Why does the first acquaintance with Pechorin take place in the Caucasus, and not in a more familiar environment for Pechorin? "Hero of our time". My first acquaintance with Pechorin (Lermontov M.


My acquaintance with the hero of the novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" was a rather striking event for me, as a reader. The hero stirred up a storm of conflicting emotions in me.

The character of Grigory Alexandrovich gives food for thought even literally from the first lines of the work. Pechorin's actions seem mysterious, inexplicable to me, throughout the whole novel I want to ask the hero in detail about the reasons that prompted him to these actions - maybe they really have an explanation? What is on the mind of Gregory? In my opinion, this is one of the most difficult riddles of the work.

I was also very interested in the relationship of the main character with the girls: does he love at least one of those with whom we, the readers, managed to get acquainted? Does Pechorin feel warm friendly love for Maxim Maksimych, Werner? Is he capable of sincere feelings, emotions at all? It seems to me that these questions are of interest not only to me, but also to any attentive reader.

Probably, each of us will have a different opinion about Pechorin's actions, each of us will answer the above questions differently, but still we cannot find a true answer to them - this is how Mikhail Yuryevich conceived.

My acquaintance with Pechorin left a lot of reasons for reflection, a lot of impressions - both negative and positive.

Updated: 2017-02-04

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1. For what purpose M.Yu. Lermontov violates
the chronological order of the construction of the "Hero ..."?

A) gives
the opportunity to objectively, through introspection, reveal the "history of the duel" of a person;

B) aspiration
to originality;

B) for that
to arouse the reader's interest in the hero;

gradual - from "external to internal" - disclosure of the character of the protagonist;

2. Why a description of appearance, a portrait of Pechorin
given by a "traveling officer", and not by Maxim Maksimovich? He:

But not

B) unable
to generalizations

B) couldn't be
objective in describing Pechorin

D) too
simple, cannot understand Pechorin. Since that one is a man of another circle

3. For what purpose are landscape landscapes introduced into the novel?
sketches? “The sun seemed dim to me, its rays did not warm me ...” “The sun barely
appeared from behind the green peaks, and the merging of the first warmth of its rays with the dying
in the cool of the night, some kind of sweet languor inspired feelings ... "

A) image
beauty of the Caucasus

B) deepening
hero characteristics

B) change
character's state of mind

D) smooth
plot development

4. What are the themes and motives of M.Yu. Lermontov are similar to
motives and themes honors A. S. Pushkin

Hero of our time questions 1 Why does Pechorin start an intrigue with Mary? 2 What actions of Pechorin cause Mary's hatred? 3

How has Mary changed in love with Pechorin?

4 Why does Pechorin refuse to marry Mary?

Please answer at least one! (HERO OF OUR TIME) 1) Why is Pechorin sad at the ball? 2) How they develop

relationship between Grushnitsky and Mary?

3) Why does the Princess say to Pechorin: Will I sleep badly tonight?

4) Why did all the youth fall silent when Pechorin returned to the hall? (how Grushnitsky behaves towards Pechorin). What feelings does Pechorin feel at the same time?

HELP 1. Why did Maxim Maksimych decide to tell an outsider about the history of Bela

and Pechorin? 2. How long was Maxim Maksimych in Chechnya? Where was his fortress? 3. How many years have passed since Pechorin arrived in the fortress? What rank was he? How long did you live in the fortress? 4. Who are these words about: "Robber's mug: small, dry, broad-shouldered"? 5. Speaking of Azamat, the staff captain remarks: “One thing about him was not good ...” What exactly? 6. Azamat first offered 150 horses for Karagez, and then 1000. Why did the price increase so much? 7. “Oh gifts! what a woman won't do for a colored rag!" says the captain. What happened, since after a while he says that gifts cannot solve the matter: “You don’t know Circassian women: they have their own rules - they are brought up differently.” II 1. When, according to the author, do we become children? What poems are related to these thoughts? 2. What is it about: “And you, an exile,” I thought, “are crying about your wide, expanse steppes.” Why is he thinking about this? III 1. What does Pechorin's definition of his character mean as unfortunate? Why did he rejoice when he was transferred to the Caucasus? Why is he pitiable? What is left for him in life? Why does Maxim Maksimych remember this peculiar confession of Pechorin? 2. What struck the staff captain most of all in Pechorin's behavior after Bela's death? How long did Pechorin live in the fortress after that? 3. What words about Maxim Maksimych end the story "Bela"? Why? 4. What would change in the novel if the story "Bela" was told by Pechorin? Did Pechorin feel guilty before Kazbich? Transmit the content of the conversation between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych after the abduction of Bela and almost before her death. Which of them can be called Pechorin's confession? Why?


Audio novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "Bela", part 1, in which the author introduces the main characters of the story: Maxim Maksimych, Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin, Azamat, Bela.
“I rode on the bed-chamber from Tiflis, ... drove into the Koishaur valley ... I had to hire bulls to pull my cart up this accursed mountain, because it was already autumn and sleet ... I hired six bulls and several Ossetians. .. Behind my cart, four bulls dragged another as if nothing had happened, despite the fact that it was overlaid to the top ... Her owner followed her, smoking from a small Kabardian pipe, trimmed in silver.He was wearing an officer's frock coat without an epaulette and a shaggy Circassian hat. He seemed about fifty years old, his swarthy complexion showed that he had long been familiar with the Transcaucasian sun, and his prematurely gray mustache did not correspond to his firm gait and cheerful look.
Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin - an officer, a young man of about 25. "... He was so thin, white, his uniform was so new. on the hunt; everyone is chilly, tired - but he has nothing to do. And another time he sits in his room, the wind smells, assures that he has caught a cold; if the shutters knock, he will shudder and turn pale; you won’t get a word for whole hours, but sometimes, as soon as he starts talking, you’ll break your bellies with laughter ... and, it must be a rich man: how many different expensive little things he had! .. There are, really, such people who have a family it is written that various extraordinary things must happen to them! ..
About six versts from the fortress lived one peaceful prince. His son, a boy of about 15, got into the habit of coming to us ... And what a cutthroat he was, agile for whatever you want: whether to raise his hat at full gallop, whether to shoot from a gun. One thing was not good in him: he was terribly greedy for money ... And it happened that we would take it into his head to tease him, so his eyes would bleed, now for a dagger ... "
Once the old prince invited Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin to the wedding of his eldest daughter. Lermontov describes a Circassian wedding. There he saw Pechorin Bela, the youngest daughter of the prince and sister of Azamat. She was sixteen years old.

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" shows a portrait of not one person, but a whole generation, made up of vices. The main role is assigned to Pechorin, but it is the other characters of the novel, with whom he had to intersect in life, that make it possible to better understand the inner world of this person, the depth of the soul.

The relationship between Pechorin and Princess Mary is one of the brightest plot lines of the novel. They began at ease, ending swiftly and tragically. Once again, showing Pechorin as a man with a callous soul and a cold heart.


The first meeting between Pechorin and Princess Mary took place in Pyatigorsk, where Grigory was sent after completing another military assignment. The princess, together with her mother, underwent a course of treatment with the mineral waters of Pyatigorsk.

Princess and Pechorin constantly rotated in secular society. A common circle of friends brought them together at one of the meetings. Grigory stirred up interest in his person, deliberately teasing the girl, ignoring her presence. He saw that she paid attention to him, but Pechorin is much more interested in watching how she behaves further. He knew women very well and could calculate a few steps ahead of how the acquaintance would end.

He took the first step. Pechorin invited Mary to dance, and then everything had to go according to the scenario he had developed. It gave him unprecedented pleasure to lure another victim, allowing her to get carried away. The girls fell in love with a handsome military man, but quickly got bored and he, pleased with himself, with a feeling of complete self-satisfaction, put one more tick in the track record of love affairs, safely forgetting about them.


Mary fell in love for real. The girl did not understand that the toy was in his hands. Part of an insidious heartthrob's plan. It was beneficial for Pechorin to get to know her. New emotions, sensations, a reason to distract the public from an affair with Vera, a married woman. He loved faith, but they could not be together. Another reason to hit Mary, to make Grushnitsky jealous. He was in love with the girl for real, but the feelings remained unanswered. Mary did not love him and could hardly love him. In the current love triangle, he is clearly superfluous. In retaliation for unrequited feelings, Grushnitsky spread dirty rumors about the affair of Pechorin and Mary, ruining her reputation. He soon paid the price for his wicked deed. Pechorin challenged him to a duel, where the bullet hit the target, killing the liar on the spot.

The final

After what happened, Mary began to love Pechorin even more. She believed that his act was noble. After all, he defended her honor, making it clear that she was slandered. The girl was waiting for confessions from Gregory, tormented by love and the feelings that gripped her. Instead, he hears the bitter truth that he never loved her, much less intended to marry her. He achieved his goal by breaking the heart of another victim of his love charms. She hated him. The last thing I heard from her was

"…I hate you…".

Once again, Pechorin acted cruelly towards loved ones, stepping over their feelings and trampling on love.


I believe that Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin is a very vivid image created by M.Yu. Lermontov. He is a young aristocrat who actively intervenes in the life around him. From the very first pages of the novel, we see a caring, inquisitive hero who wants to take as much as possible from life. Pechorin is an adventurer, a person who constantly tests his fate. At first it seems that he is fearless - he rushes into various adventures, plays with death. However, Pechorin has a secret, but very strong fear - he is afraid of marriage. Once a fortuneteller predicted his death at the hands of an evil wife, and since then Pechorin has been afraid of marriage like fire. However, this did not save him: in the chapter "Maxim Maksimych" we learn that Grigory Alexandrovich died on the way from Persia.

I cannot express my attitude towards Pechorin in just one phrase. This is a hero who cannot be treated unambiguously. Of course, this is a smart person who knows his own worth, calculating situations in advance. But he is unfamiliar with such feelings as friendship, love. Grigory Alexandrovich perceives the world as a raging ocean of passions. He is loved by the girl Vera, who does everything to see her lover. And this despite the fact that she is married. Pechorin also seems to love Vera, respects her and takes pity on her. But at the same time, this does not prevent him from courting Princess Mary and experiencing tender feelings for her. Pechorin steals the girl he likes, not thinking about the actions that may follow this act. He sincerely believes that he is in love with the “maiden of the mountains”, that this love will become a saving bridge along which the hero will be able to move into a new life for him, full of meaning. But soon Grigory Alexandrovich realizes the futility of hopes: “I was mistaken again: the love of a savage is a little better than the love of a noble young lady,” he admits to Maxim Maksimych. It turns out that Pechorin first deceives women, makes them fall in love with himself, gains their trust, and then? Then, when the girls begin to hope for a marriage proposal, Grigory Alexandrovich either disappears or makes the woman disappointed in him. In the latter case, this happened to Princess Mary. The first opinion about Pechorin may be erroneous: "He's just an egoist!" Belinsky defended Pechorin from such accusations: “You say that he is an egoist? But doesn’t he despise and hate himself for this? Doesn’t his heart yearn for pure and unselfish love?” In fact, the hero of the novel arranges trials for others, he asks himself: "Can we be friends?"

Pechorin is a controversial, ambiguous person. It combines so many different qualities that it is very difficult for the reader to determine whether Pechorin is a negative character or a positive one. But a real person is not exceptionally good.

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