaneous, due to the fact that the army of Great Tartaria was busy with conflicts with China on their Far Eastern borders, the conflicts in Asia between Great Tartaria and the Crusaders of the Vatican were hidden, who went on crusades against Muslims for the Baptism of the people of the southern provinces of Tartaria following the Baptism of Kievan Rus in 988 of the northern provinces of Great Tartaria at its very heart of Asgard of Iria.

All these actions of the Vedic empire of the Vatican were carried out and entered modern history in a distorted form, under the name of the Mongol-Tatar invasion of the hordes of Khan Batu into Kievan Rus, where the army of Tartaria returned to its capital - to Asgard of Iriysky on the Neva River.

Only by the summer of 1223 did the troops of the Vedic Tartar Empire appear on the Kalka River. And the united army of the Polovtsy and Russian princes of Christian Rus' was completely defeated (the crusaders of the Teutonic and Livonian Orders, who came to Baptize Novgorod in 1240 - the Battle of the Neva and in 1242 - the Battle of the Ice, were completely defeated). So they beat us into history lessons, and no one could really explain why the Russian princes fought with the “enemies” so sluggishly, and many of them even went over to the side of the “Mongols”, who were destined to be in 1930?

In fact, in 1223, Great Tartaria fought not with Christian Russia - the Principality of Kiev, which had not yet recovered from its Baptism in 988, but with the Crusaders of the Vatican, who came to Baptize Novgorod, but these battles were pushed into the future, like the Battle of Neva in 1240 (July 15, 1222) and the Battle of the Ice in 1242 (April 1223).

It was on these victories of the Great Tartary that the final date of the founding of Christian Rus' was based - 1223, which is why such a spread from the First Baptism in 988 to the Second in 1223 - the IX-XIII century.
But this is not important, but the fact that, due to the Baptism of Kiev and Novgorod, the Vatican was approaching Asgard of Iriy, which stood in the north near Belovodie - at the edge of the lakes in the north to the Kola Peninsula, which is washed by the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean, and it can also be called white .

At present, throughout Western Siberia, a huge number of silent monuments of the existence of the Great Tartaria have been preserved: old fortresses, ditches, protective walls and other structures. Almost all of them are completely destroyed - torn down, covered up, dismantled to the last stone, because. all these buildings are evidence of the struggle of the Great Tartaria with the invaders. However, traces of their existence are clearly visible from the air. Also, some other identification marks in the form of information plates remind everyone of the once great history of these lands. All these buildings require huge labor costs, which tells us about the high level of development and organization of the Great Tartary. A weak, small and unorganized state will not be able to overpower such construction projects, not to mention scattered nomadic tribes. Thus, the conclusion about the power of Great Tartaria suggests itself - it was the most powerful state on the planet at that moment in time.

Intercession fortress

Where to look for the pyramids of Tartaria?

Many have already heard about the Great Tartaria. Some researchers and even scientists have found it on old maps digitized by Western libraries and museums or photographed at historical exhibitions in Russia and neighboring countries. Tartaria was an empire, had its own ruling dynasty, coat of arms, flag and other attributes of an independent state with its own characteristics and history.

Tartaria new facts. Pyramids of the tombs of emperors and the capital. Formation and collapse of the Great Empire

This legendary country, founded by the Scythians by origin, has become a bone in the throat of the official version of history. Unfortunately, the topic of Tartaria is discredited in every possible way by various theories that are shocking, and at the same time, they hardly stand up to criticism. One of these versions says that the political center of the country was located in southern Siberia, a little south of the modern city of Anadyr, and the tombs of the Tartar emperors are or were located in Chukotka. We decided to test these two versions and were amazed by the results of our research.

Indeed, what prevents us from being researchers of Tartaria for a while? We offer you a fascinating journey into the depths of centuries, to the times when Moscow was still a small fortress, and Samarkand - a huge metropolis.

Where was the center of Tartaria?

In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, European cartographers had little idea of ​​what the continents, state borders, and coastlines really look like. They knew little about the real distances from one region to another. At that time, on the basis of Christian ideas about the world and biblical events, maps were depicted in the form of the letter T, placed in a circle.

Asia was usually placed at the top, Europe at the bottom left, and Africa at the bottom right. After the global flood, which allegedly happened several millennia before the birth of Jesus Christ, the earth was distributed among the sons of Noah - Shem, Ham, Japhet. Which region went to whom is an open question, because opinions on this differ in different sources. Jerusalem and Noah's Ark were often placed in the center of such maps.

On maps dated approximately to the 13th century, next to the countries modern at that time, there is no Tartaria, but there is Scythia. But the Scythians should have disappeared from the maps of their contemporaries as early as the seventh century! Tartaria appears on the maps of the 14th century - exactly on the site of Scythia, moreover, the new state acts as an empire. Europeans stubbornly write about a certain emperor of the Tartars, whose residence is located in the Cathay region (Catayo, Cathay, Catai).

At the same time, the borders, sizes, cities, rivers, reservoirs of Tartaria are known to Europeans quite approximately, everyone sculpts them wherever he pleases.

Sometime in the second half of the 14th century, and perhaps even later, an atlas of the world was created in Spanish Catalonia. If you believe its authors, the capital of Tartaria was at that time somewhere in northeast Asia, the concept of "Siberia" did not exist in the minds of Europeans then. This atlas does not contain either Chukotka or Kamchatka. Toponyms and country names are scattered in Asia according to the principle “out there”.

1452 year from the birth of Christ. Venice. We approach the map, over which the Catholic monk carps ... His name is Fra Mauro. Let's look over our shoulder... what do we see? The majestic capital of Tartaria Khanbalyk or Kambala with the residence of the great khan is located somewhere on the territory of modern Siberia. The tombs of the emperors are not so far away, approximately on the territory of modern Chukotka. Until everything fits.

We are moving closer to our time ... Yes, this is Christopher Columbus himself! Shortly before his famous discovery of America, the legendary traveler imagined the world something like this: (map of Christopher Columbus). The map dates from the late 15th century.

On it, the Tartar regions of Katai and Tenduk are located much further south than previously thought, the kingdom of Gog and Magog is somewhere in the northeast.

Asia itself and Tartaria are written with the prefix - “Magna”, that is, “Great”. Let us note that the outlines of Asia are generally drawn very approximately - there is no Hindustan, Chukotka, Kamchatka, the Korean Peninsula, the African continent is generally twisted. The northwestern part of Eurasia is also “sick”. In fact, everything is logical. At that time, Europeans did not have a clear idea of ​​the location of certain Asian states and regions.

Sixteenth century! Where shall we go? Let's visit Nicolas Desliens. It is now 1566. North and South America have already been discovered, but their outlines on the maps are still far from ideal. The same applies to Asia, the south has already been studied enough, but Europeans practically did not drive deep into the continent, to the center and north of this part of the world. Thus, the north of Asia is outlined uncertainly, without detailed place names and coastlines. Moreover, the inscription “Terra Incognita” - “Unknown Land” is walking along the north of Eurasia. This means that the northern part of modern Russia did not exist in the geographical understanding of the inhabitants of Europe.

A similar situation exists with other maps of this period. Here, for example, is the famous atlas of Abraham Ortelius of 1570, on which Novaya Zemlya is almost a whole continent in the Arctic Ocean.

The outlines of the north of Asia are already close to real, but the regions that the same Columbus placed in Central Asia are located here in its northern part. On the face - the fragmentation of geographical data on these territories. The inscription “Katay” as the center of Tartaria, together with neighboring regions, “roams” from the center of Asia to its north; this happens on different maps at about the same time. Therefore, it is by no means possible to use at least one of them as a sample for comparison with satellite images.

Seventeenth century. Toward the end of the century, Moscow Tartaria and Siberia appear on the maps of Europeans. In reality, this means the gradual conquest, as we would now say, the annexation of the western part of Tartaria by the Muscovite tsars from the Romanov dynasty. In parallel with the formation of Moscow Tartaria, Velikaya appeared, in which the Tartar capital of Khanbalik and the residence of the great khan no longer exist.

On some atlases, you can still find the Cathay region - the same political center with neighboring regions and cities. And, by the way, in Russian culture, the memory has been preserved that Katai or China is the foundation around which a fortress, a kingdom, an empire is built. Look from above at the Moscow Kitay-Gorod - the Kremlin, Moscow, then Muscovy, and even later - the Russian Empire were rebuilt around it.

And this is the year 1626. Map of the Englishman John Speed. Cathay is shifting south to such an extent that it practically borders the Great Wall of China.

A similar trend is observed on other maps of the 17th century. We see the same thing on the Manesson-Mullet map of 1683, and so on.

Want to see the missing territories? Before you is a French atlas of travels and discoveries of 1752. And here it is, finally - Chukotka and Kamchatka, drawn as it should! We see adequate coastlines and sizes. On these lands there is an inscription that the Muscovites discovered them 20 years ago!

And the Russian official version of history pushes this date back almost 100 years earlier! We are told that Kamchatov discovered the peninsula in 1658-61, and the Russian reconnaissance team visited these places in 1696 ... Given that since the reign of Peter the Great, that is, since the end of the 17th century, relations between Russia and Europe became denser than dense, we can say with confidence: the French in 1752 had reliable data on the geographical discoveries of the so-called “Muscovites”.

The collapse of Tartaria. The fate of the Cathay region

And what do we get? The closest successors of Peter the Great are actively developing the territories of Siberia, renaming cities, villages, rivers, lakes, building new fortresses, establishing infrastructure, because these regions have not developed for a long time due to the fact that Tartaria has been bogged down in an economic, industrial and political crisis for decades: it has lost ruling dynasty, the capital and broke up into kingdoms, or in our opinion, republics. And after some time, they were snapped up by neighboring empires.

Western cartographers are surprised to learn about the existence of hundreds of millions of unexplored hectares in the north and northwest of Asia. The former political center of Tartaria Katai on the maps of European and Russian scientists has shifted to Central Asia, namely to Mongolia and the expanses of modern Northern China. And this is the most correct location of the capital of Tartaria, Khanbalyk or Kambalu. Therefore, we say “China”, and not “China” or “China” - because our language has preserved the memory that the Cathay region, that is, the center of the Horde, on which we have long depended, is located somewhere in the south Mongolia. On the maps of the 18th century, Katai is still present for some time - between the lands of modern Mongolia and the Great Wall of China.

Such neighboring cities of Khanbalik as Campion, Guza or Zuza, Kamul, as well as the Tangut region continue to stand in their places - that is, in Central Asia. Approximately, from the middle of the 18th century, Western cartographers get used to the new name of these places and sign them with the word “Ordos” or “Orthus”. And it's not for nothing that French travelers in Chinese Tartaria, even in the 19th century, found ruins and fragments of palaces similar to European ones and completely unusual for Chinese architecture.

In the north and northwest of modern China, mummies of white people - Scythians, as well as pyramids are often found. This circumstance constantly prevents the PRC authorities from promoting the idea of ​​a great ancient China, a great Chinese culture and a great Chinese future. Therefore, they try to advertise the mummies of the Scythian-Tartars as little as possible, and plant the pyramids with trees, while secretly conducting excavations, which are not allowed to mere mortals.

Pyramidal tombs of the great khans of Tartaria

We have dealt with the political center. Focusing on old maps and the real location of the main residence of the emperors, we will try to find their tombs. In fact, there is no need to reinvent the wheel here. Since European cartographers remembered the burial places of the rulers of Tartaria for quite a long time and always placed them in the Altai Mountains - both on early maps of the 15th and 16th centuries, and on later ones, for example, the 18th century. Closer to the moment of the collapse of Tartaria, Europeans stop changing the name “Altai” into “Aitai” or “Antai” and already finally determine the location of this mountain system.

Together with KATAY and its neighboring cities, the tombs of emperors in the form of pyramids (as contemporaries describe them) cease to “roam” and finally “settle” in Central Asia.

Now it becomes clear to us, as well as to Western cartographers of that time, that the Altai Mountains with the pyramids of the great khans should be looked for not in the north of Asia, not in Chukotka, but in the region of Mongolia, as well as in the Altai Republic. And the capital of Tartaria and the former region of KATAY are in the north of present-day China-China.

Over time, Western scientists realized that Altai was located at a fairly decent distance from the political center of Tartaria, but when this became clear, the KATAY region ceased to be listed on maps starting from the second half of the 18th century. Instead of KATAY, ORDOS appeared, which means “PALACES” in Mongolian.

Back to our time...

Now mummies of the Scythian-Tartar elite are being found in Altai. Let us recall at least the Altai princess and other mummies of white people found in the region of the Altai Mountains. Perhaps the tombs of the great khans are hidden much more securely, and we cannot find them? Perhaps the imperial tombs have long been secretly studied, and all traces are hidden. Or European pundits and travelers like Marco Polo were wrong, and Altai had nothing to do with it at all, and the tombs were not pyramids. Or are the Chinese pyramids the same tombs?

We need research not only from European written sources, but also from Russian-language sources, which for some reason are hidden from us. Research documents in other languages ​​are needed. It is important to raise the topic of Tartaria to a high level of study and begin a professional analysis of the terrain, archaeological finds, cultural similarities, and so on - both in Russia and in China and other countries whose lands were once part of Tartaria. It's time to expose this lie about the Tatar-Mongol yoke, so that in the future there will be no room for deliberate or accidental distortion of historical truth.

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